Victor Jackson - Forbidden Hunger

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come into this house and lift up the name of Jesus amen we ought to remember that it's because of the blood of Jesus that gives me access into the holy place a man a man I don't ever want to get to a point where I feel like I deserve to be here or I belong here it's because of His grace and mercy that I am here a man I am a sinner saved by grace we're gonna go ahead and get started if you're here this evening and you have a sickness in your body or maybe you need prayer for a particular situation or something you're going through right now if you would go ahead and make your way to the front our ministers are here we're gonna pray for you we're gonna touch and agree with you as well we're gonna believe that God's gonna do something miraculous in the service tonight amen amen maybe somebody that you want to stand in the gap for they're not here tonight but you want to stand in the gap for them and believe for them why don't you make your way up to the front before we get started we're gonna pray right now come on if you don't have a need why don't you stretch your hands towards the front let's begin to pray for those who have come or those who are standing in the gap for others come on let's lift up our voices I think we've been here before we know what to do come on let's lift our hands let's lift our voices let's begin to pray and call upon the name of the Lord tonight [Music] we pray in the name of Jesus we pray please continue to pray if you're up here in the front for those who are still sitting in their seats why don't we take our hands and lay it on our heads amen let's pray God right now touch our minds touch our hearts God help us to bring our minds into the sanctuary God don't let our mind wander Lord but let's bring every thought into the obedience of Christ Lord that we can be present here in the sanctuary Lord that we could be present here with your presence that we can make contact with the worship and praise that your spirit can fill this place God that your glory could fill this house God we pray in the name of Jesus right now against every weapon that wants to come against our mind every lie that wants to come against our mind we pray against it in the name of Jesus we pray let the anointing that destroys the yoke God begin to flow over this congregation over the sanctuary right now in the name of Jesus we pray God put your hand over your heart right now we pray right now in the name of Jesus God that you would search our hearts God if a wickedness in our hearts God we pray God search her heart and cleanse us God for many unrighteousness or wickedness God we give you thanks in the name of Jesus right now before we go into worship come on let's run together with heaven come on let's join together and begin the worship and praise God God we give you glory we give you honor come on lift your hands lift your voice [Music] name of Jesus we pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the undefeated one my life in my salvation like it my enemies and my boss gave up on me [Applause] you are [Applause] [Applause] the undefeated [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and mature [Music] [Applause] stop I don't know what you came in this house needing tonight and I don't know what you came to do but I didn't come to pull any punches with the devil tonight I didn't come to play any games I came to worship the God of my salvation the only one that can heal the only one that can back away grab somebody on the hand and prophet our they're like two great ruin your lunch break through in your minds breakthrough in the spirit breakthrough in your soul break doing you weakness break doing the struggle you are the god you are the god of a breakthrough in my worship breakthrough in the praise breakthrough in the live to glorify a name raikou and my dance breakthrough and I see ya you are the God you are the dude in my heart I don't know what's it in my mind quick you are the god come on say price with my work when I left and I clarify your name [Applause] come on and tonight everyone an average at sobriety [Applause] [Music] Wow ducked out at the mention of the name [Music] Arizona happened after mention on the name stop that my time everybody say wait you in my heart break through in my mind break through in my spirit break you in my soul wait you in my weakness come on and declare break you in my worship when I lived in the color in my name [Music] you are the god we struggle [Applause] [Music] whatever he did before he can do it again colony I saw a video today of the big conferences happening overseas in the Philippines and thousands upon thousands of people lifting their hands and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost for the first time I saw another video here in the United States of young people being baptized in the name of Jesus just over and over again just in people being healed the work of God is spreading like wildfire the truth the gospel miracles signs and wonders they're still happening today and it's with us here tonight if you want it God is still doing it I just believe that you just have to reach out and be a part of it it's up to us as an individual choice God's Spirit is here he is the god of the breakthrough hallelujah hallelujah we need a move of God like never before I don't want to be satisfied with ordinary Church the reason we're here is to lift up and glorify the name of Jesus can you just lift your hands and say God we need you we need a move tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there's a song that we just learned and it says mountains are still be and strongholds are still being loosed and God we believe and yes we see it wonders still what you do and bodies are still being [Music] anjaii answer still being sleigh and God we believe and yes we can see that wonders are still what you do cuz we are here for you come and do what you do we are [Music] coming to would reduce our hearts all you come into words move we need we need [Music] we need [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh coming come on sting [Applause] [Music] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Music] hallelujah Jesus we love you Jesus we love you cheese Jesus the presence of the Norse in this place right now why don't you race your boys why don't you give a price right now why don't you give him praise for we about to do right now thank you Jesus for your process and this [Music] yes [Music] thank you Jesus why don't you raise your hands right now I wanted to give a praise why don't you thank him thank you for what he's done for you thank you Jesus thank you for your presence as he says thank you for your presence here tonight Lord thank you Jesus Lord we love you you have been so good to us Lord you have been so good to us Jesus thank you for your power for name Jesus thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus thank you Lord goddess in this place tonight if you need a miracle the miracle maker is in this place today God is in this place tonight we feel it I know it's in this place right now don't