20 Things to do in Vienna, Austria Travel Guide

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in this video we're showing you around Vienna after spending a few days in tirol the capital was our next stop and what a change of scenery we sought snow-capped mountains for some of the most elegant streets in all of Europe the end of the city of imperial palaces countless museums and grand coffee houses and it was a feast for the eyes we can already tell you that one week was not enough to see it all but in this video we'll do our best to show you some of Vienna's highlights we figure today we would go out for cake it's going to be our lunch so we're gonna be trying the famous Zakhar towards ya we're going to the hotel where it originated and we'll be eating at the cafe Zucker and it's a bit of a walk it's a real it's a bit of a walk for here it's like 30 minutes according to Google Maps yeah so but this is our first time to explore Vienna on foot so we're actually quite excited and yeah we'll show you a bit of the journey along the way our walk led us directly to the Ring Road which is a circular Boulevard that encases the old town the road is located with the city's medieval fortifications once stood and it's a beautiful part of the city to explore on foot seeing as it's lined with parks museums palaces and numerous historic buildings we even stopped by to say hello to Mozart along the way but now back to request for cake by now we all know Sam loves standing in lines yeah but this isn't nearly as bad as some other lines you've been into to get its cafes I think your ferry through the line we waited for Oh chill hours someone threw a fit someone is having a hard time deciding so many sweets so many coffees of the menus work sense of it I thought where we were first when we first saw the menu aside it looked kind of limited but it is what she's moving here it's finally time to begin we've been taking a photos and video for food for probably the last 10 minutes before us so I went with the classic I ordered the Sacher Torte yes if you take a look here it's got a little chocolate si Ella I'm letting you know it's the official with the original is that pretty good and then figured we would try two different cakes so Sam do you remember which mean you got yes I am trying the lilliput and this is another Viennese specialty yeah so why don't we have a dissection here so it's a it's a ring cake with spicy ginger candied orange that looks so good oh my gosh look at that making a mess of this doing this for cake well I can actually solve it if I eat here yeah I think I might even like this one better really that's how good it is oh my goodness our next stop was st. Stephen's Cathedral located in the heart of the old town this behemoth of a Gothic cathedral dates back to the 12th century and what immediately caught my eye was a colourful tiled roof which you can appreciate even more once you ride to the top of the tower all right so we're all about visiting churches rugger we travel and we usually have to climb the stairs if you want reviews of the city this time around give us an elevator so we paid five fifty each yeah euros so we just finished visiting seeds Stephen's Cathedral and next up we're heading to Mozart's health which is right around the corner apparently he only lived here for a little while while he wrote the marriage he got off don't guess a five is the only one of Mozart's apartments in Vienna that still exists today he lived in this particular house from 1784 to 1787 so chin of plans yeah a little bit of change of plans unfortunately in the Mozart house you're not allowed to film no cameras no photos no nothing that's annoying but anyways it's 11 euros to go inside it looks yeah so unfortunately we can't show you what it looks like inside but if we find a museum where a lot to film or definitely well let's go so Sam we just finished visiting st. Peter's Church and perfect timing what was going on in there the organ was playing so yeah we couldn't have picked a better time I know it was amazing it was a free concert like you can have a donation yeah but yeah it was packed in there I know Soho I always feel like when we visit churches become at the wrong time so this is a really nice surprise yeah from there we continue to hofburg palace where before even entering we came across some impressive Roman ruins right out front after sneaking a peek at these layers of history we then bought her admission tickets to the Imperial Palace that was once the seat of power of the hub's burg dynasty okay so I just got a ticket so we're gonna be going inside hofburg palace yeah do you eat or looks amazing like this is probably one of the main things to do good we paid 13 euros 90 cents for an admission ticket which gave us access to the Cece museum the Imperial apartments and the silver collection but since no cameras were allowed all we can show you is this but now check out out Grand the souvenir shop look so you can imagine the rest all right oh yeah yeah so important allowed to film inside the Imperial apartment I go they're quite strict here in Austria no photos no video well there are a lot of people visiting so I guess yeah people moving along with all of you guys but anyways it was very impressive inside it came to just over 13 euros and yeah we would highly recommend it it's gonna take a little time to explore it properly and while Hochberg was the principal Imperial winter residence schonbrunn palace was the summer residence so it only makes sense to show you that next again they were pretty sticky about camera so we decided to focus our attention on the palace park which can be visited free of charge during opening hours our trip to Vienna also happened to coincide with some of our friends being in town so here are a few clips of that game how does it were a cab involved in landing either guitar and coin or a one-year coin in that bucket yeah if you land one 50 Cent's you get one limoncello if you're brave enough to put you in there and you win you get in each other we're Thursday so we got fourth rosey hopefully water let's get landed here cool pays off even after paying a lot probably eight euros and tips and points so worth it you ready and the few nights later a few friends took us out for a night on the town which included a stop to sample the infamous using sausage all right we've been restaurant hopping and bar hopping and now it is time for sausage all right your kids are coming for the first time this is the famous using sausage