LUXURIOUS Custom Van Tour | MASSIVE Black Slate Shower | 12v AC | Full Course On This Build!

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hey everyone we just got done converting this 2018 ram promaster 2500 159 inch wheelbase into an off-grid home on wheels let's show you inside and show you everything that we've done to this bad boy we basically will start up here at the front we have a full height closet and full drawers underneath so we have these little baskets for storage laundry at the bottom mirror at the top and tons of room for hanging your shirts up here at the top these all closed and all of our cabinets in the entire van have these nice little latches on them so that they close super clean and stay closed while you're driving moving up here we have a wabasto airtop stc2000 that is a heater so that runs on gas the controller for that is up there so you can control that right there change your ventilation temperature all that kind of stuff up here in the front and then down here on the bottom we have this nice little vent so that that heater blows out of this vent across this area right here and keeps the van nice and warm whenever you want it to be warm in here um basically moving back this way we have our shower so this is a three foot by two foot shower two foot out this way obviously and we basically use these nice hexagon black tiles to make it look kind of like a slate look and have this nice modern feel inside we have a nice little led strip up at the top that goes all the way along the inside that's a little touch activated led strip and that is in a white color because it kind of complements the black to have a nice clean white in there and then we have this nice little shower head right here little mixer right here and then this is a sea head composting toilet so this thing diverts the urine and separates the solid waste into the back compartment and you can lift this entire toilet out of the shower if you did want to have more room in the shower and that thing basically just sits in there while you're driving if you're going to go down a really bumpy road then you can always bungee it down or something like that but it's pretty solid for most uses that's the shower we have a nice sliding door on here that's a nautilus retractable sliding door and you can kind of see how big the shower is when i'm inside of it so it's super comfortable and uh we're gonna be able to take awesome showers in here where the client will be able to take some awesome showers in there so go ahead and close that so you can see working our way back on this side we have some coffee cake and a phone and a nice cabinet right here so this is basically the storage cabinet for most of our kitchen appliances and things like that so we open these they have latches on either side to really prevent these doors from swinging open while you're driving up on top we have a nice little silverware drawer where you can store all your utensils knives things like that that's kind of a hidden drawer to keep faces looking clean underneath i would probably use this for cups bowls plates things like that down here on the bottom we have another drawer that opens and this is more of a pots pans uh large appliances instant pot things like that at least that's what i would use it for so just kind of all your kitchen appliances can go down there and then that also closes with double latches we also have uh toe kicks underneath nice high gloss toe kicks so it makes it super easy to clean all of the toe kicks in the van and those match on all sides here so we have those toe kicks going all the way around and then cabinets on top of that these counters just since we're looking at them these are solid acacia counters with a live edge on the edge alright so moving over here we have the rest of the kitchen this is basically starting on this end we have our acacia countertop again once again we actually bought two pieces of this acacia counter and then cut one of them down here in the middle and then the other piece is cut and we used that as the rear table back there but we'll show you that in a second so this is basically a little pop-up counter right here so that you can use this if the bed is in bed mode you can spin this seat around right here swivel that around and then use this as a desk or somewhere to eat breakfast while your bed is actually in bed mode instead of having to convert the entire dinette so this is just kind of a backup the other option is to use this to cook on or work on or whatever you want to do it's always nice to have more counter space and then that has two little latches underneath that you just pull and drop it down that's just a pop-up counter shelf or pop-up shelf bracket on amazon moving this way we have our dometic crx110 fridge this is a fridge freezer and basically has tons of room in there so we have enough room for all of our gallons or half gallons and things like that produce spins on the bottom nice little freezer compartment on top right there for ice cream and things like that frozen fruit all those goodies this little shelf is kind of for eggs or something like that i think or maybe spices or you know dressings condiments things like that but this thing has tons of room in it and it has some lights inside to keep it all eliminated we went with black because we wanted to kind of match all of the black appliances in the van together so moving this way we have the dual burner induction stove this is from impava and this basically uses a total of 1800 watts so each one of these burners can share the 1800 