Very Soft & Moist Lemon Pound Cake From Scratch

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hello guys, today we are making perfectly  citrusy and moist lemon pound cake. first, in the bowl, add sugar,  salt, and fresh lemon zest.   try to zest only the yellow part on the surface  because the white part inside is pretty bitter. and mix. I like to do this at the very beginning  so that the amazing aroma spreads in sugar.   I almost forgot to add salt, so I'm adding  it right here. and set it aside while you're   walking on other things, such as sifting  all-purpose flour and baking powder together,   and grease your pan with a very  thin layer of butter like this. and coat all-purpose flour on top. toss like this to remove excess flour. and  chill that in the fridge until right before use.   now we are adding butter to the sugar. very  important to use very soft butter like this.   not hard or melted. it's perfectly soft. start  whipping at high speed until it gets much fluffier   and pale. and that means it contains a lot more air  inside. and after this, we're gonna add eggs which   is liquids. oil and liquids do not get along.  the air helps eggs to emulsify with butter a   lot easier. it works as their middleman. also the  air helps the cake to rise more in the oven. eggs blends easier when it's not very cold. so I usually like to warm it up a little bit   until it feels almost nothing or slightly warm  when I insert my finger. you can use a water bath   or microwave to do so. check every 5-10 seconds  to make sure that you're not cooking the eggs. add eggs little by little and whip  until it gets blended completely   each time before you add the next one.  today I divided it into about eight times.   and it's very important to clean the  bowl and whisk on the way to blend   evenly. I like to clean at least a few times  on the way. and next, add the sifted flour. and mix well until you don't see any  flour. flip the batter and check well.   and add the rest of the liquids, which are sour  cream, honey, vanilla extract, and lemon juice. and mix well until it's blended evenly. clean up the bowl, spatula, and check the  bottom to see if you didn't miss anything.   and move it into the pan. by chilling the pan until right before you use,  the coating does not get scratched or slide   down as you do this, and you can create more  beautiful, even caramelization on the surface. and as option, melt a little bit of  butter. and using a dough scraper   or something similar, insert the  butter in the middle like this. by doing that, the batter inside clocks open  from the line, and it creates a very neat look. today it's gonna take a long time because  the pan is large and relatively tall but   it can be shorter when you use a shorter pan or  divide it into a few pans instead, for example. to check if it's done, insert a toothpick on  the very center and see if it comes off clean. the cake is very soft right after it's made. so  don't take it out from the pan and leave   it there for just about five to ten minutes.  and meanwhile, let's work on the lemon syrup. in the pan, add water, lemon juice, and sugar. and  heat it up until it starts boiling like this. and apply on a cake right away. so slowly  take out the cake from the pan.   we want to apply it to a hot cake because  it gets soaked up a lot more. the cold   cake does not soak up the syrup well. and blush it all over the surface on   the side and the top. be very careful not  to hurt the cake when you move it. it seems like a lot of liquids, so it might make  you wonder if you should apply all of it but   please do. the cake tastes much better with  this liquid. it tastes more citrusy and moist. and let it cool completely  before we apply the lemon icing.   simply mix lemon juice and powdered sugar to make  this icing. mix well until it looks very smooth. and drizzle all over the cake. the  cake tastes even better with this icing. the lemon flavor gets more vibrant and vivid. and it  also prevents the cake from getting dried quickly. and coat the side evenly. and I gotta say today, I added a little bit more lemon juice than the   a recipe like a teaspoon more (Oops. *Not a tablespoon!*). so the icing was a little bit thinner than usual. so this is how the icing usually looks. you can see that it's a little bit thicker. I just wanted to mention that. at this point, the icing is still sticky. so bake it  for a very short time to make it dry. and that's it! enjoy the delicious moist lemon pound cake  on your break. or this is a cake that you can   transport very easily. so gift it to somebody  special and share your message. if you love   lemon dessert, I think you're going to love  this. it is tender, moist, and perfectly citrusy.   I realized that I haven't really shared a pound  cake recipe before, so I hope it was helpful.   if you tried it at home, please let me know how you  enjoyed it with your family and friends. to store this cake, wrap it tightly so that it's not going to get dried. and at  room temperature, you can store for up to four to   five days. but if you are not consuming it within  a few days, I recommend storing it in the fridge. in the fridge, you can store it for a week or possibly  longer. I personally prefer eating it within a few   days for the best taste. also, I can't forget to  mention that pound cake gets much firmer when it's   cold because the butter in the cake gets hard. so,  to enjoy the softer texture, wrap the cake, and warm   it up in the microwave a little bit or leave it  at room temperature. and today, I baked it in a pan   that I originally purchased to bake table bread. but you can also bake with different types of   pans like this glass pan that I previously used to  bake a chocolate banana cake. or you can make a half   batch to bake in a smaller pound cake pan. or bake  two of them with one batch. that's it for today,  thank you so much for watching. and don't forget  to check out the blog version as well and get   the printable recipe. enjoy pastry living. and I'll  see you in my next video with a new dessert. bye-bye!
Channel: Pastry Living with Aya
Views: 526,919
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Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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