VAN TOUR - Tiny House with Amazing SHOWER!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ms-Wibbles 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome guys this is snow and I'm Kurt and we  spent eight months converting this van into a   tiny home on wheels because we are taking it on  a 10-year journey around the world we've been   living in it for one year so we thought we'd show  you guys around yeah come check this thing out   welcome to our tiny house on wheels first thing  you may notice about our van if you've watched   other van tour videos or you know some van lifers  it's a little bit different it's segmented into   spaces we have a living room we have a kitchen  we have a bathroom and we have a bedroom and our   travels over the past year because guys we've  lived in this van for one year today we decided   to shoot this video kind of as an anniversary  of living in a van for one year and we've met   a lot of an lifers along the way and RB ends a  bit different so we wanted to make sure we kind   of showcased that and explain to you how it all  flows into one amazing little space the first   thing we have is a couch a nice-sized couch guys  two people can sit here very comfortably and we've   got some we had these cushions custom-made  very nice very soft really nice comfortable   couch which is a centerpiece of our living room  underneath you're gonna see Kurt built drawers so   this is my drawer for clothes storage and then on  this side because it's a little bit smaller this   current storage drawer then up above we have food  storage plenty of room for our kids right here in   these little shelves so they don't slide around  more food storage on this side above a max air   fan so that we can control the airflow in our van  and we wanted that specifically right here so we   could have airflow in our living room but also  in a kitchen meant for when we're cooking on our   induction top hooked up so any hot air or steam  or whatever can get sucked right out of this net   so that works out very nice we've got plenty  of countertop space the nice thing about our   induction cooktop is it can also be countertop  space and we went with this guys mainly because   well two reasons our van does not have propane  and that was by design because we're taking this   being around the entire world literally a ten  year journey around the world and we knew that   filling up propane tanks and other countries  with different fittings would become a hassle   so no propane was important to us for that and  also because we didn't want the heat put off in   the van and we have our two kitty cats g-money  and vana who are traveling with us and we didn't   want them to jump up and burn their feet the cool  thing about an induction top is if the pans not   on it it won't be hot so that was pretty cool  so that's our cook space right here really nice plenty of kitchen space a nice deep kitchen which  was important to us it makes it much easier to   wash dishes we can keep some fresh fruits of  fruits and veggies right here paper towels our   spices that we don't use often go right here the  go tunes that we use all the time they're gonna   be up here your salt and your pepper you're gonna  be up here with our dishes and some more kitchen   supplies you know some Tupperware just all kinds  of stuff plenty of storage in this pan now I'm   gonna take you to underneath our kitchen counter  which on this side it's gonna be some storage for   some cleaning you know if we got a cooler extra  food stuff like that we've got utensils here   and of course the occasional shot glass might be  needed if you're journeying around the world and   then we've got our larger utensils for cooking  in the bottom drawer that's a catch-all you've   got to have a junk drawer hey guys that's  what that is now what happens if you move   this way into our kitchen is it starts to turn  into the bathroom because on this side you got   our toothpaste drawer right there you got Kurt's  drawer with his contacts top deodorants stuff like   that and then on the bottom that's my drawer so  this is part of our bathroom which brings me to   the next part of our van almost can't forget the  centerpiece of a kitchen which is the refrigerator   so we've got plenty of room for a few condiments  a couple of beers some leftovers fresh fruits and   veggies and the cool thing is we even have a teeny  tiny little freezer up top that will hold some   small ice cube trays and small feet of ice cream  underneath there I called us the pantry a gigantic   drawer tons of storage room in there nice little  safety latch so it doesn't come open underneath   which is not there right now because the kiddies  are not in the van is where we keep the litter   box but if you didn't have kitty cats that is a  ton of storage space right there now back to the   bathroom as I stepped away from our toothpaste  drawer I stepped into this tall area this hall   area can do some pretty magical things first I'm  going to show you how it is most of the time when   we're in the van right here we have some storage  boxes this is kind of a catch-all one for me   one for Kurt you know just you don't want to put  something away but you don't want it laying around   there and these are really helps to keep