Big Sur on older Macs [2008-2013] ULTIMATE GUIDE! OpenCore Legacy Patcher for Unsupported Macs

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hey everybody mr mcintosh here and this video is going to be the ultimate guide for installing mac os big circ on your unsupported older mac from 2008 all the way to 2013 using open core legacy patcher so why would we want to do this it's really simple i believe in the right to repair and extending the life of your mac as long as possible you put your hard-earned money into purchasing this machine and if we can keep it from going to the recycler into the garbage can and instead into a usable machine that can run the latest version of xcode and run all the new features of big sur and have the latest security updates right from apple that's what this video is all about i'm going to divide this video up into chapters so you can jump to the exact section that you're gonna need don't let the video length intimidate you the idea that this is an ultimate guide to answer all the questions that you might have about installing mac os big sur using open core legacy patch on your mac and the video is designed to be for beginners all the way up to intermediate and even advanced users because i'm going to go over the brand new gui application version 0.2.4 and the terminal version of the application and tell you the differences and show you which one you might want to use i'm going to perform a walkthrough on three different mac pieces of hardware i'm going to do it on a metal compatible macbook pro and i'm going to perform an upgrade from high sierra and that'll retain all your data then i'm going to do it on a 2011 macbook pro and then i'm going to do a separate partition so you can dual boot and if you find out that you don't really like mac os pixel you can just remove that partition and continue to use high sierra and then finally i'm going to do it on a 2010 mac pro and i'm going to do an erase and install of goes big sur but each situation has a little bit different of a setup as you're gonna need to know and that's why i'm going over each one individually in different chapters if you have any questions along the way feel free to put them in the comments and i'll answer them we got lots of cover let's jump in and get started first let's talk about what is open core legacy patch the developers put together this wonderful reference site that includes all the information that you might need to know about the patcher if you click getting started it shows you this entire list of instructions miscellaneous information credit documentation but what we want to talk about is what is open core open core is a sophisticated bootloader used to inject patch data into memory instead of disk this means that we're able to get near native experience on many unsupported macs with metal gpus some of the benefits are sip or system integrity protection you can also enable firewall to it also includes native over-the-air updates right from system preferences recovery os safe mode and single user booting so again almost all of the features that big sur has included for it supported max are making it to unsupported maps now that we know what open core is we can look at some of the requirements needed before we get started next i wanted to go over some of the requirements don't skip this section there's some very important information that you want to look over here and review before we get started to save you time and energy later trying to wonder what's going on or what problem is on your install so first of all back up all your data before you begin i recommend backing up your data before you perform an upgrade or an update for even supported max it's always good practice and if something goes wrong you have all your files the second thing is with creating a usb boot drive that we're going to use to install mac os big sur so what you want to be able to have is a 16 gigabyte or larger probably a usb 3.0 or faster usb stick to be able to do this or you could use an external hard drive when you're erasing the usb drive make sure you use guid partition scheme in the options and again we're going to go over all this later but this is an important thing to know first because this was the number one question in the comments in my previous video that they could not see the usb in the open core legacy patch options because they did not format it this way also use mac os extended journal when you're erasing the root of the drive the third part of that usb is always recommended to keep that open core legacy patch or usb installer that you created just in case something goes wrong in the future also when you're creating that installer media and putting the open core legacy patcher onto that usb hard drive create it on the hardware that you're going to use and that's important because if you don't you might be creating the information and the patches for the model that you're creating it on instead of having the information you need for that hardware that you're using to create it for fourth thing is boot camp if you're using boot camp look at the link in the description that talks about boot camp because legacy master boot record based installs won't show up in open core legacy patch patcher booter the developers recommend following the guide on installing a uefi windows install to get that working also the hardware recommendations that i recommend that you have is at least an ssd hard drive and eight gigabytes of memory for big sur compatibility updates and support you can go to the open core legacy patcher website that gives you all the supported machines and information there's also a discord group that you can join to ask questions there's also a huge mac rumors forum thread that you can also go to see the latest information and see what others are talking or ask additional questions you can always post the question in the comments and i can answer and help you out now let's talk about the supported models from 2008 all the way to 2011 are supported for macbook macbook air macbook pro mac mini imac and mac pro now full support means that you have a metal compatible graphics card and these models include a 2012 macbook air 2012 and 2013 macbook pro 2012 mac mini 2012 to 2013 imac and that means that you can install open core legacy patcher in big sur and not have to do anything else after you're fully supported but if you have an older models you'll need to install the graphics acceleration patches after so if you have a 2011 or lower mac i have to install those patches but if you have a mac pro with a metal graphics card you won't have to do that so those are the requirements and some recommendations that you want to know before we get started here before we start and create our usb installer i wanted to talk about the two versions of open core legacy patcher app and show you the differences so you can pick which one you would like to use when you visit the open core legacy patcher is that it's on github and it's fully open source so if you want to look at the files themselves they're all available for you to look at they're not behind closed doors anybody can go on here and look at every single file that's made available it's a group effort by multiple developers to be able to create this wonderful application so now that you're here the first thing you want to be able to go is over here to the releases section at the time of this filming the latest version is 0.2.4 but if you're looking at this in the future it might be a higher version but we'll go right into here by clicking on the latest release and you always want to download the the latest release so we'll click on this button and it'll talk about all the changes that are made on each release so when you can scroll down you'll see this again this is on version 2.4 and when we look at the bottom there's two different zips that we want to be able to download and use the first one is the gui version that's the application and the second one is the terminal version of the menu system so let's take a look at the differences with those two users