I mean look at we got sliced up and so it's already using all over the tree I can smell me try it with ketchup mustard cheese excellent choice kazar kind of do you think Becky is your favorite spot no no no Albertina art gallery yeah and Leos is the oldest in the city okay we went to a bar and I drank tea got a teetotaling de totally and because last night was not crazy enough today we signed up to take part in vine vanveen which is basically like this vineyard crawl so we're just visiting vineyards in the outskirts of Vienna and you walk from vineyard to vineyard and have some wine have some food and joy nature see yeah that's what we're doing right now we were lucky enough to be in town on the one weekend at the end of September when this hike takes place but that being said you can visit the vineyards independently or even join a wine tasting the rest of the year hi Sam hi we're moving on to the next winery you need to get up a second vineyard of the day and we're not even having wine we're just digging into the food this time we've moved on to Kay's expects them to be the cheese sausage right no I got the just a regular sausage just about work it will not be using cheese like last night but enough about wine let's move on to breakfast where we'll show you one of her favorite finds in the whole city okay so here we are we made it to the restaurant we had in mind it's called beer not entirely sure what that means but they do have a cool menu with with alias it's like those bald cats I don't even know what they're called but yeah they're on the copy we should know the name of this cabin we're gonna look this off later on if you know please tell us yeah but we came here a few days ago and we actually had more of a Middle Eastern breakfast like Sam had this giant hummus platter I had Chuck chicken it was really good yeah but we also notice on the menu that they specialize in a Viennese breakfast and they also have farmers breakfast yes so that's what we've ordered and should be coming to see actually our drinks are here trying to stay warm out here on the patio it's late September I mean it's surprisingly chillier to get today's a lot chillier than it has been on other days maybe we should have sat inside okay let's enjoy the sunshine so yeah I got myself a cafe latte nice and milky and frothy yeah and we've been noticing they shared you good coffees in this thank you bye and Sam got a little cappuccino and a cute little I did just over here now I'll be trying that after all right guys so our Viennese breakfast has arrived this is the Vino coaster and it comes with say milk which I already dug into so came with croissant we have some ham some cheese a hard-boiled egg butter jam and I can already tell you I am a big fan is this is this is a typical Viennese breakfast isn't this the Viennese yeah well showcase the other one in a moment's time with this bread roll oh my gosh I don't know like we've been in Vienna how many days and we've managed to only discover this bread roll today how it's kind of sad it's so good it is good oh so good kind of reminds me a bit of a continental breakfast yeah so we'll give you a little tour so we've got the nice bread over here yeah and it came with two slices yes two very thick slices of cheese looks like a cheese and then we have the egg which I'll be giving to you this is I think kind of like a carrot cream cheese type of mixture it's a spread to put on the bread obviously yeah and then of course we have the gutter kin the pickle and then we have something we have so it looks like a really good-quality meat and some Tomatoes oh fuck Berlin right the bread is delicious it's like it's absolutely amazing I'm then that nice thick slice of cheese and then a little juiciness from the pickle it makes a really nice yummy bite so next up we're visiting Kratzer which is one of the oldest amusement parks in the world and it's pretty cool because admission to the park is free it's just open and then once you're in you actually pay for each individual ride and it's only a few euros like so remember like 2 euros 4 euros it really depends on the ride you're going on but next up we're gonna get on the famous ferris wheel okay so we are about to go on this ferris wheel behind us made famous by the movie the third man yeah and I've never seen a ferris wheel quite like this I know they're unusual booths they almost look like little tram come yeah or like tiny mini homes so it'll be really interesting to see what it's all about let's go the reason red isn't just an attraction but it's also one of yen its historic landmarks this is one of the oldest Ferris wheels an operation dating back to 1897 and it also held the title of world's tallest Ferris wheel up until 1985 tickets are 10 euros per person and during our visit we also made time to sample some Austrian food so you want to introduce us to your dish oh sure you this is one of my favorite dishes in Central Europe goulash and you can see here it comes with pickles as well it also comes with bread dumplings and I remember we made the mistake and when we had crush in the Czech Republic of eating our bread dumplings with the hands appearing right you are supposed to use your fork a knife all right I'm gonna do that this time for cutlery cutlery right here guys so yeah I'm gonna get the get a bit of the meat get a bit of the bread it's gonna be a wonderful first bite oh yeah oh that's so good the meat is so tender the sauce the gravy is so rich and flavorful and just having them the bread complements it really nicely too so I ordered the leaner but the classic it's supposed to be meal but they don't have that on the menu here they have one made with pork so yeah that's the one we ordered it's actually a lot cheaper when you order the one with meal it costs double yeah this was all about this is about ten years the one would feel you're looking we're at around 20 euros you've noticed yeah that's really nice it's a really thin cut of meat when I believe the way they make it is that they dip it like whisked eggs are not first flour with eggs and then breadcrumbs from the fryer so this is really nice um you know what it reminds me of a Milanese in Argentina and their dessert is you it has arrived we're having apples really yeah you know the famous Viennese dessert Austrian the absolute classic and it was invented in Vienna so yeah you said in case you're wondering it is popular in other parts of Europe but invented here oh I was amazing mom it's just like there's so much cinnamon