live to now without what God is store for you if you need a miracle healing miracle God has got that for you here tonight in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus why don't we just give him another brace right now thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you we love you Jesus Jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you Church you may be seated thank you thank you oh I like what I feel love what I feel here right now the presses are the Lords in this place hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Lord we want to give you another opportunity to worship God but your offer it by the tide and in the offering there are there are several ways to give here at the P okay if you're given by cash your check huh stirs if you come if you can make your way down if you're given by cash your check if you can raise your hands or also we'll give you an envelope if you're doing electronically you can go to the Pentecost is that today click on the giving tab I believe right now we got some announcements on the big screen as well [Music] welcome it's our pleasure to have each of you here with us today we like to share some upcoming events happening here I could be okay on Wednesday August 28th there will be a membership experience class here new members will have the opportunity to connect with our pastoral staff and learn more about the history and the future of the church for more information you can visit the next steps booth in the player on August 25th Spanish will be having a prayer meeting located in the youth sanctuary at 7:30 if you have any questions you can see brother South Korea for more information we hope to see you there ladies prayer takes place every Saturday at 10 a.m. also you can sign up your family for family prayer at the next steps food in the foyer Sunday September 1st there will be no p.m. service immediately after and service we will have a back-to-school fellowship service there will be food and fun free of charge be sure to join us if you are a guest we invite you to connect with us in the foyer at our next dutchman once again thank you for joining us on this Sunday here at the Pentecostals also praise the Lord one more announcement if you have construction background if you and Alec recenter have any construction background if you can help us we're need some help on the Spanish to try to finish up on the Spanish side if you notice there's a lot of construction going on in our and our Spanish how many are are happy that we're we're having a revival at the church the P okay hey man so we want to make sure if you if you if you have any little skills if you can help us we're trying to finish up whatever it's laughs I think we're putting some Chi rock and some stuff in there so if you wanted to help if you can if you can meet us at the four year we can we can get your information we can contact you if we can stay in church we're gonna go and pray your Usher's if we can come to the front how many are how many are excited about a revival tonight brother Victor Jackson it's in the house tonight he'll be here tomorrow 7:00 p.m. all so he'll be here on Tuesday he'd also be here on Wednesday I love what God is doing here at the P okay hey man and man if we can if you can raise your envelope and your offering and your tithing right now let's go to the Lord in prayer thank you God thank you Jesus for the opportunity to get back to your key in the Lord thank you for the blessings you're giving us Lord thank you we'll give it back to your king the Lord thank you Jesus and your name we pray hey man you bring your tithe and offering [Music] [Applause] [Music] we seek your face come and make your throne upon our Prince here in this place have your way the moment that we see we are chained [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] we come we're a dark [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] have your way we can't make it without you [Music] for fear about right here right now Jesus you change everything aren't you and hope is found right Brock now Jeeves you shaved everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Burnie [Music] place give Him praise he's worthy to be praised hallelujah the Lord is here - nine hallelujah just give him praise well don't you just give him a few more minutes hallelujah let's start launch into the service hallelujah the presence of the Lord to do something here tonight chef's raise your hands they're just dealing thank you Jesus hallelujah we love you we give you praise can we just do it can we just do it for a few more minutes just search your heads right there don't worry about the music don't worry about who's next to you don't worry about wood besides you just give them thanks Louise just given thanks to God right now that's the Spirit of God is pouring in this place somebody somebody in this place is asking for a miracle don't give up to your miracle somebody in this place he's asking it's been waited is me praying I'll tell you right now God is in this place I will answer your prayer right now just just don't give up just don't give up [Music] just yet but strive it yes gave up praying yes gable prayer oh Jesus [Music] it's all about much love God hallelujah hallelujah oh please God brace God just keep on praise all of you he was running another round of applause oh god is so wonderful we serve a wonderful God Church let me tell you something right now you are in the best place you could be you are in the presence of God hallelujah take advantage of where you are right now you just don't know it a lot of people up there wish to be in a place where you are right now just give them brace Alleluia I wanted to be praise God we love you Jesus we love UTC hallelujah what you may make use you way back to your chairs hallelujah we move on to the service this is one of my favorite parts of the service I love to see new faces in our service that you live does anybody filters like the way I do I love to see new faces Amen hallelujah well let's welcome out our our guests tonight here at Pentecostal appeal be okay hallelujah but before we move on we also like to give a round of applause to the audience and online audience please Polybius does not forget about them their faithfulness they faithful to our services they're always watching thank God for them hallelujah and I have a few cards but before I move on it if anybody is here for the first time or second time please raise your hand I saw here that can give you a card if you did not fill up a card we're not going to embarrass you we're not going to ask you to come up here to the platform or sing or anything but we just want to know who you are because we got we got some ministries we've got some programs that we would like to invite you to as well so if anybody here tonight for the first time second time didn't get a card just raise your hands okay so it looks like we all family thank God for that so I got a few a few guests here tonight but I like to say this if I don't pronounce your name right please forgive me okay there's a few names that I don't recognize and I'm sorry for this but I would try I would I will