have asked the developers to come up with a gui app to make it a little bit easier to understand when you're used to using applications to do normal day-to-day things but there's some differences that you'll want to know so for example we go into the settings by clicking the gear here you can see that there is settings but features are missing so if we go into the patch of settings number four and hit enter we'll see all the patches settings so if we go into the settings of the gui version we'll see settings like for example the late boom settings that were put in there for the mac pro are not in here there's also allow open core on native models for example if you want to be able to install monterey and use airplay too that's not in here either the bottom line is i recommend using the terminal version of the application because this is the version that developers are actively developing for yes they do have the gui version in mind but all the features are here along with native hardware scanning so for example if you have an imac and you upgraded the video card to a metal compatible card the terminal version can scan for those settings and adjust the patcher settings for it the gui version just basically uses a list of stock versions of hardware to be able to create the patcher when we build and install open core that's why i recommend using the terminal version i'll show you how to use this when we get started here but most of the walkthroughs will be using the terminal version of the application again if you have any questions on either one feel free to post them in the comments okay now let's talk about how to create the usb installer that we're going to use to boot our mac to the mac os big sur install so the first thing we need like we talked about in the requirements is a 16 gigabyte or larger external hard drive or usb drive so let's plug that into our mac right now okay there it is on our desktop so the first thing is is that most usb drives that you buy at the store or will be formatted so they can be read within windows so what we'll have to do is we're going to open up disk utility we'll hit command space to be able to open up spotlight and type in disk utility and hit enter once disk utility is open we'll see our usb drive here but this is where most people get tripped up right if you hit erase right here like this you're missing a critical option in here as you can see it is formatted in dos bed 32 but we're missing the partition scheme so we'll hit cancel here we'll go up into view show all devices and then we'll be able to click on the root of the usb drive then hit erase then there's the scheme notice how it's master boot record if you did it before without this option selected to guid partition map it would not show up in open core legacy patcher settings for you to be able to create the install for mac os big sur that's an important step we also want to make sure that the format is mac os extended journal and then you can name it whatever you want you can leave it on title because it will be renamed once we install mac os big sur to it so hit erase and now if you get the time machine message come on just hit don't use and we'll hit done here and we are done with disk utility and we can close it now we have our usb drive ready and formatted for install now the first thing we need to do is go download the full installer of mac os big sur now there's a lot of ways we can do this but i've got a super easy way on my website i host all of the current versions of mac os big sur installers directly from apple servers and i pull those urls and i put them into a nice table down here showing all the versions so at the time of this taping the latest version is 11.5.2 but when you watch this video maybe 11.6 might be out and the latest version will be at the top all you need to do is click on this link start to download it and you can see that the date of the install and if it's still available some of the older versions are no longer available and i changed that setting right there so to start the download just click here and if that doesn't start downloading it like if you're using chrome and you click on it does nothing right click on it or control click on there copy the link and do a command t to open up a new tab and you can right click on it again and paste the link in here and if we go to the very front of the link you can see this is directly from apple servers i've already got it downloaded in our downloads folder and you can see that's what it's called the install assistant pkg inside this package is the full installer so i'll have to install this package first click on it once and it'll open up the installer click on continue install and then type in your administrator password and it's going to install this right to the applications folder and we'll see the finished and there it is install mac os big sur ready to go so we'll go back to the installer we'll hit close and we got the full installer now the next thing we need to do is open up the terminal application because that's how we're going to create the install media click command space to get spotlight again and we'll type in terminal and hit enter and we're going to go back to our applications folder to where that big sur installer is and then we're going to go inside the package to get to the command to run it really fast so all you need to do is right click or control click on the big sur installer click show package contents then you'll get to the folder structure of the bixer installer go into the contents folder and then go into the resources folder and create install media is the application or the binary that we're going to use to create the bixer installer let's go back to the terminal window first though because we need to run the command as an administrator to do that you type in sudo and then space then we can go back to the finder window and drag this binary right to the window and it will auto complete the entire command for us now we have to issue it a option we're going to do the volume option so dash dash volume and then space and then we can drag the usb that we just erased right to the window and that's it hit enter and last for the password we'll type in our administrator password it won't show us anything on this screen when we're typing but it is typing it so others looking over your shoulder don't see the password in terminal so we'll hit return and enter it's going to say hey you sure you want to erase well we already erased the drive yes we are so we'll click in y for yes and hit enter or return and then it's going to immediately start to erase the disk again and the time machine might come up again and that's okay click don't use and it's going to immediately start copying the files to the disk the amount of time that it's going to take to do this is all dependent on how fast your usb flash drive is for example if you get the absolute cheapest one from amazon that's okay it'll still work but it might be a little bit slower and it could take all the way up to 20 minutes for the files to copy because keep in mind the full installer is 12 to 13 gigabytes in size that's why you had to get a 16 gigabyte usb flash drive so we'll see this copying if you wanted to monitor the process we could open up activity monitor so we'll do command space again for spotlight type in activity monitor and hit enter and then we can click on the disk tab and monitor how fast the files are actually copying to the usb drive as you can see now they're copying around 64 megabytes a second and they will fluctuate between anywhere between 200 all the way down to maybe like 20. so this should be the average speed we'll go back here and we watch that go we're at 30 we'll be back in a little bit when this is finished okay it's done as you can see here copying the disk zero to 100 making the disk bootable install media is now available at volumes install mac os pixer let's take a look at that on the desktop here we'll close this window and we'll open up the usb drive and as you can see inside install mac os pixer let me show you a little