VeggieTales | Gideon: Tuba Warrior | A Lesson in Trusting God

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[Music] foreign [Music] father Simon was a reporter for the Bristol Snoop a newspaper of questionable integrity may I help you you George Mueller indeed Simon Bristol Snoop is it true you're running a school for alien Dolphins what if my sources are correct this would be startling news on par with a turkey born with the head of a cat what so you're not denying the fact that you're training extraterrestrial porpoises for less than ideal purposes I'm considered among my peers to be a genius with a headline look Mr Simon is it we have no Dolphins this is a home for Orphans we look after children who have no parents oh so it's possible that parents are dolphins what I mean you never know good night Mister um Mr Mueller oh hello Emily are you going to play the piano why certainly Emily I'll be there moment is that a turkey with a head of a cat why yes it is that's pretty strange you know I thought so myself Emily dear I was just seeing Mr Simon off go ahead and start I'll be right there she's adorable she is indeed has a good eye for news yes I suppose she does is there anything else Mr Simon ah no not if you're sure there's nothing extraordinary going on here well there's plenty extraordinary going on here Mr Simon but I'm not sure it's the sort of thing your paper would be interested in good night Mr Simon Simon good night I'm happy wonderful Johnny [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] I knew it I knew it that's the first sign of a cover-up speaking in codes and I is watching who is Sparrow Special Forces covert ops Oh there's no conspiracy Mr Simon we're singing a song about God providing for us God even looks after The Sparrows so we can trust him to look after us oh we believe God called us to start this orphanage with nothing all you see here has been provided by God through our prayers and trust in him and I imagine by asking people for lots of donations oh and there's nothing wrong with asking for donations but we've never asked anyone for anything never asked anyone for anything that's right I felt God wanted me to demonstrate how he could meet our needs without anyone even knowing so we never ever asked anyone for anything wow a little wacky way to start out I bet you're glad that phase is over huh things seem to be humming along now George hello dear we're out of food again really oh we have nothing to feed the children for breakfast tomorrow morning nothing at all not a crumb well we'll have to handle it like we always do so how do you handle this we pray you can't just assume breakfast is gonna fall out of the sky and think about these kids God will meet our needs if you like you may join us for breakfast and see for yourself good night Mr Simon good night Mr Mueller oh kids thank you good morning Mr Simon good morning Emily hey brought you something gee thanks he's a dangerous times uh-huh Mr Simon so good of you to come a new come in this could be an interesting story and besides I'm really hoping those kids get something to eat children we must be on time for school are you hungry yes sir so where's the food Mary do we have anything to give them so what do we do children we pray dear Father in heaven we thank thee for what Thou Art going to give us to eat amen [Music] look maybe I can run out and uh Mr Mueller beep last night somehow I felt you didn't have bread for breakfast and the Lord wanted me to send you some so I got up at 2 A.M and baked some fresh bread oh thank you so much you're an answer to prayer and the Speedy wanted that I'm a bit thirsty sir ah excuse me Maya milk cart just broke down mind if I unload some milk so I can fix my wagon you can have all you want have some milk children and this same God who takes care of me can supply all your needs from his glorious riches which have been given to us in Christ Jesus that's Philippians 4 19 I believe you can use it in your story if you'd like oh thank you now great grandpa Simon reported some big stories in his day but this by far was the biggest and the only one up to that point I might add that was independently verifiable that means it was true and George Mueller would go on to receive money and food to build many more orphanages and help thousands of kids all without ever asking anyone for anything he just trusted God to meet their needs every single day and every single day God did and I know [Music] the end that was real nice it was touching yet light-hearted I was moved true story was it true story see I think George Mueller should have prayed for a high def TV I'm pretty sure George Mueller knew the difference between a need and a want yeah I could see that well Rachel I hope that helps you out that's all the time we have for today hold on I think it's a little too early to call it quits huh I told the story yeah but it was kind of short If This Were a Regular Show we'd do a silly song and then tell another story well this really isn't a Regular Show per se hey well why don't you do the silly song that's right up your alley yeah but I'm just like a pirate then do a pirate silly song been done remember oh yeah did that already at last we have written a silly song and I've been waiting for Jose right moment to bring it out and the moment has arrived here it is wait it's not in French is it the language of love sadly no this song isn't not for us to sing uh who else can sing around here and now it's time for ukulele karaoke with Bob the part of the show where Bob comes out and sings um what's going on you are doing the ukulele karaoke no no I'm on a break yeah this is the Pirates yeah but I I don't even know the song your lyrics but wait please [Music] hold on a sec I'm totally unprepared to do a solo your backup singers what isn't that the they are the Wiggly Turtle tubies the wiggly Turtle tubies they look taller on TV but really this is Larry's gig I can't just go on Nisha quick this is your cue just follow along [Music] well I keep a little turtle at my uncle and my aunts My Annie's name is Myrtle and my Island turtle's name is Lance he doesn't wander far even if he has a chance he just plays his ukulele and he does a hula dance what turtles [Music] he threw a luau barbecue and Breezy Summer Night invited all his Turtle Pals to come and have a Wiki bite the turtle