VALORANT FOR 65 HOURS: The Film | Solo Iron-Radiant in One Stream Challenge

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there is a legend of a warrior fighting a battle of endurance to go from one land to another his name [Music] is it's timmy and this is his story what's going on [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] is [Music] nice [Music] some things may seem very hard seem very unrealistic unreachable and that's just a mindset i'm going to make history let's go oh my god oh my god [Music] we're gaming we're online [Applause] [Music] you think some you think you think you think people thought solo iron to reading was possible in one stream without sleeping no let's go 64 hours do not try this that's what you have me because i'll do it [Music] oh what alright if you guys don't know what we're doing today we are doing solo iron to radiant and one stream we're on iron one right now all right 50 rr because it's the lowest you can get one stream chance we're not sleeping at all throughout the entire thing it's projected to be at least 48 hours maybe 50 maybe 40 who knows we could be [ __ ] cameras and not lose a single game so did you get a good sweep me ever getting good sleep no don't die to me don't worry i just never died today will be nothing chad tomorrow is when it becomes a lot harder the time will be against me but my history i'm saying once once i hit the fourth game i gotta be fully warmed up because i'm versing platinum players you got it timmy thank you thank you all right chant here we go the first game time excitation uh maybe like maybe a short eight hour stream what do we do no radiant no rest you know the whole the hardest thing right here is getting into this goddamn iron game let me in man iron q is longer than immortal actually [Music] oh my god thank god [Music] when finally 30 minutes in the stream chat and we're starting our first game that's very powerful for your partners but you know that's okay you know it's lucky jetted iron okay hello any mics hello yo what's up i just wanted to let you know i'm not gonna play very well i just started like three weeks ago and my aim is terrible i believe in you you got this [Music] oops the bombs okay [Music] [Music] maybe maybe their headphones are backwards or something you know i mean like i i easily get i got that mistake dying in niner questions [Music] jesus christ oh my god i was i was not ready for that holy [ __ ] i'm filled with second-hand guilt watching this okay it's it's okay after that turns will be fine [Music] one enemy remaining [Music] [Music] i'm trying to speedrun chad i'm going as fast as i can capital d calling me right now but literally later whenever i have i'm [ __ ] 40 hours in i can't even speak okay you guys are not gonna be saying that i'm trying to save my time for later you're ready robbing their rr oh my god it's iron one i'm sure they have no rr [Music] defenders yo what a pop-off game by me you cannot [ __ ] cap holy [ __ ] ooh i can add thanos arena now ain't no sign howdy what's up hey daddy excuse me oh what's the most you can jump rank wise after every single rank up you'll skip a division so i'll go to iron three after this game and then after iron three i'll go to iron jesus christ i [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with me uh i go up bronze two then i'll go silver one then i'll silver three then i go um gold two then um plot one and plot three then diamond two then diamond two to diamond three then diamond three to the mortal and then that's when the grind starts oh no my empress is gonna run out [Music] the rush what the [ __ ] am i watching insane [Music] my teammates are [ __ ] cracked it's okay i'm not even worried is this clean watch this this [ __ ] online this omen decimating oh my god they're watching all ends look at this i i like this this ping though i'm i'm on the way do what you got to do you're hello hello what's up yes how you doing hello yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yes we sound like a fine group of gentlemen i haven't gone by okay well he actually left the game jack i think we can win this i'm risking a chance i'm risking because i don't know i don't want to remake i don't always time one's on raptor okay i guess you can just like we won't remake i guess reina and jeddy spaghetti are pretty good at the game not gonna lie but then again it's still 4v5 so it's a 4v5 so we're at a disadvantage right but if you get one kill at the very beginning in the round you make it a 44. now it's fair you know what i mean no [Music] appreciate the call out g unit yes sir that's a [ __ ] dub jetty spaghetti i never had that one before guys lorena what rank are you flat