Kuva/Tenet Weapon Tier List With Timestamps: Which Tenet/Kuva Weapons to Pick and Which ones to Keep

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all right hello YouTube Welcome to the shadow this is my room uh I just happened to close my lights because it looks better that way and you can see me clearly so this is perfect today I will show you a Kua a tenant weapon to your list and this is only because I know a lot of new players get the chance to get a Kua and a tenant weapon and they don't know what to pick they don't know which one will be the best for the late game which one will be the best for the Ed game etc etc so I think a tier list will give us the most definitive answer to what uh Kua internet weapon you should pick and in my opinion it is very important to know what your first SCA Alternet weapon should be because it should easily be the one that you will use for most of the early game and then you can transition to a better KET weapon later on so we will talk about this as well as ranting them individually so we can begin uh know my camera heights a bit but I need to have a big camera so you can see me and see my hand gers opinions and everything in my opinion so uh first of all we start with a Kua aanga so uh Argan weapon it shoots burst if I remember correctly and it is pretty good uh so a lot of people kind of [ __ ] on arkans uh when it comes to tenet and Kua weapons I don't think any tenet weapons are AR guns but we have two Kua Aran weapons and they're both really really strong now I'm not going to say that Kua grattler or kuaa are good for something like profit taker or they're good for some specific kind of mission but they both have some really insane AOE capabilities and with the allowance of you being able to get them out on a mission it becomes very very fun to use them and I think it is something that you actually can have fun with I don't think they're the most cable so in my opinion we should rank both of these since they're equal I don't think aanga or grattler is better both of them are really good so if you want you can pick these up both of them they're decent they're very fun and overall they can do a really good work especially in arwing missions they will shred everything even on stillpath aring Mission so I will give both of them a really good thumbs up in my opinion but obviously since they are AR guns and since they have a cool down and they have um not as many you know know not as much capabilities as normal weapons since they don't have any kind of arcanes on top of them they cannot get higher than a c here but I think City here is a good position because they can be fun and they're actually useful up to a point so now for the actual normal weapons we start with all the Kua weapons where so the Kua bra um so the bra is very interesting it can be use for both damage and uh kind of you know priming capabilities but unfortunately it's not the best it has some decent stats like you can get it to work but that's about it so it it's just it's kind of wasted potential because some punch TR some tiny AOE something could make this so much better but as it is right now the Kua bra is a b tier and as an early game player you shouldn't look towards picking this you should look towards picking other strong weapons that we're going to talk about up next we have the Brahma so I'm getting emotional here okay this used to be one of my favorite guns in the game it used to be so so good it just I can't give it higher than a c here anymore so what is wrong with the Brahma the Brahma is good it is still very very good the issue with the Brahma is that first of all its ammo economy is by far the worst out of every gun in the entire game it has a worse ammo economy than the normal lens it has a worse ammo economy than other Kua weapons in this list when it shouldn't and there are other Kua weapons in this list that do what the Brahma does but better they have better ammo economy and they don't have the annoying part where you have to charge every shot and kind of have it ready by just holding your mouse in forever so I mean overall Brahma is fun okay it it never stopped being fun but it's nerfed to the point that it's unusable unfortunately and I have a ren on the Brahma I love the Brahma it's just not it's it's just not it unfortunately you we just not it the Brahma is just bad and I I cannot stress it enough I I hope the does something I want my ammo back I want Brahma to have 10 ammo again it's it doesn't do anything with five ammo and one refillable it doesn't have built-in ammo mutation it doesn't have anything either give it built-in ammo mutation or give it 10 ammo in the in the mag or like you know 10 ammo in maximum cuz right now what it does it's nothing it has damage and that's it and the damage is not enough to damage other Kua weapon this list so let down if you pick it now if you were from back in the day you picked it before Wukong and the Brahma and all the ammo changes got nerfed the Brahma back then would be here or here one of the two now it's here it's just the reality kakur um I hate this weapon with all my heart everyone has been asking me to take a look at this weapon and show stuff about it so I know how to build this weapon I know that this weap weapon is really good and I know that it can bleed proc for an insane amount you can do easily 50 million bleed proc damage and you can easily do level cup with this weapon but it has very low fire rate it's extremely slow and it feels sluggish to use unfortunately this is why I hate it I'm not saying that it's bad though I can understand that the chakur is in a good spot and it's a good weapon to pick even early game because you have a weapon with a tiny bit AOE it doesn't do much but it's there if you want to group enemies and shoot them all at the same time and then you also have the absolutely ludicrous damage that you can do to a single Target and if you are bad at uh specifically disruption missions in the early game then the chakur would actually be a very a very very solid chice for you cuz it's it's one of the best at doing this it is insane as a disruption based build and [ __ ] like that so overall I think chaker is good but I hate I don't like it just I don't my opinion I it's too slow for me and I'm a person that likes salta stala is slow but it's not this that that is my issue as well I feel like salta does what the chakur does but just better so yeah I cannot I cannot recommend the the chakur over the salta but as a Kua weapon in general for early game yes it's good if you want to pick it early go ahead you will not regret it until very later on which is kind of what I did I picked the chak early and then I sold it for credits because I stopped liking it and I couldn't take it anymore it was just way too slow for me so Kua Dragon uh so it is it is kind of neck and neck you you can't really tell what you can do with the Kua Dragon the Kua dragon is a weapon that you can either say oh my God it's amazing and you could also say oh my God it's terrible it has an augment the fomorian accelerator augment it can make it bounce a lot more it can make it a bit interesting with combinations of Zas whisper and for late game it's actually not that bad however if you pick it early game it's unusable so for these reasons I give it a b tier it's an overall mid weapon uh middle of the pack kind of you can make it very good River modes for this weapon slaps but overall it's just it's just a bit mid compared to other choices of this list so B tier in my opinion next up we have the Kua heck the Kua heck I have to contemplate between s and eight here now cuz here me out it's a shotgun that has four bullets in the magic and a quick reload it has a ton of damage it it is crit based and for a shotgun that is crit based any