and the pieces of Apple are so big juicy and then you have the dusting of icing sugar and then it's just work of art it's a work of art and then the pastry is just nice and and flaky and delicate oh my gosh that is good it's like the perfect way to end this meal this has been a wonderful meal like everything we've had has been so good so we are now standing in front of Swindell fossa house which may just be the most colorful building in the whole city what do you think well yeah definitely the most colorful that we've seen and definitely the least traditional as well yeah reminds me a little bit of La Boca apartment buildings don't normally make for an interesting tourist attraction but hundertwasserhaus is an exception this residential complex was designed by an artist with a love for bright colors crooked lines and uneven surfaces you can visit the interior of the building since people do live here but it's fun to admire from the exterior plus you have a quirky shopping center right across this is the cool surprise right around our neighborhood there's a flow Mart which is a flea market aha massive like this just huge pedestrian street full of collectibles and street food so we're gonna go check it out again just like the wine hike we happen to chance upon this event during our visit but that being said Vienna hosts numerous flea markets across the city one ongoing market that we visited was Naschmarkt which is known for its food but it also has lots of stands selling a mix of antiques and random trinkets okay so we have finally made it to the museum quarter which is kind of like this massive courtyard that's just surrounded by little different museums and galleries and cafes and we've already learned you're not allowed to film anything here in Vienna you can't film us at galleries or museums so we're not even gonna bother trying but yeah it's a cool place to check out if you want to have a wide selection of different museums to choose from Vienna has a whole lot of museums more than you can cover in one single visit but the museum quarter does a good job of grouping a few together here you'll find at MoMA which is the Museum of Modern Art's kunst olivine which showcases contemporary art Leopold museum which holds Austrian masterpieces that range from Expressionism to modernism and a few of their performance and exhibition spaces then right across the street you have Maria Theresia flats where you'll find both the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Art history so overall plenty of choices and if the Opera is your thing that's just a skip and a hop from there as well I'm gonna be putting a dog tracking collar on you where have you been for the last half hour we got losses a big Oh whatevs Sam likes to wander off with his camera we found each other at last let's keep sight segment and on one of her last mornings we decided to visit another coffee house for one more vino melange with a piece of cake so we have made it to the cafe and thankfully it was open and it's a good thing because I was feeling pretty hangry like this is the breakfast happening right here so the place is called Aida and it's been around since 1913 so my goodness over a hundred years I imagine they've had plenty of time to perfect their pastries their coffees their cakes so for my drink I got the AIDA melange so this is espresso with steamed milk and whipped cream that I have since you know mixed into the cup exactly a little sort of that you yummy yes please that is quite nice oh and have I mentioned everything here is pink yep everything there is menus the cakes the waitresses the uniforms the chairs it's all everything looks pretty and things over here Mozart kick a Mozart cake alright so for something sweet I'm just gonna read it off the menu because too many ingredients I ordered the lagina Mozart dr. veena so the original Viennese Mozart cake and it's described as a dark sponge filled with the finest nougat and pistachio marzipan encased in a light chocolate fondant icing there's a lot of times pretty good I like fancy like placing that's like poetry I like chocolate yeah there's a lot of stuff you like so it looks thick look at the filling is so thick it's like thicker than the the cake itself yeah good stuff oh yeah let me that made up for the sandwich you didn't Lisa yeah I think you'll be keying in on the suite and up next Sam ordered bitch to top fence tool so basically this is like Steudle a pastry with austrian cheese in the middle yeah looks like a claim she yeah that's kind of like basically what you'd normally have on a cheesecake kind of filling I really like that yeah yeah this would be you know what would be so good with apple strudel like if you combine them together oh you're getting fans yeah a little bit of a little bit of Apple strudle and a little bit of a topless doodle together in the same fight that would be magic absolutely magic lastly a quick note on transportation because while wandering on foot is a lot of fun you'll need to make use of the ubon for some harder to reach attractions transportation time transportation so our favorite way to get around the city is by Lou bond and we got two tickets they are to 20 euros each that's a pretty decent price but it's kind of funny because we noticed that for like that reduced tickets that are 1 euro and 10 cents there between children age 16 to 15 but also for dogs too so apparently if you've got a dog you've got to pay for it to come on oh yeah yep and that's a wrap for a guide to Vienna we hope you guys enjoyed following along and that you got a few ideas of things to do on your own trip now you guys know the drill if you have any other suggestions of fun things to do see or eat in Vienna feel free to share those with travelers in the comments below wishing you happy travels and until next time
Channel: Samuel and Audrey - Travel and Food Videos
Views: 365,149
Rating: 4.6717091 out of 5
Keywords: vienna, vienna travel, vienna austria, vienna things to do, vienna city, vienna travel guide, vienna guide, wien travel, vienna attractions, vienna tourism, vienna trip, vienna city guide, things to do in vienna, wien trip, wien, austria travel guide, visit vienna, vienna itinerary, austria travel, wien city, vienna museums, vienna must see, vienna nightlife, viennese, austria, wiener, Viena, vienna food, vienna restaurants, vienna at night, austrian, Österreich, travel, food, eat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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