VAN TOUR | 2011 Ford Transit Connect Camper Van

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hi guys my name is Daniel and this is my 2011 Ford Transit Connect camper van um and I'd like to show you a little bit how this conversion turned out just getting right into it um you see here there's a little leather and on top we have a really nice deck for you to be on top here we got the roof in Max Mexican and 50 Watts and there's a trick to this it actually folds laterally like this so you can get most of the Sun [Music] goes right back just like this another cool thing about this is that you're going to notice that everything is leveled so um has very good air aerodynamic [Music] cooking area here it's an outdoor kitchen you have here a bed on couch mode our little sloth there that's jacquelino storage on top [Music] so the cooking here is pretty simple you can either just cook here on this little table that folds up folds down just like this um you can use the spice rack there's a little light here for when you're from when you're cooking and there's a hidden really big bad table here right underneath the bed hidden they're new the bed um and it gets stained by the little table that fits right in order to just undo it just click the button open the door boom it goes right back in there goes down and close the door well there are three reasons why I think this van is amazing first first one is the gas mileage 21 miles per gallon a lot of vents they do like eight eight miles per gallon this one is that's 21 it's just so so above the average um it's very it's very small so that that helps that's also the second thing actually because it's small it drives in Parks right like any other car um you don't get noticed on the street you don't have this enormous enormous van that everyone looks at it and notices it it's just like any other car and you can be uh stealthy and no one notices you there it's very very easy to get around the third one is that this is a very rare type of Transit Connect because they only produced Tracer connects they're This Tall from 2010 to 2013. you can see I'm six feet tall and I can sit straight it's it's fine look at that right I can sit straight um so that just makes life so much easier because you can put your socks on you can just hang out here no problem at all you can work on your computer on this little table yeah and there's just a lot of space okay let's go over how the Washington station Works essentially there's five gallons of good water here there's a little tube it goes to the foot pump and then up here through the sink and then into this great water tank here that you got um if it's right in here it's very simple and it's very convenient because you know exactly when it's full and you don't have to keep super smelly great gray water tanks all the time you can just recycle this and get a new one um and I'll show you right here how it fits I just use one of these and I hang it on the hook right here perfect it's safe now um so this is how it works I'm pressing the the foot pump the water is coming all the way and then going down here to the gray wire tank the cool part about this is that you can actually have a outdoor shower too the foot pump also works on with a closed door so I'll show you this right now this is how the sink looks inside um you can say it took off the the little table here [Music] it works just fine so that's my battery it's a jackery Explorer 240 Watts hour uh I love it it's great because I connected directly to the solar panel right here um it's a 50 watt solar panel right so I just connected directly these are my lead LED light strip I turn it turn it on right here no no it's on you see it's turned on right there um this is a converter it um yeah so that way you can use any kind of appliances within the vent and this is a 12 volt outlet that allows me to use the fridge the roof fan and also my reading light this is my reading light right here a lot of people don't have these because lead strips but I love it because that way I can read and my eyes don't hurt you know I usually use the LED strip alongside this light because that way my eyes never hurt and I feel very comfortable within the van this is the driving area there's not much to it I think it's just normal driving area except for the fact that I took took out the speaker here to just put a speaker that I can bring to the back this is our little heater here um oh the Mr Heater Buddy and this is a Merlin this is how the curtain works it attaches with these magnets here to the sides of the car [Music] we have the cooking utensils and my jackets and Etc here we have a little 12 volts fridge and right there we have studio uh studio monitor stereos to listen to some good beats on the road in order to expand the bed you just pull it like this do the same on the other way and you have a twin bed I'll show you right now how it works hey so why you uh see me kind of making the bed there I wanted to talk about the video sponsor and it's Bentley Bentley is an online platform in which people that live in Vans like me can find safe places around around towns all over the United States with amenities so we can park around safely and have access to water Wi-Fi a great night of sleep and most of the times great company wondering the if the if the sink actually fits with the extended bed it does and that's how it looks the whole van got insulated with this cool material here it's called thinsulate and it's an inorganic material that it's fire and water resistant so this is kind of like a unique side of the van um I fit a little electric scooter there on the [Music] and then it fits right back in yeah so let me know if you like this conversion let me know in the comments if you have any questions and I'll see you on the road [Music]
Channel: Daniel Lyra
Views: 26,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yuDfmt4X54g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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