Video Game Creepypastas Are Dumb

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internet horror stories have been around for ages and have been presented in many different forms from countless videos about the slenderman to that one horrifying web comic called the bung chong dong ghost but the king of internet horror stories have always been the creepypastas with such great works of art including jeff the killer happy happy and the russian sleep experiment around the mid to late 2000s creepypastas were nothing like the laughing stocks they are seen as today where any 13 year old can write a semi-serious ghost story throw in some blood maybe a psycho killer and call it a day in an age where information wasn't spread as fast and as wide these were actually scary rumors about a deranged killer who's on the run and could get you in your sleep that's something that could keep any stupid child using the internet when they shouldn't up all night stories about your favorite tv show having a lost and disturbing episode where the content was so horrific and graphic they were never put in the air i sure am glad this random internet user was here to unearth this mystery but i already talked about those gems last year and there's another type of creepypasta that's way more popular being the stories that focus on mysterious and spooky and conscious people have while playing their favorite video games like super mario pokemon and minecraft i guess despite there being some pretty decent creepypastas revolving around games the abundance of lazy stories really teenage a lot of people viewed the genre like band right is actually good for the time it came out and even though it's dated nowadays the way the story was told through modding the game was fairly unheard of at the time and added to the plausibility of whether or not the story was true like slenderman was created with the intention of being scary jeff the killer was created to be scary majora's mask yeah i don't think so so the idea of getting a haunted copy of a beloved childhood game for many was extremely unsettling it really doesn't help that majora's mask is a game already filled of creepy and disturbing characters and environments which i think adds to the believability of the original band drawing story what if this happened to you what if this happened to me what if this happened to me when i was a kid these things got me like scared scared you know i used to be straight up terrified of things like buried alive that weird pokemon creepypasta where you just straight up fight a corpse and if you lose you get eaten alive you know i remember pokemon lost silver and uh oh god damn that is that is a lot of pokemon creepypasta yo one of the ones i knew really got me up at night as a kid was the tails though like man bro i i hate the tails though bro hey speaking of didn't your uh friend make a video about the tales oil in their second channel what oh oh yeah yeah actually my friend just released a video about the history behind the teals doll you should definitely check that out if you want more spooky stories to keep you awake at night don't comment that it's my channel though cause i assure you it's not but you know what's better than these weak children's ghost stories you want to know about the real horror that's crawled its way from the deepest crypts the darkest abysses the most horrific corners of the internet make sure you keep your lights on for this one because i'm gonna tell you about sonic.exe what okay you're really gonna be standing over my shoulder this whole time all right guys i don't exactly trust this simply dodd guy if that even is his real name before we continue with the video i think we're gonna need some protection it's a good thing i've got my ridge wallet i've thrown away my ragged bulky wallet and replaced with this brand new sleek and stylish ridge wallet that fits perfectly in my pocket i'm using the titanium wallet which is really convenient and there are some other cool products on their site too like this useful waterproof backpack i'd recommend so head over to ls mark and use code ls mark for 10 off and free worldwide shipping links in the description mark what's i got to do with sonic.exe i was getting to that okay so back in the year of 2011 a young budding author by the name of jesse the hyena submitted a story on the creepypasta wiki about a mysterious cd that the narrator received from a friend that had sonic.exe written on it our protagonist tom opens by saying i'm a total sonic the hedgehog fan much like everyone else i don't think i've ever played a glitchy or hacked game before i feel like we could make a very easy joke here but let's let's move on tom started his morning off just like any other up until the mailman showed up and gave him a very strange disc his friend kyle sent it to him warning that he must destroy the cd before it's too late and he couldn't because it's too lit for me if the implication here is that he's dead then i sure wonder how his ghost manager write out this letter and post it to tom so naturally being the smart young man that he is tom says even though kyle is my best friend and i haven't seen him in two weeks i didn't do what he asked me i didn't think that a simple gaming disc could do anything bad to him after all it's just a game right something you're gonna notice about this is that the author is constantly switching up which tense it's written in and if we're led to believe that he's eventually killed off by sonic.exe why then is it told to us in times in the past tense like he's reminiscent about something that happened to him before who knows maybe this is just some 400 iq big brain avant-garde storytelling that a simple-minded baby readers won't be able to pick up on that could be true i mean what's more likely this is some paragon example of internet horror stories or a pearly put together story about a haunted