How To Make AMAZING Fruit Tart From Scratch

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hey guys today we are making  a delicious fruit tart first, let's make from the tart crust.  it's super simple. in a mixing bowl,   add all-purpose flour, powdered sugar,  almond flour, and salt. and mix them roughly.   cut butter into cubes. it's very  important to use cold butter. and mix until it looks very sandy like  this. it almost looks like almond flour.   and add eggs. by coating butter all around  the flour ahead, you can avoid liquids and   flour from bonding too much which creates  delicate light crunchiness for the crust.   and mix until it forms a bowl like this. make sure  that it's even. and I like to divide it in half   and form them into desirable shapes. and roll them  like this to make them flat. that way, you can   roll easier later. and chill them in the fridge  for at least one hour to a few hours or more.   I like to cut it in half to roll easier. and dust  bread flour on the working surface, the dough,   and the tools so that they're not going to stick  together. and at the beginning, push it gently   like this to wake it up and make it softer.  when you vigorously try to roll cold dough,   it cracks horribly. and once it gets soft enough,  you can roll. turn it 90 degrees each time you   roll and check if it's not sticking to the working  surface and dust more flour if you need to. and I   highly recommend rolling it very thinly into two  to three millimeters. it makes a huge difference,   it creates such a delicate light crunchiness.  you can also roll on parchment paper like this. or sandwich the dough with parchment paper like  this. try one of the options you like. and pierce   the dough with a special tool like this. or just  simply use a fork you can also do this after you   set it in molds. when the dough is soft it's a lot  more fragile. so try to move quickly so that the   dough is not going to fall apart. and press the  side and corners with your thumbs and make sure   that they fit completely. or chill that rolled  dough before you set it in the mold. that way,   you can finish the process with less sweat and  stress. and try not to touch the dough too much   with your hands so that the butter in the dough  does not melt partially. in the past, I made a   master class tutorial all about the tart crust. so  if you want to get a little bit deeper about this   topic, check out the video. and you can collect  all the tiny pieces of scrubs and roll them again.   and finally, cut off the edge with a knife  or dough scraper to create a clean shop look.   and chill them completely in the fridge or  freezer so that the shape stays better in   the oven. this is so important. the dough  slides down more in the oven if you skip   this. and bake at 350 Fahrenheit which is  176 Celsius until they look golden brown.   adjust the time and temperature depending on the  oven and the size and thickness of your crust. Today, I made one   batch of the dough and this is how much you can  get from one batch. you can make a half batch   or less as you like. or make one batch and  store the rest in the freezer for later use.   to make the filling, first, we're gonna  make pastry cream. in the pot add milk,   vanilla beans, and half of the  sugar and heat them at medium heat.   meanwhile, mix egg yolks and granulated  sugar together until it looks very pale. next, add cornstarch, and all-purpose flour, salt.  and mix well until it looks smooth. scrape off   the side and make sure you don't see any flour at  this point. and once the milk started simmering,   remove it from the heat. first, add a little  bit and mix really well until it looks smooth.   and slowly add the rest as you mix. once it looks  even, pour it back into a pot. and now we're gonna   start heating it at medium heat. and this is  the most crucial time for pastry cream. here   are the three rules about how to mix pastry cream.  one: constantly, second: fast, and third: evenly.   try to focus on those 3 and you'll have a better  chance of creating a smooth shiny pastry cream.   you can continue heating but if you're a beginner,  I recommend removing it from the heat once it   started getting thickened a little bit like this.  and mix really well until it looks very smooth.   and heat it again at medium heat. by doing it, you  can make smooth pastry cream a little bit easier.   now it started boiling and it looks very thick.  but don't stop yet. keep going. and eventually,   it's gonna look shinier and looser like  this. that means the starch in the flour   is cooked through. with one batch,  it usually takes about one minute.   and this is optional but add  butter to add more richness. and strain it. when you don't cook starch in  the flour enough, the pastry cream is gonna   be looser. it's not gonna be so smooth and  you can kind of taste flour a little bit.   and lastly, if you have a hand blender,  mix it with it at the very end to emulsify   everything completely. and this makes a huge  difference, it makes the pastry cream extra   smoother. so I highly recommend doing so if  you have it. and wrap directly so that it's   not going to touch the air. and chill in  the fridge until it cools down completely. you can flip it off like that when the starch in  the flour is cooked enough. it looks very thick   right now but don't worry. simply mix again with  a spatula or with a mixer until it looks smooth   and shiny again. so you can finish right here  and use this pastry cream as the filling and it   tastes amazing but today, I'm gonna add a little  bit of whipped cream to it. I love it. it adds   creaminess and fluffiness and it just tastes so  good. so if you haven't tried it yet please do. use a very stiff whipped cream so  that the cream stays nice and thick. don't pipe around the edge too much so  that it's not gonna come out later. and   pipe high toward the center so that your  fruit decorations get more volume later.   and this is how much you can fill  from one batch of the filling.   use any of your favorite fruit to decorate on top. I usually decorate with bigger fruits first  and fill the gaps with smaller fruits. by creating the volume and making it look  like a mountain, it looks even more gorgeous.   and heat the apricot jam and  water together. mix and strain it. and we're going to tap tap tap and apply  the nappage on top of the fruits to give   some shine. this is going to be the  highlight for the makeup. it'll make   them look fabulous. it also prevents  fruits from getting dried quickly and   helps them to stick to each other so  that they're not gonna fall easily. it tastes like cinnamon. yeah it tastes  like cinnamon. just a little bit. can I have more, please? store in an air-tight container in the fridge. and once you've filled the cream in the crust,   I do not recommend storing it in the freezer.  it is possible to eat in like five days but I   do not recommend it. the crust slowly soaks up  the moisture from the filling and it's gonna   get soggier. and the fruits is not going to be  as fresh as the beginning. so fresh fruit tart   is something that's not gonna last for a long time  if you are thinking about the best taste. I highly   recommend consuming it within that day. and if  it's possible, I highly recommend filling the   cream right before you serve. that way, you don't  have to worry about the soggy crust. store in an   air-tight container with the silica gels inside  just to make sure that there will be no moisture   in it. if you cannot get it, after you store them,  you can bake them for a very short time to release   some of the excess moisture. and this tip also  applies when you want to store them in the freezer   as well. and you can store the dough for up to  five days in the fridge or a few months in the   freezer. and don't forget to check out my pastry  cream tutorial and The tart class master class   tutorial as well. and check out the blog post  as well and get the printable recipe. that's it   for today. thank you so much for watching. enjoy  pastry living. and I'll see you next week byebye.
Channel: Pastry Living with Aya
Views: 17,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy fruit tart recipe, how to make a fruit tart, fruit tarts, fresh fruit tart, fruit tart, fruit tart recipe, how to make fruit tart
Id: zq-pMh1ef74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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