Sonic Is Missing

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in 1991 ii released her flagship title for the second mega drive a new action platformer that aimed to put a dent in intend whose absolute reading on the video game industry what seemed like a Herculean maybe even an impossible task was achieved with flying colors by a game changing the qiam it's Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog is a blazing fast blue hedgehog without it to despair an impatient temper on a demand for righteous justice he'll do whatever it takes to stop the maniacal dr. Eggman from turning his beautiful world into a mechanical hell scheme a simple premise with a strong theme gorgeous art direction an amazing you take on the platforming genre Sonic the Hedgehog broken nintendo stranglehold on the industry amana steven Gihon market dominance themselves a renaissance for sega and a bright future ahead all thanks to one little hedgehog on a team with a decisive design in mind to make it happen Sonic the Hedgehog is a Twitter mascot who is also a freedom fighting little animal essentially Bugs Bunny a war wolf literally King Arthur a self war Cline a horrible CGI abomination fighting aliens like bloody Doug the Will Smith that Lycan men in black they'll receive in the world truth the Arabian Nights series he's wrapped up in sports steep fighting some snake lizard or he's a younger version of himself but it's actually him from another dimension that just so happens to be the exact same as his past self but it's really not because apparently there are like 10 different worlds in the same world where they're humans in one an animals and the other except Eggman is human so he's the only human I guess but he also was a grandpa on a giant spaceship except maybe he doesn't know because sonic blue otic kondal maybe and he's also like the king of social media and it's almost all he's known for and although my interest in the vids dwindled in recent years by love for Sonic the Hedgehog hasn't faded call it fine boy ISM the sunk cost fallacy or probably the most appropriate term insanity I can't seem to outrun my adoration for the world's most famous Hedgehog but I can't help but wonder why whenever I said is someone I love Sonic the Hedgehog why do I always have to follow it up with a big bold Asterix with a footnote of exceptions longer than the levels in lost world 3ds the sonic franchise has no sense of consistency a franchise of up Dynes in all around if you will while there are the subsections of Mario fans who prefer the classic side scrollers or the 3d platformers that define the respective IRA's there was never I write aggression over it in the community nor heated to be it's about which version of Mario was the best or if giving him seems in his overalls ruined his character design not the case with his rival each era of Sonic has their own little name attached to them and more often than not its own take on the character let's take a look in the Museum of Sonic the Hedgehog please don't touch the art George don't touch [Music] [Music] there's always been something odd that bugged me about what the Fonz dubbed the meta era I could never quite put my finger on that is until I watched a video by youtuber known as super eyepatch wolf titled the bizarre modern reality of Sonic the Hedgehog why it's a good video a great video one might even call it aside from the seemed tired joke everyone makes about this franchise here or there I find it an interesting deep dive on Sonic and the relationship with his phones this is all well and good and I have no ill intentions or desire to call him out as the hip kids are doing is but a dandy goes over how the people working for Sonic mainly the social media team have sort of embraced this odd internet laughingstock Sonic's turn into honey portrays it as this light at the end of the tunnel the deceived Sonic and put him in such a better place compared to the times like the Dark Ages the reason all this is so important is because for all the missteps Sega have made with Sonic over the years it's their willingness to embrace their own fan culture that's arguably resurrected Sonic as a mainstream pop Oh Sonic sure did kiss a lady Oman he's a werewolf did you know that the prefix were actually refers to human so it's like calling him a man hog did you know that did you pay attention in Miss Madonna's English class you absolute Kali and this doesn't just apply to him there are plenty of other people who treat Sonic's current state of self deprecating missus how does a source on my desk he's probably looking at some time as this amazing step forward that has helped Sec us so much nerve iving their dead IP let's just say I as diplomatic Lee as possible think this statement is a crock --is-- we can discuss on and on about how Sonic being a war hog sonic kissing he human becoming a king of the knights of the round table saving one of his friends from suicide so on and so forth is the absolute Great Depression of this franchise and while I do agree these are indeed very little points I think here annoy has become the most detrimental ear to the franchise as a whole the problem currently going on right now that isn't exclusively tied to these games but the very integrity of the branded that problem being Sonic the Hedgehog is [Music] Wow talking about Sonic the Hedgehog's sure has me warlike if only there was a cool pin that I could wear so that when I look at it I get motivated to him to talk more about Sonic the Hedgehog oh look the exclusive limited print LS mark pin is now available check