EPIC Off-Grid MICRO CAMPER - Van Tour After 2 Years!

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Hello everyone welcome to Cappadocia I'm  Justyna and I'm Omar. This is our Fiat Doblo micro camper. The coolest micro camper you  might ever possibly see. ever ever ever ever! we've been living in this van for almost two years. one year and nine months to be specific and in   that time this van has seen a lot, it's taken us  through thousands of kilometers through Europe, through the UK, it's seen us get married in this  exact van in Gibraltar, we've been up mountains, we've been in minus temperatures, we've been in  plus 35 degrees, we've seen earthquakes in this van, we've met loads of people. it's been amazing. and we want to show you what our van looks like   after almost two years on the road with upgrades. let's go. It is a Fiat Doblo from 2007 it is the   1.9 diesel multi-jet, the highest power engine  you can get, it is a standard wheelbase there is   a long wheel base edition, there is a high top, this is the standard one. it used to be an MPV so   it had seats in the back and it has Windows all  round and is classed as an MPV just like a car   as you can see it's very dirty right now we're in  Cappadocia in Turkey there's lots of off-roading   to do and it's a lot of fun so hopefully you  like it looking like that. we've got a lovely big roof box up there we bought that second-hand in Germany for about 30 Euros and it's been amazing   tinted windows five percent as dark as possible  we've got a little light bar down here this helps   us out when we're reversing in very dark places  because the tints are quite dark and we don't   have a reverse camera bigger all-terrain tires  these are Nankang FT-7s and these are basically   the biggest size tire you can fit on a Doblo  without making any really crazy changes because   um there's yeah yeah there's not  much space these are 175/80/15s   slightly bigger than the original tires which give  us a little bit of an extra lift and talking of   lift we actually made a lift kit for this van  so it's lifted 30 millimeters on this side of   the roof we have the solar panel which is 100  Watts we can actually tilt this and we have   an additional outside light which was a white  light but we just made it yellow to make it a   bit nicer and we can tilt that at night time so  we can see what we're doing in the dark and you   may have noticed on the first van tour or any  of our videos we had a nice big scratch here   but that's now been fixed now that we're in  Turkey and we also have some wind deflectors   usual standard thing for a camper van so you can  crack the windows and let that sweet ventilation   come in and out as we come around to the front we  have a new light bar which is very very powerful   quite nice quite chunky and I think it makes the  van look quite cool. two other subtle additions   that you may or may not notice an exhaust pipe  for a diesel heater and a filler for LPG we'll   get more into those when we get inside. okay before  we get into the back we're going to show you   the cabin area and basically what we've done here  is made it more comfortable and more entertaining   to drive we've upgraded the stereo we've got  upgraded speakers additional speakers here   we've got tweeters and additional speakers up by  our heads the dash speakers are upgraded and the   door speakers are also upgraded under the driver's  seat we've got an underseat subwoofer which we   can control the level of bass from here there are  also four USBS which we've replaced the cigarette   lighters with we also have air conditioning which  is super nice not all Doblos have air conditioning   but it is really nice in the winter and in the  summer it is very useful. for decoration we've   got a couple of additions a Cappadocia balloon and a  lovely little plant that lives here and something   that has changed in the front here is down by the  passenger's feet there is a Chinese diesel heater   we installed this after being in the mountains  in Spain and seeking some warmth and heat and   basically lives down here because it's the only  spot we could really fit it after building the van   but it has been amazing it's a total game changer  and we absolutely love it heater pipe runs under   the seat and blows hot air straight into the back  of the van and it gets very toasty very quickly   the heater is also plumbed straight into the  main diesel tank so don't have to worry about any   additional tanks filling or leaking it is super  easy and simple now another major change we did to   this van which totally transformed it is turning  this front area into a lounge let me show you   Lounge slash office whatever you want to  make it so Slide the front seat forwards and swivel Welcome to The Office lounge and basically  I've made this a very comfortable working   Space by adding a little slide out  table here and then my laptop goes here   this pillow goes here on my lap Bluetooth keyboard  get me Mouse which I use either here or here   and then ah we got comfortable working space I can  sit like this if I want I can stretch my legs out   and it's really nice because I'm looking straight  at the screen not having to do this or something   silly very comfortable and I love hanging out  here and Justyna can say the same because she   gets to hang out in the back yeah the swivel seat  was from a Fiat Ducato and we had to customize   it there's no swivel seat bases available just to  bolt in for the Doblo so it was a bit of a custom-fab operation but uh not too bad thank you Adrian  for helping and it is totally transformed the van   under the passenger seat we have  the diesel heater outlet here   which we can basically kind of direct rotate  whatever prop it up and shoot hot air wherever   we need to shoot it and next to the diesel  heater outlet we have a big 100 amp hour lithium   ion phosphate battery from Deadweight Industries  the Dakar battery this has been amazing like   we had a Lithium-Ion battery before from them  it was only 20 amp hours it was basically used   from my previous car and we put it in here because  we had that so we used it now we have five times   the power and it's absolutely awesome we can  charge all of