Dr. John C. Maxwell teaching “Winning Our World For Christ”

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what are you and i going to do about the 53 of the people who are never going to come to your church say john what do you mean they're never going to come to my church they're never going to come to your church what part of never do you understand the people that i live with the people that i speak to my world most of those people are not coming to your church when they have a problem they don't even think of church we live in a post-christian era folks listen to me carefully when they have a deed they don't think i need to go see a pastor they go by your church and they're not even sure what that building is you're not good enough fast enough smart enough big enough for them to come they're not coming to your church they're not coming to mind they're not coming to church 53 percent you see if i if i'm talking to the business world this is a very easy topic because the moment the business world realizes that there's 53 percent of anything that isn't getting their products they're all over it folks they're all over they're all over it i would to god we loved souls as much as the business community loved money so if this was business it would be so easy there wouldn't be any heavy heart tonight there wouldn't be i wouldn't even be dependent on god to be honest with you i don't need god for the business community they get it they understand 53 of an untapped virgin market it is a free-for-all the only problem i would have in the business community is they would be leaving me right now because they don't want to waste any more time listening to maxwell when they can go get the 53 percent that's not buying their product by the way are you called to your church or are you called to your community all right are you more excited about the lost people that come to your church and you're going to be able to do all the good stuff that you do wonderful wonderful hallelujah stuff bring it are you as are you as passionate about the people that don't know who you are and don't care to know who you are and don't know where you are and aren't really looking for you now if there's a heaven to gain in hell to shine 53 of the people are going to hell unless you and i mobilize ourselves and our people to go into their world and connect with them relationally and bring them into the kingdom there is no hope for those people unless the church changes its mindset and there is no hope for those people as long as pastors are just absolutely thrilled with what they've got in their building the dirty little secret is much as our growth has it been major lost people anyway it's just been people from dead denominations god's going to have to break our heart this is too big for me tonight i'm way over my head unless god breaks our heart tonight unless god just comes and does something within us this message isn't going to go very far because i tell you i don't have enough motivational skills and abilities to get you to do what's on the heart of god but i can tell you i heard chris talk about joseph when he was lost in the town and he had four children he got four children i mean 80 of his children there hey they're around them they're okay i i heard him talk about the fact that he didn't want his kids asking what's for dinner to dad i'm not interested in dinner we got a lost son we got a boy out there we've dumbed down evangelism folks we've made it easy we've made it easy we said you know what you don't need to be able to give a reason for the hope that was it was within you what you really need to do is just invite people to church and people have lost their evangelism heart they've lost their evangelism edge they've lost their evangelism skills why because we've dumbed it down and haven't used it just bring them to church bring it we'll take care of it we'll bring it to just and by the way let me tell you something everything worthwhile is uphill and what you have taught the people in evangelism is downhill you give anybody a choice to bring a lost person to church and let the church do it versus take that personal responsibility on their shoulders to understand that they're the one that has the relationship with them not the church and they're the ones that god has placed to have favor with that person to lead that one to christ we we've allowed our people to have 25 years of easy low fruit let's just catch them as they fall in to the kingdom and it breaks it breaks the heart of god because 53 when you're done celebrating and calling your pastor friends about the amazing sunday you had it breaks the heart of god so paul gives us a blueprint i love paul let's just look at it quickly i'm gonna i'm gonna just pull out some principles now in first corinthians 9 19-23 look what he said even though i am free from the demands and the expectations of everyone i voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people religious non-religious meticulous moralist loose living immoralists the defeated demoralized whoever i didn't take on their way of life i kept my bearings in christ but i entered their world and i tried to experience things from their point of view and i've become just about every sort of servant there is in my attempts to lead those that i meet into a god-saved life and i did all of this because of the message i just didn't want to talk about it i wanted to be in on it paul tells us that we must be intentional in the following areas number one we must be intentional in adding value to lost people now paul did this by finding ways to serve people he said the way i'm going to add value to people is i'm going to be a servant he said i'm free he said i'm not a servant but i'm going to voluntarily become a a servant so that i can add value to people in 1995 i was in nashville tennessee at my publisher and my publisher said john we have a we think a very so much of a surprise for