V/H/S/ 85 (2023) Ending Explained

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[Music] what's up everybody Welcome to F Flix On This ining explain we're looking at the sixth entry in the VHS franchise VHS 885 this time things are unveiled through a madefor TV documentary featuring five tales of found footage Horrors to take viewers on a terrifying journey into the Grim underbelly of the 1980s VHS 85 is a surprisingly strong entry in the franchise with most of the segments being quite unique and memorable let except for one that might actually be my least favorite in the entire series see if you can guess which one it is a big part of the success must be due to the fact that there is a more consistent tier of filmmakers this timeout including the return of David Brookner Backson doing a segment in the first film along with the Sinister team of Scott derkson and C Robert Cargill who craft a very haunting segment there's also a wider variety of styles and stories covering everything from Aliens serial killers and ancient Aztec gods overall this is probably one of the most consistent in the entire Series so let's check out VHS 85 breaking down each segment explaining the endings as well as how the story all ties together static gives way to various of the time footage things like monster truck rallies or the invention of the Cocker implant feeling as though we are flipping through cable channels appropriately big thing at the time in the 80s the video then becomes a TV news magazine show called total copy which begins our wraparound about a mysterious young boy Rory he seen staring blank L out a TV the host saying that when he was first found he was happy as a Happy Meal but now things have changed not just for the scientists involved but for the World At Large seeing the boy glued to an exercise video our first tape kicks on following a group of kids on a fateful trip to the countryside away is down the road they come to a no trespassing sign which is of no concern to them simply moving it out of the way problem solved they get settled in and our camera guy Rob discovers another sign by the water warning of no swimming along with no fireworks and pretty much well no fun he takes in the visista of the water and notices Robin nearby watching too she catches him filming and he Retreats shyly he then finds an animal carcass and Robin confronts him about The Unwanted filming he stammer as he's filming everything and offers for her to take a test tape to a surprise she wants to see the dead Squirrel too despite finding it gross he returns to the spot at was moments ago but strangely the body has disappeared they decide to go swimming and a few stay behind Kelly Dives excitedly into the water and they head out onto the lake she's the first one to try water skiing and after a few failed attempts manages to find her balance Robin and Rob seem a little flirty giggling and making eyes at each other and she wants to take a try too she gets nervous and wants to give up but Rob jumps into Linda Hand the others finding all this so cute she gets in position and when they get the boa going she sinks right under she starts wanting to give up and the others encourage her to give it one more try they look back to the shore and something teams off the others are missing and there's a mysterious pickup truck that they don't know parked there as well Robin tries again and does get it going screaming and excitement there's a loud pop and she instantly drops the Rope falling into the water they go to retriever is seeing blood streaming around her another bullet fires getting Kevin in the back and another goes right through his head they hurry to get down for cover and the others are all quickly taken out the shots keep coming whizzing through the air all around them one blows Rob's finger right off and he begins to panic an injured Drew tells him that he's going to have to get the boat started they have to he crawls towards the front and when going for the motor bullets rip right through it he cautiously Peaks out to see how far the shore is and they plan to use the boat as a cover him swimming alongside to take them to shore he asserts that they are going to be okay they just have to stay low but no such luck the shooter starts firing through the boat and Rob is taken out a few other bullets RI through Drew and all the kids are dead shockingly a few moments pass and Drew comes back to life followed by Rob even Cali who got her jaw tor off and Robin have somehow returned to Consciousness also oddly Kevin does not come back hm wonder why that is on the shore they notice that the truck is gone Drew then opens his life jacket and unfortunately spills out all of his guts it doesn't hurt he says but it just feels weird then on the RV they notice the Roman Ral for seven spelled in what sure looks like blood they check the tent and discover that Rob's sister and the mustache dude are dead dead Rob breaks down why is she dead and we're not are we zombies or something Robin doesn't think that makes any sense they are all talking and based on their injuries even if they were zombies should still be technically Dead Shot Through the head and whatnot Drew puts things together those that stayed dead didn't go in the water while they did implying the water actually healed them in a sense Rob starts sobbing over his sister's eyes and she's talking about Magic Water what the [ __ ] bro then they can't help but wonder what they're supposed to do now just go home and act like nothing happened this isn't normal he says Robin wonders if they got the plates on the truck perhaps they could