watts so you have 1800 watts of total power this thing is on a 20 amp circuit an ac circuit of course because this is an ac induction stove and it's just hard wired in so you can just turn it on click which stove top you want and change the settings accordingly and this entire cabinet on this side is ventilated so it's actually ventilated using an automatic thermostat switch so you have a vent fan sucking air in through here back from that corner and then another fan blowing air out the back of this so this is vented on the back side so as you can see right here this is our little vent that basically allows air to be removed from this cabinet so we have this set on 100 degrees so whenever the air inside of this cabinet gets to 100 degrees from either the compressor in the fridge or the stove then those two fans are gonna turn on and start sucking air through this cabinet super nice to have that on an automatic thermostat because you don't ever have to deal with um turning that fan on or having it running all day so that's pretty much everything for the stove there then we have our pantry right here this is just a two-shelf vertical pantry really stoked on this you have tons of room for dry food and it's right next to your free fridge freezer so it's really kind of systematic and you have all your food stored in this section so give all your cold food wet food produce stuff like that over there and then a nice dry pantry right here for all of your dry goods tons of room in here you have room for wine bottles on the bottom or whatever you could possibly want to fit and once again this entire section of this cabinet is fully ventilated so that these things are protected from overheating then moving this way we have our faucet and our filtered water spigot so this is just a nice little faucet right here we have two modes that one and the sprayer so if you're doing dishes you can kind of spray them off move that around pretty convenient this does have hot and cold water and then this one over here is just for filtered drinking water and this one goes through an aquasana two-stage water filter so that's basically what we've installed in line and we're gonna go ahead and show you that underneath this cabinet um moving down into this cabinet right here go ahead and open this door and we have a trash can that you can just set out right there with a nice little lid on it and then inside of here let's go ahead and move that inside here we have our plumbing coming in so we have a cold line and a hotline this is all half inch pecks with shark bite adapters and those are both adapted into our sink uh cold and sink hotlines right there right over here we have our water filter supply line and that's basically going into the input of the water filter just like this on the other side that's just a push to connect this is a little adapter that comes with the water filter kit itself just to tee it in and then this is a two-stage water filter it works really good i'm really pleased with this i've tried a lot of different water filters and most of them have not worked so this thing is pumping out really clean tasty drinking water and then this is the output line which basically runs up to our spigot on top here then over here on the other side we have our drain so this just basically is the drain for the sink and it's plumbed through these adapters all the way out the floor pretty simple and then we just have that pipe going out the bottom of the van and you can connect that to a gray water tank if you choose or just have it running out at the bottom depending on your preference then we can close this door we have these little latches once again on everything so when you close them everything is soft closed super nice but then once they're closed you can give them a good little push in to kind of clasp those shut so i would highly recommend always buying a lot of these if you are doing a van conversion and just putting them everywhere so working our way over to here we basically have our control pillar this is where we have our renegy battery monitor this is a 500 amp battery monitor and it's just wired down into a shunt which is uh basically right between the negative terminal of your battery and your negative bus bar and that's basically sending you all your data on how many amps are going into the batteries and being pulled out of the batteries right underneath that we have our inverter on off switch so you can basically control your inverter right here and turn on all of your ac appliances in the van and all of your ac power supply using that little switch makes it super convenient so you can kind of keep that off most of the time unless you're using the stove or any of the ac outlets right down here we have this nice little dimmer switch for the leds so this controls the puck lights up in the ceiling as you can see right here you can turn those lower or higher and then on the bottom of that switch we have a full on off so you can just kind of turn those on and off depending on what you want we wanted to show you right here we do have these mosquito nets so these are just standard mosquito nets and they are velcroed on they work really good and i basically used fiberglass ones because they're a little bit easier to see through so you don't have all the lines everywhere and then on this edge this edge is just tucked into the molding as well as this curtain we also have that tucked in so to kind of show you this curtain as well over here this thing is basically just mounted on this nice black curtain rod pulls across just like that