crit based shotgun basically annihilates anything in its path and that is insane when you think about it and for early game it is the goto weapon for Kua Lees and sister of faros and any type of boss that you want to deal with that you don't have the damage immediately so let's say you just unlock Arkham this is the weapon that you will most likely use for your first archon and it's absolutely amazing if you want to use it for your first archon you can go Ash just use smoke screen uh Vigor Swap and then just shoot him in the face with four bullets at the same time you will do a lot of damage to him you will you actually will and yeah it's overall really useful but it's not for every Mission uh would I pick this early yes do I think this still holds up today for some bosses even with late game guns like the FKS especially after the FKS Nerf with Zas whisper yes so I think stier I think is fair for the Kack but it can get better for sure but it's it's it it still holds as an S Weapon It's still an S uh Kar 10 for sure uh up next is the Kua this is this is easy like it's close to here very close actually let's make the let's make left to right matter so let's just do this you know left to right now matters boom easy so left to right matters top to bottom matters good great so kuah hind I mean this weapon is nuts it's it's like when ton Prime used to be five Riven disposition completely busted no weapon could match it that's the Kua hind right now that's the ca hind right now this weapon if you pick it early you will not regret it at all because you have a semi-automatic fire that can bleed prop for an insane amount you have a burst fire that has an insane DPS amount and you have a full loot of fire that feels amazing with the very tiny but you don't actually miss bullets very fast fire rate very fast reload speed you can mod it for viral and Hunter Munitions very easily you can M it for corrosive and armor strip corrosive heat and then let the heat procs do their work you can do so many stuff with this weapon this is an absolute insane early game weapon in my opinion like if you really want a very strong primary weapon for your early game to just carry you through early game the Kua is your choice it's absolutely amazing and I think it is one of the strongest s tiers in this list most likely we will see as we go down the line but as it holds now I think UAH hind is probably on the most left side of the S tier actually here if we're talking about camera because for me left is here but you know for you it's here so it's it's here uh yeah very good recommend now uh the next one is kuak kak this is a don't even I'm not even going to contemplate it if you're fan I'm sorry I've tried your weapon with a perfect build Hunter Munitions vigilante modes corrosive armor SHP Riven modes I had a gold roll Riven for it I sold it to some guy for like 100 plot and didn't even care I thought I was scammon him for 100 PL I literally had the Riven that gave me crit chance crit damage Toxin and a minus and I thought that was on top of the world in early game and then I tried it and it dealt no damage listen it might have been early game but even at early game you know that Hunter Munitions en viral is actually King and when you built this thing for Hunter Munitions in viral it does no damage even with a god R Ren mod so why should I use it the Kua hind is here it's it's right there you have you have Kua hind right right up there it's a kah hind why would I use the karak instead of a hind don't take the correct Mastery fold it's it's actually just Mastery fold it's just so underwhelming it's insane I don't know that they need to do something about the kak it's just not good like you will use the normal karak to level up and then you get the Kua karak which is kind of hype because all the early game you kind of do it with a normal karak and the kuak kak is horrible it's horrible it's I don't even want to talk about it anymore so next up we have one of my favorites out of the Kua weapons the kuak com and the Kua I think is definitely an S I think in between these two uh very very fast shooting fully automatic shotgun a ton of St chance if I remember correctly it starts with 80% St chance per projectile like damn like damn you can if you go two corrosive SS and you go corrosive heat on this thing you can armor STP someone in two bullets you can unironically armor STP someone in two bullets two and it's fully automatic it's op if you want to use it to like clear a room or anything it's actually op it has pun it has an insane magazine size and it has ridiculous fire and it's just it's just crazy I don't know the kakom is definitely like one of the best out of the out of these weapons I don't know I'm even considering putting it here but I don't know kuah hind I feel like is more useful in general because it's not shotgun the only thing that's holding this back is that it's a shotgun but I mean it's such a strong shotgun that I don't even know what's put it like I've used the kuak on Aron Huns and it works I've used the kakom on sisters and kual Lees and it works I've used it as a primer it works I've used it as a DPS weapon for room clearing it works the gun is nuts it it really is it it's really is nuts and the pirate buff you can get from it from arcanes and Warframe abilities like Wisp and gaus and all that you can get some really really strong stuff on it and I do mean that this is definitely here maybe even here same for the Kua hind maybe we put them around by the end but for now they stay here so up next is a Kraken the Kraken is our next a tier weapon um very strong secondary weapon bursts uh and it's just it it feels like what the curus Prime wants to be kind of the only thing that differentiates the Kraken from the curus prime is that the Kraken has a bit slower fire rate but it's it more than compensates for that with its insane damage the Kraken has a really strong damage profile like it's a CA weapon so you can start with inate toxin or inate heat or anything inate that you want and at the same time you have a ridiculously strong damage per bullet on the weapon before you even get the the tenet or Kua the Kua progenitor in that it's 60% of your weapons damage Plus on what you already have that is why it's insane it has a lot of damage per bullets so if you want to use it for something like a disruption Mission if you're early game and you need a secondary weapon to carry you because up to that point your strongest secondary is Lex Prime you don't have many modes to work with this could actually help you even without many modes if you have two modes that is the crit modes and you use it it's going to actually carry you by them by itself it's just really really strong and that's why I recommend it it's definitely something to look out for especially if you're early game and you need a really good secondary weapon the Kraken could be your choice now there are more choices where you'll get to them but Kraken very strong keep it in mind up next our first Z tier I mean is it even questionable that the new cor is z tier um either your first or your second uh kuich should always be in newer always everyone needs a nuker the nuker is this way to use why because 50% St chance per second on a beam weapon very high critical damage and SM kavat and Arda kavat exists Haru exists Arcane Avenger exists hidden herit exists uh you have Cascadia you have so many things like if you build a heat nucle you have the microwave effect that helps you deal more damage the more you shoot a guy at the same position you have an insane amount of hit proces from the statos chance and you instantly go up to 48% damage from your Cascadia flare buff so you absolutely destroy everyone that you point this gun at and two other people as well and if you have punch