quick tip if you click on the usb icon and then go command i you'll see the information window come up do it again command i on the actual installer command i and then you can click on the icon here do a command c to copy it and then go click on the icon for the install mac os big server and go command v to paste it and now you got a cool mac os big sur installer icon on there now that we have that we need to be able to put the bootloader onto the usb drive to be able to tell the mac that this is a newer mac so it will be able to boot the mac os pixer installer and we're going to do that with open core legacy patcher once we're on the open core legacy patch or github page we can scroll down here to the releases section and make sure you click on the latest release right here and it'll take us to the latest release we'll scroll down and we will get the tui or the terminal user interface open core legacy patcher application and we're also going to get the gui version of the application so we can show you how to use that too once they're done they're in here into the downloads section we'll open them up and we want to copy them into our applications folder so we'll open up our downloads folder again and we can just drag into the applications folder like that we got the gui version here and we got the tui here and we'll click open so the first thing we want to do we need to make sure that when we build the installer to be able to put the files onto the usb drive we do it on the piece of hardware that we're using to patch so open core legacy patcher rig realizes this is a early 2013 metal compatible macbook pro it's going to build the settings when we build the installer to exactly what we need so the first thing we need to do is look at the patcher settings so we can click number five to look at the the patcher settings here so click on number five and then we'll hit enter and then we can see all the settings that are set in here now one thing that i recommend we do in case we run into any trouble is to enable the verbose mode what that means is it hides the general apple logo and the progress bar and then shows you all the output of the boot system so if you run into problems and you go on to the into the forms or you put into the chat like hey my installer is stuck at this point well no one knows because it's just got a progress bar but when you enable verbose mode it shows you exactly where it gets stuck on so we'll click on number one to enable verbose mode we'll click y yes and as you can see it changed to true also it's truly show boot picker mode that's fine for this situation and as you can see here sip and secure boot model are also set to false since we are on a fully metal compatible mac we can go into those settings so we can click on 11 and we can enable both by clicking number one so now we have am fi enabled we have sip and secure boot also enabled because again this is a metal compatible mac when we go to a non-metal compatible mac from 2011 or older all three of these will have to be disabled and to do it in the gui version we click on the settings on here and we would click and disable amfi disable secure boot and disable system integrity protection and then we had those settings set and then we could click build and install open core and we click on that button it gives us the drives that we want to be able to install in and all we need to do is click on our usb drive here to have it continue that's how you do it on the gui version but since we're doing it on the terminal version click queue to quit and now we're at the main menu now we can build open core with the settings that we just selected in the application so we'll click on number one and hit enter and it's building all of those settings and all the files that it's gonna need to boot the system to the installer and it put all those files to this temporary location before we put them under the usb drive so we'll click enter to go back now we can click number two to install those files to our usb drive so we'll click on number two and hit enter now it's going to say well where do you want to install those files well we want to install it on our usb flash drive the apple ssd you can see is the internal drive we are not going to do that you can do that and then you can use it to boot but the problem is if something goes wrong you won't have the usb drive to fall back on that's why we're creating the usb drive so we always have something to fall back on if something goes wrong with the install so we're gonna click number two we're installing to the usb drive and hit enter now it's saying what efi partition that you want to be able to install on there's only one so we're going to click on one and then we're going to hit enter and then it says it needs an administrator password to be able to do that we'll do that now and there it is hit enter to continue and we're ready to go with that usb flash drive it's ready to boot to and it's ready to use it to install mac os big server on this device and remember on this macbook pro we're performing an upgrade so we're going to be able to keep all the data that we have and applications on here and then just upgrade to big sur so to to prove that we're going to perform an upgrade we'll just create a couple of folders and we'll take a screenshot here and we'll have all these files on the desktop when we're done so now we're ready we've got our usb installer ready to go and plugged in all we need to do is reboot we'll quit these applications we'll click queue to quit and terminate go to apple and we will reboot now the first thing we need to do is hold down the option key the option key on the keyboard will tell the mac to show the boot picker to say hey i want to boot to something else other than the internal hard drive so that's what the option key does you heard the chime here we'll give it a second here and we'll see all the boot options including our usb drive and there we go the first thing we need to do is arrow over to efi boot hit the enter key and then you'll see we're in boot efi for the installer we'll click on enter and it's going to boot the system to the installer of mac os big sur and as you can see on the screen this is the verbose mode boot that we were talking about earlier normally you would see an apple logo with a progress bar here and that's all you would see until we got to the installer but now we're seeing all the things that happen behind the scenes when we're booting to the installer so if it gets caught up in here you'll be able to tell someone hey it got caught up on this mode and it won't go any further what could be possibly wrong but you wouldn't be able to tell that if all it does is get stuck at a progress bar so in a second here we'll be at the installer okay we're now in mac os big sur recovery since this is an upgrade we don't have to do anything other than to click on install mac os big sur so we'll click on that and we'll click on continue and we'll click on continue again we'll agree agree again and then the internal hard drive and click continue there we go the install time all depends on which piece of hardware you have for example if you're installing this on a 2010 macbook pro it's going to be a little bit slower but since we're doing it on one of the fastest unsupported macs this is only going to take about 20 minutes for the upgrade process we'll let this go and i'll catch you after we finish the upgrade and we'll be at the login window okay we're back we're at the login window after the upgrade to mac os big cert all we need to do is log in now as you can see in the upper right hand corner of the notification bar up here performance and battery life may be affected until spotlight indexing and a couple other maintenance jobs are complete and there we are on a desktop so we'll close out of that warning that we just said so it usually takes between 5 and 15 minutes for this part to be complete and like i said if the mac is a little bit slow wait for that to clear up and then it should be a little bit quicker we can close this window and as we can see here