World's smallest camper van

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hi everyone i want to give you an updated tour of my micro stealth camper van i've made quite a few changes since the last video i put out so come on and let's check it out this is a 2013 ford transit connect as you see i designed it to mainly just look like a regular work van you saw that parked on your street you just think nothing about it just a ladder on the roof just looks like your typical work van the reason i went with a ford transit connect is because i found that out of all the the vans that aren't way out of my price range that's the cheapest on the gas mileage also i wanted it to be very micro very small as small as i could get it without just being too ridiculously small and the ford transit connect uh 2013s and older all fit the bill for me first thing i wanted to show you on the outside i installed these um window vents that run along the uh window and those are perfect so you can um just crack your window uh just a couple inches or whatever and let air through on both sides and it just looks like the windows closed nothing strange about it interesting thing is i put these um made these window screens to go over both my front windows so i can actually have the windows all the way down and get good air ventilation and no bugs quick tour of what i have behind the driver's seat here over my uh dash i have an old cell phone that i just hooked up and used as a dash cam and so whenever i'm driving i have it constantly recording and that gives me free uh a free desk cam um i did install an aftermarket uh backup camera uh with monitor here and the reason i did that it had a built-in one in the mirror that went bad it was going bad apparently and i headed into the shop and it was gonna be two thousand dollars to get it repaired and um as opposed to a generic one you can buy off the shelf at walmart for like a hundred bucks i decided to opt for that um option instead of course i run with a radar detector up here um also have a built-in got a cb here mounted and i also have this cv hooked up with a pa speaker mounted on the outside of my van so that up on the roof so that i can make clear communication with anybody approaching my vehicle if i want um for the radio instead of um going through a great deal of um gymnastics to rip the radio out put in a new radio what i did is um i had this old tablet and i just uh mounted it up here with magnets you see that's the the radio system stuck these uh magnets on here to hold it on my tablet fits perfectly over that i have um my entire collection of music over 300 songs loaded on here so that um i could play my music also have my gps system hooked up and what i use for wireless is i just use my hotspot on my phone i get in the vehicle and turn my hotspot on this automatically connects and runs my gps and coming around on the passenger side we're going to go into the camper main part of the camper you see when you first enter in right here along this wall here i have my fire extinguisher smoke detector and this is a carbon monoxide and explosive gas detector got my um ac plug that's hooked straight to a 750 watt inverter and then i also have 12 volts right here and this i'll show you what that's for in just a second um come on in directly behind the uh driver's seat i keep my uh mr uh heater buddy and uh it's awesome for heating such a small space um also behind my driver's seat i have this uh little card table stuck up there and um it can be pulled off and set up anywhere where i need a table and behind that when all i have to do is move the driver's seat forward move my heater out of the way and now i have access to my closet just a small closet a couple hooks here to hang some coats one suit and also in here i keep a safe and that comes in real handy to store important valuables that i don't want to carry around on me while i'm out and about and so you'll notice that um i designed this so that this seat could be laid all the way back in its furthest position where i could relax in the front seat if i want to and nothing will inhibit that at all a lot of people they build right up to the back seat and uh i mean right up to the back of the front seat and and that seat's not gonna move a bit and i like to a lot of times just sit in my front seat and relax so this is a better view of the front from the back here and um right here what you're looking at is my hidden kitchen and along here i have all these uh light switches or switches that operate different things this uh one switch turns on these um led lights i have put in the ceiling oh by the way um i mention my screen screens over my windows these are held up with velcro and whenever i'm not using the screens they just stick to the ceiling just a store up there perfectly out of the way and don't ever fall down um back to what i was showing you here this button of course turns on the power inverter this one here i have a security camera mounted on the back of the vehicle and so when i flip this on my security camera comes on and i can see what's going on behind me that gives me a good view behind me this is what i call the cabinet lights when i flip that on you'll look down below down my uh foot guard here is illuminated all along the flooring and it gives me a perfect