through make it for other people maybe even five no five other people I'm sorry I'm take I'm like not even concentrating on what I'm doing so you understand that this is just an insane an absolutely insane weapon for both early game and still paath because an early game even if we just use it for the microwave effect with one mod we can kill level 60 enemies if we have a 30% hit nucle and we had scores to it we can kill level 50 enemies really quickly as an early game player that is insane for you you can clear the start shot with one mod and this weapon as Z tier it just it is it is it is you can't you can't even argue with me our second zti right after would you look at that why why is the ogit here you may ask well night night watch Napal exists yes Night Watch Napal is a very very good um it's a very good augment how good exactly is it well it increases your damage per Bullet by about 130% in total because you have to think that you're probably building the ogress or heat if you're good and the heat proc scale is of your heat damage so then you add Roar to that and then you just go H and it just scales your damage to ludicrous amounts then you may say oh but the Oris has like a terrible ammo economy yes you won't pick the OG as an early game weapon if you pick the ogis as an early game weapon you are going to be disappointed because you don't have helmouth you probably don't have good modes to back it up and it's damag in what you wanted to do and you probably don't have Night Watch naal yet because you take it from Kell Kell if I remember correctly sorry excuse me um so overall you know you can keep this for like late game but late game the ogis is the best AOE weapon in the entire game and it's not even close largest AOE especially when paired with uh the the mod for Night Watch Napal and heavy caliber for the minus accuracy your bullets just go everywhere over the entire area and to understand this uh let's make it it's a test right let's say I want to run an exterminate bounty on zaran on the new tal set on damos anything the best setup by far will always be Mirage ogis energized Munitions so you don't ever run out of ammo you actually kill everything and you can run through the mission find extraction and every enemy will just be at extraction and you are one-shotting them you are one-shotting them you can just shoot a bullet at the general direction and just keep on moving and the Flames will just kill them and there is nothing that even comes close to this you can say the envoy which we will get to later comes close to this but no it's not even close it's like the envoy has its usages it has multiplicative Co on the direct impact and everything like that but it just no no no no no no not even close not even close the amount of usefulness the amount of synergies the amount of everything that you can do with a Kua Oris can't compare you really can't up next Kua cak um this is another a tier in my opinion should go here maybe yeah I think that's fair so quak has two firing modes it has a full AO firing mode which is pretty slow but has a lot of damage per bullet so it's okay and it has a mode that people call it a shotgun mode it's not a shotgun mode it's just four round burst and you shot all four bullets at the same time they don't spread out like a shotgun they're concentrated on the actual hit box that you're hitting and they just go like a flag Cannon onto the enemy they don't lose damage the more R you have they're hit can and they are easy to Pro counter Munitions with and if you do proc counter Munitions then your damage you know your damage just goes crazy your damage goes nuts it's in it's actually insane so overall it is an okay mid mid-range weapon it is a really really strong weapon for open worlds in my opinion because of that really good hunch of munition stru and it's very good if you want to do disruption missions so it is in the same boat with a Kua chakur but it's way faster but it deals a bit less damage obviously now like with the with a Kua Kua quak you're probably dealing around 5 to 10 milon damage per slash broke the this thing the chakur deals around 40 million so you know you have faster fire rate you have a way more config gun that also has full auto but you're losing that so they're around the same tier you can take it or leave them but overall I think the quarta kind of edges out a bit the chaker because of the it's fully automatic firing mode and how easy it is to use because if you don't know if if you want to actually just shoot the fully automatic fire while aiming you can hold left click wait where's the camera [ __ ] hello you can hold left click first and then go right click right after and what that does is as you're holding left click when you aim in you're not going to change to the semi-auto you're going to keep the full auto and just aim in and you can play normally now the thing is when you let go of the left click then you're going back to semi-auto but semi-auto is a so part powerful that doesn't matter so overall quack pretty good pretty good so up next we have the Kua Seer so the sear I mean I'm going to be honest I haven't played this gun myself I haven't played it at all I don't know if I should even pick it up from what I've seen it is is mediocre and since I don't have that much experience with it I'll probably put it on C tier in front of the arkans because I can see it being useful in circumstances but since Kua bra and Kua Kraken are in they are just better versions of the Kua Seer I mean Seer can do stuff it's just you know the the these two exist so why would you use SE instead of these two in my opinion but I I guess it could be good I haven't tried it as I said this is the only Kua ended weapon that I have never used in my life but in my opinion it could be okay maybe possibly maybe not I don't know you let me know in the comments for me it's a citer from from my knowledge only without even playing it um what I have played though is a Kua Shield deck and this is a d tier why is it the D tier it's a hammer guys in case you don't know Hummers suck unfortunately and I'll show you what why they suck if we go to Kua Shield deck and we check its stats we're going to see some pretty good stats like 3 met range um you know 31% crit 2.7 crit multiplier and 27% status chance and you also have 92 attack speed which is really high for a hammer you may be like damn that's pretty good like damn I'm in the Twilight Zone I'm I'm I'm looking at the sun here I can see it on the camera it's so funny um regardless the issue with hammr in general is this thing right here follow through 0.4 in case you don't know what follow through is follow through is a multiplier that will change your damage depending on how many enemies you're hitting at the same time and this kind does this so picture you have two enemies in front of you you're hitting them both at the same time with the same attack one is dealt 10,000 damage the other enemy is dealt 0.4 of what you dealt to the first guy so 4,000 damage you may say okay that's not so bad now let's maybe three enemies so the first enemy 10,000 second enemy 4,000 third enemy around 1,000 right no no that's incorrect around 1500 damage all right let's add one more enemy well the the next enemy is going to take 600 damage you see where this it starts to get really bad with just this amount of enemies now let's go to a dager we go to this dager follow through 0.9 what does this mean we do 4,000 we do 10,000 damage to the first enemy we get a second enemy we do 9,000 damage to the second enemy okay we get a third enemy Okay the third enemy takes 8.2 th000 damage all right the fourth enemy takes 7.5 th000 damage with just four enemies our DPS has increased by over 500% because of hollow through for that reason DT your starts are