Hungarian Food!! 🇭🇺 AMAZING GOULASH + Top Attractions in Budapest, Hungary!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens i'm in the beautiful city of Budapest Hungary and this is a city I've always wanted to visit for the history and for the food and for the paprika today we're gonna go on a traditional Hungarian food tour but because it's such a beautiful city we're also gonna do a full walking tour visit some of the main attractions and see some of the iconic sights and poises of Budapest and so I'm gonna share all the food and this entire like guide to visiting Budapest with you in this video [Music] we are getting very close and crossing over the street you can see the spires going up of the Basilica about to get a full frontal facade view the front of it is just huge massive in scale it's named after King Stephen who was the first king of Hungary was formerly the biggest Basilica the biggest Roman Catholic Church in Hungary I think now they said it's number three but the spires and then the dome at that top is what's really impressive and I am climbing up the steps gonna see if I can just get a quick look inside so just directly down the road and to the right from the Basilica is this legendary cafe restaurant I know they're famous for strudel but it's still quite early in the morning so I think they'll have breakfast and maybe we'll just try some of the strudel but it should just be up ahead on the corner [Music] hello good morning this place is a heritage restaurant and they do have a full menu a vision a different Hungarian dishes but what they're most known for is the strudel this is a strudel house oh yes please thank you and so I tried two different types of strudel I went for the sweet one which is the sour cherry strudel and then a cabbage kernel which is a savory Steudle and they smell so good you can see that very thin pastry and it's just like the cherry one is just packed like the picture is so thin you and porker just pick it up and bite it I hope yeah but you didn't even feel how thin that dough is that's awesome chair sour cherry strudel first oh well that's a great I love how it's sour first and sweet at the end of not too sweet and that's just like pure cherries as opposed to too much dough pure meat I mean the meat of the cherry filling and just a like as thin as possible as thin as possible dough that's what I like that ratio that's what I like there's actually extremely delicious oh he's making the dough I'm gonna see if I can get a photo [Music] that's why the dough is so paper-thin because he like the dough literally takes up the entire plate he slaps that out and then fills it with so much topping and then just like rolls it up so you've got like maybe a few layers of the dough but at the same time it's so stretched out it's so thin and then that bakes and then he slices it up into your pieces so you can choose all the different strudels over here yeah and I gotta admit that strips brutal is incredible okay come back for some coffee and I just noticed on my coffee cup you gotta see this this is maybe that I'm not sure if that reference Vienna in Austria that's our name did you see you on the coffee go I'm gonna try the savory one now the cabbage and I saw the savory option and I immediately had to try it just cuz I'm a more of a savory kind of guy the cabbage so good Kevin's just like melt in your mouth it's salty and then almost just like melts into the dough the inner wrappings of dough are more like have like soaked up the juices of the cabbage so it's more like soft and creamy texture but then on the outside it's still like flaky and crispy all the cabbage is excellent oh but I would say probably the sweet versions go better with the with coffee than the salty versions but I'm gonna I'm gonna keep them both that's delicious well the students were delicious I'm sure everyone they make is delicious okay we are gonna proceed on this walking tour and really quickly because we're in this area God I take a photo with a fat policeman statue that's really what he's called and I think you I think you touch his belly to rub his belly hello fat policeman he definitely eats well now you can see that view of the Dome of the Basilica in the background just down this whole Lane which is a really good frame but we're walking towards the river Danube and we're gonna walk up the river to the Hungarian Parliament [Music] first views of the Danube River and it's a huge it's a mighty river that really I mean historically has divided the two parts of Buda we're actually we're in pest right now but then Buda on the other side to make Budapest over there is the famous Chain Bridge which will cross later but for now we're gonna walk down the river to the Hungarian Parliament and then we'll I think we'll even went over somewhere on that side too and then we'll come back across to the other side [Music] see the magnitude of how big and how grand desk it is it's it really is an architectural wonder it's an icon of Budapest [Applause] [Music] and there's a restaurant that I looked up that looks really good which is a little walk further down up the river or is it down the river anyway that way [Music] this is a very cool restaurant on the corner of the street and they have a full indoor section I love by the way I love the checkered red and white tablecloths and then they have a tent set up outside so we got a table I think actually inside is fully reserved about how to navigate the Hungarian menu did my best to order got a couple of yeah traditional I mean their whole menu is traditional Hungarian I got one of the appetizers that's a specialty here as well that is this is the this is one of their specialties that I saw here which is the bone marrow awesome any chance I have to eat bone marrow I take it served with bread and then I got to mean no actually okay I just asked them to serve everything together but I got the soup the goulash soup and then I also got but I believe that it's called like Clark Hall so Hardy that like smells the beefy aromas it looks and smells so good I'm gonna start with the goulash soup so there's beef in here there's carrots there's potatoes and then that broth is just that looks