The Most Comfy Harrow Build Guide (Warframe)

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mostly underutilized and mostly underrated Haru will often be seen in BT on Warframe teist because of his Reliance in getting kills himself while partially true many systems have made their way in the game that allow Haro to not be GED by this and simply unleash all his potential welcome to maharo build guide today I'm going to teach you how to play this Warframe and how you can minmax your build to have a comfortable time regardless of mission or enemy level enjoy the ride [Music] so for starters I wanted to show here something very important with harr's abilities and we can easily see this so right here first of all your first ability gives you Shield obviously uh before we talk about that we need to talk about his second ability which is the Penance ability so this ability gives you fire to your weapons then it gives you reload speed to your weapons and also any kind of kill you get will heal you and I think it will also heal your team healing the team doesn't matter because it should be another person's job to do that you're supposed to just give them eye frames and in general this ability has a fixed percentage where you get your abilities you can use it while having base Shields it will take down your Shields completely and you know now we have the fire rate the reload speed and everything however with higher Shield there is a misconception that with higher Shields the ability get stronger and it actually doesn't it just lasts longer so we get the same exact stats for fire rate and reload but the ability now lasts longer also another misconception is that haros one works twice on the same targets so if we use our one on these targets and use it again you see it doesn't affect them so we don't get the extra overshield whatsoever we need to hit different targets to actually get the overshield this makes it so that spamming one does actually work and you need to find new targets to use your one own in order to sunlock them and one very important thing is if we use eximus enemies and we use our one on them let me just get rid of The Shield because they're eximus enemies and they're not affected At All by the one your one is completely useless on them you get the effects of the abilities and everything but as long as the overshield is up your condemn will do nothing once the the will shoot is out and you can use it on him then you get the overheal normally so that is all you need to know let's get onto the video this build revolves around all of har strengths while byp passing his main weaknesses to get the best out of him at all times let's start with the most important first survivability haro's base shield is very high at 740 and with the recent changes to Shield getting you can get maximum invincibility frames from said Shield gating without any additional mods two to forge arquin sards are enough for you to get above 1150 Shield which is the maximum threshold for shield gating invincibility frames immunity graning you a 2.5c invulnerability for free additionally hara's first ability Pur with his passive allows you to get incredible amounts of overshield tenos shields have 50% reduction to damage on their own and abusing this mechanic will reset the invincibility frame timer to 2 5 seconds again since your Shields are above 1150 if that's not enough our build will be running rolling guard for another 3 seconds of invulnerability and if that's not enough again our build allows our fourth ability to keep us Invincible for another 13.5 seconds speaking of which let's talk DPS Haro is known for his incredible crit capability from his fourth ability and with a hor build the fourth ability itself has a duration of 27 seconds more than enough to dis out stones of damage we will avoid using lasting convenant for two reasons first and foremost in a meta where everyone uses as much AOE as possible it's not easy for har to get headshot kills and secondly you will lose inv vulnerability for your entire Squad since your four will be active for a longer period of time it's generally not that great except you're running a lower level Mission solo and you don't really care about inv ability part of your fourth ability moreover haro's second ability will grant us an incredible amount of fire rate and life still to you and your teammates for every kill the fire buff with the strength of our build is incredibly high and it will make you a DPS demon lastly for energy you will almost always be on the maximum amount because nourish our helth ability replacing your third will take care of that as well as giving you some extra bank for your buck when it comes to dealing damage all right I think I have explained abilities enough so we can move on to the build itself all right so for our har build let's start with the arkans sords as we said before we're using two blue to forged arkans sords for that extra shield taking us up to 1190 Shield which is above the threshold of 1150 to maximize our Shield gating if we go inside the build and we actually check it out we will hope over this and we see that we get invulnerability for 2.5 seconds the yellow sards for me are casting speed but these are completely optional you can put Emerald arkans sards if you want armor strip you can put a reg arkans sard for strength if you want more strength um I'll discuss