incredible your single Target damage is incredible you're one of the best Hammer weapons in the game but you're a hammer hammers in this game are unfortunately really really bad and that's the end up next Katon Conor z z z z z below obious obviously but the best uh in terms of damage the strongest AOE weapon in the game and the best unironically the best ammo economy out of every pure AOE weapon in the game like we have weapons that are mixed of AOE and actual shooting this is pure AOE it doesn't have like full auto mode or anything like that it just only has the AOE mode and every weapon that has only AOE mode has the very low magazine capacity this one doesn't you have 30 ammo and you pick up like three you never run out of ammo and your damage is ridiculous tonker is insane tonker like if you want an early game AOE weapon you either go this or another weapon in the list but this is something to keep in mind if you're early game player you want a good AOE weapon tonore 100% tonore Hunter Munitions and mod and you're done Hunter Munitions critical delay done that's the build you need for star chart insane insane unironically insane if like damn but it's obviously not as useful as Oris in terms of how many Synergy how many synergies you can put on it how many stuff you can do with it but if you just want an AOE with pure damage and just pure damage and nothing else it's yours why well you may say oh it has one bullet in the mic and you know you it's slow and everything well you have a trick ladies and gentlemen after you shoot hit your R key your reload key whatever it may be when you do that you don't actually wait for the bullet to land in order to load your next bullet in the chamber which saves you around the second per shot half a second to a second per shot on the tonker this means you don't need the Precision strike mode on the toner to actually make it useful you can just press R and if you get used to this technique your tonor DPS is insane it feels like you're using a vus Aus Prime you're using a very strong weapon so yeah tonor is z here for sure Kua stus um I've used them very mediocre weapons I mean they go below the Arkham um as the secondary twin pistol I mean here's the thing every secondary twin pistol can be used as a primer but these do not actually have so high fire rate to be useful primers compared to other weapons like the twin gradas or the twin comics and in general their damage is very mediocre you can make them do good damage don't get me wrong and they feel nice but they're not very useful and you know leveled them up I've tried them a bit they're just the worst version of another tenet variant that we'll get to see a bit later so they're just on CER moving on to the last uh Kua weapon we have the Kua Zar which is going to go right into a tier because this cannon is really nice it has some really interesting and kind of bad mechanics like the reloading one bullet at a time be a nuisance because you are using um 100% of the time you're going to use an AOE based weapon you're going to use an ammo mutation and when you use an ammo mutation on this you may be losing ammo because you're reloading one bullet at the time instead of all bullets at the same time which is kind of bad on the other hand this is one of the strongest AOE weapons in damage it can become super fast with the fire R so if you want to kill a group of enemies even at level cap you can actually just blow your load exactly as I'm saying it just blow your load on an area that you want to die they will die 100% of the time like that is the beauty of the Zar and that's why the Zar is so good but at the same time it has a bit of issues in the general usage but I think it's still an seier weapon it is still super super strong it's just kind of a bit outclassed by the tonker and the Onis but I would still recommend it especially if you're early game and you like the normar Kazar will be something that you also will like a lot but you may be running out of ammo because of the issues that I said with the ammo mutation you'll have to play around that it kind of sucks kind of doesn't you'll figure it out up next we have the Ted weapons so Kua weapons list is this one here's webcam off you have 3 seconds to take a screenshot of it before I put webcom on again so you can see hello again chat and we can go up to the tenant weapons so our first tenant weapon we're starting off with a melee tenant weapon so all the melee tenant weapons and the Tenant Foo are obtainable by the erog glass for some resource that I don't remember its name now what was the resource's name corrupted Holo keys that was the name thank you brain so corrupted Holo Keys you get 40 of them and then then uh basically you can exchange them to get one of the tenant weapons and every week they get randomized stats you can get a week that has like a 53% tenet uh agendas and you can get a week that gives you a 25% tenet again do with Magnetic proc overall if you you will need a lot of time to get this up to 60% in the desired elements but you will only need to pick two of them in total to do that so you know it's okay to have these kind of weapons it's a bit more consistent but at the same time you are left with the luck of the developers kind of you know you have to just be there at the right time to pick up the strongest one and then take your desired element another weak and then combine them and that's way you get 60% of your desired elements so again do a is okay agend this is a b tier aend this is a b tier not because it's necessarily bad but because it's gimmick is horrible the gimmick of you just slamming the shield down like this and having the projectile influ it doesn't scale with anything it it really only scales with your um with your combo counter if I remember correctly and almost nothing else and that is the issue with it um you would hope that plus slam attack would scale it because you're slamming the ground in front of you you would hope that it would take Elemental damage it doesn't you would hope that it would take off your base damage it doesn't you would hope that it would take off your crits if I remember correctly it does but it's not enough and then all it actually does and that is the most important is take off your combo counter so it's only real usage is if you go melik rendo and you actually go to time solve but at that point you have so many other weapons that utilize time solve Med Cent way better like gun blades like Corell like glaes so you wouldn't use sendes for that reason but if you're using this as a sword and seal weapon it is if I remember correctly the third strongest in its class which makes it a pretty good choice if you want that kind of weapon and you the other weapons the two top short and sealed weapons are not the easiest to get one of them is a login weapon and the other one is the Silva and a prime which has been vaulted for a while so you know could be good decent choice just underwhelming gimmick in my opinion up next tet ARA plasmor so this is pretty much rivaling the Kua heck for the position in my opinion on the S category it's definitely an s shotgun it is one of the best weapons to pick up on the early game it has a lot of damage for the early game and it can clear entire rooms very very quickly because of this you have an amazing amazing room clearing weapon from way way way early in the game that will completely help you annihilate star chart and even a bit of Steal path on its own so overall AR plasmar is great it sucks kind of against single Target enemies but by the time you get issues with single Target enemies you'll probably figure out a way to take care of them at the same time in the in the same Mission so you know overall I think plasma is amazing I just think that people that you know put it as like Z