are the files that we took a screenshot of heist here and the untitled folder we created so the upgrade worked out perfectly now there's only one last step we need to do and that is to install the bootloader to the internal hard drive so we don't need to boot off the usb drive anymore so what we can do is we can inject the usb installer okay i'll quickly show you on both applications on the gui application all we need to do is click build and open core after we double check the settings so we'll go back into the settings and make sure all the settings are correct it is detected that we are on a macbook pro 10 comma one 2013 model remember we do not want to disable secure boot model we do not want to disable system integrity protection and we don't want to disable am fi we also don't want verbose mode on and we also want to hide the open core boot picker now those settings are set now we need to go over here click build and install open core we can now install to the internal hard drive click continue and then we need to administrator password and there it goes and that's it it's all done on the gui side we can do it on the terminal user interface application we will change the patcher settings number five and we want to see how enable verbose mode is on on number one we're going to click on number one we're going to make sure that is off so hit no so now that is set to false up here now we also want to turn set boot picker to off so click number four and we want to click no show the boot picker by default we also want to make sure the amfi is enabled and when that's currently false that's good to go because it's the option says disable amfi also we want to make sure that since this is a metal compatible mac that sip and secure boot are on so we're going to go back into 11 and we're going to enable both by clicking one now those are both set to true we are ready to build so we'll cue to quit and now we can build those settings into the temporary directory enter now we're back now we can install those settings to the internal hard drive number two now we can select the internal apple ssd which is zero and enter and we want to click the only efi that's on there number one enter the administrator password hit enter to continue and that's it so as you can see the usb was still plugged i'm going to disconnect it right now so the usb is disconnected so when we reboot the system is going to come up on its own without the usb plugged in because we installed the bootloader to the internal hard drive and verbose mode is not going to be activated the mac will boot up just like a normal supported mac will okay all we need to do is click on apple to restart and we're going to have to hold down the option key because we have to set the default startup disk so as soon as it goes down you can hold down option here the chime give it a second and we're going to set the default boot disk by holding down the control key once we see it so once it's on efi boot hold down control you see it's turned to a circle with an arrow hit enter and now that efi bootloader is set as the main default hard drive and your mac is going to reboot just like this every single time you turn it on you'll see the apple logo in the progress bar and you will not see the blue picker anymore and here we are right at the login window we'll log in the metal compatible mac is the easiest mac to patch because we don't have to do any other things other than to set that default bootloader after installing the open core legacy patcher to the internal hard drive we do not have to install the graphics acceleration patches because we already have a metal gpu the only other thing i wanted to touch on is if you want to install software updates all you need to do is go into system preferences and click on software update and you can install software updates right from system preferences and as you can see this this mac is already updated if you see an update all you need to do is click download here and it'll install the update with no additional issues that's installing mac os pixer and open core legacy patcher on an early 2013 metal supported gpu okay the next example is going to be our 2011 macbook pro 15 inch this particular model since it does not have a metal compatible graphics card we'll need to have the graphics acceleration volume patches installed after and we'll have to disable some settings in open core legacy patcher to be able to get those patches installed so let's get started on how to get this particular model set up so the first thing we need like we talked about before is that usb installer that we use it already has the big sur installer on it from the previous install and we can just use that again all we're gonna do is put the 2011 macbook pro version of the installer patch files on there so let's plug that in now and we'll wait for it to come up on the desktop and while we're waiting for that we can start up open core legacy patcher now i said i was going to show you the two different versions now in this particular situation they are very close again so if we wanted to be able to build the open core in the gui version of the application all we need to do is go into the settings as you can see it is detected as a macbook pro 8 comma 2 2011 and then we have the disable system and integrity protection on we have disable amfi and we have disable secure boot model so that's ready to go we also want to turn on verbose mode boot until we have it all installed and everything's working properly so we can leave all these other settings the same and we can go back to the patcher app and we can click built install and build open core we know that this is the usb drive we're not installing to the internal hard drive now so we click that and it's selected we'll click on continue we need the administrator password to do that and as you can see the gui version of the open core legacy patcher is building and installing the open core onto the drive there it is it put these temporary files here it mounted the drive and installed all the files and now it's done and we can just hit quit now we're going to go through that same thing all over again on the terminal version if you want to do that so what we need to do is go into number five for the settings and then in here we're going to click number one to enable verbose mode we'll click y for yes as you can see that turned to true here now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to disable am fi so we'll click on number 10 yes we are so as you can see that's set to true number 11 we are going to disable sip and secure boot we're going to disable both by clicking on four hit enter as you can see all those three are set off now so we're ready to build open course so we'll hit quit so now we can click build open core number one now it's going to take all those files that we just set and those settings and it created that to the temporary location right here we'll hit enter to go back now it's going to take those files from that temporary directory and install them onto the usb drive right here so now we'll click number two install open cord to usb or internal drive then click number two and then it says pic the boot picker is loading and saying which one do you want to install it on we don't want to install it on the internal hard drive yet we want to install it onto the usb drive so we will click on number two because we know that that is our usb drive here and then hit enter and it's going to say we need to install a efi partition to this usb drive and that's fine there's only one we'll click number one hit enter we'll enter in our administrator password and as you can see it mounts efi transfers the files and unmounts it and then it's complete hit enter now this usb drive is instead of that macbook pro 2011 settings we just reset it to have the macbook pro 2011 settings and pieces that it's going to need to use to boot to be able to install mac os big sur what i mentioned in the earlier part of the video is is that in this example i'm going to create another container to install mac os big surround