and then we have our other curtain over here that basically meets it in the middle and those two joints seal just have a couple things down here so that's getting stuck but uh that's pretty much all for mosquito nets and the curtains and now we're gonna show you the bed all right guys so over here we have our water pump switch this is the on off switch for your water pump that would turn it off that would turn it on that's just a standard 12 volt switch wired into your hotline of one of your dc power lines basically and on the other line it's supplying power down to our water pump which is down on our plumbing cabinet over here we have our hot water heater timer so the cool part about this is it allows you to pulse 20 or 30 minutes to your hot water heater of electricity instead of turning your hot water heater on to actually let it fully heat up permanently and reheat once you're in the shower wasting electricity this thing is only going to give it one dose of electricity to basically heat the four gallons up that are in it that connects to a four gallon hot water heater we just used an ecosmart just based on our dimensions but you can also use a bosch 4 gallon hot water heater for that then we have another outlet right here installed into the window sill that has our usb ports and this is perfect for charging up and kind of using this as like a laptop work area so moving back to our rear dinette we went with the rear dinette style and our client is sleeping sideways back here so this is actually six foot wide exactly between the windowsills and between the walls so when you drop these rear cushions down into the middle turn it into a bed then you have a six foot bed and we'll show you how that works in a second but for now we'll just show you the dinette we have a lagoon mount table right here with another piece of the acacia cut on top so this is basically just the acacia counter and i just cut off the live edge so that it's square and fits onto this nice little ridge here that spins around and this entire thing you can pivot around in here it has to do all the lagoon mount tables so you can kind of move that to wherever you want you could be working you can kind of bring it over here and nothing does come in very handy for just having flexible workspace or dining room area then we basically have five of these cushions these are four inch memory foam cushions and these are just upholstered with a nice dark gray microfiber suede material so it's basically just like a faux suede has this nice finish on it they're super easy to clean this is my favorite material and we basically just have five of these cushions so one of these two base ones are 24 inches wide these ones sitting up on the back are 12 inches tall so they sit flush with the cat with the window sills back here and then we have this rear one which just covers the rear bench and when the bed is converted that's just kind of an extra cushion as a pillow or a backrest or something like that so i'm going to go ahead and show you guys how the bed converts from the dinette into the bed so converting it is pretty simple you're basically going to undo your table set it off to the side for a second then we're just going to take our laguna mount off it's pretty much as simple as undoing this bottom lagoon mount right here sliding that off then you can just set this off to the side we're just going to put it up here for now i can always store that somewhere else take your table drop that down onto these little ridges here that basically just slides right down there and we have these nice little 1x2 ridges that this sits on so that table is rock solid in there and then that becomes the support for your bed then you just take this middle cushion out set that aside pull these backgrounds down like that and you have your rear bed made so that is a full-size bed six feet long by 54 inches wide so you do sleep this way and it is super comfortable it's four inches of memory foam plus you have some uh this other fabric that they use in upholstery it's just kind of like a material to keep the cushions from looking wrinkly so i would always recommend that i can kind of show you guys that real quick what these look like on the inside so it has this material on here and that basically just wraps the cushions and keeps this outer material looking nice and smooth and it adds a little bit more cushion to your cushions then you have this as a backrest so that if you want to relax in bed you can sit up here and you know work on your laptop or whatever you want to do this becomes a really nice backrest here so as you can see it's pretty simple to transition the bed doesn't really take that long and you can always switch it back to your dinette or bed depending on what you want then you have this nice big beautiful view of the ocean right here or wherever your park next to to wake up to you in the morning all right guys so we've gone over the entire base of the van pretty much except the electrical and plumbing which we'll show you in a second now to move up to the upper portion of the van we have our upper cabinets right here these basically just open on these nice hinges instead of doing that whole hydraulic strut thing these hinges are a lot nicer they're from ikea and they just work really really good they help to kind of lift these doors open right here and then you have this nice little latch right here as well so these hold tons of stuff these are all 36 inches long so you can put like a yoga mat or a camp chair even up into these upper cabinets and you have four of these