Viewer Suggested Weapons #2: Sybaris Prime (Warframe)

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all right hello uh welcome to another viewer suggestion videos or viewer suggested weapon video I don't know what what did I even name this series I don't even remember uh today we're going to take a look at Rice 23 comment where he said he absolutely loves the sarus but he can't make it work well in steel PA so I'm here to help you out sir so here is my sparis uh we're going to see that oh my god he has a Riven so it's not valid chill let's let's chill for a second okay so what does the Riven provide the Riven provides corrosive damage corrosive damage is pretty insane if you want to just go full on um you know full on base damage full on brute forcing uh damage uh but generally kind of it's It's not that great for dealing with Slash Brooks If you want to go vir slash but this is like an okay setup to go with just a heavy fullon damage build so aptitude is nice if you're priming otherwise you can freely slow in here Prime crowns uh I don't I just don't have the mod capacity unfortunately um so you know we can you can do a lot of stuff with this weapon for me right now I have this the ribon that gives me barl so in my opinion we could easily just load in this if we're going to do a normal Mission or we can take a look at A disruption kind of build so let's this is going to be taking a look at both this is going to be the first build what we're going to look at and it's just a general build for any base H paath Mission and to Showcase this I'm going to be using the whisp that I always use with Eclipse two to forge dreads four s t for blues with armor and strength this is the build Eclipse uh I mean it doesn't really matter I'm not going to use it probably if I do then whatever and let's run just a normal everyday UK or actually hiits in case I get the pra Relic I haven't Farm pra yet I haven't had the time and I chose a weapon that I already have in my Arsenal for this week VI sist weapons because um I didn't have time I have six weeks uh six week I have six days out of seven today so um you know on six on one off and next week I have vacation so way better so as you can see even without any dead head Stacks the guy gets absolutely shredded with one shot the Riven have has plus recoil so it's very funny going to Showcase it here after I kill these guys plus 91% weapon recoil which is why this thing kicks a lot normally it doesn't kick at all especially with dead head but it doesn't matter it didn't really ruin anything to be honest plus recoil generally is one of the things that I love getting on a primary weapon and as you can see level 110 heavy gunner just one shot and this is helped a lot by the fact that I can fit galvanized um scope on this one because of galvaniz scope and every other damage type that is on the weapon I can easily hit Orange crits um which means if you don't have a raven mode like I do because obviously I got this random luck out of the Raven mode uh I have Hammer shot in the build so you can replace hamers shot with one elemental mode and the Riven mode with another elemental mode if you don't have anything if you have a Riven mode that has one elemental mode you just replace Hammer shot with the other elemental mode and if you just have a Riven mode with both then you do whatever I did and it works pretty fine now would I recommend getting a double elemental mode on your Ren well no it's not needed it's not better at all it's pretty much the same so yeah it doesn't matter but the damage is there like pretty good going to add the clips 830k a lot of Multi Shot too on this because of galvaniz chamber gener the gun does fairly good damage with this setup uh on base slath obviously the main issue with Bas stillpath and this weapon is the fact that it's single Target only even though it's SL burst and you can do uh two enemies at the time it's still a single Target weapon which makes it uh quite worse compared to other options that you have on stillpath eximus enemy three shots not bad I think I missed the second shot quite a bit though overall if you don't look to do anything more than just a normal Mission Bas still path you forgo galan's aptitude for serration and just brute for your damage with corrosive and you're good to go really yeah it goes pretty hard the red crits that you can get on this thing with Avenger and and uh galvaniz scope are really nice obviously this means that you need to aim and you need to aim fairly well but overall not the worst thing in the world so yeah this is the the normal version that we see now and I'm also going to show you the version that is for disruption missions if you want to go higher level on enemies and do something like that which will utilize giz aptitude instead of what we're doing right now and then uh add the prime Bane mod of some sorts so as always since I have only primed bane of grener maxed out I do have the resources to max out the other modes but don't care right now we're going to our very nice Prime bane of grineer actually no you know what we're going to do bane of murmur and we're going to see it on the newest uh disruption Mission and what it does so basically as I said same thing applies here obviously with a rien mode if you have a rien mode with one effect remove Hammer with one um not effect uh element with one element remove hamers shot for the other element other element that you need which is in my case corrosive and just go ham with it um and you can go viral slash and just op for that if you have a chance to do so you see this is why I use Cipher on these