the link in the description below because there's only a hundred of them yep that's the number that was decided only 100 of you will be able to wear this pin and have your mom set Wow honey you're way past cool so cool even I decided to not divorce your father and or mother anymore it's the current year I can have any sports I want so go buy them stop your parents divorce you want your parents Stan a hobby Marge don't you here's a happy customer whose parents are still together by the god Tom pins you wonderful beautiful bastard now that the odds over let's just jump into it I've always seen Sonic's history but red is being near perfect up until Sonic Adventure this is usually the point people refer to when the franchise suddenly splits Europe horribly a sonic was taking a different direction but this idea sort of falls apart when you look overseas at how Sonic was being handled Japan at the time so let's compare over in the u.s. Sonic was marketed as being this furry Bart Simpson like rebel who's sarcastic and edgy and doesn't play by no one's rules not because that's what the creator envisioned but because that's exactly what was popular at the time Sonic was conceived from an internal contest at Sega to design their next mascot he's a hedgehog of culture wearing the boots of Michael Jackson colored red to invoke Santa Claus and has the personality of Bill Clinton even with this western design in mind from the get-go Sega decided to advertise Sonic completely differently in two places at the same time I guess he just wasn't palatable enough for kids in the 90s you only need to look at the boxart of each game in their respective regions tell I drastic the differences are Sega hired Greg Martin to design the box art for the Western release I'm a key martyr this was a softer sonic his spikes were not portrayed as a mohawk with smooth tight quills his ears were drippy and his eyebrows were when were to find contrast up against this simple edgy little character the Japanese box likes to show Sega's marketing strategy worked at the time but it created this automatic split that had a ripple effect that eventually became a tidal wave 40 years it started as early the next two titles Sonic CD and Sonic 2 are being developed in Japan and America respectively internally competing to be the de-facto sequel to the first Sonic title Sonic CD even had a reor castrated soundtrack just for the American release this doesn't even begin to cover the lore that heat reason wrote for the character there are so many different scrapped deities that it would take up a good chunk of the video if I talked about them all eventually the Japanese continuity 1 ID and things started getting more unified during sonic adventures release if anything Sonic Adventure is where more faithful to the classics original intentions that people give it credit for it specifically builds upon story elements mentioned in the manual to Sonic 3 because at that point in time this wasn't modern Sonic it was just Sonic an evolution the logical next step for a series that showed a lot of ambition in the previous me online installment despite each classic game having a different art director they'll strive to achieve the same goal surreal landscapes that have a vague resemblance to real-world architecture and nature Greenhill was an iconic zone that mix serene lifts and grassy meadows of rollercoaster like Torian weird geometric palm trees and checkered grinds sunflowers don't spin like that what were they doing when they made this scheme via ping green hill zone signs completely stranger asinine on paper but when you look at it it all just clicks together and then you look at sonic adventures art design it's like yep that sure is a surreal landscape of real-world architecture in nature people says Sonic Adventure was a bad direction for the franchise because it was too realistic this this is too realistic for you you ever try running on wind I did it didn't work out so well there is a heavy link towards realism in the adventure games admittedly both the advent of new technology it feels kind of inevitable developers would get excited to try and replicate the real world in 3d even still lights after the time eventual is a pretty good step forward into the third dimension for Sonic windy Valley and speed highway or some fan favorite level themes Sonic's controls are a lot of fun and there's a lot of replay value but had the game didn't teach very well in conquered part of modern standards so I guess we have to throw that all away and say Sonic had a rocky history into 3d just kidding that's a goddamn line they actually their Sonic was never good oh what's that IGN you weren't saying that when you gave the game an 8.6 this bizarre idea that Sonic had this giant flop into the 3rd mansion is just a flat-out lied when a key might Sonic Adventure was praised as being one of the best 3d platformers of all time it sold incredibly well - and before this retroactive continuity we're all of a sudden every 3d sonic is terrible it was largely held in high regard oh yeah but they mean it aged poorly if the game aged is poorly it means it was never good are you just lying to yourself so stop liking this game listen here chief of course it eats poorly do you think super mario 64 ocarina of time each perfectly even if you think they still hold up there are elements that are archaic and darn right awful by today's standards why is sonic held under such scrutiny when Mario and Zelda get a pot oh right because it's Sonic the Hedgehog am i right guys law let's make a meme about Sonic the Liam