say this I will try my best okay I will try my best so for the first time guess that we have or brother Reuben hell our brother Reuben hell Reuben here oh okay okay there you go there you are my brother right here in the middle section thank you brother for being with us here literally my mouth's a little dry that's okay second second guess here we have Caitlyn Blatt did I say that right Clayton Clayton glad I'm sorry for you say right thank you for being here with us you know so we have Leila corral or a say Lela Corral okay that's our first time as guests as well thank you we have bearing McKinney's Darren McKinney's thank you for being here with us hallelujah we also have when it says Cara Medina did I say that right Karen there you go right here on the on the on the left side thank you sister for being with us here tonight Genesis Reiniger out here in the back of the left side as well thank your sister for being here with us it'll be okay and also we have a second time guess which also we wouldn't want you to be leaving out of here empty-handed we got a couple gifts for you as well technique award right here right in front rowdy here is the middle section thank you sister for you and we also got a couple of special guests here tonight and one of them say yeah Anna Griffin Jana Griffin thank you I don't see where but thank you brian blessed is invited by our sisterly support okay okay so I guess that's all our guests here for tonight we're gonna put five minutes on the clock and we are going to give him a chance to greet everybody here tonight and after after the five minutes we will continue with the service okay five minutes on the clock starts right about now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so glad you changed me down Jesus fooled me I'm I stalled [Music] [Music] create Oh [Music] [Music] why [Music] because the because the I am who I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you glad your names written down in the Lamb's Book of Life hallelujah amen are you thankful for the P okay choir we're gonna hear from them in just a moment turn to your neighbors smile at them shake their hand very quickly I wanna make just a couple of announcements and you can be seated hallelujah amen we want to make mention of a couple of things somebody say everybody say vesper services that was pretty weak everybody say vesper services as much better so what that means is those are our services Monday night and Tuesday night that's tomorrow and the following night we will begin at 7:00 p.m. sharp now pastors designed this with minimal preliminaries we will have brother Jackson our Evangelist on the floor by 7:15 7:20 so we will get right into the word of the Lord this coming Monday and Tuesday night you don't want to miss it do your very best to be here at 7 o'clock and we are going to have a great time and then of course our service on Wednesday night 7 p.m. as well and brother Jackson's gonna be with us all through nights brother Jackson we're so glad you're here god bless you man amen so 7 o'clock Monday night Tuesday night and Wednesday night one and welcome just a couple more guests Carolina where are you sitting Carolina wave your hand at me real quick over here on the left god bless you we're glad you're here francis gonzalez francis where are you city over here in the center section god bless you right there in the back we're glad you're here alright and one final announcement we have a couple of young men matt singer james gonzalez last service with us they're on their way to texas A&M we are so proud of you colors stand up alright these are good boys we love your fellas we're praying for you you can be seated how many came to worship the Lord this evening I wonder if we have any Jesus superfans in the house I wonder who loves got the most in this place who has Jesus been the best - hallelujah let's stand and worship Him together as the choir sings [Music] [Music] I saw and the answer me from every fear those who look on him already [Music] don't have this for me and the Lord heard me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh Jason see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with [Applause] [Music] what you're doing complaining and say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what do to this part of the if you got you got the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I wish somebody's soul would catch on fire what does catch on fire it is the holy cows on fire hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah my lord this is revival this is revival time [Music] somebody saw we're to catch on fire [Applause] [Music] the prophets hands it was a fire shut up in my bones do you know what somebody will do when they are on fire they not gonna stand like this they not gonna look around [Applause] because that's all it's got sapphire hallelujah I wish somebody soul butterscotch on fire Wow ah hallelujah [Music] i-i got a praise i got a praise and i gotta let it out i-i got a praise i got a praise and i gotta let me the heart I've got a prize why don't you let it out why don't you let that price out to God hallelujah oh what a day that's gonna be with Jesus we shall see I wanna stroll into heaven when I go classic by the gate I wanna watch how are the tans I wanna shout cuz I'm a dad Oh bless the Lord bless the Lord let's give the Lord a hand a praise let's give how I plan tonight [Music] my god hey man you may return to your seats if you can thank you bye the Lord has got something great in so for us in this place tonight over the next couple of days the Lord is gonna show himself strong and mighty hey man you don't need to leave here without what you have come for I said you don't have to leave here without what you have come for whatever they need tonight the God that can supply that need is in this place amen let's all stand as we honor the man of God we are so grateful to have brother Rita Jackson with us all the way from Florida amen come to minister the word of the Lord we want him to take his liberty amen Prince what the Lord has laid upon his heart and we are to be okay we know how to respond to preachers amen but most of all we know how to respond to the Word of God amen to open our hearts minds let's come expecting from God brother Jackson would you come please sir praise God why don't we all stand in the presence of the Lord let's pray for your wonderful Shepherd and his travels [Music] wonderful leadership give honor to pester McKee and his wife and family and the Wilson family why don't you lift up your hands where we are let's pray for their traveling mercies that God protects them that they come back refreshed Lord Jesus Lord we pray for the Shepard of this wonderful assembly god we asked that he come back refreshed and the Holy Ghost Lord we pray for brother Eugene Wilson Lord we asked that he come back refreshed and the Holy Ghost all the men that have gone on this trip protect them grant them traveling mercies let the grace of God be upon them everywhere that they go that there be a favour and let them come back in the power of the Spirit in Jesus name Amen amen amen can you give the Lord a