Stuntmen React to Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 7

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Yeah It's a whole nother squad behind all of the action so this scene is like Widely known as one of the worst action scenes of all time break down one of your favorite fight scenes for us This is my favorite shot that I got to do right here Thanks to disco for sponsoring today's episode If you guys want to find out how to get three months free of the best cloud storage interface money can buy stick around Hey everybody, welcome to a very special episode. We're not talking about just stunts We're not talking about just vfx today We're talking about action design and we're talking about it with none other than Chris Cohen who is an action designer It's basically his job to take the stuntmen in the choreography and make it look good on camera So that requires a lot of intuition for camera motion cutting points angles as a whole other squad behind all of the action So if you love action and you want to get a deeper understanding of it well This is the episode for you. If you jump right in with Kingsman, let's do it There's two units on the film there's the main unit and they typically handle all of the dialogue all of the acting and then there's the second unit which does All the action this was my first job ever getting to hold the camera it was nerve-racking for me because I was working with the main unit director Matthew Vaughn to have everyone there and they're like Chris go, i was like what It was a tight fit Yeah, how do you film in a car like this? the sfx department tore this cab apart They shot with a arri alexa mini like it was stripped down completely because I was like, yeah We can't do this stuff with a 50-pound camera Right here to start the shot They have they took out the roof and you're on a crane the crane would boom down follow the hand Right here hold hold hold. That's Edie. And then right there, that's my buddy, Andy And I can tell that that's him because he always makes that face This is my favorite shot that I got to do right when he catches it with this toe, yeah He did it himself? yeah he did that was him. Oh good for him Is it all one shot with how many cuts that was all one shot? Yeah, but they had like this mechanical arm underneath that swung and and spun at the same time Brad had the detail that he wanted to see the toe - the second toe and see like the full body extension Not only that the pressure was on to continue the shot from the face look up find the button then back down to the face And then pull back and see full body when you're doing a lot of big action like this You really want to keep some of the stuff especially your your in and out points either Central or if like say if it's frame left It's better to pick up the next shot starting with the central point being frame left That way people don't have to try to find it, you know miss key moments You can see like for the the old ball punch here that's going straight Yes as we cut in you know The fist is still centered And that's such a high level of craft and I think that goes completely over a lot of filmmakers heads when they're doing action Pulled out of that How do you do that ? Tarrant was on a wire and they had him yanked through and I had to Get back because that wire he was coming out no matter what There's something about your work that I think that's actually it's been a big influence on me always in your fight scene when the actor choreograph to throw a right hook the other actors choreographed a block with his right hand and then cameras choreographed to do canted angle twist pop out punch zoom, right So you have your own fight scene that you're doing with the camera while the other guys are doing their fight on top of it Yeah, we joke and call the kam Chi kam gym You have to have the you know the presence of mind to remember the choreo and remember the beats And once you can you can just start dancing with them and telling cool stories within their movement I love that this fight scene shows little mini stories all these little problems and then need to be solved and they're solved in clever ways and it takes it to the Next little problem that needs to be solved In a clever way as long as you have the moments in the scene within the scene and you just have you know choreo, in between to take you to the next moment each beat is So much more emphasized The diner sequence so you worked on this as well, right? Yes This was a lot of running around especially when it starts the the long one shot sequence definitely inspired by the first movie. Oh Man that is such a cool shot. Wait over these blends these matches. That's And they show it Burger Time, all right tell us a little about this insanity that is a scene. Sure that right there He's not holding anything He's just holding two rope all the way up into his right hand and that's fully animated afterwards the light trail That's a good touch on it too and all the ground is all padded They'll come in and they'll put in foam mats to let them you know to hit Colin Firth is I think a real Kingsman on and off camera like just a gentleman. He's the coolest dude ever I'm surprised on how spry he is. Considering how old he is. Yeah, he gets it done This this shot I'm holding a rig and the camera is inside of this sort of cage and someone is on a remote control Who's able to control the roll Wow, so I'm just tracking that someone is rolling with As you start behind the counter right and now you're on the other side of the counter our department was able to remove certain sections of the counter and Then VFX Department put them back in these camera moves. You're flying around all over the place How are you doing that while keeping it somewhat smooth really that's just all hand held and that's from years of- Because it looks like it's on a Steadicam Oh, excellent It just goes from years of experience not having any equipment and trying This was actually shot all long-grain they rebuilt the entire background in the air they got a face element of Hedgerow, that's a stuntman. Yeah, that's all three our stuntman only. Those are all face replacements Yeah, Wow, I can tell you proud of this scene because when we were watching it Like you're you're in it reacting to it, and that's a really good sign What was cool about working for Matthew Vaughn is that he told the Action Team he was like, don't hold back think Outside of the box completely just go crazy if it's too crazy. We'll tone it back But don't think you have to work within these sort of guidelines Every product of genius is the product of enthusiasm so. Oh I like that. It's a good saying found it on a fortune cookie Please consider subscribing to the channel. If you have not already. We're banging out good stuff all the time You might not even know it but on the days that aren't the weekends. We also put out videos on the channel and they're good What go out the back I have another car This scene oh god, I remember this Infuriated me this. Okay. So this scene is like widely known as one of the worst action scenes of all time It's been ridiculed It started the whole meme of like the shaky cam and shaky cam has its place It does it does But there's shots in this fight scene where the cameras clue you got to do shoulder and he's on a wide