illumination in here at night and at night if you notice instead of having knobs on my cabinets i cut these little finger holes and if you notice the light and then emanating through that and at night when it's dark if i have the cabinet lights on i can see right where the finger holes are and grab and everything inside these cabinets is perfectly illuminated gotta you know bunsen my food in here um up in this cabinet this is water storage this is a five gallon tank and i've actually got a builds pump that's a boat pump it's designed to pump water out of your boat if you get waterlogged and uh works awesome it's very quiet i'll turn it on let you hear how it sounds you can't even hardly hear it um and right beside this i put these little uh bins here and these hold my clothes and i just uh like this one's got shirts just roll them up stick them in here and this one's got pants and one shirt and then my other one has uh t-shirts and underwear and socks so nice little handy way to store your clothes okay now we're going to take a closer look at the kitchen and my galley lights this switch right here turns on these uh overhead lights up under there and up and under this k uh cover here is where my sink is and of course i had to turn the faucet sideways it just wasn't going to fit any other way i had to put my faucet in there sideways and then a little stove right here you know for cooking on and um the way i designed this is this whole cover lifts off and see if i can do this one-handed here trying to hold the camera in one hand and maneuver this in the other it's not an easy feat so you see these little grooves these little boards i screwed down on both sides here and what this cover does fits up under there now what i have effectively done is create me some extra counter space here so while i'm cooking i got places to set things and prepare food or what have you here and then you know cook on the stove and here's how you turn on the water here right there and for the sink of course a lot of van builders do this it's just a stainless steel bowl with a hole cut in it and what i did is i put a uh a stop in here push it to stop it let push it again too and stop it the other thing i did so of course it's so sword in here you don't want to be on your knees while you're cooking and um what i did is over here along this wall you see this strange looking thing here and i got these two cabinets they just pull out and they become the brace to this bench and i have a full length bench and what holds it closed is i have these old magnets they came off some old cb antennas that i had and i just stuck them in and then underneath the fabric here are two metal plates and so whenever you close it it stays close and i mean it's up there tight it ain't gonna fall i've gone over railroad tracks and everything it doesn't fall but it's perfect to sit on while you're working at the sink and uh just a little place you need to sit and do something real fast you don't want to pull out a chair or anything below my sink i have um various odds and ends in here but the main thing is keep my pans i got another one of those little tubs that i keep my pants in and i also have a 5 gallon propane tank hooked up to my stove and also it tees off hooks up to my mr buddy heater mr heater buddy i'm sorry and um i have a little gauge on here tells me um how full the tank is so i don't ever wonder if i'm getting low or not and moving on from here above let's see off to the left on this whole cabinet system let me try to get a full view of the whole cabinet system from here um right here i have just this little small cubby that's just a little place to keep towels or whatever and right below that it's just a 12 volt thermal cooler it's just one of those coolers designed to [Music] cool it cools down 40 degrees below what the outside temperature is so it just keeps pop and stuff cool but um most time what i found is rather than run it i i take these uh half gallon jugs fill them with water clean them out fill them with water freeze them in the house and switch them out and that leaves me a very cold cooler and also you know when they melt i've got extra water to drink under this cabinet here is where my uh whole uh battery system is got a you know a 12-volt deep cycle batteries hooked up to a uh a hundred watt uh solar panel up on the roof also have a trickle charger in case i uh get somewhere where there's sore power and there's no sunlight i can uh plug in and charge my battery up that way [Music] and moving over to this side of the uh van build get try to pan out here and get you a good view of what we got going on here um this is um passenger side and what i've got up top here is this one long cabinet opens up and i got these little cubbies in here i keep um different odds and ends in the middle one is my my junk thing um bathroom stuff is in this bar cubby and then i keep um extra um winter things like uh winter hats and gloves and stuff in this one and now of course we're going to the bed so what i do for the bed is i've got a murphy bed that's built into this cabinet here and it's just a single bed for one person here's how it works these bottom cabinets open up and actually form the base of the bed open that up open that up pull that down oh forgot i got to put my front seat up a little