hand clap [Applause] well here we are to the word of the Lord anybody got energy for the word of the Lord here tonight a man a man has been looking forward to coming and spending time with all of you thank you to this wonderful ministry team taking for taking care of me this week I'm looking forward to fellowship and spending time with them thank you so much but the wilson for picking me up from the airport this afternoon and i'm glad we made it on time no delays hallelujah and you just never know you know i was flying by faith that was on Southwest you know so a man Oh help me holy goes I could preach on that for a while and you know there's a few airlines you know Southwest is good but that's as low as you can go if you're if you're flying spirit you know I'm praying for you I don't believe it's the spirit to fly spirit amen and that's just a whole nother story I could go on that and I can go on Dunkin Donuts as well it's just kind of put that in the ground I don't believe in Dunkin Donuts I just I just yeah I know I know I know I know I felt it I felt it I have I have some tragic stories about Dunkin Donuts come meet me after the altar call we're gonna talk about it I got a take a heavy burden off of my spirit amen amen why don't we open up our Bibles to the book of Genesis chapter 27 of honor to this wonderful church this wonderful assembly wonderful youth group got to see a few of them from a distance at na YC and that was wonderful the had one of the Pentecostals of Katy protégées singing at na YC hallelujah come on somebody and appreciate so much the impact that this church is making not just here but everywhere that you guys go and I and just with this wonderful youth choir give honor to all of you apologize for my wife and son not being with me this particular time as you know they travel with me 90% of the time but last Thursday my son had a precautionary surgery and he just got released the same day just went under the anesthesia just didn't cry they gave him some prescription to take and he didn't need it he was just taking children's motrin for the first two days so he has an in pain hasn't been in pain he hasn't cried but y'all pray for us because he he has been being a little baby now you know he's turns four four in January he flies with us everywhere he's got platinum status with American Airlines Amen he's been on well over 250 flights so he loves flying but y'all pray for you know don't just pray for him pray for my wife because he has a lot of pent-up energy right now you know he's not supposed to be doing anything for like two to three weeks so he's just I think he's getting tired of just reading books and stuff you know he's ready to run or in like crazy so y'all pray for my wife as well give honor to her Genesis chapter 25 and verse 30 and I love the wonderful worship here and let's just see what happens here tonight Amen I fill it's of the Lord that I'm here in this time excited about this week just so what's another what's another simile or what's another synonym for exciting ecstatic there we go I must keep switching it up Alleluia anybody got a thesaurus out there okay all right Genesis chapter 27 verse 30 if you have it's a man and it came to pass as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Jacob and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father that he saw his brother came in from his hunting and also had made savoring meat and brought it unto his father and said unto his father let my father arise and eat of his sons venison that thy soul may bless me and Isaac his father said unto Him who art thou and he said I am thy son thy firstborn Esau and Isaac trembled very exceedingly and said who where is he that hath taken venison and brought at me and I have eaten of all before thou camest and have blessed him yay and he shall be blessed and when Esau heard the words of his father he cried with the great and exceeding bitter cry and said unto his father bless me even me also all my father and he said thy brother came in with craft and hath taken away thy blessing I want to preach to you on this subject this evening forbidden hunger forbidden hunger and I'm just excited to be a part of what God is doing here why don't you lay your Bibles now everyone close your eyes and lift up your hands unless ask the Lord to do exactly what he wants to do here Lord Jesus I thank you for your people I thank you for your spirit I pray that we would all be baptized with a fresh hunger with the fresh move of your spirit a Lobo hosted a hit i minister do what only you can do let the Holy Ghost refresh all of us give us a revelation and understanding open our hearts and our minds and our spirits to receive your word we're nothing without you in Jesus name Amen can you clap your hands to the Lord come on with expectation can you clap a little bit louder [Music] come on if you're really excited why don't you clap your hands all you people and somebody shout unto God with the voice of triumph hallelujah praise God you may be seated in the presence of the Lord somebody shout yes I have not come to hide it from you tonight but I am hungry for God I am not satisfied with just going through the motions I'm not satisfied with just going through the ritual I'm not satisfied for church as usual there is a deep desire in me to have more of God I want more of God I'm hungry for him I want to go in places with God that I've never been before I want to go to a place in God that no one's been before I want to see a dimension of God that no one's ever experienced and I am a hungry and I am NOT going to apologize for that come on somebody I want God with everything in me and I'm going after him with everything in me you can sit there and look pretty if you want but there is a deep desire in me can I tell you there is a place in God that no one has ever gone there is a place in God that no one has ever seen can I tell you the Bible says great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable which means no one has ever seen the end of God no one has ever fully exhausted all of God David who slew that great giant he never saw the end of God Abraham the father of the faithful he never saw the end of God Moses the one that gave us the law he never scratched the surface of the end of God the Apostle Paul who no doubt saw thousands received the Holy Ghost he never seen the end of God that tells me that there is a place in God there's no profit no patriarch no Apostle has ever seen before I'm hungry I'm hungry huh I'm hungry to see miracles I've never seen before I'm hungry to see God like I've never seen him before I am hungry for something from him that no one has ever gotten huh and I know it is easy to get hung up on the scripture this is some of your favorite Scripture brother Jackson don't you know the scripture huh there's nothing new Under the Sun as some of y'all motto in your house nothing new Under the Sun come on brother Jackson up in in this awhile it's nothing new man Under the Sun I remind you that that scripture was written before the virgin birth and the virgin birth had never happened before and can never happen again Mary said how can this be sing