Vex and Percy Dear & Darling Compilation

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Taliesin: I would like to try and build a couple things. I have a list, actually... Laura: Arrows! Arrow for me please. Darling? Taliesin: Oh, no, arrows are on the list. I want to start working on some sort of tazing implement for direct contact. I want to do an electrical charge that I can... Taliesin: ...The bolt is on the list, yes. Laura: Quite the worker. Taliesin: I've got a lot to do. Laura: Yes. So, um, darling...? Taliesin: How many how many of you are down here right now? Taliesin: You don't have to get involved in this. Laura: Oh, we are so involved in this. Laura: Oh, we are so involved in this. Travis: (laughing) Yeah, we do! You said you want 'em dead. All: (laughing) Laura: We've got your back, darling. Taliesin: ...Do what is necessary. The moment that I turn on any of you, the moment that I even threaten any of you is a moment I am not in control. Taliesin: No matter what is happening. Travis: Yeah. Okay. Laura: I walk up and I kiss him on the cheek. And I say, "don't you worry." Laura: "We've got you." Taliesin: Thank you, especially with the cough. Thank you. Laura: (laughs) I don't believe you're really sick, darling. Laura: So, I'm still down on my knees? Matt: you're still down on your knees, your brother got up and rushed off he seems okay. (panting) Kind of, taking a breath for himself. Laura: I look up at Percy, who is covered in smoke. And I say, "Percival," "How are you?" "How are you?" Matt: His head slowly turns towards you, the mask still on. You can see his eyes just barely through the glistening circular glass slots where he looks through. The smoke still billowing up from underneath the head slowly turns towards you. Taliesin: Fine. Taliesin: Fine. Laura: Darling? Take the mask off. Laura: And I (mimes shooting arrow). Taliesin: I don't have a turn yet, but... Laura: And I shoot at the guy that's attacking Grog. Matt: ...Released from whatever slow process is dissolving your gun. Laura: I step in front as he's unconscious and I go, "Percy, dear." Laura: "You'll thank us for this later, I know it." Taliesin: He's paying for a new one. Laura: I kiss his cheek, and say, "I'm so sorry." Taliesin: He's paying for a new one! Taliesin: ...There is an empty airdock that's currently not being used in the city. Laura: Do we need a ship right now, darling? Laura: I understand the joy in it. Taliesin: We don't need it now, but we're going to be-- need to move-- Laura: At some point. Taliesin: Vex! Laura: Yes? Taliesin: 250 gold, if you'd be so kind. Laura: That much? Taliesin: I'm going to make you something lovely. Taliesin: I'm going to make you something lovely. Laura: (singsong) I love you. Matt: "Hiii!" Laura: H-hi! Laura: I give the money to Percy, to give to him. Taliesin: And I hand it out. All: (laugh) Taliesin: Victor, uh... Matt: "Would you like some coffee?" Taliesin: Victor! Thank you, you're so kind. And if you would be so lovely as to not mention us to my friend if she should happen back. Matt: "50 gold." Sam: Oh, shit! Laura: Tell you what, Victor. I don't think you want to tell her anything. Matt: Make a persuasion roll. Liam: All you need is a 5. Laura: Wait, wait, wait. 12. Matt: (laughs) Matt: Given the circumstance, he has a really low DC on this, so I'm glad this is the one you rolled a 12 on. He goes, "For you? I saw nothing!" Taliesin: (singsong) I love you! Taliesin: I love you, darling. Laura: ...Aww, put it on! It's useful! Liam: No. We're no having this conversation Taliesin: Vex, by the way, I've got something for you. Laura: What? Yes, dear? Taliesin: And I pull out the arrow. Laura: What is this? Taliesin: This is an evening of unbridled guilt come here, let me show you In theory this is a siege arrow. Laura: Okay. Taliesin: Shattering stone, shattering doors, breaking things that should not be broken. Laura: Breaking hearts left and right? Taliesin: If that is what you're after. Taliesin: It should work! Never forget you're