that you can use this as a dual boot system to be able to run high sierra mac os big sur so if you install mac os pixel and you're like yeah i don't know if i really like that i'm going to remove it or let's say you want to always run mac os big sur and then you have maybe a 32-bit application and you also want to go back to high sierra you can so that's what this example is going to be about so we are ready to reboot to the installer so we'll close the terminal window and we'll go to apple to reboot we're going to hold down the option key on the keyboard to be able to get to the boot picker so we can boot to the efi bootloader off of the usb drive and then we'll boot to the mac os bixer installer and there we go we'll arrow over to the efi boot and hit enter and now we're in the open core efi bootloader we're going to tab over or arrow over to install mac os pixer and hit enter and as you can see verbose mode is on from the settings that we set and it's going to be able to show us all this the what's happening behind the scenes when we normally see the progress bar with the apple logo booting into the installer now this is really handy if for some reason there's problems booting into the installer or later booting up into mac os big sur once we're done because we'll be able to see where the problem is instead of just looking at a blank screen with the progress bar and that's why we enabled verbose mode when we're doing the install okay we're in mac os big sur recovery now the first thing we're going to need to do so go into disk utility because we are going to partition the drive now we've got two ways to do this when i mean partition the drive so we'll go up here we'll click on view show all devices and then we'll click on the root of the drive of the internal drive as you can see it says internal and then we'll click on partition when i say that there's two different ways we can do this we can create a separate partition on the drive that we will use to install big sur or we can add another volume and i'll show you what that looks like when we click on the plus button we get this message that shows up it says do you want to add a volume to the apfs container or do you want to divide the container storage into separate partitions when an apple file system container has multiple volumes the free space is shared and we can and can be allocated to any of the individual volumes as needed so if we click add a volume it's going to add a volume inside here and allocate any needed size to that and then there'll be one container but we're gonna do it at a partition to do a separate one and we're doing that because if something goes wrong in one we can get rid of one and the other one's fine sometimes with a volume if there's a problem with the volume maybe the entire drive has problems and you can't boot big sur or high sierra but it is pretty reliable but in this case that's why i want to do an ad partition so we'll add partition as you can see it's like a walled off line here with two different partitions this is the mac os hard drive partition with high sierra on it 1013 and this is the second partition we're going to use to install mac os big sur so we're going to name the drive macintosh hard drive big sur and then we'll hit apply now it's going to shrink the media create a brand new empty partition and then we'll be able to use that to install a fresh copy of mac os pixer okay we're done we'll click done and now we can exit disk utility as you can see before we leave you can see the dual containers in here this is mac os high sierra 1013 and this is the one we're going to use for mac os pixel okay we'll call it a disk utility and now we can go to install mac os pixel click continue and continue agree agree and now we can see the two volumes as you can see that's why we need this mac os big search so we'll click on the big sur empty partition we'll click on continue and there it goes it's going to copy the files from the installer from the usb to a temporary location on the hard drive reboot the system install from that temporary location to the internal partition before you know it we'll be at the setup assistant for mac os big sur we'll catch you right after that's done okay we're back up mac os big sur installed on our 2011 macbook pro on a separate partition now keep in mind since we need to install the accelerated graphics patch the setup assistant here or if you perform a upgrade and you're logging in the system will be really slow you might get some pinwheeling here or once we get to the desktop and get open core legacy patcher up and running we'll install the patches reboot and it'll be running really smooth after that so i'm going to run this system through the setup assistant and then once we're at the desktop i'll pick right back up okay we're at the desktop now again remember we're going to be still a little bit slow even after we get to the desktop even trying to open safari might take anywhere between 30 and 60 seconds and again that's because we're not running with accelerated graphics yet so let's open up safari i already pre-opened it and then closed it and then reopened it again so that's why it's opening quick we'll go to the open core legacy patcher page and we will download our release open up finder and then we'll open up the applications folder and then we will drag in the first one which is the gui to click in there gui and again you don't have to do this you only pick the one that you want to use but i'm showing you both of them move this to the side and then we will open up the to you the terminal user interface application and i'm going to show you how to do a patch the volume patch to both first thing we need to do is we've got our usb installed plugged in and it's still using that to boot we're going to install the the patches first for the accelerated graphics just to make sure everything works then we'll install open core to the internal hard drive so we can unplug the usb and not even use it anymore so the first thing we need to do on the gui application is simply click patch system volume we'll enter in our administrator password enter and you'll see a patch in the system it downloads directly from the open core legacy patcher server all the files that it needs for this particular model it's checking and then unzipping the download it's deleting the current ones current kecks that are in there and installing the accelerated graphics text and it's rebuilding the kernel cache now it'll take a second and then that's it done operation successfully completed we can quit out of the gui app now if we wanted to do that with the terminal user interface application all we need to do is click on number three to install the post volume patch number three hit enter and it says patches the roof volume to fix the issues such as graphics acceleration for nvidia intel and amd all we need to do is click number one and hit enter and it says the following patches will be applied add legacy ati tara scale to graphics patch and add legacy intel sandy bridge graphics patch and then we're going to click yes and it's going to download again from the server and then apply the patches and then we'll be good to go and it says put the files to the temporary location click enter to continue enter the administrator password enter and it's already found it because it's already been patching so it's skipping that part and then redoing it and then press enter to rebuild the cache enter for the snapshot enter to continue it says we need to reboot for the patches to take effect we'll hit enter and q to quit and all we need to do is terminate and restart okay we're back at the login window we'll log in and we're back at the desktop you can basically just start opening up things and see how the performance is it opens up immediately the other thing that you can tell right away is if you minimize the window it takes multiple seconds to minimize if you click minimize and goes right down you know we're good to go now we can also verify by clicking apple about this mac as you can see in system information both the