bit for this work and there we have it ready for bed so you can see the way that i have this set up i've got a full six foot length wise bed fits fully out and i'm five nine got plenty of room to lay stretch out and still have access to my uh cooler which i like okay so i want to get me something to drink in the middle of the night plenty of room for me to lay here in bed so beside my bed here i have um this little area here just uh where you can lay things at night when you're sleeping you know your wallet your keys or whatever um you want to lay beside here got a little um place to uh set a drink right there got an extra blanket back here in case it gets really cold and also keep my um little uh hoverboard right there locked up so that um if i want to get out and go tooling around the area wherever i'm at and explore a little bit don't want to do all that walking i got that now there's a one more thing about this bed that i haven't shown yet that uh is pretty cool feature suppose that you have three people riding me and two passengers and you need a third seat well the back of this is designed sets away this slides up has this little pin goes in locks it into place and now you've got a third seat for a third passenger and it even comes with a seat belt i haven't got it out it's inside that cabinet it's where you can strap yourself in and be seat belted down so that's pretty much how the bed works um this was actually a quite a feat to build and the way this is designed is it's actually we got one two three four five segments to the bed and um they're hooked together with hinges and um i actually had to build a model of this out of cardboard let's see now the only one that's actually fastened down is that one and what they're fastened down to is the that main board that you saw underneath i'll show you that in a second and then this one is hinged here to go the opposite way of that one and then this one is hinged to go the opposite way at that one and then this one here is hands to go the opposite way and this bottom board here only all it does is acts as a support for the foot of the bed so that um yeah i can put all my weight on here and ain't gonna go nowhere and when it's in chair mode this just slides up like that we got a back seat back in bed mode just slides out like that um my bedding what i actually have is a four inch piece of foam with um some of that memory foam over the top of it and i just uh hold the sheeting and the blankets on with um these little things here bought a bunch of those and that holds it all on and the blanket is actually safe depend on so um so yeah i don't have to make out my bed i don't have to throw sheets and blankets on it every time i pull it out it's just already made all i got to do is pull the mattress out and the blankets and sheets already on it just stretch it out and go to bed and here it is right before i get ready to fold it up as you can see here it's uh i mean it's just all mounted to this uh one board by that one segment that's up there and it's all mounted down and then i just fold it up back into the wall beds made so another thing i wanted to show you is um when i'm just lounging in the back here and just want to sit and relax and watch some videos or movies or something um above the drivers area i have this folding chair just comes out gives me a place to sit there and relax and i'll show you how i watch movies all right so i'm sitting back here in my chair and i'm relaxing and let's say i want to watch movies um one thing i didn't show you there's a couple ways to create privacy while you're in here and the simple ways got these uh curtains right here that pull across and as you can see they go all the way to the floor and then what i did is this just a simple window shape it pulls down it becomes a screen when i turn my lights out i can sit back here and watch movies [Music] [Music] so i had to uh mute it couldn't put too much uh on because of course youtube will censor it copyrighted or whatever but as you can see i can sit back here and what i use as a projector is up here in the ceiling my cell phone has built-in projector to it and it just uh you can see i got uh power connecting it to the um battery so it won't go dead i can sit here watch full movies if i want what's um i can watch you know anything on youtube anything on netflix and yeah pretty cool setup so yeah i can just sit here and chill in my folding chair and relax watch movies uh or you know if i had the bed made out i can watch movies from bed you know i watch youtube watch whatever you know i want and uh just it's a pretty cool setup so yeah whenever i'm uh not watching movies this you know just your simple window shade just uh folds back up into place and these curtains they just uh slide back and i uh strap it back with a velcro velcro strap that just hooks right here looks through there pull it tight comes around that way if i got my window down it's not uh plopping in the breeze now i mentioned that i had another way to uh create privacy and what i have if you notice i have this curtain rod running all along the uh front of the uh cab area and it's just uh held back by another velcro thing gets released comes around unhook this one it's released and it comes around and when i bought these curtains actually walked through