VIENNA FOOD TOUR | AUSTRIAN FOOD- the best WIENER SCHNITZEL & apfel strudel in Vienna

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today we're in Vienna the capital of Austria this city has been the capital for over a thousand years so that alone shows you how much history this city has but as well as having a lot of history and being very beautiful it has a lot of great food Vienna is the cultural heart of Austria and the food culture is very distinct it's very meat heavy very hearty and I bet there'll be a ton of dishes in this video that you will recognize but we are out to find the best Viennese cuisine to show you so let's get into it in this video we're delving into Vienna's food culture to share with you the best versions of Vienna's famous dishes we take you to the oldest sausage stand in Vienna for the ultimate sausage feast and into one of Vienna's iconic coffee houses for the city's best apple strudel we eat one of Vienna's favorite street foods and share with you a popular local restaurant that does a delicious traditional Wiener schnitzel you don't want to miss this video get ready for some mouth-watering food I'm Thomas and I'm Sheena and we're Chasing a Plate we hope you're hungry let's eat in this video we're going to be making our way all over Vienna to find the best versions of the absolute classic dishes here in Vienna so there are some absolute standout dishes that we all know and love so we want to make our way all over the city to find the best versions of those dishes so we're going to be eating street food we're going to be in coffee houses restaurants all sorts of places the first place we're going to is for street food and it's classic sausages so so classic here in Austria the best place to grab a sausage in Vienna is from a wurstlestand or a sausage stand or kiosk now these are dotted all around the city but we've come out to the suburbs of Vienna to find a particular sausage stand and it is this teal sausage stand behind me it's the original sausage stand of Vienna it's been around since 1928 we've heard they do amazing sausages and we wanted to come out to try at the original stand in the city so let's go and eat this stand is awesome so this is very typical you just pop up place your order and you normally just sort of lean on the side and oh the Big Mama platter so we have honed in on one particular menu item and it's called the Big Mama platter and it is sort of like the ultimate sausage platter that you can order I can see him popping a ton of different condiments on there six condiments he's popping some pickles onto the platter too and it comes on a great tray danke schon it's ginormous check out this gigantic feast we've got it literally comes on a silver tray I've got the gigantic sausage loaded up with all sorts of things let's go and head over to this leaner and perch right here to get into it I am loving this sausage platter so it literally comes on a silver platter and the piece de resistance is this this humongous sausage which is called a kasekrainer and it is stuffed full of cheese so it is a lightly smoked pork sausage you can see in there all of the cheese because it's been sliced up it's oozing out of it oh my goodness and then to go with the sausage we've got three types of bread there's some pickles so some pickled chilies some gherkins and then this multitude of sauces so we've got mayonnaise I think that's a chilli sauce some sort of curry ketchup mustard ketchup, tomato ketchup and then another mustard so this is really gonna get us going this is the first taste of kasekrainer I've ever had so this is a smoked pork sausage and then it's got the cheese all studded through it I'm just gonna go classic a blob of tomato sauce Oh holy moly that is good hmm so what he does is he cooks it on the grill so it means that the skin of the sausage gets really crispy and then the cheese really melts it just oozed into my mouth as I bit into it a very sort of creamy flavor and texture oh the sausage itself has a lot of flavor so it's lightly smoked very meaty and hearty all right I'm gonna go for this whoa look at that look at that cheese oozing out of it all right let's go for this cheesy slice and then I'm gonna go for the classic trifecta mustard tomato ketchup and then mayonnaise the perfect combo hmm that cheese is amazing it's very gooey and I just love how that kasekrainer skin has crisped up so it's crispy on the outside meaty and gooey on the inside oh that's brilliant how impressive is this tray of food I mean it's unreal look at that one massive amount of cheese off the bottom I'll go with this curry ketchup here what looks like a curry ketchup coated it in that oh wow this is so good oh that crispiness like Sheena said and that curry ketchup is amazing it's got a ton of onions in it so it's really sweet and how just good is this environment like you've got this ridiculously big tray of sausage and this really cool stand so these are very common and often in areas like this super busy intersection you've got the train tracks right here they're often by train stations and public transport where little hubs of people really cool little stands so they're just little boxes on the side of the road and they specialize in hotdogs and it's anything sausage based but this is the ultimate sausage platter another nice middle piece of sausage I will get this one into the mustard and I'm loving all these pickles and things that come with it so let's get a little gherkin so the sausage is obviously quite fatty so and oily with the cheese so that gherkin works perfectly with it little bit of chilli bit spicy but very sweet this pickled chilli so we've got two varieties of whole pickled chilies you've got that beautiful fatty sausage so having all of these pickled options with that is perfect and then you've got an