my favorite, and I'm so sorry. Laura: I kiss him on the cheek. Thank you, Percy. Taliesin: That was much nicer than your brother. Laura: ...That might be smarter. [hums] Taliesin: We currently have 1,000 gold from my family stores that are in the group treasury at the moment. Laura: Oh, we do. No, that's 500. That was just 500. Just so you know. Taliesin: I feel like it was more than that. Taliesin: I feel like it was more than that. Laura: No, it was just 500. Liam: Hey, de Rolo, do you remember what happened yesterday? Taliesin: He's not there. Laura: Isn't he, though? Taliesin: I was going to do such a nice thing for you, but never mind now. Laura: (laughs) No, no, no! No, no, do something really nice! Liam: Where did I go? Sam: You went to buy a shortsword. Taliesin: No, nevermind, you went to buy a shortsword. Laura: Dear, dear, dear, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Do nice things. All right? Taliesin: I'm trying to be gentle with my family right now. They're taking on an awful lot. Laura: You're right. They're taking on so many people Taliesin: And we'll see what we can do Taliesin: Actually give me the broom. Just give me the broom. Laura: Oh, okay. Well, alright but - Taliesin: I will either see you later tonight, or I will see you in the morning. Laura: Don't lose sleep over it. Unless you really want to. But I don't want to force you into anything. Taliesin: This pains me. This pains me and it must be put down. This must be put down and finished! Laura: Thank you, dear Taliesin: Goodnight. Laura: ...I can try. Taliesin: Which direction was this pool? Laura: It's right past the ruins. Right there, darling. Can't you see? Sam: You're drunk Percy, go home. Ashley: Yeah, a blind sharpshooter might not be the best in the Feywild. I would throw it out there. Taliesin: Be a shame if your broom breaks. Laura: It would. It really would. Hey, I want to heal you! All right? Marisha: o you want to be healed or not, Percy? Laura: I didn't give you a wet willie. Marisha: Jeez, first you say you're mad at me and then you ensnare my melee wet willie-- Sam: People. People! We're tearing ourselves apart in the Feywild. Taliesin: I'm just reminding the dear what side her bread is buttered on. Taliesin: (laughs) Taliesin: Honestly, dear, you're too happy to look like you come from money. Laura: (laughs) Laura: I don't believe that. Taliesin: No, it's a sure sign of it, is just an abject misery, believe me. I can speak to it. You look too much like you, and you don't look enough like something you're supposed to be. If you feel the urge to deeply bullshit, I'd be happy to help you. It's not hard. Laura: No? Taliesin: No. It is easy to pretend you come from money. You just have to be a bit of a shit, and wear what everybody else is wearing. Uh... Does this have something to do with that city? Laura: (sighs) Taliesin: It does, doesn't it? Taliesin: Who's there? Laura: Well, you know. Everyone. We were judged, growing up, and I don't look forward to seeing that again. Taliesin: (sighs) Well. Laura: It's not important. Taliesin: Oh, I disagree. I think - Dear, I think... I think that if you're worried about them knowing whether or not you've made your money and made your fortune - I don't think that's going to be the thing to earn their respect. Laura: Minor problem: it was really a very bad idea to go towards the music. However, Scanlan's sort of enchanted, and we should probably save him because it looks like a lot of people have also been enchanted and are stuck there forever. Taliesin: Alright, dear. Laura: If you're going to come and try to save him, plug your fucking ears, because I have a feeling this music is cursed. Taliesin: doesn't change anything. Laura: Good, that would be very strange, wouldn't it? Taliesin: It would. Although I imagine you're eventually going to become very insufferable, but yes. Laura: Only sometimes, dear. Taliesin: Oh, you have to be... there's a thing. But we'll get to that later. There is a thing, I forgot, there is a thing. Laura: