Custom 3D Objects for Adobe Dimension

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how to make custom 3d objects in Adobe Dimension hey guys Cary Hawkins here with another tutorial in today's tutorial we're going to discuss how to create custom 3d objects using adobe illustrator and photoshop for use in adobe dimension now i've seen some people on youtube make some photoshop tutorials to then make a an adobe dimension object but photoshop's just very inaccurate and so i think i think you're better off if you start with adobe illustrator and then take that shape that's nice and crisp and vector pull it in to photoshop and then make the 3d object inside of that so that's what we're gonna do today now if you know how to make 3d objects in another program like cinema 4d or blender or something like that you're better off doing it that way but this is a cool easy way to make something simple that will work for product you know displays mock-ups if you just can't find a freebee somewhere or it's not in already in adobe dimensions templates so like a water bottle like this for instance so we are going to take this existing water bottle label that I made years ago and we're going to place it in here but first we're gonna make the shape one edge kind of 1/2 if you will of an edge of the shape of the water bottle and then we'll go from there so you want to start in Illustrator and you want to kind of start on one end or the other I would say since we're gonna have a cap on top of this and we're creating two separate pieces we're creating the plastic bottle part itself and then we'll use a cap that's already in Adobe dimension so to create the bottle let's start up here with the pen tool hotkey P and then I'm gonna click and go ahead and give it a black stroke so I can see it maybe five point would be good I'm gonna click over here I'm holding shift as I click and I'm gonna zoom in using alt and the middle mouse wheel so that I can see where I'm going without the alt you just go up and down with all you go in and out and with control you can go left to right so those are really important quick ways to move around without losing your pin tool because otherwise you'd have to use your zoom key all right now come down hold shift to create another point I'm gonna hold shift to come out and you'll notice I'm ignoring some of the three-dimensional qualities of the original image I just want to make this as flat as possible we're gonna come out over here and we're gonna come out and see about here somewhere I'm holding shift and I'm clicking and dragging to create these handles until the preview line matches where I want it to go and then when I release these shape forms to my preview line I'm gonna go all the way down I'm ignoring some of this texture for now we're just gonna come down here kind of make something like this and about there you should be able to see these guidelines if you don't you want to go to view smart guides and turn those on those are very helpful when you're making stuff like this so you know that you're perfectly aligned with your original point and I'm gonna go ahead and complete it for now and do like that and I'll show you why because I'm going to make these little indention areas with I'm going to use a line segment tool so right over here grab that and kind of make it where the label part is and then I'm gonna make some areas for some ripples too so just click drag I'm holding shift and alt as I click on this shift and alt to make a copy see all you get two cursors so that means when you release you will make a copy of what you just clicked on and are dragging shift just helps me keep it in line horizontally and vertically so here we'll just go there I think I like the placement of those I'm gonna shift click or click and drag to grab both I have the background layer locked by the way and then I'm gonna drag both of these and again holding shift and alt to create a copy once I've done that I'm gonna hit control D to duplicate and there you go that's probably enough I'm also gonna grab this and come up here to this area roughly and then I'm gonna delete that one so that I have about the same all over I'm gonna grab all of these and then I'm gonna go over to my Pathfinder and click on divide that will cut them up for me just like so what's cool is now I can right-click on this and say isolate selected group because it just grouped everything and that's gonna take me into isolation mode grab only the smaller parts and you can do this by clicking and holding shift as you go and just make sure that that's all we've got yep that's what we've got I would bring these in ever so slightly about here that's probably gonna be good enough and now you can see that that kind of creates the ripples I'm going to grab everything again come over to Pathfinder and click unite and then I'm going to use my direct selection tool hotkey a to select just this edge on the middle and make sure that you get all of the points that are in between here and here so I like I want the top anchor and I want the bottom anchor but I don't want any of these other anchor points so I'm going to click and drag all of them you can see they're selected I'm going to hit delete so when you're done and let me just move this picture out of the way so I can show you it should look let me put some white pie in there so you can really see it it should look like this and let's just lock that and grab let's do 5 points so you can really see so should look like this when you're done which is just that edge of the water ball now I'm going to grab all of my points from here I'm going to grab those and I'm going to shift click with my direct selection tool on any of the other points along the way that are part of the bevels and see when you do that you get these little circles that appear at every anchor point that's a corner at 90 degree angles but if you click and if all their mush are selected and you click and drag this you can effectively you know round them out to the max degree which is 0.06 inches on my screen it may say something different on yours but if you zoom in you'll see yep I just curved everything and that's gonna make it look more like a traditional plastic bottle what I might do is come up here and select these and actually diminish that a little bit because I think that's a bit strong for that part and I might do the same thing here just a little less on those points but I like that overall