Vector Shading - Draw Inside Shapes (Inkscape tutorial)

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in this tutorial I will show you how to shade inside any object in Inkscape there are three ways to do it I wouldn't say there is one optimal one there is different scenarios which you want to use different methods my favorite one is a clip group but it's not optimal for every situation so let's start so you have a you have object or in that case in this case character this bunny and you want to add shading you can add highlight first so let's say Sun is coming from here so let's add some highlights I'm going to do it super professionally I'm going to just make shapes like one here one here yeah okay let's go here and let's make like small highlight here so let's make it like this and this now we are saying like what these are not highlights and it's super messy and it doesn't look right and you are almost right but you have to wait a second so if you want to make shading inside of this shape you need to use clipping group and you do it like this select your clipping group and you just right click and create clipping group and now you feel like nothing happened but if you look into object manager you can see it's been grouped and there is group in this group called clip so everything in this group will mask anything any object which is inside of this group so this could be a little confusing so let's say let's cut out this object and if you want to add it you need to first double click it so and now paste it come on V and now you can see what you can you can paste it in a place and it passed in place and now you can see it's the shapes are still there but visually they are masked under under the shape so now you can you can shade it as you like and get like hey this and like this and like this okay you can also add shadow so if you create if you are still double clicked or you click them one on the shaded object you're inside of this group and you can associate so you can basically create a new shape like this days and this doesn't matter you can made it like this and you can change the color to the shades to gray well dark not gray yeah and that's how I did it you can you can even like add some kind of cheeks or something like that we've find out new color this one let's say like this and this and it's old mask out yep so you can see these shapes are still there if you go to the view and display outline you can see these shapes are still there but they are masks by this new shape well the new shape but shape which is under and you can you can still edit this shape you can just change it and it will automatically like let's say you want this ear bigger and it's all still flexible and it's still cutting out perfectly as you want so I would use this in any case if you want to do any kind of illustration and you don't care about web or screen printing or anything like that because it's non-destructive you can still edit this and you can like change your mind these days and let's say here and it's still life you can still change it like okay and then like this shadow it should be like farther or less farther I guess and you still have control over this and also you can add strokes it's a little little complicated but it's possible you need to because if you if you select the shape and just add stroke it's going to look bad I can show you you can see it's under the shading you really don't want it so yeah let's not do that but you can double click it select the shape and go edit clone clone original path with LP laughs life path effect and then it will create new shape which is linked to the shape answer it so what it means you can see basically it's copying the two to this shape this shape is copying this shape so you can that's great new layer you can change the color of this layer so we know it's a new layer you need to change this there's and then you have a new layer okay so we are create we are clicking this path you can see you cannot actually move it because it is linked to the object on down there and you can click it actually not you have to click it here you have you can click it and click move to the layer to the layer 2 we just created you can rename it and now it's here you can just change the appearance of this so let's not put any feel and I feel that let's put stroke on it and now we can see it's on top of it which is better but you still really don't want that you want it under the whole shape so you can just click and drag it here and it's there it's under under the whole shape and you can add the width and it's still editable so like if you change this you see it's still it's kind of glitchy it works it's still linked to this and you can do the same thing for the ears so you can select the ears go edit clone create original puff up e and get it out of this group so move it to the wine arts move now it's there and just added some stroke and yeah you can do that and if you want to be fancy you can add power strong fancy but really if you want it to properly you can add power stroke and if you control click you can add new points and also control click again this point and that it you change the type to the fit busier and if you shift click you can set with to zero and also do the same on this and actually you have to change it to this year's move I guess for example maybe this and you can just you can add new and you can just add it here and the same for this and then again it's kind of annoying that you need to do this like this but what else can you do so yeah if you control click you can add a new point and you can control it looks and you don't need to do it like this you can also make sharp ends if you put it like this so yeah you can plug that and once again [Music] yes and actually you can do the same thing for the poor destroy androids so yep so it's lying and you can go to path effect and and the power stroke and yeah you can just change the width of this you can make it smaller bigger yeah so that's method with the clipping mask and really cool thing about this is that this is still alive so like you can change this and still cutting off as you want it I can decide that it wanted cheeks to be like here so that's method 1 it's good for when you when you don't care about printing or vet or whatever and you can still change this shape to do this yeah so method to its path operations so basically it's very similar but also very different so I'm not going to do the same shading but this is the same principle as before but you need to do few more operations so these are highlights this is shadow you need to copy this shape command post it in place and now do some puff operations so I have to unite this shape now it's one shape and copy it because I will need this shape again and select this shape and this shape and make operation intersection and you can see now we have just this shape and everything which was touching become one shape so I need to repeat this operation for every shape you want to add to your shading so I still have even my clipboard this shape so and again click in common death and intersection again come on death and of intersection so yeah disadvantage of this approach is that it's destructive if you change this shape this is not cutting out anymore anything and it's not linked to it and also if you change your mind that oh I wanted this shading to start here you really it's really hard you just need to do it manually and it's not so simple you can you can see that's the one problem of this second problem is for some reason Inkscape does this weird stuff that if you zoom there is some error in operations and there is small gap on the edges when you zoom out and you can feel it you can see it's I don't know if it's if it's visible in a in a video but it's visible to my eye that there is weird ugly edges and it's more visible if you if you make it really contrast so if you make it like white for example you making white this is pink you can see there is a small small pink outline which looks very dirty to me yep but this this approach is good for for the web and if you want to hand these files to the illustrator or screen printing or something like that because if you go to the outline mode display outline you can see all these shapes are all over overlapping and you can see they're like clean compared to this like this looks very messy because these these shapes are outside of the shape so yeah you can do that there is a fix how to how to do this ugly edges very small work and bad I can show you how to did you can go to the path effects for offset and you can add very small offset like 0.1 and now or maybe even like less like 0.3 well just find some value which will overlap this so I don't know I would say what 0.5 to be safe and then you can you can just copy this effect just copy it and you can pass it on other object puff pass puff effects and now it's applied to every object yep so this is the second method with puff operations and there is a third method which is very similar to the clipping group method but this one is slightly different because this work this method works with the paths and this method works with the colour volume from white to black if something is white it's going to be visible and if it's something is black it's it's going to be invisible so let's let's steal this shading yes okay I'm stealing the shading I hope it works okay so same same thing you can and here is shading like this again you can group this and copy and past in the same place so come on death actually it's not the official shortcut so just edit part in the place I don't know what is the official shortcut it's probably hard to remember for me so I change it to come on and now you need to change this to the white color because we want mask to white so now group we are shading and select all of this this needs to be on the top and now you get you go to set you go to set mask yep and you can see this is the very similar thing to the clip group but you don't have the shapes linked so you can't lose this this flexibility of the shading but like you can still edit these shapes if you select this and go to outline notes and maybe you need to select it okay so yeah if you click on this and on this whole group you can still edit this shape but it's no longer linked to the shape Android's so you need to do it manually and it's also not supported in browsers or illustrator so yeah it's not suitable for if you want straight as we didn't put it to the website and just use it it's not just usable for it and you can see it's you can see it's blue and that means that it's a damask and blue outline and if you can see the green means that that is a clip buff and you can still change it and it works so yeah that's three ways how to shade inside another object you
Channel: Adam Belis
Views: 5,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, shading, vector, art, clipping, masking, boolian, inkscape tutorial, tutorial
Id: raCNvTbV9CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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