LIVE MacBook Pro restoration and upgrades!

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hello hello let's see if we can get this stream up i think we're still waiting to see it show up on youtube here oh there we go all right we are now we are now live hello hello how is everyone doing today so we've got definitely a fun one uh definitely going to be a fun one for today i've got are you ready for this folks i've got a dual camera setup here look at this now you see me now you see today's patient this is what we are going to be working on today now if you if you missed my most recent no my second most recent video my most recent one was where we talked about apple silicon the one before that was where i unboxed over a hundred pounds of vintage apple gear now i've got another video like a legitimately produced video not a live stream that's that's done and waiting sponsor approval and also waiting out this apple event and that's gonna go live um hopefully next weekend i'm thinking so we'll we'll see about that um hang on a second okay whatever uh so that that video is going to come out hopefully next weekend depending on how how busy the the apple event leaves me afterwards but what we've got for today you know there's a couple days till the apple event it's in that it's in that weird waiting spot where if i do anything you know talk about anything current it's going to be outdated in a couple of days so what we're going to do is just have a little bit of fun all right we're going to repair uh this 2008 early 2008 15 inch macbook pro this was one of uh one of the one of the products one of the really the newest thing that we unboxed uh with that apple uh that that large apple unboxing earlier i guess it was last week because today is sunday so this macbook pro is i mean we don't really know a whole lot about it just because well it doesn't have a hard drive so we cannot boot it up just yet uh so this is this is the original unibody macbook pro i'm i'm betting that some people in the chat were surprised to see me take off this little hatch because this model macbook is not super well known so this is this is the 2008 15 inch macbook pro this is the first unibody macbook pro that ever existed and apart from that little hatch on the bottom it should look quite familiar to you so if we go ahead and open it up here you know on the inside really nothing has has changed for the remainder of the unibody macbook pros but this is where it started and there were a couple of things that set this apart from the later models uh this one this one's early 2000 or no sorry late 2008 the early 2008 macbook pro was actually the pre-unibody type you're ready let's do this split screen here so that you can see me and the laptop how about that anyway the this is the first unibody macbook pro late 2008 and if you have a 2009 macbook pro then this is actually very very similar to that so the specs did not change in in 2008 and 2009 there are actually three distinct models there's this late 2008 then there was an early 2009 and then a mid-2009 the early in the mid 2009's are basically identical but the only difference here is if we look over on the side you'll notice there's no sd card we have a compact flash slot here so that's different and then obviously as we saw earlier the uh battery and hard drive hatch on the bottom which i have to say i really like like you know just being able to pop the battery out that easily is so nice you can see it has these little uh pads down here so there's not even a screw holding this battery in it's super easy to basically hot swap batteries hard drives are pretty easy to replace as well it does get a little bit more complicated once we actually have to get inside this thing because what we're going to be doing today is basically just the full three-part vintage macbook upgrade path so what we're going to be doing let's switch over and bring this up into full screen here's the macbook we are going to be putting in this 120 gigabyte ssd i also got some um ambitiously well packaged ram i say ambitiously because you know eight gigabytes of 1066 megahertz ddr3 doesn't really need to be packaged in such a show-offy type of container here but we've got eight gigabytes of ram which is the most that this thing can support and then we are also going to do a simple re-paste on the the thermal paste so this is going to be a full doing the full works we're going to take the board out replace the thermal paste that's going to be the most time consuming part of this repair and to be quite honest you don't need to do the thermal paste um the the way that apple picks their thermal paste it's it's basically um it's meant to last a long time it's not the best stuff out there but realistically it's not gonna make a huge difference when we when we do apply new thermal paste i think the biggest difference that we'll make in in doing that is we'll have a chance to assess and resolve whatever dust situation is inside this because you know it's a 12 year old macbook it could be pretty dusty inside we don't know yet but we're going to find out so why don't we go ahead and i guess we could start the tear down now for this repair i'm going to be using let me switch over here oh i missed the button didn't click it all right this is the ifixit protect tool kit this is what i use for all of my repairs i've got all the parts that i'm using today linked in the description so they should show up um if you've been waiting for a while you might have to refresh but they should show up there we've got the pro tech tool kit with all of the driver bits i also am using the little tweezers and a spudger these help me with some of the connectors so that's really what we're going to be doing and then i'm just going to sort the screws in the lid for the tool kit which has these little compartments i'm not sure if that's if they're intended to be used for sorting screws or not but that is what i like to do and that's basically uh that's basically it now this this computer should be primarily phillips head screws because they they switched over to the that the t5 t6 star screws and i think they did that in 2009 so i guess without any further ado we could go ahead and get started here now it might be a little tricky i'm going to probably be doing most of this repair upside down because i want you guys to be able to see so let's just go ahead and i mean the first thing obviously we have to lose this bottom hatch which actually as you can see has a little diagram on how to how to replace the battery and how to replace the hard drive which is kind of funny so we'll get rid of that temporarily obviously we can dispense with the battery we're not going to need that until the repair is done a little bit of dust and uh see if we can get that on on camera here a little bit of grime on on this battery so we can just wipe that off real quick nice aluminum construction battery though not a not a huge battery as you can see it's pretty thin but it does hold a charge i was able to get this thing to charge a little bit so that's good all right so the next thing that we need to do is pull off the the rest of this case now i apologize but i am going to have to turn this towards me so i can actually see um i believe these should be phillips head screws alrighty so they should be just a couple now i'll i'll bring over my little tray here and i'm just going to sort these in order of size actually first thing i'm going to do is is get rid of this mounting bracket for the hard drive well we won't need this yet so this one just has a screw that i'm going to leave in it whenever you have parts like these i like to just keep the screws with them because that way you know exactly where they go set that off to the side alrighty now let's let's continue and we'll just tackle the rest of this bottom case so undoubtedly for replacing hard drives for replacing batteries this is a much better system than the later than pretty much every other macbook that has had a single bottom plate however when it comes to more in-depth repairs like what we're going to be doing even just a ram replacement you do have some extra steps now these these screws should be yeah these are pretty much the same screws that you'll find in every other unibody macbook pro because remember most unibody macbook pros have these three long boys over here and then they'll usually have what is it seven of these short screws like one two three four five six seven yeah that's for most unibodies but not this one this will be the first time that i've actually worked on one of these oh this is actually a longer screw i thought that