TDR 2019 / Sesión 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] from my heart to the hands Jesus me it's yes it's from [Music] it's all about you it's all about you [Music] [Applause] [Music] from my heart [Music] Jesus Peterson [Music] Oh [Music] like this part Jesus be the center of your turn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] saludos or mono da la da la estoy Feliz des taarakian esta noche mira el otro del otro lado deagle at the meatus muy bien esta noche turn to your neighbor and look at them and sell are you looking good tonight you're looking good you can go back to your seat play rosario to haciendo esto Marco a siento you may be seated one two sobbing TelePresence el Senor es tan este lugar Hara want appearance until super-sense en este lugar que Ramos decir less que estamos muy contento de unos tear-stained este lugar the - thomas contentos de que cuantos holiness I a key who angry Tata mm she stays home Ampang as a PA agreed a mmm okay otra vez por cojones meri akhon Roma releve are una oportunidad mas todos los jovenes de treinta Y Cinco para bajo quiero que se phangan de pierre egg written on a show creo que la tercera a Sullivan si de todos los jovenes de Trent I Cinco para Baco de PA agreed a honor meet us already or Mira Sunrider todos los jovenes ki todos los jovenes ki esta la nueva generation los governor's alpha to roll a congregational food to de los pastores miss your narrows del futuro or eros del futuro the Austrian atoll Oh absolutamente Marco control con esta who went to Samos contentos de que usted pedido cigar carry Mo's decirles in los momentos mass intrusive mo Sal predict a dork Ramos decir less que hace afuera in a lobby tenemos los cds/dvds karim acoustics a los Cherica 7 this young castle of Rigali a alguien eat ambien M estado trauma Tian de los servicios a secret si connected con nosotros queremos que se con men taken levissi on the tiempo de refuge area levissi on the nuestro Pastore see a la vie sein de toda la see Glacius del área de la bahia I am propósito para la who n2 este este año to emo nuestro campamento el campamento / amo p.m. blah porque cuando el Diablo say de cuenta el poder quien esta Juventud vamos a ser temblor el infierno iva-mos arrest guitar todo lo que NOS robo lo vamos sorry cooper are en el nombre del Senora que su Cristo hallelujah por que no se pone la pa asha donde está con un firt applause o receive emos a nuestro Pastora director de tiempos de replica rio Pastore alia sliminess work applause or Senor and I'm innum ennum enemy Wow Wow Mira's vicinity girl Wow haste estado Sabrina - Lannister DRC dome another loss Diaz que tal vez la Marck i'll tiempos traffic area for muchos anos próximos the Principia fing oil family especially when history is so fantastic or Sabrina to Donaghy dough impact auntie gracias a todos pastoris from the odorous leaders case we're on placentas para recibir esta palabra cloaca for a transformed adora yeah commander Luciano CDs in todos de material you Stephanie and Kelly ma la casa pallbearers couch allister's mensajes ona yatra base tan tan tan for taunted refresco la memoria desde la première enseñanza pastor Miguel quintanilla senior away no estamos chapel concrete esta noche the Krakatoa los mensajes and sido Almonte MB ADO's and throw no videos cuantos Sen ting are saying I mean he continued continued autonomous from grant predict at all we about to present him right now so money to and translate for me brother Victor Jax and he's an evangelist my no Victor Jackson a soon Evangelista he's been a blessing to to this church as he don't have any few nest egg less but not only to this church it's been a blessing around the United States there was you don't have NDC on time being eroded or the North America so the apostolic ministry the United Pentecostal church ministerio apostolic O'Dell iglesia Pentecostal you needa God is using him my religious and o el poder osomon he is one of our young preachers up-and-coming apostolic preachers LS uno de nuestros predict odorous Orientis this is the new generation action ss la nueva Hennessy on literal really really admire his passion he's he's a genuine Christian he has a year raise the Lord everybody knows what a tremendous presence of the Lord that is here tremenda presencia de deo sustain este lugar I have been blessed by the Word of God this week grande sido para palabra de Dios esta semana my flight got into San Francisco at about 4:30 Thursday well intro in San Francisco LA Cotte remedial Cuevas got my rental car Trent mi propio Cairo drove two hours in that traffic but but here those orders in el tráfico made it to my hotel right at 7:00 on the dot lasya temple tow hurry up and change cambian rappy demente got two servers about 727 el servicio a las siete veintisiete the Lord was helping me Senor Mustafa Uganda and hey man and got in right