our electronics the laptop we   can run the diesel heater, blender, all of the  electric things and talking about electrics   we're going to continue on to that section now so  over here is our electrics panel and there are a   few changes that have been made one them is the diesel  heater controller lives here and a new bigger   inverter- and a new bigger inverter this is six- and a 600 watt inverter which means we can run   any household appliance up to 600 watts we also  have two USBS here we have an additional cigarette   lighter here so we've got a total of two of those  and we've got the main electric cut-off switch   and a volt gauge which doesn't really get used  um I just made this little cover for it because   the blue light from it is quite bright so we just  leave it covered up really. carbon monoxide   alarm which is never triggered in the almost  two years that we've been living in this van . The battery can be charged while we're driving through  a DC to DC 20 amp charger we don't have to use it   all the time we have it on a switch so if we need  to we can turn it on and the battery will charge   as we're driving. it is also charged by the solar  panel on our roof which is controlled by an mppt   20 amp solar controller as well. a big advantage  of this van being a passenger vehicle is having   two sliding doors so we can have all of  this stuff here and have great access to   it which basically, we'll move this box, under the floor here that's where the   DC to DC charger lives along with a few other  random objects that don't get used that often same here we were able to put the solar controller  here through the sliding door nice and handy and   we also have our nice full bag of laundry we  need to do laundry soon and our water containers   so while we're here let's move on to  the subject of water because we have   here our 20 liter water container  this is our main big tank for the   van it has a 12-volt water pump in it  which is powered by this switch here   and we have a lovely household tap it is a mixer  tap but we only have cold water and it looks like   that we can also pull this tap out and use it as  a shower which we're going to show you a bit later just next to the fresh water we have  the grey water container which is also   20 liters anything from the sink goes straight  into there and it means we don't have to drop   our waste directly to the ground I'm not  sure if this was here the last time we   did the van tour but yeah it's basically a soap  holder right next to the sink because I think   last time we just had a bar of soap and it  was kind of annoying to get soapy and yeah   this is just much easier if you're wondering  what this is I'll tell you about it in a bit in total we have 37 liters of water four bottles  of water live here under the seat on the top of   the subwoofer and it has six and a half liters  here we have five liters of water and here in   the back we have another five liters of water  we added those bottles over time because we   realized that 20 liters is definitely not enough.  this van may look small from the outside but   on the inside it's a bit like a tardis so  let's start off with some storage shall we   under the floor here we've got a bit of storage  where the rear footwells used to be. above   the driver's cabin we've extended the original  overhead storage and this basically holds all of   our bed things so on this side we've got pillows  on this side we've got our duvet and a blanket and   in the middle we have the front window covers and  the curtain that separates the front area from the   back even the driver's seat is used for storage  we have our head torches here nice and handy   from when we need them and we have this hanging uh  storage bag thing which used to be a clear plastic   here but that didn't last very long and up here  we have our lovely roof which has two dimmable LED   lights it's really nice being able to dim them  because sometimes you don't want full blast at   night or in the morning and just over here we  have the light switch for our exterior light as for ventilation we have a little mushroom  vent on the roof here that's what these holes   are for and inside that mushroom vent I fitted  a computer fan which is switched on just here   a cool thing about this van is we have pop  out side windows which we made still accessible   this one has a mosquito net on it for the bugs   and also here we have a new addition which is  storage and behind here we've got basically books before this was just kind of dead space so I  decided let's try and squeeze every centimeter   we can out of this little van. let's talk about the  kitchen although we have a small fan I wanted to   have a big kitchen because I like to cook and it  was important to us to comfortably cook inside   and the kitchen is the best part of this  van for me and our kitchen extends like this   if we need to have more space we can put stuff  here as well and also we can cook outside   but in this whole time maybe we cooked  three times outside and that is it   only because I like to cook inside because  everything is handy and I don't need to   jump outside and inside of the van  we have a nice big three-hob cooker which Omar modified a little bit so it is  fixed it doesn't move when we drive by two   bolts and wing nuts so we can easily remove  that and place over here if you want to cook   outside. the cooker is powered by a six kilogram  refillable LPG bottle which holds about 11 and   a half liters it lives in here in our messy  cupboard which doesn't look really different   to what it used to we still have our lovely little  brush here and before we used to have to take all   of this stuff out and take the gas bottle out  to refill our gas it was a bit of a process and   it kind of became like annoying if we knew we  would have to get gas so what we did is add an   external filler kit which is basically a pipe  running from the outside of the van to the gas   bottle which means this doesn't have to move  it stays fixed in place and if we need to fill   up our gas all we have to do is pull up to a  petrol station connect the LPG nozzle to the   bumper down there and fill up our gas just like  you would fill up any