I know not a man the angel said the Holy Ghost shall come upon you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you in other words there's nothing new Under the Sun until the spirit gets involved when the witness before Mary was a part of something not sin a lifetime something [Applause] I'm there I'm there there I say if you would just get hungry it will solve a lot of your problems I walked into this building tonight and through the worship you know what I felt there was a whole lot of distracting people in this building there's a whole lot of people that are distracted your minds been everywhere you missed already three or four songs because you are in your own mind doing your dishes at home you were thinking about your pot roast that you have waiting oh yeah you were thinking about what you're gonna do after service huh and that's why the climate couldn't break through because there's a lot of distracted people I'm looking for a unity people never get credit for the things of God like never before [Applause] can I tell you when you get hungry huh Church isn't a show anymore when you get hungry you don't just sit back with an analytic Authority some of y'all have the anointing of analytics y'all think so much y'all don't think at all do you think so much you're not smart you think so much I like to sit back here matter of fact they missed a little key over there and I really would have responded if they wouldn't have missed it you know I wish the preacher would preach on this subject instead of that one as a matter of fact he pronounced that wrong and he pronounced that wrong in this wrong you come in with an analytical spirit and you wonder why you still leave and go home with the same troubles come on you just think I get hungry you just they to get hungry you just they to get a hot guy I wish somebody would clap right now I wish someone would lift up their voice right now I wish somebody was shout right now if you're hungry for something that you've never seen before [Applause] hallelujah I said I'm hungry hallelujah I said I'm here because I'm hungry and my desire for God will never be quenched by anything I'm too hungry for that can I tell you how God told Abraham he said Abraham I am your exceeding great reward in other words Abraham Isaac is not your reward I feel like preaching in this building God said I am your exceeding great reward but he said Isaac is not your reward Isaac is your promise and I only gave you a promise as an incentive for you to get on a journey to discover me your reward because the reward is greater than the promise the reward is greater than Isaac the reward it's greater than revival the reward is greater than miracles never award the reward for serving God is not happiness the reward for serving God is not a nice spouse the reward for serving God as you get to get God and he is so great he is dread [Applause] I'm ojos it ahead aha if it becomes about God you will never be disappointed if you hunger for God you'll never throw in the towel because he will use his your affliction huh it's for you to get a revelation of who he is he will use all of your heartache to show you that he is the healer he will use all of your pain to show you where the power really lies he will use everything in your life to send you on a pathway to discovery come on somebody that he is greater to hear affliction huh he is greater than your pain is greater than your regret he is greater than your past is great is greater I said he's greater I said he's greater than at all he is the exceeding great reward he supersedes every every every promotion huh he supersedes every amount of money you cannot put a price tag on God or his presence he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hill he said the silver is mine and the gold is mine huh you cannot put I don't care if you had all the money in the world huh it wouldn't be 1 percent of what God is the Bible says there are unsearchable riches that are in Christ riches that have not been fully exhausted riches that no one has ever seen there are unsearchable riches that are in Christ he told the ministers of the Old Testament huh the Levites he said Levites huh uh-huh he said you ministers you Levites he said look you're not getting anything in the Promised Land I feel like preaching right now huh they said you ministers you leaders he said you're not getting a position in the promised land he said you're not getting an inheritance in the promised land he said for I the LORD am your inheritance and I am so great satisfied with any material possession can I tell you the reward for ministry it's not revival it is not popularity it is not opportunity it is not fancy houses or fancy cars it's you get an opportunity it's like I said I'm hungry I said I'm hungry are you hungry are you hungry come on I got thirty people in this building telling me that they're hungry the rest of them looking at me crazy there's only Pentecostal folk didn't know how to master the pokerface huh my god y'all got a gift for the pokerface huh y'all looking at me like you never heard preaching before y'all looking at me like my god you need deliverance don't you look at me crazy Judi that annoying - come on you deliver you out of your circumstance [Applause] I said if you get hungry huh God would take care of your kids but you keep getting distracted come on somebody huh I said if you get hungry you'll take care of that family situation huh he say you're just coming get me up and if you get me I won't take care of things you didn't even know you needed all right all right then you know y'all gonna make me preach here all right my god I'm just trying to I'm just trying to stir hunger in this building right now the Bible says that the Bible says that that these children began to struggle and Rebecca's womb and the Bible says that these children these these twins that their name was Esau and Jacob and the Bible says that Jacob that he broke through he was being born first but while he's being born Jacob in the womb grabs the heel of Esau he wants the birthright before he's even born I consciously he's hydrous for something that doesn't belong to him and he tries to pull Saul back in the womb so he could come out he will forever be known by that hunger he hunger for something forbidden unconsciously he was hungry and you know the story he fools his Esau sells his birthright for a bowl of beans and and his dad Isaac is about to release the blessing so Jacob goes and dresses up and he fools his dad into blessing him and and I may touch on this later this week but but it's amazing how he fooled his dad with goat skins he skinned the goat and put goat skins on him because his brother was hairy so he put all type of goat's hair all over him he skinned the goat but it's amazing how the next generation his sons his eleven sons would fool him by killing a goat he fooled his that with goats blood but his sons would later fool him he fooled is that what goats hair but his sons would later fool him with goats blood well one generation does in moderation the next generation does in excess he skinned the goat the next generation killed the goat what you