in time for the word of the Lord Yahoo so tiempo para la palabra de Dios and I was challenged and blessed even though all the great men of God this week los grandes hombres de Dios estas a man I'm leaving much better than I came your boy mucho mejor de la cadena amen a man pastor lemonis and his family Lamoni su familia has impacted my life through this conference already a conference yeah yeah last time I came I was provoked to do more interior Coveney may provoke our unas airmass so I didn't think there was any more I could do capo di essere when I come on the first night and I got to do even more Pengo cancer ma hsiao I believe I'm going to keep that shovel for the rest of my life it's a pala for a resto de mi vida amen amen hey man why don't we open up our Bibles to the book of Genesis Genesis Genesis chapter 27 Hennessey's capital o paint is yet verse 30 verse o treinta I'm so appreciative to my elders story Mucha precio de Gracia miss Oceanos I would not be what I am today no sería lo que soy el dia de way without the elders and this movement in Lausanne C Anacin s MOV Mian to Pentecost and I'm forever indebted to the body of Christ al cuerpo de cristo I made it my life's mission ohö la misión de mi vida to make sure that I honor the men of God that have carried this wonderful truth and yevadu esta there that Preciosa because we wouldn't be able to do what we're doing without me no God no podemos hacer lo que estamos haciendo sin nombre de Dios like this wonderful man acaba de precios hombre de Dios think about when Abraham died si cuando él murió God told Isaac you I don't go down to Egypt no brick no bahi a egipto he said I want you to go to Guerard quiero que vai yes I heard out because God wanted to see something in Isaac's life career algo en la vida de Issa when Isaac went to Gerardo where he saw the wells of his father stopped video los pasos de sus Padres Esteban tapajós now notice that the enemy didn't stop the wells while Abraham was alive bozos no fueron tapajós mientras él estaba con vida it waited till abraham died los pasos so the enemy assumed poor Galen me go assume young that the next generation wouldn't see the value of the world la próxima generation noveria el valor de los pasos so God brought Isaac to their place because he wanted to see will you fight for guess you said belly area what your father died for lo que su Pirate's Booty arrow for Lopez's father's bootie arrow and we have elders that have died for this wonderful truth that mo Sancia knows can wear at dos por esta por they're also better than I've made it my life's mission to fly your air cho la misión de medina Pelle are for what the elders have entrusted us with see on does anybody have that type of passion in them at the NSF people a posse on hallelujah [Applause] Genesis chapter 27 verse 30 Genesis train 20 siete very so treinta and it came to pass as soon as Isaac had made it in the blessing Jacob Genesis 27 and 34 them in the seed ah ha cob and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father that I saw his brother came in from his hunting a penis Aledo Hakata delante de sac su padre y su su hermano volvió lake assad and he also had made savoring meat and brought it unto his father and said unto his father let my father rise in eat of his son's venison that thy soul may bless me he saw Tom Bianchi chose yellows yellows Padre les dijo Levante si mi padre y coma de la casa came de su hijo but i came and eager and as far and Isaac his father said unto Him who art thou and he said I am thy son thy firstborn Esau entonces ox who father daddy hokianga is - y le dijo your soy tu hijo - primo hey neato asado an Isaac Trimble very exceedingly and said who where is he that had taken venison and brought at me and I have eaten of all before thou camest and had blessed him yay and he shall be blessed me so yo Isaac random n te dijo que hacer que vino aquí que trajo casa Amedeo he comida todo esta antes que - Vanessa's yo they Wendy hey Sarah bendito and when he saw heard the words of his father he cried with an exceeding great cry bitter cry and said unto his father bless me even me also o my father las palabras de su padre clamo con una gran muy grande y muy amarga exclamation le dijo Pentti sometta being a me Padre mio and he said thy father came in with craft and have taken away thy blessed year dijo be not where mano conan gallo it emotive and easy on i want to preach on this subject tonight yo quisiera Predacon sobre este tema esta noche forbidden hunger umbrella sita forbidden hunger mana we lift up our hands close your eyes let's ask the Lord to do what he wants to do Lord Jesus I thank you for every volunteer I thank you for everyone that have invested themselves into this conference convertido en esta confidence I thank you for every elder every young no gotta haul in every young married every single person