and smells wonderful that's like the definition of comfort right there it's beefy and like it's not spicy at all but it's it's taste like the sweetness from the carrots maybe you taste the sweetness from the carrots that just melt in your mouth and there's little dumplings in there do that they're like doughy dumplings the beef is so tender pashto just pick let's move on to the bone marrow I love how they wrap it in napkins so you don't get too greasy but I think what I can do is kind of there's some garlic on the side do I have to knock it out like a bottle of ketchup let's you all I can hear it you can hear it juicy I can hear it jiggling well look it's coming out it's coming out it's wobbly a few more shake cause it's gonna flop yes it's one of the greatest could be one of the greatest pleasures on earth shaking out a bone marrow from the bone oh that's massive is huge well that's something that can never get old look at that jig leanness grab a piece of toast you're gonna add on some of that garlic just stick the whole garlic on there add on some of those onions probably put it like on the bottom make that into the base the garlic and then marrow I'll do that bite [Music] Wow it was so rich and creamy and just dissolves into oiliness in your mouth mmm it's good with the onion the garlic to kind of cut the richness of the marelit because if you just if you just ate only straight marrow it would be so rich a raw garlic it's nice too and the raw onion well that is rich and delicious this is the meanness that I got that is a lot of beef and then the dumplings and all-region for some of the dumplings as home the beef is like it's tender but not not dry it off I thought has this like amazing texture it's true it's like a mild just like beefy stew and then with the dumplings which is very similar to like a starchy pasta and we'll add some of that chili sauce let's try a little bit of that maybe a little more and then I also want to some powdered pepper guys I think wow that comes out very slowly and have to shake this for like ten minutes okay I'll stop there though cuz I'll mainly try that that chili sauce okay the chili sauce is not spicy really at all but a really good flavor I just loves that Beach to that type of meat that they're using cooked very soft but it's not like the dry kind of beef it's like uh kind of like yeah it has that little bit of bounce to it Daniel II got a steak with the mushrooms on it and it actually it looks like a very thin steak looks very like pounded so it's soft or almost like a ground meat lots of mushrooms I love that oh wow speakers amazing yeah in the fresh mushroom diet that's what makes it well that's tasty oh that's so good and a bit more comes out a little on the slow side paprika shaker but it tastes so good oh yeah pairs really good with red onions - hey put red onions I can put red onions on everybody lunch was just that was just a good hearty delicious simple like it not spicy but just flavorful food and very beefy food it's from here we're gonna walk across the bridge across the river we'll go to some of the major sites some of the iconic buildings and architecture structures that you can see from across the river here the wind is strong going across this bridge but the river is beautiful and yaa on both sides of Budapest just the atmosphere and it's pretty windy yeah you can probably see from my hair blowing in the wind welcome to Buddha and this is the cool east side of Budapest and then on our way to Matthias Church get more exercise on this side too because the other side is pretty flat okay Wow okay this way now my first view of the church and the fisherman's bastion which i think is that site i believe but anyways yeah the view is really picturesque the the towers and spires and architecture almost fairytale feel to it it's beautiful and then also part of the highlights of visiting here is also the view that you get up the other side of the river of pest lots and lots of people up here this is one of the most famous attractions iconic sights of Budapest I'm just gonna take a look out here on the balcony this is the fisherman's bastion and it's like this entire new Romanesque almost like a wall with different lookouts in different points [Music] also known as the Church of the Assumption of the buda castle it was originally belt built in Romanesque style in 1015 however it's been like really renovated and kind of rebuilt and unfortunately it's all closed it's all locked up because says there's a wedding going on on the inside you walk down the hill we're at the base actually of the Chain Bridge is right over there and then we're at the face of Buda Castle as well we're gonna take a little walk hopefully we won't take too long I don't know if we'll go all the way to the maybe to the top we should go to the top okay [Music] and that didn't take long we're not all the way to the very top yet but the view is spectacular just panoramic view over the river over the other side what a city what a beautiful city once the palace of the kings of Hungary dates back the actual structure of the palace statements back to the 1700s and along well okay now it is a National Gallery Museum amazing views from the castle and now we are crossing the historic known as the chain bridge across the Danube River this bridge was completed in 18-49 it's a historic bridge it's the construction is beautiful with the I mean the chain links and the iron and then Lions greet you on either side of the bridge what a spectacular scenic bridge in beautiful Budapest [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we jumped into a taxi and we're on our way it's a little ways outside of town it's a restaurant called Nanchang nanny I think the old grandmother but she's known for her food and it's been this like courtyard garden farmhouse I'm sure it's gonna be scent of amazing Hungarian food and we're on our way now [Music] it was only like a 20 minute ride from the centre of Budapest but we crossed back over the river so the bridge that we crossed then we just crossed back over with the taxi thank you very much all the way through the forest small village feel to it and I think it's busy right now too even