VECTORNATOR: Working With Outlined Text As Vector Shapes

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[Music] hey bulldogs mr russell here and um this week's lesson and next week's lesson are very much the same skills um except this week's lessons can be a little simpler i am sending you with a template and um so you'll see here that we have a bulldog with some sunglasses on and you'll see um that we have um uh the ring con logo or rincon text here and to be honest with you uh let me come over here and click on my style i'm gonna make this uh well you'll see in just a minute but we're gonna wrestle with um getting the the letters to become uh vector shapes and then we're going to take those and we're gonna meld them and and bend those uh using nodes we're gonna make those shapes turn into a contour that kind of goes with the sunglasses going to be a really cool way to make a logo for our school and then at the very end we're going to throw a text path in where we kind of go rincon and then middle school and so that's kind of where we're going to go today we're going to create and i'm going to send you a each of you a template that has already layers already in it um and the only thing you're going to have to do is take these shapes and and kind of mess with the nodes and bring the nodes exactly where you want them i will tell you um you i've been wrestling a little bit and trying to figure out why some uh some paths some vector paths um will turn the nodes on and then some why some don't and so we're gonna um if you run into those kind of problems i would say make sure that you've gotten rid of all your apps that are running in the background and you may want you're going to want to make sure that you save this file so that when you open it again it's already named and of course we always name things with the name of the artwork and your name attached so without further ado let's get into this um the first thing i want to do is what you should do is go through and go to your share square and let's create we're going to create a vectornator project file and so we're going to create the file and mine says bulldog sunglasses template and i'm going to rename it bulldog sunglasses and david russell now you should go through and take a minute and export your file as bulldog sunglasses with your first and last name on there okay i'm gonna hit done and it's gonna say where do you want to save it and i'll say vector near project files and i'm gonna hit save and that way when if if i if i do have to close the the file i can go back and reopen it again and it will be in my veterinary gallery okay so with that being said uh i'm gonna come over here and um i'm going to come to my path menu and it says here create outlines from text and there we go i've made that and um so i'm going to bring this over here and you'll notice that i've kind of got a space between the um between the rin and the con rincon right and the reason we're going to do that is um i want to have rin on the left side of the sunglasses and c-o-n on the i'm sorry i think you know what i'm saying uh rin on the left and con on the right and so um i'm gonna come over here and i'm gonna start by grabbing this guy and i'm gonna drag him over here oop command z um but i forgot i've got it i've got to do one thing it's all about the layers right guys so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to select all these guys and i'm going to go command x i'm going to come over to my layers and um i'm going to create a new layer and i'm going to make this my grouped i'm going to call this ring con grouped okay rincon grouped and there we go and i'm going to lock up my bulldog i'm going to lock up that that middle layer and i'm just going to work on this i'm going to go command v and there it is right there i'll make sure that i um i send you guys this template as a matter of fact excuse me i'm going to go ahead and um i'm going to make that template right now for you guys so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to do do i'm going to make duplicity here i'm going to make a file and i'm going to say i'm going to call this student template so come over here bulldog sunglasses student template okay i'm going to hit done and i'm gonna make sure i'm going to project files and i'm going to save because i want to make sure that i've got this and then i think i'm going to make an svg as well because sometimes it just works out best that way as well so i'm going to go to my share square i'm gonna export as an svg and um make sure that i've got this bulldogs template yeah that works i'm gonna make it responsive as always as you should as well and i'm gonna hit save and it's going to say where do you want to save it and i'll say i'm going to save it over here to my svg files hit save and i'm going to keep both yep i'm going to keep both all right now let's go ahead and go back so the first thing i want to do is i want to mess with that r okay but to be honest with you um i might actually mess with the eye because that'll kind of give me a position where i can um let me get rid of my share square there we go so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to select my eye and i'm going to take this and i'm going to do the eye because oop come in z command z i'm going to take the eye because i want to what's going on here um because i want to bring it just right over here in the middle but i'm going to zoom in with my two fingers and i'm going to have to resize this a little bit and i kind of want it to like tilt just a little bit to kind of meld with the sunglasses and now i'm going to go into node tools and i want there to be a rim to the sunglasses but i also want um so i want to keep a healthy kind of a round looking rim and that's going to be kind of up to you guys on how you accomplish that but i want this line right here to also kind of be following a contour of the sunglasses and you'll see what i mean as we go further along so again we are working with the eye right now and i'm going to try to keep that about the same [Music] and this is going to be a whimsical design which i love whimsical stuff so here we go let's see my touch is uh that little touch places is kind of getting in the way of of that um which i might go and turn that off why not so i can always stop showing touches that'll help me as i'm doing my work as well and let me get rid of my gear there we go let's see if this works better okay so my eye is in there now i'm going to come up and i'm going to grab my r now when i was preparing for this lesson um this was eluding me the r was driving me nuts so let's see what happens here um i'm going to go ahead and