the van  tidy I got a bench where I can sit right here we have a slide-out table someone can sit  on that side if you want to play a game of   cards or something like that this can go away  right here is our oven and that slides out from   underneath the beds so when it's on you don't  have a fire hazard if I'm going to closed into   a tight space underneath the van underneath  there is a drawer mainly for our pots and pans   a nice-sized big pullout drawer lots of space  in there so right here on this bench that I was   just sitting on is also where we put our what  I like about ours it's a seed head boiler is   that size there it's a full-size toilet guys  good side that's some storage there's some   bathroom stuff the more storage right there you  can never waste storage space when living in 94   square feet it goes right back to just be in a  bench with cushions that match our couch above   up here towels extra toilet paper and stuff for  the composting toilet just bathroom supplies   and then on this side you may notice this crazy  showerhead and that's because I am also standing   inside of our shower now the cool thing is we  can't run these jets and this at the same time   but we've got a rain shower you got some - you  also have this little handle if you need to you   get some water through this so I'm going to show  you guys real quick how we turn this into a shower so guys that's how we have a full-size shower  inside of our van which a lot of people are like   you don't need that much of a shower in a van  but I want you to just stop and think about the   fact that we are going to be living in this van  full-time for 10 to 12 years traveling all around   the world we don't have access to gems full-time  or friends houses full-time and you know that's   we're going to other countries there may not be  truck stops where you can pay $10 and use a shower   so having a nice secure shower inside of our van  was very important to us so now guys let's take   a look at the bedroom it is a queen-size bed and  we did it long ways and this is the main reason we   knew we needed a 170 extended Sprinter Kurt's six  foot two so we had to squeeze this thing in here   it's a suite the Queen's short size mattress we  love this mattress it's eight inches thick it's   built to a perfect height where we can sit here  without Kurt hitting his head and it's just nice   and cozy we've got plenty of storage in here on  both sides and a cool thing that Kurt did with our   storage is as it goes back closer to where your  head would be when you're sleeping the cabinets   get skinnier it kind of angled back so you don't  feel like you're laying back there in a little   box when you're sleeping but yet you maximize  your storage space on each side of the bed we   have Windows with little window shelves where you  can sip your drinks or add some pretty flowers or   some books over here and then one of my favorite  things about our van that a lot of people don't   think about when you're building a van is where  are you gonna put your dirty clothes so let me   show you that on this side the bed right here  you'll see this sliding door there's another   one back there which is just some more storage  for some uh current stuff but let me show you   how this thing works now if you drop something  right there in that open space it's gonna fall   into a laundry hamper under the bed that you  access from the garage it's the perfect place   to keep your dirty clothes because there's no  smell you're not tripping over them and that's   something that I don't think a lot of people think  about when they're building a van so if you guys   are thinking about it man build it at a place  to keep your dirty clothes cuz this is coming   very handy let me show you a little bit more about  our bedroom back here we have a second max air fan   that's so we can circulate air through the van  you've got two things one can be going out one   can be going in and it's a nice flow we also have  little fins right here by both of us which just   helps to keep the air from getting stale in a van  which is nice it also provides some white noise   at night so that's always nice to help you sleep  better shelves here that I told you about earlier   underneath this shelf right here is more storage  space I guess that storage is invaluable in a van   I have a little shelf right here for my phone I've  got a place to plug in all my USB stuff right here   we each have a reading light on each side of our  bed and here is the status of our solar control   system so we can see that from either outside from  the back by the garage or from right here and we   have a screen right here so if we do decide  to open up the back windows the back doors no   bugs can get it so you've seen our kitchen you've  seen our closet our dining room table our shower   in our bathroom you've seen our bedroom you've  seen quite a bit of our storage but you haven't   seen what we consider the most important part  of our van it's the area where we hang out so   before you guys come up here and hang out with  me for an I'm gonna put up our window shades   because that's how we keep the temperature  in the van nice and cool so let's do that and just like that we have a nice cozy living  room so both of our front