Satisfactory Update 8 Guide 1: 4 Builds for a Starter Base

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hello hello welcome to another satisfactory video my name is cyan and today I want to go over some starter builds to get you up and running in the early game let's say you've been playing satisfactory for a little bit got a couple of builds down on the ground you know but you want to start cleaning things up building on these fabled foundations that people talk about maybe even having builds running at 100% efficiency crazy I don't know let's give it a shot I think I can get you there so to get started I'm going to assume you've already done a little bit of unlocking but let's just make sure we've got these five Technologies under our belts so first off we want to get of course Bas building to build on foundations next we need to have Logistics so that we can have Splitters mergers and the occasional conveyor lift unlocking the maam early is really good because on top of getting access to the the map so that you can see where you are you also get the M which gives you access to a whole new tree of Technologies in tier 2 you want to make sure we've got obstacle clearing unlocked for solid biofuel as well as Logistics mock 2 so that we get our conveyor belt Mack twos which will double our conveyor belt transport speed just wanted to jump in real quick this is cyan from the future we're going to just go over hard drives real quick because we do use uh one alternate recipe in the build today and that recipe is cast screw so if you're not familiar with hard drives and Alternate recipes basically you explore around the map you find these locations called crash sites these crash sites have resources scattered around are usually defended by some kind of mob and inside the drop pod they require either resources or power to unlock and once unlocked give you access to a hard drive once unlocked you would return to your ma using this top screen here you would scan the hard drive for alternate recipes it takes 10 minutes to complete and once it is complete it will give you three options to choose from for our purposes today the only alternate recipe we need is going to be cast screw that will simplify our iron build and is also going to come in handy down the line when we start working on automating rotors and modular frames so with our unlocks taken care of we've got everything ready let's go ahead and head over to our first build which is iron I've kind of gone a little crazy and for each one of our builds I've created a visual layout flowchart if you will um starting from the left we have our raw resources that we bring into the system they get smelted further brought along the line turned into each resource we need need and then into storage can also see I've listed out what it takes in terms of a mine smelters Constructors total power consumption let's take our first build here iron and let's translate it into some actual Machinery now the first thing we're going to need is we're going to place down a splitter now it's important that you make sure that wherever your iron is coming in from it has a Mach 2 belt this is especially important if you're using a pure node because a pure node will provide 120 iron or a minute a Mach 1 transport belt can only transport 60 items per minute so it is not able to transport that Max 120 items a minute which is why we need to have the Mach 2os if we left a Mach 1 transport belt on our design we would essentially be limiting our input by 50% % so everything would run but at 50% so in order to make sure that doesn't happen just double triple check that there's a mock 2 belt on the input of your system let's say you started off with normal nodes and you'll have two normal nodes what I would personally recommend in this case is to still merge those two lines together and create a 120 line so that you have one input for your system it's just a lot easier to keep everything organized that way so with that all said let's get started on the build so we've got our splitter down we're going to start off with our smelters now if you see when I move this smelter down in front of the splitter I get a green line appearing that green line is telling me that I'm aligned to not only the splitter itself but also that the outputs are aligned you see that second green line up here that's telling me that my outputs are aligned if I if I turn it around again nothing cuz that's an input to a input technically or an output to an output excuse me so that's something very useful helpful when you're building so we're going to start out by placing three smelters directly next to each other so skipping space four and five going to row six to place your last smelter from here get some Splitters again and we're going to place down two more Splitters in columns two and three now we're going to get everything hooked up and running so my rule of thumb is these first two belts make those mock two and then if it's a splitter going into a smelter you can make it a mock one as you can see everything is moving through nice we need to set a recipe so using contrl C you can copy the recipe in a machine and using contrl V you can paste it of course the final thing to do is get power connected and now you might be wondering why am I doing power right now when nothing else is built and the reason for that we want a backlog to start forming as soon as possible so that when we build the machines down they can start working right away I personally am a fan of using manifold Splitters I highly recommend manifolds the only downside is that they take time for everything to fill up the way they work this smelter will receive most of the iron coming in you have 120 iron in from this belt it goes into a splitter this belt is getting 60 Iron a minute and so is this belt but it only needs 30 so as soon as it gets to 100 it's going to back up and send now only 30 down this Bel cuz that's the most it'll be able to take and it'll pass the remaining 90 off onto this one where the process will repeat and then so on so the downside of this is that it does take some time for all of your smelters to fill up as you can see that one's got 49 that one's only got six this one only has one and that one's technically empty so that's why another reason is you start this