How to install macOS Ventura on an Unsupported Mac

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hello and welcome back to another video on unpack Technologies in this video I'm going to be showing you how you can install Mac OS Venture on an unsupported Mac this process uses the open core Legacy patchat and allows you to install the latest version of Mac OS on many different versions of Max that are not natively supported by Apple core Legacy Patcher has done many versions of the Patcher in the past for Mac OS Big Sur Monterey and also now the latest Ventura and has proved very successful in allowing non-natively supported Macs to run very smoothly almost as if they're natively supported so let's get straight into it foreign [Music] all right so before we get started into this process you are going to need a number of different things so what you'll need is a reliable internet connection because you will need to download a large file for the Mac OS Ventura installer it's around 12 or 13 gigabytes you also need to have enough free space on your computer to install Mac OS Ventura but also house the installer file that you download and you'll also need a 16 gigabyte or larger USB to make the bootable installer onto so that you can install it onto your computer I'll also leave the links for any websites I use today in the description below so you can easily access those and get into it so that you can do this process yourself all right so to get started we first need to get the open core Legacy Patcher so what we'll do is we'll go to your web browser in this case I'm using Safari and what you need to search in Google is just for open core Legacy Patcher once you search that you can click on the top link it'll say open call Legacy Patcher and this will take you to the open core website so this is the GitHub website here that has been made for the open core Legacy Patcher and it just gives you some information about what it's like and what it can do you can read over that if you like but I'm just going to click get started to get straight into the process here and what we need to do is this gives you a whole rundown of all the different things you need to do all the different troubleshooting steps to install um including any of the setup steps we can see here on the side we've got all the different options here on the different stages we can look straight at the supported models here and this will give you all the supported models um for what um this process will work on um apologies quickly if you can hear the cars in the background it's I'm in Australia and it's a very hot day so um the cicadas are really I'd say hopefully you can't hear that too badly but just a warning uh that's what it is if you can hear that noise um but back on this um you can see all the supported models and the way this works is it gives you the different years and it will either say yes or no now if it says no it'll say why it's not supported and you shouldn't do it at all if it says no if it says yes it'll either say everything is supported which is really good that means you can go straight ahead and do this process if um there's a few lists here it might just say there's a few current issues so if it's a if it's a current issue that's going to affect you I wouldn't recommend installing but if it's something that doesn't affect you then you might be able to give it a go but maybe best not to do it on your main machine so you can look through here to see all the supported models I'll leave this Linked In the description below but now what we need to do is download and build the Mac OS installers so we'll click to the next part here and so under this page you can then see there's a link to download the app um so open call Legacy Patcher release apps what you can do is click on that I'd recommend opening it in a new tab so you've still got this tab open in case we need to refer back to it and then go to this will take you to the GitHub page just before we download it this gives you the specific Venture requirements so I'll just read these out to you so open called Legacy patcher for Ventura will work on 2008 to 2016 12 and 13 inch MacBook models 2009 to 2017 11 and 13 inch MacBook Air 2008 to 2016 13 inch to 17 inch MacBook Pro 2009 to 2017 Mac Mini 2007 to 2016 20 to 27 inch iMac 2008 to 2018 Mac Pro and 2008 to 2010 X serve so they're the ones that they um claim are compatible with running Mac OS Venture with the open core Legacy Patcher so definitely if you've got one of those models it should work according to them however um if you've got something outside of those I would not recommend installing this now once you scroll to the bottom um what you want you'll see as of the time recording the latest version is 0.6.1 you always want to get the latest so scroll to the bottom of the latest release and then you can click the or the only file you need here is open core Patcher graphical user interface this is a DOT app file you can download that that's the only app we're going to need and then it'll download it here so we'll just give it a moment to complete here all right so now that download has completed we can go to the downloads folder and then open it up here so just the open core Patcher app it'll extract the zip file and then it will show it in your downloads folder so you need to open the Apple location file here so we'll double click on that give it a moment to open here it'll give you a warning that's downloaded from the internet you just need to click open and you'll see it opens up straight away all right so once you get to this stage we can close out of our downloads folder here so you can see what's going on and I'll just minimize the phone all right so what you can do is the first thing you need to do is Click create Mac OS installer so it's the middle option here create Mac OS installer now you've got a couple of options here you can either download the Mac OS installer if you don't have one already or you can use an existing Mac OS installer now I don't have a Mac OS Venture installer handy so I'm going to have to download one so I'm clicking download it's downloading the installer