sonic you meet in a weekend yeah okay let's continue after this tom puts the game into his pc and is ready for a rip roar and good time with sonic.exe despite starting out as a simple story something that can really elevate and visually represent your teal is to have a game along with it ben drowne did this with the creator modding the game to follow along with the events of his story they didn't just shower each location in hyper-realistic blood they cleverly modded it to work in a way that would still make sense inside the game for some reason it's also led people to genuinely believing the story is real i suppose it's not too out of the ordinary when there are also people who think there exists an actual spongebob episode about squidward killing himself you think i'm joking but believe you me these people exist out there and probably should not be allowed to drive robbery at having machinery so one year after the story was released miss crimson created a game to go along with it although instead of being a model version of sonic 1 or something it was built from the ground up so yeah it looks in place like ass and sadly this diversion that blew up in popularity and is what most people think of when sonic.exe gets mentioned but i mean to be real the source material ain't really nothing to write home about either so if they wanted the game to be good that was a steep hill to climb so at this point the story takes a very long and drawn-out approach basically plays as a sonic character things seem a little odd at first suddenly blood and the creepy version of sonic comes to kill our favorite sonic characters teals knuckles and robotnik oh no even the title screen is different honestly all you need to see in this game is the title screen it perfectly encapsulates the entire experience of playing it here's this seemingly fine sonic game but blood the stars are all rusted the lake is filled with blood and saga 666 but that's the spooky number and then we got sonic.exe himself and i mean what is there to say it's just sonic but with black eyes and red pupils at least something like the tails dog managed to look somewhat creepy without being so in your face about it like what it what is this dudes there stop stop looking at me bro we ain't even gotten to the best part of the story yet the part where it ends so because there wouldn't be a story without it tom decides to not turn the game off at all while playing or you know destroy it after noticing things are strange like he was asked he plays to the very end and i guess because even sonic has more sense than our protagonist the computer shuts itself off tom then says and i quote i can't get the game out of my computer i think it's stuck in there and you see what i mean when we're suddenly reading it as if it's happening in the moment and not in the past no more tom then hears the voice behind him and what he saw made him scream sitting on my bed staring right at me was a sonic plushy with red marker drawn under its eyes oh oh sorry i mean a sonic plushy smiling with blood stains under its eyes ah the horror mark why are you being sarcastic bro i thought you were trying to act like the story was scary yeah well um oh okay yeah this story sucks i won't lie it's really odd though that despite being so not good sonic.exe blew up in popularity becoming at the time one of the most popular creepypastas you could find people were all over this craze with let's play channels jumping to get views by playing the sonic.exe game people making fan art fan characters sequel stories animations you name it even today sonic.exe is still relevant with youtube videos based around the character being uploaded as recently as a week ago as of riding the video where we get to see grown men who all have the exact same personalities as one another screaming like banshees about a bloody sonic plush they bought on ebay 3am videos are truly a blight in this world but when you consider that in the current age sonic.exe is so bad that it got exiled from the creepypasta website over to the trollpasta website being used as an example of the most cliche lazily written and genuinely bad stories you could possibly make yet it's not only still relevant but i'd go on to say that it was a pioneer in the indie horror genre if anything it created its own genre of games to the point where sonic.exe seemingly transcended its original story and became somewhat of a horror icon even if i'm not sure people know it as would even be the slightest bit scarred of the story or the character you know what let's test that out i keep looking behind my back now because it's dark what do you think it's going to go there yeah i can do his videos how do you run fast i can't jump anymore [Music] oh but this newfound reputation gave tourists a chance to add on to the lore of sun.exe with stories such as sally.exe real creative name i know how many kids do you think are right there that don't even understand that exe stands for executable oh no guys i think my editing software is haunted adobe premiere pro.exe ah let's just see how much the riding improved between each entry maybe this time it'll even manage to be scurry i'm a big fan of the sonic the hedgehog series like a lot of people i narrowed down to the classic sonic the hedgehog cartoon shows though because i think the rest sega had spawned was rat crap each to their own so let me get this straight this guy is a big fan of sonic the hedgehog but he only likes the adventures of sonic and sadam i mean i mean i can see the appeal so our hero decides to browse ebay one day passing an old sally plushie that has god written on it and permanent marker and he brushes it off by assuming it's just the initials of the previous owner okay after this they buy a dvd titled sonic sod i am cartoon all episodes looks like a youtuber made this dvd so the dvd arrives at his house the next morning despite it being a