I've never opened these before!

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I really want to see how well he did with a nano I’ve never opened up a nano before until a couple days ago and it was pretty easy working on the 2nd gen. You have to work extremely slow and carefully though

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Vintage_AppleG4 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
um i'm super excited because this is my first collab i don't know if you heard a tronics fix it means the duty just goes all in on stuff orders like 50 bananas and fixes them and sells them puts them back on the bunch now like just for context i'm a guy who played jazz for a living and still owes lots of money to that jazz course and i can't pay it back i just plug stuff in and it works so this is like mr miyagi sending me students that he couldn't teach i'm i'm doomed and like there's actually nothing in here i mean this just got my shrek watch in it brand new from mcdonald's i need to fix this i fix it send me these the problem is i thought i was going to be sent some ipod classics right because this is my bag in it this is what i know how to fix we just did dirty and then just get in i cut myself ignore this place well to my horrors these arrived right i've never opened these before and uh honestly the worst crime like i thought i was just going to get some dirty nuggets that like you know just given to me like the chimp equivalent of like a technician oh no he sent me these literally beautiful oh it's got the black spot starting oh no this was covering that oh all right i'm going to introduce james now because he's in the room with us he has to do it so james it's got the black spot we haven't headed to james's house james is right here hanging put one extra hand in here as proof look there's an extra hand you know what the black spot means right i know you don't know what that means i don't you're not a real fan get away from it real fans only that's the the plastic on the outside touching the lcd yeah why do you think that would be doing that because someone squashed it no no no oh because the battery's swollen and you're going to love how these come apart by the way and speaking of how these come apart uh i've never taken these apart and i didn't order any tools but man if you want junk chinese tools man well i got you i got you covered and if it's not any of these tools we're in big trouble because they're all the same tools they've upgraded the guitar picks i did it no great now they're just like no it's metal now they're just like ancient chinese weapons or something or imac which one should we start with james uh the nano you're right no no let's just have the fire now i suppose well this is what the master sent us left audio cuts out when ipod is pushed near the bottom because i've never opened one of these before we're actually gonna have to use this oh no there's so many tabs open oh this might actually drain the rest of the battery it's not 9 22 pm that's out of that's not i don't want news it's dead couldn't find any topics those lies absolute this a long way well i mean we just need to plug it in first don't we i suppose oh cool we get to put power into this oh no please have something on it oh that is bulging oh whoa it's full it is rammed with stuff a win beneath my wings yes yeah yeah it's it cuts out give it a try okay just give it a squeeze yeah well right now just the left side oh god we gotta fix it well it's not coming back now oh it's gone ah it's back oh it's getting worse could be the last song it ever plays too okay we've replicated the results that is a suspicious amount of battery for something that wouldn't turn on oh good timer until it explodes oh that is not happening oh good it's difficult i'm glad we bought good tools first strangle it damn it in the locked position okay oh maybe we should turn it off first step two carefully insert oh carefully let's let's treat ourselves james let's have a fresh one we don't have a green one though oh the guide says a green one no one tell anyone i'm gonna cut myself on i've done it oh oh no look at this this is why i hate these hey can you get a focus on that look it's just getting carved out the business we haven't even gotten in there yet oh this is a different design that matches the one on the go it's not green james yeah you're right this tool is just absolutely cooked already i want to go i want to go uh let me get you a fresh you know i want the guitar pick or the metal one no [Laughter] [Music] okay the metal guitar pick everyone's our witness we tried to do this nicely the pieces of guitar pick just flew across the room there you go back to you oh let's keep this somewhere safe all right so the metal one's the key [Music] scrooge ew what is that science equipment oh no i'm rounding that off uh-oh i'm causing business i'm a dryer well you got it now yeah this isn't appropriate but it's what i'm using oh i don't want to scratch it sounds like that's all you did that doesn't fit stop charm people if well look how short that cable is oh gosh there's more this goes back together maybe right in there move the newly revealed heat see i don't feel too good hey lift the bottom bezel bracket out of the ipod they're just reaching and pulling it out there's an extra step there that they're not showing okay like like that oh gosh look at this hot mess to lose whoa we gotta take this cable out