absolute ton of bread so this huge roll and then the other two bits of bread as well so there's a lot going on on this tray I am loving this breakfast so what a way to start the day and to start this video so standing in the middle of this busy intersection tucking into this iconic Viennese food and I love the history behind these wurstlestands these sausage stands they actually became a permanent fixture of Vienna after the first world war because they were set up as a means to provide employment for disabled war veterans and they've became a permanent fixture of the city ever since this is amazing this is such a great start to the video we've made our way into the center of Vienna so this is the area that you think of when you think of Vienna just absolutely stunning so beautiful around here but we've come here for something very special and something that is what I think of when I think of Vienna there's a few dishes but one is apple strudel when I think of Austria actually I think of apple strudel so we're coming to a place that is meant to do the best apple strudel in the city and it is a coffee house which are just such a neat part of the culture here in Vienna it's a bitterly cold day here today in Vienna so this coffee house stop is perfect it's very atmospheric in here so velvet banquettes and dark wooden walls tiles on the floor it's really cozy and moody and Thomas and I have made a bit of a habit of popping into a coffee house for a coffee and a slice of cake every afternoon that we've been in in Vienna they're a real integral part of the food culture here in Vienna danke schon we ordered our hot drinks and I love how here in Vienna in the coffee houses they always come on a silver tray so I've got my coffee which is a special Viennese coffee so the thing to order when you're here it's called a melange and then you've got your two glasses of water always on the silver tray it gives it a a sense of ceremony I suppose so this is what I got this is a melange it's a shot of an es a shot of espresso and then half hot milk half foamed milk oh wonderful danke schon so we have come to this particular coffeehouse because we've heard that they do the best apfelstrudel so apple strudel in the city and apple strudel is one of those iconic Austrian desserts or pastries and so I'm very eager to try this particular one I read that they use a generations old family recipe and this particular coffeehouse has been around since 1922 so for an age how gorgeous does this apple strudel look so it's got a little bunch of red currants on the top essentially it is pastry that's stuffed full of apples and it is sprinkled with icing sugar and then we got it served with whipped cream now I thought I smelt the apples so the apples have been cooked with cinnamon and it just smells like wintertime it really does a beautiful strong cinnamon scent coming from that and the pastry itself looks really stunning so it's quite crispy up the top but then sort of where it's touching the apples it's very soft okay let's just get into this I'm gonna get a huge bit of cream pop that on on the side there oh wow I don't want to lose my redcurrants okay so I've got pastry a ton of the apples in this mouthful holy moly it is beautiful wow we've been eating a lot of strudel apple strudel whilst we've been in Vienna this is sensational this goes straight to the top of the charts the apples are so juicy a little bit sweet but still a little bit sour and you can really taste that cinnamon the pastry's stunning it's a little bit flaky but it's soft as well and that cream oh man absolutely stunning and perfect with the coffee cause the coffee is very strong and quite bitter mmm I love the concept of the coffeehouse too so back in the late 19th century and early 20th century coffee houses became really popular because they were frequented by artists and writers and the intelligentsia of the time people would just come in chat drink coffee and just while away their days in these coffee houses and I love that the tradition still continues because it's just a really neat dining institution walking around Vienna you get such a sense of the history and the culture it is such a beautiful looking city and there's so many famous people that have history here as well so you come across things all the time like the statue which is of old mate Mozart so that's a memorial to Mozart Beethoven has history here Niki Lauda just incredibly famous names but the food is so famous as well I mean the things we've eaten already are so well known but the versions we've had are just unbelievably good but the next thing we're going to is maybe not quite so well-known but is a really interesting dish so it's just up the road here somewhere the next food we're going to share with you is a really popular snack here in Vienna in Austria it's called a leberkassemmel which is essentially a thick slice of meatloaf stuffed into a bread roll and you can find these all over Vienna at the sausage stands like the one that we went to this morning but we've heard that this little spot here does a really good version they specialize in leberkase so let's go in we've just walked into this shop and the smell of the leberkase is amazing so this is all of the meat loaves in this warmer steaming away they're gigantic look at this one so you get a huge slice of the leberkase then they stuff it into the bread roll well let's just go ahead and choose a flavor i flippin love meatloaf I think it's such a great dish so walking into that shop and seeing them all stacked in the window like that I thought oh yes this is my sort of place so now I've got the got the roll in my hands nice and warm so we're out in the cold with this hot little roll let's rip right into it now what is very interesting about this is the name it's quite an odd name so the leberkase