hog on Twitter Sonic was great was was great there's the optic white there not anymore it's no secret that Sonic is a massive punching bag and this is a resulted in people attempting to go back as far as they can to dunk on this Hedgehog oh well the series started to go downhill at heroes Oh we'd never mind no it's adventure - hmm well can we also go to adventure one might be sand Appa was sown in Sonic 3 or what about sonic schoolhouse Mon CD sure isn't that good anymore aw screw it let's just say Sonic was never good pack it in guys we did it problem solved Sonic is consult hashtag Sonic is over party untied get it Sonic Adventure and a fair few of his other past idols have aged poorly like really poorly I can understand if you don't like it but I'm with the mindset that in the genesis of the transition to 3d it's important to take into consideration most games didn't have this luxury of hopping a frame of reference to build off sure take a game like Mario to 3d signs simple enough funny wahoo mondo jump on portal but that doesn't count for our enemies reacted Temari on 3ds how are you view a level in 3d high levels are built in 3d there was nothing to reference other than your imagination and even then that's incredibly limited by the hardware say what you will about Mario but he wasn't a physics driven platformer based on speed even if Sonic Adventure came out years after Mario 64 he simply could not use as a frame of reference outside of Libby the camera system you jump in 3d there are platforms Sonic has always been a unique platforming series from the start those never anything like it when it first came out the same can be said for Sonic Adventure it's a hugely ambitious project that covers a variety of genres I'm of the desire to tell a seamless story between six character champions it may not be impressive now and it has EODs poorly but if you could take the context into consideration I'm sure you could at least appreciate what it was going for I'm the absolute uphill battle it had to climb to undergo to get to the state it was released in when it's put into that context it actually sounds a lot cooler than it actually is you may be wondering where I'm going with this but my point is that with Sonic Adventure sonic the hedgehog became incredibly consistent in terms of naturally evolving his character and lowered the classic franchise was neither freedom didn't natural through-line that logically progresses on evolves with each entry Sonic Adventure feels like a culmination of all the Genesis games and one big cathartic finale it was awesome so now sonic has a unified identity did all make sense and there's nowhere to go but up weird Sega's and making consoles anymore well it's fine Sonic Adventure 2 came out and it's getting ported to other consoles a nice Sega can focus on evolving Sonic even further what could possibly go wrong I don't think it's fair to say that Sonic lost his way until Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and I'm gonna spare you the details by unbelievably bad this game is because every Tom Dick Harry James Jimmy Johnny comment Billiam James - Squeakquel and Aaron with a microphone have given countless hours worth of reasoning as to why this game is bad but I want to mention these two briefly because it has shattered any hopes of Sonic becoming a respectable Brown again no matter how many wins no matter how many successes there's always gonna be that one guy in the crowd too sir remember that time sort of kissed a human prince us remember how the game had glitches remember how Shadow had guns remember how Shadow drove tons of vehicles with guns on then remember how Shadow the Hedgehog became a Christ's allegory and was Chris fighting some weird purple part thing and an evil shadow version was like humanity will condemn you and shadows like I'm too cool and it was like Jesus and suddenly the whole crowd starts giggling - kicked on whatever minor victory Sonic gets down a peg sonic meanie is the best Sonic game in years and it sure didn't have any war hogs in it wink-wink nudge-nudge we don't need any other embarrassments from Sonic's past clawing their way out of a Fanta zone like brown sonic or that human girl that he made out with that one time he said boys he did it he said it the title following Oh sex sonic unleashed was and arguably still is a controversial game think about it as you won but let's be real no matter the actual quality of the game it was gonna get put through the ringer since not to follow up with this thing it all started when I was born Sega needed to do something and they needed to do it fast and what that thing was was to not only reinvent Sonic as a character but as a brand there's a lot of things that can be discussed dissected and memed on in regards to Sonic's darknes however in spite of how perlier's games were designed and in spite of hype early they played there was always this interesting spark to them there was always something fun or interesting going on even if the team was burnt out from saying constantly whipping them like sleeves in a sweatshop you can feel the want to take each game further and more than just what was expected of them we can argue about the quality or whether or not it was the right mindset to have when making a game I'm not arguing about the end product of the quality year it's disappointing to see that they didn't evolve and learn from the successes and failures the adventure games are built off of but I just find something charming in the desire to make Sonic more than what people think he should be but ambition