this was going to be a short little fella but it's not all right so we'll just grab all of those and we'll put that in our little corner over here for the lower case now we should be good to lift this up there's probably clips holding it down if i had to guess yep and is there a clip at the back potentially or it was just stuck let's turn it over here so yeah there's two clips over on the side here's the latch mechanism which comes out with the the bottom case and we've definitely got some dust inside this machine uh nothing terrible like it it looks pretty good but you can definitely see if i wipe over here got some definite dust going on so we'll just go ahead and wipe that down a little bit here the microfiber cloth use our brush in some of these vents now this this computer is in very honestly pretty good condition it's going to need some cleaning but we will do that at the very end after we've done all the other repairs so this should take care of the the bottom case we can now set that off to the side and now we've got a really good look at the guts of this thing so the big difference between when you take the bottom off on on one of these macbooks versus the newer ones is we have this this little mid wall down here this is not something that you will find on other unibody macbooks obviously because this one has that rather unique locking mechanism so we are going to have to take this out now i don't remember exactly where all the screws are for such an operation it looks like i think these black screws along the top are the ones we've got some magnets down here you can see my screwdriver sticking to those so i believe we have one two three of these longer screws and then it looks like these two silver screws down here as well so that should be all we need to get this mid wall out okay so this is a this is a fairly long screw as you can see yeah for people that are asking it's a 2008 15 inch it's the original unibody macbook pro most of most unibodies are pretty straightforward there's not a ton of stuff that can actually trip you up although i have to say in my opinion retina macbooks are easier to work on than these unibodies uh screw came out and stuck to the magnet so we've got these three long screws and then two shorter screws we'll just go ahead and put those in our next compartment here and now that should yeah look at that so this this is that locking mechanism you can see it's just a uh a very long piece of aluminum really not a whole lot not a whole lot to it so we can set that up it's also a magic wand which is nice so you can cast spells with it that's lovely all right we'll set that off to the side there now as far as what else is different in here i'm trying to see looks like we've got some vram chips over here this should be the underside of our gpu our cpu should be up here i think same dual fan basically the same shaped logic board that you'll see on all the other 15-inch unibody macbook pros but some of these connectors this what is this the hard drive connector so we should have i'm trying to remember what all of these are okay we have display uh sorry keyboard this should be the backlight this should be speaker that's a display two fan connectors this is like the uh camera and antenna you can see that kind of going up into the hinge here this is for the optical drive this should be the other speaker i think the the um what is that the right side speaker this should be the hard drive this should be the track pad maybe this little one down here is either the microphone or the keyboard backlight and then there's a battery connector and i'm not sure what this one is that's the only one that i don't know but that's fine we're going to go ahead and start i like to start with with the connectors so we're going to start with that now i apologize if i'm not keeping up with with chat uh this this video will be up on the channel after the fact by the way so i'm i'm hoping to have this basically be here as like an educational guide on how to how to do one of these in real time so i probably won't be interacting with the chat too too much but i will try to get to you guys if i can keep up here on the stream yard so i like to start by disconnecting the connectors let's see how much ram we have actually so one gigabyte wow so this has this has two gigabytes of ddr3 ram so it's definitely going to make a big difference when we bump that up to eight that'll that'll be very nice for this computer uh now full disclosure uh i didn't want to make you guys sit through the os installation so i have already set up the ssd for today with the patched catalina so we will be able to boot this thing right up uh without having to wait assuming of course that i don't destroy this computer because you know whenever whenever you do something live even if you've done it a thousand times sometimes you just you know destroy a piece of technology so hopefully we won't do that today let's pull out the lvds connector for the display deal with that one there let's just go ahead and look at the dust on the um antenna cable here that's a mess i'm gonna i'll just do a surface level brushing you can already see the dust coming off on on my little brush over there you can see we've got some some decent-sized dust bunnies over here on some of these voltage regulators look at all this look at the dust coming off of my brush here that is that is substantial substantial dust action here the fan you can already tell we're gonna once we get these fans out we'll have to we'll clean those a little bit more thoroughly so let's go ahead and this connector looks like it comes straight off it does excellent most of these connectors come straight off there are a couple of zif connectors so i don't know what zif stands for i'm blanking on it right now but essentially they are like these small little ribbons you can kind of see here i can manipulate this better with my tweezers we have like this small little ribbon cable this particular one is the keyboard and they they go in and then there's like a little flap that closes these things can be really really irritating to close especially this teeny teeny tiny one that you probably can't even see on the stream because i don't think the resolution is enough to show it but there's this absolutely minuscule tiny tiny little cable here yeah you can probably see that reflecting the gold pins there these things are a pain in the ass the the other annoying thing with these unibodies is you do have to be really conscious of all these cables you don't want them to get trapped underneath the board when you go to put it back in so we're going to have to be very careful of that all right so we're just going to keep our phillips head bit here this one is a double zero i'm sure that some of these are slightly different sizes but pretty much most of these repairs most of the disassembly for this macbook we're going to be able to do with a phillips head which is very nice so we'll pull out the fans and we'll take a look at how much dust is underneath the fans because that'll give us an idea of how much we can free up the cooling from this side you can probably see the blades of this fan look a little bit caked up this one's not too bad uh yes i love a magnetic screwdriver tip those are the best okie dokie for whatever reason my uh stream yard chat is not keeping up it keeps getting stuck behind and i don't know why i just wanna see your guys comments it's that simple okay so fans are now loose oh we got some dust bunnies i love to see that oh wow all right we got some big dust bunnies here take a look at these that's a big boy these right here this is like you know how it when you run the dryer you gotta you gotta clean off that sheet that collects all the lint that's basically what these heat sinks have been doing for 12 years right so the these things are going to block a lot of airflow and you can see these are not large uh not particularly large heat sinks here so if you block like usually they build up around either end so this one looks like it built up around this much and then on the other side we've got some there's also some some static dust in there right now but you're already blocking off about a quarter of this heat sink and then on this side it was over here is like another quarter of the heat sink this is getting blocked so this is going to make a ton of difference in terms of air flow and you can see already the dust coming off this one's a lot worse you might even be able to see the uh the little plumes of dust shooting up in the air this is gonna make a huge difference for this computer absolutely huge difference all