you it's a surprise to us we found that two-thirds of your books are being bought not in christian bookstores they're they're being bought in secular stores by business people and i was shocked i i had no idea there's nothing i planned about this i i just heard that two-thirds of the people that were buying my books were not buying them in christian bookstores and god spoke to me at that moment and said i want you to cross over that was the day that i knew that my days as a pastor would be limited that i needed to go to a to an environment into a place that that would allow me to to get the good news to people that weren't hearing the good news on a regular basis and and so i made a i made a crossover decision and my crossover decision was this that the first thing i was going to do before i ever witnessed and shared my faith was i was going to add value to people that i was just going to i was going to do the best that i could for any company to go in and help that company be successful and i was going to add value to people and i was going to earn the right to share my faith you see as christians i mean we're easy oh dear god we're easy we just come up and say well i love the lord and i love the lord we just like one another and we're brothers in christ we just bought into that beautiful relationship and it is a beautiful relationship but in the secular business world it's not about relationships you've got to have their respect before they're going to give you a relationship and i realized the only way i could get that respect is that i needed to add value to them and so i began and i remember one of the first organizations i did that would i'm not going to give you the name of the ceo i'm not going to give the name of the company but it's a it would be a top fortune 100 company and he had me come in and speak to his company about three or four times and and he loved what was happening and and one day he took me after i spoke up to his office overlooking the entire city and he said john he said you're really helping me i said thanks that's what i want to do he said he said what what do you what do you want i said i want to help you no he says it's got to be more than that he said you're really helping me he said what do you want i said well i want to be your friend he said this is not right i said don't you don't you need at least one person in your life that doesn't need something from you she won't be a friend and he sat down and said i don't have anybody like that well i said you do now my name's john i'm your friend i said you know i called him and i said you know i have i have a i have a hope and that is i hope that i can add value to you in such a way that someday you'll ask me about my faith oh he said that's it that's it that's it thank you that's it i got it okay got it i got it okay john tell me about your faith i said you're not ready so what do you mean i'm not ready i said you're not ready you're just asking me to talk to you about my faith because you know that that'd be something i would like for to do and so you're just you're just tell me you're not ready well he said when am i going to be ready i said i don't know but you're not ready he set up golf every three months for that next year we go out to play golf he said am i ready and i'd say no you're not ready you're not ready because he wasn't ready i knew the time would come when he'd be ready and he called me one day and he said john i need you to come to the house as quickly as you can i went over he said my wife's got cancer she's not going to live and i looked at him and i said you're ready led him and heard the christ but i will not share my faith until i have added value to people first in guatemala the last time they had the governors of the of guatemala and all the mayors of guatemala and they were very excited in the and our handlers the people who were there that had they were very excited they said john they're they're here to about 2 000 of them they're here to listen to you and and and after you're done helping them with leadership in their you know in their states and in their cities um you can share your faith and i looked up mark and i said mark how much time do i have he said you have an hour and i looked right back at him so i don't have time to share my faith i don't have time to add value to them and i went out for an hour and i gave them the very best that i could and i didn't share my faith i asked them afterwards if i could the next time go to guatemala meet with the governors again and the mayors again and i think i may be able to do that but i wasn't about to share my faith until i added value to those leaders first so every day i ask myself a simple question how can i add value to people every day and i look for sure every day to add value to somebody that doesn't know me and cannot give me anything in return every day i i pray and look for that person that i can just add value to no strings attached the second thing paul said here is he sees he's not only be intentional in adding value to lost people but he said be intentional to include everyone look again at the scripture he became a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people religious non-religious meticulous moralist loose living immoralist the defeated demoralized i love this phrase whoever oh i love that phrase for god so loved that was kind of weak for god so loved i think that's everyone so look look at just just say out loud with me god loves me go ahead god loves me that's look at your neighbor say god loves you now say with me god loves people i don't know oh that's beautiful say with me god loves people i don't like and there's the problem there's a whole bunch of people as christians we don't like if you go through the gospels and you turn the pages the one thing that you'll come to the conclusion is is that jesus values people and i hear people there say i want to be christ like i want to be like