even journey he's a war hog or kissing a princess was one of his core identifiers that always carry over from even the very first Sonic iam he did what the norm wouldn't do the brown wasn't afraid to try new things even if they fell flat that was part of what made Sonic great in the first place he was a response to the norm that was Mario he did something that Mario couldn't do unsuccess eiga briefly topping Nintendo from their throne and I believe if the circumstances were better he would have turned out to be one of gaming's most popular and well respected Browns up there with Mario Zelda Metal Gear for the small what happened through a series of mismanagement strand employees driving away on door losing someone the best talent that had we got something else something we're more disappointing and depressing and the death throes of 2009 they scrapped almost everything that spent almost two decades building upon the open-world adventure game play gone the surprisingly deep mostly stupid but always passionately creative stories that fans grew to love on the second wave of voice actors who were finally starting to get their stride gonna interrupt with a quick tangent here did you know most of the vocal direction from adventure up until about Sonic Unleashed or so was done largely with Japanese voice directors as in that barely spoke English so that couldn't really do their job did you know that the voice actors had no clue what the context of their lines were and therefore could not properly perform that job as they didn't have the sufficient Direction needed to be able to do that job just thought that was interesting but anyway they were going to well Sonic Colors we began to see what would be the Megadrive I mean Genesis we did another take the genesis of the new paddle double sonic stripped of his unique identity and turned into a dumb self-aware cartoon epic and a CF qiyam with a CF story but because you can't criticize our stories if we don't put one there on the general public thought this was great back to B's expect alike hi Sonic wasn't the classics at this point in the franchise Sonic has become a fourth-wall breaking cartoon and I'm okay with that but it wasn't back to how it was in the classics it was back to a gaming journalists thought the classics were like they're just silly little kids games with basic stories they don't try to take themselves too seriously I see it that I really do this idea people have that sonic taking itself seriously as a negative thing when did this franchise take itself seriously that cartoon was a night liar with two tails and a fat doctor who imprisons free woodland creatures inside robots and now we'll start taking it so seriously give me a [ __ ] break Sonic was always shown as being this adventurous freedom fighter trying to save the world and its inhabitants from the brink of destruction the first Sonic game had a thematic through-line of nature versus mechanical progress fun fact la bernstone was originally gonna be the second zone of the game to better fit this theme but was moved to new difficulty they were thinking of thematic structure since dead numero uno but only changed it for the quality of the game if you don't believe me look at the level selector Sonic 1 labyrinth zone is listed before marble zone this theme eventually grew and led him discovering prophecies creating rivals unleashing chaos unleashing himself sonic was growing more and more and as I've said before I always appreciated that despite having these ultra wacky boss moments where Sonic is doing his we could also have moments where he slows down and develops as a character I like when sonic calms down in hero's destroy appreciation for his friends I feel bad for Sonic when the one person he could always count on the Chiefs and suddenly doesn't even recognize his face bloody shadow the entire reason he was brought back was because we saw him grow to be more than just an edgy rival he was a person a hedgehog but we grew to like him we saw what he loved we saw what he lost we saw him sacrifice himself for that and now we wanted him back I don't see too many people clamoring for the wisps to make reappearances I don't see too many people begging for classic Sonic to come back in modern games we don't care because the games themselves were too self-aware to try mckusker because they're just silly little games for kids any of that ambition to make Sonic exciting our cool is just gone instead noise just just sponge ball or Mickey Mouse is just a boring soft mascot I haven't done anything Sonic you're the reason you haven't changed at all you're too strong to lose yourself I'm the reason yeah you never doubt yourself no matter what you never give in to the knight or the darkness inside your heart I mean there's no reason for you to come along so I should just do I need a reason to want to help out a friend [Music] despite what people might say Sonic's identity crisis never went away it got worse and worse just like his reputation and it was only the beginning after a string of seif bets with Sonic Colors and generations Sega decided to drop the bomb a sonic boom if you will boom was the final nail in the coffin for Sonic Sonic oh six brought the hedgehog to his knees boom is what straight-up killed him a nearly Sega - Sega had a massive restructure after the failure of boom what was supposed to be a lucrative sub franchise that would continue on with many games television seasons merchandise and comics became one of the biggest blows to the companies since well arguably the Sega Saturn and reference to a