do now the next generation will do more if your carnal now come on somebody don't get on your kids for not worshiping when you always sit on like a bump on a log in service they just watching you and so he fools his dad into blessing him and then after he's gets blessed Esau comes in and says father father bless me and he's Isaac said hold on your brother came in by craft and stole he took the blessing away from you and look what Isaac said this is a whole sermon right here and he shall be blessed Jacob stole the blessing and Isaac said he stole it he fooled me but he still blessed cuz I rather give the blessing to somebody that has a lot of rough edges and that's hungry then they give it to somebody that's entitled and would sit on it [Applause] [Music] there's some people that come to church huh and act like God owes them something come on somebody you owe me God and God just gets over you it goes find somebody that's desperate because find somebody that wants that Esau thought because it was in the law and in the spirit that the inheritance is the blessing is supposed to go to the firstborn he saw thought that he didn't have to do anything just sit back until the old man was ready to die and receive the blessing he thought that he didn't have to pray he thought that he didn't have to have a relationship with God he thought he was so entitled to the blessing huh he didn't think that he had to do anything but Jacob he was so hungry with all his dysfunction his hunger skipped over his brother grabbed the blessing down into his existence come on somebody and God overlooks God overlooked his word to feed somebody that was hungry he stepped over his law cuz he could not ignore somebody that's hungry God was willing to step out of bounds for somebody that was hungry and is I know it belongs to you by the law but your brothers hankering [Applause] and he sounds looking at God like hold on God whoa hold on God you you wrong for that God's looking at my hold on I cannot be right and I cannot be wrong I'm God I created right and wrong for you as a human that y'all might build among each other properly but I am bigger than right and I am bigger than wrong I'm God so whenever I want to do what I want to do I do it with or without your permission I'm feeling there's going to be some people that get skipped over tonight yeah and y'all gonna be lookin at them later like hold on that was the person that made a mistake a few years ago huh cuz I know that you were livin perfect but she were entitled you thought I owed you something for living right you know I will skip over you huh give somebody they made a mistake that's hungry to get on the right track and I'll give them the annoyed finger that you are supposed to have oh man David gets hungry and he goes into the tabernacle and when he gets hungry the priest said I'm sorry we don't have anything to feed you but priest bread and the law states that the bread and the tabernacle only the priests could eat and if anybody else ate the bread they would be cut off from the congregation but David said I'm hungry God said go ahead and give the boy some meat and I know and my law he's supposed to get cut off but I would not ignore some hundred for me I will do it it Thanks give them a blessing Thomas ah ha haaa Samson Samson has a Nazarite vow and he's not supposed to touch anything that is dead yet he picks up the jawbone of a donkey huh and he begins to kill hundreds of Philistines as God gave him victory huh with something he wasn't even supposed to touch and after God gives him the victory with that illegal object in his hand Samson had the audacity to say Lord I thirst and God claimed a hollow spot in the jawbone and brought water out of the jawbone that he wasn't even supposed to touch to clinch his first God said hey Samson you're not living right you're not doing right you're touching what you're not supposed to touch but I cannot ignore somebody that is thirsty so I'm gonna give you something the best of your situation the midst of your failures up I know it's forbidden but you're hungry come on somebody huh I know it's forbidden but you're hungry I know your prayer life hasn't been perfect but you're hungry and God said I will not ignore somebody that's hungry huh I know the devil's been messin with your family but he said what you're hungry and I will not ignore somebody that's hungry I know you come on this may be your first time tonight but you just get hungry I got I'll give you something that you don't deserve I wish somebody would clap if you believe what I'm preaching la la caja who help me Holy Ghost help me Holy Ghost when you get hungry God will give you something that may be forbidden come on somebody happy you're too young to operate in that type of anointing huh but you're hungry for you and God says you know there's a bunch of folks sitting around not unwilling to move to me but here you are hungry and I wanted to give the anointing to them but no they're just taking me for granted so you know what I know you're too young to have it but I'll give it to you I'll give you what's forbidden in the spirit come on somebody I will step over who have to step over you see I've come to dispel the lie that you could just sit there and suck off the anointing of everybody else around you I've come to dispel the line No you've been getting off the hook you you know y'all learned real good how to disappear in services oh you're funny you're funny huh Oh y'all little hot real well how to disappear beyond the shout behind the shower time everybody start shouting here you go you go ahead and sit down because you know that we won't see you I feel like preaching right now you don't come up to the altar oh no no no you don't need the blood anymore I'm sorry you're too sanctified for that you don't need forgiveness anymore no your to sanctify you don't need to stand no that's for the new convert that's hundred you mess around looking up cattle stop arguing with you that does it I wish somebody would slap I was somebody with a run I was somebody without our safari with bats if you're I cried [Applause] see see I knew I came here and the Holy Ghost you don't understand your pastor reached out to me several weeks ago huh he said man can you come sometime in August huh can I tell you I didn't have not one open date this August huh I thought he was talking about August 20 20 and even August 20 20 I didn't have a date open huh you're not hearing me right now didn't have a date open huh this week I could have been on vacation but when he reached out to my say you know what huh I feel the Holy Ghost telling me that I need to come to Katy huh and I'll work it out for a Sunday through Wednesday because I feel that there are people that have been getting distracted your vision is it get away your clarinet gonna break that paper sighs you'll get on board they get a hot drink in this house hallelujah a couple Shia I'm in the Holy Ghost right now I'm in the Holy Ghost right now I'm in the Holy Ghost right now I'm I see what you are using let me move in the Holy Ghost which nobody's talked to me I haven't talked to your pastor I haven't talked I just came up