righty now you can also see down here these little circles of dust those are you know that's underneath where the fan blades go if we turn this upside down you can see that dust kind of builds up in this footprint down here so we can go ahead and clean those off now it looks a lot better all right we got 972 people watching right now on on youtube not sure how many people are on twitch because i've you know i've run out of screens and tabs here someone over on twitch chat just pointed out very true cleaning off dust from the inside of a computer is so satisfying absolutely it's so it makes it feel like such a big difference so we could we've now cleaned up this fan here actually it looks like there's still a little bit still a little bit of dust on it okay look at that much better all right next fan oh yeah look at that you can kind of see i have this blue brush and you can see when the ends get all gray that's how you know you've really got the dust in your sights all right so with the fans now clear we are good to move on to the rest of this computer so we've dealt with a lot of the dust but i'm sure once we get this board out on the underside of it you can kind of see even just on a cursory level look at the dust that has just come out when i when i did that so there's already going to be a lot more dust i think take a look at my microfiber cloth where i've been wiping the brush good bit of dust on that shake that out just whack it on the table there okay so let's move on we're going to need our phillips head screwdriver and we're now going to go around the board i usually like to start down here and go counterclockwise it doesn't really matter but just kind of ensures that you get all the screws out and let me just see i don't remember if some of these are going to be different lengths i know that for the fans these two were different lengths but i'm not sure uh not really sure about any of the other ones sorry just going through the chat here so yeah all right i'm just going to keep track of the order that i put them in now realistically if i wanted to do this properly i would probably get a magnetic mat and label where all the screws are coming from especially if you're doing a somewhat more in-depth repair but if i'm being honest guys i've done repairs like this so much that i basically know which screws go where just by memory um and this computer really isn't a whole lot different from most of the other unibodies that you that you'd be working with so also uh so far i'm pretty sure all of these screws are the same length so it doesn't really matter alrighty and this should be our final screw on the logic board yeah these are all the same length well that's that definitely simplifies things that means we don't really have to keep actually no that one all right this one over here was longer that's the only one to my eye at least that that was any different so i will i will make sure to put that one in its own little compartment then we also have to pull out these two screws these are definitely going to be longer you can already tell those are definitely bigger so keep track of those and then aha wait a minute i've noticed this over here this is the clip for the lower case and we're gonna need to make sure that we remove that that should just come right out yeah let me grab my tweezers there we go so there's this little bracket got to remember about that um because that's on top of the ports here so that set off off to its side here now let's just test see how loose we are all right yeah now the thing that sometimes happens with unibody macbooks particularly is with these old ones sometimes the heat pipes which have a sticker on them will melt to the static shielding on the lower side of the keyboard so it can feel like you've forgotten a screw but in fact it's just stuck the other thing that happens sometimes is mainly on the 13-inch ones the microphone which is held in with adhesive can get stuck and you do have to be careful because sometimes you could pull the wires right out of the microphone and basically ruin it forever well actually not forever because it's detachable but you'd have to get another one okay now i can oh i've missed a connector haha see this one right here uh what is that probably this one you know this one might be the back light i think it is connected to this little wiring here so there are a couple of connectors that that i don't know what they are because i didn't do my research before i went live but that's all right because as long as we do it properly it shouldn't matter now always take your time when pulling out a logic board you don't want to rip anything you don't want to pull anything out the battery connector for this one is underneath um i believe i don't remember if it's a vertical socket or a horizontal socket so i'm going to try to loosen up the board before we pull it out okay yeah see that there was a if you heard that little unsticking sound that was the sound of the heatsink unsticking from the underside of the keyboard shielding now it does feel like i've got something else under here so this connector i cannot tell if this is a vertical like if it pulls straight down or if it pulls towards me that i do not know um let me check so i believe once we pull it out because i know the the battery connectors this is not a problem that you'll have on any of the other i think it's a straight out connector that's that's my guess we should be able to get enough clearance here that we can that we can see it so there we are rotating the board up and aha it is a straight out so fortunately we do have enough enough clearance here that we can completely rotate out the board and deal with this so that's that's convenient that means we don't have to oh man that's a bit of a tough connector here i can't get a good angle on it there it is all right so did you guys see that it comes straight out there we go we've got the board free i'm going to set that off to the side and we'll just take a moment here to assess the internals so you can see a couple of spots where the some of the adhesive broke down there's a little bit of a um residue over here on the speaker grille and you can kind of see if i point it out so here's here's the outline for the speaker and then down here this little circle is where the microphone was stuck so fortunately we did not there's a little bit of adhesive residue here but we didn't have any damaging uh stuff happen so that's really good you can see as as suspected this little zip connector was for the backlight you can see these are the wirings for that and there's a little bit of residue it's probably not even showing up uh right down in the middle from where the heatsink got a little bit stuck to this shielding but fortunately the shielding is intact so that that is excellent i'll just clean out some of the surface dust this is mainly just aesthetic none of this dust is really getting in the way of any cooling but it's nice to not have it you know what i mean there we go nice and easy so now we can set this whole thing off to the side and we can take a look at our logic board so here's the angle that we're used to seeing it at a lot of little dust particles here on this mat good grief but and so you can already see from here where the heatsink screws are mounted so it looks like there's one two three four five six seven eight if we go ahead and flip it over one two three four five six seven eight yay correct now let's see here what else are we looking at on this side what else is important to know all right well the this speaker assembly if you ever need to replace this speaker assembly you can see that it's connected here this is still in the era where apple used to use this this yellow electrical tape on a lot of their stuff if you ever open up a pre-unibody macbook pro this tape is absolutely everywhere apart from that there's not really a whole lot that's super exciting um oh actually the only thing that will be different if you if you are used to working on newer unibody macbook pros is you may notice that this heatsink is a little bit longer what's that all about you may also notice you know if we um let me grab my brush so that maybe you can see this a little better i'm actually going to zoom in that's what we'll do ah look at that now you guys have a great view of this so what is going on under here why are there three green pcb chips can anyone take a guess at what that might be i'm gonna clean this off throw in the chat take a guess we know that there's obviously a cpu and a gpu but what is the other chip decent amount of dust in here let's get some answers in the chat get