which is the meatloaf that directly translates to liver cheese now the really odd thing about this dish is there's no cheese in it and there's very rarely liver there won't be liver in this one so it's a very odd name I'm not actually sure why that name came to be but that is the the name of the meatloaf we got the classic one so the classic spice so you can see the meatloaf so it's gonna be made up of ground pork ground beef maybe some ground bacon in there as well so a very simple meatloaf and we asked her what's the most traditional topping and she said mustard but not spicy mustard so this is just a plain mustard so you've just got this meatloaf stuffed between a bread roll and I'm definitely going for this side because look at that big chunk oh that's good the meatloaf is very heavily salted so the seasonings great and you combine that with the mustard just to give it that little tang goes really well together it's very finely ground so there's no grittiness no chunkiness in the meat it's incredibly fine so it's nice and soft it's not piping hot so it's just got a nice warmth to it this is a great street snack so simple the seasoning is great oh and the roll's nice too got a good little bit of chew but a nice bit of crunch on the outside oh this is just a street snack of kings because it is so simple and this is what you want when you're grabbing a street snack to sort of eat on the run basically this just hits the nail on the head it's so good now it wouldn't be a Vienna food video if we didn't share with you the city's most famous dish and that is a Wiener schnitzel so a breaded veal cutlet which is pounded super super-thin now it was sort of hard to find a traditional Wiener schnitzel so one made out of veal because there are tons of Wiener schnitzels out there but they're made out of say pork or turkey there are a few restaurants in the heart of the city which serve it but they're really touristy and we're not about that we wanted to eat at a locals restaurant so we've come back out to the suburbs again to a small locals restaurant which we've heard does a really traditional and delicious Wiener schnitzel we've just gotten here via tram it's really easy to get around Vienna the tram system and the train system is very very extensive so we've come out to the suburbs this is the place right here let's head in we've got one of the last tables that wasn't reserved this place is really neat it's very cute and cozy there's art all over the walls it's a packed out restaurant and we've popped in our order for Wiener schnitzel my Wiener schnitzel has arrived and it looks beautiful and golden I'm so excited to get into this bad boy so look at this so it's very thinly pounded veal and it's got this beautiful golden crumb over it and I love that the crumb's not stuck to the meat it's sort of puffy and quite aerated so it comes with a wedge of lemon and also some cranberry sauce and I ordered it with Viennese potato salad because this stuff is absolutely addictive it doesn't look like much but it is incredible with the Wiener schnitzel let's get this lemon over it while this thing is hot so oh super juicy lemon so just saturate that veal cutlet with the lemon juice and let's just get a big bite while this thing is hot wow look at that so the crumb's virtually separated from the meat and that veal is pounded so thin whoa that's delicious it's simple perfection the crumb is very light and fluffy and the veal is so thin it is super thin let me see if I can show you down here actually look it's just a very thin tender piece of a veal in there okay I'm gonna go again and what I'm going to do is just grab a bite of this potato salad so the potato salad is just thinly sliced boiled potatoes there's a bit of mustard in there some white wine vinegar some fresh red onion okay Wow that is the perfect partnership honestly I can't tell you how good this potato salad is it looks so simple but the tanginess from the white wine vinegar and the freshness from the vinegar I mean from the fresh red onion just cuts through the richness of the Wiener schnitzel it's absolutely beautiful what I love about the Wiener schnitzel is the simplicity of it so a really thin piece of meat and the veal is actually full of flavor it's quite a subtle flavor but full of flavor but that simple crumb over the top and then paired with that simple potato salad so boiled potatoes but of mustard some white wine vinegar fresh red onion so it's a little bit tangy cuts through the richness of the meat and the crumb the deep fried nature of it it's just simple but it's so perfect it's a really satisfying dish to eat and I love eating it in this sort of environment a real neighbourhood-ly sort of feeling restaurant it's very casual I can see lots of locals tucking into the same dish that I'm eating so I'm not eating something which is you know just designed for tourists it's what the locals are eating and it is phenomenal this is a really great version of the classic Wiener schnitzel and it's been such a great day of filming and eating in Vienna so many really traditional and delicious Viennese dishes
Channel: Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena
Views: 77,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austrian food, vienna food, vienna food tour, vienna food guide, viennese food, viennese cuisine, austria, vienna, vienna austria, austrian food tour, austrian food vienna, wien, wiener schnitzel, where to eat in vienna, where to eat in vienna on a budget, best food vienna, food videos, food vlogs, europe food tour, chasing a plate, chasing the plate, thomas and sheena, europe, europe travel tips, europe travel, vienna guide, vienna sausages, vienna apple strudel
Id: X5V-Rif362Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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