Video Game Tat 8: Tat of the Year Edition | Ashens

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CJSZ01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I knew the stones were bad but that case? State of it mate, good grief. Reminds me of the Fallout 76 Duffel Bag Fiasco (A ker-duffle if you will).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/180enforcer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those infinity gems are such filthy rubbish. I'd be aflame with rage if I'd bought that full price.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ninjamohawk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

@17:00 Was it just me or could anyone else smell the freshly-opened book?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pickle_sandwich πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can already tell by the bootleg looking Infinity Stones this is going to be good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Praise God, Brother Ashen has us!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheSleepingNinja πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel, just for the stones alone, the sacred blow torch should’ve made an appearance.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Finch06 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think they reused the old Nexus box mold for Super Sunday on C64.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/momalloyd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

A new Ashens video is always welcome - an old one is too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KJDK1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello it's time for one of our occasional looks into the world of video games special editions and other video game merchandise and we begin with this bloody great box which is literally three times the size to actually fit on the sofa of marvel vs capcom infinite now this is one of the biggest and most elaborate of uh special editions i've ever seen it comes with like four character statues and a replica set of the infinity gems ooh are they known as the infinity stones now as you know what i don't care so it's a big dark box you've probably worked that bit out on the back it gives you a hint of what to uh expect inside look i'll have to actually physically pick the camera up you've got a statue of chun li statue of captain marvel statue of mega man x and a statue of iron man and we're going to zoom in wait for it the mighty infinity stone replicas [Music] right this was very expensive to say the least came out a few years ago copyright 2017 and yeah in america retail for about 200 it was about 180 pounds over here if i recall correctly yeah it was an expensive thing to say the least so we're gonna have to jump cut to me having pulled all this packaging apart and i will then show you each part piece by piece so that you may judge them to your own standards also i'll be judging mine [Music] so a little bit of background before we begin properly uh marvel vs capcom is a fighting game series where characters from marvel comics have a big scrap with capcom's video game characters that's about it really there's a lot of picking teams and tagging in and out and that kind of stuff and mo versus capcom the first one very very good marvel vs capcom 2 very very fondly remembered and a lot of fun um not as tight as the first one there's sort of a big stretch out into billions of characters but all very good they then just went into 3d with marvel vs capcom 3 which is pretty good then they had sort of extended versions of that and then marvel vs capcom infinite which is yes i've only played it briefly it's pretty good fun so right um but for some reason the graphics are a massive step down from marvel vs capcom 3 which came years before no idea anyway we're here to look at statues look the ironic man hello i'm gonna say things i don't really mean for comedic effect um basically it's an iron man statue i couldn't tell you which mark armor this is because he's got like 50 billion hasn't he these two stripes on the floor seem to be relevance to um characters sides or something in the game the capcom ones seem to have this on them and it runs pretty good as statues go it's got a decent enough metallic effect um it's a fairly solid plastic with a little bit of give to it so it's not going to break or nothing paint applications all seem fairly solid um there's a little bit of rub on that one i mean this is one of those things i would expect slightly better even though you're getting four of them because of the massive price tag i mean you're approaching 200 pounds you would pretty much want something a little bit sharper this i think but it's not bad it's not bad i would happily have this on a minor shelf if i was particularly into iron man off you go over there and now capcom's robot boy wonder wherever the bloody hell he is it's mega man x with his ludicrously huge legs and boots what is going on there one of his boots is almost as big as the rest of his body a little bit of paint scraped off there that's odd it looks like he scraped off one of the other um statues but they were all in separate plastic bags so hmm and there's a little bit of glue stuck you see the quality control is not quite there for the money if it was cheaper you wouldn't mind so much but yeah mega man he was in a lot of difficult um nintendo entertainment system games that's about all i can tell you about him not one of my favorite game series or characters he's all right though any if you're into that sort of thing i wouldn't want a statue of him and if i did i wouldn't want the statue with crazy legs but again paint applications okay there's some sort of again molding lines it's one of those things if they were knocking this out for like 15 quid or something you'd be like yeah that's all right but when it's part of a set of four and a box of stones for 200 quid i draw in breath through my teeth like a plumber who's about to give you a bad quote right off you go and we shall look at one of my favorites the mighty chun li there she is getting into kicking pose because that's what she does many kicks also punches and sometimes throws balls of energy