before all of it comes out really action does it show oh no they've got a plastic one i'm i've got plans to use the sprue master here have you ever felt out of your depth i have oh no oh it's not coming out no no that's it yeah you just push but the battery's bound you can actually see where it's bulging slightly i don't like this what if the battery tears oh look the spot moved [Laughter] the spot got bigger look look how much i cut in and look at that look at that that is cutting on that's not coming apart that battery is getting worse the more i'm trying and that's it ah i want to try it no no it's done actually i don't want to do any more because that black spot's getting bigger and that's the end of it like not that that's going in the jar it's finished a beautiful nightmare it all makes sense why these are in my hands now why would he send me these it's to put it down james it's over it's cooked look at that look at the bruise i look where is it look at that i've tattooed myself with this tool trying to push that nano out [Music] i still want to have a go you playing with that now james get out of it it doesn't come apart that shows how little trust you have in me i've got a i've got a mark on my hand now yeah the mark of shame the mark of distrust the mark of shame and distrust mine's round because i used a round one bottom volume button that sounds pretty safe right how do we open these these are this is the worst g touch you like my dad typing bottom volume doesn't work yes no yes no well according to this dingus thing the front is glued on okay right so we got it we're using the metal thing aren't we well it's either that little rat chewed one so that one's all used look at see this is why i can't recommend these things because you go through this is how many we've gone through and there's one i threw over there these are all my freshies all right so let's dig in it's like a rubber gasket genuine certainly between the glass and front panel and then rotate the tool away from the touch to pry up ah look at the filth in there that's keeps gross it's just all this palm grease i'm tapping james in i'm gonna have a go this is ruined it's cool what happened i heard a bang from the kitchen no i'm succeeding oh i think the glass is coming off the rubber and the rubber is coming up up here so it's doing two different things in two different places oh yeah look at this i'm winning oh should we unplug it get rid of that come on other side i did it hey is this when i jump back in and just clean sure until we get stuck again and then i'll do it look what i did look how clever i am and i didn't need any help at all wow that's funky and we really cut up that rubber hey i mean what else would you do and i've touched the inside glass now which means there are fingerprints we can't remove does it do oh no we've lost the home button oh that's funky the touch is on the glass that we were oh really wow i've learned something look it doesn't work it's like a child like swiping at a magazine cover can't do that because it's unplugged i hate what you've done to this wait what are we even doing we're fixing the volume down button okay so a small ipod opening tool preferably one that isn't cooked try the display pry the display right up along the lower edges of the display all sounds right i can't use metal ones i'm not allowed to use metal ones oh this is awful oh sweating bullets would be comfortable right now don't turn on like that that's not cool i thought i did say it's like doing brain surgeon the person goes i thought i did something wrong uppity up up up up up up up up and up twin twin sword mode okay i'll try oh you use the metal bend that's cheating i just said a minute ago use the metal one i thought we were above this standard are they all screws do you want to do this put this back down remove the final phillips screw okay which is oh up here oh that one oh oh now we've got to lift it out again i'm just hand bowling at one angle oh and i think it worked you get too excited and now you gotta worry about that tape oh no they don't want to reuse this right it's not there for fun nothing's here for fun oh my god look it it keeps going guys oh man there's tape and everything in here oh metal parts nice i we gotta pry the battery off the back this is when we don't use a metal one i'm leaving no not metal i'm holding it james you hold it [Laughter] hey oh gosh i hate look at the wrinkles doesn't that look messed up i want to see what these buttons do in [Music] here so it seems like the volume control doesn't go back down this ribbon which i was just measuring it actually goes up through this board when this board has a huge big ribbon cable that goes all the way back down here into the motherboard so the answer is we don't know yeah that's a bit hard [Music] oh those were loud noises that's peeling noises okay should we put the should we put the ipad down sure excellent we're going to use this yeah put it together james so james so like macgyver he's given very few tools to make something work you need a shrek pod this for me and i i have these and um and i'm going to offer you these again [Music] here's the volume buttons oh no we can control the volume and software we can control the volume in software yeah yeah we don't we don't do that [Music] don't get fingerprints on it i didn't get fingerprints on it oh i need to attach the battery somehow there we go connect we need to align