things they take long sometimes regardless on this Mission a lot of people people were tormenting about headshots this Mission does have head shots just they're hard to come by like these D have head shots for example these dudes also have head shots in the middle which is very convenient since they don't have armor either overall this is corrosive damage so they're not being dealt a lot these guys are not weak to corrosive at all they have resistance to corrosive so I'm not expecting great results here but I wanted to try it regardless to see what it does it would just Brute Force damage onto the neck so obviously normal enemies they have all their gimmicks and [ __ ] so not the worst thing in the world firsty good one all right so compress him armor strip not armor strip just St him but it did pretty well in my opinion it's not too bad the damage of it the thing is uh Tetra deals the exact same damage while being fully automatic but this doesn't mean this is bad this is completely fine to use in a mission like this as you can see just need to be a bit precise with it sometimes it's really fun to use this type of guns because um it practices your aim kind of and practicing your aim in games that you're not in any danger is always really fun this is why aim trainers are addictive to some people but aim trainers get to get boring sometimes if you're not like dedicated to train however in this game you just train for fun that was without Eclipse pretty good hopefully I can get good amount of sacks on the second uh void not void rig I mean void rig would be fine but I think vo R got Max aack already but Bon Wido had no Eclipse here so I can probably K it very fast considering my damage fairly satisfied with the results here not going to lie if I armor if I hit an a status effect on the enemy they die super quickly the only enemies that don't die quickly are these enemies that already have no armor an atomizers and uh the SN guys that I don't remember the name at all anyways all right let's see one we don't three bursts pretty good I so even though I killed his uh his weak point we got no dead head stack unfortunately it's kind of this thing with this Mission the the most reliable enemies to get that head Stacks are the dogs and then the guys with legs not these ones the one with the double legs but yeah we could kill the grossling for fun honestly not bad feel like this weapon is good versus damage at anation to be honest because of the burst factor it's not to Contin so they don't really stack up that makes it pretty good probably it just how I feel like with this so yeah I believe it's pretty good now is it more viable than running what the hell okay is it more viable than running something that is more strong no but it's fun and you can definitely use this on Bas stillo so I would also recommend sabaris just because of its uh nature of being unique with its St burst the unique animations all that just a really cool uh gun in terms of feeling you know the the gun generally has a lot of fast bursts it suits almost as fast as you click the plus Reco also makes me like it even more because I'm a guy that likes fphs games in general so extra recoil is something that I desire on some of my weapons that I don't care the about damage and I care about having more fun so overall pretty good saris is a is a very very nice weapon but obviously it's power CRI to hell it's not that great in terms of damage and there are way way better versions of it in terms of how fun it is it is pretty fun and is it viable for base paath yes easily it's viable for way way higher levels than that that in the correct setup and if you use armor ship mechanics and full viral damage so I would say that it is something that you could look into getting if you are looking to have some kind of gun that does this uh I believe the reason that bakor was so loved by everyone after I recommended it is because of its unique type of shooting it is the only weapon in the game in the entire game that has an Ono burs trigger where you just hold down your mouse and just shots two bursts at a time but you don't have to like click it you just hold it down and just shoots as fast as it can this is the only weapon that has this and it feels so good to use the primary fire on this weapon and not only that you have an opticor secondary fire that is liter it's actually just as strong as an opticore so I believe that's why people really really love it and some people will also love this for the same reasons now you may say okay how about Dex barus obviously Dex barus can use the same build uh I wouldn't recommend dexi Baris over Subarus Prime if we check the stats then we're going to see that I don't have Dex Baris so case the SLS well [ __ ] hey honestly it don't matter it don't matter if I remember correctly the deck version has a bit less crits and around like 1% more status or something don't remember exactly doesn't really matter Dex version will still do pretty well this Prime version is obviously the best for this gun and yeah that's it that's going to be it for today's uh viewer suggestion videos and obviously comment below what gun you would like me to try out and try to make it perfect or as good as I can and I'll try to do my best and push it to its limits see if it's any Worth to invest into it if it's any fun and my verdict on it as I do with all of my videos Discord and twitch links in the descriptions as well as always and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Moug
Views: 2,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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