because why wouldn't you um sort of inhumanly long legs is what spoils this one isn't it look at what what like she's what is going on there i don't understand is it some sort of some sort of cartoon aesthetic i suppose but due to the fact all the face on that are rendered actually quite realistically and pushes really down hard on the sofa so we can get in shot there so i apologize for the wobbling um yeah this is her classic uniform i suppose and uh really nice detailing on the dragon uh illustrations around her sash there which is quite good but yeah um i i don't get the massive legs i don't get the design of this one and it's a pity because the paint and the molding stuff seems to be better on this one than the others i mean it could be coincidental but see character i like and better statue but what it just doesn't quite look human again if they've to something more cartoony they might have gotten away with that but it's a little bit too a little bit too realistic on the anime scale to have massive stick legs but there we are not not awful by any stretch imagination and captain marvel based more on the uh carol danvers of the comics than the film obviously as you can see from the design in the face and all that um again the legs perhaps because the legs are further apart you can get away with it a bit but they are still kind of yeah crazy long um and fairly not the most exciting of poses fairly generic but not awful where's the face like up close yeah yeah got a little bit of animator that's right yeah one of the better ones again oh look at that proper bloody if you'd pay 200 quid for this to be pissed off wouldn't you i did not by the way i picked this up for 20 pounds off ebay it was basically brand new except the copy of the game had been taken out they had a lot of these i'm presuming they've been sitting in a warehouse for a long time thank you to the mighty guru larry for the tip there he is the lord high master of telling me when collector's editions of games are cheap somewhere um yeah it's fine it's all right again when it comes to the detailing and the texturing it's very strong if you look at the sort of sides here look yeah quite like it quite like it but yeah slightly spoiled by the legs i mean we've got to say that oh i know it's an obvious point so we've said it before but my god what the bloody hell were they thinking and just not good enough for the money fortunately as we all know especially if you follow this in the news of the time the infinity stones more than make up for the rest of it i'm lying so hard so here is the centerpiece remember what this looked like on the box yeah yeah okay okay now look at this plastic piece of tur um i can say it's big old molding nodule in the middle and it's an olding module which is amusing but not relevant um it's just the most plastically piece of going it really is marvel capcom triforce all of these companies were disgusted to be involved in the production of this and yes it lights up as you can see from the on off switch and the battery pack there so you've spent your 200 pounds got some mildly disappointing statues but you have got this shitty cheap looking plastic box but what do the stones look like kinder eggs um yeah uh yeah yeah so you've okay there is the minor thing here these are based more on the ones from the comics which were all sort of this uniform shape as opposed to different shapes the ones from the films but that's the thing is the ones in the comics were kind of magical super powered gems and not just cheap shitty bits of plastic they don't even come out by the way they're completely glued in there's just like half of things sticking out a bit of cheap suede like you'd get in um you know packaging for a cheap camcorder if you bought it directly from china you saw the picture earlier on the back of the box this is what the picture looked like um in early adverts for this edition yeah yeah there are no words really are there right let's turn it on and see if it suddenly looks a million times better spoilers it did not um yeah there you are they breathe like with a heartbeat thing and they've got a bit of texturing inside and they do look 20 less cheap they now look like this whole thing would have cost seven pence as opposed to five pence so you know well done well done um no seriously this is unbelievable that they i just it's just astonishes me to this day that they could charge basically 200 pounds what the game was like 30 40. so you're looking at about 150 pounds let's say four four statues which aren't the kind of that great and this absolute piece of and they knew it would interest people off the back of course of uh you know coming up into infinity war and end game at that stage weren't you so they knew it was a big transmedia franchise and they gave us this this is genuinely one of the most pathetic attempts at a collectible i've ever seen and i'm ashen's unbelievable right it's even worse when it's closed let's put that away and never think of it again let's look at something nice very briefly and now as a palette cleanser a nice little massively articulated model of one of the uh i don't know i don't know was it a mining machine of some type in the game i recognize it but having not played the game enough to really know what it is there we go it's from uh one of the red faction games red faction gorilla maybe i don't know i've never kept up with the red faction games all i remember about them is explody terrain but yeah it's really nice look look all the stuff moves look little pistons and stuff a little bit of articulation a little bit of weathering on the plastic that's more like it i think i'm genuinely not sure if this came in a collector's edition or it was something you purchased separately have a feeling it came with like a slightly more expensive version of the game sort of stuck on the top of the box if i recall correctly but yeah what a nice little thing see didn't have to charge people 200 quid for it and then make it a piece of either did they did they hmm look look how good look how good the transfers and the paint is on it there we are red faction fans had a nice little toy they could put on their shelf with this didn't they what did uh fans of