try to get the r to kind of turn around a little bit kind of get it to there we go line up with the eye and we're going to really kind of mess with this r so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to click on yeah that's exactly what it was doing for me too so what i'm going to do is i'm going to i think what the issue is is i think that it doesn't like this little shape inside there so oh there it is there we go don't know how that worked but it did so um the first thing i'm going to do is i am going to bring this node all the way down here and i'm going to bring this node out here now sometimes we it's possible for us to have too many nodes i know right too many nodes right um but you're gonna find that sometimes less is more and i don't know if you guys can hear my my neighbor's dog next door i don't know about you guys but i'm a big dog fan but i am not a fan of just letting them bark all day long but all right so um so i'm going to take some time and i'm going to work with this r while i have the nodes now i'm going to be honest with you the r is a little tricky so i'm going to ask you to click on it click off on it um but i'm going to take a minute and not make you watch me completely do this r but i'm going to make the r conform to the sunglasses so here we go fast forward all right so roughly done with the r um i i really could do more but for the sake of keeping this video kind of short let's um let's go work with the end next okay so i'm gonna come back up here and mr russell's already i know you guys hate when i refer to myself in third uh i have our third person so i'll try to avoid that but i've already gone through for this template and i've created these um these outlines for you guys uh on the text so it shouldn't be oops command z um it shouldn't be that hard oops come in z i don't know why it's doing that but there we go bring that over so it shouldn't be as hard for some of you to be able to kind of get into this um this lesson but i'm going to go ahead and so i think you see where we're going with this um we're going to make rincon uh spell out across the sunglasses in sort of a whimsical fashion um and so um i'm gonna go work on the end next and i'm gonna let you just kind of watch how that happens so let's let's work on the end here we go so i'm not totally stoked on the end that's okay but let's keep working with it so uh now we're gonna go for the c and i'm gonna you'll notice that sometimes you can't quite get um you can't quite get to something so you're going to want to zoom in to it so that you can get to it and i'm going to see if i'm going to have i think i'm going to have that c totally just and there's a lot of nodes in there oh my goodness i'm probably gonna have to delete a good number of those um but uh and so this might this might not um i did another one of these as i was preparing for this lesson i did another one of these earlier and it and it sort of was able to um i was able to get it to balance out more so we're probably gonna have a really big o and a really big end on the right side of the sunglasses um this will be up for you guys to kind of figure out how you want to make it on your artwork but um let's see how the sea goes i'm liking that that's not too bad okay now um next thing we're going to pull out is the o right and so i'm going to come over here i'm going to select the o and bring him over down here and i'm going to go back to my selection tool i'm going to tilt him just a little bit cool and let's see what happens with the oh here we go so one thing i forgot to mention is i am using a mouse for this okay and uh what's really helpful about using the mouse and using a lightning dongle um is um one of these guys that kind of plugs into your ipad and one one is power and one is the mouse you can see the the mouse right here um 10 bucks amazon makes it so much easier uh and so i i do a lot of drawing with this you could use a stylus or a passive stylus that works as well um but we're almost done let's go grab an n and throw it into the sunglasses and try to close this lesson up as soon as possible okay all right let's keep going so i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna scroll out i'm gonna bring this in right back into the mix here again i'm going to tilt it just a little bit and there we go looking good i am really kind of stoked on how this is looking uh so let's let's have some fun with the end so i'm going to take a little bit of time i'm going to mess with that o just a little bit um i feel like i need a little more of um i don't know i just feel like that o needs something so i i spend a lot of time working with this uh when it comes to these um uh when it comes to the various types of uh nodes i really like working with these um asymmetric nodes to be honest with you and i'm gonna do some more of that uh i like this because it really gives me the opportunity to round uh around these corners over a little bit more and i just i like the way that looks um i hope you guys really have a good time with this i am really excited for how this looks um what's really neat about this is you this totally works on a t-shirt um it works in all sorts of different ways so um the last thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put a text path on here of a circle that kind of goes around and um so um for my font what i because i'm going to be i'm i'm probably going to um send this to a cricut cutter is i'm going to put a a big old circle in there so i'm going to come over here to the layers and i'm going to add a new layer and i'm going to call this um upper font upper font and then i'm going to create another layer that says of course if there's an upper font then there's going to be a lower font right pull over font and very cool and i'm going to come over here and i'm going to make sure that everything i've done so far is locked good good good good happy about that and for my upper font i'm going to put a circle here in the mix and you know what my fill i can't see my bulldog so i'm going to make my fill blinded but i cuz i want to be able to see what i'm doing with this with this bad boy so i'm gonna bring him oops there's my and i like how my guidelines are working for me and i kind of like i kind of like the way that's looking and now i'm gonna add some text in there and um the text that i'm using is going to be impact and we're going to call this um we're going to write in rincon and i'm going since i'm making it go around a circle i'm going to make the kerning i'm going to separate it a little bit so that when i do um because when i put the text on the path it's oops come here let's go fix bound there we go so