all around so tons of storage up top for whatever you could really need and those all snap shut with these nice little rv latches just like that then basically moving over here this is one of the prizes of this van this is the fres air evaporative cooler it's technically an evaporative cooler not an air conditioner but it does do almost the same thing it blows really cold air out of it we've compared this to an air conditioner and it's some days it's slightly less cold but almost always it is matching what an air conditioner can put out and that's just using water and 10 amps of 12 volt electricity so it's super low amperage it's 120 watts rated 220 watts on high and that is dc so it's basically connected and supplied through this little hose right here which has two water lines in it one line carrying water up to the unit one line returning water back down and then we do have some wires running through there as well to supply water to the water pump that's down on the bench and as well as the float that's going to indicate if you have low water so basically this thing works awesome if we turn it on here you press the power button it's going to warm up and start blowing some super strong super cold air out of here and within about five minutes the air starts to really cool down as it starts to actually absorb the water up into the filter the way that this whole system works is it actually has one of these which is a pine filter so basically this is inside of the unit up on top of the roof and this kind of sits in a pool of water and then this thing basically sucks air through this uh wet pine so as the air passes through the wet pine it cools the air down and we have super cold air blowing out of here any time and this is also super strong so wherever this is positioned is going to cool down the entire area underneath it completely adequate and this is definitely one of the best solutions to van life air conditioning especially for the price without spending five grand or without using a ton of electrical because we're only at 10 amps the closest competition is five grand and pretty much uh 50 amps about 40 to 50 amps of 12 volt dc power so that's not very feasible for most people on an off-grid system so this thing definitely solves those issues so that's basically all for the fresno this thing works amazing i'm super stoked on this product um and it basically just blows nice cold evaporative cooled air to anywhere underneath it you can also use it without the water you can turn off the water or you can just have it as a fan there's a lot of options up here but this blower is extremely powerful and you can always seal those vents if you wanted to close off one vent moving up we have our led puck lights on the ceiling this is all just ship lap um and then back here or up at the front of the van we just have a max air deluxe pretty standard vent fan right here this is for exhausting air out of the ceiling um obviously we have a little manual open right here and that thing just kind of keeps all of the hot air pulled out of the van and that is ventilated via two rear slider windows which we'll just show you in a second so as you can see we have two of these motion windows rear windows on the back doors with these little slides in them so the cool part about these is they lock like that you can open these and slide the glass open or slide the screen open as well those things are awesome and the cool part is that we have two of these so when you're laying in bed and the vent fan is turned on you have air being sucked through both of these two rear uh vented windows so you do always want to have air flow coming through the van it's going to protect all of your wood in the van protect everything in the van and just kind of keep it nice and cool and have fresh air inside so that's where having these nice little slider rear windows comes in very handy these are from motion windows on the sides of the van we'll go around the side here we have these cr lawrence full length windows these basically take up the entire rear quarter panel of the van and those are super awesome they uh basically they're kind of expensive but they give you this nice panoramic view out of the entire side of the van so moving down from our window right here we have our water fill so we have two options for filling your water we have city water pressure right here so that's where you would screw a hose in and it's super nice to have the spill on the outside of the van because when water drips out these things are notoriously unreliable especially when you're unplugging your hose so no matter what how good you are what kind of water fill valve you have you're going to spill water so for us we basically put it right here on the back so that when we spill water it just runs down the side so we have a city water fill and a gravity water fill right next to it so that one is gravity and that one basically means you can just pour water in and then this one is also a vent hose so that basically allows the tank to vent while you're filling it with city or gravity so that it can kind of breathe out the top and release that pressure inside so it doesn't over inflate and pop or anything like that so that's pretty much all for that water fill now we're going to go ahead and show you the back side of the van the electrical system plumbing and the garage all right guys so we are at the back of the van here just wanted to give you a tour of all of the internals of the rear benches and basically everything that's inside here so we'll start off right here in the