LPG car it's been a total   game changer having this bottle and additionally  having the external filler kit before it was a   bit stressful trying to fill up this bottle and  maybe not technically legal in every country   because filling it directly into the bottle some  places don't like that so it's now safer and more   legal and less stress we love this bottle and we  definitely recommend it because traveling through   Europe there's all different kinds of bottles and  just trying to exchange them and swap them out   it's it's a faff so a bit more cost to start with  but I think in the long run you'll save money this   only costs us maybe six or seven euros to fill up  totally and that will last us maybe a month and   a half two months depending on how much we're  cooking. this is our main big kitchen cupboard   which stores uh plates, cutlery, dry food, spices and  on the very bottom frying pans, pots, bowls and this   time we have an Omnia oven which means we have a  mini version of the oven in the kitchen which is   really game changer for cooking this was present  for my mom and now we can make pizza bread cakes   literally anything you can imagine to make  in the oven we have one slider table over   here which we're using for chopping the veggies or  eating and we have another second table over here which we discovered just one day by  accident we can just put top of the   cooker on the open cupboard and we  have another table which is great   great accident. this is just blank because  behind there are water containers and   this little cupboard has our bathroom box and  electric box. all of the cupboards have magnets   and little hooks to keep them secure  when Omar is driving like a madman Our sink is a bamboo Bowl which comes from   a particular Swedish furniture shop and  it costs only 10 euros we have up-cycled it   because it used to be our old fruit bowl so we  thought it can be a great use for our little   van and this fruit bowl is very old it comes  from my home and it has been in my home since   I was a child it doesn't slip while we drive  because we have a bungee cord holding it and   non-slip layer underneath but we can move it if  you need to this is the space where we hold our   Kitchen Essentials with spices coasters from Egypt  oils tea cups very simple but very effective and   for extra ventilation we have pop-out window which  is great while I cook. Omar made me also little   vase which is very cute little addition for the  van because that was something what I was missing. Right so this is our sofa  as you can see we can cook very easily   reach everything very easily you can also  open the back door here we've got a little door pull thing. one important thing for us in this  van is because obviously you cannot stand up in   here uh whilst being able to sit comfortably and  that means not building the bed too high so I can   sit straight yeah my head is just about touching  uh but it is comfortable so the sofa slash bed it   has a few modes and I'm going to show you the  first one now and that is extended sofa mode this one pulls out here and then we fold out this let's remove this pillow  cushion mattress thing here   and then we have a lovely large  sofa or single bed we can easily fit   four five people on this bench plus one in the  swivel seat yeah there's been a few occasions   where we've had four people in here all having  dinner and it's absolutely lovely and comfortable   and cozy and everyone says wow I can't believe  how easily we can fit in here and how cozy   and comfortable it is the next mode is mini bed  mode so I'm gonna put extended soap remote away so this put this back in wait and then it looks a bit of a faff it's because we have  these basically a mattress used to get a bit wet   with the condensation this is like a breathable  squishy layer and it has helped with condensation our mattress no longer gets wet but it adds a  little bit more faff to making our bed we can   still make our bed and do everything from inside  but yeah it's just two extra pieces to the puzzle okay this goes back like that okay all right and this is mini bed  mode where we can basically if we   want to have a little nap midday or if  you just want to have a little lay down   ah we can just like this and it means  we can still access this area I can   get in and out of the swivel seat we can  still easily get in and out of the door another mode is almost- almost bed where usually maybe  I'm chilling on the swivel seat or editing a video it's getting late Justyna wants to go to  bed uh she can kind of do it like this and we   have still access to this little area for  my feet or whatever and then full bed mode   this one folds up over to here this one  goes here we slide these up to the seat and we have our lovely bed oh so this bed is 185 centimeters  long and 97 centimeters wide   I am 178 centimeters tall and for me this  bed is very very comfortable and actually   now that we've added the swivel seat on  the passenger side there is even more space   for extra tall person as you can see lots of  space and let's make the bed shall we also   have a little fan here which used sometimes when  we need to dry wet things. so pillow number one pillow number two extra pillows slash children blanket these things keep  coming out of it whoa and our nice duvet wow look at this usually in the winter we sleep  with this blanket on the top of us but in the   summer this is nice and light and yeah it's good  we've got a cable here so you can charge your phone   and watch all of our cool videos oh if you're not  subscribed subscribe to Team Ateem um and we can   also sleep the opposite way if we need to if we're  parked somewhere not quite level we can sleep with   our heads this side of the bed but over time we've  learned to prefer this way for most people in this   size van they will just go for a big bed and then  they'll have to kind of maybe make the kitchen   um come somewhere outside and they have to  cook outside but for us it was important to   have the fixed big kitchen so we were happy to  compromise with a bit of smaller bed basically   it is fine we we're a very cuddly couple so  we're quite happy to sleep cuddly all the time   it's very cozy