duration because duration is mainly a preference but everything else on the build should be like this so rolling guard as I said combat discipline and Arcane Avenger for even more crits you want to build the crit heavy build and combon discipline is basically a free damage upgrade per with Arcane Avenger because your two is constantly going to heal you and you're never in any danger of running out of Health ever um nourish as I said for energy region instead of your three and honestly Arcane acceleration you can swap this to whatever gun you prefer so either Arcane acceleration or if you're using a shotgun you could go Arcane Temple if you're going for a secondary weapon you would go velocity if you go for a melee weapon which I don't know why you wouldn't Harrow you would go strike Etc so for me here uh this build uses acceleration because I'm going a primary weapon and the build itself is focusing around as much strength as possible while keeping the duration fairly high so um duration is 100% preference you can change this build around change some mods around to try and bring the duration a bit down if you want because as I said this is my build this is what feels comfy for me but you may like less duration on har to keep the the duration protection up it's just for me this wit spot was here and this is why I kept this much duration there may be people that would like to have 200% duration there may be people that like 150% duration the duration of your abilities is completely optional I just like it being high because it allows me to not recast nourish and Penance for a long time while keeping my fourth ability in a reasonable amount to actually be protected through the invulnerability without ever being in danger if I take care of my rolling guard and my first ability so this is why I'm using this exact build uh Prime sure food it I mean I know we meme about this mode but honestly in a frame that cannot um get some kind of invulnerability or any kind of um any kind of overguard or if the Warframe is squishy in general if you get knocked down you pretty much die in those cases you want to use prime sh food and Har is the third case where if you get knocked down with har you're pretty much dead 100% of the time so Prime shooted for sure is the best mode here um you could change it up if you want to have some kind of knockdown resistance you could do this so let's say you want a bit of less duration knockdown resistance and you don't have Prime sure fed and normal Sur fed plus the fortitude mode is enough for you to gain 100% knockdown resistance to mimic Prime Su footed and you could probably Swap this for something like I don't know you you could change the build around a bit uh remove narrow-minded put for digit on and then remove one of the range modes then put another duration mode here with algor methods you can do a lot of things with it this is just the Baseline this is what I use and this is what my build feels nice to have so I'm going to do a quick uh demonstration also on the video we're using the on the background footage we're using Hinds ucore and Pros ucore is the standard okore build you would see which is focused on mostly heat damage in Cascadia flare the Kua hind is Ren moded Kua hind this is one of the strongest uh Kua weapons in the game in my opinion very high crit very high stats in general this is the the burst which I use the most and the Riven looks like this Hunter Munitions build pretty Thunder Prime shred for the bits 12 punr uh punr always helps with those Primary Weapons that require you to hit multiple people if needed or hit people through doors and heat is only because just once in a lifetime when heat proces we can get that extra 50% armor strip which feels really really nice to help your viral procs actually do damage and then Pros is not really worth to talk about the build because the only thing we're using prus for is the movement speed so we have Sprint slide parkour velocity that sort of thing and you could probably make a heavy attack build with this and make it work but I haven't and I don't care about doing it because the spring speed is is so useful in this to help you dodge abilities and keep a momentum to actually Dodge stuff so uh with this we're going to unpost the AI here so we can see exactly how this build survives so we're going to get our first and vulnerability proc right here and then we'll press four this is our second vulnerability proc while fourth is blocking damage we can obviously press one whenever we want on these guys I'm going to do it now so now we have some of them suned and now our Shield is back up to F and it takes down and then another vulnerability phase we press one again and you know these guys are stunned this guy is not shooting for some reason and then we have rolling guard can press one again if we need to and yeah a lot of people have been saying that they like adding um you know hr's ability on Harrow and they like that more but honestly it's not bad at all to use this so as you see even without being able to cast my for again I'm still really really high on A3 and as long as you keep killing and you keep getting the energy from nourish you will be absolutely fine so the enemies will drop you the energy obs what the hell yeah anyways um does pretty well in my opinion and obviously these are all this were before the bleed procs and obviously we're going