catalog so the different installers that will be available to me and then what you want to do is if you're doing Ventura you want Mac OS 13.x so as of the time recording the latest version is 13.2 Ventura um but there might be a later version by the time you're watching this video but if you're wanting to install Venture you need to click the 13 one now the other options here are Mac OS 12 which is Monterey and Mac OS 11 which is Big Sur but for this video we're focusing on Ventura all right so now all we have to do is Click Mac OS 13.2 to download The Venture installer and now it will start downloading the installer so you can see here that it says downloading Mac OS 13.2 which is our latest Venture installer it's giving how much of it has been downloaded so that's showing that um statistic dance is also showing the average download speed so we'll have to give this a moment it'll probably take a while to download this will this stage will vary depending on your internet speed and then I'll come back when this is finished all right so now it is finished downloading the installer for Mac OS Ventura and now it's asking uh for permissions for open core Legacy patch chart to add administrator privileges to add the install assistant to your computer so you just need to enter an administrator password to allow this so I'll do that quickly now and then click OK and now it will install into the applications folder of your computer so we'll give it a moment here to do that so it'll probably try and unpack the installer and move it into the correct file so we'll give it a moment and I'll come back when this is finished all right so now it says that it has finished extracting the installer system to the applications folder so now there's a button here that says Flash installer so we're going to click that here and now it's searching for installers and then we choose the installer that we just downloaded because it moved it to the applications folder and now it's founded in there so we'll select that and then we just need to allow uh it to access files on a removable volume and now it's asking you to choose a drive to in make the installer onto so all you need to do is put plug in a USB so I'm going to plug one in now all right so I've just plugged in the USB drive here that I would like to use it has shown up on the desktop here um so what we need to do now is wait for it to show up here now if it doesn't show up what we may need to do is return to the main menu to just refresh it here create Mac OS installer we'll use an existing installer and we're just going to do this again so it refreshes the page here and you'll see it's found my Toshiba USB drive here so make sure you select the right drive here um because all the data will be erased on the drive so make sure it's a blank drive that you're happy for the data to be erased on and you're happy to use it as an installer so if it's not showing up here you can go into Disk Utility and erase it as well but I'm going to choose my Toshiba USB drive here and you'll see it start saying creating the install and now it will then admin password so I'll just put my password in here and you'll say it is now writing to the drive so depending on how fast your um USBS or SSD or whatever you're using will determine how long this process takes as well as the speed of your Mac now uh it says here develop a note creating Mac OS installs can take 30 plus minutes on slower USB drives we will notify you when it's done please do not close this window however so you need to make sure that you're not closing the window because that will stop the process um you need to just let it do its thing it could take a little while um so just be patient and let it complete so I'll come back when this is finished all right so as you can see we're getting quite close to the end of the copying process here because uh the install was around 12.6 gigabytes and we're coming up to that level now so you'll see that we're closing in on the end here so it might have to copy some additional patcher-specific files which is looks like it's what it's starting to do now because it's gone over the actual total sizes installer and then once it's packed in those special patch files onto the USB it will then be ready to start writing onto the desired computer that you want to install Mac OS Venture onto so I'll give this a moment to complete and then I'll come back when this is finished all right so as you can see it says success and it's successfully created a Mac OS installer so we can click OK here and you'll see that's finished running the installer creation script and now we can return to the main menu now I've made this installer on my M1 Mac Mini so obviously that's a supported device natively for Venture but I just did it on here because it's easy for me to screen record and show you the process but now what I'm going to do is switch over to my 2015 MacBook Pro which I do want to install Mac OS Venture onto using open core Legacy Patcher and I'm going to create the partition for the new Mac OS Venture installation because I'm going to do a clean install and we can also continue the process on there so I'm going to switch over to that now all right so I'm now on the 2015 MacBook Pro so obviously the desktop looks slightly different to my Mac Mini but this one is obviously still running Monterey so what we need to do is because I built the USB drive on the Mac Mini it didn't actually apply any of the patches at first so what we need to do is finish that off now if you were doing this on the Mac you wanted to install it on it should have prompted you to install the the open core drivers and all that to make it actually work on your unsupported Mac automatically it should have done that but because I wasn't on the right device it didn't do that so I've had to re-download it on this computer and I'm opening up open core Patcher again I've got my installer on the computer it's all mounted and all that so what I need to do is Click build and install open core and then it says finished building your open core configuration would you like to install open core now we need to click install to