started walking there as Lance began to swing the one that lived across the street arrived there in the screen oh I get it Turtles are slow so I took him a long time yeah that's pretty good [Music] but let's just kept on cooking he was grilling full of Glee he was marinating ribs because he likes syrup with his feta cheese I'm sorry Lance's purple turtle shell has ketchup if you please pineapples are shiny spotted Tiki bumblebees oh man [Music] oh wait a minute hey guys I don't think this is right it doesn't make any sense it works for us there are luscious chocolate fingers spinning slowly in the school malaikalikimaka fluffy bunnies driving in the pool Larry a thousand igloos wax the beef spray Luggage in the tree reigning puppies flying cloud flossing Puna Haley ow oh forget it please [Music] tune in next time when Bob says I'll be in my dressing room [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the big event the Victory Parade for Gideon and what an event it is the music the floats the spectacle it's all here to celebrate one thing Gideon's extraordinary military victory over that previously undefeated excessively Airy midianites he he's coming yes but manner they are riding on a tube of floats covered with 10 000 roses the red ones were shipped in from Jerusalem for white from Bethlehem and the purple roses came from Cairo that's a lot of flowers indeed it is but that's a lot of hero yes Gideon a man who overcame his complete lack of military experience to become not only the hero of the day but perhaps the greatest Hebrew higher at all times I wish I was him this is a man who laughs at danger who doesn't know the meaning of the word spear this is a man who's single-handedly defeated an army of more than 30 000 enemy troops wait stop stop the parade foreign I'm sorry what you're saying is nice and all but that's just not the way it was this is how it really happened I was minding my own business practicing my latest marching band moves when my life was changed forever [Music] nope don't mind at all you guys work on the football and I'll practice my part in the marching band we're all on the same team yeah and the game's back on the drums would be over here going rat attack in the horns would be over here going then I jump up with my tuba going on yeah that's real funny guys you want to come and get your ball s [Music] ah [Music] [Music] when I find you you're gonna be sorry hail Mighty Man of Valor I'm hiding wait what did you say hail Mighty Man of Valor oh yeah you must be looking for my brothers nope I'm looking for you I'm an angel the Angels huh I'm a warrior maybe we'll play your team this year no no no I'm a real angel sent from the Lord above with a message the Lord Lord the same huh pretty cool now human that had be you it is perfectly normal for you to be terrified and Confused having an angel appear before you is not exactly an everyday occurrence why'd you laugh like that it says here I'm supposed to make you feel comfortable take a load off this may take a while okie dokie I am sure you have many questions for me no not really and while there are many things I can do to prove I come from the Almighty I must note that I can do nothing without God's approval however he will allow me to show you a small sample of his Splendor EG answers to poisonal questions minor Miracles appearing and or disappearing at will did you just say EG yeah it means for example well then why didn't you just say for example because this says EG okay frightened human what kind of sign do you need to prove I am from he who is above all things nothing I already believe you really because I got at least five more pages here no I'm good you don't need me to fly around well you can if it makes you feel better uh to be honest I just flew all the way from heaven I'm a little winded then relax can I get you something cool to drink oh a lemonade would be fine there you go thanks you have no idea what a relief your reaction is folks usually freak out and I end up spending the first week just trying to calm them down that must get real tiring you don't know the half of it you don't need any proof at all nope if you say you're from God I believe you because I got credentials check this out cool can I get one of those well we don't give these out to just anyone but I'll see what I can do so Mr Angel what's your message here's the skinny I've been sent from the Lord above to tell you that you have been chosen to lead Israel's Army against a ferocious enemy that is even now at your doorstep wait I've been chosen to lead an army I think there's been a mistake you're a warrior aren't you this oh no my brothers are the real Warriors I'm just the guy you call when you want a Victory Parade after the battle I'll go get em God hasn't chosen them he wants you but I'm not trained in weapons of war I'm trained on the tuba how many wars have ever been won by marching information you'd be surprised my brothers are bigger and stronger he wants you I'm afraid of the dark to tell you the truth so am I like a girl put me in the dark and I do too he still wants you sorry I just can't do it you trust that I'm an angel you trust that I was sent from God so what's the big problem with doing what he says I thought you were coming to give me a pep talk a little well done good and faithful servant but this is way out of my league if you want to hear the Lord say Well done and then you'll have to do what he asks you're absolutely sure that God has chosen me yep he wants you to defeat the invading midianites well how many midianites are we talking about here [Music] [Music] that's it one guy no problem when do we start [Music] hold that thought pick a Ganda [Music] [Music] well it's been nice talking to you that's beginning to get irritating well well what fighting them there's no way I can defeat an army that large it's not your job to defeat him it's God's it's your job the trust that he'll do what he says I'm sorry but you've just got the wrong guy God never chooses the wrong guy well this time he made a mistake God never makes mistakes not once not one single mistake in all of recorded history never I don't know as far as I'm concerned the jury's still out on spiders understand I'm not saying I'll do it but if I did I'd need a sign first a sign I've gotta know absolutely positively beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is