hmm nice how many or how long do you think it'll take for you to get to radiation it'll take a while [Music] the last player is kind of bad nice you're built different 41 [ __ ] kills too holy [ __ ] yeah bomb breach oh yeah uh okay i want to take it don't take good games thank you for the carry brain i appreciate it thank you very much thanks bro [Music] come on [Music] nice i'm bronze 2 let's go i was receiving silver golds in that game i'm lois frick [Music] good [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you can you hold hold stairs so i can swing off you one enemy them all wait that's his ace okay you're good [Music] lane don't die timothy don't die i'm good for [ __ ] 10. [Music] never mind i just don't double tap that guy running back running by top mid there watch this yet one enemy remaining defenders win that was a hard game harder than it should have been platinum gamers found him gamers now thank you for my water [Music] damn i think they're they're raised like that holy [ __ ] if she didn't have armor and i killed her like that that'd have been so good you're crazy [Music] [Music] that's kind of trolling silver one it's over one in three point three hours chat dub dub found i'm just waiting till i get like into the the plot diamond elo cuz like i'll get that like in like two games i think in two games i'll be reversing diamonds so hope it like the game's the quality will be better everyone had their back to me all right just do it one more time you got it one more get another ace bro oh all right go get it i gotta kill you guys you proud of me i am 16-0 in a flat touch diamond game holy [ __ ] that's right my thoughts [Music] dude not bad dude i'm so bad holy [ __ ] all right [Music] sages on top of the box [Music] nice on the right on the right easy ace [Music] nice [Music] uh unfortunately [Music] wait one person to take [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] stay tuned [Music] [ __ ] trolling man if i ran up i kill all of them i don't know why i try to go free kills [Music] that's one yellow on top yellow one hp holy [ __ ] you're insane bro see you guys all right chad doing okay doing okay we're building up the triangle right now okay you guys ready to game it out of course yes sir i'm tired never should go to bed i think when i lose my first game [Music] okay [Music] wow number three planted foreign [Music] [Music] no i could have gone [ __ ] nuclear there holy [ __ ] brother you sound like a [ __ ] really that's what i was thinking one bathroom diamond player [Music] yeah i'm gonna hold spawn push this okay just keep on going yo randa you're silver three bro wait how'd you get in this lobby what no cages both uh smokes used nice uh jeff 40 jeff ford u-haul i'm just judged solo bronze supreme um probably just kidding this is only gonna take me like three more hours because we're about to [ __ ] fly through man yeah both sides of the site lined up for you to make the play ggs promoted both there right there you crazy oh good for two wait let let oh my oh my gosh dude 6 8 10 12 14 14 games in seven hours match found [Music] hold my [ __ ] [Music] [Music] i am stressed [Music] no way remaining [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my [ __ ] right in my face [Music] [Music] [ __ ] she's just gonna play up i think they're playing all same no all right after that i'm about to go [ __ ] stupid mode [Music] help oh oh my god i've got my all for retakes i already have the hugest flankers [Music] some diamond gamers triangle is getting there 17 wins one loss not too shabby 10 hours i think what is it 10 hours shot i don't even know oh or actually i'll play stage because i don't have another sentinel ignored wasn't it already okay [Music] i trapped this house [Music] where's my team i should have tagged him oh maiden puncher let's go boys holy [ __ ] what a game thank god being on stage [ __ ] oh my god my walls are [ __ ] juice i got the training [Music] 30 seconds left oh you're so gay bro let's go my kids and i are watching it's to me before leaving school you got this oh i love that oh my god reversing immortal gamers now all right don't throw this defend hey jase oh yeah right now chat 21 wins one loss dub this triangle is looking kind of nice knocked out do i bring them it's because if i knock if i kill one i can full heal and get back to full hp and [ __ ] go thanos [Music] careful see give me a good i'm sorry i'll say what's your motivation behind this challenge i did it in apex dude invalid same thing right [Music] nice i technically i'm not a radiant smurf because i've never been i haven't i've only been radiant once actually actually i only been radiant once and that's the beginning of