the the screen with the screen so that the touch works you're putting the finishing touches on this before testing it i'm so confident my work do we work do we have power i don't know if it needs to be plugged in properly oh i don't care if it has to be plugged into work yeah plug it in i can't get it in wow that's so vicious if i plug the screen in properly it works there we go james look at it's like a good meatloaf it's all extra cooked on that bottom me the one securing point is just inspired really oh no no home button oh i missed my chance you've got your power button though is that the squeezer that's the power button is it yeah oh hang on hang on i need to unplug and plug yeah yeah okay okay so we've lost the home button and the power button and literally everything so what we've got to do is to get control we need to unplug it oh yeah yeah that's wicked the strict pod touch is born that means we have to do one thing that does not this is an electrical risk okay there we go there we go all righty oh i just still got the headphone jack power on bluetooth mode james brings up a good point this baby has bluetooth we need to test that though cause no home button oh oh no no oh why did that move stay there it is your own time whoa hang on oh what if we were i got it oh there's no home button get out this is a nightmare the volume moved the oh why did the volume move oh it must be this ah who needs volume controls when you've got oh look i can just control the volume here john expects i fix it oh you can turn down the volume now wouldn't be a true dank pods video if we didn't indulge ourselves with auxiliary mode oh that popped oh that's not as happy it made popping noises oh shut shut up oh that's dainty and delicate isn't it oh yeah that comes out real good oh it's absolutely beautiful and it's all thanks to james's disregard for safety and using metal tools and i love it you basically need to um yes shut up you basically need to unplug it and plug it back in to do anything with it hope you're near a wall outlet and that is danger this is scary to plow back in so i'm sure you've seen that there is a third ipod here and it's this touch and apparently battery has been replaced but it still drains too fast and off camera i have actually tested this and yes it just drains heaps quick but the thing is this thing is beautiful and i don't actually have one of these in my collection at all i got one of these i've got plenty of these especially with dutch but not one of these oh look it's got the lanyard thing which is just like a passive button that's just a fidget stream to be honest and it's so good to see the dingus's heritage you know like they really haven't changed these in a long time except they took that button away bring that back never get rid of that headphone jack but what that means is uh i actually want to order proper tools like finally for once you know because i've gone through all my freshies i'm all out i might order a motherboard for this and do like a full vid on because i want to keep this in beautiful condition because i want to put this in a cabinet and so that means it's going to get its own video down the road when i take some brave medicine and just you know actually order some bits but hey now the video wasn't a complete failure we've got well i mean this failed but we couldn't get it out that does it still oh i've never even plugged it in stop hog on the cable whack it in she's still good and you know the shrek pod touch isn't just beautiful to behold i love this it looks like a cartoon bandage like he's bonked his head or something oh no i can't get the whole hang on hang on i can still do the hold there we go say you haven't broken a thing oh no i unplugged that that is so bad this is doomed for the jar guys well big thanks to james for this i mean you know your good hands when you go to his house and he's just casually fixing a pinball machine the same way that you would casually pull lint out of a dryer so oh yeah all this makes sense if you want to check out his instagram i've got a link down there his game collection is insane and he just updates with all the cool stuff that he's working on humongous thanks to tronic's first like he reached out to me which is super cool his channel is actual legit he actually repairs things properly i'm a schmuck so huge thanks for including me man i really do appreciate it i'm sorry about the pods and last thing to say is thank you for watching especially my patrons these stinky names right here one dollar a month i do extra videos and hey inspired by the creation of this guy we're gonna bring the original shrek pod back to life after it ko'd itself trying to run windows 10 and doom through it yeah we overstretched it a little bit and she wasn't happy so anyone hasn't seen this before this is actually a fully working ipod that was like running windows 10 through it as like a boot disk through the 30 pin so oh god that dog see it's she's still alive in there i will fix you soon so if you want to see me fix it one buck might come and head into the patreon and i'll uh i'll see us all next time mm-hmm
Channel: DankPods
Views: 2,056,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open ipod classic, open ipod nano, open ipod touch, tronicsfix, dankpods, first time, help, oh no, fix ipod
Id: 3HEY31W8b6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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