jesus and let me tell you something let me tell you when you're the most like jesus you're the most like jesus when you love everyone and you value everyone and as chris has said two or three times already in the conference when you have a greater desire to connect with lost people than you do to correct lost people unconditionally love them you see god doesn't change us to accept us he accepts us to change us but you go to lost people they don't see that it's why i teach the 101 principle that i love this principle says find the one percent that you agree on and give it a 100 of your effort that is my evangelism mantra right there find by the one i just looking for one percent that you agree i i know you and i are disagreeing on a whole bunch of stuff it doesn't matter i'm just looking for one thing and i keep working them i keep working until i find the one thing and it's kind of like eureka i found the one now that i've found the one thing that's called that that one percent that's called common ground now i start to connect you see christians they do the opposite they find the one percent they disagree on and give it a 100 of their effort so i apologize for us all the time every day i have to apologize because you see i hang around with lost people it's a different world folks and lost people because they know i am a person of faith they like to tell me how disagreeable and judgmental christians are and i look up and say man i agree with that one wow what are you going to do about it i don't know but when i go to heaven i'm just asking god to put them on the other side you know what i mean just just put them over on the other put them over on the other side just you know what you can can again okay and by the way i know this isn't much your problem but it's a lot of christians problem i just got word for you and that is jesus died for democrats too you're known more for your political stand than you are being sold in light [Applause] and when i start doing that foolishness i cut off people from the possibility of becoming saved and we would rather have laws that agree with the things that we feel are our values than reaching people for jesus can i tell you something unless i'm missing something lost is lost what part of this do we not understand they're lost folks they may be morally good but they're still lost if they don't know jesus lost his loss paul said number three we must intentionally know who we are in christ i love this passage he said i didn't take on their way of life i kept my bearings in christ in other words he's really solid he knows who he is he is a christ follower he's a person of faith he's not throwing that out the window he's not compromising that he's not giving that away he's not a silent christian listen carefully i don't have to be like them to reach them but i have to like them to reach them and we don't like them we don't like them they make us uncomfortable their lifestyle makes us uncomfortable what they do makes us uncomfortable and we just think boy if we could just pass a few laws we could get comfortable legislation isn't going to do this folks this is a sin problem this is a only jesus can fix it problem this is a cross issue this isn't a government issue [Applause] you truly find out who you are when you immerse yourself in a lost culture i mean it's so easy to love jesus tonight i mean the worship is wonderful and the christians are just that they're just it's so easy to love jesus but i'm here to tell you the world that i live in we don't have all those advantages and when i crossed over i determined that i would never forget who i am and who i am is i'm of their friend but i am a christ follower i am a person of faith i would never forget who i am but i also would never forget why i crossed over i know who i am john maxwell saved redeemed by the blood of jesus christ hope of heaven within my heart eternally secure in his hands i know who i am and i am so confident that who i am that i can go to where they are and by the way i'm going to just give you a secret pastor chris is right every person has a honing device within them that wants them to know god and and they're just looking their search they don't have a clue they don't even know how to but they've got this they're just wanting god and i'm so excited the reason i love sharing my faith is i look at i look at lost people all the time and i just say oh my gosh they're looking for me they're looking for me yeah they are oh and by the way every day i pray god let my past cross with people that are looking for you and guess what every day my paths cross with people looking for him because i'm looking for people who are looking for god and when you're looking for people who are looking for god god will honor that prayer and says i can trust you with this person i can trust you i know josh you'll share your faith you won't say you want to come to church want to come to church you want to come to church you'll share your faith you'll give them a reason for the hope that is within you in fact let me tell you something when you become salt and light you become a dealer in hope i had just crossed over and i went to kiawah island to talk to the largest lumber broker company in the world and as with their executives i talked to them about leadership all day at the end of the day one of the senior ex raised his hand he said let me ask you a question john your leadership stuff it's been very good but it's very different it's kind of like fresh where did you get your material and i smiled and i said you don't want to know they said no i really do want to know and i said you're going to have to trust me on this listen to me you don't want to know well if you tell people long enough they don't want to know they all they got their hands and they're all saying what no we want to know we want to know you got you got to tell us where did you get and finally i said okay i'm going to tell you but