this valley three cc yo what's the backside holy [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] nice oh my god my joy's so good like her up is actually like just better than wardell's like actually like he never misses remaining dude [ __ ] not sure man this is what reign is meant for i think this might this might work i just think that i think astra i sure want hp [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay i wasn't that fast but i did it go to insta-lock let's go [ __ ] huge that's what we [ __ ] needed keeping the dream alive now where are these teammates earlier today bro jesus christ hey yo what the [ __ ] up so my omen could you know get that you know obviously it's because i knew that they would obviously run into him [Music] i'm a [ __ ] soba maine they got a yoru on their youtube too oh dude i got deleted i literally told you guys they're all a man what the [ __ ] oh my god oh what have you won [Music] someone please wait oh my you got it he got it no you got it 100 oh so i heard right there or you gotta wait almost there almost there i'll wrap this up on your onions [Music] oh [Music] okay so we're [ __ ] around i'm online with me yeah when the mall chants [Music] uh oh my god i see a door maybe holy [ __ ] wait dude that was that wasn't that was insane that doesn't holy [ __ ] omen went [ __ ] nuclear there that was insane [Music] i have to play all diamond two and three i need to win eight games yeah eight more games that should take eight more hours realistically i can get immortal on um in eight games eight wins just keep up the pace don't die i could tell that like my like i'm like okay but like i'm getting a little sleepy in my eyes i'm stickier oh my god we're farming [Music] i don't think he's telling you oh my i can stun for me go on with you it's your right you're right still be one it's true [Music] we're [ __ ] back there's so many showers [Music] good job bro you're kind of crazy right here kind of crazy bro i appreciate that brother holy [ __ ] i'm just guys maybe i should go pro ice oh [Music] [Music] one dish [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] if i if i don't get immortal before 24 hours shot i think i'm going to cry hello what's up john it's your boy timmy no [ __ ] way wait timmy how deep are you in internet um 19 hours not not bad one hookah one elbow [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh my god what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did i just do i'm inspired i didn't get to see the play but i'm inspired i literally was just i shot and then i i ran away and it killed them both just rng i'm [ __ ] dead [Music] [Music] oh they were nice [Music] my bad man i'm uh currently streaming for about 20 22 hours straight my bad i can't i am my fault you're right let's [ __ ] go chat can you can you fake smoke right here oh i real smoke [Music] lurking i'm pretty sure [ __ ] i smurfed you guys i mean i may look fine chad but my body feels like absolute dog water i feel so slumped right now if that makes sense [Applause] one garage you're bonkers bro [Music] [Music] he's one shot one shot good job right now dead [Music] so much pain immortals give me the wall [Music] oh my gosh just one more game until we're [ __ ] immortal are you not tired do i look tired i'm doing my job and my job is to [Music] that is um unlucky all right i can't focus eileen is griefing me chad's no more funny business [Music] and here we go shots the new ark the one game i get [ __ ] 18. bro just go away with ball man i'm already have the lurk man look at reina here's the sight do they have the bomb you know 30 seconds left probably do by now [Music] 10 seconds left what hello so what happened is um already messaged a dev i've been messaging a dev this morning and they said that my account was gonna get banned the whole challenge of the iron to radiant it's a little like gray area because you know like the whole smurfing it's i don't know it's it's in a really weird area so i know dude the guy on tick tock about me cheating is going to go crazy you can make a new account start over damn you are right there chad we start the shirt the stream right now so we start the challenge right now iron to ban it might not have been riot's fault time or it could have been like the auto detection or something like that i don't know wait i'm banned no man still banned a five minute map just kidding we're unbanned let's go we're back we're free free from my unban [Music] okay i'm washed not working sheets are not working all right giving them back nice on site right already what a rez by the [ __ ] sage right there that was huge thanks for giving me another kp oh boy chad here we go we're