disk it'll load up the disks and you need to allow it to access files on a removable volume and then what you need to do is for this one you need to make sure you choose the USB that you in created the installer for so don't do this to the internal SSD or hard drive you need to make sure you do it on the external USB that you made for the bootable media so in this case mine was the Toshiba USB drive you can sort of tell by the sizes as well 16 gigabytes there so I'm going to click that and then you need to select a partition to install it onto in this case I'm using the EFI partition there so I'll click that and you'll need to enter an administrator password so I'll do that now and then give it a moment here and it will start to copy the files across obviously this computer is a bit slower than my M1 uh but it's all done that now it says reboot to apply open core has finished installing to disk you'll need to reboot and hold the option key and select open core slash boot efis option would you like to reboot now so if you've got a partition ready to go that you want to install this onto um you can reboot straight away however I need to still create a partition to install this onto so what I'm going to do is just click ignore for now and we'll reboot a little bit later so we can click return to main menu and now that's our USB drive all ready to go so now what we need to do is we can quit out of open core Patcher and we just need to make a quick partition to install this onto so what you need to do is open up our Disk Utility there and once we open up Disk Utility we need to make a bit of a volume all right so what I've done here is I've still just done it quickly um off camera here but I used to have a boot camp partition which you might have been able to see which I first when I first opened up Disk Utility and what I've done is I've erased that and turned it into a Mac OS Ventura partition but what you do need to do is um I'm going to have to show you this anyway um but the issue with this is it's in Mac OS extended generalized so what you need to do is erase it and format it as apfs that's what the new Mac OS has run on so you click on arrays and format as apfs and you can name it whatever you want in this case I'm calling it Mac OS Ventura and then you can just click erase and it will erase it and create the volume uh and you'll see created the container and now it's under there now the other thing is if you wanted to for example um partition your drive you can click on any of these partitions and then you can click partition here and then you'll see that you can split um all these different sort of um things and then you can create partitions you can choose whether it's a partition or volume you want to partition and then you can make it whatever size you want but as I don't have much storage left on this computer uh you can't make much of a um much of a partition there but if you had more storage that's how you would make it so you just plus or minus whatever partitions you want there so that's how you make the partition if you want to just install Mac OS Venture and keep all your files you can just install it on the current operating system and it will just perform an update so now that we've done all of that partitioning stuff and creating volumes and creating the USB and all that sort of stuff we are now ready to switch over to the camera recording where I will show you how to install Mac OS Venture on your unsupported Mac so we'll switch over to that now all right so now we're on the camera recording and we're ready to install Mac OS Venture onto this unsupported Mac so I've got my USB drive with the patched installer on it and I also have my 2015 MacBook Pro plugged in to ensure that it doesn't run out of battery during the installation so it does have a full charge currently but the battery on this isn't great and I'd recommend having it plugged in regardless of what your battery is like on your Mac because it is quite intensive installing it and it will take a long time so all we need to do is plug in the USB into the mac and then we need to turn it on on and hold down the option key so you can use the option key on either side of your Mac so we'll build it up and hold down the option key as it's burning up so we'll keep holding until we see the boot options all right and then you'll see we either have Mac OS or Windows showing up which was my boot camp partition but we've also had a few other ones show up which is install Mac OS Venture and EFI boot so what you need to do is you need to click over to EFI Boot and then click enter on that one so that's the one we need to do first so we'll click enter on EFI boot so then once you click on the FIB you'll see these options and you need to click across to install Mac OS Venture and then click enter on it so make sure you click across to Ventura so it's EFI Boot and then Mac OS Venture that you need to click on and then it will start booting into the USB install I say you'll see the Apple logo and then you'll see the progress bar now the amount of time this takes to boot into it will depend on the speed of your USB drive as will the entire installation process so obviously I'd recommend try and choose a USB drive that is as quick as possible ideally at least USB 3.0 but if you can't any USB job will do the job it just might mean that you're waiting a bit longer for the process to complete but we'll give it a moment here to boot in and then I'll show you what to do next all right so what's happened here is the scaling has changed slightly um that could be part of the open core uh sort of process here and you'll see that all the scaling is actually quite small um when it comes up here so um what I'll try and do here on the video is just zoom in a little bit so that you can see it won't be great but hopefully this um captures it okay what you need to do is bring your mouse over to the install Mac OS Venture option here so um hopefully you can see that you click on install Mac OS Ventura if you haven't already created a partition you'll need to go to Disk Utility but if you did that in the step before like I showed you earlier