Viewer question: Is a twin engine aircraft right for me?

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[Music] [Music] hi youtube jason here i've had a couple viewer questions the first is is assessment 310 the right airplane for me these are people my viewers that are asking contemplating i guess if 310 fits their mission profile i've also had people contact me the question why did i buy a twin cessna so both these topics are relevant for a single discussion so here it goes so why did i buy a twin simple it fits my mission and my budget mission and budget are the two key words for this video if you take anything from this video concentrate on those two words so stop here and repeat both over and over and only then can you go on i'm kidding of course so what is my mission it's traveling long distance non-stop to property i have in colorado in the summer usually with heavy loads renovating a cabin up there so i need a fuel capacity because i prefer to do it non-stop i need payload to carry lots of things we've had a generator in the back of the plane and also the comfort the space to move around the cabin also i have elderly parents in dallas a lot of times i have to run up on the weekend to help them out with their house so i'm flying at night or an imc so i like the systems redundancy that a twin has also finally it's not really a rational reason but i just enjoy the challenge of flying a twin i like the the noise and the two throttles in my hand it's just a lot of fun so you need to ask yourself what is my mission here's some typical missions or alternatively ask yourself why am i flying why do i like to fly it could be 100 hamburger and fly-ins it could be long cross countries to go to a second home somewhere time building commuting to a weekend property that's maybe not so far away commuting to work or some combination of the above so let me emphasize here how important it is to sit down with a piece of paper and list out what your mission is whether you're a first-time aircraft buyer or you're looking to upgrade if you enjoy drifting around the countryside at two thousand feet going to eat 100 hamburgers and going to fly-ins and you don't really need twin maybe a satabri or a susta 172 would suit you better so here's some typical twin cessna missions long distance travel hauling loads over water flights so having the relative safety of two engines and then traveling over inhospitable terrain such as mountainous terrain finally i want to talk about the reason to buy a twin that no one mentions and hang in with me here on the logic it's it's a bit convoluted but i think it gets there there are many higher earners out there such for example as millennials and tech that have relatively high salaries and huge bonuses and stock options but have relatively little net worth and assets these folk would typically struggle to attain financing for a half a million dollar airplane such as a cirrus a users or an a36 or if they do qualify the monthly payments will put pressure on their other family expenditures also alternatively there are those of us who just refuse to spend upwards of a half a million dollars on an asset such as a plein air boat that's my position i just can't justify personally it's just a philosophy i just don't want to spend that much money on an airplane so here's the little secret that the ga world is missing it's the twin so at this point i sensed confusion from you you're probably scratching your head saying really you think i should buy a twin because i don't want to spend tons of money on an airplane again hang in with me here let me explain two terms quickly capex and opex capex is capital expenditure or how much you must spend to buy something opex is the recurring operating cost so for example on an airplane it's the annual running cost that you spend each year when i returned from the uk a couple years ago and was looking to buy an airplane i looked at both the a36 bonanza and the piper malibu mirage as really the only two aircraft that met my mission now remember how early i stressed how important to understand your mission i need a traveling machine to go long distance and to haul a load to our property however looking to trade of plane the results showed to the kid a to get a decent bonanza an a36 or malibu i was gonna need to spend well over 250 000 really more like 300 plus to get a decent airplane for half that amount i could purchase a 310 that will haul the same or more and cost maybe around 10 12 000 more a year to run so it doesn't cost double what those airplanes cost to run that's maybe 30 percent more so that's the capex opex discussion i was talking about this is where it becomes relevant i can spend less to buy something but the operating costs are more but not double that's how it works look through trade of playing the planes that cost more to run typically sell for less just look at a p baron or cessna 340 and the prices they go for you can spend 250 000 and buy a pressurized thicky no-nice airplane with club seating that if it was manufactured today would cost 1.5 million dollars for for 250 000 but they'll cost a crazy fortune each year to run so you might think i'm crazy or just trying to rationalize but for me i could purchase a plane relatively inexpensively that fits my mission and pay a bit more to run otherwise i'd be spending an extra fifteen hundred dollars per month on a loan to buy an a36 or malibu and that's about a wash of where i am now with my running costs so again capex versus opex with all that said the main purpose of this video was to discuss if a twin is right for you so the conclusion is it depends on your mission keep your mission in mind when you go shopping the discussion about purchase price capex is just a bonus to remind you that in some cases the overall cost of running a twin may not be as bad as you think when you include the cost of financing something that costs more but it all depends on your circumstances and your appetite for risk you may need to spring for two engine overhauls on a twin versus one on a single for example and that can negate the entire argument so i hope you enjoyed this discussion comment below if you think the logic is flawed or if you think it's good advice really curious to see what you think take care more flying videos soon [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Jasons310
Views: 1,876
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Id: g_c7NGeqD38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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