then track the shooter down to kill them no but to do to them exactly what they did to us more on that later then it's back to an update with Rory learning that he was found alone on top of but the scientists monitoring him have been undergoing several tests the boy seemed comfortable in his new home but would never ever leave the couch one of many questions being investigated it's Dr spratling in charge of the case who wants to know what it is he is even doing here he believes that their first step is communication so they are showing our culture from a safe distance through that of the TV hopefully they can initiate some sort of dialogue to understand the boy and his motivations all Dr spratling says he wants is to have a conversation the next tap begins with a warning from the Mexican Government informing us that it's highly classified we're dropped right into the middle of a filming of a low-budget news show and the host Lucia bickers with her longtime cameraman Louise a check-in with a new girl Gabriella out in the streets who is on the verge of making her TV debut she weirdly offers that a wise old hag once told her to smile like a queen but with the confidence of a [ __ ] wise words indeed she starts setting up for a tour of classic buildings later in the day and the broadcast is abruptly cut back in the studio everything begins to rumble which becomes increasingly violent they aren't sure what to do and Luis urges the others to stay calm the earthquake resides and Luis regains Consciousness straining for the camera he pans around the studio discovering that he is the only Survivor the door is then busted down by a rescue team to get him free from the debris the team informs him that the building is collapsing and they need to get outside now they run through the crumbling building and Via a glance outside the whole city is erupted in chaos another trimmer shakes them up and the Walls Start to crack unluckily the exit door is blocked they work together navigating a live wire to get it open there's more bad luck with another blocked door followed by an Aftershock thanks to that Javier manages to get a rod jammed right through his gut they don't want to leave him behind and Cara becomes emotional he reminds her of their Creed first me then you they hand her a crowbar to put him out of his misery and she does so through tears the others have to drag her away car quite upset over the loss they climb into some ducks entering complete darkness they crack open some glow sticks and crank on the camera light Cara is really broken up about Javier but they got to keep going Luis tasked her to take over filming duties because of his injured hands they continue on and Luis lets out a fart the guy behind him cursing him but he can't help but laugh and the others soon join in on the laughter of the Mad there's a sudden drop out of nowhere seing them tumbling down to another floor Cara hands back the camera hearing demonic screeching up ahead the team assumed that it must be someone trapped and they are obligated to investigate even if it's a demonic Screech does not sound Humane they enter an area smoke overtaking their Vision Lu pulls back his hand now covered in an odd white substance old Hispanic paintings line the wall and Louise has trouble with the camera he gets it working and a statue Spooks him it can't be he mumbles it seems that he recognizes the subject of the statue and that along with the walls made of skulls makes it look like they stumbled into its layer another crack tears to the ceiling there's another larger symbol on the wall Luis knows that it must be mlon an ancient Aztec god of death which rules over the underworld one guy Eddie stares intently at the display and begins convulsing M he groans Our God has risen from the underworld and our king must be compensated he's got to be fed he takes the Crowbar to his buddy's throat the God Appears In the Flesh and rips Out Eddie's heart gratefully munching it down Cara grabs his hand to flee but muon gets Louis first catching glimpses of the monster he gets a bad bump on the NOG and hearing a emergency Sirens outside he retrieves the camera strangely seeing he's by himself and the bodies have vanished Cara then reappears now possessed praying to our Almighty powerful Lord rattling off his many many names she lunges at Louise and tears out his heart and then Falls to her knees an offering to her God mecon receives the heart and more rumbles take over R she growls loudly and the entire building crumbles in on itself in the aftermath Gabriella describes this as one of the most terrifying events in the country's history this will be a day to remember I'll say meet clown is back and who knows what he's got planned next probably eating a lot more Hearts Rory's group of scientists are growing frustrated by a lack of progress but everything changed in a moment they rushed to his room discovering that he has begun mutating into something resembling a human body another doctor Dr Grayson expresses her concerns over this development she does find spratling to be brilliant but he also conversely never knew when to not pick up the snake they found something that could mimic anything it laid its eyes on that should have raised enough concern to enact stricter protocols she CHS it up to spratling projecting Humanity onto things that are not human however we humans typically treat our intelligent life horribly so why should we expect Rory to feel any empathy towards us we now move on from ancient gods to futuristic ones in the theater stage set techn God AA takes the stage and SES to the camera here we go she takes