middle this is the simple part this is just our kind of mock miniature garage so inside here we just have two of these nice wire baskets these just slide out so that you can put wet things things like leashes and all kinds of stuff like that in there and we do have two of those baskets and then we have a little bit of plumbing and electrical running across on the inside this is just a nice little door here and this matches the rest of the faces and then that just snaps shut in the middle there moving over to this side we have a little shower box so this opens up with a key this is actually designed for the outside of an rv you can just kind of open that up grab your little shower head right out of there pretty convenient and then you can literally just turn it on just like this so you have a nice little outdoor shower you have hot and cold water so there's hot water here cold water here then when you're done with this you can kind of let it drain out wrap it up here and then just slide that back into that box shut that box and it kind of keeps it nice and consolidated so the cool part about having that is if you wanted to rinse off your dog or rinse off your mountain bike or gear or anything like that then you can take that little sprayer you can mount it up on the door you could get a little shower head mount or something like that or just use it to spray everything off um you know kind of have a nice little outdoor rinse station and then you can store any of that gross gear inside of here so it doesn't ever come inside the van moving over to this side this is our fuse panel and we're going to show you that in a little bit when we go over the electrical system but for now i wanted to explain the plumbing system all right guys so we just wanted to show you what's inside of our plumbing bench so basically back here we have a 42 gallon water tank that thing fits all the way up to the front up against our front cabinet there and then inside of here our other components are basically a 4 gallon electric hot water heater that is connected to our hot water line and basically supplies hot water to the entire van then we have our little shower box here our water pump here and then down at the bottom there we have another pump which is what supplies the water up to our fresh air so we have two of these uh lines going up to the fresh air one of them is the supply line and then this line right here returns water back down into the top of the tank from the fresher unit so then we also have our fill lines we have our city water fill which is this blue one here our gravity water fill which is this uh kind of braided one and then our vent hose over here which is just this clear vinyl then this is our supply for the hot water heater and that is hard wired in right there then we also have our supply for the water pump which is 12 volt so this is ac this is dc right here so we're supplying power to both of the appliances in this cabinet and those are just both hardwired in and permanently spliced and then this hot water heater is controlled by that timer that we have up there so essentially you have your water that comes into your water tank via your fill valve so you have your gravity and your city filling the water tank then water comes out the bottom through this lower port i don't know if you're going to be able to see it but it basically comes out of that lower port tees off and right there you have a valve going out of the bottom of the van with a handle on it underneath the van to drain the entire system then the next thing in line there is this nice sediment filter so that comes with your water pump that basically keeps any sediment that is inside the tank uh inside that filter so eventually maybe once a year once every six months you can replace that sediment filter or clean that out so that you're not getting any of that junk clogged up long term then basically it tees off one line goes into your water pump which pressurizes the entire water system and then another line goes off into your fresh air pump and is adapted onto our half inch pecs so that we can supply water up to our fresh air using the same kind of adapter like this just down there because this is the return line after your water pump it basically goes outside of the water pump and into a cold line so that's your cold pressurized line beginning one of those tees off down to your cold shower one of them tees off over here and then that tees off over to your sink another one tees off over to your shower right here and then another one tees off into your cold water heater supply line coming out of the water heater so that basically runs to all of your cold appliances coming out of your water heater here then we have a hot water supply line and that is pressurized as well so all of these pex lines are pressurized and our hot water comes out of the water heater here tees off down to our uh hot shower box tees off again over here over to the shower and then one more t coming out of here over to our sink which is rounded all the way across here and into the sink cabinet now i wouldn't generally recommend putting any water lines inside of your electrical cabinet but this is where our client wanted her sink and so we had already designed most of this beforehand but i will say that i have never had one of these shark bite fittings leak these things are rock solid so as you can see here we've used a lot of shark bite fittings push to connect fittings for everything these things are not cheap but i highly recommend them a little tip for you guys on plumbing if you are doing