restructuring announcement in early 2015 months after booms release Sega had less than nine hundred thousand dollars in cash investments the short version of the stories that investor confidence in the sega division of sega sami had run very low at this point in time Sonic was one of Sega's biggest brands Yakuza hadn't quite stepped up to the plate yet most of their other franchises were dormant or reserved for party game titles except for like football manager the aliens which that bought the license - okay well sonic wasn't the sole cause of this confidence drying up boom was probably part of the one-two punch that a crippled Sega I bring all this up because this begun a massive Droid and sonic content to compare back and let's say early 2006 the sonic titles and development would have been Sonic ooh six Sonic in the secret rings sonic adventure sonic rivals Sonic Genesis Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games sonic riders sample you will avoid this strategy of shooting out games as fast as they could but the point I'm trying to make is that they had a ton of Eggman in their basket compare that volume of games to the past decade of Sonic I again won a stress that I'm not saying mediocre games are better I'm just saying that if you take the amount of games being made during 2006 compared to 2014 when boom key might last you say that I don't think Sega all of a sudden decided to prioritize quality over quantity they instead prioritized merch lots and lots of merch there's been a much bigger emphasis on selling gimmicky merchandise the reintroduction of fond favourite characters to perpetuate said merchandise please buy my pins and the continued support of mobile games like Sonic Force's speed bottle Sega's very clearly desperate to make money more than ever on they've done so at the expense of the integrity of their brand it's hard to sell sonic no a character who's mostly associated with disastrous schemes of little folks are polished our silly memes that funny man char on Twitter they had to lean into what the popular consciousness thought of Sonic on the official Twitter did that in speeds a delicate balance of adoration and esteem for what had come before and a lot of mystery elements lead fans on a breadcrumb trail that would inevitably lead to disappointment sure we love our funds but would be just as much rather bust our balls in order to get Erin Hanson over to Sega of Japan to make a mean video on his million subscriber youtube channel i no one can deny that he hit sonic but he loves the brand everybody loves me for most people i wouldn't mind if this stuck exclusively to social media but it feels like this mindset has been bleeding over into the games of meaty as well for christ sake the first line spoken in the official sonic movie trailer is gotta go fast gotta go he doesn't say that who are you what have you done Masonic what have you done with Sonic the only time this was done defending modicum of success would probably have to be the sonic boom cartoon while very self referential maybe even too much at points is also just a funny sitcom that's very dead planet sarcastic I'm afraid that blow to the head must have given knuckles amnesia you mean like in hacky sitcoms no I'd argue the self deprecation isn't as gridding due to the sonic boom TV show being a very wry saucy meme of a show from the get-go and it's very clearly done of good fun and not out of any sense of commercializing there's still tweets from 20/20 about how much fun the staff I'd working on the show and I doubt that Sega was paying them anything to say that it also probably helps the show's mostly freelance writers with no prior experience with the franchise except the one or two episodes Sonic alumni Evan Stanley and Ian Flynn worked on then again pod tack and Graff are also freelancers who had no prior experience with the franchise before we're working on it so I guess it just comes down to the boom team being funnier shout out to my boy Alan but the peak of this self-aware insanity has to be sonic forces it feels like a paradoxical response to the past two decades of Sonic we have them pondering to the adventure fans with chaos and shadow who barely do anything the Fonz on DVR who love making sonic Oh cease our ponder two while simultaneously releasing sonic shirt DLC for sad cried and although I will do original the character memes on Twitter whose side are you on Webber I mean Sonic Sonic whose side are you on Sonic not only that but we also have a self-serious story and the harshest of war but in the same breath funny haha memes rutile says true dad like he's on a dom 9 sitcom oh and we can't forget about the gamer a pearl low of that gamer shirt looking flies ale it feels like a project that had a severe lack of focus and a damn team who read some Wikipedia articles and sonic games people like instead of actually having any sort of prior experience with the franchise which is probably what actually happened when the scheme was first night so it was advertised as the same team we brought us colors and generations when in reality almost none of the major leads who developed those games returned instead those developers were poached for some stupid indie titles nobody cares avoid it wouldn't be a bad thing if these new people did a good job but that didn't in spite of having the groundwork led art for them they just made a worse version of a game that came out six years prior so strange they seem to understand people like colors and generations but they don't understand why for those games a fluke or they good by