some interaction here what do you guys think and there we go correct nope that's not it chipset there we go now this this macbook has a rather interesting way of doing the uh the graphics so you may remember that dual graphics is a technology that apple absolutely loves apple loves dual graphics every every 15 inch macbook pro since this one this was the first one to have dual graphics but since then almost all of them except for a couple of retinas that only had intel iris graphics almost every retina macbook pro has dual graphics but here's the thing dual graphics since 2010 were possible thanks to intel integrated graphics but this is a core 2 duo there are no integrated graphics so the way that this system works someone in the chat pointed out that it's the 9400m and 9600m graphics that's correct dual nvidia graphics but here's how it works the the 9400m graphics which if you have a 2009 13-inch macbook pro you'll probably recognize that you'll go hey wait that's the graphics that i have does my pc have or does my macbook have dedicated graphics well no basically the 9400m is an integrated graphics card but it's not integrated on the cpu it's integrated on the chipset so that's that's the key difference so the way that this macbook handles its dedicated graphics and its dual graphics switching is and this is good timing because i'm taking off the heatsink oh hang on a second is there a connector on this yes there's a temperature sensor on this heatsink okay there we go good thing that's why you never want to yank anything because we've got a temperature sensor here so what we're looking at is a core 2 duo up here and then we've got our dedicated 9600 m graphics with 256 megabytes of dedicated vram oh no no this is actually the chipset this is our this is our dedicated graphics right here so you can see you might be able to see it on on stream once i get some of this very very scant thermal paste off of here might be able to see the nvidia logo so this this lower chip here is is our dedicated graphics and this middle one is the chipset and integrated into that chipset is a geforce 9400m uh integrated processor so that is going to share its its video memory with the cpu just like an integrated graphics card would but this one down here this nvidia chip has its own dedicated vram which you can see if we turn the board over there it is there's our vram chips i believe this one is oh is it 256 or 512 i don't remember but that's dedicated video ram whereas i think it is 256 whereas this chipset graphics is shared with the cpu so that was a very interesting approach on this on this first unibody macbook for handling dedicated graphics and graphics switching so there we go let's get some of this thermal paste out here hopefully that was an interesting little history lesson for you guys yeah i mean honestly this uh this macbook should be pretty decent if i'm honest like these these graphics these uh these 15s are not not bad and if you are shopping for one of these older macbooks it's very common to see the 2009s uh these these 2008 models are significantly less common and they're also less expensive but they actually have almost the exact same specs as the 2009's the uh the 9400m plus 9600m combo was was on the 2009's as well so very very similar i'm just gonna clean off the tops of these chips here so yeah they might be upside down to you guys let me um see if i can get you a shot of that you can see the nvidia logo yeah there we go see right here nvidia logo on that chip and video logo on that chip and then this is our core 2 duo so we got three chips down there which means that this this heatsink really does have to go to work to keep all of this stuff cool so hopefully i'm i'm hoping that um with this dual graphics system this machine should be pretty decent for um you know like watching videos especially because you know the display is only 1440x900 so let's go ahead and put on our thermal paste this isn't anything particularly fancy just cooler master high performance thermal thermal compound it's like 10 bucks six bucks for a tube of one of these things they last a pretty long time so nothing super duper special and i know that regardless of how i apply this thermal paste some people are going to yell at me so i'm just going to do it really don't need a lot on that intel chip look how small the dye is it's absolutely minuscule our chip set with nvidia graphics as you might imagine given that it is doing a dual purpose here is a somewhat larger chip and then our dedicated graphics is pretty small as well this 9600m i think it's is it a 9600 mgt i don't remember we'll find out once we boot it up all right i think my tube is actually running out so we're just going to try to get what of it we can that should be enough you don't really need a ton of thermal paste for these small small little things let's see here wow yeah look at that that is the end of my tube i've just now exhausted this entire tube of thermal paste so there you go i guess i'll need to be buying some more of that through through my uh my own link in the description now before we put the uh heatsink back on we do need to clean the uh the residue the old thermal paste off of it you can see there's most of it came off on the heatsink oh no all right every time i do a dusty repair like this i got a vacuum afterwards so that's our heatsink now the first thing that we're going to have to do is we'll line this up and see if we can do this by hand should just be able to pop in the thermal sensor right there and then we'll set the heat sink down like this and now when putting when putting a heat sink back on i always like to go in a as much of a diagonal pattern as possible obviously this is a bit of an atypical shape for a heatsink to be in but i usually like to go across because you don't want to end up over tightening one specific side let me move that down for you guys sorry about that you don't want to over tighten one area so i like to put them all in just in a very loose just enough to catch the thread there and then we'll go back and we'll tighten it now you may notice that these screws are spring-loaded that's to increase tension and that also means that we don't need to tighten them all the way down until the top stop turning because then we're putting in too much pressure so the springs are going to kind of dampen the dampen the pressure here and make sure that we're not over tightening anything so alrighty now this this uh this screw head is actually a little bit too small so for better leverage i'm gonna switch over to a phillips zero head and then we will go around here and i'll just tighten them down and basically you just want to tighten until you feel a little bit of resistance you don't want to really get them get them too tight as i mentioned earlier we've got springs to help us with that so you don't need to really crank these things there we go there we go that one's good that one's good that one's good and there we are just like that we've now cleaned and re-pasted the board it's looking a lot better you can see here we don't have a ton of surface level dust i mean there's a there's a little bit of it left but not not really a big deal so with that done we can now go ahead and start the process of reassembling our macbook so i'll zoom out here and we can set this off to the side for a little bit bring back our chassis and now this is this is arguably the most not difficult but frustrating part because we have to put this in correctly while also tracking all of the different connectors now you may see on camera here we've got these three little standoffs here remember that's where the the bottom case clip mounted to and so that's gonna slot in between the ports here so we gotta fit those in there nicely nice and good there now this is usually where i'll grab a spudger um and sort of free all the cables but the first thing that we actually need to do is plug the battery back in because that one is underneath the board i'm actually just going to remove it and we'll just basically do it the same way as we did before there we go rotate this around here now this part is always always annoying and it's always it's always frustrating when you put a computer back together and then you realize that you forgot a connector and then you have to go back okay alrighty let's get that set in perfect all right starting to come together here's this connector this connector is above this connector is above this connector is above this connector now we'll go over here there's a tiny tiny little zip connector down here zip connectors are pretty easy to get untrapped because they