seats swivel around   so they can be kind of like recliners or lazy  boys if you will in our living room the cool   thing we have right here this little table that  pops up it's really nice because you can just   slide your chair up if you want to be closer  to the table maybe put your laptop here and do   some work watch some TV on your computer right  here with someone sitting on the couch but for   the most part you stay back like this we have  the two seats that turn around plus we have a   couch that's easily easily since two people we  have had six people in this band comfortably   having cocktails at one time so with that let's  head on back outside and let Kurt finish up the   tour of this band hey guys I hope you enjoyed  the van tour inside the snow asked me to talk   about outside one of the first things I want to  talk about is the screen door and so the screen   door has just been an awesome addition to the  van it allows us to open up the inside and sort   of bring you outside-in and inside-out the cat's  love it they watch from there and I've also built   this little fold down table here so when we're  sitting out here and join the outside we have a   place to put our coffee and our other stuff and  then underneath here I'm putting a little drawer   so we can grab shoes or whatever else we might  need from the outside and then I have a little   cubby down here there's some tools some special  locks and some other stuff that we have but while   I'm down here I can't talk about the outside of  the van without talking about what's under the   van and what's on top of the van so all most of  our plumbing is under chassis and so we have a   27 gallon freshwater tank a 15 gallon gray water  tank and then for our freshwater system we have   a huge filtration system so it goes all the way  down to one micron and then we have a sediment   and then we have a UV light as well and so if we  move back to the van you guys probably heard snow   talking about the shower so under chassis we have  a complete separate water system that includes a   filtration system and UV light and ten gallons  of storage for a recirculating shower system now   we change that water out about once a week but  that thing is amazing it gives us nice long hot   showers and I should mention our hydronic heating  system which is also motor under the band keeps   both the fresh water and the shower separately now  up on top if you'll notice we have a thousand 80   watt of tilting solar and what that means guys is  we can maximize our solar impact when the sun's   when the sun's not all the way up that's the we  love the tilting aspect of it and what's really   cool is we have a huge storage space up there for  storing some light clothes and other things that   we just don't have space for in the van and no van  tour is complete without seeing the garage come on so I talked about all my water systems so back  here on the door is where I hang my hoses for   filling and draining and all that type of stuff  I have some other sports hard toys over here on   the lab but over here I have an air compressor and  then really kind of the key to the system is just   800 amp hour battery bank lithium-ion battery  bank that I have here now just a couple other   things I've got some drawers built in to make  it easy to access my tools and other things we   also carry a couple foldable electric bikes  back here it's so I built this tray so this   would slide out and so you see there's some other  things you typically find in a garage like light   storage I also have some of my air conditioning  components and ductwork inside the garage as well hey guys we hope you enjoyed the van tour come  along and join us in our Tech Talk series in that   series I show you how we build all the stuff  in the van I show you some other things as   well but we also have a real-life band life talk  series and that's just where we keep it real and   we talk about van light stuff we use and just  how it goes down in van light and then we also   have a travel series and that's the cinematic  version of our travels and all the cool things   that we see we bring you along so come on guys  come with us join the community see on the next   one Cheers if you liked this video be sure to  give us a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel   and hit the notification bell so you know when  we put out new videos to see behind the scenes   action and help support our journey head over  to our YouTube membership page you can find   the link in the video description thanks for  watching and we'll see you guys in a few days
Channel: Snow & Curt
Views: 3,479,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Van tour tiny house, Van Tour, van tour with shower, van tour van life, van tour with bathroom, van tour with shower and toilet, recirculating shower, full time van life, full time travel, van life travel, snow and curt, custom van build, van build, van conversion, campervan tour, living in a van, van life vlog, tiny home, tiny house, tiny home tour, vantour, vanlife, van, sprinter van conversion, full time travel couple, van life vloggers, Van life tour, van build tour
Id: 4VBWiMudQf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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