plumbing is to adapt all of your appliances to half inch pecs before you do anything get all of your appliances your water pump water heater water tank shower faucet all that good stuff and adapt it so that it has a push to connect half inch effects fitting on it and then it makes it really simple to do the rest of your plumbing so that you can just connect it all uh very simply and we also explain that in the course pretty in-depth now we're done with the with the plumbing and we want to give you guys a little tour of the electrical cabinet all right guys so we're back here in our electrical cabinet and we just wanted to give you guys a really comprehensive look at what we have for an electrical system back here so as you can see we already went over the plumbing system which is in the other bench over there and then this entire bench is dedicated to electrical so we'll go ahead and start off with the batteries the batteries are pretty much the core of the entire system and these are three 170 amp hour lithium iron phosphate batteries from renegy they are wired in parallel so you basically have a total of 510 amp hours of lithium iron phosphate battery storage inside of here so basically you have your puzzle positive terminals here negative terminals here and then coming off of your positive terminal we'll show you every single component of the system because that's what i always wanted to see when i saw van tours right here we have a 300 amp mrbf fuse that is your main system fuse and that is just mounted straight onto the head of the positive terminal coming out of there we have a two watt wire with two lugs on it going into our main on off switch for the entire system so if you turn the switch off that shuts down all power to the system so basically we have a protection fuse for the system an on off uh switch for the system and then that goes into our positive bus bar this is just this has four terminals on it basically starting off with our terminals here we have one of these on the first terminal uh supplies power to our shunt so that our shunt and our battery monitor have a little bit of power supply to run so that's what that little red wire is the second wire over here runs down to our inverter so that's our positive inverter connection and this is an inverter charger so this will basically be going both ways either uh taking dc energy going through here and putting it into the inverter and then out into our ac loads or having our ac shore power plug-in come in through our shore power inlet which is down there on the back bumper we have that installed right down there that little latch and you can just plug in an extension cord to that and then the uh shore power will actually be going the other way through the charger side of the inverter back into the batteries so that's our inverter connection right here we have our alternator charger connection so that's connected to our renegy dc to dc 60 amp alternator charger this thing is pretty awesome and it's connected basically with an ignition switch right here then on the other side we just have a supply line coming from our positive from the alternator and this supply this chord over here is just our negative we have a negative here coming off of that and then our positive coming out off of that which is where the electricity is coming out going through a 70 amp breaker this is a 60 amp dc to dc charger so we have 70 amp breakers on either side of it to protect the wires if anything goes wrong so out of that breaker right here these are these t-tocus yellow breakers on amazon then it comes down through here and goes into our positive bus bar and then into our batteries so that's pretty much all for the alternator charging then and then basically just to reiterate this cable right here is just a d positive cable this is just connected to an ignition cable basically which is any cable that is powered on when the van is on so we actually power we actually connected that into our cigarette lighter which is right down here and that just has a little positive connection on it you can basically connect that cable into any ignition positive wire but it's really easy if you have a cigarette lighter that's activated by the ignition being on in the van then moving over here we have our solar charger basically coming in through this cable right here and then our dc positive load going out into our dc distribution on the other side so over here now we're going to go to our negative bus bar remember bus bars basically just take a positive or negative terminal and expand it into four posts so it makes it a little bit easier and organized to connect all of your wires to it so that's all of our positive connections all of our hot connections every one of these wires should have a breaker in it or a fuse to protect those wires from electricity from burning those up then basically on our negative bus bar we'll start off with the ground that basically is just grounded to a chassis ground and if you can see in there it's bolted to the actual chassis we've sanded off the uh or i've used a little wire brush to basically grind the paint off and then just bolt that cable down to the actual chassis of the van so that grounds all of our negatives to the entire chassis and it allows us to not have to run a return cable from the alternator back to our alternator charger instead we can just ground our alternator charger to the negative bus bar and then that uses the van to basically create a ground so connected to that we have the same things again we have our negative cable which is