Vampira - Her Grave, Where She Died and Recreating Famous Photos

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is it says that she is a gaunt black-haired glamour ghoul who comes out through ominous drifting mists well now this is obviously not true because i don't believe in that sort of stuff you know and it says that she has a pet spider named rolo and i can't be and she hates you know how people exaggerate she uh she hates the sunlight and she's the ghost with uh [Music] for today's adventure we are taking you to hollywood forever cemetery right here in hollywood california to visit the final resting place of actress milani otherwise known as vampira right now it's really early in the morning the sun is pretty intense and shining brightly it is so intense that in order to film this we kind of have to hide from the sun which in my opinion is absolutely perfect found a very creepy crypt creepy crypt to stand behind out of the sun to talk to you to tell you the tale of vampyra but you know what instead of standing behind one stone and showing you one creepy crypt as beautiful as it is how about we just walk around the cemetery i'll show you a few different things as i tell you the story of vampira hiding from the sun well for the most part the entire time young man who are you what is this don't you come in mr gover i can have a nice little step on the cat's tail i don't see any cat we don't have a cat it's just his tail obviously hitchcock is buried here not the hitchcock alfred hitchcock is not buried here in hollywood forever cemetery in fact i think mr hitchcock the king of suspense himself has been cremated you really can't visit his gravesite this is the next closest thing right before we go a little further let's talk a little bit about the death of myla nermie she died at the age of 85 on january 10 2008 in our hollywood apartment a very small hollywood apartment we're going to visit that a little bit later on basically what we're going to do today we're going to visit her final resting place the apartment where she lived and where she ultimately died and we're going to go over to santa monica to a cemetery where she did a photo shoot in the late 50s you've seen the pictures you're gonna know what i'm talking about when you see them we're gonna line up the shots as best as we can jessica and i were there the other day scoping it out and we have a pretty darn good idea of where the photos were taken oh and just a heads up that giant building that you see and that's paramount studios it borders hollywood forever cemetery since we're here and telling the story of vampire i figured i would stop and say hi to a few different celebrities along the way for instance johnny ramone from you guessed it the ramones now when it comes to the story of vampira and milanermi i found it extremely interesting how vampyra came to be i don't think many people realize this but the lifespan so to speak of vampira really is very short even though all these years later vampira is an icon of heart especially if you are a fan of horror movies now i'm probably going to get these these dates wrong so bear with me but it's right around this area you see in the early 50s milo nurmi attended a halloween party dressed as morticia loosely based off of charles adams you know the creator of the addams family one of his drawings she won first place at this halloween party a couple weeks maybe even months later somebody from hollywood tracked her down called her up and said hey i really liked what you did back there for that halloween party you know sexy spooky gothy looking witchy woman and we'd like you to come in and read so to speak camera test for as a horror host it turned out to be for a tv show so she came in dressed the way that she did and they absolutely loved her and the story goes old hollywood stories they said that they directly wanted to steal charles adams idea of a witchy woman and she said no no i respect that artist way too much let me go home do something with this change it up i'll come back and i'll have something for you so she left and she came back and it was vampira do you mind if i smoke no not at all thank you and how you doing toto well this is a statue in memory of toto he's not actually here it's just in memory of toto now back to the story the show that vampira hosted really didn't last that long in fact i think it only lasted one year but she definitely left a heel print notice i didn't say footprint instead i said heel print like a high heel print she dated marlon brando had a very uh romantic fling with him and she had a very close friendship with actor james dean a lot of people think it was romantic she says it wasn't but her friendship her relationship with james dean ultimately i guess you would say is what caused the fall of vampire there's no secret that vampire and james dean had a very close friendship and a lot of people thought that it was a romantic relationship but both james dean and vampira milanermi said that it wasn't that in fact at one point somebody asked james dean flat out hey are you having a thing with this lady and he jokingly said i don't date witches jokingly mind you but rumor is according to story according to legend according to lore that myla nermey took that very hurtful she took it to heart and it hurt her that her friend her lover so to speak would have said this not too long after all this stuff we all know what happened to james dean he died in a car crash north of los angeles on his way to laguna seca race track and a lot of people think at the time that vampira cursed james dean at the time mind you after all she was a witch in a time where she was not like your typical average lady and it didn't help that she sent him a postcard of her sitting next to an open grave saying