when i tell you you're going to be disappointed and i looked up and i said everything i taught you about leadership everything i taught you i learned right out of the bible and it was an audible girl they went oh duh i told you would be disappointed i said i see you have a cocktail hour at 6 30. i'll be there i'll be over the corner if you've ever had a question about god my name's john and i'm your friend you can just come over and talk to me and i went down to that cocktail hour and for over an hour people stood in line to talk to me and i walked out that night and i said to myself we don't have a hardened center problem we have an uncommitted christian prophet everybody wants to be saved everybody wants to have that hope everybody wants to come to jesus christ they're they're just they're just wait they're just waiting they're just waiting for us hey not to come to us hey they're waiting for us to go to them and i i do this i wish stuff all the time on people so when they have a problem they'll say oh you know i've got this problem i said oh wow that's a big problem i wish you could have my strength right now so what do you mean why i just you got a big problem i just we i wish you could i wish i could have my strength right now see most christians make sinners mad i make sinners hungry it's called salt and light salt makes things better light makes things brighter what's wrong with us somebody would come and say well you know man i just got this i'm just grappling with things i don't understand i said man i wish you had my faith right now oh i'm just troubled i wish you had my peace right now i'm here to tell you i just wish him into heaven don't worry they'll ask you what do you what do you mean what do you mean you have a strength that i don't have well it's i hesitate to tell you the apostle paul said number four he said i want to intentionally number four enter their world i want to intentionally enter their world you see when i know who i am which is a christ follower and i know what i'm supposed to be salt and light i will intentionally enter their world and the passage in matthew chapter nine it's powerful so just watch it watch the sequence and jesus went about all the cities and the villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel the kingdom healing ever six every disease among the people but when he saw the multitude he was moved with compassion because they faded and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd did you notice jesus went jesus saw jesus was moved when you enter their world you will be moved with compassion the more that i'm around them and the closer i am to them the more i love them when leadership when i'm teaching leadership seminars i tell you know we talk about slowly at the top and i want to tell leaders is if you're at the top all alone no one's following you get off the top let me explain something you got to find people before you can lead them and it works in the christian world too get off the top get out of the church we've got a lot of audacity asking him to come to our world anyway that's not biblical jesus came to our world jesus said i'll put on a robe of humanity i'll live where they live and i'll feel what they feel and i'll experience what they experienced where did we ever get this idea come to church come to church come to church come to church the church is to go it's called the great commission not the great invitation [Applause] i grew up in the holiness church the holy church they just want you clean so they teach you to lie so i went back to the 100th anniversary of my denomination my little denomination my little holiness they're not big but they're pure and i looked at him i said you love to clean fish but jesus didn't say follow me and i'll teach you how to clean fish so let me explain something to you you got to catch them before you clean them so i wrote this down listen carefully how do we lose our passion to reach lost people and our compassion to love them i'll give you that answer we've left their world we've left their world the lack of passion you have for lost people is a direct result of the lack of contact you have with lost people and the lack of compassion you have for lost people when you start judging them and correcting them and trying to fix them i mean why don't we just call you jesus that wasn't in the notes confession my friend confession my pastor for 25 years in a moment i'll talk to you about my personal evangelism schedule but before i do that i passed it for 25 years and the last five years i lost my passion for lost people and lost my compassion for lost people because i was so busy building a church didn't have time couldn't get to him i was just surrounded by church people and church things to do and church functions and i lost it i could i could still remember going up to bill bright's but he was out at arrowhead and campus crusade and i was in we were in about a 30 million relocation program he was a wonderful friend of mine i said i want to come up and i remember unloading to him all the struggles of a relocation problem and all those problems he just listened to me really quietly and prayed with me and we had a quick lunch he said john could i show you something i said sure and they turned on he said we're just so excited about this we're ready we're just about ready to lodge this through campus crusade for christ he said it's called the jesus film and then he said we're going to bring millions of people into the kingdom through the jesus film and i sat there and i watched the jesus film and god just convicted me and he said john you've got a 30 million dollar relocation problem and bill bright's wanting to win the world for jesus and i said oh god help me never again to lose sight of why i am here and what i want to accomplish we must be intentional to experience things from their point of view paul said i entered their world and i tried to experience things from