connected to our batteries right here and that just connects our negative battery terminal to our negative bus bar down here we have a shunt which is basically connected to our battery monitor this is basically measuring how much amperage goes in and out of the batteries so then this little communications cable goes off to our renegy battery monitor over there so that is our battery connection moving this way we have our inverter connection going down to the negative terminal of our inverter charger right here we have our connection to our alternator charger from the other side and then we have our other connection to the alternator charger on this side so those are two negatives coming off of each side of the alternator charger um and then down in there we also have our dc distribution and our solar charge controller connection now working this way we have our solar charge controller this is a renegy rover 40 amp mppt charge controller connected to 400 watts of solar up on the roof and that is just the renegy 400 amp premium kit that includes this little anl fuse right here and that basically is going to protect those wires from any sort of surge in the solar panels or if the charge controller ever outputs more than 40 amps right here we have a bluetooth module and this basically just connects into our renegy rover charge controller and allows you to connect in and kind of get some diagnostics see how your system's doing see how your solar is doing and kind of track all of your solar usage and things like that so that's your solar connection your alternator connection your storage and then down here we have our inverter charger so the inverter charger basically takes your dc electricity turns it into ac electricity this is a 3000 watt pure sine wave renegy inverter charger basically powers all of the ac appliances in the van and basically going into this we have a shore power connection that's 10 2 romex going in and that comes from our shore power inlet which is a 30 amp inlet then coming out we also have a 30 amp main service basically 3000 watts coming out of this and that is going into our ac distribution panel back here which we'll show you in a second but basically the inverter charger is responsible for the entire ac side of the system and charging the batteries on shore power and that's all programmed inside of there and then we have one more cable coming off the inverter which goes up to our inverter on off switch up on the control pillar so i wanted to go over one little thing here before we show you the ac dc panel so basically this is a thermostat switch the same that we have inside of our fridge and uh induction stove cabinet this basically is hardwired into two fans so we have a computer fan here and a computer fan right over here behind our uh alternator charger and basically one of those fans pulls air in here and then the other one blows air out there so it keeps this entire cabinet right here ventilated and whenever the temperature in this cabinet goes above 100 degrees or you can change that using the little dial on the back then it will basically start ventilating this cabinet until it drops the temperature 20 degrees that protects all of the electrical appliances in here and keeps everything from burning up or anything like that you always want your electrical cabinet to be ventilated pretty much anything such as fridge electronics induction stove anything like that needs to have ventilation in it so that you're not overheating and risking a fire or risking burning out an appliance so that's all for that and then moving back to our uh ac dc distribution panel this is a progressive dynamics 30 amp ac dc distribution panel this is something that i had a very hard time finding on my first build how to wire this and basically how to install it we do have the entire tutorial on how to do that in our conversion course but just to give you a basic idea here we basically have the ac power supply line so we have an ac side of the panel and a dc side of the panel and then we'll show you the breakers on the other side in a second so on the ac side we have a 10 2 romex cable 30 amp main service coming in from our inverter charger that's the output of the inverter charger going in through here and then into our main breaker which will be distributed to all of our 20 amp sub breakers and that connects to all of these 12 2 romex wires coming out the back here and then these go out to all of our circuits which are essentially our hot water heater our induction stove all of the different ac outlets in the van things like that so we'll show you the other side in a second then on the other side here we have a negative bus bar that's where all of your dc negative circuits are going to connect into and then we have our positives so that's where your positives are going to connect into and these ones are particular so when you connect these you'll be placing a fuse on the other side on the fuse block according to each one of these cord for each one of these cables then you have a positive supply line right over here so that positive supply runs over here through a 50 amp dc breaker and we're basically just using a 50 amp breaker because we're never going to use more than 50 amps on all of our dc appliances at once and then we also have a negative wire going over from the dc from the negative bus bar over to our negative bus bar that connects to our batteries so that basically you know is your negative connection and your positive connection right here and then you have your you know connections going out to all