How to make 3d title | 3d text animation tutorial | hitfilm 3d text

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hey everyone last time i made a video on epic 3d title animation today i am going to break down how did i make it so stay with me till then and let's begin all right so we are hit film express so first of all let's make the composite shot uh five second be sufficient so here i'm going to rename uh this composite shot as a texture because in this composite shot we can implement different textures i mean different texture background okay so in this composition i'm going to drag one cement background here you can see here you can use any kind of background okay so here i'm going to apply the curve effect so that i can play with the color of this background okay so this is my curve and i'm going to simply make some contrast here [Music] so that more details can be found so it's done now we are going to make a different composition [Music] let's rename it as a text because in this composition we are going to write our text so this is my composition and you right here simply [Music] so here i have written a and v you can use any kind of text let's adjust this scale i'm going to change the font [Music] so it's done right now i have two compositions one is texture and one is text now under the texture composition i'm going to drag the text composition here [Music] so let's uh place above this background so this is my texture and this is my text now i'm going to apply the segment effect to this background so this is my set my effect and you simply add in the background you see that so here i have applied the set manufacture only with the background not the text so you go to the segment property change the source layer to the text change the blend mode to subtract and make it invert so once you activate all these three properties you have to disable this text layer so that the entire background is overlaid on the text okay i'm going to make this background transparent so let's activate here now to make a 3d look here you have to apply an effect so go to the search and search the effect here so it is called the parallax effect so here is the effect you simply apply in the background so remember you need to apply only in the background not the text because our text is completely disabled okay so this is my paradise effect is completely applied here in this background so you go to the parallax property and you need to change the height map to the text and you simply invert map option now after applying all this effect still we are not having the 3d look here so here the magic will happen so in this composition you have to apply a light so once you apply the light you can see the magic so this is my light and you simply go to the light property and you can change the position so this is my x position this is my y position and this is my z position so you simply play with the z position it means the light is moving forward so you need to again go to the uh parallax property here so this is my parallax property you simply play with the depth and also the blur height map now you can see a 3d look is appearing so as you can see so there is no background here so i am going to place one background so instead of pressing any other background so i'm going to place the same background here you can also duplicate this paradise effect so that you can have more depth of this text so let's do it so once you make it duplicate you can see here more depth now the magic will happen here so you go to the light property so basically here i am going to pan my light from left to right so this is my x position so here i'm going to pan my light from here to here [Music] so you just bring the light to the left position and you activate the keyframe and go to the last frame and pan your light to the right so all these settings are completely up to you so how you exactly want to have this animation so you select both the keyframes and activate the manual bezier so and you can see the animation here so it's done now to make it more epic so i'm going to place here one stock eclipse of a fire so i simply uh put it here and then you simply change the blend map blend mode to screen so once you've done it so so it look like this so basically here i'm going to bring down the stock clips let's disable this background layer for a moment here let's see how it looks and rather than placing this background i'm going to this one black plain layer so i think black background makes better but you can use any kind of background so whatever so it's best so let's uh drag this firewood is further low here so that we can have more fire sparkle more fire particles over here now there is a slight minor problem i'm not sure so whether you can see or not so since i have brought down this fire footage here so there is a minor line here is appearing [Music] you can see here so this is the line where my stock clips ends so we have to remove these lines okay so it's very simple select the fire stock clips and you simply draw a mask and go to the mask property and apply some feather [Music] now you can see there is no line here so it completely smooth so and now one last thing is there now since this is a fire so whenever there is a fire always there should be some glowness here okay so that is missing here so i'm going to make some blueness over just on top of this text so how to do that so let's let's make another plane layer you simply rename it as a fire glow and and choose the color as close as fire okay so i think this is this would be perfect let's make some changes okay all right fine so let's apply it so now you need to draw some mass so go to the mask and you draw a free hand curve okay now another mass property apply some feather and reduce the opacity so opacity can be reduced further so that we can have a just a minor glow effect so all the settings are completely up to your choice so after i apply some sound effect musics your final video becomes like [Music] this so here parallax effects and a light are playing a major role you can use any kind of background like any metallic background or any wooden background whatever you like if you found this video helpful then hit the like button leave your comments and share it and subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Sanjay Sarmah
Views: 141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video editing, video editing tutorial, editing tricks, animation tutorial, Sanjay Sarmah, how to make 3d title, how to make cinematic title, 3d title animation, 3d title animation tutorial, 3d text animation, 3d text animation tutorial, 3d text effect tutorial, extrude text, hitfilm 3d text, 3d intro text, hitfilm express 3d text animation, epic 3d text animation, horror title effects, horror title intro, hitfilm text animation, hitfilm text effects
Id: _9cz-WQVY1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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