their point of view chris talked about the passage of scripture he that when souls is wise that's a fact when i became a soul winner when i began to share my faith i never understood that scripture until i began to share my faith in what would happen people would ask me questions i didn't know and i looked and said you know what i don't know that answer but if you'll give me a couple days i'll find it i'll come back and talk to you about it and i'll go back and i go find the answer and then i go back and i talk about and i did that for about five years and after about five years doing that hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times guess what i knew all the answers people say he's just brilliant when it comes to lost people i'm not brilliant because i'm lost people i just hang around with lost people and lost people asked me questions i didn't know and i just said i'm sorry i don't know but i'll find out i'll figure this out what am i what am i one of my projects i have a list of ten that i keep before me that i pray for every day they're they're the hard ten i mean they're the hard ten and one of them's an atheist and i've been working with him now for three years and i mean he's really an atheist but but i i just keep loving him and and he you know he doesn't believe in god but he just loves me and if i can get them to love me i have a chance of getting to love my god but if they don't love you they don't want your god so he told me the other day because i call him every other month and we spent an hour together and he so he said you know what for the next year he said i would like to talk about the historical jesus i said that's good that that he said i don't want any bible stuff no bible stuff just the historic i said i got you just the historic i don't want any bible stuff either just the historical historical jesus nothing nothing but the historical jesus we're you know we just no scripture not just historical jesus how much historical jesus can you get without bible so we're talking about the historical jesus one day he said now i'll tell you why i'm an atheist i said hey what this is good why are you an atheist he says because your god sends people to hell and i could never believe in a god to send people to hell i said neither could i you got requested what do you mean i said i i couldn't believe in a god that sends anybody to hell either man i'm i'm with you baby he said whoa that's what your god does oh no no no you've got the wrong god not michael no no not my god no no no i said that could i tell you i mean since you got the wrong god do you mind fall into my lap fall in my come to daddy cut the daddy fall into my head [Applause] well i said i'm confused because they said i thought was your god send people i said no no no man it's not my god i said let me tell you about my god my god does everything in his power to keep you from going to hell in fact my god is so amazing that he sent his son to die on a cross and let me tell you something if you go to hell you step over jesus but you step over jesus to go to hell you got you got to work at it you got to want to go to hell because my god will give everything including his son to keep you from going to hell and by the way by the way that's my god that's my god that's the god i serve he'll do everything to keep you that's my god that's the god that's my god i love him i love you that's my god that's my god that's your god that's my god and i just can't keep quiet about him you're so good i just you know i just i sometimes just try to act sophisticated and that's my god that's that's a god we're talking about folks that's a god worth sharing that's a god worth giving to people that's our god that's our god number six paul said i intentionally creatively move people toward god i love this look at this what i said i become just about every sort of servant there is in attempts to lead those i meet to god save life in other words paul says if one kind of servanthood doesn't work i said okay well that didn't work on him what kind of servant do i need to be this time he said i'm just constantly changing just doing anything like i'm creative i want i want to help people know god you see i have a belief seed that i wish every one of you had and that belief seed is that i do believe everybody wants to know god christians have just got in their way and so i plant seeds every day i plant curiosity seeds by asking questions one of the things i teach the business world is a networking question who do you know that i should know i teach them to ask that sometimes they'll say john who do you know that i should know come to daddy sometimes in q a somebody said who's the greatest leader that ever lived oh my gosh hit it say set it up i'll knock the ball out of the park you're asking the questions i love this one sometimes in a dinner conversation i'll look at everybody and i'll ask them this question what question is what question would you like people to ask you and they go around talking about well i'd like them to ask me this question i'd like them to ask me this question and and finally they get to me i still remember mark you were in the dinner a very highly successful new york city jewish lady that's on my top 10 list that if i gave her your name you would know her and you would certainly know her marketing and advertising because you watch it on tv all the time she's she's one of my ten and she's sitting right beside me i set that question up that night because she's gonna be right beside me and i said well the question i wish people would ask me is i wish they had asked me about why i'm so much in love with god she looked at me she said why are you not now six months later she had me come to her big office in new york overlooking central park and she pulled me aside she said i still need to know the question you wouldn't answer at dinner that night i i put i so i i give them what i call the secret seeds i