tier the best weapon out of the Kua intened weapons I mean let's be honest it's not there but it's strong it's really strong it would be there if it has like three Riven disposition and not one right now getting a Riven on the ARA plasmor if you don't have a literal God roll you wouldn't even you wouldn't even use it you're better of not using it I have an ARA plasmo even but the role is not good enough for me to use it so I don't use it I I don't I I lose damage you know so EST deserved could be Zer I don't know will probably never be Zer because a lot of people use it So Raven this position will never be buffed regardless really good shotgun up next tenet cyon so the Kuan nuker's little brother is not even close to the level that the Kuan nuker is it's actually down here it is the second best karet secondary in the game for sure but the nuker is just way way way stronger than this and you may say okay but the cyon has infinite ammo and whatever shush but weapons suck battery weapons do not benefit from reload modes at all battery weapons are slugish in the sense that you have to wait for them to be reusable the good thing about battery weapons is that they have infinite ammo but nucle doesn't have ammo issues especially if you use a mutation mode mutation mods exist we can use them and we probably benefit a lot more from them the cyron doesn't have the microwave effect that the nuker has the cyon has better crit slots at the nuker but it has way less status chance and overall it's just the worst version of it is it good yes it's still very very good and you can go hit cyon and go crazy with it I tried it with my damage buff Ember which is it just goes crazy with it but overall it's just the worst version of this gun so it has to be here as the second best secondary in the KU weapons category up next is the drron so drron the third best secondary in the C intended weapons category right after um what does the drron do exactly the drron is one of the most useful secondary weapons because it is really easy to Prime with it it has a lot of up damage even though it stats are very very low and you can do a lot of stuff with it because you can easily shoot all your bullets at the same time on someone and just add I try kill them Prime them or make them suffer either one of those three absolutely works and overall it's just you know you you have a pocket CC a pocket pistol that will kill some annoying unit that you cannot take care of of your primary and you also have a primer at the same time and it's really useful to have this as a secondary on your mission plus this is one of the best secondaries to use when you want to do profit taker there is a better one we'll get to that but if you want to do profit Taker and you want to do it efficiently most of the people if I remember correctly use this there is one more secondary weapon that you can use for profit taker that is better in my honest opinion but most people use this so keep that in mind this is a very very good secondary up next we have the tenet deplus so the tenet deplus is the equivalent of the Kua twin stus but they are way way better so at the top of the bti list in my opinion the tenant Diplo are really really fast at firing their bullets they have a really just why does this mechanic exists even the you mark everyone and then they just your bullets just go to them automatically yeah but I don't shoot enough bullets to kill the enemies that I'm marking so what is the point of this ability this is what I don't get like like if you could Mark the enemies and just hold down left click and you just shot your entire mug on the enemy that you were marking then that would be cool as hell that would bring it like here probably or or here like let's not leave the cyclon behind but it would be here it would definitely be there as it is right now it's here and I love the Diplo I have a really bad ribbon of negative damage on the deplo and they're still shredding completely but but I mean they're just not higher they cannot be higher there there are faster secondary uh train pistol weapons for priming they do not do enough damage to warranty being above something like Kraken or even an A or whatsoever and the reload is kind of slow which breaks them plus they have this I don't know weird mechanic that I don't know why that mechanic exists even I would completely remove it or just buff it to the way that I said that you can actually Mark and hold left click until the enemies die like that would be way better in my opinion so up next we have the tenet Envoy uh one of the favores in this uh tier list in my opinion and I think it's way more deserved to put it at the top or near the top of the S list cuz I mean the the only way is an absolute Beast of a of a weapon it is if you if you for some reason didn't take a CA uh you know a Kua variant of an AOE weapon yet and you unlocked sisters of faros your first weapon is either Kua or sorry it's either tenet arop plasmo or it's onway and it's 100% that because the 10 tonoy has amazing mechanics it has slow reload speed but you backing up the slow reload speed by having an auto reload mechanic when holstered where you can actually just use your secondary weapon and this thing will reload for you plus if you have one Mecha mode on your cavat to give it armor and to utilize the health orbs for you yourself as health conversion modes and all that then you actually benefit way way more from its passive and it reloads way way quicker with its passive because they stack with each other so overall Envoy is a really really strong weapon its damage is nuts it has multiplicative Co on Direct hits which is why it has that mechanic where you can guide the bullet to hit directly onto the enemy and I mean it's overall just great it's overall great the only thing that I kind of don't like about the envoy is the fact that I kind of have to play around the mechanic of reload instead of reloading myself because reloading myself is inefficient most of the time except if you have a plus re a plus reload speed driven mode which I do and it made it way better but you know it's just a kind of better version of the kuasar at the end of the day because it has eight ammo on the mag instead of five and reloads them all at the same time so way more comfy you don't run out of ammo but it has less damage than the there and it kind of has you know a bit of slowness to it like let's say you're using you're like in a mission where you cannot use the mechanic so this takes away from Aim gliding completely in your mission like if you want to actually just go to a mission and you want to shoot the ground and then aim Glide in front of you you're [ __ ] the bullet is going to follow you and do nothing so it's kind of a double edge sword it can be bad to use its mechanic but most most of the time it's good overall it's not up here yet but it's still here and it's still an insane weapon and if you don't have an AOE weapon at the start of the game I would pick this up for sure as my fav standed weapon like if I let's say I have made a kual I have got a Kua nuker and then I decided to make another kual early game because I'm a psychopath and I picked I don't know K hind next weapon would 100% be the envil 100% 100 [ __ ] per. it's not even close anyways uh up next we have the tenant exec so tenant exec is up here or I don't know somewhere in this list but I'll put it up here the exec heavy blade yes um damage through the roof completely the the strongest heavy blade in the game by far not crazy follow through but its damage is so high that even with low follow through it doesn't really feel that bad like I swear to God it has 0.6 follow through and you go to a group of five enemies and they die really quick they die really really quick all five of them at the same