angle. It's Okay His attacks looks like the camera seems to almost move in the opposite direction of what you're trying to watch Yeah, there's a random shot Madrid slags there in the middle. So let's have him me the guy and show their faces How do you shoot this to keep a little bit of the style but make it a better like read more readable fight scene with more emotions and more impact follow the attacks One of the most important things is seeing what's actually happening Like if someone's going for a kick don't show the shoulders Way less cuts, let it breathe. Let your choreo breathe let the audience watch You know what they're doing, you know if they're doing like three cuts for one punch like 1 2 3. Yeah That's way too many CG Matt Damon Turn you turn the stove on you Jam a magazine in the toaster. You set it to extra crispy corn It's the right when your magazines done and ready to eat the house will explode So I have a quick request for you guys it's easy to find good action scenes There's a lot of them out there But it's really hard to find bad action scenes that are worth talking about and breaking down so if you guys have a action scene that you think is just Awful, that would be great. We would love to do it in some future video. So please leave a comment So when I was watching solo this was the scene that definitely stood out to me and this is I Didn't even know who had worked on this one either - it's just like like ah, this is good There's some cool concepts going into this So this was really cool to shoot also very nerve-wracking the trains actually on a rig to do these Full Tilt's we are up in the air about 30-40 feet. I'm not a stunt guy I'm not a heights guy to have me up there shooting My favorite shot that I got to do this little stitch we go from Andy Lister Maisie stuntman again to Woody Harrelson and the stitch happens right there What's the trick for getting a good stitch Just making sure that all parties repeat their motion the best way you do it a few times enough times You're gonna get you'll get something that works What was fun about the shoot too is that they had this system called inves this shot right here for instance Through the camera I could see these storm riders Riding around I could see the mountains you can see Yeah certain You know bins and the track I could see the the rest of the Train It helped me frame what was going on and the actors are doing their best bike use to look there. They're just looking at blue We have no idea what's going on They have realistic Masks for the stunt performer to wear this movie and Kingsman both had them. That is a mask Wow On top of our stunt performer. That's crazy some Aria start 100% And standing next to chewy on set Is surreal like because you keep like he'll be standing there. Do you just sort of keep like I Know that a lot of your inspiration is anime 100 Anime is insane the action design that's used in in anime has like changed me completely Animes hand-drawn, you know every frame is labored over and you've brought that over to the world of live-action film I love it break down one of your favorite fight scenes for us Okay, if you guys are familiar with Naruto Shippuden, don't don't roast me The Kakashi Obito fight English and it's all silent with just the sound effects and they do this like really cool not back to when they were kids I love how an animated action moments hang and pause differently than they would in reality There's like a natural speed ramping to enemies. Yeah Like that, you know like the blood suddenly See how it causes for a little bit and then boom like you really build up to the shoot that's sick And I love these shots like come on Yeah, I've been waiting to try to do some stuff like that what I draw from is how they do moments You know you go Coryell pop pop pop pop pop to go into like something like this to draw their eye to something happening and people are like You know, what's that? The next shot is typically a wide to reveal what that is I feel like that's what keeps people interested when they don't know what's coming next and anime is really really good with that You're taking your hand up doing some live action anime I have this is I think the closest would come to seeing it happen right here The most ripped high school student Like oh my god, you're getting the beats you're getting the rhythms of like actual anime. I appreciated This was 100 percent last minute He comes over who you guys have met in the previous stuntman reacts and we stumble upon this idea to just try a version of my hero if you a high school was based in Los Angeles How do you get him to lift off the ground like that you're not using wires No, he's just they are all just going for it and being to know such anime fans themselves They sort of understand the body language I have never seen somebody get the grass angle from anime before is it just like a little camera on a gimbal? Yeah It's a tiny pocket. Camera Wow. It looks great So with that shot is you okay. So how did you do this shot because it looks super cool basically I'm just trying to repeat the same motion Wait, wait, wait, everything else makes sense because it's like oh this is maybe a match cut or a jump cut But this one what's kind of perfect except for if you find it there. Mmm. I didn't do rat Nate properly Yeah, haha, because your eye is following the backpack and what ghee is doing. That's my sort of wit pan stitch right there Hmm. I haven't had one comment. Call me J's character I was like, we just have to make it look as seamless as possible. Oh Did you just pull him the Zach King here? We just do it until you nail it Yeah, it's yeah, it just comes down to having really good choreography that like has enough motion to keep your eye distracted He almost did your infinite rolling shot The fact that we have this tool that is the internet now, I mean It's allowed all of us to wedge ourselves into this industry without asking this right No, we're we're here. We're gonna make stuff end of the day You're always making your content for an audience and now we get to just make it directly for you It's not really anybody in between that gets to decide what happens. It's just we make it you watch it And that's that the internet changed everything and we don't do an anime video together You al a part three is out right now there's a something on the screen you can click it ending no watch All right now and have your mind blown his YouTube channels Riven x3. I can also call an Instagram. It's the same thing Chris I hope you continue to make awesome work. Thank you guys so much in our pleasure. Yeah, you bet Okay, hey, it's your old pal Brandi O'Daniel here you see Jake sent me up because he said mr Neko played some music for you a couple weeks ago So if you'd oblige me, I'd like to play a little tune here on the mandolin But first I got to tell you about today's sponsor Disco, you see disco is basically like virtual heaven. 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Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 3,750,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, stuntmen, vfx artists, Cgi, action, movies, hollywood, solo, starwars, kingsmen, shot breakdown, jason bourne
Id: 4RpZ1mwrceg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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