Warframe | Scythe Go BANG! | Corufell

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so um originally I wanted to do something with prota and or her weapons because you know we're getting the Prime in a few days but then I remember that I wanted to do something with the cell as well so we're going to do that instead the cell is a very unique heavy sight that does primarily impact damage but it still has a decent amount of puncture and slash it comes with a 26% crit chance a 2.4 times crit multiply and a 14% stus chance the unique thing about the cell is its heavy attack which fires a big old projectile that does 600 pure heat damage it's also relatively easy to get as all the bits and you need to build it come from Tiana pass which is the mirror defense mission on Mars and before we get to it I want to say thank you to F junr for the weapon slots thank you dovat I have no idea how to pronounce that for um 20 for my bundles M dude thank you but dude another thank you goes to Time Lord galatia for the potato and Forma bundle thank you dmy XD 76 for the two egg and finally thank you JP Nathaniel for the candy now I do actually have a boild idea for this one and it has to do with unique trait which makes your heavy attacks fire a heat based projectile so we're going to do something with tenai just to get a big old bang out of the Heavies let's get a stance in here I think I would rather have Prime pressure point over coni overload just for Reliable damage so let's do that and of course blood rush for scaling crit malga Morgan shutter for the wind up speed and crit damage let's get an Arcane adapter and an exilus adapter I've been pretty unlucky with animosity drops but even even at rank two I think it's still the best Arcane for this by like a long shot yeah I think we're going to go with opportunities reach because having a longer tenai window is good especially for um something that can shoot and also just whiffing tenai is the worst I have just been informed by Mr Faruk Jr that gy overload is actually multiplicative on this so yeah we're actually going to run that instead let's get fever strike in there and I guess just chuing touch for a bit of corrosive for now Gladiator might no no no no I would rather have range for leveling there we go M seems about right can I please get a proc please thank you and bang oo spicy I like it 168 Forma all right then let's use one of them let's put a dash right there yeah I guess we could run blow sure it will do for now give me a proc give me a proc there we go bang lovely let's get a blessing this should be really nice because we actually have a double Affinity event going on right now so this should be super duper fast I just realized something and it took me a while because the cell is actually pretty fast to begin with I didn't put on any attack speed sorry boys but I am done okay let's slap a v right here and then we need to get some attack speed in there BL hell let's take out volcanic Edge h i mean the cell is pretty fast so we could take the less attack speed from Vice instead and then we get a bit of extra blood rush effect and if we run might on top of that we get 20% that's pretty good another V right here and we're one point short because of course we are the return of the volcanic Edge yeah even with just Vice attack speed feels absolutely fine I kind of want to make a melee set up on my anaros again with war cry because this with war cry and Arcane strike would be bunkers bang oh that had to be a head shot maybe we should run PR pressure point as well and stack it on top of gundi overload but I think killing blow actually did I see that right I'm going to have to check the recording but I'm pretty sure I just shot something for 107 million come on give me a pro you absolutely bastard there we go it's not stripped but you know what not being stripped and all that that was pretty good this is very nice I want to try something okay let's put a dash right here I am far too lazy to do the math so let's put in true steel and see if we get mostly red scits basically that that's that that's it let's stable Harold for a moment ooh that's yeah I actually like this more than G the overload because it's more reliable it was all over the place with gundi overload just based on priming the question now is do we stack Prim pressure point on top of gundi overload or do we run double crit H like yeah the crits are better we're definitely getting more retrogrades and also we're only running true steel not sacrificial steel yet so I still want to try that but I think we're going to run both Prim pressure point and coni overload to actually get proper multiplication there I am tempted to try dreamer's wrath as well but I don't think I can lose opportunities reach having a longer window for tenai on this is so huge because unlike with the normal melee weapon where you just get tenai and you fire it off here you get to noai and then you want to aim and shoot so it takes a little bit longer she finally a proc let's go oosh now that's good stuff that is good stuff right there I hate to say this because I love seeing loads of red crits but I think we're actually going to drop sack steel and go with gundi overload on top of prime pressure point to get some big old multiplication all right bye-bye sacrificial steel hello condition overload let's just do Gunners the combo build up on this is so slow all right there's 12x I need a proc thank you what do we get you know what I'll take an average 20 M or in crit with an occasional 25 mil red crit that'll do yep so here's the final build we have Gil Force Dawn is the stuns and then opportunities reach for tenai this is very good on the cofell because unlike with a lot of other mellow weapons you can't just fire off heavy attacks you first want to pick out a nice chunky group of enemies and fire into them so having a longer window is very good we then have shock in touch and Prim fever strike for a bunch of corrosive damage Gladiator vies for attack speed and bit of extra scaling crit condition overload stacked on top of prime pressure point because condition overload is multiplicative on the heavy attack projectile and we top it off with blood rush for crit scaling amalgam organ shatter for crit damage and heavy attack wind up speed and killing blow for heavy attack damage and wind dep speed and for the Arcane we went with Mele animosity which is very nice for a setup like this it gives us a bit of extra crit on the heavy attacks but if you don't have it it's fine or if you want to use something else that's fine too I'm very happy with the result here the damage is great though it is very RNG based like all tenai setups because if you don't get any procs the damage is just not going to be all that great it's actually kind of cool to have a melee weapon that Stacks BR pressure point on top of condition overload which is something you don't normally do nowadays but back in the day this was actually the norm we would regularly stack BR pressure point on top of condition overload so if you're looking for a fun build for the cile I would highly recommend you check this out it's pretty cool and as always guys I thank you very much for watching and I hope you have enjoyed the video I would also like to extend a special thank you to all the channel members thank you very much guys I really appreciate your support it means a lot to me and if you have any weapon that you would like to suggest for this series feel free to leave it in the comment section down below and I'll see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: MCGamerCZ
Views: 15,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, corufell, gameplay, build, setup, tennokai, strong, endgame, melee, bang, arcane, dante unbound, steel path, forma, heavy, DE, Digital Extremes
Id: hLtMA3H0Fx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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