The BEST Chocolate Cake I’ve ever had (& It's So EASY To Make!)

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today we are making an amazing chocolate cake it is by far the best chocolate cake I've ever had let's get started okay so first thing first let's make homemade buttercream by mixing oat milk and white vinegar you don't have white vinegar you can use apple cider vinegar or even lemon juice and wait for 5 to 10 minutes until it cuddles completely and as a prep glaze your pins with butter or oil spray and place parchment paper or cake liner on the bottom so that the cake comes off easier later and now let's mix all the dry ingredients which is granated sugar o Papas flour cocoa powder sift the flowers if you can but this cake is very forgiving so even if you don't you can still make delicious chocolate cake baking soda baking powder and salt and mix them together and that's it for the dry ingredients it's so easy and moving on let's mix all the dry ingredients and by now the buttermilk is ready and add whole eggs oil today I use olive oil for a little bit healthier option and vanilla extract and mix really well now simply mix the wet ingredients and dry ingredients together so the mixture is going to be a little bit thick so it's easier to mix with a spatra first you'll see that the mixture is Lumpy like this but if you keep mixing it'll look very nice and smooth like this so just keep mixing until you reach this consistency usually while I'm mixing the wet ingredients and dry ingredients I heat up water and butter in the pot with medium Heat watch really carefully especially toward the end so that the water is not going to stop boiling out once you see that the water is simmering gently like this it is done about 1 3 or half of the hot water it mix gently so that the hot water is not going to spill out and once it looks even at the last and mix until everything looks nice and even [Music] and pour into the pans today I'm using 3 8 inch pans for three layers you can pour five 40 gram or 19 ounce each but of course you can do 2 8 inch or four eight inch as you like and bake right away at 350 Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes the baking time varies depending on the size of your pans and how thick the batter is so this cake is very soft and fragile while it's hot so try not to flip the pan vigorously when it's just out of the oven let it cool in the pan or flip very gently you can also make the richest cupcakes with this recipe with one batch of the recipe you can make about two dozen cupcakes with half much of the recipe you can make 12 cupcakes thank you foreign to frost the cake I used the recipe from this video I'll leave the link in the description box I picked the recipe with melted chocolate [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] if you are looking for a cake that you can make really really quick and easy and still taste amazing please try this cake it is Fluffy not ovary dense and it's so rich and Incredibly moist so I hope you're going to give it a try and if you did please let me know about how you enjoyed at home foreign to store this cake lap them tightly individually so that they're not gonna get dried and store in the fridge for up to five days or in the freezer for up to a few months and to slice this cake beautifully you can dip your knife in hot water wipe and slice or you can warm it up by a torch I think a lot of you are baking this cake in eight inch pans like I did today but you can enjoy this cake in many sizes and shapes as you like as a cupcakes like I did or in a sheep pan in a glass pens enjoy making any kinds of chocolate cakes and check out my super moist chocolate banana cake recipe also the link is below as well and hello and I wanted to say a big thank you because my channel just reached 100 000. I feel so thankful for any of you who watch my videos and decided to hit that button [Music] it's 99. 99. this is here thank you guys so thank you so much all right that's really it Merry Christmas bye
Channel: Pastry Living with Aya
Views: 142,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chocolate cake
Id: dTXYiCLmoiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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