silent steps down to center stage and holds up her arms she asks who here believes in God no one responds so she asks again and a few raise their hands tentatively oh yeah which one well no matter which one your God is dead she snarks that it's really no surprise with everyone's increasing obsessions with computers and robots they went and killed God themselves but they also created a new God a god of wait for it technology she clicks on a video with a guy showing off his latest invention the Techno glove basically through the gloves and a helmet it allows you to interact directly with the digital world or as he says exist in two different dimensions at the same time he shows off grabbing a cup to drink his digital coffee boasting this is the future yeah I can't wait to try some digital coffee what isn't all this just basically VR anyway a scowls that this is all their fault you killed the gods worshiped for eons and replace them with techno gloves and iPhones she leaves a stage retrieving the very same device from the video she says we are trying to block our vision of the real world and replace it with a digital mirror of our own creation she considers would you want to see what's reflected back onto us she straps on the equipment and tells the others they're going to speak in the technog God's language in order to communicate with them that is if it even exists she scoffs she goes on that the God would require summoning like a child waiting to be woken from a nap by its mother Rise and Shine for our baby boy born of hate she commands G terrible she arrives at a platform and a digital cityscape comes into shape she whooshes air into the microphone which heavily reverberates over the speakers she makes more weird noises and wheezes and I'm pretty sure the audience if they paid anything is right about now going uh this was not worth it she keeps trying to get the god to respond and calls him simply a myth over and over the screen begins flickering with green interference she rounds a digital Corner still yelling for him to wake up and show yourself the video goes wonky and light start pulsing in the realm there's a flash of a bizarre lowr creature and the audience murmur at the sight aah senses something isn't right seeing it zipping around inside the other structures and snarling she tugs out her helmet but finds that it's stuck on tight she grunts with more more effort but it will not budge the god reappears and lifts her into the air she swipes out its face and it drops her it retaliates with a claw slap injuring her in the real world she removes her glove and sees that her hand is gone for real it attacks again tearing the flesh from her leg it goes for the other ripping it clean off AA screams in horror and she drops to the floor in a lump the audience doesn't know what to make of it and go in tight on her face They removed the helmet revealing that she has been french fried the crowd loves it erupting into cheers an Applause well too bad she can only do that show once oh did you know technology bad our next clip from Top Copy is quite short seeing that Rory has continued his mutation now sporting several tentacle like limbs called feelers we then move on to a family party being taped by teenage Ruthie she dips around the room filming various family members saying hi and another Aunt congratulates her on the big day one cousin James makes quite an impression with his monstrous mullet inquiring about the camera he wants to try it out and Ruth does some poses for him outside others gush she's going to make some guy real happy one of these days and her little brother appears shooting her with a squirt gun to his Delight they ask where he got it from and the boy says some lady in an RV gave it to him Ruth is baffled looking outside just in time to see an RV mysteriously Drive Away hm any other RVs we've seen so far Ruth mom addresses the crowd thanking everyone for coming out to celebrate they are here because they are family and with family comes history and tradition which dates back can tell well even before Grandpa art she jokes they now continue the tradition with her daughter Ruth she gets teary eyed with pride continuing she's thrilled they can keep practicing their Traditions out of sight for so many years Ruth gives her mom a big old hug and takes her over the stage she states that familyes celebrate all kinds of Milestones things like baptisms or bar mitzvah but we wriggley do something a little different right wink to the seven She cheers and the whole room hold up their arms showing off a Roman numeral of seven tattoos and we definitely know we saw that same seven on the gangs RV back of the first segment she then drops some Mas revealing that they are all in fact a family of killers that's their family tradition she boasts of claiming seven lives in unique ways hoping that it brings honor strength and pride to the family everyone bursting into Applause she wants to show off her work in a radical new way not photos or projector but via videotape woo high-tech she plays a tape narrating that she found this group at a gas station and it is definitely the same kids from the first segment she follows to the Lakeside and now know it was her truck that they saw from the boat she sets her camera up smiling at the lens first and then fires off a shot the two kids in the tent pop out and she takes them out in Cold Blood to excitement from the viewers she turns to the camera with a demented grin two down five to go we know how the rest goes but the family won't get to see as a presentation is interrupted by police pounding at the door shouting they