amd radeon hd 6490m and the intel integrated hd graphics 3000 chip are detected and ready to go now the final piece of the puzzle is to install open core legacy patcher onto the internal hard drive for the bootloader so we don't have to use this usb drive anymore so what we need to do is go back into applications and open up both the gui and the terminal user interface and i'll show you how to do it on both of them to check the settings all we need to do is go into the settings again on the gui application and make sure since we have to use the accelerated graphics patches we need to disable system integrity protection am fi and then secure boot those are already selected and macbook pro also is a comma 2 2011 macbook pro 15 inch is also selected and we are not going to do the verbose boot because we want the system to boot up like normal also we want to hide the open core picker so we've got all those settings set we can click away and then click build and install open core now instead of putting it to the usb we're going to put the bootloader onto the internal hard drive so you no longer need the usb click continue and there it goes it needs the administrator password and it's installing the files to the internal drive and that's it done operation completed successfully quit so we're gonna do the same thing on the tui app we're going to change the patch or settings by clicking number five and again remember i'm only showing you both applications to show you the differences and what you have to do you do not need to run both applications only the one that you want to use and again i recommend using the tui or the terminal user interface application so now once we're in the settings you see how enable verbose mode is on we're gonna click one we're gonna turn verbose mode off so that's now off we're also gonna click number four to set the boot picker to off now that's also off now also we need to make sure that am fi is disabled so we'll click on 10 and disable amfi and then also we want to make sure that sip and secure boot are also off we'll click on 11 and make sure that both are disabled by clicking number four and now everything is disabled now we click queue to quit and then build open core with number one now it is all built to the temporary location we'll click enter to go back now we can install those files and the bootloader to the internal hard drive by clicking number two and we are going to install it to the internal hard drive and this particular 2011 i updated the hard drive from the internal 320 gigabyte spinning hard drive to a samsung 850 evo ssd drive 120 gigabytes so we'll click on number zero because that's the internal hard drive and number one for the efi and we'll type in the administrator password and there we go as you can see it loads the fai partition over here installs the bootloader and then ejects it and then hit enter to continue and now we're back at the screen we'll have q to quit now what we're going to do is we're going to eject and unplug the usb flash drive and unplug it from the device and then what we're going to do is we're going to reboot hold down the option key and make the efi boot loader the default hard drive to boot to and then it'll boot automatically every every time after that so we'll hit apple to restart we'll hold down option [Music] and then hold down control and then hit enter as you can see that it's the circle with the arrow and hit enter now that defaults the open core legacy patcher bootloader to be able to boot every single time and this is what we'll see when we start our mac time we turn it on or restart the system and that's what a normal mac looks like we don't see at the boot picker anymore and we don't see the verbose boot and look at this we're right back at the login window here and that boot only took about 10 seconds from chime to login window and probably an additional four or five seconds to desktop and that is pretty impressive for mac os big sur on a 10 year old macbook pro the last part of this is that we did a split hard drive so let's say you wanted to boot back into high sierra so all we need to do is click restart and we'll hold down the option key okay now to boot back into high sierra all we need to do is tab over to go to macintosh hard drive that's got high sierra on it we'll click enter and we're booting right back into high sierra that's it we got a dual boot system now now since we have the default hard drive as mac os big sur all we need to do is click reboot and it'll take us right back into big sur to get into high sierra since it's not the default that's why we got to hold down the option so when we click on restart here this is going to go into mac os pixel automatically click restart give it a second [Music] and there we go we're loading back into big sur that's it log back in and there's our dual boot system so that's the second walkthrough of installing open core legacy patcher mac os big sur and setting up a dual boot on a 2011 macbook pro the third section will be our mac pro where we're going to perform a fresh install let's jump right into that okay installing mac os big sur on a five comma one 2010 mac pro ever since 11.3 came out there was problems with the installer apple changed something that prevented the mac pro from booting only 11.23 was workable for the longest time the developers worked on this situation and came up with a solution called late bloom what it was that is a delay in the booting process that allowed the mac to be able to boot 11.3 and newer and it was a wonderful solution and that was built into open core legacy patcher the latest version as we followed through the last couple steps we would have to install the graphics acceleration packages after and wait for safari to load it was really slow so what we're gonna do this time since we're doing an erase install is we're gonna download open core legacy patcher and then just copy it over to the usb drive so as soon as it comes back we don't have to open up safari we have to download or install anything we'll just drag the app right over so go up to the opencore legacy patcher go to the github go to the latest releases and we're going to download the terminal user interface version only in the two previous walkthroughs i showed you how to use each version of open core legacy patcher that's why this version is special because the late boom settings are only configurable in the terminal user interface applications and we'll take a look at that once we open it up so now let's download and we'll open up our usb installer click on downloads and drag our open core legacy patcher application right to our usb installer so we'll have it as soon as we come back up those light boom settings are right in here and i'll show you what those look like so we'll look at the patcher settings we'll click on number five and these are the late boom settings that i was talking about this is a mac pro the detection is setting it as a default at the delay of 250. if you notice from the previous videos this was actually set i think it was set at 150 and we can actually check that by is in the in the default settings were set at 250 and that should be good enough for the mac to boot now keep in mind if you boot the mac pro and it doesn't boot properly we can set that to a higher number like 500 for example but 250 defaults should be good to go and we'll get to that later but that's what we'll set it to for now we'll finish all the settings that we're going to need to do this install so first we want to make sure verbose boot is enabled so we can see if there's a problem so click on number one and we'll click on yes we want to enable verbose mode that's enabled now the set show boot picker mode that's fine on we need to disable am fi so we'll make sure we click on number 10 and we want to disable yes so that's showing true and we need to click on 11 to disable both sip and secure boot we'll click on number four to disable them both we're only disabling those three because we have a non-metal graphics card in this mac pro if you have a metal compatible graphics card