marvel get uh a cleansing jump cut do you know i still don't know why they're referred to as jump cuts on the internet and filmmaking jump cut something different we would call that a smash cup anyway that's not relevant but i tell you what are relevant boxes specifically the ones physical video games come coming people do like a posh box and they've been used to differentiate games and make them look sort of more opulent for many years for instance here's a copy of nexus for the zx spectrum that came out in 1986. i remember this game being a bit kind of crap but it's got a very unique box this wasn't like a style of box they used for certain games as you can tell by the way it's literally got nexus uh you know actually moulded as part of it and if i recall there's a slightly thing comes off the top there and then you open it up and oh you've got your little bit of instructions look and your cassette tape with your game on it i just came out for commodore 64 spectrum and amstrad if i remember as most things did back then but yeah it's certainly not a new phenomenon your steel books and your bits and bobs like that i've just realized this reminds me of the um wafer brain memory thing that goes in the terminator but obviously much bigger it'd be a very large terminator anyway this leads us into very limited editions of games that are sort of made in order to be limited edition if that makes sense so it's games indie games usually that are going to be released digitally and they have a very small run of physical games and there's various companies that do this um was it limited run games i think or one of the early ones weren't they i've got one here from super rare games this is a number two of the switch version of the gardens between and yeah this is kind of the the super collectory one i think they do one that's just you know the switch case but this has a lot of stuff in for this uh very nice cover out there from a company called the voxel agents so we've got this kind of dream like atmosphere going on a lot of sort of 80s reference stuff we've got an old-style television beta max tape which says on it day at the beach i think and look diet cola um or maybe not diet who knows on the back yep all your screenshots and bits and bobs very nice there's a really really nice box actually very high quality and glossy lab you'd hope so for a high-end collector's edition so what do they give you in there so in a little bit of history here back in the day for certain uh home computer games they would have do you know it's nearly always adventure games no i think about it anyway and christmas adventure games mean like text-based adventures or interactive fiction as they refer to it these days anyway the point is they would come with these things called feelies which were basically little physical versions of things you would find in the game whether they be jokes and gags or something to do the plot or whatever sometimes there were things you'd have to actually use as part of the game to get information from that is the kind of thing i enjoy with my collector's editions i want something that feels like it's part of the game as opposed to just you know here's a badge with the logo on or something so what do we actually get in here i've had this for a while i've been dying to bloody open it the guards are got a poster solid start this makes sense to me the gardens between look at that it's all very pastely uh yeah that's quite pretty isn't it a game by voxel agent it's a pity the voxel agents have such a high contrast black logo because it kind of draws the eye away from the more passively designed the poster but anyway that's one of those things oh good god jumper papercraft ah is it a weighted companion cube kind of has a similarity doesn't it when it's built by the looks of it has this oh it's been die-cuts as well so you can just push it out and uh oh yep they've cut the little folding bits good you get bonus points for that well done um let's put that there not particularly exciting a cubecraft cube but um yeah all right obviously something from the game so that's decent here is the game itself yeah that's quite important without that you ain't got much really we've got a sticker of the logo of the company that did it that's uh it's a relevant one because it's got the art from the poster on that's not super exciting we have what's that there oh it's a it's a promotional tattoo of a symbol seen in the game this is one of those things you wet and then put on your hand okay then that's that's a thing which um apparently exists and is in this box i don't know what this stuff is but i'm about to find out rip cards of some type all uh individually packaged inside more packaging the guards between super [Music] so slightly thin but very glossy cards ah and it's characters from the games nothing on the back what relevancy do these have i don't know they just can you just like collect them from all the super rare games and then wonder why you spent so much money on some cards [Music] not getting that yeah hey we've got the same bloody card twice what what's going on here these like blind bags is that right nope nope not interested though now go away wait uh the gardens between books is this an art book i do like a nice art book with prototype art and stuff in and all your ideas oh yeah oh yeah that's rather pretty oh yeah spawning the game for himself now oh yes here we are concept art and stuff nice level elements friend's mechanical arm oh good old friend got himself an arm on the go good for him uh classic friend um oh god there's a statue it's like something like journey oh that's very pretty all good and there is some words good because i do enjoy actually reading about how they put the games together as well as seeing the pretty pictures good i like that that's very good that ties in with the game nicely oh soundtrack not generally a massive fan of game soundtracks because often the music is just kind of a available elsewhere so your cd is a bit of a pain in the bum and b um because you know if you just play offline youtube or something i suppose or off the website um or spotify increasingly these days uh this is quite nicely done though it must be said growing pains