with a series I flew straight here but let me move in the Holy Ghost right now you have been using these distractions as an excuse for you to be carnal you have been using what has been happening as an excuse for you to not obey the man of God and God said I'll stop wrestling with you and struggling with you that's just by an article or somebody else that's so pretty that's some better [Applause] I'm in the Holy Ghost I'm in the Holy Ghost there's been stuff going on and you've been whispering in the shadows hid couple of tape here man though you've been whispering in the shadows about stuff that's gone on that you don't agree with have you've been in your little clique sitting group text messages I'm in the Holy Ghost ah you've been sending text messages talking about what's been going on at this church you've been even texting people they don't even go to this church you've been you've been even talking about thinking about moving because there's some things that have happened that you don't agree with you got your little clique together and you don't know what's been happening you know what's been happening in behind the spirit huh what's been happening is you and your little clique now you have your clique they have their clique they're texting all this stuff and you know what it's a chaotic atmosphere where there's no unity in the spirit and God can't deliver people in the midst of all this chaos he said this I hear the Lord speaking he said this he said I will inhabit praise but I will not inhabit murmuring I'll run from murmuring you know what's happened as y'all got this great praise and all of that but I see beyond all that praise that happened in this service because it can't cover up what I see in the spirit there's been wolves in sheep's clothing has been trying to seduce you from your covering trying to seduce you away from your shepherd that's why there's no flow because everybody's in their own world trying to process something and releasing your opinions to people and it's been causing division here me and the Holy Ghost a seed of division not the full harvest of the vision the seed so nothing's manifested yet above the soil but beneath the soil is a seed growing that if we don't approve it by focusing our attention on God we're in trouble if you hear what I'm saying you need to clap your hands right now my god what else do you want from us what else do you want from this church my god they give you the great the greatest music they give you the great musicians you got an amazing pastor you got our amazing leadership team you got all of this and you still complainin I'm talking to you and with your spirit with your spirit do you think you deserve an opportunity see I'm in the vein right now I tell you God is speaking to me you're getting agitated and aggravate I wish they put me in the mic you can't do it destroy us with your spirits you didn't do good at the opportunities they already gave you please stop listening to your family members that's puffing you up saying you're something greater than everybody I wish they'd put you up I wish they'd do that would you I'd wish they'd do that you got it I mean oh man I think they got favourites they got favorites around here I don't know what's good got some favorites around there's only favorites when you're not chosen I'm in the vein right now the Holy Ghost said it's time to get you he said I gotta he said you know what I am I'm mercy I withheld judgment this summer from you he said because some of the things that you have said in the heat of your spirit he said I could have judged you and your family immediately over this summer but he said I'm gonna give them a space of grace I'm gonna hold back the judgment this summer but he said and it's it's fall now and you're still talking about it and he said now I'm gonna deal with it if you don't get your focus back they said I'm about to deal with some stuff if you don't get back to the basics of why you started this journey of Christianity I'll bet the Holy Ghost I want you to lift up your hands where you are [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know the Holy Ghost just spoke to me you don't realize that your pastor has a meetin as'll you look at his meekness you interpret it as if he's not dealing with a situation meekness is power under control and although he has power to exercise and deal with certain issues he waits and goes to God first he's dealing with it in the spirit but you're not satisfied with that you say well I wanted I want to see the fruit of it I want to see the fruit if you if he were to deal with that now it could be catastrophic so he's going in the spirit and with counsel I'm in the Holy Ghost I'm in the Holy Ghost right now but because you have the carnal mind is enmity against God because you're so carnal you're waiting him to act in the flesh when he's going to the spirit first the law is assuring this church into refocusing because if you're not focusing you're still carrying around that seed of bitterness and seed of division your prayers are an abomination that's what proverb says I'll occur how much prayer revival y'all have if you're if you're divided God ain't hearing you you think how you think that you got an opportunity that the pastor gave you an opportunity because you are so talented and great huh man you've deceived yourself he gave it to you out of grace and out of love because you think you're just the Big Shot you think you know better I've been around for a while that still don't make you the pastor [Applause] I don't care how much a person is a friend they're not your friend if they're still whispering after tonight I'll put the line in the sand and the holy ghost tonight if there's any more whisperings it's a seducing spirit is trying to seduce some key people in this church I'll leave you with this with this Thor this is how serious this is I preached the revival look the Lord not just take control of this service is this serious folks because if you continue on this path your kids are gonna reap what you're doing I'm trying to save you right now your family's gonna reap what you're doing preaching at a church several years ago and the Lord spoke to me and said that Victor there was a he said there's a sin and in that church he said it's just one sin by someone that's important and he said that sin is stopping the flow of the Holy Ghost in the entire assembly and he told me to start preaching on in the book of Revelation and give them a space to repent Jezebel had a space to repent and tell them to repent and he said there's a sin in this church that people know about that's what he said you suffered that woman Jezebel meaning you tolerated Jezebel being around he said he said tell them that they need to repent and and so the revival can float because it's stopping the move of the Holy Ghost in the whole church so that night I began to preach that I'm saying repent there's a sin in this church repent the other gain and I said and and I said if you're talking about your pastor if you're if you are talking about God God said I'm not concerned with people on the outside talking about the church he said I'm