you can leave all three enabled so we will click on q because we have all of our settings set and now we can build that open core with those settings to the temporary location click enter to go back but that's done and now we can install it to our usb drive and it's going to overwrite those settings that we had for the two previous installs that we just did we'll click two to install open core to the usb drive now as you can see here the apple ssd is number zero and our usb is on number two so i'll click on number two and we will click number one for the efi of the usb and we'll enter in our administrator password and that's it it's loaded the bootloader onto the efi folder of the usb flash drive we'll click enter to continue and q to quit now we're ready to boot to the installer we will click on apple to reboot and we're going to hold down the option key and we're going to click on efi boot as soon as we see the boot picker [Music] okay after holding the option we see the efi boot we'll hit the arrow key over to efi boot and hit enter now we're in the open core boot picker we can arrow over again to install mac os pixer to boot to the mac os big sur installer here's that late bloom setting that we set or we left as a default setting for the mac pro be able to boot past that problem in 11.3 plus this is 11.5.2 installer that we're booting to so we shouldn't have any issue getting to the installer now now if your mac pro doesn't boot to the install of the os and you get a screen like this with verbose mode or you get a message at the bottom and it gets stalled on crypto lock no big deal just power the mac down power back up and it should boot right into the installer or the os now i'll show you later in the mac pro video how to adjust the late bloom settings if we have to increase it to maybe 500 for example but again if you get this or the crypto lock just reboot and you should be able to get right back into the installer okay we made it to the mac os big star installer on our mac pro in this third demonstration we are going to do an erase and install so we're going to go into disk utility click continue we're going to click on macintosh hard drive and we're going to erase the entire drive and perform a fresh installation so we're going to go up to erase and we can leave macintosh hard drive there and leave the format apfs and click on erase okay done and we'll close disk utility and we'll click install mac os pixer continue agree agree and install to the macintosh hard drive continue and there we go before you know we'll be at the setup assistant we'll catch you right when we get there okay we just rebooted after the install the hard disk is automatically selected so you don't even have to do anything the mac pro will boot back up and we should be at the setup assistant in no time once we install open core legacy patcher to the internal disk after the gpu patches you won't see any of this anymore because we'll turn verbose mode boot off okay with the setup assistant i'm going to take this through because remember it's very slow going through this entire menu process because we don't have the accelerated graphics so it'll take a little while you might see some pinwheeling but that's okay and we'll be right back all right we finished through the setup assistant we created our account and we're now on the desktop on our mac pro from 2010 running mac os big sur we're only two steps left the first step we have to do is install the graphics acceleration patches so now remember we save time we don't have to open up safari to download we put that application inside of our usb so double click on a usb and give it a second like i said it's going to be a little bit slow and there is our open core legacy patcher application you can copy it to our applications folder we'll click on finder we'll do a command n for a new window and then we will click on applications and we'll drag it right over there it is let's fire it up all we need to do is click number three for post install volume patch and then enter now this says that it is going to patch the root volume all we need to do is click on number one to patch the volume it says that it's going to add legacy ati tara scale 2 graphics patch for our ati card and we'll click yes and there you go it's going to download all the files that it needs to be able to perform the patches unzipping the download and installing click enter to continue now we need to enter in our administrator password and there it goes click enter to rebuild the cache click enter to continue with the snapshotting and then that's it click enter to continue to exit all we need to do is reboot for the patches to be put into play and for the acceleration to work now there's one step that we need to think about here if you're running an ati card which we are as you can see there's a small problem and let me show you what that is erratic colors on ati tara scale 2 gpus due to an odd bug in the gpu many users will experience erratic strobing colors or inverted colors to fix that all we need to do is download res extreme and that's a little application that lets us force a resolution so we can download that after and we'll click queue to quit and terminate and we'll reboot all right we're back in as you can see there is the strobing or the inverted colors like we mentioned before the reboot so we're going to log in and we'll get that fixed up now that we're in we can go to the open core legacy patcher page to get that link okay there's our res extreme and we'll download this okay we're there and we will go into the finder it will open up our downloads folder will drag res extreme right to the applications folder and then we'll start it up and open and we can click on the down arrow and click force a resolution and there we go now we won't have any other strobing effects we should be able to close this window here and then that's it we've got our mac pro up and running with accelerated graphics as you can see the speed is pretty quick and everything works the final step is to open up open core legacy patcher one more time and we're going to install the bootloader to the internal hard drive so we can disconnect the usb and then we can boot off the internal hard drive and have the verbose mode off so now all we need to do is change those patches settings again number five and now we want to check all these settings disable am fi is already disabled we got sip and secure boot are on so we have to go into secure boot and sip number 11 and we want to disable both now they're both disabled we have to disable verbose mode click number one and then we're going to disable it by clicking no and then we are going to also click on number four to disable the boot picker mode we want to click n for no and now we have all the settings we need now the final one i wanted to talk to was those late bloom settings so the default setting was fine but again if your mac is having a little bit harder time booting like you keep getting to that screen where it won't boot after we install the patches you might have to increase the delay to maybe three four or five hundred the again the 250 boots just fine off the usb so the 250 should be fine also booting up the internal drive so we're going to leave that sitting there so now we'll click queue to quit now we have to build the open core and put the files into a temporary location and they're all right now in that folder now we can install to the internal drive it'll click number two before that let's eject our usb drive and unplug it okay disconnected so now there will be only one option to install to so we'll click on number two and it's checking the drive it should only find one and it does the internal drive we'll click on zero and then number one for the efi and then enter in our administrator password installing done okay cue to quit let's reboot and now hold on option once we change from the usb to the internal drive we have to make that internal drive the default boot loader so we'll hold down option and we should see the boot picker we'll arrow over to efi hold down the control