you can go straight to install Mac OS Ventura and then click continue give it a moment here to load the recovery partition can always be a little bit slow on these computers but you'll see it says Mac OS Ventura to set up the installation of Mac OS Ventura click continue we'll click continue here give it a moment to load some beach balling quite slow give it a moment here and then you'll see we can click agree to the terms and conditions and then we need to select our volume to install it onto so I'm going to select the Mac OS Venture volume I made earlier you select whatever volume you made earlier in the name that you called it if you're wanting to install at the top of your current operating system you can do that however I probably wouldn't recommend it just at first just try installing it on a separate partition to make sure you're happy because if something goes wrong you may lose all of your data in this process and I'm not responsible for any data lost so you click Mac OS Ventura or whatever partition you made and then click continue and then it will start to install the operating system so I'm just going to zoom back out here and you'll see that it's estimating around 30 minutes remaining on this computer that's about right that's what I've seen on other devices when I've done these Mac OS installs before so just be patient um it may take um a little while this will once again depend on the speed of your USB drive and your computer but just be patient and then once this is done it will reboot and it will do another installation process so the whole install could take around an hour or even up to two hours if it's really slow uh but I'll come back for um a few of the steps away and I'll show you how each of the steps um what you need to do and what's happening so I'll come back when this is finished all right so the computer has just rebooted um from the installing page to the Loading page on the Apple logo on the boot screen and it's just saying that there's about 19 minutes remaining so I did miss the first few minutes of this but it when it started it was around 30 minutes remaining it's just been ticking down the time now it is quite a lot smaller than it would usually be as we've sort of seen throughout this process the scaling has been quite a bit smaller than what it usually would be on a native Mac OS installation but that's okay you can see that the mouse is active on this page as well so all you have to do is just wait for this to finish it might reboot a couple more times and then it will be into the Venture a setup page now just so you're aware when it reboots it might ask you what you want to boot back into what you need to do is boot back into your Mac OS Ventura ins it might say Mac OS Venture installer or it might be your partition name whatever it is that um specifies Venture boot back into that but don't boot into anything else like Monterey or older things you need to make sure you boot into um whatever Ventura partition there is when it reboots so we'll let this finish and then I'll come back when this is completed all right so the computer has finally finished installing Mac OS Ventura it rebooted after the um installation screen that I showed you before and now it's up to the setup page so all we have to do now is just complete the setup and this is like any normal Mac OS setup page so you can run through this quickly I'm going to run through it quickly now and I'll come back once I've completed the setup and I'll show you what to do next alright so as you can see it is now in Mac OS Venture and is running the operating system so we can unplug it from the charger and I'll just take that out and we can all say eject the installer drive here so we'll just eject it from there uh the fans are running quite high so this computer is getting quite hot but that's to be expected with any sort of new installation um it's obviously trying to do a lot of processing at the moment but as you can see it is now running a native Mac OS Venture so what we'll do is we'll head into system settings here and you can clearly see that this is Ventura here and what we'll do is we might just change the startup disk so to change the startup disk you can just go to General and then we'll go to startup disk here and you'll see it says select the system you want to use to start up your computer we'll choose Mac OS Ventura and you'll see oops don't want to do that it's already been selected on Mac OS Ventura and that's the distant will always reboot in onto this computer all right so as you can see Mac OS Venture is running very well on this 2015 MacBook Pro even though it's not natively supported now obviously the degrees of success in this process are going to greatly vary the depending on what model of Mac you're using obviously this being a 2015 it's only more it's more one of the more recent unsupported Macs so you sort of expect that most things will work but if you're using an older Mac it may not work as well now there are a couple more things we need to do before this process is finished so I'm going to switch back to a screen recording to show you how to do that and then we'll have completed the process so I'll switch over to that now all right so now we're on the screen recording and there's just a couple of things we need to do before this process is complete so first of all what we need to do is go and re-download open core Legacy patch up now if um Legacy patch now um if you uh decided to um install your Ventura install on top of your existing operating system so you kept all your data and all that open call Legacy Patcher will boot up automatically and it'll say it looks like you're booting off a USB would you like to move the patches to um to the internal hard drive or SSD now because currently what happens is this Mac is actually relying on the USB to allow it to boot up otherwise Apple will detect that the operating system is on an unsupported Mac and it won't let it boot what we need to do is move those patches onto the actual internal SSD or hard drive so that the Mac can boot without the USB so what we need to do is go back and download the file again so