have the whole place surrounded Panic sets in yet mom stays stoic this is it we know what to do and she proceeds to hand out guns to to everyone in the family of all sorts and sizes she tells her daughter to fight and don't let them take you alive don't disgrace the family name the ants and uncles all open fire one unleashing the Timeless oneliner who wants a brownie [ __ ] James thinks they should leave while she's blinded by her obligations chaos erupt spilling into the house Mom backs up firing an Uzi and is blown away in a hail of bullets Ruth tries to get James to man up with his own gun but he refuses in that case she tells him sorry and shoots him dead she Dives for cover by her bed and gets a a few shots off before being torn to shreds the officers all come in and already know that she's gone but are shocked she couldn't be more than 15 years old a nurse comes in later and Ruth Springs back to life and begins to take out everyone in sight she checks herself out touching her face in confusion how is she alive the cops return demanding she dropped the weapon and carry her away Ruthie screaming for help if it isn't clear yet we see a moment with Robin filling up a squirt gun with water from the magic Lake Rob wondering if this will work well it sure did this is a way to tie these two stories together and now I know the kids did get their Revenge they were able to make Ruth experience the same zombification that they did but also got her whole crazy murdering family taken care of to boot now that's Revenge now word from this week's sponsor Factor this spring is the perfect time to try out Factor's delicious ready to eat meals if you're like me it's hard to take the time to cook a meal but fortunately Factor's meals are ready to eat in only 2 minutes anyone can make time for that it couldn't be easier or faster to get get a delicious Chef crafted meal at home there is no prep and no mess either just heat it up and you're good to go Factor also has a ton of different options for more Discerning eaters with things like calorie smart keto Protein Plus or vegan and 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once more voices her concerns here he doesn't see the worry however he just sees something and replicates it what's a big deal the problem is Gary hasn't ever been in Rory's room meaning that he can see through their oneway mirror and has been watching them the whole time yoh spratling continues to disagree feeling this is truly a miracle they witnessing they are making contact after all Grayson looks back on the inevitable Bloodshed to come saying that the doctor didn't deserve what happened to him along with the others that he took along with him our final segment dream kill reunites Scott derkson and C Robert Cargill the team behind Sinister and this segment feels in some ways like a spiritual successor to their earlier work in a good way I mean from a Killer's POV he slinks through the dark neighborhood streets he approaches a front door hearing someone on the line with 911 freaking out about the break-in she pleads to send someone as they bust in the front door the dispatcher urges her to stay calm and you might want to close the bedroom door the killer digs through a door downstairs settling in on an electric carving knife hearing her stomping around upstairs he tells her to hide and Karen Dives under the bed the killer scans the halls and pushes her bedroom doors open the film goes in and out a few times seeing Karen whimpering under the bed he grabs her by the hair and jams the Carver into her neck he then takes a razor blade and gouges out her eyeballs later pair of detectives are investigating the house and it looks strangely familiar to Wayne he realized that someone actually sent in a video of the murder to the station a week ago but how he comes to the bed and now knows for sure Wayne saw this murder happen now understanding that the tape was definitely real but he doesn't know what all this means just yet he researches where the tape came from and tracks it down to a public mailbox which was caught on video another kill tape starts with a killer on the hunt for his next victim he makes quick work of the door with a lockpick and is quickly inside a dude attacks him with a golf club in the PA get into a big tussle vignetting takes over and the killer slices off his fingers the killer then tosses him downstairs into a sunken living room the man still does his best to fin the attacker off the nightmares of VoiceOver grumbles the killer tosses the dude into a glass table and it looks like the guy is done he proceeds to filet him and the grain becomes more aggressive the cops are there again after the fact and a pattern is definitely emerging they got another Tape 3 days ago and it's the same electric knife from the first murder Wayne is still stumped on what it means out side of the guy being a time traveler or something it is giving him the heebie jeebies all this making him think that the devil could be real they get a hold of security footage seeing a guy in a Parker dropping off the tape and wandering off thly they stake out at the mailbox and wait for the kid to return they spot him dropping off another package and manage to chase him down they take the goth boy Gunther into custody to be interrogated and surprisingly learn that he is Bobby's son they press him about the tapes why send them here and where did he get them and perhaps most importantly how did he show two murders before they even happened Gunther spills that he got a camcorder as a present and started recording things off the TV then a few months ago he started