you know they're small little ribbons but these like the uh the optical drive connector here the speaker one if you trap one of those those are a real pain to uh to have to work with oh my gosh all right it's like a a dance to get these in right i don't think we're quite seated properly okay see that this little cable down here keeps falling beneath oh there we go got it grab the zip all right i think we are i think we're down we have landing okay so now we're just going to go around and and do roll call basically for all of these different connectors to make sure that we haven't missed anything uh so we've got this one lines up this one lines up this one lines up we got this guy we got this guy we've got this guy yep yep yep yep yep and then these two empty sockets are where the fan is gonna go in a little bit so we are now ready to begin reassembly so we'll grab our phillips head i'm going to start up here with the magsafe and then as i'm going to as i go around and screw it in screw in the board i'm also going to make sure that all of the adjacent cables have been dealt with now this screw hole up here is the fan so we don't need to do that there there's there's going to be three uh screw holes i'll just point them out real quick we've got one two three and then one two three that are for the fan screws so we don't need to do those now but this one we do now go over here not quite lining up on that one all right so the board is a little crooked i'm assuming that one of these connectors needs to be shifted aha i felt it moved there okay get a little bit of pressure and there we go plug that in plug in our display connector not quite sometimes display connectors can be a little bit finicky but not anywhere near as finicky as these little zif connectors these things are really irritating okay that's in lock that one down so see the method that i'm doing here let me zoom in hopefully you guys can see this a little bit better here for the zip connector um basically it can be very hard to get the the length in here so what i like to do is pull it up put my spudger underneath it so that we've got maximum length up here and then you just bend it down with your finger and guide it into place and lock it in there you go so that's a little pro tip there for getting those zip connectors in so next up all right let's try this this zip connector this one's really tiny so you can probably see that now that i'm zoomed in let me uh get that out of the way get that out of the way now you can see it a little bit better oh man now this is probably the most riveting thing you'll see all day oh man these these things these will drive you insane i guarantee they will drive you insane these little zip connectors man they'll be the death of me one day so did anyone else anyone do anything fun this weekend anything besides oh i got it oh man i hope that showed up on stream because that was actually a really good little run there and we'll lock down this tiny tiny little flap yay easy peasy all right now we've just got a few more connectors over here but we've also got a few more screws so let's do the screws first and then where's the final one i lost track of it um is it this guy up here i feel like it's not i don't know when in doubt if you've got an uh a leftover screw and you don't remember where it went then usually just wait until you've put everything else that you do know where it went and then if you've got an empty hole you're like all right well i guess that's where it goes super professional i know but you know it's fine this whole repair is going to run us about 50 bucks so it doesn't have to be super duper precise and i believe that should be everything i like to go around and just kind of pat all the connectors to make sure they're all in and also to make sure that i've got my count correct so the next thing that we're going to do is reinstall the fans there we are fans are now connected nice and nice and easy and then i believe there should be two yeah i think two of these fan screws are actually a little bit shorter than the rest by like a teeny tiny amount and those are the two that go over here so this should be one of them nope that's not one of them you can usually feel if you've got a screw that's too long just because it will uh it'll tighten before it's actually in all the way and then you'll be like oh i get it there we go that was the correct length screw for that hole and now we've got this should be the other one that's a little shorter yes indeed another one over there very good okay so then it is this one up here is the the one screw that we're missing all right see that if you don't know where it goes put in the stuff that you do know and then that'll narrow down your options so my pile of screws is now reducing quite a bit we do however have this little bracket which you may recall goes over here that's a very very small small little bracket but there we have it and now all that's left to do we are really on the home stretch here folks now all we really have left is to put our needlessly uh fancily packaged ram into this computer and then we can reattach the lower case assembly and boot this thing up now we've been streaming for about an hour uh which is significantly longer than it would take to do this repair without any commentary and without you know giving you guys some detail so you can see that this isn't a particularly uh time intensive repair process it's really quite doable and if you don't if you don't feel comfortable doing this just based on memory or based on on this video alone you know i always recommend ifixit repair guides that's how i learned how to do all of this stuff even if you're doing a repair you already know how to do it is always nice to just have have that assistance next to you if you need it so we are nearly done with this particular repair hopefully there were some some things that you learned along the way like the uh the little history lesson on apple's dual graphics system for this particular model um hopefully you learned something about i don't know methodology that you might not see in a repair guide like you know checking for traps cables the way to screw in heat sink screws something like that hopefully you found that helpful with the ram attached and we'll just do do one more double check because there's nothing more annoying than turning on a computer and realizing that you forgot the keyboard backlight because i definitely have not done that though i will tell you that for sure and now we can go ahead and put our back cover on a second just gotta make sure okay there is a little bit of a groove here that lines up there we are the this um this little bracket here has to hook into the mechanism that it uses so you can see if i if i turn it around here see how those screws move pretty cool you got to make sure to hook that in otherwise it won't seat properly so that's really all there is to that particular side of it and now we've got our lowercase screws now another thing another sort of a best best practice thing that i would definitely recommend when you're uh when you're doing a repair if you're not super confident if it's your first time if you just want to test something out don't screw in all of the bottom case screws just screw in enough to hold it on so that you can boot it up make sure it works and then you can close it up now just for posterity's sake uh i am going to screw in all of the screws just to further my embarrassment if in fact i missed something because that is of course the way that we do things here on this channel make it harder not easier that's why i disassembled the 2020 imac twice instead of once to try out the uh core i7 10 700 9k just just to see if it would work and it did oop embarrassing is there something obstructing this screw hole or something what the heck this uh the gap over here is too much what is going on here why is this not it needs to just move back a little bit that's strange you what i just did there was loosen up the rest of the screws to allow uh me to better center everything over the screw holes this screw hole is weird it does not seem cooperative there we go yay all right embarrassment avoided and now home stretch here folks i already have the the little brackets for the hard drive installed so that simplifies things somewhat we'll grab the securing bracket here screw that on down there so it's nice and stable it's an ssd it doesn't doesn't really matter they're basically just flash drives in a piece of plastic with some mounting holes on it so we can reinsert our battery here we can try to something's not fitting right i'm an idiot i