accident because the only thing that seemed to really tear from those games are relying on classic Sonic and the wisps thinking about sonic forces drives me genuinely in seeing this game is such a hot mess of ideas and poor execution of game mechanics that were successfully done before I just I don't know what else to say it's just a dumb mess and say he has no one to blame but themselves Sega have this bizarre mindset of the second before Mila proves unsuccessful at chakra Titans start anew after the tap in response to unleashed they wanted to make Sonic more like Mario and since they're proof favourable of colors and generations they took it to its absolute limit with lost world and when you have what's essentially Ackerman Meyer you knock off on a console I was pretty much dying almost immediately let's just say things weren't gonna really work I the moment that lost world filled disrupt everything and tried to go back to being serious with forces except unlike colors they kept on the staff and writers who were accustomed to nearly a decade of writing funny haha games so comes off like two different mindsets clashing together and it leads to nobody being happy if they want to continue then to stop looking at what the Fonz won from this franchise and first decide what they want from this franchise you could do all the focus tests you want hire the best fun developers out there but will fired a vision or definitive goal in mind for this franchise sonic is going to continue pleasing almost no one but what are we to do Takashi Iizuka says he hastily programs in more wisps we're given it all we got oh please someone help make this triple-a title good this is then followed by a knock at the door who could it possibly be cries azúcar suddenly christian whitehead simon tomley tyson hasent elopes burst through the door the wind flowing through there her huh we'll take it from here Gramps um what do you know now we have the best received sonic him since Adventure 2 on their first goddamn try boy Zuka that must have been embarrassing you've been trying to catch that success for over a decade and these guys beat you on the first go does it feel bad does it hurt I bet it does use a tile clean yourself up disgusting so now any time something bad happens in this franchise the automatic response from the general public is welp maybe if they let the Fonz care of it is it not absolutely tragic that a multi-million dollar company with experienced developers up to outsource their games to funds make no mistake I think the talented people that hire agree and have done a consistently great job but we shouldn't have to expect CEQA to hire fonts for literally everything like most people are suggesting there are people out there who think the only way a sonic adventure game could work is if the funds were hired to make it know if someone was there who actually knew what they were doing and understood the appeal of the original game they wouldn't have to hire every guy who put sonic in some stock Unreal Engine filled with realistic ass deer it's not impressive you're literally just putting in a sense the fonts have proven over and over again they don't know what that one why are we suddenly encouraging CEQA to rely on them more than ever due to one success every fan has a different idea of what Sonic is Tyson's vision is probably different from tacks man's vision which is probably different from what azúcar wants of this franchise and sure hiring a bunch of fines will most likely create we're more good games than we're getting no but it'll create way more inconsistencies between each subsection of the franchise when the inconsistencies are already a really big issue I don't want sonic feet simulator to become a new sub franchise my poor little heart cannot take it I'm not saying the solution is to stop hiring funds they've made some amazing stuff over the years I just believe that should stop having to rely on funds and constant fanservice to fix their broken franchise it literally got so bought that they couldn't even control the official movie design on a fine how to be brought in to show them how to design their own character it's not bloody rocket science just give him two eyes a few spikes here and there and the mouths and okay okay well it's harder than looks so here is a sonic fans explanation for why Sega should stop listening to Sonic fans with Sonic was a response to the anti-establishment culture that saw a boom in the late eighties on early 90s people are clamoring for more characters who didn't live life by any rules but their own and Sonic filled that niche perfectly as times changed so too did Sonic Sonic Adventure started seeing the Hedgehog carve an identity of his own with inspiration from the rock tunes of the era and their desire to see more ambitious games from the new console generation my bad once Sega dropped out of the console market however we can start to see them adapting to current trends or appealing to the Fonz rather than fully dedicating the games to Sonic's creative identity Shadow the Hedgehog barely feels like a sonic IAM Oh Burleigh feels like a sonic iums unleashes Warhawk segments definitely don't feel like Sonic the spark that made these schemes so interesting was marked by having to adopt to trans and gaming to purchase many copies as possible for every moment in Sonic at least where we were connected to Sonic and chips relationship there was another moment where Sonic was a stretchy armed werewolf that took you right out of it part of why so many of us Sonic bonds connector these games is because of