darling come join me a reporter got a hold of that ran with it and ultimately the vampire cursed james dean is what brought her down they cancelled her show nobody wanted to work with her at one point she was living off of 13 a month 13 a month i have no idea what that is at that time you know it doesn't seem like a lot does it but she ended up finding work again with a guy by the name of ed wood in a movie called plan nine from outer space [Music] sounds like craig's in trouble [Music] driving around hollywood forever cemeteries proving rather interesting immediately this name stuck out larry drake that my friends is dr giggles well he was also in dark man but i never i remember him distinctively from dr gate was cause he scared me when i saw the movie an honorable actor and an honorable man a curious mind a wicked wit and a kind heart i'm not even gonna pretend to pronounce that but how crazy cool is that i had no idea that he's here cremated because elvira was so different and she was hot especially for the time so many different people wanted to work with her different movies and tv shows and there's one director in particular he wasn't even a-list he wasn't even b-list he wasn't even c-list d-list or any of the other alphabets in fact someone even put him on the alphabet list a guy by the name of edward d wood i love his movies i know you love his movies especially if you're watching this but at the time his movies the way he did things was considered a joke i know we're here doing a visit and a video on milan army vampira but we're also visiting other notable celebrities right now jessica's looking for the new grave of burt reynolds he's been buried here recently and as she does that let's continue talking about mr ed wood making these videos a lot of times i feel like jessica and i in a lot of ways are like edward we set up a shot we shoot it and we keep moving on don't have a script everything we do is just we kind of make it up as we go it's all about just experiencing things now when edward was alive i read and i always get the impression that he was he he wanted to be famous so bad and but at the same time he loved making movies that was his heart's desire today his most famous movie plan 9 from outer space which i think is absolutely phenomenal is considered as the worst movie ever made and that really hurts because like i said i absolutely love it he wanted edward wanted milo nurmi vampires character to be in his movie so bad that he hounded her for years to be in all kinds of projects like i said earlier milan army was living off of 13 a month she was hurting for money one day she got a phone call that there was a script that somebody wanted her to read and that a part in a movie would be perfect for her she got it said ed wood and she was like aw seriously come on she took the part i think she got paid somewhere around 200 which was an even huge deal back then not now we all know her she's the you know vampire in the movie there's that famous scene with her and wrestler tor johnson walking through the cemetery clip and pictures right now [Music] supposedly she despised the idea of doing this movie so much that she refused to utter a single word of edward's dialogue in plant nine from outer space which is odd because i mean it's a rumor it's stories it's hollywood because at the same exact time i don't know if it's whether to save face or not but recently again in doing research for this video i i saw an interview where she talked about this exact rumor and she said i was initially offered some lines i was initially offered some lines but the fact is that the character although i was billed as vampira the character wasn't vampire as i had conceived her empire as i had conceived her was giddy uh outrageous and this was a different kind of because she was in a trance and i just thought it would be better if she was in a trance and i asked you please do it mutely and they said well okay [Music] and hello to you too mr chris cornell from the band sound garden 1964-2017 beloved husband and father we had to do a little grim cemetery safari and trying to track down the new final resting place of actor burt reynolds this is it it is beautiful talk about nice right [Applause] jessica was just admiring the different flowers that are up there they look real but they are 100 fake yeah they're they're fabric but i i really like that because that means they'll be around for a long time and it's very pretty and right below it is the stone for burt reynolds and a bottle of beer banquet coors golden banquet beer now this is relatively new probably within the past month or so i remember when they put it out here the stone for burt reynolds every youtube content creator in los angeles at the time came out here and there was just a flood of videos i feel like we're walking up on milan nurmi's gravestone like two vampires i mean there's our shadows jessica your bat coat is really something oh spooky hands spooky hands it's been about a year over a year since we've been here visiting her there's no kisses anymore on the stone the rain has washed them away it's been raining here in hollywood for some time it feels like but there are some dried flowers to the left you are so cute jessica it is absolutely perfect i think she would be happy and as she flies away let's get a closer look here oh and look there's little vampire teeth like the old halloween vampire teeth the sun is pretty wicked strong today but there she is milan nurmi 1922-2008 vampira hollywood legend pretty wild jessica's doing a little bit of cleaning up around her tombstone and in the process she's finding all kinds of little trinkets and she's putting them right back where they belong is that a little skull like a little blue skull i see up there yeah it's a little it's