concerned with the people on the inside talking about the church and he said tell them that if they don't stop whispering like they've been doing God said I'm gonna shut their mouth so I said that I said if you don't stop God's gonna shut your mouth your pastors in the right hand of God I preach that and then all of a sudden as I'm preaching literally I could see like a dark haze come on the whole congregation and God spotlighted the one person that was in sin God showed me who he was and I wouldn't embarrass anybody so I didn't call him out but I began the preacher said sir you need to repent her God's gonna deal with you you need to repent you need to repent and you know what he did he tried to throw my discernment off the trail by taking a lap around the building but I was on to him they were praising I was on to his spirit and I said come forward everybody you know what he wouldn't come to the altar everybody else came forward he got by the first pew but he wouldn't pass it I said sir you need to come forward you need to repent I wouldn't make an eye contact with them like I said I would never embarrass and body when I said sorry you need to come for he didn't come forward a few days later I got a phone call from the pastor he said hey this guy is in the hospital and he said they found a tumor on his brain the size of a tennis ball and the doctor said that if we don't operate on this tumor immediately you're gonna die in two months they said but if we operate on it you may live two years but look what they said but you will never speak again a few days later that man died and when he died they went go look in his house this was a clean-shaven man this was a nice look man will presented nice suit nice tie they went go look in his house when they looked in his house they found dishes that had been in that house for 10 15 years it's found all types of rodents all types of bugs in his house and you know what they went to his room and they found witchcraft he was cast in hexes on the church to prevent it from having revived and God gave him a space of grace but when he wouldn't listen to the warning God had to kill them to save the body what am I saying get on board [Music] get in the river or get our drown whether it's Church is gone we're not stopping but if you're gonna get in the way with these whispers with these seeds this river is gonna take you out I come in the Holy Ghost tonight to warn this church redirect your attention and your focus on him get out of the political mindset get out of the analytical mindset and come back to your first love with that hunger I want you to close your eyes I want you to grab the person's hand next to you put your hand on their shoulder mahalia I want you to pray that God would give him a love back and a hunger back Allah Moho a hot ayah Allah Mihiel Allah WA Jose hey la mejor de la Lala la mejor Tonia a la mejor Oh Bobo Jorge releve Catania la mejor oh come on you need to pray for them you need to lift up your voice and pray for them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on that said lift up your voice I feel the spirit of division beginning to leave this place [Applause] [Music] come on lift up your voice I feel a unity and a love beginning to descend in this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on that's it you need to intercede right now Oh God give him their hunger back Oh Lord return them back to their first love bring them back to that deep place where you're the only thing that matters lift every bitter spirit out of this building huh lift every kibosh epic I aha he'll Amanda local time he lamas antalya caliber hood tyre in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Kemal mo said after the devil beginning the shrimp in this building right now allamanda allamandola ba ba ba haaa [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna pray one more prayer we're gonna pray one more prayer the the first attack in the Bible the first attack in the Bible was when Satan convinced Eve that her godly authority was not there to protect her it was there to control her the first attack in the Bible was when Satan convinced Eve that her authority was not there to protect her it was there to control her and Neville said you know what your leader fears you becoming like him so he's holding you back [Music] and when she listened to that lie we're still reaping the fruit from that lie so here's what I want us all to do I want us all to lift up our hands in this place [Music] and I want you to tell the Lord that I submit under the authority that you have placed me I resubmit god I come back under that authority can you lift up your hands and close your eyes and pray that prayer I'm over a hot ticket a robo book or a baby Tanya yellow bow for a baby catania [Music] [Music] don't don't don't justify yourself in this moment people in their spirit they're saying who talked to him nobody talked to me the only communication I've had over the last three weeks was brother Wilson sitting at me a text message last night letting me know that he wasn't gonna be here that was the first time he ever takes me I didn't have his number his number still isn't saved in my phone I stopped finding ways to justify yourself do you exempt yourself from every message God is speaking to you and your thinking there's a and I wonder who you don't know the Holy Ghost is talking to you every message [Music] [Applause] I just want them to sing a song they can sing that song I just want them to sing a song before we dismiss but you know what I feel I feel like there's been some heavy burdens that have lifted off of you in your spirit [Music] and we're gonna direct our attention on him can you give him a moment of your attention he'd been distracted been distracted for a few weeks been distracted for a few months can you give God your undivided attention right now and worship with this song come on lift up those hands right now they're about to sing but I want your whole attention on God right now undivided no distractions worry about nothing else but you and him right now my god how great you are how great how great you are you are my god [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] more I love you forever forever I love [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] I [Music] for [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] it's first [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Applause] just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please continue to pray just a reminder that for those of you that are getting ready to go tomorrow night 7 p.m. invite somebody God spoke to us tonight he loved us enough to speak to us and he's going to continue to tomorrow night bring somebody that needs the Holy Ghost that needs a miracle 7 p.m. tomorrow night we'll continue in the great revival please continue to pray [Music]
Channel: The Pentecostals of Katy
Views: 1,608
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: faca4_A1GxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 15sec (10035 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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