Does this have to do with the Hunt? Taliesin: Yes, a thing, we'll get to that, it's really not important right now. That's if we survive, that would be very important, but right now it's not. Laura: Not...not a given. Taliesin: No. Laura: We might die today. Taliesin: We might. Laura: I'm gonna go get some coffee. Taliesin: I think that's an excellent idea. Let me join you. Taliesin: ...I'm sorry I'm an idiot. Marisha: I love you, but I hate you, but I love you. Laura: Percy. Taliesin: I'm fond of you as well. Yes, dear? Laura: You're a better man than you believe. Taliesin: Thank you. I accept that compliment. You as well. You're a better woman than you believe. Matt: ...All right. What do you want to offer to the skill challenge for this event? Something - something that you as an individual bring to this and bring to the connection to Percy to try and - Laura: (shakily) I say, "Percy I don't know if you can hear me, but that day in Syngorn was one of the best moments of my life. And not because of what you think. It wasn't because of my father, or the title. It was because of Whitestone. It was because of you. You allowed me to be a part of the thing you hold dearest. And I was so proud. But I don't want to be here if you're not. Whitestone still needs you, darling. I sill need you here." And I lean down and I kiss him, and I say, "I should have told you: it's yours." Matt: Make a persuasion roll. Laura: Natural 20! Matt: I trust you. Taliesin: I'm going to talk to Cassandra about one last dip ...Into the vaults to see if there's any potions that we can.... We know we have to leave them with something in case everything goes wrong but anything we can take with us will be helpful. And then I have to fix this giant mess of parts that are currently in my bag. I may need to spend a little money. I do apologize. Laura: Darling. Taliesn: Okay, just letting you know this. It might be a bit expensive to get everything working again. Liam: Percy. Spend it all. Taliesin: I will not spend it all I promise, but it will work. Laura: I gave an entire bag of jewels to a random ifrit. Liam: Yeah, we're past that now. Taliesin: That was brazen, yes. Alright... Taliesin: ...I'm a green dragon, let me in. Laura: (yelling through a door) Are you here for our later talk? Taliesin: No, this is a very - open the door, I have something to show you. Laura: Fine. Laura: I open the door completely naked. Laura: What was it, dear? Marisha: (laughing) It's a power play, I love it! Will: ...Thank you for sharing, Z. Sam: I'll take a superior, and one of them fire resistance, please. Laura: Take the superior, Scanlan. Sam: I need the stuff. Laura: Zero superior, and four fire potions. I'm taking one of the fire potions as well. So that's three five potions. Marisha: If I could have a fire potion? Laura: Yes. Two fire potions left. Elizabeth: Should Pike have a fire potion? Laura: Pike has fire resistance. Taliesin: She's fire resistant. Elizabeth: I only met her once. Taliesin: Um, I would love - I would love a fire resistant potion if there's one. Laura: Of course, darling, whatever you need. Taliesin: Cheers. Matt: ...You have to get closer to get more detail. Taliesin: I keep meaning to build something for something like this, I just haven't had the time. Laura: Oh, you know what, darling? Don't worry. You can use the carpet. Taliesin: (gasp) That's so refreshing. Matt: ...With that final push you all get down under the opposite side of the ravine, safe and sound. Marisha: (relieved laughter) Laura: Oh my god. I am so sorry! I'm so sorry! Taliesin: I grab you and give you a big kiss. A big, sexy, still-tied-up makeout kiss. And say, "Hey! Well done not passing out this time! Good for you!" Laura: Thanks for saving me, dear. Matt: You would like to... purchase a vessel? Laura: No. To rent a crew of well-seasoned sailors, who know their way around the ocean... Matt: I guess it really depends on the size of the vessel you're taking. What ship do you have? Laura: Right. Taliesin: We're looking to - I'm cutting in for a second. Charter, dear, charter. You're looking to charter. Laura: We're looking to charter a ship. Taliesin: ...And I boot him out. Oh, hi! Thank God. Laura: So, Percy? Taliesin: Yes, dear. Laura: I've been meaning to bring something up to you. Taliesin: Yes? Laura: Um. Laura: At the risk of bringing up Scanlan again. Taliesin: Oh. Matt: ...But the cloak does come off. Taliesin: We'll have it cleaned, dear. Laura: That's amazing. So worth it, darling. I can't believe you did that, thank you. Liam: Does the cloak of elvenkind look like butt? Matt: Only like 10% butt. Matt: I can do it to one person. Liam: One person. Travis: And I go down as just backup. Laura: ...It's up to you, Percy, dear. Matt: ...through his head, and it just immediately falls to the ground and slowly turns to slush. Taliesin: I feel like I'm losing it. I don't know. Laura: He should've listened. You were very clear, dear. Taliesin: ...I'm very angry and perhaps the only thing that's keeping me from doing anything about that anger is your opinion of it. I don't mean to put this on you. This is not on you. But... Laura: Not at all, dear. Taliesin: I'm thinking of collecting what's mine. Laura: But I pull out Fenthras. And I show him again what I've carved on the front of it. "Senaith". Do you remember when I told you about this? Taliesin: Yes. Laura: It's important. And I struggle with it a lot, you know. I tend to hold grudges. Taliesin: As do I. Laura: But if we're trying... That's important. Just think on it. Nothing rash, dear, alright? Taliesin: I'll think on it. I'll think on it. Thank you. Matt: are the Grandmistress of the Grey Hunt? Laura: Apparently? Taliesin: She needs to be appropriately consecrated. Laura: Oh! I thought that happened last night, dear. Taliesin: You shush, now. Laura: ...Did you want to say something, Percy? Taliesin: I just wanted to let you know that... when I sort of sprung this title on you, I chose the Grey Hunt specifically. The Third House is easy. It's just land and title, it doesn't mean anything. As a child, the great hunt was fascinating because it was a title that one earned. And I felt that... I thought that you should have something like this, that no-one could do otherwise, other than claim that you earned it. This is not something that can be given. And you're going to be fine. I have complete faith. Laura: I give him a big hug and a kiss. I love you, dear. Taliesin: I love you too. Good luck. Laura: Alright, get the fuck away from me! I've gotta meditate. Matt: ...turn grey and wither to dust as they hit the ground. Laura: "You're so strong, darling. I'm so impressed." ...right as I throw another arrow at him. Laura: Someone has to ride the carpet with them. Taliesin: I'll ride the carpet. So that you can stay free for.... Yes. Right Marisha: Oh, she's coming with us. Taliesin: I know. I know... Marisha: You're on your own. Taliesin: (shakily) I'll be fine. Laura: My darling. Taliesin: Yes? Laura: You'll be fine. Taliesin: I... oh God. Laura: ...I mean, he writes me all the time, but outside of that. Travis: What?! Really? Laura: Yeah. No? None of you? Travis: Scanlan does? Marisha: She's messing with you. Travis: That was very mean. Laura: I'm sorry Grog. Taliesin: You promised you'd keep that secret. Laura: (laughs) I have so many secrets to keep, dear. Taliesin: I know. So many. Travis: I'm mad for an inde - indet - id- a long time. Taliesin: ...What would you have done if I had just decided to open fire on you? Laura: I would've stopped you, darling, I knew it was him right away. Taliesin: ...everybody in the government - everybody reasonable, where we're going, why we're going, and that there should be people watching the Ziggurat underneath Whitestone 24/7 and while we're on this mission. Just anything happens, be prepared for anything. Matt: Not a problem. Laura: You're so brilliant, darling. Taliesin: It's these cakes. Marisha: I don't understand. There's not a lot of shade, it's noon. Matt: ...You have a little bit of starlight