seeing other things on the screen at first it was just colored random flashes but after some time became images that he could recognize from where they ask from his dreams he replies leaving his dad rubbing his head in frustration they ask again in disbelief the recorder started recording your dreams and Gunther maintains that is the case he had a dream featuring the murder and it then came true Wayne still doesn't believe him but Bobby confirms that he does in fact have prophetic dreams he's seen it in action himself he'll have a dream and later it comes true exactly as described in fact it's something that runs in a family his sister had the same ability and it drove her bananas they returned to talk with Gunther further curious why he wouldn't have given the tapes to his cop dad according to Gunther his dad gets mad if he even brings up his odd gift they show off the latest tape that he was dropping off and as for what's on it Gunther encourages them to just watch it it's a killer up to his old old tricks hearing a woman screaming inside a house the POV Glides through the interior hearing a saw blade and more screams they then come to a bloody body completely dismembered he rewinds a tape and they were able to get the address and thanks to some landmarks seen in the windows reflection are able to determine the exact location once they arrive they debate how to broach the touchy subject sorry you're going to get dismembered soon however there is something else that Wayne has discovered Bobby actually was connected to the previous victims he denies it but Wayne knows that they actually filed suits against him which caused him to lose his job Bobby knows that he's been fleeced and even though Wayne gives him a chance to tell the truth he Els to shoot his partner in the head instead and then proceeds to follow through with it dismembering back at the station Gunther is asleep and suddenly wakes up perhaps he had another dream he gets to his feet and goes right for the camera rewinding back to the earlier interrogation the same killer POV style takes over in the room with him he goes to the camera and waves his arm I just dream this he determines that moment repeats on the other camera followed by him crying no along with a loud bang the door opens to his dad covered in blood he knows that it was him responsible for the murders now and Bobby intends to frame his son Gunther knows better he just dreamed this and he knows exactly what's going to happen other officers show up to try and put a stop to him only to get obliterated one by one about to return to Tin with the sun gun thr surprises him with a bullet through the forehead we then return to Total copy one final time Rory isn't moving spratling assuming that he must be sick the others doubt his actions if Rory is intelligent he could very well have been manipulating the doctor the entire time you think it was at this moment that Grayson knew she had to get out of there but strangely no one else left alongside her for months no one knew exactly what befell the crew but the show was able to get a copy showing off the raw footage spratling sends Gary into the room with a big needle of adrenaline he's worried about how Rory will react and the doc encourages him to go slowly Gary spots his feeler tentacle thing out and the doc orders to keep going Gary inching closer the tentacle wraps tight around his arm and sproutling suggests to slowly loosen its grip Gary starts freaking it's getting tighter on his arm and he wants out now spradling has an idea trying to directly address Rory certain that he can understand him it's all about communication right he places his hand on the glass asking if he remembers him Rory topples over now in his final form of a monstrous creature of some sort they sound the alarms and spratling approaches the door they try to separate him and another feeler is then around his leg too it pulls him in deeper seeing Rory as a mass of mouths and tentacles and just weirdness more wrap all around his body and spratling gives up they let him go and he slides back into the room hearing his bones crunching the camera guy tries to save a lady and another feeler takes her out sproutling rushes to the next door but there's too much blood on the sensor and it won't open a tentacle looms down the hall as they frantically keep trying the door a feeler snags the camera guy followed by his blood spilling out and he drops to the floor in one final desperate attempt at communicating with Rory spratling calmly suggests things don't have to go this way turns out he was completely wrong about the thing as Grayson warned it didn't give a [ __ ] about being pals it takes him out with a feeler choking him to death Rory brings the camera guy's body along with others and places them in front of the TV he then uses them as puppets of sorts moving their bodies with his feelers to imitate the exercise movements on screen see he did learn from TV there's your culture that'll wrap things up for now but why not check out this video over here and keep on watching the earlier entries in the HS series until next time thanks for watching F flick see you then
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 239,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vhs 85 review, vhs 85 explained, vhs 85, vhs 85 ending explained, vhs movie, ending explained, ending, explained, review, spoiler, trailer, clip, end scene, found footage horror, vhs 94, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: l8aDpLLYdxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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