time and that is what makes it insane to me not the fact that you know it has this mechanic with the slam attacks and everything like that and you can play around that with temporary y don't do that keep the S Mode that it has use the v poiz s mode which was what rending crane rending CR is insane rending quein has some nasty attacks with it like wait let me bring up the video yeah there it is all right no wait no it's not this this okay amazing I found it so this is my first time using this weapon when I finally maxed it out on a rank and this is an just feeling the [ __ ] I don't know Boop like then why does this attack exist you just hold left click e and then your attack deals 600% of your damage or something why that that hurts a lot this is without Raven mod this is a 5x and this Mirage with her three and Eclipse I mean it's old Eclipse but still what it's just way too much damage it's way way too much damage in this and I mean you have seen me use this on the next video you have seen me use this quite a ton in my opinion and I think that the exec is probably the best or not the best but one of the best in m to get and it definitely deserves a spot at the S here up next tenet ferox and the ferox maybe even here I don't know wait I have to think about it so I have a fex I have a ren on the FX I have tried to make the FX really good I've used the FX on a lot of occasions and I think it damage is horrible but it has multiplicative seal yeah around here would be good so as I said damage pretty bad ability to kind of group enemies not really worth it it's just doesn't do much regardless praise damage uh when you have primed enemies because it has multiplicative Co on its own not the greatest thing in the world feels okay to use looks amazing if you want to do fashion frame which shouldn't really matter in the serial list but whatever um I mean it's okay that's about it it's I mean let's say you have 40 corrupted Hol Keys you want to pick one of the weapons and you see a Ted f with 59% and then you see a 10 at liia with 25% I would pick the 10et liia you know that's why it's down here but at the same time it you can still pick the 59% and be happy you would still do a lot of damage with this and especially if you want to use it on disruption Mission it does really well because remember this is fully automatic spear gun fully automatic spear gun with multiplicative Co goes kind of hard so not bad not bad at all uh tenant Flex rifle this is it's it's one of the two for sure I think it's here Flex rifle n [ __ ] it Flex rifle is just yeah it's insane it's insane what I I can't stress it enough so if you have any kind of punch true on your flux rifle you deal so much slash BRS even without Hunter Munitions that you're just left with a Powerhouse of a weapon that was turned from a beam to a fully automatic hit scan weapon which is you couldn't have done a better change to this weapon to make it like insane because the normal flux rifle is good but changing it to be like this is just what completely broke the gun because you still get the flx rifle specific mods but you also get its insane damage you get its insane slash brokes and you get a fully automatic power has that reloads super quickly has a ton of ammo and it just gets you through any kind of mission that you want really really quickly it's just insane the the flax rifle it's just I think I've it's one of the strongest boosts from weapon to like from normal weapon to tant weapon it's like one of the strongest boosts out there there is only three weapons actually there is four weapons that stand out completely for its normal variant and the Tenant variant or it's Kua variant you know and first is the hind second is this and there is two other weapons that we haven't even taken a look at yet that also get a big boost to its tenet variants so up next tenet gregori uh tenant gregori is good it's not bad I think it's on the bottom of the a tier and it's a scythe so Scythe means you do guaranteed slash broke on his heavy attack if I remember correctly I might be wrong there is a high chance that I'm wrong but I remember Reaper Prime is doing guaranteed slash brokos and this is same stance as Reaper Prime so it should also slash broke regardless even if it doesn't you have the disc attack which yeah you kind of have to initiate It Yourself by slight attacking and then heavy attacking which can be kind of bad for some people not for me personally but at the same time the ten gregori is a weap weon that you can make it synergize very well with a lot of things and you can make it very very strong because when you actually build up the combo multiplier not only do you get an insane amount of damage on the disc itself which also scales with your Elemental modes it's the only tenant weapon that its unique um ability scales with its modes but it also lasts longer so let's say you have ma bubble Time s that [ __ ] is going to last 12 seconds that is really strong that is really really strong and this is why this is a tier it wouldn't be a tier because of its damage it damage as a scite is not good Reaper Prime existed completely out is it it's not even close but it's oh fireworks outside okay that's what it sounds okay um regardless I was talking about like the ability the ability itself is it's great it's so so so great I I love it I love it it's just you know the you can do so much with it and now with mik cresendo which is not even it's not even something that you necessarily need you know why because you can do this when you holster the T gregori and the talent mow weapons they all pause their combo counter which means if if you have a combo duration more than 10 seconds so you can react to it you can use this weapon at the start build it to the 12 times combo multiplier and then Swip to your Primary Weapons do whatever you want and when you need to use it you equip it you do slight heavy attack and you get the disc and the disc analy everything in a whole way great weapon great great weapon next the best unet melee in in the game but where do we put it on the S it's obviously Above This is it above this yes is it above this questionable same probably not above the com so it's around around here I think I'll do now plasmar is better regardless um why is the Tet liia so so so good well it's a 200 nikana the best in its class by far the penon doesn't even come close nothing comes close to how good the tenet liia is not the touch Prime not the pennant nothing tenet liia has insane crit good status really good normal uh base stats and you have this unique mechanic with the tenet weapons where you increase the weapons base damage depending on the percentage that you have which means that when you have 60% of any elements on your gun you add that 60% to the guaranteed slash broke on your heavy attack and that hurts like a truck the tenet liia is one of the few weapons that can an ironically match the slash broke of the hate and the hate when you heavy attack with it the spash broke is it feels unbeatable you you slash broke the enemies for 60 million you can also slash broke the enemies with 60 million with Olivia as well the livia goes crazy it goes absolutely crazy this is by far the strongest tenet millon in the game and obviously if you first get if you get your first 40 corrupted Holo keys this would be my first weapon of choice 100% like let's say that I have a 25% % cold or toxin I'll pick it you know why because then I can get a 58% impact and just combine the two get a 60% toxin or cold because I combine the 58% with a 25% and then I just I just select what the 25% element was and I'm good to go and then I have the strongest to kind in the game and one of the strongest slash Mele is heavy attack Mele in the entire game tenant Livia absolutely nasty up next the