forgot to yeah forgot about that okay with the battery reinserted you can put this on look at that we've got ourselves a unibody macbook pro here folks um why don't we perhaps in the interest of furthering my embarrassment yet again if if i've in fact messed this up and i actually you know come to think of it i don't even know if this is gonna boot i i like i powered it on just to uh see that it would turn on and and if the battery would hold a charge but i don't actually know if this is a functional macbook i'm now realizing that was perhaps not the wisest uh omission ahead of a live stream but we will perhaps boldly perhaps stupidly would be a better word clean this before booting it i'm just gonna zoom out all the way so that you guys can see more of the device so it's in pretty good shape honestly uh i'm pretty happy with this we've got a slight ever so slight impression here in this back hinge see if i can position that so you can see it you can kind of see how over here it's bent down ever so slightly there's not even really a point of impact so it might have been while the uh device was in a bag or or something like that but certainly nothing too major one of these little specks i might come back to those yeah i mean you can see we've got some pretty pretty uh pretty noticeable scratching on the bottom case actually maybe you can't see that if the due to stream compression uh potentially but that's all right we'll just go ahead and assume that you guys can see that so let's go ahead and clean on the inside now i don't think this thing is in is is particularly nasty in here i mean you can see we've dislodged a lot of the dust that was in it in the in the trapped in the keyboard when we were disassembling things so the screen is looking a little dusty but it's actually pretty clean no no chips in the glass no real problem areas here that's good it's always nice to not have a problem [Music] looking good there so let's clean up the palm rest area trackpad feels very clicky as you can hear this is sort of the lazy way to clean a keyboard if you put enough pressure then you end up wiping not only the key caps but the aluminum in between them makes cleaning take a lot less time now we do have some small these are either rubber impressions or they could be grooves in the aluminum hopefully they're not and there we go we got that one to go away perfect nothing nothing really no surprises with this build i'm impressed you know whenever there's a surprise with a video i can compensate for that because i have time to uh make adjustments and make new arrangements but when i'm doing it live i definitely prefer a seamless experience and that is pretty much you could say for this this thing is looking pretty good let me know what you guys think uh in the chat here i think we did a good job with this i think it looks pretty good the only real the only really uh noticeable noticeable uh blemishes on this thing are under underneath it here this bottom case is a little scratched here let me see if i can catch the light for you there you can kind of see those scratches there they're not showing up on on camera as well as they are in person but apart from that this thing is pretty solid oh look at that wait a minute battery is charged pretty pretty charged pretty much to full so that's pretty good i guess we can even uh we can even try to boot this thing up without the charger you guys ready let me uh there we go hopefully you can see a little bit might have to move move some stuff out of the way so that you guys can see more of the screen cameras all the way zoomed out so let's just boot it up there it is there's that chime and we should get oh yeah so here's the uh catalina patcher going around its thing that shouldn't be a problem that's weird it looks i'm looking over here at my stream preview and it looks like the screen is flickering but it's actually not um that's picking up on camera but it does not look any different than usual to my eye okay i'm gonna see if i can move this up a little more there we go that seems like a better view oh look at that we went to the dark uh boot screen so we should yeah there it is we did it let me see if i remember what what uh what password i used on this machine i didn't remember the password i made and there it is our glorious newly repaired 15-inch 2008 macbook pro patch updater we are running catalina oh hang on a second there it is catalina installed on a 12 year old macbook 12 years old how nuts is that let's go up to our system information here oh man i'm do i'm trying to do this okay this is very hard to see i'm doing this upside down by looking at my stream preview so let's zoom that in so you guys can see it a little bit better we got the 2.4 gigahertz core 2 duo 8 gigabytes of ram and the 9400m as well as the 9600 m graphics so this this computer is actually looking pretty solid let's let's actually see um i'm gonna do a split screen here so you guys can see me hello you haven't seen my face in a while but i've been here um let's let's just go ahead let's check out now i'm not gonna do this all on on on camera because i can't really operate this thing at that angle but the oh wow the battery has 915 cycles that's a lot but the condition is normal which is impressive 915 cycles and in normal condition so in fact i'm gonna just sit here for a second and we will go ahead and download a battery health indicator why is itunes starting no i mean music go away i don't want you apple music get out of here force quit okay alrighty so now we're going to log in here i think i accidentally just dismissed whoops yeah i did i accidentally dismissed the verification code all right here we go okay well this is just not signing in i just signed in and then it says no not actually whatever so i guess we don't really know the exact condition of the battery of this thing but it seems to be holding a charge it's not discharging ridiculously fast so that's pretty good uh if we go over here to graphics and displays we do yeah 96 9600 mgt has 256 megabytes of vram why don't we do uh you wanna you guys wanna do a cinebench run let's do a cinematic run i'll go back to the full screen here um i'll i'll set it up so you guys can actually see see when it when it runs but i first i gotta download it because this is basically a fresh copy of of catalina i'm i'm so i'm not going to lick the macbook i'll just put that out there i think we're going to not do that so cinebench r20 for mac os we'll download that shouldn't take too long i love my gigabit ethernet well gigabit internet it's about 500 to 700 megs in my studio here because i've got brick walls and then obviously this macbook doesn't have the newest wi-fi card i think this is 802.11 bg or it might be bgn as well i think it is bgn but it does not have ac so it does not have the fastest internet in the world but it should be doable so this is uh i mean you know it's funny people in the chat are asking about apple silicon when we are we are the furthest thing from apple silicon well actually not really but we're we're really in the uh the good old days this is one of the early i mean keep in mind this computer was only two years into the intel switch um this was this was back when dual core was really uh really an achievement dual core of i'd say dual core of this era was probably like six cores today in terms of being like the goal the solid option and then some some cheaper computers not ones that apple sold of course but some cheaper computers had single cores around around this time how many people do we have in in twitch right now i apologize i haven't been keeping up with the chat too much i know we've got 1300 on youtube which is very cool all right i'm verifying cinebench we will not have to wait too long let me rephrase that we will not have to wait too long two runs in a bench the cinema run itself i believe will will take a good bit of time so i'm just gonna move i had another macbook set in front of me to monitor the stream okay we've got twitch open or not twitch what am i talking about cinebench is open so let me set up this shot here i am going to plug it in for this just because you know can't hurt okay let's let's pull up a split screen here so here it is everyone uh take this is your chance now put your put your guesses in the chat for how long you think this is going to take is it gonna take two minutes it's gonna take one minute it's gonna take 14 minutes place your bets in the chat how long is it going to take and while you do that i'm going to whip out a timer and we're gonna put the stopwatch next to the computer and we're gonna start cinebench at the same