i lay out all the time with with non-believers little secrets that i i just for example i'll teach them in the business community there are four ways to value people i'm going to give you three i just give them three inevitably i'll start to go on and somebody raise your hand i know what they're doing i'll say excuse me i'm sorry yes what's the fourth one it's not for you why isn't it for me well i'm a person of faith and it wouldn't mean anything to you it's just something it's something that i do but i'm a personal faith that and i i don't take up the time now because i'm here to do the business thing and if you want to catch me afterwards you just you catch me afterwards i have had 30 people at a time stand in line when are we going to start making lost people hungry when we are so much in love with what we are tasting that we just say oh you got to have this you got to have this oh you got to taste this oh let me tell you something this is taste this lord he's good he's good i constantly i have i have a lecture that i do sometimes when i teach all day called if i had one day to spend with you i'll never forget i was in vegas recently and 5 000 people and and i said i only have a half a day and so i can't there are five things that i if i had a whole day there were five things i would teach you if i had a you know a day with you but i i don't i don't have a whole day so what i'll do is i'll teach you two and i'll give you two i can wait there are five things i'll teach you two i'll share two with you at the end i said you know the fifth thing which i couldn't and wouldn't share with you here would be about my faith and it's just the most beautiful thing but but it's not appropriate here and i know that and i want to honor the people who brought me in and i just go off i promise you they tackle me in the hallway sometimes i sow success seeds i tell business people all the day if you really want a great a great business idea read one chapter of proverbs every day there's 31 that takes care of a month and i said i will guarantee you after reading a proverb every day for one month you'll come up with a business idea you've never had before i guarantee it by the way the four pictures of god which i won't go in tonight which i'm known for because every chance i get i talk about the four pictures of god because the reason people don't know god is they have a wrong picture of him if i had a wrong picture of god i wouldn't want to know him either think of my atheist friend he thought god sent people to hell the four pictures of god three of them you're getting it you're getting it you're getting three of them lost people gave me the pictures well of course when people said i think god is too removed from me there's probably a god but he's remote removed i said okay let's talk about a picture of a wall and you're on the outside and god's on the other side when they said i've just done too many bad things in my life a good lord he would he would never be interested in something like me and what i've done i said okay let's talk about a garbage can when they said i think i'm good enough myself i said okay let's talk about if i could build a stairway to heaven you see everything that i teach on the pictures of god in the lost world i learn from the lost world because i live with them and i do my best to ask questions and find out where they are that they know i care about them and i want to know about them i got to wrap this up so let me give you the last point we must be intentional in sharing god's message and experiencing god at work paul said i did all this because of the message i didn't just want to talk about it i wanted to be in on it so let me just let me just wrap it up with my story i was a pastor in southern indiana and there was a guy in the hospital his name was jim and and uh his sisters asked me to visit him and i did he was a nice guy we hit it off he liked the same sport team i did and and and for about a week i'd see him every you know maybe every other day whatever we we just hit it off well and i i can still remember jim and i talking one day and he said pastor he said i really like you my sisters just talk about you all the time and he said just want to know when when i get out of here he said i'm going to come to church boss that'd be great love to have you jim i was just so happy little did i know by the time a car got in the parking lot he died the sisters called me and said pastor we're so glad you went to see our brother he passed away will you do the funeral and i went to bros madravi funeral home and viewed the body with these two sisters and i looked at him i wept like a baby and they just hugged me because they thought i was the most compassionate pastor i wasn't a compassionate pastor i was waiting for jim to get well and come to church i spent terrible six months wrestling with god about a whole bunch of stuff in my life you talk about you talk about junk and one of the stuff that i had in my life was that i just wanted to build a big church and i just i was into numbers and i was into a whole bunch of stuff as a kid and i was comparing myself with other pastors and when the when the stats of the denomination come out i'd look where it was and how much i gained and i was full of pride and i was i was just i was just i'm telling you i i was a i was a mess i was a mess and i could remember one evening when everybody was gone and i was just by myself in the home and i remember saying to god i want to tell you what god if you'll let me be a soul winner if you'll let me win people to jesus i'll never ask to build a church i'll never ask to be a great pastor i'll never i'll never ask to have all this idols that i've got in my life that i want to have in my life i said i asked one thing would you just let me win souls and i never will forget that evening the spirit of god filled me in an unusual way and i i got off of that floor and i knew that i was a changed