that looks really good okay so you've made your object side in Adobe Illustrator next step you want to do is select that go ahead and hit control-c or command-c to copy that come into Photoshop create a new file let's go ahead and make it I'll just use inches because it's easy for me inches are easy I'm gonna make it 5 inches by 10 inches and 72 is fine you want to make sure that it's in RGB mode not CMYK and then hit create now there's my artboard I'm gonna go ahead and hit control V to paste as a smart object probably doesn't really matter I'm gonna shrink it down just a little bit place it over here on the left side good it's selected while it's like to go to 3d new 3d extrusion from selected layer click on that you'll get something similar to this and then you'll want to click on this over here you should get a properties panel and click on all the way at the bottom and I think it starts up here so you want to scroll all the way to the bottom to this one which is Bend x360 right boom come over here place that at zero and it usually takes a second to update there it is it didn't actually update did it go back yeah it didn't want to there we go zero great now that's your object which is that's what it's gonna look like inside of our 3d program and so far I'm I'm pleased enough with that if you wanted to you could always go back in and sort of alter up how this portion appears I rather not mess with it I might check off catch shadows and cast shadows though I don't think you need those and we'll probably add our own shadows in Adobe dimension but something like that is gonna be just fine while you're in your layers tab over here you want to right-click on your 3d object and just say export 3d layer you want to click the format wavefront object for Adobe dimension just hit OK go ahead and just label it bottle I'll go ahead and do that there yep I'm replacing one I already made and now let's go into Adobe dimension Creek click create new you can hit control I to import or command I here's our bottle object file that we made go ahead and open the weird thing is it will always place it somewhere odd this is the arrow that tells you actually where it is for some reason it won't put it in the middle of your screen I don't know why there's no real reason so just come over to properties position and 0 everything out and then you should see your bottle there it is there it is I'm gonna zoom in with the middle mouse wheel I'm going to hold space and right click to pan I'm gonna zoom back out a little bit and again space holding space down while right-clicking on my mouse will give me this pan option pan up and down left and right if you just use your right click it will give you the rotate option so you rotate on an axis like like so hold space and you can pan okay so here is our 3d object is over here vector smart object go ahead and click on it and you'll see it's got five sort of layers to it the only one you really want is this one right here these other layers are usually if you're making something in Photoshop it's going to create these funky unnecessary remnants and you'll see them especially if you make this into glass or plastic it'll show up so what you should do is click here zero the opacity on any of these dark grey ones so zero zero and zero and then come to this one and what I would do is throw on a plastic texture you should already have Adobe standard materials plastic is second row middle material just click and drag it and boom you've made plastic now if you want if you want it to look like a plastic water bottle you need to drop the opacity to maybe 20 or 25% and that's what you're going to get you're gonna get this somewhat opaque or somewhat transparent looking plastic bottle which is what we want and if you want to quickly render that out to see you can click this button up here and it will do a fast render for you you can see yeah that's that's actually looking ok we're we're getting what we want we get some nice cool reflections from the plastic it's not in completely transparent but you really can't see a whole lot of color in the bottle itself so that's that's really good I'm gonna go ahead and click that off now as I've got my vector smart object selected here double click in again to go to these I'm going to click on plastic just so I can add a new graphic right in here now this is the graphic I created earlier so you'll have to save your JPEG file of your label and your whatever program you and then come over here and find it let's see I think mine was a label JPEG boom let's go ahead and put that in there and it what it does is it's going to create a weird it's gonna do this which is just really strange Oh also I meant I made a mistakes this is good on plastic opacity zero not what you want to do you actually want to come to translucence and bump up the translucence to probably 90 85 somewhere in that range and then change the base color to white so that's really what you want to do that's going to get you more of that plastic look and not make your graphic a low opacity so good thing I did that because I did that earlier and that's a mistake alright so now we've clicked on our graphic and let's just drag this around I'm just clicking anywhere and dragging until I can see it fully so it's about there and I probably want to shrink it down just ever so slightly so it fits in that space okay so if we go here it's gonna create it on both sides again this is not perfect you know if you need the back label as well to show like nutritional information stuff like that this probably isn't gonna be a good way to do it because I don't know the workaround for that dimensions just not a perfect 3d software it's just so-so but you know if you can just get a nice-looking preview of what you're making sometimes you can still sell it to your clients better so that's really all we're going for here is it a better than usual mock-up so let's just say right there and if you want to check again the preview you can do that if you need you can make sure the placements decal not fill and opacity probably a hundred percent roughness the higher this is the more matte it's going to appear the lower it is the more shiny it's going to appear so let's just drop it down and make it really shiny and if you want it to be metallic you can up that too I probably won't do any metallic with this one since that would be unusual for a water bottle to have metallic qualities to it let's