to be in a massive Battlefield with a lot of energy orbs dropping from enemy such as eximus enemies and normal enemies having a higher chance because they're way way more and you having the chance to kill way more enemies so in general this is a very very free um invulnerability frames build that you can easily recover your invulnerability frames without trying a lot and your tools give you the chance to roam around the map for free without necessarily taking damage so your one your three and your four are the kind kind of um kind of tools you will need to keep yourself alive and for the damage your guns are the thing that will do the trick so for harrow in general you want guns that benefit from fire rate a lot kuah hind is one 10x plusx rifle is one the fenmore the kakom Tetra bakore bakor is probably one of the best ones it's the one that the person that suggested me the build uses and it is absolutely Bonkers so I I want to show this as well my build is focused around keeping Stacks up and playing with the bore on its own it has multiplicative Co so we can use galvanized aptitude and serration at the same time and serration will benefit galvanite optitude s by a lot if you want to get the maximum amount of damage Bane is better but if you're running a mission where it's corrupted in Corpus or corrupted in grineer such as an a Fisher Mission like I was doing then serration is still fine and it's probably going to do better in terms of damage because you're having better damage against everybody instead of just one faction so yeah I think I'm going to show the bakur because it's honestly quite insane with this uh horor build so nourish fourth second and then first first kill is going to take a bit because we don't have any kind of Base damage my Ren mode also has minus damage so that doesn't help but yeah you're seeing the damage is really nuts on the bore the bakore is absolutely crazy when it comes to per puring it with Harrow and the amount of damage that you can deal with it is insane so the build of the Bor looks like this once again and I didn't show the Riven so I wanted to show it again which has minus damage this kind of counteracts it because on the first kill with this much minus d damage you will deal pretty much nothing so it helps it out as well which is you know even if I didn't use this and serration would still be good because the gun has multiplicative seal regardless um the the weapon is really really nutty and it doesn't it's not that popular right now it is extremely good with Harrow oore and any secondary weapon that can pretty much Run and Gun is absolutely insane so you would go something like aore hist drron Furious uh tenet cyon I don't know it has a bit too low ammo for the tenet cyon but uh no Prime also very good with him because it's easy head shots with Haro uh things that I wouldn't use with Haro is something like the uh the EG bolto cuz it's gated by fire Ates uh you can't and generally weapons that you don't hold shoot you tap something like Laton and like that you would not use his weapons with Harrow because you want to benefit as much uh from the fire at as possible same thing goes with explosive weapons if you want to use an explosive weapon I would either go Envoy or the Zar and I would completely dish out all of the other explosive weapons completely and when it comes to incarn the best incarn would probably be the Burston Prime for its incredibly High ammunition pool with 600 ammo in the mag the burstone can do wonders with this so you just you know kind of goes crazy and that was without the crit even so yeah when you are able to dish out the the person's um ammo capacity so quickly because it has 600 ammo it gets really crazy but this was grener enemies and I have bane of grineer so it's not really fair comparison but this is the build for anyone interested obviously as always if you want to go Vis L the supplies on the ex you can and yeah that's pretty much how you play Haro and I think he's probably one of the better frames right now to play in order to do level cup one of the most comfier ones and I really hope I see more people playing after this for game play you want to play with the types of weapons that we discussed and try to help your teammates by keeping them buffed make sure that you're always safe and keep an eye out for your Buffs rolling guard your one and your fourth are tools to give you invincibility and just remember to not overlap one another to maximize the efficiency of your invulnerability frames arrow is an extreme goner frame that is very comfy to play he has great potential and he can easily become level cup Menace being completely invulnerable while allowing his crits to on-shot anything on the battlefield he really is a jack of all trades Warframe and I can't wait for you guys to try him out special thanks to my moderator boru for suggesting this build hop on the Discord if you want to meet her and me every link will be in the description thank you very much for watching and enjoy some footage of a very chill run to any disruption mission on the Kua Fortress [Music] an mother that's [Music] [Music] [Music] you for
Channel: Moug
Views: 4,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bVR4zkjWYxU
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Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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