person and the next sunday i went to my congregation and i wept before them and i apologized i said you have to understand i've been interested in the church but i've not been interested in lost people and i want you to forgive me and i remember going to my own altar and just praying [Music] i made a commitment to god that i would try to win 200 people a year to christ outside of the church lost people not church people folks not the people that the people bring in no no i'm talking about lost people i would i would and so every sunday afternoon i would call and try to set up 10 different appointments that week of i play racquetball with that person i'd go do this with that person all lost people just doing my best and i never led 200 i never got to 200 but before for 20 years i averaged over 150 a year that led to christ and i just wanted you to know that there's an anointing for you church leaders that the moment that you get your heart on what god's hearts are and and the moment that you that you really have a heart that's broken for lost people that will leave the 99 leave the 19 we'll leave the four children and say joseph where are you [Music] there's an anointing for you and a covering for you that'll radically change your life and let me tell you something our people in our church will never go out and share their faith until they see their pastor share his or her faith you cannot you cannot you cannot give what you do not have all american needs for a revival is for church people to see their pastors just weep over lost people the moment that they see that movement of reaching people and every every week intentionally setting up relationships so that they can connect with the moment they see that everything's going to change [Music] i'm looking at my list i'm looking at my list right now some of them have been on my list for six years they're still not saved but they're on my list i'm just going to keep loving them keep looking for the opportunity throw them a list i love that poem that says when you enter that beautiful city and the saved all around you appear what joy when someone will tell you it was you who invited me here [Music] last fall i was honored to see pope francis in rome i had an invitation for about four months and so really admired a lot of things that he's done so i wanted to give him a gift of course he was named after francis of so i went to my favorite bookstore in new york and i got a i found a treasure of a book of of woodcut uh uh pictures of of of 53 of them uh the antique book of of of francis's and so i when i went to meet him i i had my gift for him and he came he was very gregarious and and he just opened his arms and i gave him a big hug but the first thing i want to do is i want to give him the gift because i i knew how much he appreciated safe and so i gave it to him he opened up and i saw i saw the delight on his face when he looked at those at those incredible engravings of saint francis and realized it was an antique book it was it was something special to him and to his heart [Music] and i thought i looked so much forward to giving him that gift and then i asked myself i'm going to go see jesus someday and what's going to be my gift to him trust me it's not going to be me it's not going to be me i just know so many people that love him so much better and are much more spiritual i'm sure i'm gonna be in some kind of a outlet with a big screen somewhere just kind of looking at him but i know my gift is going to be to him when i come into his presence all i want is the people to be around me that i shared my faith with and i just want to say jesus here they are these are the ones these are the ones that you died for these are the ones that you gave your heart for these are the what jesus here they are this is your gift jesus i preached too long tonight i'm not sorry but i preached too long but i need five more minutes just give me five and i'm done because let me tell you something while i have taught i have watched your faces i've watched those tears and i know what god is doing in this moment god is doing for us what i can't do for us what chris hodges can't do for us god is beautifully wonderfully personally talking to some of you out there and it's kind of like he's saying come on back home to me come back to my heart come back and let me give you a fresh anointing let me give you a fresh covering let me give you a fresh vision let me give you let me give you a fresh touch tonight that's going to turn you around and get you back out there to where the lost people are and i know it so if you're hungry this isn't for everybody we're not doing simon says here this isn't for everybody this is just for you that you've been sitting in your seat for an hour and your heart has been pounding and you're saying i kind of lost it i just kind of lost it and i want to come back i just want to i just want to get back to the heart of god and i want to see lost people like jesus he's lost people and i want to i want to i want to take some gifts to him when i get to heaven and you just would just want to praise anointing the first baptism of the spirit of god on your life just he said i just i just want god to do something for me tonight i want him to do something in me tonight that when i go home to my church and i come home to my community i am a new church leader never to be the same again
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 587
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: John maxwell, John maxwell teaching, John maxwell lesson, John Maxwell leadership, John Maxwell book, John Maxwell video, John Maxwell Christian, John Maxwell conference, John Maxwell 2021, John Maxwell 2020, John Maxwell speaking, Apostolic, Pentecostal, Christian, Leadership lessons, How to be a good leader, Leadership class
Id: 0FCZlqhtcRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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