in the middle of the afternoon but this is going to be a perfect place they're gonna have some real local traditional Hungarian food here so it's gonna wrap up this entire tour place is packed it's very popular I am absolutely loving this place the like comfortable garden chairs the entire garden under the trees it's perfect weather today and then the menu availing this when you do it it says only the mothers and the grandmothers okay I love how they serve the water in like a spray bottle well that's awesome it's like a pig sparkling water keg that is amazing oh okay hello I wanted to try the cold fruit soup but I guess that's only for summertime so we've just missed that but I got some of the main dishes this is for sure the coolest way to serve sparkling water of any restaurant that I've ever seen love this fresh sparkling water for you [Music] the two dishes that we got along with a salad number one this is a duck leg and it looks delicious served with red cabbage with mashed potato with I believe some kind of a grilled fruit and then sitting on top of that little podium is the duck liver its own liver and then the other dish is the catfish puppet gosh it's like a stew of catfish with sour cream and paprika and then have a pasta I believe and then some more sour cream on top I will begin with the catfish in this rich like peppery slightly peppery looking sauce with some of that cream and everything [Music] those are different Li little chunks of pork lard and fat fried pork lard on top Wow okay you taste the the catfish you definitely know that's catfish you taste kind of that like freshwater fish taste like just a hint of the pepper taste to it but actually it's like almost just aromatic rather than spicy and it's more just like a a creamy catfish stew with these little croutons of pork skin that just like crunch and juice in your mouth it's like a rich shower creamy stew of cAPX yeah and those extra pieces of crunchy like pork croutons just make it even richer let's try the duck and that liver the liver stick full wall and is that a grilled set potato or is that something like could it be something like an orange or an apple or something and duck liver or goose liver flavor is definitely a big part of Hungarian food culture yeah the base of that and it's an apple or a pear liver is so rich it's spongy and juicy and rich Oh the liver is incredible okay now just like to have some of that duck Wow oh it's so tender oh just look at that you could I mean you could just pull that apart with your it almost looks like pork you could just pull that apart with your your fork oh it's so unbelievably tender and that skin look you have to get a close-up look at that skin the crunchiness of that oh it's just gonna lose with juice duck juices [Music] the crispness of that skin the tenderness of the duck meat and then some of the creaminess of the mash potatoes with everything that tastes like right out of the grandmas hands right out of grandmas kitchen it's really good it's like everything you could want you know roasted duck leg and more just like using with crunchy duck juices Wow [Music] so unbelievably succulent roast beef I'm pretty sure the menus that is cooked in its own fat along with the liver that is why it's so good so tenderly nuggets of the duck liver just falling down oh yeah and I think this is fruit - I'm pretty sure this is pear or something or Apple maybe and there's lots of fruit in the cabbage as well [Music] mm-hmm oh yeah Apple it's like a holiday plate of food we also got a salad to balance it all out oh do I have a little cream sour cream on my chin those little crunchy nuggets a wall that really elevates the flavor thank you this is like a an ice cream dessert trough it's an entire tray we actually had no idea what we were getting but actually Nana Li Ying wanted to try this dessert it's called some some boy got Lulu Scott I'm not totally sure how you pronounce that but that is huge almost like little dessert clusters and then ice cream around it and cream I think these are the actual dessert a little Wow oh they're like I have no idea what it is it may be like cottage cheese or something [Music] time has like up a minty flavor to it you do kind of have like a creamy cheese kind of fuel and hitch to it also a little bread II like there could be bread in there like like saturated almost like tiramisu ich I can texture yeah good I'm not huge under there so look just a couple bites of this and I'd be definitely satisfied so this is a Hungarian liqueur that I saw many people ending their meals but and I think it's very it was like a digestive I think it's very common to end your meal with this he called unique ooh unique course I can't remember the name exactly um but he said there's over a hundred and fifty different herbs and botanicals in here mmm yeah it smells very very herbal Wow like it's pretty sweet but I love that undertone of herbs and like barky woody flavor cut it's very great to sip at the end of your meal for sure yeah it's pretty sweet [Music] okay and then finally an espresso so on this note I'm just gonna end the video right here I'm almost too relaxed and too satisfied to even go anywhere to get back to the centre of Budapest if you haven't watched all the rest of the Hungarian food videos in this series be sure to check them out I'll have the link that in description box you can watch all the videos and I want to say a big thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon so you immediately get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching and I will see you on the next video ah goodbye from Budapest
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,104,630
Rating: 4.9021087 out of 5
Keywords: Hungary, Budapest, Hungarian food, Budapest food, Hungarian street food, Budapest street food, Mark Wiens, hungary food, goulash, attractions Hungary, attractions Budapest, things to do in Budapest, what to do in Budapest, Náncsi Néni, best restaurants Budapest, best restaurantas Hungary, Hungary cuisine, Buda Castle, St. Stephen's Basilica, paprikash, Paprika
Id: voTnORtx9tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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