tenant plink plink PL why why why why do we not put it on S because we cannot use the mod anymore what what was the mod even that we can't use anymore they had it nerfed I remember they nerfed it wait I have to check it on the wikii 10 link so it should be on the PA notes right BS history yes yes uh an exing short no syn charg yeah so syn charg is bonus final damage and short applying to planet plinks is outfire S charge is only intended to apply the last shot in the weapons magazine but the outfire on the tant pl were receiving the damage wor from S charge on the entire magazine since should only apply to the final slot in the magazine of multiple rounds and not to the entire magazine being dispelled in one shot so this was listed as a bug it made the weapon completely op it would if this existed still this would be probably like here for sure or here even I don't know like it used to be disgusting don't get me you could easily hit a 100 million slash broke with this weapon and it's like AOE grouping ability everything it's still probably here it's still probably there and I'm very glad to say that it's still probably there because when the Nerf was received to the tenant plink I was super sad to see it go and I was like the Riven disposition is too low I'll just settle my Raven and I sold my Riven for the plank and now I don't even remember if I have a raven for it but regardless it is still really really strong and I love it uh it has some really good stuff going on with the grouping ability multiplicative SE internal bleeding very high very very high bleed Pro damage you can easily level up on A disruption Mission just with a PL just with a plank and a primer it just it it does way too much damage so you know it is considering the normal planks was so so bad it's one of the worst secondaries weapons in the entire game having the tenant PL be so strong is such a refreshing thing this is kind of what I was hoping for when I heard new tet and Kua weapons with like uh I was thinking damn can you imagine if they just take the tenet stattic core and make it shoot faster and increase the crit a little bit it would be the best secondary weapon in the game unfortunately we didn't get that but we'll talk about those they're not in this list in the Ser list I only have 10 Tetra and 10et Spirits left but I'll talk about the Kua [ __ ] what is it called sorry with an acid in it whatever I'll remember it don't worry but 10 GL and the new Kua weapon um damn why don't I remember it the one they use with s God damn it whatever I don't use it in general I know it has the niche mechanics with sinin the soic yes the Kua soic thank you brain holy [ __ ] regardless um tenet Speck this is the one that I said that the tenant detron is just better you know or it's just a better version of the 10 I'm sorry so this is the better version of the tenant detron if you want to do the profit taker it is a single target pistol with multiplicative Co really really high damage and the ability to impact Pro enemies on on hit which makes it amazing for internal bleeding it also makes it amazing that it even though it has a low reload speed it encourages you to hit head shots because hitting head shots reduces your reload speed second up to two times also so it is a headshot machine that deals an incredible amount of damage I have socas this gun on my channel and we have seen that it's basically the chaker but on a secondary weapon and thinking about it should probably be here rivaling the chakur probably better than the chakur actually it just the spir is amazing it's you know it's kind of unique in its style because it's literally the exact same as the chakur but it's faster and because of that I think it definitely deserves a spot here but I also think cyon should be moved up like this to you know compensate for it because I do think cyon is better than those so yeah yeah still fireworks all right cool I live in a weird neighborhood don't mind me it's always sh just to be sure regardless um our last weapon last but not least the goat the goat is there even a question in my mind that this is the best CA or ten weapon in the game no no no no sir not even close it's not even close it's not even close it's not even close the tenet Tetra from all the versions of the Tetra we have we have the normal Tetra we have the Prisma Tetra and both of these tetras completely suck they are basically unusable and then you get the tenant Tetra and it's just damn damn it's so good it's so good it has so high damage per bullets that it's ridiculous it has very high crit and very high St chance and very high crit damage and it has the strongest single AOE shot in the game when your Kua tone cord does 30,000 damage and crits this does 40,000 damage and crits more with more crit damage and you can also get some crazy sonig ganss if because you may say okay but you lose your entire mag to get that very powerful shot and I'll say yes yes you do but have you thought of this go get yourself a 10et Tetra Riven that has negative magazine capacity if you have three plus and one minus the negative magazine capacity goes up to 56% if I remember correctly there was a tool to check that but I don't remember what it is can I find it un ironically if I search it uh it's not overframe similar yes similar similar similar similar all right amazing thank you I actually found it with just searching it God I'm in the sun again I love it it's just so fun why am I not searching it all right 10 Tetra uh 0.7 I mean doesn't look normal does it it has four even disposition wait um that doesn't seem nor noral hold up shs hold up hold up I'm going to open the game real quick because I'm 100% sure it has a four even disposition so it's not you know I mean this kind of looks weird now that I have hidden it but I need to log into the game but even like this the negative even like this the negative magazine capacity is 29% which is okay it has a base of 80 so it goes down to like 60 it's still way better ammo but I'll actually just an ironically show you what the thing does because these are not the normal stats semar has kind of troll this here except they Nerf the Tetra even this position I haven't seen it but of course you give me 75% of yo what the [ __ ] why all right hold up we can show show the screen now hello so Tetra my Tetra has a Riven disposition of four similar okay 195.000 per damage our survey says where is it 119 so you know these are not even close to the stats that we have maybe I don't know where is the normal Tetra this is still low wait Tora okay this is too high now all right whatever we pick a disposition for weapon opticor all right that's fine that's close to what we have the Tetra is a bit higher but you see still you can get up to 50% magazin capacity negative actually no you can see it here 50% negative magazine capacity on the Tetra that it has a magazine capacity of 80 when you have this look at this you have this what the [ __ ] like 60,000 84% 9.1 damn damn this thing hurts it's secondary fire it doesn't need primary mercil stocks at all you just go H with it and that's why it's just so good so um Tetra the best the best tenor a weapon by far in the entire game I'm not even like I'm not even going to argue I have a I have a video that I've gone to the new disruption mission on armus with a tenant Tetra to level cup and I've killed the demos within a minute just using the Tetra and a primary and knowing how tanky these demos are and the fact that the more you shoot them the less damage they take the Tetra shouldn't even be able to kill them but it has so much damage that it does That's How Strong it this if you take this to a normal disruption mission on level cup without a even mode you can kill level cup enemies with 10 bullets if you prime them normal ship just