and your eyes had adjusted a bit, like you can see the edges and the rims of different shapes within the mountain range, but once you step past the illusory barrier into the interior of the cavern it is just darkness. Laura: Is Percy back yet? Taliesin: Yes. Laura: Percy. Hold on to my waist, dear. Taliesin: Right. Marisha: ...Even beyond the diamonds. Taliesin: Vex. (more firmly) Vex. He need you here now. I need you here. We're not done. This is not over yet. We are in trouble. We need to find a city. Two of you, I need both of you here. Laura: Of course, darling. Marisha: This was supposed to be a weekend trip. Taliesin: ...And I turn. They're made of people. Laura: Wait, what? It's skin books? Taliesin: It's people! Taliesin: It's these - it's - and I'm just gonna find an interesting - like, the most interesting spine. (stuttering) I'm gonna turn to the first: "birth, death." Laura: I can't read that, dear. Taliesin: Birth. Death. Sex Birth. Death. Some disappointment. Laura: I go up to Percy. "Are you alright, dear?" Taliesin: Strangely, yes. Yes, quite. Didn't think I would be. Taliesin: My question is, does it matter at the moment? Laura: Of course it matters, dear. Taliesin: Does it? Does it just make us panic? Laura: At least we'd know if he raised them up like he said he did. If we'll be fighting an undead Gilmore and undead Allura. Taliesin: I hate the undead. Ugh. Alright. Point made. Matt: ...It's like a four-sided pyramid. Taliesin: It is a pyramid. So the whole pyramid goes in the wall. Matt: It's a flat seal from the outside. Laura: Maybe this needs to be gold, dear? Taliesin: Why would it be gold? Laura: Well, the outside is gold. Taliesin: That's true. Marisha: Maybe the platinum is only for the trammels, and not... Laura: Check for traps! 'cause, you know, we've been there, darling. We've been there. Taliesin: Take everything and run. Marisha: Take his belt, take the belt! Laura: Actually, I think I was more stealthy than you just a minute ago, so are you sure you want to be in front of me? Liam: I love you anyway. Here I go. Taliesin: He's better at blowing up than you are, dear. Travis: Yeah, his heart beats, like, once a century. Liam: ...Can you get your hub up here please? Taliesin: I am up here. I'm right here. Liam: JESUS! Laura: Hi, darling. I don't know why he didn't hear you. Taliesin: Stealth of 20, really? Taliesin: Stealth of 30? Laura: You must be really good at that. Laura: Is the mirror leaning or is it on the wall? Taliesin: What am I - what is my attack for this spear? Travis: Plus... 2. Laura: Oh shit! That's really low. Roll high, darling. Taliesin: 7, then, if that's plus 2. Laura: ...We're all broken, Percy. Taliesin: I am tired of hurting people. Laura: You don't have to hurt anyone anymore. Taliesin: I love you very much. Laura: And I love you. Taliesin: This has been a terrible day. Laura: (laughing) It's horrible. Taliesin: Where's Kiki? And ugh, where's Scanlan, I think I owe him an apology. Oh God, I owe Grog an apology. Maybe I'll not apologize to Grog. That sounds like a really terrible idea. Laura: Darling? Taliesin: Yes? Laura: You're a good person. Laura: And you're not broken anymore, alright? We'll fill in each other's gaps. We'll be the glue. Taliesin: I put 20 gold on the table. Sam: Ooh! Taliesin: We will take the cheapest, worst beer you have. And a round for everyone in the bar. Matt: But of course! My pleasure. Taliesin: If everyone's alright with that? Laura: Of course, dear. Travis: Can I also start pulling out the remaining 8 expensive-ass bottles of wine from the bag? Laura: Would you be alright if we increased the Pelor temple here? Taliesin: Yes, I have - I trust your judgment. Uh. It is not for me, but I definitely am alright with anything that makes you happy. Laura: Thank you, darling. Taliesin: To be fair, you'd do it anyway. Laura: (laughs) Pretty much, yeah. Matt: Betrand Bell comes back, covered in bugbear blood, holding an arm. Travis: I got it! What is that?! OW! Laura: Which one - wait, was it