matrimonio cada soltero let the power of God flow in this place well they're the earth flu let us be changed forever Casey ahmo's cambiado say tournament minister in this place release a breakthrough lavera proton beam Ian like never before noon God in Jesus name can you clap your hands on to the Lord will you smile come on if you're excited can you clap those hands a little bit louder come on if you're really excited why don't you clap your hands all ye people and shout unto God with the voice of triumph up your voice you may be seated somebody shout yes Somali shout see I print in Dumas español porque me esposa as Columbiana tremendo empanadas Banuelos in rtj Demi swag Rami swagger as maravilloso hallelujah [Applause] forbidden hunger hombre Allah Sita I will not hide it from you tonight no lo es con there Oh Coulthard usted oi but I am hungry for God pero yo tengo hambre de Dios I'm more hungry for God than I have ever been Tacomas hombre de Dios gang while quiero throw tiempo I am hungry to see something in God I've never seen go hombre de ver I'll go in D Oscar nunca response I am hungry to see revival like I've never experienced an event even so come along anticipating entire I am hungry for the power of God and go on but I put it for the head of the heels I don't want to see God in a way I've never seen him I'm not comfortable with the level of God that I have there's something in me that drives for more I've gotta have more necesito mas I need more there is something that I've never seen and I'm not content with regular Church boy called Blasio contento pursue iglesia regular I'm not content with normal Church nice toy contento servicio regularise I want to see something in God that I've never seen the Bible says great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and if that's not enough is ESO no es suficiente he said and his greatness is unsearchable no one has fully examined all of God no one has ever seen the end of God no one has ever come close to discovering it all Abraham never seen the end of God nuke of you and think that the awesome Dave had never seen the end of God be no kemuri thing that the earth all never seen the end of God Pablo Nukem you and think that there are unsearchable riches that are in Christ that lets me know that there are places in God no one has ever gone what I feel like God is gonna reveal it if you can learn to put the phone down put your pride people get crazy when they get hungry I have a local cuando little hombre the comfortable never cry out lost gone for Tablas nunca coloman let me correct that there may Cora here is oh the comfortable never cry out for God lost come for tablets nunca coloman adios but they will cry out for other things Oh c-come on poor otras cosas it's amazing the people they try to convince me is in crave let us personas que me throught and they convince Sarah that they're not emotional que no son emotionalless I'm not emotional brother Jackson yo no soy emotional hermano Brown I like to worship here Yami me gusta la vara do Sasaki I'm not emotional brother Jackson yo no soy emotional hermano it's amazing the people that try to convince me that they're not emotions in Kremlin las personas que me tratan de commencer que no son emotionality because they'll be sitting down for consent and watching the soccer game viendo el juego de futbol watching the World Cup viendo la copa mundial and as soon as their team scores yeah badness lakipo boolean but in church the back there Oh your emotional boost emotion either you just learn how to give your emotions for the world more they give it to come if you clap for a sport for a game you should shower God I was Samoa getting emotional right now hurt you get louder than that before all your second dance is a mosque Guinea thalamus where the gas like this how would you act as Mexico score to go come on Claudia seemed a cozy no God how would you acts in Mexico won the World Cup come on audience eBay boudin will cheese's there more for you the author back but instead the so you are together more haha I wish somebody was hungry I'm hungry I said I'm hungry for casa de Dios I said there's nothing that's gonna keep me out of his presence I don't care what I'm going through I'm hungry I used to play college basketball basketball and collect you I tore tendons in my knee rompieron tenderness and ease Rodya I had to have surgery look at the narrow here but I kept on trying para seguir jugando I tore ligaments in my other knee and now Rodya tambien lo mismo cats have surgery do I get the net zero here and I kept on playing segi who and I broke my nose had to have surgery do I get the Nancy Drew here and I kept on playing whoo and oh so you think a trowel is gonna stop me from God who's that I cannot prove I'm a liar de Dios if I gave that to the world nothing's gonna stop me bastard you're surprised [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ha ha haaa there's people looking at me right now I've been so nice get me stand me down Vanessa a moment and they say brother Jackson it's on DC and hermano Jackson don't you know no savvy else Ted there's nothing new Under the Sun kainoa now that we're bored a bath of the soil that is the comfortable favorite scripture es la persona que se siente como de su Versova burrito there's nothing new why not an under the side I remind you that that scripture was written they record a Lakers excreta excreta before the virgin birth antes del Nacimiento del Senora so Cristo and the virgin birth has never happened before he nacimiento no gosh no civility or mente ain't can never happen again he no calluses an arrow Travis Mary said how can this be seeing I know not a man como para hacer esto SI no conozco nombre the area the angel said the holy girl shall come upon el espíritu Santo ventra sobre T there's nothing new Under the Sun until the spirit gets involved hasta el espíritu said well be and when the spirit gets involved it has the power to create something new [Applause] Mary got so deep in the spirit a Maria say volvió tanto analyst Peter that God gave her something wants in time make a theology I'll go universe and temple not once in a lifetime no una vez en una vida once in time see no novice something that can never happen again to say later the spirit and trusted her with God wants to do something in her church that has never happened before never ever again for that dimension God trusted something trusted something to marry the Austin link i'll go i'll one maria that no one could ever replicate que nadie puede replicar she couldn't look to the Jewish law for guidance yeah no podía Verdi a parody answer she couldn't look to the future for Gaia hey yeah no podía me da da co2 dope are agyantha she had to hear the whisper of the Spirit hey yo tenía que scooch are en su su r r del espíritu that directed her every step la g avocado una de sus Posadas are you hungry for that DNA Ambrose said that the horse hello God told Abraham just lady who habla Abraham I am your exceeding great reward your soy su Garron recompensa in other words you know just about us Isaac it's not your reward to recompense Isaac's your promise is is to promise oh I'm bout to minister to somebody so esoteric administer a la vida they are gay God said I only gave you a promise you'll see your soul of the know you know promesa to provoke you to get on a journey to discover me and I am greater than Isaac I am greater than revived traders and miracle the reward for serving God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's the reward he shows you a part of him doesn't show anybody else's money he lost his health he did was worship how can you worship because he didn't lose everything it's still worth a try [Applause] if you're in this for way that is greater that is trailer [Applause] the ministers of the old he said he said your brothers are going up possession because I am so beautiful [Applause] oh if you're hungry can you clap your hands and lift it up your voice up louder suits - in about the servos Jacob is in the wound a copy style at the entry not even born yet I wouldn't wanna see though yet he's hungry he alone tiene hambre for something that's not his unconsciously he has a desire in the cell for something forbidden and Esau came out first but unconsciously he conceded Jacob grabbed his heel and tried to pull him back so he could come out Veronica help with a salad primero before he could talk I'm just a parabola be warned it's helping Mary didn't deserve carry on I'll not correspond dear [Applause] [Music] and he tricked his brother he ain't on us hermano into selling his birthright and been dead supremo any Judah and there comes a time where Isaac is ready to release the blessing yes ok stockist at least apparent regardless yield Jacob dresses up yeah cool yeah a cop said Easter and deceives his father he ain't ganya su padre and lies he ain't to get the blessing but I receive Eli bendición Jacob leaves a corpse ever Esau comes in it's a winter it says father bless me and Isaac said this is odd Tiesto your brother took your blessing to a minor say you ought to bendición and look what he said he made a look at dijo and he shall be blessed he ain't said I've been to see though I know that he stole it your second or no but it's his battle at the end cuz I rather give the blessing to somebody that's not perfect but hungry then to give it to a song that is so entitled get the end so he feels like God owes him and assaulted prey he thought just cuz he was the firstborn have to work to keep it so Jacobs hunger get over it because God always respond [Applause] Esau is looking at God and so is the mean and reveals my god you're wrong for doing that to me and gods like okay I cannot be right