5 vegan recipes EVERYONE needs to know!!!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PaaanicJ 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

This encouraged me to go grocery shopping for Buddha bowl ingredients. 2 hours later....

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/planetzephyr 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi guys so in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you five vegan recipes that you must know you need to know these recipes are so important if you're cooking for yourself they're just gonna make your life a lot easier and they're just fundamental basic recipes that everybody needs to know these recipes are simple there's a lot of variation for each thing so you might know how to make it one way but you can also learn how to make it in different ways as time goes and I'm just gonna link to a lot of different recipes and recipe videos down below for each different things so let's get started with these five being our speeds that everybody needs sit-out first off we all need to know how to make a great salad now when I'm talking about great salad I'm not talking about a little measly side salad made from romaine or even worse iceberg lettuce I do love romaine and iceberg lettuce no not so much but salads are so much more than romaine lettuce so the way I like to make my salad says I start with a base of greens usually I like to do kale because it's a hardy green but sometimes I mix my kale with baby lettuces like baby arugula or baby sis chard or I mix it with crunchy romaine lettuce or something else like that also I like to add roasted vegetables it's often sweet potato for me sometimes beet sometimes carrots you could put any vegetable as long as you like it you can add it to your salad from there I like to add a grain farro quinoa and to really book it up I like to add a legume beans are great any type of bean works lentils are great or you can do tempeh oh one of my favorite salads is actually made with a maple mustard marinated tempeh so good I actually have a video so I will link to that so some sort of legume product is really gonna bulk up your salad add lots of fiber add that protein and keep you fuller for longer because salads don't just have to be a side dish they can be the main course of course yes and as far as dressing goes you definitely need to know how to make it at least one really great dressing it is so easy to make dressing one of my favorite dressings tahini dressing all it is is tahini water lemon you do a little garlic in there some salt shake it up in a jar put it over your greens massage them to perfection which we'll talk about in a second and that's your whole salad dressing it's so easy you can make a salad dressing just out of avocado and lemon or lime or you could do something like a simple vinaigrette which is also very easy to make just with a mustard a maple syrup something sweet of course in there your oil and your vinegar or lemon or whatever other acid that you want shake that up and you have the easy vinaigrette that you can use on any salad and it tastes absolutely delicious we must really quickly talk about massaging your kale if you're eating raw kale you need to massage it kale as most of us know is a really tough green and not only do you want to massage it to make it more palatable and more tender for you to enjoy but you also want to massage it to break down the cell wall so that your body can more easily digest all the nutrients that the kale has inside of each and every leaf not only do I like to massage my kale but I also like to cut it really small really thinly into little ribbons basically of kale because it makes it easy to massage and make it more tender and delicious but also because again you're breaking down the cell walls it just makes it easier for your body to absorb the nutrients that are in the kale you can do the same thing with any other tough leafy green break it down with that nice salad dressing and it makes it so much more delicious the next most important thing that you need to know how to make as a vegan our beans you definitely need to know how to make beans not just themes but also lentils I'm gonna put those in the same category though cooking them is pretty different but let's start with beans beans beans the wonderful food I love them so much I could eat beans no not I could I do eat beans every single day and if you have any issue digesting beans that that means you're not eating enough so just FYI side note so a lot of people are intimidated when it comes to cooking but they're actually incredibly easy to cook the first thing you need to make sure is you soak them overnight it's easy to soak I mean just put them in a bowl cover them with water go to sleep next morning they're ready for you to cook or if you don't do it overnight do it in the morning and you can cook them in the evening give them at least six to eight hours of soaking time that helps them cook more quickly and it also makes them more easily digestible and breaks down any of the nutrient inhibitors that beans naturally have okay how do you cook beans I now that I have an M in love with my instant pots I cook my beans in the instant pot it's a lot faster than cooking them on the stove and I don't have to worry about are they boiling over or turning down the heat or any of that put them in the pot forget about it I typically cook my beans in the instant pot for about 35 minutes it is so easy if you end up cooking your beans on the stove however it tends to usually take between 45 minutes to an hour different beans have different cook times if you guys have my cookbook there is a chart in there sharing different cook times for bean it's also soaked times as well so if you ever have a question about how long should I be cooking this bean for open up the cookbook and check that out and another way to know if your beans are done is just to taste them and see if they're nice and tender I typically don't cook my beans solo without any seasoning I like to saute onion and garlic first put the beans in there and add other seasonings as well like oregano sometimes I do thyme and basil of course salt and pepper as well and you could also make a full bean dish I'm gonna link to some of my favorite bean recipes down below like my red beans and rice I have a recipe for that here on YouTube and my black eye peas I am from the south so those are my two favorite bean recipes in the whole world and I eat them as much as possible and you'll see how easy they really are to make and you don't have to be intimidated by beam's a little side note lentils are a lot easier to cook you