time all right so we've got a couple of people guessing 35 minutes i hope not 15 15 10 35 very specific four minutes seven minutes ten five and a half i'm gonna guess i suppose i should probably give a guess as well let's see here so it's a chord to do now granted this might be cheating because i've dealt with a lot of old computers and i kind of have an idea i'm gonna say 7 45. that's my guess 7 45. are you ready three two one turn off that mac os update okay i don't i don't need you to tell me that i turned on automatic updates all right well we're already at 17 seconds and it hasn't actually started so that's comforting oh it's starting we're 27 seconds in and it's now starting so ho it's gonna take a while okay oh yay haha there it goes don't you just love watching oh no that is really really slow yikes i think i think my my guess may have been a little bit low we're already at a minute i think we might have to do two runs of this because this looks this looks too slow i've seen many cinebench runs before and this looks too slow this looks like computer that hasn't been on for a couple of years slow people are saying that's not right i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna cancel this i'm gonna cancel this run we're gonna do this again because i don't even hear i don't even hear the fans ramping up let me uh let me let me check activity monitor here let's see what activity monitor has us has it's at right now yeah that's not right it's it's only using like 40 of the cpu right now i do want to stop that so we're going to start we're going to we're going to try again we're going to take take two take two everyone in the chat is multiplying our guesses by 5. yeah sometimes you know some sometimes oh dos dude is here how about that das dude the creator of the patch that we have used is here with us today that's an excellent point that that does in fact happen a lot if you use defective batteries or don't have a battery it'll run slow i don't think that our battery is defective it is an the original battery um i do know that for a fact when we opened it up it is in fact the original battery so it could be defective it's showing as normal and it's holding a charge but you never know that's the type of thing that can happen with these computers also sometimes they'll just decide to run slow for a while and not really tell you why so let's try it again three two one let it begin i i feel like this is still going to run slow but you know sometimes sometimes it just sometimes it just happens you know you just you just have to deal with it a little bit that actually looks a little faster see we're only at 23 seconds now yeah this is gonna take a while something the battery should be calibrated first yeah that's probably it i mean you know this is a fresh install who knows how long this computer's been sitting um so who knows but i'm just gonna let this run we're just gonna see what happens so how's everyone doing did you guys enjoy the video we've been we've been live here for an hour 24. if you're watching this on youtube then you're probably not super interested in this part because i'm talking to the chat and um we're basically just sitting here watching the slowest cinebench run in all of history uh someone is pointing out that i need to lick the macbook i don't think i'm gonna do that uh really really lick it while we wait yeah no i'm not gonna do that watching paint dry yeah i mean that's that's actually a pretty accurate assessment for this i mean we are now a minute and a half into this test and we are on box number seven of this render yikes anyway i i do suspect that the the battery calibration is the is the issue sometimes especially with older macbooks they tend to limit themselves on newer operating systems let's see maybe if i unplug this it'll go faster holy moly is it going faster is that just me chat does this look faster that's that's faster maybe it was just a light part of the of the render but it looked like as soon as i unplugged the power it got a lot faster that's really funny it slowed down again though that's interesting so i think i think we do have a power delivery um a battery uh battery thing someone's saying battery settings what if we okay we're gonna i'm gonna cancel this again because i mean you can already hear hear that plot twist you don't hear that we've been running a cpu stress test for two minutes and there's no fans so um here's what i'm going to do we're going to do a couple of things number one we're going to go into our settings we're going to go to energy saver and we're going to just make sure that we don't have anything there is a setting here where you can choose between better better battery life and higher performance obviously i'm going to choose higher performance but i have to log out to do that so we'll log out and then we'll log back in and i'm also going to do a restart just because you know it never hurts we also had a um a patch people are saying are the fans not connected somehow they are connected they're just not spinning up so that is not the issue that we are facing they're just running at idle uh we're also going to once i log back in here do a quick restart because there was a patch update i didn't see what it was higher performance go ahead and hit the restart here and you know what we're gonna do a pram reset as well because that's always a helpful thing to do so that's gonna be what is it option command pr is a pram reset there we go someone's saying install mac fan control yeah i probably am going to do that all right the pram is reset so it should bong in about two seconds there you go how about that efi shell version 1.10 damn look at that look at that go i can't keep up i was trying to read the um the patch thing we might have to we might have to reset um put put the high performance setting back on because i think when you reset the pram it'll default all of the power settings so i might have to do that let's check chat here actually why am i showing you i need to log in and load it up and all that stuff so let's hopefully this battery i mean i haven't obviously we haven't been using it for enough to to actually determine the health of this battery someone's saying bring out the eucalyptus oil that is also probably something that would help us here we i mean if you apply eucalyptus oil it adds about 50 cpu performance that's a fact all right i'm just going to once again let's see here it might have reset yeah i'll do higher performance [Music] and you may have noticed i'm on the iphone se right now we'll log back in here i love this i like this dual camera setup here this is fun we might have to do some more videos like this did you guys like this video was this fun did you guys enjoy watching a repair in real time i thought it was pretty fun all right we are now logging back in it looks it looks like uh boop yeah i think we should be good all right let's see if this has made a difference now shall we let me just wait for cinemas to launch and i'll put my mouse over the thing so i don't have to do it upside down so by the way in case anyone was wondering it's a core 2 duo p8600 that's what we're running here it's already getting quite warm here these unibodies don't have the best cooling it's kind of ironic that the the retina 2018 got the reputation for bad cooling but these things are terrible i mean there's one vent the intake and the exhaust are the same vent it's a horrible cooling design all right three two one boom this this doesn't look faster uh it would have been more fun with eucalyptus oil that's fair that's fair well it looks like it's um looks like it's not any faster so yeah well you know we we tried our best sometimes sometimes these old old computers are just weirdly slow uh doesn't really sometimes it defies all explanation you know it it doesn't always make a whole lot of sense so someone someone in the chat earlier had said 35 minutes and i'm starting to think that probably was not too far off uh now now uh das dude here has brought up an interesting point big surprise probably not going to be doable on pre-2012 machines i believe wasn't that because of the wi-fi and bluetooth cards something like that um or maybe it was the metal i think it was a combination of that and also metal graphics um i know the the 6000 series if you have um like obviously this this this computer is working very well with with catalina i mean obviously the performance here of the cpu for whatever reason is not great but catalina is working pretty well um and i'm certainly not noticing any graphical glitches it seems to be functioning quite nicely but some of