and I cannot be wrong I created right and wrong for you so you can behave among one another but I can still support an interim status but I cannot be right or wrong pero yo no puedo I start being all mild I'm gone yo soy Theo's I am bigger than write your story my MBA and I am when there's hungry people do I hit the cone hombre God will step out of bounds yo sis isla de las líneas so bless them but I'm in the seedless David said I'm hungry the video thing on the pre-sale not that he all we have is bread for the priests nobody go get the name was fun notice and no one can eat of this bread if you hear this bread you be cut off from the nation according to the law but David said I'm hungry God said give the boy something he healed Dalia say muchacho algo para chimeric and I know he's not supposed to have I'll give them what they don't deserve I wish someone with sitting up or or I wish you will lift up your voice about the SU boss [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah I want you to hear me okay okay miss coochie I didn't even preach half of this message I got a whole bunch I could say but I'll just go right to the end give you the meat I'm done you know I go mooch okay that's it but oh yeah ala finale this is the point I'm trying to get to you okay let's quiero presentar this woman in the New Testament she was a Canaanite woman she was a Gentile until and her daughter was vexed with a devil yes we have M de manana Jesus came to minister to the Jews first this was V no I mean it's trad primero o studios then he would Minister to the Gentiles like where go minister Atiyah allo Cynthia after the holy ghost would fall despues que el espíritu Santo less in the end the Gentiles would experience a move of God in action elementary and aware that the author nature's PS so there's a miracle waiting on her in Acts chapter 10 I see Kiu Milagro que les I Spit on doin it just yes and the Bible says she cried after him more important she said I know it's forbidden hey you know your second proviso she was from tear in Sidon yeah theythey don't see though which was a place that God said he would bring judgment lugar que Dios New York idea who is she oh she deserved judgment americium whistle but her daughter was struggling pero su e hi starvin parable so she cried after him boy paused and he didn't answer her world respondió palaver and crying wasn't enough Claud VC to get the miracle she mean but a receiver and Milagro que necesita so finally she took it to another level phenom mental oh you Walter anywhere and the Bible says she came and worshiped him av no Alejo row but he said it's not me for me to give children's bread unto the dog que no es justo Kelly they know de los Los los hijos and los perros so her worship wasn't enough to get her mirror hace que su adoration no face Vicente para resilience to Milagro but when crying didn't work pero cuando Clamato Fasciano and worship didn't work and other artifice you know she got hungry hungry [Applause] she said truth Lord s theater Senor but even the dogs eat the crumbs from the master's table Rondo sparrows coming las viejas k-kinda La Mesa del amor I'm just hungry for a crumb say yo yo so lo tengo hambre por una McGaha and when she hunger for what was forbidden d cuando el tovar brazil okay Ella proviso God reached into the future the AUSA extendo semana altitude and he gave it to her now he reached the took a book of Acts the gospel let me talk to you in the Holy Ghost there's things that God has destined for you in your church I call schedules honesty nada para ustedes we Galatia there are 10 years down the road guests are less anthias I'm your Zeki there are things that God has destined to you in your church there are five years away but the Holy Ghost spoke to me and said if they get hungry I will give it to them I was Samoa tryout I like it I can come and grab the future you try guys but dude I into the process everyone stand on your feet doors off werster sempia a cup your hands yeah blows battle stand on your feet on your feet where's those that ba and lift up your boy super us [Applause] [Music] I want you to grab the person's hand next to you right now from the front to the back from the bottom to the balcony God is about to release something in this field he's about to trust you in what is forbidden because he will not ignore your hunger I want you to close your eyes and I want you to go after God with everything you know Gabe I am pasta vo spawns Allah I want you to lift up your voice I want you to pray for your city [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of us girls [Music]
Channel: Tiempos de Refrigerio
Views: 13,175
Rating: 4.8754325 out of 5
Id: l5MGxeBmh5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 42sec (4002 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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