early and you let it start to build up and basically backfill before you add to add production to it so with our smelters working we're going to move on to our Constructors starting in the fourth row all the way to the left we're just going to place a solid line of Constructors all the way across just like that and again starting from the left we're going to set our recipes so that we don't get confused when we're hooking up our machines so our first two Constructors are going to create iron plates as we can see there's our 40 iron plates next we wanted 45 iron rods and that's going to be three Constructors set to iron rods so we can do that contrl c contrl v contrl v awesome and then these last two Constructors we have set to making screws but I'm sure you're asking well don't you need iron rods to make screws and technically no you don't the power of cast screw is that normal screw recipe requires you to make iron rods First cast screws on the other hand allow you to immediately take in iron ingots and output more screws per minute so your Constructor is more efficient in terms of energy because it's producing more of an item than the normal recipe you also don't have to create intermediate item iron Rod so you're saving energy there so in the Long Haul it's just a much better recipe to use because it cuts out an intermediate item okay so back to setting recipes we've got our cast screw here here's where the underclocking comes in handy instead of 50 because we don't need 100 screws in the early game we're going to cut this down to only make 30 screws a minute copy and paste it over and you'll see that's reduced our consumption down to S and a half ingots per minute so let's go back to our flow chart real quick you can see we've got two Constructors at 7 and2 iron ingots per minute that's a total of 15 iron ingots per minute 45 iron rods which cost 45 iron ingots 40 iron plates or 60 Iron Ingots so if you do 60 plus 45 + 15 we get our nice 120 but let's get the rest of this r running so we know that our plate production requires 30 ingots per minute so that's one smelter is worth of iron right 30 ingots so for these two we can directly hook them up we know our ingots only take 15 which is half so that's where our splitter is going to come in handy and we can hook up the first two iron Rod smelters or iron Rod Constructors and last we know that we need 15 for this iron rod and we need 7 and A2 here 7 and A2 here so that's 30 so we can get away with using one splitter again and hooking everything up now just like earlier this is a manifold splitting s uh setup so technically the iron ingots here will be under supplied until both of these machines fill up and send the excess over now with everything connected up with belts of course the only thing left to do is set up our power we're going to assume we're all using Mach One power PES here we don't have access to cerium yet so just going to keep it simple and Bridge your connection over from here you can kind of do whatever you feel is right it's a matter of sending the resources to their desired storage location but the idea is that it's nice it's Compact and it's efficient and with that iron is all done so with our iron build rocking and rolling we're going to shift our Focus over to the next one on the list being copper now copper is a little different in that I don't typically build it all at once usually I'll split it up into two pieces and build one at a time the initial setup is for wire and cable and consumes 60 copper Ingot a minute and then the expansion for the second part is when we unlock copper sheets with part assembly and that consumes the remaining 60 copper inits per minute so it's very similar to iron in the fact that it requires 120 copper or permit it to go in you can get it from the same types of resource nodes you again need a total of four smelters want to make sure you got that mock 2 belt on the input and without any further Ado let's get into building copper hi Manta a 7 by8 this time and again starting out in our bottom leftand corner just like before going to take a splitter and connect up your input from there going to grab our smelter just like before line it up with that Splitter from here we're going to take another smelter placing it in the third column again followed by one more splitter now in this scenario this is the end of our initi our first setup however we do plan on expanding it so I will use a splitter for this connection again mock two belts in between the Splitters from the Splitters to the furnaces mock one and then set your recipes to smelt copper and place down your power pulse so we've got our copper smelting we're going to grab our Constructors again going into row four we're going to place down four Constructors in a line and set all of the recipes to make wire next take two Splitters and place them in front of your smelters and then use Mach One belts to connect everything up of course run your power and here I actually would like to leave power pole in the middle as well I'll see why in a moment all right now at this point we've established our wire production 120 wire per minute four Constructors consuming 60 copper per minute next thing we want to do let's grab a merger Place one merger here and another like that can place them wherever works out best for your build but for now this will do fine and then connect two machines up to each merger to create two lines of 60 wire from here we're going to take one more Constructor going into row six and you're going to want to line it up with whichever merger you prefer can be either one connect it all up with Mach 1 belts and you're going to set your recipe to produce cable of course we've got to run power which is where our last oh actually it's always fun when you notice something can be done better when you're doing it there you go so we connect up power and an easy zigzag from here it's as simple as hooking up your outputs again with that phase one or part one of copper is done you're producing Now 60 wire a minute and 30 cable a minute now from here to add copper sheet production it's incredibly easy so if we wanted to make let's say 30 copper sheets a minute that would consume the remaining 60 copper ingots that we had left and 30 items a minute that's a good number we like that number all