don't have to soak them overnight you can still make them in your instant pot or on the stove it's easy both ways and lentils are also wonderful to have as like soup you can put them in salads you have to Buddha bowls lentils all around we all should probably be eating also more of those there's a bryan protein fiber all the good stuff I love lentils I love them so much okay so a lot of people are wondering what do you eat for breakfast as a vegan I totally get it especially if you're new to the vegan lifestyle there are so many different things you can eat for breakfast it's not just how do I replace bacon and eggs though I do understand how a lot of people do want to replace bacon and eggs especially though eggs so what I like to recommend is learning how to make a simple but delicious and nutritious tofu scramble tofu scramble is amazing I used to not like tofu very much but I think is because I didn't know how to cook it for one and I wasn't eating enough tofu scramble when I make my tofu scramble I like just I'll take garlic and onions and red bell pepper and cook the tofu in that and I like to season it with nutritional yeast and salt and a little turmeric to make it a little bit more yellow and more beautiful if you want your tofu scramble to really taste like eggs however then use black salt you can find black salt on the internet because you can find everything on the internet or you can also find it at an Indian grocery store it has a sulfur tastes just like eggs do add that black salt to your tofu scramble and it will take it to the next level and really taste like eggs another thing I love to add to my tofu scramble our vegan breakfast sausages field roast makes my favorite they're so good and to make it even more nutritious I like to add spinach or kale or beet greens or Swiss chard any type of green add it to your tofu scramble it's really nice to have green vegetables first thing in the morning for breakfast next up bootable x' I am obsessed with booty balls my friend and I used to have a company devoted to creating bootable meal plans Buddha bowls are amazing now if you're not familiar with Buddha bowls basically what they are are very balanced bowls so a full entree it takes after the MA probiotic principles of balanced eating so there's a grain a bean or lentil so a legume a starchy vegetable a non starchy vegetable typically a green so kale bok choy broccoli Swiss chard spinach whatever a healthy fact so that could be tahini sauce avocado could be some sort of like coconut based sauce cashew cream anything and a fermented vegetable fermented veggies oh they're so good they make things more delicious but they also help you digest and they also add healthy bacteria to your meal into your gut so a bootable encompasses all these things but they can take so many different forms like last night I had a bootable that was like a Mexican e taco inspired sort of bootable with the cuacamole rice bean salsa sweet potato sweet potato I put some potato in everything and some greens you can do anything you want with buta bowls I'm gonna link to some little recipes down below I even have a bootable meal plan that you can check out Buddha bowls are just great because they make it easy for you to eat a balanced diet also you can meal prep all your ingredients for your bootable one day of the week and just make different combinations of them throughout the week which come on that's just it makes your life so much easier and they're delicious and filling so Buddha bowls all the way and lastly you need to know how to make it real good stew not just a soup because a soup is I love soup don't get me wrong I love soup but a stew I like even better it's even more important to know how to cook because it's more filling typically so my favorite stews oh I love stews my favorite stew probably is a tikka masala tempeh tikka masala is what I like to make I make it at least once a week and I have been for over a year now I'm obsessed I also have this really great recipe on my blog it's a new recipe for a chickpea butternut squash tagine okay q-see so it's not really a tagine because tagines typically are cooked in the cooking vessel that is called a tagine but it's basically a Moroccan stew and it is so delicious very easy to make very filling in balance that's the thing about stews you could put all your beans or your your tempeh or your tofu or whatever in there and you still balance it with vegetables like sweet potato and beets or whatever whatever having a good stew in your repertoire is essential so all these recipes are really gonna make it easier for you to cook for yourself stay feeling nourished and healthy and happy really and maintain a healthy balanced vegan diet because that's what we all need like I said salad the beans the breakfast the Buddha bowl in the stew they're all very complete meals I'm not saying like you need to know how to make chocolate chip cookies vegan which is it's nice but it's really more important that you know these five different dishes if you have these five things then you're gold it's amazing you can do anything from that point and you can feel confident that you know how to cook for yourself so check out all the recipes and videos that I've linked down below it's really important that we all know how to cook for ourselves and if you're just starting off with a vegan diet and now it's the time to really have fun in the kitchen and help yourself feel more confident because more than likely if you can cook for yourself you'll be able to maintain this way of eating and continue to thrive while you're vegan so thanks for watching if you guys have any ideas for other things that I missed that everybody needs they share this in the comment section below and if you want to see more like cooking basics videos just like let me know down below too because I'm considering it but I want to know what you guys think of course - if you haven't already subscribed to my channel sleep tight o Sole make sure you subscribe and hit the notifications button so you don't miss any videos I'll see you guys next time thank you so much for watching bye [Music]
Channel: SweetPotatoSoul
Views: 863,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO GO vegan, veganuary, healthy, vegan, vegetarian, vegan recipes, vegetarian recipes, tofu scramble, vegan chili, vegan soups, how to make a salad, best vegan recipes, what vegans eat, how to cook vegan, vegan cooking, vegetarian cooking, buddha bowls, salad dressing, how to cook beans, bean recipe, salad recipe
Id: nGOisp5UZPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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