see there you go once you click on this thing you almost lose everything you were doing it's just not the best program in the world to get this done but we are going to just shrink that down a little bit more maybe that's frustrating see not the best but it gets the job done in a pinch okay that looks pretty cool I think over here we get a little bit more light let's do that and let's go ahead and add the camp now I don't think you can really make the cap in Adobe Illustrator in Photoshop because of those kind of grooves that are on the side if I go back you know you know look here these grooves right here I think would be nearly impossible to make unless you're using a 3d software that's meant to do that so what I would just do in this case is good grab this square bottle here so let's just place that it's too big so we're gonna have to bring the scale down to I don't know let's see what 0.5 does all across that's still too big maybe point 4.4.4 and that should be okay I'm gonna click this up about here actually yeah yeah let's just do that we'll bring it up and pan up a little bit what you can do is click on the square bottle folder and it's going to have bottle safety ring and lid you don't want the bottle so just click on bottle and then delete but the lid and safety ring we still want I think there's still a little bit large we could do 0.3 0.3 excuse me from 3.3 that might be a good size I might go point three five that looks really good I think and again I'm just grabbing this Green Arrow to place it but something about like that looks pretty good now what I want to do with this you could make this a white one I kind of like to match this blue so let me just open up illustrator and get the values in RGB so 2766 152 and 2766 152 let's come into the lid and double click this mature click on this lid material and then the base color and I've already forgot it 2766 152 2766 152 was that what I said yes all right 26 27 66 152 cool and then I'm gonna add that same thing to the safety ring so it looks like it already did great I must have been on both cool but if you wanted the safety ring to be a different color you could do that too anyway I like that I'm gonna add a I might add a little bit of plastic to it I don't know it probably looks fine as it is so let's just leave it but you could add this plastic material to those as well let's just do a quick render and see how we look so far yeah that's coming along really well I like the shininess of the label this looks kind of flatter maybe more plasticky looking like it's kind of cool and then this bottle looks really good I mean you can see all the insides and parts of it the sort of inter lap inter lap here and like have refractions and stuff that's cool I love it for a custom 3d thing using illustrator and Photoshop that's not too bad and if you wanted to you could probably come in and add let's see if you wanted to add some water to it for instance because if we put a picture let me let me just do that picture real quick over here on template images you can add like a table and so boom there's your table now it's not aligned very well with the grid but let's just go with it for the sake of this tutorial as it renders you'll be able to see probably too much of what's behind of the image here but if there was real water in it it would be even more distorted so you could just simply add maybe a cylinder that's massive let's turn this off and let's go to scale oh I don't know one point two point two point two money I don't know why it won't let me do that but it won't okay point two what's going on Wow well the program is a little bit buggy guys it won't let me change that there we go now I did huh that's so weird well there you go let's do position zero that out so that everything's aligned because all of our other things were in the zero position you can also instead of changing position scale size you can also do things here so I'm gonna shrink it down to about there I'm gonna bring this up to about here I'm gonna go ahead and create a little bit higher on the Y maybe maybe two there I don't know we're gonna let's do a bevel click that 0.79 now that's about perfect actually that's kind of what I want and bevel it here I may not do the one up here so that's gonna look fake I think I would just bring the size in a little bit more so probably there just so you can't see it and then I'm gonna give that a texture of water which is right here so oh I don't want to cover my bottle let's just go into cylinder and bring the water over here okay so now I want to go to render and just see what this looks like I'm gonna do low fast and let's just do a PNG so it's takes up less time I'm gonna do a fast render hopefully this only takes 30 seconds to a minute something like that but as it starts putting it together you can see already the shine is looking really good the flatness of the cap looks very good plastic you got a nice shiny looking label catches all of the reflection here and then you get a little bit of natural shadow from the lighting that was just default and hopefully you get a little bit of more in refractions here with the water that I put in even though it wasn't perfect for a fast quick easy simple 3d tutorial using non 3d oriented software I think this does remarkably well anyway let me know what you guys think of this tutorial if that was helpful to you leave some comments down below like subscribe all that and share all of that stuff helps my channel grow and I'm amazed I'm almost to 4,000 subscribers right now so we've we've grown a lot since three thousand and I really haven't made very many videos I've kind of shortchanged you guys anyway let me know what you think and I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Cary Hawkins
Views: 148,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, dimension, adobe dimension, tutorial, Custom 3D object, 3d adobe dimension, 3d, 3d objects, 3d objects in photoshop, adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop, illustrator, photoshop, 3d objects for Adobe Dimension, dimension tutorial, 3D water bottle, water bottle label, 3d tutorial, product mockup tutorial, 3d product tutorial, 3d product design, product mockup, create 3d product, product, Custom 3D Objects for Adobe Dimension, adobe dimension tutorial, Custom 3D Objects, custom
Id: bklNgtpUqi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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