when i go to um send this to the path the bottoms of the letters are going to kind of like they're going to um they're going to want to come closer together and so i like to i like to take the kerning and do that i'm going to bring my ring con above that dog right there and then one one of my other favorite things to do is to try to multitask a little bit um and so i'm gonna go command copy and uh it's command c and i'm gonna come back over to my layers and i'm gonna lock up my um my upper font and i'm going to go back to my lower font i'm going to click on that and now i'm going to go command v okay and see if that works let me click on my command v there we go and you'll see that it's everything's kind of highlighted there so i'm going to come over to my paths and um i'm going to click on reverse and i'm going to click on reverse is it working i don't think it's working let me see what happens what's happening there nothing's happening there so let's do it the old-fashioned way uh again so let's make sure our layers are locked up the way we want them to good now we're gonna work on lower font and um i'll come to my shapes and i'm gonna get that right there and i'm gonna make a circle and i'm gonna hold one finger on there to get that symmetric circle going for me and working and of course my it's all it's a black circle i can't see through it so i'm gonna blind my fill and come back over to my selection and i'm gonna just go ahead and now it's time for me to put middle school on there so i'm gonna come over here to text and i'm going to put a text box down there that says um middle school whoops shift i can spell school and i'm going to center my text boom right there and then i'm going to select both text and circle and you'll know that you got it right where you want it that way i'm selecting both those guys come to my path place text on path boom there we go and let's click reverse and now it puts it in the circle right but you know what i forgot to do i'm going to go command z as i forgot to mess with my kerning so command z command z and let me come back over here to my text i forgot to mess with the kerning a little bit so i'm gonna stretch those guys out because once i do put it on a circle they're gonna they're gonna kind of scrunch much closer together there we go i think that'll look good okay and then let's try it again let's see what happens go to my path place text in a path go reverse those guys are still touching goodness gracious no social distancing no respect for the social distancing uh command z let's let's mess with this a little bit more let's do this let's it could be my shape too my shape could maybe i can go into an oval here let's mess with the oval and see what happens there i just don't like the way it looks you know um so i'm going to do that and then i think i'm still going to mess with this stuff mess with this kerning tracking what is the track tracking might be the way to go i'm always learning as we go on this stuff it's okay let's see what happens now path text on pat i think it's gonna look much better i don't know why i've just got a feeling nope still there goodness gracious but you know what for the sake of today's lit uh for the sake of time for you guys um let's call it good for right now so that's kind of what we want to do now there's one last thing you want to do because one thing we've learned more recently is that when you're uh dealing with text and you export it it's going to um give you problems unless you create outlines so we're going to click on this and we're going to create outlines and the reason we do that is that all of a sudden now that text is a vector shape okay let me go click on my upper font lock that bad boy up unlock him i'm going to click on my that font right there and my path and i'm going to create outlines there so that when we want to do that because um it's gonna um it's you want it to export properly okay so i'm gonna go ahead and come to my share square the two formats that i'm looking for from you is jpeg and um jpeg and svg okay uh and so we're gonna go ahead and export and we're gonna make sure it's that way and mr russell is a big fan of doing fairly large exports so we do about 1200 on that um the page size let me rewind a little bit the page size is should be 12 inches by 12 inches okay when you've set up your project and then uh we need to make sure i think my oh i gotta make sure you always make sure that you name your files okay and now for an episode of what bugs mr wrestle the most for the love of pete name your files thanks for watching what bugs mr russell the most uh so dave russell i can spell my name i did go to college did i did pass oh i put that put a z in there all right i'm respelling i'm re figuring out how to spell my name i'm gonna hit save it's gonna say where doggy where do you want to save a dude and i'm gonna click on jpeg folder which i've already made and then that's done and then the next thing i need to do is i need to export it as an svg so here we go i'm gonna make it responsive always make your stuff responsive because we could put this on a t-shirt or we could blow it up and put it on a billboard so you always want to do that and of course need to make sure our name's in it again i can't tell you how many times mr russell sees a student without their name their file being named and i'm going to start um i'm probably going to start and try mr three probably going to start rejecting those files if students don't name their files it's going to say where do you want to save it i'm going to say save to files because i want to know where i'm saving it and i think i'm creating a jpeg this time so i'm going to hit save no is that it was that a jpeg nope it's an svg shoot i put it in the wrong place i stayed up late watching tv last night and this is what you get uh let's click save again let's save it to the right place we're going to click svg files beautiful done all right cool and that's looking good okay so this project uh was fairly simple next week we're going to be creating a rincon logo that we put on a california flag and so i think i sent you guys a little teaser video about that i really think this is a fun project i hope you do too i hope this kind of opens your eyes to um all sorts of fun that you can have all right i'm out god bless thanks for watching bye now you
Channel: D & J Wooden Boards
Views: 443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vectornator, text, text outline, vector, tutorial, classroom, graphic design, text on a path, text path, education
Id: NvZnnW8GjrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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