his left arm or his right arm? Do I need to get a wedding ring off of the other arm that just dropped? Marisha: You do! It was his left arm. Laura: I'll go fetch it. Taliesin: Thank you, dear. Ashley: Percy, can you please hold your arm with your little arm? Laura: Okay. Laura: I'm gonna cast Hex (nervous laughter). Matt: Okay. He-eex. Matt: He's been double - or you mean, uh, not Hex. Hunter's Mark? Laura: Oh, right! Darling! Taliesin: Hex is mine, Hunter's Mark is yours. Laura: I'm sorry. Matt: We'll consider that a Hunter's Mark, there you go. Laura: ...That's 4d8 13, 18, 25, plus... 29, plus... 34, plus... 34, 44, 47, 49 points of damage on the first arrow. Taliesin: YEAH! Matt: Alright, go for it. Taliesin: I love you, darling. Well done. Matt: ...Wound up the interior of this giant structure. A bunch of bu bears came out of nowhere and tore off Percy's arm it's crazy. Laura: It was your other one, darling. Taliesin: Oh, yes, right, yes. Matt: And then it regenerated. There's now a third Percy arm that's just disembodied and flapping around. Taliesin: ...Perhaps do something. Marisha: How do we track him down? We should sleep, and then track him down. Travis: Wait, wait. We've tracked all the people, what did this person look like? Sam: I don't really remember. Laura: Oh! You know I remember! He - do you remember that skull that you and Percy fought over? Taliesin: We don't talk about that skull. We were hoping it's just gonna vanish from his memory. Laura: I feel like he was one of those things... Travis: A skull? Taliesin: We're all technically a skull, dear. Laura: No, no, no, like - Sam: He had skin and hair. Matt: ...Anything else you else you guys like to do before you continue with your journey? Sam: Just real quick we're going we're gonna do the mouse thing. Okay. Taliesin: I'm gonna get us off this tower. Laura: I'm going to cast Pass Without A Trace on you, dear, before we go. Just right before? Taliesin: Right. Laura: Will that stick, if I cast Pass Without A Trace and then turn into a mouse? Matt: Yep, you're still concentrating on that spell. Matt: I found it! Taliesin: May I? Laura: Percival's incredibly smart. Taliesin: I know. Sam: Yes, yes, let me look at it, really quick. Matt: Not you - you! Taliesin: That'll do. In fact, that makes it better. Matt: Step forward! Everyone else: STAY WHERE YOU ARE! Sam: (sung) Stay where you are! Taliesin: Darling, could you just keep an ear to the ground as things go? Matt: His eyes are just darting all over the place, he doesn't really make eye contact very well. Laura: I'm on all fours with my ear to the ground. Matt: Persuasion check. Laura: Persuasion check? Matt: Perception check. Persuade that dirt to tell you what's up! Matt: Top of the combat round, we have Percy and Vex. What do you guys do? Taliesin: I'm going to see it crash to the wall. I'm going to cast Hex on it. First of all. Matt: Alright, the creature is now Hexed. Liam: The Hex do you mean? The Hex do you mean? Sam: Aww, it's got a cure little bracelet. Taliesin: and I'm going to use my action to - Sam: Do that again? Keep doing it. Taliesin: And it's GIF. I'm going to talk to Bob. I'm gonna grab Bob by the shoulders. "We really could use some help. Please help us, we have to deal with this. I'll be back!" and I'm going to run into that corner. I'm gonna get as far as I can into that corner to get away from this thing. Taliesin: Yeah, that's as far as I can go? Matt: That's as far you can get there. Taliesin: Ah, there's no way to get cover from this thing. Matt: You can get, like - Taliesin: I'll get whatever cover I can get. Matt: Ehh, not so much. Sam: He doesn't have anything that he can throw at us. You'll be fine. Taliesin: Yes, darling. Laura: Oh, me. Matt: Is that your turn? Taliesin: That's my bonus, my action, yeah.
Channel: Bal Notaficwriter
Views: 60,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, perc'ahlia
Id: W8AjrZg6EJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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