the the newer graphics systems actually end up being worse in catalina so if you have a 2011 mac the amd 5000 and 6000 series graphics from a 2010 and 2011 imac or from a 2011 15 inch macbook pro those things really can't run catalina because the graphical the the artifacting and the glitching is just unbearable so unfortunately if you do have one of those machines you probably are going to want to stick with high sierra which is what they'll support natively but you know it is what it is we are here with a 12 year old machine with catalina and it is in fact running cinebench but it is running quite slowly although i i have to say i think at this speed this is probably not you know abnormally slow i think this is near the point of basically just how how slow this computer is by nature of it being old as heck uh someone pointed out 2009 macbook support up to el capitan that's for native um native mac os support but you can run catalina on the 2009's the the graphics are the same as this the the um the are the cpus the same i don't remember i think they're very very similar maybe just a slightly different clock man i don't want to wait for this thing to run in all honesty why don't we why don't we just try something a little bit more fun and test out youtube we'll see if youtube works on this computer because i'm still not getting i'm sure i'm sure that there's there's a simple fix for uh for getting the cpu to actually start running and it's not uh boosting up the fans either but we're gonna just do a youtube test because quite frankly you're if you're buying a computer like this or if you're repairing a computer like this you probably are not going to be editing 4k video on it you probably want something that can let's say for example watch a stream from your favorite youtuber i wonder i wonder if we could could find some sort of content that we could that we could watch on this machine to test how it handles oh oh oh what's that huh looks like this guy is streaming right now what a cool and awesome stream that we're just watching here huh how about that all right we're going to try to stream in 1080p here let's full screen it let's see how smooth it is is it going oh i should move around all right here we go we're moving around now i have to wait for the stream delay so i can see if it's showing up and if it's running smoothly it looks like it's actually running pretty well i'm impressed yeah look at that all right it finally caught up this is really showing you guys what the stream delay looks like isn't it this is this is streaming 1080p youtube without any difficulties all right that's that's pretty impressive i have to say for a 12 year old macbook 12. we are oh wait the timer's still running huh we're running a 1080p stream right now with no issues whatsoever why don't we go try and play um let's see what other videos this great youtuber has yeah let's let's just watch watch this video here am i gonna get an ad wow look at that youtube won't even give me ad revenue on my own video that's so rude takes a little bit of time to go into full screen mode but we are running a stream oh there's an ad we are running a stream in 1080p or not a stream we're watching a video in 1080p and it's running fine it is running totally fine yeah i'm impressed this this is totally a media consumption device you could easily easily use this thing for watching youtube the colors are actually pretty good obviously on camera it showed up a little bit wonky but it looks good um i honestly don't see any this is a great little machine got a backlit keyboard battery holds a charge yeah pretty nice now to wrap this video up um i think we should go ahead and why don't we open up a tab here and take a look at ebay and see how much it might cost if you were to actually buy one of these one of these things so i'll share my screen and we'll uh do a chrome tab here we'll do ebay there we are so why don't we we'll just take a look and see how much it might cost if you wanted to buy one of these macbook pros um i'm gonna just try searching late 2008 quite frankly um i don't want bids no one wants bids see i mean look at this 22 results that's crazy this is ridiculously exp no wha ebay makes me mad i'm telling you this is just the 13 inch there 195 is too much 450 are you serious 8 gigabyte apostrophe s it's a plural it's not a possessive i hate the when people misuse apostrophes 260 these are way too expensive holy moly 350 for that first of all there is no late 2008 macbook pro that's a macbook look at the um look it literally says macbook right on it so that's false advertising i mean 425 dollars what are these people smoking 400 over 400 dollars there's only 22 results now you'll notice if i if i change my my search to mid 2009 which is a very very similar spec there's a lot more of these out here granted a lot of these are 13-inch macbook pros um so there is that but interestingly enough the 2009 version with eight gigabytes of ram is less than people we're trying to 2008 i don't know people are weird but personally the way i like to to do a search here is just keep it simple macbook pro and then i like to just filter down here um with with with these i mean not a chord we'll just do a core 2 duo just do a screen size of 15 inch actually i'm i'm going to not do the core 2 duo i'm just going to do for 15s it's really nice you just go over here find your uh find your graphics pane and just set it to 9600 mgt hit apply and boom you got yourself 2008 and 2009 macbooks it's that easy in fact i don't even need the um the 15 inch filter here um that actually broadened it broadened it up a little bit so obviously you know you're not going to get every single result with this method but 10 you tend to get the better ones so look at this already i mean 240 290 these are already less than when we just searched for what we were looking for but all of these are 2009 17 inch for 500 bucks my goodness pandemic pricing has not really gone down these these are all way too expensive let's see what happens if we like realistically i would not pay more than 200 for for one of these eight results okay wait oh gpu issue this is first of all they've completely listed that incorrectly because this does not have the the graphics card that we filtered for oh see that's a little bit better it's parts only though which worries me let's check this one out hinges in lower left part of screen are damaged power's on booting is slow that's probably because i bet you this has a hard drive doesn't it yeah 160 gigabyte hard disk that's why it's slow to boot up um how damaged is this two gigs of ram oh wow that is yeah yeah i mean i don't know what to tell you i mean it's a weird weird time to buy a macbook i mean these are all terrible listings these are all parts listings these are these are 11 and 12 year old computers why are there no functional versions oh my gosh this is just terrible i'm gonna stop streaming because i'm depressed quite frankly folks that is just it's it's demoralizing i mean this is not apparently according to ebay this is a 400 laptop that's ridiculous all right we've now been streaming for an hour 42 this is a this is way longer than i had intended it to be so i'm not gonna take up much more of your guys time here i hope you guys enjoyed this video and and had some fun maybe you learned something i don't know maybe it was educational even perhaps but obviously you guys you'll you'll be seeing me again very soon uh we're we're shooting this on sunday two days before the apple event so you'll see me very very soon um i'll have the the youtube event will be scheduled probably later this afternoon so you'll know exactly when it's going to be twitch is going to be at the exact same time so it's whatever time in your time zone the apple event is noah and i are gonna be live an hour beforehand so i look forward to seeing hopefully all of you there that will be fun and um yeah thank you all for for joining i'll make sure that this goes public afterwards so if you want to rewatch um it'll be available on the channel publicly i'll probably make a thumbnail out of it at some point and yeah thank you guys for watching and i'll see you all on tuesday have a good one
Channel: Luke Miani
Views: 521,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Macbook, macbook repair, fixing a macbook pro, live macbook repair, luke miani, right to repair, 2008 macbook pro, how to, tutorial, how to upgrade macbook pro
Id: zEAKb8roqrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 12sec (6252 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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