Sonic as a character it's the reason there are so many people that make self inserts for this universe he's a very endearing protagonist in a person to his platforming counterparts Mario's defining treat a blank slate who's adaptable crash bandicoot's he's in seeing Sonic he's a multi-faceted character with a lot of personality well most of the time because of this we see him grow and naturally evolve over the course of each qiyam you shall forever be the worst of nights slayer of kings yes I can't be the hero every time which I believe truly peaked in Sonic Unleashed and Sonic and the Black Knight the Sonic and those games is a lot more mature than I was port red in previous titles his edginess and attitude is pulled way back even his voice is a lot less exaggerated than how his voice before Marlina every world has its end I know that's kind of sad but that's why we got to live life to the fullest in the time we have at least that's what I figure it feels like saunaka grew an artist's impatient irrational attitude he had back in the adventure days and people still look back on those two games is the best betrayal of his character ever but because Unleashed flopped Saget evolved back to sculpting a sonic that would fit batter with modern trends and what we have now is this egotistical fourth wall breaking [ __ ] and while that may have worked and was seen as a breath of fresh air in Sonic Colors and generations people are getting sick of it and want something new I believe moving forward Sega should stop trying to make a character who is cool by capitalizing on modern trends I make character that's cool just because he himself is cool this seems like missing the forest for the trees but Sonic's personality and nuance as we've discussed before is very important to the identity of his games it's what's at him apart from his rivals and yet it's Sonic desperately trying to copy those successes which is why he keeps feeling in comparison to Mario a franchise that Sega has been so desperate to copy Mario games don't really care about the trends of gaming mario stays true to his platforming roots and usually experiments with new ways to jump and wahoo through levels Super Mario Sunshine is generally regarded as one of Mary's most contentious 3d titles and even then the mild controversy this game gets is nowhere near as far east even some of them whose positively received Sonic titles why is that is because at the end of the day it's still a quality Mario title it experimented with someone you gimmicks that didn't work all right but in the end it still feels like a title worthy of being Mario Sonic doesn't have that unified vision that cohesion that Mario does it's the one thing he should be copying but instead copies literally everything else still appeal Sega needs to take a step back and figure out what they want to do with this character have a unified vision even if you stumble out of the guid keep building on your success and learn from your sticks there's a reason why people want to Sonic Adventure formula bag it's not broken it's unrefined Super Mario 64 while a huge critical and commercial success wasn't perfect out of the get a Nintendo continue to iterate an experiment and we eventually got some of Mario's most acclaimed titles ever Sega meanwhile we'll throw it anything that feels and never touch it again even if it doesn't feel we'll throw what I'd start over again anyway where's the consistency the vision any amount of respect this company keeps insisting on trying to shove in a variety of garbage to these games and spring some fond service on top and expect everyone to eat it I'm sick of doing that I'm sick of rewarding this franchise when it continually gives me mediocrity how do you expect to have people respect and vastness Brown if all you do is meme on it and continue producing mediocre content yeah go ahead and make a meme we're laughing at you not with you it's pathetic if I see another dumb mean from the social media caught in there knocks on table or some [ __ ] I'm literally gonna jump off a building yeah I may have gone too far in a few places I can't deny that the strategy of relying on means and fond service has been successful for them at least in the short term a single bond date on a character whose major limbs have been hop hazard Li torn off long ago people are starting to see through the facade and they're getting sick of it myself included why would I want to keep supporting company by purchasing products that most likely mock me for buying the second someone with cluck decides it was bad sonic forces has reportedly done favorably for Sega but is not really gonna be good enough is this really gonna be sustainable maybe I'm not really sure anymore despite what people like Aaron Webber says I believe sonic is not in a good place right now I know this video has been a real debbie downer but it's something I can't stop denying if we keep accepting mediocrity we're gonna be given mediocrity like the spin - sonic will keep turning releasing mediocre game after mediocre game and will continue to buy it because it has his face on it I don't know what the future holds for this franchise unless they Knight something while I'm making this video but all I can really say is this I miss you Sonic and I hope we can find you again someday [Music]
Channel: LS Mark
Views: 500,004
Rating: 4.8673005 out of 5
Keywords: Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic Is Missing, LS Mark
Id: e1ZIwUIn_Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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