saturday night that's the scariest part of this story he puts it into his computer and opens the file solly.exe where the intro plays normally no blood or anything why why even bring that up unless you was expecting that to begin with what does this guy know that we don't the computer then blue screens and reboots he decides to then forget about whatever just happened and browse the internet like this never happened until he finds a rom for the original sonic the hedgehog fun game make up your mind author you like them or you don't anyways since this is a super scary creepypasta of course when you started the game things didn't play out like expected with spooky bloody characters on a screen with demonic music and sega chanting in the background because you all already know the only thing scarier than an evil sonic are the uh the people that created them the game is basically the same as the original sonic.exe where you walk to the right and something spooky happens except in this story teals knuckles and eggman are replaced with amy cream the rabbit and oh no sally acorn our protagonist's favorite sonic character now you've gone too far sonic.exe and because he couldn't be any more obvious about this just being a carbon copy for the first story our protagonist turns around and sees to sally plush from ebes sitting on their bed only with its eyes missing despite the eyes in the game being sewn shut w which one is it mark that that story was worse than the last one bro and even then despite this story being a rehash of the original sonic.exe virtually everything that's unique in this story is actually just straight up stolen one for one from another sonic creepypasta like please go and watch it yourself it is undeniable and i mean to keep it real with you the fact that this dude couldn't even be bothered to come up with his own lazy-ass creepypasta and that is steal from not one but two others in their entirety is pretty pathetic bro it's not like an exe game or story is this complex highly detailed exalted form of writing that somebody like you or me couldn't possibly come up with most these stories and their follow-up games are incredibly lazy and follow virtually the same exact format you run to the right and then you wait for the inevitable jump scare to happen even though this was considered the official sequel it didn't stop the influx of imitators trying to provide their own concepts on how this compelling story continued and hey i mean you can't get much worse than plagiarism so there's nowhere to go it up from here i'm sure the whole sonic.exe thing got a bit well not a bit it got very messy and convoluted by starting to get into cults and stuff then they're redesigned him to be all buff and junk they're making reboot snare i think and his name is now x at least that's what the co-creator seems to be saying ah come on now mark don't be rubo she's not just the co-creator she's the mother of x i'm not even gonna dignify that with a joke let's let's step away from this man another popular one would have to be sonic2.exe which has its own storyline followed by sunshine.exe and insanity.exe these are focused on teals and are for the most part based off the game gear version of sonic 2. at first we're shown this amazing intro cut scene that appears to have been made in windows movie maker that lets us know that sonic failed at collecting all the chaos emeralds and as he's known to do runs away like a coward leaving tales to be killed by dr robotnik so the game i guess follows tales traveling through this lost paradise purgatory type thing this one was surprising instead of it basically just being a short movie where you can sometimes press right to make the movie play this actually tries to be a platformer it's just too bad it was made in game maker no joke i used this in high school when i was like 13 this program is complete rubbish it's awful so teals controls horribly and it's incredibly difficult to make jumps not to mention if you die you get wow what a genuine reaction is it even worth going over what happens sonic is running through his world when he's suddenly approached by teals.exe i guess and we're presented with sonic 666 it's just a number that's not scurry just the mere presence of that number does not equate to it being scary then after running for a bit we're showing a poor quality deviantart drawing and turn that damn thing off there is no sunshine the game is over the game is over this same exact thing goes on for two more games that try to expand on the lore by explaining why tails is so evil because robotnik used him as a host body for a demon who betrays him but any tension this game could have had was immediately washed out by unironically popping up with text boxes from majora's mask and using mortal kombat blood splatters everywhere it's not scary it's just immersion breaking not that i expected anything out of this to begin with a creepy game made with gem maker those are words that do not belong in the scene you cannot call your own game creepy then follow it up with an edited screen cap of sonic x wow okay this is hurting my eyes i don't even know why we stayed with this for as long as we did let's move on yeah maybe we should take a break from sonic most of them seem to just be the same exact thing repeated over and over again and with the success of sonic.exe there were a ton of people inspired to make their own spooky stories about classic video games such as the critically acclaimed toy story dot exe you're joking yeah nah bro i heard it was a is a real compelling story with a ton of twisted terrors that'll uh have you on the edge of your seat don't worry so much about it man come on just play the damn game that name looks familiar wait this is the same guy who made the last game we played damn he had to feel that with this stuff i guess we can only hope he improved a bit oh boy more movie maker this is 