it's very comfortable I know  the mattress doesn't look that thick it is   only six centimeters but it is actually really  comfortable and if we go for example to sleep   in a different bed and we come back to the van  we're really happy to be back in the van because   it's just so comfortable and we're just  so used to it yeah we love it especially   with that extra layer under the mattress it's  even more comfortable yeah so it is great for Windows we have insulated blinds made by my  mum they live just over here nice and handy and they simply stick  with magnets just like that nice simple and fast we also have a curtain that separates this area  which we just hook on these little hooks we also have blinds for the front windows these front blinds used to be like a really light  color and I think they didn't really look great   when they were on the van so we changed them  to black and it kind of matches the rest of   the windows and I think it looks pretty cool and  kind of hard to tell that maybe it's a blind or   if it's a tinted window we don't use these too  much but in the summer or if it's really really   cold at night like -10 then we'll use them and  yeah this front one we use quite often even on   a day like today where it's quite Sunny a lot of  heat comes in through the front window which is   nice to a point but we don't have a fridge also  so trying to keep the van cool inside helps our   vegetables last a little bit longer all right give  me that I'll show you how dark it is in here now okay lights off and that's how it looks like usually we have  like a jacket here which hides that extra bit   of light but if you needed to you could sleep  in here when it's bright sun outside and it's   dark enough. now that the bed stuff is out  the storage you can see uh is quite dark   but we also have a hot water bottle here just  in case we actually got that before the diesel   heater and we can store like food stuff like  really deep in here and it goes behind the   bed stuff yeah and stuff like baby wipes some  moisturizer and a mini Hoover which we use a lot our bed looks pretty much the same except of two  little changes we did to make it easier to access   the clothes which we store underneath the bed  we moved this piece of wood a little bit this   direction so it fits perfectly to pull out this  Basket in the middle and we sand this wood so it   is also easier to pull we don't need to reach and  pull basket in there it was a little bit tricky   before but now it's much much easier also if  we need to access from the top of the basket   we can pull up this side of that and um have an  easy access to those I have one basket of clothes   one basket for Omar and we share the  middle baskets which stores pants and socks also around this side of the bed we do have  some additional cosmetic things in this bag   and I also moved our torque wrench here so I  could actually access it when I need it just in   case I need it at night to to check the torque of  the wheels you know and we also have our toilet which is this little bucket for emergencies and  this is used when we don't have access to a public   toilet or we don't have enough Wilderness to do  our business outside you may also remember that   little bottle next to the solar controller well  you can probably imagine what that's used for okay last but not least is our shower and our  roof box so we're going to show you that right now so to make a shower we have these three pieces of  wood we've got one in there we put one in there if we put one like this and then we open our door rotate our tap, extend and place our shower like that and that's our outdoor shower to be honest it  doesn't get used that much it doesn't really   get used in winter at all we mainly use it when  it's warm weather we actually used it yesterday   because we just came back from a hike and it was  really lovely and sunny and we didn't mind having   the cold shower if we really want to we can warm  up water put it in the bucket take the water pump   out of the container put it into the bucket and  run water through here 40 50 degrees and have a   hot shower but by the time you're done all that  it's a bit of a faff and it's just a bit easier   to get that warm water scoop it in a cup and give  yourself a shower with a cup like that but when   it is warm it's nice to pull this out and quickly  have a nice wash we do also have shower curtains   for this so when we're somewhere where we need  a bit of privacy we can make a little cubicle   and have a private shower so up in the roof  box we have a few things like a camping chair   we do actually have a hammock we have our hiking  boots, we have our backpacks, we have some tools   basically everything extra that doesn't fit or  have a place inside the van goes up there it   does restrict us a little bit with some car parks  but it would be very difficult to live in this van   without that roof box as I mentioned earlier the  solar panel can also release and tilt up like this   I'm not going to do it now I'll just put in some  footage of it being tilted but uh basically we   haven't actually had to use that but it can  be handy when you have a consecutive amount of   not very clear days and you're running  low on power and you don't want to move   but so far we haven't been in that  situation with this new battery so   we haven't actually had to tilt it that's our  little Fiat Doblo which we built in Poland it   took us three months initially and then we  spent maybe another three months doing all   these different little upgrades that you've  just seen hopefully you guys like it let us   know in the comments if it's the best micro  camper you've ever seen because for the best is a full-time van life and it  is absolutely awesome thank you   for watching and we're gonna see  you next time remember to like And   subscribe and leave us a comment  below if you like this video bye
Channel: Team Ateem
Views: 177,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiat doblo, doplo, mikrocamper, microcamper, micro, camper, van life, van tou, van tour, vantour, camping, diy, homemade
Id: -iLLEf7boe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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