right to expand copper we're going to get started by placing a splitter in column 5 connecting that up with the belt we're going to grab our smelter and line that up with the splitter and the existing smelters we're going to skip one space and place our last smelter of course use our Mach One belt now cuz we are done with this line and place down your power PS we've got our smelters placed and running next thing of course is our Constructors continuing the line we're going to place down three more Constructors and set the recipe to copper sheet now we need to figure out a good way to get our 60 copper a minute split into these three machines now the way we're going to do that is we're going to take two Splitters and line them up with each smelter going to take a merger making sure it's lined up with this Center machine connect the smelters to the Splitters Splitters to the machines the central merger and lastly the center machine now the way this is going to work is it's going to take this line of 30 and split it so that one machine gets 15 and one gets 15 and do the same thing on this side giving 15 and 15 this Central machine is going to be over supplied initially once the machine is completely full these lines will back up and the excess copper will go into the two on the side we can go ahead and ah there was a reason for that that's fine though we can show you nice tip this is something I don't think a lot of people knew I didn't know for a while if you grab a power pole and aim it at a power line you can put it into that line without breaking it and not disturbing your production so all we need to do here so we just need to switch where that Line's coming from so we can take this down here and wire up our last three machines okay no big deal so copper sheets have been added we fixed our little wiring problem there and of course the last thing to do is merge up all of our outputs pick a good place to store everything and we're done all right so our last two builds are much simpler but that doesn't mean they're not important to get started first one is going to be concrete now I would recommend honestly building this one before copper concrete is super simple and with overclocking we can get it so that it is running at 100% to get started with concrete it's going to be quite simple first we just need a a 3x4 platform going to place down one splitter right in the middle we're going to take three Constructors starting in row two place them right in a line everything is processed right through the constructors using contrl C and V we're going to set all of our recipes we're going to take our Central Constructor here and we're just going to drop it down to make 10 concrete per minute instead of 15 by doing that we reduce our consumption by 15 Limestone we have 45 45 that's 90 + 30 is 120 now our output is brought to 40 items a minute and the best part is the machines will all be running with no random power spikes so with that we've got our machine set up of course we're going to take our Mach 2 belt in to our splitter mock ones only and lastly we're going to run our power just like all of our other builds let's simply place down a merger and have everything route to your storage location for the last build of the video keep it nice and simple just going to make a solid biofuel Constructor that's going to convert 120 biomass per minute that we handcraft into 60 solid biofuel a minute now that 60 solid biofuel is going to power 12 biomass burners uh those biomass burners consume four solid biofuel a minute so that's if they were supplying their full amount of power which is 30 megaw now because we're going to use 12 we're going to provide a total of 360 megaw minus of course the four from our Constructor making our fuel so total of 356 megaw now we're not going to be using all of this power so each generator is going to split and divide the total power load between themselves so this four may go to three biofuel a minute it might go down to two biofuel a minute depending on how much power we're drawing from our total Network to get started build a 4x4 platform moving to the fourth column and in the first row going to grab a chest with the orange input Arrow facing you and the green output facing away place down our first chest and then Place Another chest immediately on top of that with the green arrow facing you this time so your two chests should look like this with arrows facing in opposite directions next I'm going to grab a Constructor now I personally like to keep this close there's no need to spread it out so we're going to place down a Constructor right in between the second and third Foundation go ahead and set the recipe to solid biofuel next because our Constructor is asking for 120 biomass a minute and we want this thing to work full speed we're going to use a Mach 2 belt to connect up the Constructor and the chest and then a mock one belt to connect up our output chest so it's as simple as filling up this bottom chest with biomass and of course providing this with power there's 12 foundations which is the perfect amount for all of our biomass generators so go ahead fill up the remaining space with biomass burners going to use our power cables to connect everything together and just like that the build is done it's as simple as powering up some of these gener ators and you can see Constructor kicks into gear and your solid bof fuel completes the loop and goes back into the top chest all right with our power setup complete we can officially call this starter base done we've built an iron setup a copper setup concrete and we stabilized our power supply thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them down below really appreciate it make sure to like this video subscribe if you want to see more like it I've got a another video coming out going over reinforced plates rotors and modular frames thank you so much for watching my name is cyan and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Cyanogenmod_
Views: 14,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, Let's Play, Playthrough, Building Game, Factory Game, Survival Game, Gameplay, Update 8, Phase 1, Tutorial, Guide, Starter Base, Beginner
Id: zTkn-t11tyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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