of your circuits on the sides there so that's the back side of this panel now we're going to go ahead and show you the front side and what it looks like with all the fuses and breakers installed okay so we are on the other side of the ac dc distribution panel i'm going to go ahead and pop this face plate off for you guys but before i do that i'll just kind of explain what's inside here so we have our 30 amp main breaker right here and 20 amp circuit breakers to all of the individual breakers and those are all labeled right there accordingly so this is where your inverter is coming in or where your shore power is being passed through the inverter just wanted to show you the inside of that short power as well so that's a twist on 30 amp uh input and then we have adapter for that to go to 15 amps for a standard extension cord if you're plugged in so up here basically we have our ac breakers and then all of our dc fuses and all of those fuses are labeled on the other side as well then right here if we were to open this up you can kind of see on the inside and kind of skeleton here so we basically have all of our all of our hot lines going into these breakers and that's where the electricity is being supplied out from the breaker the main breaker coming in electricity going into the bus bar that these are connected to and then off of those bus bars into these breakers and out of all of these black lines going out to the appliances then down here we have our neutrals where i'm sorry our grounds and then we have our neutrals right here so these are all the white cables all of the greens and just bare copper cables and then all of the blacks are going to go into your breakers there pretty simple to do and then over here you just want to size all of your fuses according to the size of the appliance and what it's basically going to be drawing it's not that critical for us because we've done 12 gauge cable throughout the van so it's more to kind of protect the appliance itself rather than the actual wire all of our 12 gauge wire on here and here is very conservative so we did run 12 2 romex for all of the circuits in the van and then 12 uh basically 12 gauge two wire it's like red and black speaker wire to all of the dc appliances in the van so we have all of those right there and then you can pop this back this panel back on and basically snap that into place and the cool part is this really shows you very crystal clear all of your different appliances and if anything ever goes wrong or an appliance doesn't work anything electrically doesn't work then this is definitely the first point of reference for all of that so that's kind of our comprehensive look at our electrical system here on this van so just to reiterate on the roof setup basically at the front here we have our max air deluxe vent fan and then in between that and our fresh air we have four 100 watt renig solar panels mounted up on the roof wired in series so we have a positive and a negative cable coming down through there with a 40 amp fuse in line on there on the positive line that's just an mc4 fuse running down and then those cables run all the way down into our electrical system then behind that we have the shroud for the fresher so basically up on the roof you have fresh air solar and then the vent fan and all of that sits pretty low and looks pretty stealthy up there all right guys that's all for the van tour today thank you so much for watching we're really excited about this build and about to hand it off to our client who is very excited to see it um this this entire build actually has a course alongside it as well so if you're interested in any of this information or how to build this exact van we do have an entire course being released through tricked out vans and that will be available pretty soon here so you can go ahead and check out tricked out vans or or you can message uh shayden on instagram that's my account and we'll get you all set up added to the email list and all that good stuff to notify you when the course is ready and that course pretty much has everything that you could possibly need to build this van from scratch so everything from finding the van and designing the layout to taping it off and how to source the van all those good things and then every single step of the actual build all of the electrical all of the plumbing we have full 4k footage of every single component and every little step of this van build so that anyone could take an empty cargo van and convert it into this exact build if they wanted to or modify it and kind of create whatever layout you want and just kind of use the principles of our electrical system plumbing system all that good stuff and make whatever van you want but that's all for today's tour and stay tuned for the course if that's something that you're interested in we're also going to be posting more free content on the tricked out vans youtube channel and we're excited to get this to our client
Channel: Tricked Out Vans
Views: 483,950
Rating: 4.8705783 out of 5
Keywords: van life, van, conversion, build, tiny home, off grid, solar, panels, 400W, 12V, air conditioning, bus, box truck, schoolie, trickedoutvans, shaiden, harryhods, fresair, renogy, shower, ram promaster, sprinter, ford transit, van conversion course, travel, freedom, adventure, self contained, sustainable, van course, home on wheels, diy, induction stove, Lagun, webasto, van tour, tour, electrical, plumbing, tutorial
Id: BPEh2a8pQy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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