2014 by the way i'm not just mocking some kid who didn't have easy access to what we have now movie maker was a joke even when this was made so in this story you know this toy story if you will i didn't even say you could stay why are you still here while playing with his toys one night andy accidentally breaks woody's head off the next morning woody is missing and all that remains is a scurry msp and dandy oh no so after this you play as a few of the supporting cast where things seem fine at first but then a black and red eyed woody cheeses and uh kills them it's just a [ __ ] we're moving on hey hold up hold on don't you want to see how it ends or see if it gets any better what's the point we already know it's not these are all just carbon copies of one another there has to be at least one exe game that's good or interesting or even somewhat unique well how about mario.exe what there is no mario.exe sure there is come on bryce it's right there what that's not even called mario you can see that's called i hate you okay all right fine so this starts you at the sunken ghost ship which i'm pretty sure is a normal level from the game i'm not some kind of dorky plus mario games but after beating at the stages i start bleeding and it's called oh god no yo i don't get it what's the deal with these black and red eyes bro like it may have been somewhat creepy at the start because it's not really expected but when literally every single crappy video game creepypasta feels the need to add them it's not unexpected and disturbing no more it's just the norm mario starts walking down a hallway before saying the words i hate you written in blood on the walls spooky but the next is even spookier you want some pie mark that's not even close to what they trying to say look i just want to be skirt this is halloween not april fool's dad what you you see because the games are more funny than scary so i can part it to just keep playing the game yeah okay you're next sorry uh demonic entity sir i'm sorry i'm just gonna have to um okay great there we go eventually things get more and more disturbing and we finally have the reveal of who was causing all this chaos that dang ol clad cash at it again just kidding us luigi apparently he's so upset about still being in his brother's shadow that he's gone on a killing spree to try and get rid of him but after our epic boss fight we defeated once and for all and knock him into the lava and after that what what's so funny bro well i mean you can't be serious that's hilarious mario looking all pissed at luigi who's got his face burnt off it's amazing i mean i i thought it was alright well yeah don't get me wrong it was a lot better than sonic.exe wasn't amazing but it was at the very least a little less cliche but going from a 1 out of 10 to a 2 out of 10 doesn't make it any less ridiculous i'm not denying there can't be some creative or interesting creepypastas out there based on video games again i think band droned in pokemon black are fairly decent like someone actually took the original sonic.exe and adapted it to sonic.exe the pc port and i think the visuals for this one are really good and elevate the original story it does just rely on blood or hyper realistic visuals or even jumpscares really it's just got some neat visuals although it's again brought down by being a game maker game but these dot exes man it's a shame because that teen talk people view creepypastas for a ton of people a lot of these feel because they rely on throwing bloody imagery in your face along with an over reliance on jumpscares and it's just it's just not scary it's annoying if anything sure you'll manage to make this dude throw his headphones off for a couple seconds but it doesn't leave any long lasting impression what i find scary are stories or videos that sit there it's it's subtle and it lets me get into my own head it doesn't have to be light or flashy it just has to be done well and have some kind of vision yeah i think if people trying to creatively tell a creepy story based on a video game then the best option is to try and work around a story that makes sense within the realm of the game itself instead of mixing in different elements from a ton of different things it would be a lot more mysterious and creepy not to mention actually somewhat believable if it seemed like this is something that could have happened within the game and not that it was possessed by some random ass demon who for whatever reason wanted to take its victim souls through a copy of sonic the hedgehog i remember once as a kid opening sonic generations on steam i'm being shown everything like normal but all the textures of the world were bright red this wasn't anything over the top but i freaked out and thought i was living in a real life creepypasta it turns out one of the files just got crap but my point is sometimes less is more but even if that's not the case it don't matter how bad these stories are because that's what halloween is all about baby getting together with a bunch of friends and having a good time telling each other dumb ghost stories that clearly aren't real is the spirit of the holiday so if these bad stories still bring people joy then maybe it's okay that they're bad since they're still making our lives a little bit better wouldn't you agree mark what get out of my house [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: LS Mark
Views: 295,926
Rating: 4.9284611 out of 5
Keywords: LS Mark, Sonic.exe, Creepypasta, Video Game Creepypasta, Video Game Creepypastas Are Dumb, Dumb Creepypastas, Funny Creepypasta, Sonic.exe Playthrough, Toy Story.exe, Mario I HATE YOU, Sally.exe, Sonic2.exe, Knuckles, Tails, Tails Doll, Tails.exe, calling sonic at 3am, Scary Sonic, Haunted Video Game, Scary Video Game, Sonic.exe Markiplier
Id: fF1ZOij1G9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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