a bead there's a bunch of little tiny um spiders but they won't stay on i can't get them to stay go and put a bunch of little tiny uh classic spiders but they won't oh there we go they wouldn't stay the other way looks like it just you know it rained and it washed the spiders down oh that was not intentional i swear it wasn't now here's a little bit of grim trivia for you about the burial of actress mila nurmi you see her body technically isn't here but technically it is you see she was cremated and during her service her ashes were on display in a gold box and they brought her ashes and the gold box over here via an old very old look in her it's like a classic hearse and when they put her in the ground they put the gold box in what looked like a white igloo cooler from pictures that i've seen online i'm guessing that's pretty common when you're burying ashes something like you know that that's going to preserve the box but i had no clue that she technically wasn't buried here that it's her ashes here strange wild understandably so and again with the shadows you know what jessica if we were vampires standing here in the sun we'd be up in flames we would be ash right now we would be dust jessica says poof but it's nice seeing you again myla nermee we are now your neighbors and would you look at this i just stumbled upon this i had no idea that he was even buried here but buried right behind vampyra is the actor darren mcgavin now that name doesn't mean anything he was the actor who played cool check the night stalker the tv series basically he hunted vampires and other nightly creatures and he's buried right behind vampira well to be honest i wouldn't have known that he was over here but i saw this piece of paper taped to the front here and i looked at it and i was like wait a second let's cool check the nightstalker wait that's darren mcgavin and i looked at it a little closer and if i move this down there's a picture of him right there and right above it is his signature etched into the stone that's cool let me show that one more time pretty awesome a little secret of hollywood i had no clue see learn something new every day because of the sun you really can't make out his name kinda can crazy timing jessica and i were just leaving the cemetery we were driving out of the cemetery whenever anton yelchin's mom passed us everybody knows if you're familiar with the family and his passing that every day since he passed either his mother or his father came to visit him at his you know final resting place left a flower cleaned up a little bit or just sat and spent time with their son we heard the stories we've been here a couple different times but today is the very first time that we saw her we didn't say hi just let her do her thing you know a couple weeks ago we did a video on anton yelchin where's where he lived where he died and here the hollywood forever cemetery no doubt i'm guessing the family saw our video hopefully they found it respectful they didn't reach out to us which is fine i wasn't expecting that to be honest but it's just it's pretty wild to be living here and experiencing the stories that makes sense i turned my back for one second and jessica is over here she found a stray cat you can see it up in the tree there's jessica the cat is up there to the right of your screen oh there's another one they're both climbing the trees you see that i don't think you can give cats beef jerky honestly so i saw a cat nestled into the wall oh there's another one they're everywhere i've seen four today cats and peacocks in hollywood forever cemetery cats peacocks geese swans a smaller breed of duck that i can't remember the name of but it's got giant feet um lots of corals koi fish koi fish and turtles swans yeah swans plants um and i think that's all the animals i have seen thus far but today was the only day i've seen cats and i i love animals you know i get sad when i see them homeless especially something like cats you know because they're domesticated tracking down the final apartment and ultimately where vampire died was a little difficult eventually we found the address on the corners report what were you saying about the street here walking here that there are giant ravens everywhere but the strange thing is is that they're all hanging out inside palm trees and that's just two things i never thought would go together another interesting thing about this location well where she lived just the other day i was filming where bella lugosi lived and died that's only a couple blocks away so does creepy stay together maybe maybe staying true to hollywood milo nurmi lived in a little bungalow right here to the right of jessica you can hear the crows in the background ravens i'm sorry but this is it the sign that says the hollywood bungalow courts 1554-1576 milo nurmi's apartment well her bungalow was number 1570 just peering over the gate you can see five different bungalows hers was the third one it's a small little quaint little bungalow here in hollywood isn't it vampyra died at the age of 85 from natural causes those who were close to her said that it came as a surprise because up until the time of her death she was very energetic and she was giving interviews because she lived alone it was a couple days before somebody found her when they did find her she was slightly decomposed sitting on her couch with her feet propped up on a lawn chair her dead cat laid next to her as well this place has everything high above us there are ravens crying and right here in the center of your screen is a spider web how perfect is that what do you think jessica about living near where all this horror history that we've been unearthing is it's pretty neat i mean it's right in your own backyard and if you didn't do the research so you could go