we'll just follow the same process as before you can see in the link of the description of this video but we'll just go back to the GitHub site and re-download the file for open core Legacy Patcher so we'll get the Ivan core Patcher graphical user will allow the download and we'll give it a moment just to complete here um because this will also allow us to change some another setting which I think most people should change as well just to give a better experience on the Mac so we need it for two wheel reasons and the other good thing about having the patch is you can always keep it updated so if there's new patches that come out you can keep it up to date on your Mac um so that your Mac uh stays up to date at all times while we're waiting for that to download I'll just demonstrate as well this will get all your software updates as well so if you go to General when you're in system settings and then go to software update it'll check for the updates now this one should be the latest version I think what I've installed so there might not be any updates available but you can always come to software update and it will natively give you the latest Mac OS Venture updates but you can see here Mac OS Ventura 13.2 your Mac is up to date so um if there's any new Mac OS Venture updates or Mac OS updates in general you can always come to here and install those updates and they should work fine so that's one of the advantages of the open core Legacy patch as well everything works quite natively and really well and at the moment um just on First Impressions comparing this to the way this macron on Mac OS Monterey it seems to be working really quite well so I'm not noticing too much of a difference in performance obviously it's a slower computer because it's a dual core Intel processor but overall I'm not seeing too much slower performance obviously I haven't yet been using it for very long so um we'll have to see out guys in the long run and let me know in the comments below if you want to hear from me on how this has gone in the long term maybe over a few weeks or months but so far it seems to be running okay the fan is revving up but that's pretty typical this computer the Intel chip Run's pretty hot so um I sort of expected that so we'll just wait for this download to finish and then I'll come back and I'll show you what to do next alright so now open what color Patcher has been redownloaded here so we can quit out of safari here and then we'll open up open core Patcher so give it a moment to open it'll probably ask us to verify and allow it to open so give it a moment like any Mac OS install here and we'll just click open when you say this prompt and it has opened the Legacy patch up so now what we need to do is Click build and install open core so we'll click that here it'll build open core and now we need to click install to disk so this is like what we did earlier but this time we're installing it on the internal drive so click install to disk it'll add to disks and now we need to choose the internal SSD so at this point you can probably have ejected your us your bootable media so you need to make sure you select the internal SSD to install it to say in this case uh mine is this apple SSD here and we need to install it to the EFI partition like we did earlier you'll need an administrator password so I'll enter that now and it will start to install open core now it says it's finished and we do need to reboot to apply those changes but there's one other thing I would like to change before we reboot and that is if we return to the main menu if you go to settings you'll want to disable shape boot picker so this is on by default um and look you can leave it on if you want to but I probably wouldn't recommend it because it's a bit of a pain it shows the boot menu options and then you it'll Auto boot but sometimes it's a bit slower on boot up and things like that and it so it just looks a bit less native so if you want to turn that off um that's probably a good idea it just makes it look more like a native Mac also just keep in mind that whenever you change any of these settings here you will need to rebuild and install open core onto your Mac so each time you make a change to these settings you need to build the open core program again otherwise it will not save your changes and it will revert back to the previous settings so make sure you remember to do the previous step and build and install open core each time you change any settings and then you can click return to main menu and that's all you need to do so now we just need to reboot the Mac one last time and then we'll get be completely done so that's it on how how to install Mac OS Venture on an unsupported Mac I know this was probably a bit of a longer video but any sort of tutorials with installing and things like that is always going to take a bit longer than most so thank you for sticking with me and hopefully you've had some great success doing this process now as I mentioned before obviously degrees of success will greatly vary depending on what Mac you're using so as I mentioned earlier in the video make sure you're using a Mac that they recommend doing it on if it's something that they say there's issues with or things like that I probably wouldn't recommend this process now uh that with that being said if you have any questions or concerns about this process let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer you because I know this can be um a little bit difficult and it can even for me sometimes I run into problems and I have to try and troubleshoot so I'm more than happy to help you out if you have any questions or things like that but with that hopefully this video was helpful and you've had some great success as I mentioned before thanks for watching this video on unpacked Technologies don't forget to leave a like comment and subscribe and I'll see you all in the next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Unpacked Technologies
Views: 8,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YOMhwIlN_Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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