tim she'll hang on is this actually the soundtrack recent voice production this is interesting what is it it's just going to say i'll play some of it in the video yeah that's a good idea on youtube isn't it playing some copyrighted music i'm sure that will go down well so is this an album of the soundtrack or is this um something more sort of uh based around it and inspired by it interesting so this seems like proper albums that's very nice very nice indeed now i've got to find my cd player what do the discs look like i would like to know answer pretty i think we can guess what the other one's going to look like it's going to be the other person bouncing on trampoline oh it was as well look at that well that makes sense that's very nice good good that gives the nice polish probably the game the nice pile and some badges of the characters in the game well relevant at least and at least they're not um just some sort of generic shape they have actually been shaped to the things they are making them quite nice pin badges so good good overall cards can piss off um paper graph things okay yeah probably something that you fold out of a bit of cardboard it doesn't feel like it's given much value to it do you know what i mean when you've spent your money i suppose uh that can just go over there and we'll forget that existed and overall the post is quite good um i'm slightly more middling on these actually that can go in the middle there we are we have judged the contents i do particularly like the very very precise packaging that's excellent because nothing's going to get damaged in there do you know we were talking about boxes before this started that's actually my favorite thing of this the box is bloody lovely do you know the box being displayed i think is nicer than the poster i think i prefer the art on that yeah that's very nice and i should point out embossed logo can we put it behind a velvet rope well there we are that's something you can get from these uh limited edition games if you particularly enjoy such things now i'm going to have to quickly cut again in order to clean the sofa up and now we go from special editions to just merchandise available of video games and we start with the ridiculous please enjoy this tomb raider candle i don't know i just don't know the most bizarre and generic thing you can possibly mention what would a tomb raider candle smell of sweat desperation falling off a cliff being attacked by wolves what does that smell like i don't know gun ammunition i've got no idea um i've never actually opened this up so i don't know what oh it's like inside oh specifically with the tomb raider there we are so it's basic cool bloody hell this wow that is a potent smell it's incredibly highly perfumed it smells like cheap air freshener why the hell would you want a candle that smells of cheap air freshener what the flood the hell is this thing anyway it comes in this generally quite nice little tomb raider glass i mean you possibly can get the candle out and use it for something afterwards if you're a particular fan of shadow of the tomb raider but um always candles go i would not want to like that i mean i imagine it's not quite as strong as it's smelling right now i would hope anyway but yeah that's kind of a tesco value air freshener smell going on what has this got to do with tomb raider i don't know do you know what i'm not even going to think about it because i'm just going to break my brain let's just put it back inside and then uh perhaps it will grow some meaning over time after the retcon tomb raider and make lara croft candle salesman i don't know bloody hell next up okay boomer it's the far cry 5 play it like boomer box so i don't know if this is generally available not this was just like a journalist thing but i managed to get hold of one and yeah there's a reason i've cut away the box this comes in is absolutely massive also it's frighteningly high quality the quality of the print on that i have actually bought art prints which are less detailed and have less good color matching so they really put the time into the bloody box now it looks absolutely amazing but what do you get in it so we should point out before we go on boomer is the name of the friendly dog from far cry 5. that's quite relevant so inside the box are three items item number one a sort of neca chief thing to tie around your dog's neck or something i don't think boomer in the game had one this color like this to the house i can't remember um it's got pictures of grenades on because every dog loves grenades except the dogs who have encountered them i imagine uh yeah you could use it as a handkerchief and blow your nose on some grenades there's an image for you thanks for that right next is unbelievably a dog bowl yay look there's a sticker of boomer on the inside and then printing on the outside and says far cry 5 picture boomer again and play it like boomer hmm interestingly there was also a note saying don't actually use this as a dog bowl because it's unsafe or something i don't know why is it type of plastic it seems all right or is it because there's a sticker in it or because of the ink on the side i don't know i just don't know because all this pales next to item number three the squeaky arc yeah it's absolutely huge so arc is a kind of fiction i'm pretty sure it's fictional isn't it um rightfully thing that is one of the weapons in far cry 5 quite simply my main memory of it is it's described as being semi-automatic in the game is obviously fully automatic when you use it anyway it says far cry 5 on it it's a very soft rubber as one would expect because it is quite literally a dog toy next door dog going crazy i imagine yeah um easy to throw cool effect scare the out of everyone yeah um it's got the orange bit on the end the dogs can chew that off in two seconds you know what they're like hello boomer hey what's that sound squeaky assault rifle mate pay attention oh deary me so um yeah i think it's probably a bad idea to be giving any form of gun to a dog because dogs have notoriously lacked trigger discipline but anyway we can now move on to our final joy of the day jump cut and finally today you ain't gonna believe it but somebody's actually sent