the curtain aisle with a piece of velcro because i wanted the material to be able to stick to velcro and so what i do is i got up on top of my dash here some of the the rough side of velcro and it just holds my curtains right up here and creates a completely blacked out area in here what that allows me to do is to have the engine running if i want and pump air conditioning into uh this whole area back here and cool it off and something else that i did with velcro is i stuck a strip of it up along up here and the reason i did that is because so the passenger front seat what it does is slides forward and then the whole chair swivels around just like that so that allows me to sit right here and relax and just chill right here if i want and i can have total privacy or i can pull these back around open it back up so that i got a good view of what's going on outside but yeah i've got a whole video on how i made this uh swivel chair they told me uh you can't make a swivel chair they don't make a swivel chair for a ford transit connect it doesn't work because of the console so you know i put my thinking power together and by god's help and grace man i made me a swivels and chairs and so you can go see that on the the link that i'll provide in the uh in the description what else i built have me a little uh folding table set it where i want it clamp this down so it's a completely swiveling table can move around and gives me a place to uh sit and work on my laptop and moving around to the back of the van you can see i've got a bike rack with a bike mounted on the back here also have a uh spare can of gas so get off in the trails somewhere get low on gas you don't have any worries you got spare gas get you back in where you need to go and which brings us to one of my favorite features on this van is this thing right here and it's what i call the back porch oh if you're wondering why there's a two holes in the middle of it it's because when it's in the closed position and if you need to get out there's an emergency you have to be able to get to these two areas right here in order to unlock the door and pop it open and so i had to cut those two holes in there to make uh access to get out an infant of an emergency so what i like about this spot is i can sit out here and relax in the warmth of the sun and sit here and work on my computer if i want or if i want to eat a meal here you know i don't have to be on the computer i can eat or this table i don't even need it just sit here and enjoy the beautiful scenery so the way this uh back porch is made it's uh it's just hooked down by two hinges at the base and then i've got these um just uh chains i i bolt right here and it's just a chain you definitely want to use chain when i first was trying this out i tried rope uh rope doesn't work because rope has stretch to it and you it'll let you down trust me i found out so definitely use chain if you're going to do this idea [Music] somebody might be saying well you know what if you're back here oh by the way these are my porch lights at night time turn those on and off and and of course you know what those are those are those uh battery-powered little lights and i stuck velcro in the back i could peel them off and stick them anywhere so suppose you're you're out here and you're enjoying the day and and a rainstorm starts coming well hitting over in the corner here you see i have one of those golfers umbrellas very large umbrella and i'll show you how that works so you're sitting here and all of a sudden it starts pouring down ring and you need you don't want to go inside yet so what do you do and poop there you go you got a a nice little uh rain cover right there or you know sun cover if it's too hot out and you just want a nice uh sun awning works perfectly the only thing uh you just have to watch out for the pull because that kind of gets in the way yeah it's pretty nice another feature to the back porch that i love is i built in these screen uh doors and they're just hooked on this wire they just slide over um into place and of course they come together with magnets go all the way down all the way up and that way you can just um go in and out as it's your laser and they'll close right up and now you can have your front screen windows open and these open you could be laying in bed with a total breeze just blowing straight through the van and relax and yeah love it another feature to the van is that the ladder i carry around on the roof isn't just to make it look like a work ban it actually serves a purpose and come along i'll show you what that purpose is so you can see we go get up on the roof here i have my solar panel mounted right there and um it's set down low from the ground you can't even tell that's what that is but also what i have here is this thing folds open and becomes my rooftop porch [Music] so i can just sit here and uh i could just chill and enjoy the scenery have me a cold one this is a lie you
Channel: jesuscross9
Views: 131,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camper van, stealth camper van, camper, van, rooftop porch, swivel table, swivel seat, van sink, camping, travel, van tour, micro camper, futuristic camper
Id: 5oCZ_kXddkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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