key we'll see it turn to a circle with an arrow hit enter the default boot disk is now selected the mac pro will boot every single time right up automatically and then now it will show the regular apple logo with the progress bar we're at the login screen we have accelerated graphics and automatic booting setup we'll log back in and that's installing mac os big sur the latest version on a 2010 mac pro with open core legacy patcher the next and final part of this video we'll go over how to uninstall opencore legacy patcher and a couple troubleshooting items let's get into that okay in this final section i'm going to go over some of the interesting things that you might need to know for example how to boot into recovery with open core legacy patcher and how to install open core if you don't want to use it anymore and a couple of troubleshooting items one of the biggest things that you might see is that if you see a big prohibited sign that it boots to that might mean that for some reason you tried to boot off the normal efi buddha for example and you're trying to get to big sur and you did not click the efi boot right here and you might get that prohibited sign or you might get a error that says this version of mac os is not supported on this platform and that's because you let it boot normal and you did not select efi boot or it wasn't defaulted from the main drive now let's talk about how to get into recovery here okay to boot to recovery all you need to do is power up or restart your mac and then you're going to hold down the option key okay once you see this screen after holding down the option key you first have to go into efi boot but you can't just click enter you have to also hold down option when you click enter so it also loads up the efi boot picker and doesn't automatically go there then once you're at this screen click the space bar and you'll see the recovery all you need to do is arrow over and click on recovery and you'll boot right into mac os recovery all right we're in mac os recovery let's reboot and the final thing i wanted to mention was keep your usb installer handy in case there's any problems with booting or you change the setting it doesn't work you can always go back to your usb installer and your efi open core legacy patcher bootloader to be able to get back into recovery or the os to be able to rescue your machine let's talk about how to uninstall open core legacy patcher from your mac let's say you were going to sell it on ebay or something you wanted to get all uninstalled well all you need to do is prepare a high sierra or a sierra usb installer so you can reinstall mac os pixel refresh back up all your files and then you can follow these instructions and i'll put this link in the description basically you're going to mount that hidden efi partition you're going to delete all the open core files that are in there you're going to reset the nvram and then reinstall mac os big surf brush next let's talk about how to get support for open core legacy patcher and mac os pixel if you're having a problem installing or the system's not booting or something like that feel free again always leave a comment and i'll see if i can give you a hand but as the comments come in it's hard to respond to all of you so what i can recommend is first go to this page and also put a link to this in the description is to get help with some of your issues first of all there is an open core legacy patch or discord server where there's multiple people and developers that will give you a hand if you're having an issue just make sure you document all your issues and you can post it there also feel free to read this how to debug with open core before opening an issue in the open core legacy passengers issues tab in github so if you open up this page you can see that there's issues already here and you might already see the issue that you're having in here and you can just respond and realize oh hey it's not just me so keep an eye out here first then you can go to the open core legacy patcher discord page to try to get help let's talk about how to support the open core legacy patcher developers they work on this as a hobby and they love the patcher but what they do need is older mac hardware so if you have an older for example mac that can run mac os sierra or newer and you want to be able to donate to the developers you can do that reach out to makola on this address down here and you can talk to them to see what they currently need they also need spare serial ata ssd hard drives so anything that you could donate to the program they would absolutely love finally and most importantly let's talk about open core legacy patcher acknowledgements i talked to mikola who is the co-founder of open code legacy patcher along with dana k and i asked him who would we want to acknowledge all the work that was put into the big sur open court legacy patcher and not everybody could be i put on the list but there was at least a couple that we wanted to highlight and first of all i wanted to thank you mikola for putting all your work into opencore legacy patrick's an absolute fantastic patcher that keeps max alive well into the future plus thank you for answering all my questions all the information in this video i wanted to be correct and you were able to help me get that information to all of you so thank you so much the next let's talk about deana k dina kay is the co-founder of dirtania and how to draft and write much of open core legacy patcher plus co-develop many of the patches used in open core legacy patcher the next is a sentient bot who without him there would be no non-metal acceleration patches and that is one of the biggest parts of open core legacy patcher thank you a sentient pod the next is austar sportler who was instrumental in understanding the imac upgrade patches and i apologize if i didn't get your name correctly but i give it my best shot the next person is vit9696 who is insanely helpful in understanding the inner workings of mac firmwares as well as writing max specific open core patches and of course how could we forget the famous dos dude one who has written multiple patchers in the past for catalina mojave who wrote the new gui application that i just went over in this video thank you very much dawes dude and finally barry cayenne barry kane was a previous patcher developer the micro patcher who was at the forefront of understanding all that broke with mac os big sur his research is the foundation of many of open core legacy patches are based off of so thank you all and all the people that weren't listed i know i see you guys posting in the discord chat all day long trying to work and fix different issues and bring all these new features to for example mac os monterey which is coming soon so thank you everyone really appreciate it this was the ultimate open core legacy patcher on three different macs using three different install ways to install mac os big sur on your mac i hope this was helpful i hope one of those scenarios worked for you i hope all the instructions worked really well for you if this video did prove value to you click on that like and share if you want to see more videos like this in the future click on that subscribe button if you're already a subscriber you know i truly appreciate it we'll catch you in the next video thanks austar austour lost our support ostowers
Channel: Mr. Macintosh
Views: 37,259
Rating: 4.9311595 out of 5
Keywords: macOS big sur on an unsupported mac, big sur on a 2011 macbook pro, big sur 2011 imac, big sur on unsupported macs, big sur on older macs, big sur on old mac, big sur patcher, mac OS big sur patcher, how to install macos big sur on unsupported mac, big sur on unsupported mac, dosdude big sur patcher, big sur patcher dosdude1, OpenCore Legacy Patcher, big sur patcher 2008 mac, OpenCore Legacy Patcher Big Sur, dosdude1 big sur, dosdude1, patched sur, big sur 11.6
Id: znlhI6f7x1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 0sec (4020 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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