me a press kit presumably by accident but yes a press kit from mega cat studios i know of this company look there's their logo of like a cat that can't see because he's got joy pads in his eyes and for some reason he's got a super nintendo cartridge around his neck yes anyway uh i'm aware of this company for the have made in the past many uh new games on old nes cartridges which would work with the original machine i've got three of them and they're all very good actually there's like a puzzle game called little medusa there's like a sort of actionist vaguely sports sort of game called log jammers and there's another one i can't remember the name of but it's basically uh imagine punch out but with creepy monsters they're all very good i was quite impressed with them so i don't know what this is about because i have yet to open it but now i have and we shall look it is the history of food and games okay i'm looking at the back of it eat play love exclusive preschool so is eat play love the game it's kind of like an incredible hulk style character with entirely white eyes eating in a nes cartridge an atari 2600 joystick and a ps1 controller that's uh dual shock interesting so what's going on here bite the bullet oh or is bite the bullet the game bleeds into the real world giving players the opportunity to use in-game heroics to address the issue of hunger facing individuals around the world bloody hell um this is huge this book so this is presumably the game the characters in it chewie and chuella really my god they didn't skip uh abdomen day um yeah let's have a look smorgasbord is that a good guy or a bad guy oh man now that is a pixel art design my god the giga vulture and the flesh golem over here we call those mps uh oh and there's the people who may have worked in the game maybe in the game or maybe both who knows bloody hell there's everything you'd want in here if you're writing an article or something christ almighty right what have we got then we've got some caramelized popcorn quite a lot of it actually i'm gonna have to try some right now aren't i what what a hardship that will be if only it was something obviously out of date go on i'll try a little bit but it'll lightly get my mouth up to talking it does not open well pleasingly not over sweet caramel popcorn that's pretty good actually and i've got a small hammer it says meat smasher on it and it's got a picture of like a steak i don't think you'd really use this as a meat tenderizer is that something from the game i've got no idea metal cup with the company logo one for all your storage of pens and liquids uh oh oh a spooky black envelope what is what is this in case this is something maybe this is it didn't occur to me this might actually be a bloody code for the game or something that would actually make sense wouldn't it having great difficulty this is very thick uh no it's a little card that says thank you for taking this journey with us he just sends the box guys we hope you enjoyed playing as much as we enjoyed creating the mega cat team oh and that may actually be hand written and now i'm trying to work it out if it is not i think it actually is what nice handwriting right we've got some card seriously cardboard coasters oh i hate these things yeah oh well come stick that on ebay now we've got some napkins for reasons they're very porsche napkins i'll save those when the vicar comes around for tea and we have hilarious 1970 sitcoms style stuff going on uh we've got a soft baked who is soft bloody hell all your bits handcrafted cookie from ernesto okay whatever the bloody hell this is a ginny lee sticky bun small batch sustainably source it's full of actual food i was expecting also game stuff there's a lot of uh packing stuff oh and the mega cat studios large badge i find it very odd that at no stage anywhere have they used the name of their company except on the metal badge which is where you would expect not to see it how old anyway nifty oh i'm trying to get this now haven't i oh what an imposition cool what what a tragedy it is to eat a nice thing now that is very nice a little bit sweet for me maybe that's just a personal taste and it's very soft as advertised very nice hmm well for relevance to game it's just this really isn't i always wondered what you've got in these press kit things it seems to mostly be sort of random stuff very very odd but well there we are they've got a game coming out got no difference any good or not don't know what format is for um we're about to find out it's got to be on steam or something isn't it i genuinely don't know it's got to say in here somewhere but now it's full of like recipes and stuff i just don't know well there we go i tell you what i shall do a very quick bit of research after this and throw the information up on the screen now there we are that's the thing well blimey that was an interesting look into another world and now i'm going to go off and i'm going to try this gingerly sticky bun and i shall tell you via the medium of text whether it was nice or not [Music] and you know what folks there's even merchandise for video games that don't exist so numbskull are doing like one of their quarter-sized arcade cabs um well this will be more of a sort of usb hub type thing which is quite clearly a version of the urban legend of the polybius game i should point out this has nothing to do with our film or the design in our film at all which looks very very different to this it's entirely separate project-y thing but if you are even vaguely interested have a gander there's a link in the description below there this is just a prototype by the way and annoyingly they want it back [Music] [Music] stop driving you
Channel: ashens
Views: 318,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, collector's edition, collector's edition unboxing, ashens, review, funny, limited edition, infinity war, infinity games, infinity stones, marvel vs capcom infinite, box, super rare games, the gardens between, red faction, far cry 5, far cry 5 dog, tomb raider candle, polybius cabinet, mega cat studios, bite the bullet, special edition
Id: T0st6ixpsqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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