walking around your neighborhood and not know anything and just feel like you're in an average suburban-ish neighborhood you know it's hollywood that's that's what it means to be here it's pretty wild you know we often tell people people always reach out to us saying how did you find this out how did you know that this was here and i always tell them you never know what's in your own backyard just look but hours of research yeah we do a lot of a lot of research at some point during the 50s mayla nurmi came to woodlawn cemetery here in santa monica with a photographer and created some of the most well-known vampire photos that we all know we've seen them all over social media today we're going to try to line up the shots as best as we possibly can the hardest part about doing any of this is finding the right spot a lot of times whenever somebody does a photo shoot they pick one area and from what we've experienced in the past and doing research they always stick to that one area they find that look and they that feel we were here yesterday truth be told and we came out here and we lined up the shots as best we possibly could we found all the tombstones so this is going to be rather interesting but this is the cemetery the part of the cemetery back in the 50s when melanie was here with the photographer and created those iconic vampira horror photos probably the most famous photo of that photo shoot is when she took a photo right in front of this stone that says father on it she's leaning up against it laughing she has her hand up like she's playing with her hair and you can see the flower what do you call that filigree in the photo just above our shoulders as close as we're gonna get there's jessica looking beautiful in the same exact location that vampira was she was making like a squished nose laugh so you can't see my face sorry you know math but there you go the next photograph that we're going to line up is inside this crypt there's a gate now so we can't get to the exact location that melanie was but we can show it with the camera it's inside this crypt behind this this what do you call it wrought iron fence yeah would you see over here jessica that just right in the bottom it says wife as a placard oh yeah look at that no other markings that i can see but she was so far in you couldn't see that placard no the way that they had it so right here is the location of this photo vampira was kneeling in the back of this crypt with her head down you see that tree in the center of your screen when we were here yesterday lining up shots everything lined up except for a tree that was no longer here while we were in the cemetery a city worker came by and we asked them about this tree and he said that about two months ago the tree that once stood here was taken away and then they planted this one which i think is absolutely perfect because it kind of reminds me of something out of the addams family but right where that tree is standing now vampira kinda entwined in the tree that used to stand there for a photo and i'm going to show you how we lined up the shot because the tree is no longer here there's absolutely no way of lining up this shot but right where jessica is standing in her best bat get up you could be vampira if we had a horror show or if we had the opportunity to do a horror show i would do it in a heartbeat i would try my best but right where jessica is and if i tilt the camera off to the left here get a little creative you'll see this tombstone if we get closer to it it says arnold that can be seen in the photo and if i tilt this way and look over to the right just behind jessica you'll see another stone this one right there you see how it's round cylinder shape what do we call that one jessica swiss roll the swiss roll tombstone hey swiss roll cake exactly that's how we found this shot it is and here are the photos [Music] i keep in mind that these photos were taken roughly 65 years ago and we're standing in the same exact spot so of course things are going to change i'm surprised actually that the the tree lasted this long just what two months ago they tore it down and they put this charles adams looking thing here i think i i think they unintentionally created a memorial or a monument to vampyra i'll go with that here comes jessica jessica do your bat you are absolutely gorgeous you are spooky and perfect that's that's how bad sound they make little chirps and what what do bats eat depends on the back well okay so what kind of bad are you what kind of bat would you eat well my favorite bats are actually vegetarians they eat fruit so fruit bats fruit bats like jerry dandridge from right now like the flying fox okay it's like the massive bat or the little baby guys oh they're so cute like rubs and stuff but vampire bats obviously drink blood but they only drink bovine because they have to like attach to them for a long time this has become like an an educational science show like a big version of the mosquito they're basically the same thing this is cool
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 151,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vampira, Vampira Maila Nurmi, Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Vampira Show, Vampire Misfits, Vampira Misfits Lyrics, Vampira Song, Maila Nurmi, Maila Nurmi Vampira, Maila Nurmi Interview, Maila Nurmi Ed Wood, Maila Nurmi Documentary, Maila Nurmi Cause of Death, Maila Nurmi James Dean, Maila Nurmi Grave, Maila Nurmi Waist, Maila Nurmi Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Hollywood Forever Cemetery Graves, Maila Nurmi Death, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Elvira, Elvira Knottsberry Farm
Id: lUipDsaWjtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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