in this me you believe but from God you need a sign hit it boys and trust that God exists just open up your eyes [Music] don't tell me you're surprised he made the Stars there's no doubt sun and moon voice inside out do not doubt he's real my friend that's because he can't be seen like the priest blowing through the trees he's working in a dream Solar System's kind of big but if it's inside his hand he cares for you and so it's true you can trust The Great I Am you can trust that great I am so what'll it be Gideon what kind of a sign do you need before you'll trust God do you want time to go backwards mountains to fall down talking vegetables that tell Bible stories now I'm thinking I'll lay out a small piece of lambswool on the ground then tomorrow morning if the wool is wet but the ground around it is dry I'll know God is in this crazy [Music] crazy the world insists that God exists he's everywhere you look rocks try out the heavens shout it's safe and in his book he made the Seas yes sir all the trees the birds and bees [Music] [Applause] help your father Abraham and Isaac Jacob two from Derek called A Bethlehem can't now he's helping you he'll keep on helping those he calls and pulled up Billy Graham so step right up and join because you can trust The Great I Am put your faith in the Great I Am huh [Music] so Gideon now do you trust that God will do what he says he's gonna do yes absolutely after just one more test the midianites are attacking in just two more days that's why I'm only asking for one more test this time make the fleece dry but everything around it be wet [Music] people always want a test here they always wanna sign it's good that God's got patience man cause you're sure testing mine [Music] I am talking about I'll figure it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're out of time [Music] [Applause] [Music] did I make my point oh hey what's the big idea is it dry is wet dry the fleece oh hey it is the fleece is dry but the ground is soaking wet it's amazing it's a miracle hey guess what God has chosen me yet I would say he wants me to lead the troops to victory over the invading horde as I live and breathe so let's get going and just in the nick of time say where do we pick up our troops join God's Army guess like there you go there you go batteries included there you go I have another one here's one for you [Music] [Music] men I want to thank each of you for joining our army uh a little help please we have a very big job to do but together and with God's help I'm sure we'll be victorious you've got to be kidding all right here's the thing evidently there's too many of us so whoever doesn't want to be here you're sure about this okay whoever doesn't want to be here can go home can we keep the flashlights yes you can keep the flashlight all right then we're now a smaller but still Mighty crew and I'm sure that with God's help will be what you gotta be kidding me all right everyone take five and have a slushie so this is a test too I don't get it there are still too many but we're out numbered by more than ten to one yeah point well shouldn't we at least tell them that this is another test no that's the point of this particular test but I was drinking a slushie gonna show us who should or shouldn't be in God's Army brain freeze oh okay I get it [Music] um all right men tonight we go to battle not because problems but uh do we get any weapons you've already got him we will defeat the midianites with our horns and flashlights [Music] okay we'll split up into three different groups and surround the enemy here here and here now bring the enemy's troops in [Music] thank you [Music] sure are a lot of them out there that's just what I was thinking you doing okay me sure okay just checking did you ever have a hard time trusting God oh me no I see him every day I know how glorious he is I know he never breaks his promise I also know how much he loves you because he told me thanks you know what I think I think you're doing great it's easy for an angel to trust God but you have faith in something you've never even seen I admire that trust him Gideon he'll never let you down [Music] hey God it's me you and I both know I can't do this on my own but you can and that's good enough for me I pray you'll be with us tonight and that your will be done that's it I guess oh one more thing you could have chosen anybody but you chose me thanks on it [Music] welcome back to wmid music for the attacking horns I'd like to request somehow we were totally defeated by the Hebrew Army I mean wiped out yeah right like that's ever gonna happen yeah yeah crazy huh yeah it's the craziest thing I've ever heard nobody can beat us can they I didn't need another sign God but thanks men this is it the Lord has delivered the enemy in our hands he will do the work all we have to do is trust him that he'll do what he says are you with me yes sir I want three groups around the rim of the valley wait for my signal you men come with me you go to the south end and so we don't split the peas you go up the middle did he just make a split pea joke [Music] [Music] huh [Music] more [Music] we're on to attack wake up wake up everybody [Music] thank you [Music] hey looks like a big Premiere I wonder what's playing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold on come on guys you know that's not true God chose me for this time in this place all I did was trust him that he'd do what he said and he did good job Gideon here I got you a little something hail Mighty Man of Valor I'll treasure it always and I know just where I'll keep it in my nightstand right next to my bed and that's how it really happened and there you have it today's parade is celebrating Gideon perhaps the most humble soldier in Israel's history a man who learned how to trust God indeed he did and when we trust God and put aside our fears that's when we're Victorious too I couldn't have said it better myself foreign
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 413,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, veggietales anniversary, veggietales movie, veggietales gideon tuba warrior, veggietales gideon, veggietales gideon tuba warrior full movie, veggietale george mueller
Id: 6aOmpKhxHFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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