priming 10 bullets does this sound insanely overpower to you to me it does that's why it's it here this is one of the strongest Primary Weapons in the entire game now would I pick the 10 Tetra early game no but I would definitely pick it if I'm done with star charts and I'm done with new war and [ __ ] like that and I want a really good late game weapon then I will 100% pick the T 100% regardless um we have two more weapons to talk about kuas soic and tened glin so recently recently hold up let me find it uh no no no no no I can't can't wait I need to find the exact stats because we got these leaked earlier we got this leaked like two days ago has [Music] image I'll find them don't worry I'll just need a bit of time so be be patient with me chat sorry but I remember we have the stats of the new tenet and Kua weapons now I know people may say oh you shouldn't talk about these on the video I mean they're going to be released what in one week or what is it so does it really matter I would say it doesn't really matter and am I too far away no I'm not far away yep there they are all right Epic so uh no not these these all right awesome so Kua soic we have 21% crit chance 23% 21% St chance 2.3 crit multiplier uh 40 media range I mean overall I would say the stats are good kuas soic seems okay and it will probably go around 8 to S tier if the augment still works which 99% it will then it's easy s tier easy s here now it will be a bit of there will be quite a bit of trial and error for us to see where exactly in s it will go but if we actually do get the stats that we're seeing here plus the 60% of this damage right here then we're looking at a shotgun that does six 100 damage per bullet hybrid crit status and has the acid cells augment so we're getting a very strong primary shotgun weapon Now is it going to be top tier no but if you're a soic fan you're going to love this because you know you you have the soig but actually [ __ ] strong on its own so that is one of them and then we have the galaxion vand now I would so with my knowledge of the game and everything D tier you may go like what why why iter it's an eight cold it's s cold what does this mean for the weapon itself we see that it has only 14% crit chance with 14% crit chance the weapon is not really viable for you know oh wait this is collection bundle this is the one okay well 20% yeah it's still not even it's still not great not viable for the for Hunter Munitions all right and this means that it doesn't really do anything so you can use Hunter Munitions in this but I ideally if you have the tened glaxion what you want from the tened glaxion is build it for heat damage you can't why it's an eight cold you can't only thing you can do maybe is build it viral electric but if you build viral electric you still need the cold mode you need the toxin mode and then you need your electricity mode and your electricity mode and your progenitor needs to be electricity and then you're still in the dirt now you may be like okay why can't I do that with heat well it just I don't know it kind of sucks it it kind of sucks to do this with heat like it's just we don't have any kind of mod to increase our heat or to or you know or electric damage massively for Primary Weapons and this makes it so that this Clum doesn't actually hurt the enemies almost at all as much as you want as much as you would want it to now the thing is the Ten glaxion supposedly chains the enemies the same way that Tor does so in that sense it could be good that if that happens then you could see this as a c or B tier but if it has the same mechanics as current glaxion and it has these thoughts right here with the Nate cold it's GG the most likely builds that you're going to see people running will be toxin progenitor and then Hunter Munitions and toxin progenitor Hunter Munitions happen to not deal enough damage with this because well 20% critchance if critchance was 25% and S CH was I don't know 35% a bit Nerf from the glaxion bundle it would un ironically be a better weapon as it is right now I hope they change the side a bit I mean they cannot change the inate cold damage so I hope they change the status a bit because I I want to see this weapon do well as it is currently it will not do well unfortunately a beam weapon is this kind of beam weapon is very weak this kind of beam weapon will be com uh compared to and torid and the likes of those weapons and with the likes of those weapons it is dog [ __ ] it is it is really really bad so yeah kind of let down on the tenant weapon the kuas soic on the other hand yeah that is that is insane in my opinion I would love to see a new kind of Kua weapon or a new kind of T weapon like unique to itself but I mean it's fine to update all the weapons at least do it correctly I hope the glaxion has some really really good passive mechanics it has like let's say you give it even more AOE than tet I want to see that happened I want this weapon to just you shoot at one person and it primes everyone then that would take it up to b or a tier easily and it would maybe even seier depending on how well it it it does with priming you know because you can get viral on your own if you get viral on your own and then you can build for something like corrosive that would be pretty good corrosive cold I don't know you you have you have options with this I mean I would easily take armor ship and called the freeze Pro on somebody with the new call changes for extra talk you know extra critical damage and the enemy just standing there completely Frozen you know that's cool I'd take that as it is right now I would probably put it in D tier I just hope it arrives as has an actual really good one and that I'm wrong I really hope I'm wrong we'll see time will tell we're around a week away from the patch so with this we are concluding the tier list and I am going to remove my camera so you can see what we ended up with so our template is uh our Z tier is Tetra newor Oris tonor and flux rifle s tier goes plank hind Envoy K Zar arap plasm Mor Livia HEC and exec our a tier goes quak cyron SPX chakur drron Kraken and liia our B tier goes dipos draon the agendas ferox and bra our C tier goes with the Brahma God Brahma seir grattler ayanga and KATU the bus our D tier goes with the shield EG only and our don't even tier goes with the kak only so that is our list I hope you enjoyed this video I hope this was helpful to you if you're a new player I hope now that you know what you should actually go for and what you should aim to actually make good or bad and if you have something that you don't agree with me if you want to tell me more about how the mighty here is amazing then you can feel free to join on the comments with that one guy that comments on on every video we all know here by now and yeah I hope you kind of agree with me on this list like I want to see arguments obviously but with the amount of experience I have with all these weapons except for this year I think I am pretty spot on with this list like I don't think I would change every anything at all looking at it now only thing I would change maybe is put brma here if we have pre patched brma please remove Wukong from the game I beg you and rebuff Brahma can we can we remove Wukong and buff Brahma again thanks what the [ __ ] it's 1 hour and 20 minutes it doesn't even feel that long regardless thank you very much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I'll have Discord and twitch links in the description below and I'll see you on the next video have a good one
Channel: Moug
Views: 5,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rBt9RNjPBk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 49sec (4729 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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