finally here a model one we're going for radiant all right the final push so [Music] movement on this game they're slowing what how shoot let's not talk about it one enemy remaining heavenly one might have it off two balls [Music] oh i mean level four is on our team wait am i playing an underrated game i'm playing i'm playing an unrated i just realized i i just realized i'm playing an underrated game swing his ass over okay okay okay okay pico you're [ __ ] crazy let's go last player standing spike down a die [Music] i'm so tired get me off this game all right let's go dude i'm [ __ ] awake my [ __ ] entire body's on fire space [Music] night shots oh [Music] [Music] [Music] left [Music] nice [Music] [Music] oh boy [Music] it i'm gonna focus um i'm just gonna only focus [Music] on the game i'll follow it i'll follow up oh this maniac i'mma get the bomb i mean technically and i'm just wasting so much time [Applause] 10 seconds left can't default [Applause] get up get up get up i have no idea what you're trying to push for me but you need me queue i am timmy's nurse no i failed here and i just had to release it on him and i'm now online i'm back i woke up again yeah like i have i'm no i'm on my [ __ ] night to win right now i'm i'm going crazy i'm i can i can go for another 48 hours [Music] but this is combackable nevermind did i say combatable i mean [ __ ] loseable [Music] [Music] [ __ ] planted [Music] awesome you're looking next game to me thank you [Music] i think they're trying to re-hit [Applause] [Music] i was five oh my [ __ ] on a farm chad you guys think i can do this oh i want some yes or no yes in knows oh my god yes and no jesus christ can i [ __ ] you guys think i'm gonna complete this challenge do you guys think i'm gonna get reading yes or no in the chat left better bro your voice just like it's a little like i watched his stream a lot uh it's a he passed a task player what's his name is timmy oh another guy okay yeah he's cool oh my god holy [Music] is sign that team right now bring that to land immaculate immortal three gamer now we're gaming we're online all right big comebacks here you're running up short running up short two nice avengers oh that for 16 uh reading points gent can you play viper player one or no i play viper i take that as they don't play i'm viper i was gaming no i always had like high energy so i can always no it's just the fact that you're able to maintain composure just oh i mentioned oh he went already like my fingers are like hurting my hands my do my elbows are hurting the most but how is your aim so crispy though that's the main question i mean just practice you mean consistency when it comes to being like uh mentally strong you know you have to go you obviously have to go through a lot of things um i used to get tilted a lot actually back then when i used to play like league of legends i i always thought i was the best in my team and i always thought like what i was doing was the right decision you know and i think that's like the worst thing the worst thing that you you could ever think because like no matter what there's always someone better than you in this world always right when you lose you actually like learn a lot you know i mean like when i was in golden guardians and i i used to compete in apex i thought i was [ __ ] five head i thought i was so smart my calls were [ __ ] great and i realized i was a [ __ ] idiot and i learned that after i lost multiple times over and over i kept making the same mistakes and eventually i learned not to make those mistakes anymore and improve off them everything is just to help you improve you know [Music] attackers win was that supposed to be a fight all right no funny business i must try hard [Music] yes sir yes sir [Music] yes sir [Music] i round right now that's big let's go wait i can't i can't stick is that bad it's fine you're fine you're fine holy [ __ ] bro do not do not do not do not do not do not do that do not do wow that was scary could be our raptors backside oh yeah they both have armor [Music] you take both 50. nice attackers win no one say it trenty [Music] help [Music] i just i just put my [ __ ] cross here somewhere on that on their body and i said i just prayed if he throws one nade we [ __ ] die what a menace are you doing i'm not bad yourself yo i'm a little tired but you know i'm i'm fighting where's your child i'm gonna turn up i can't for a little bite all right so let's get some [ __ ] wins eight nine wins in a row all right let's [ __ ] get this let's [ __ ] get this dope let's get it that's [ __ ] dominate you have no idea about me boom what's up [ __ ] boom no idea about me wait wait wait oh it's great like wardo says i never miss it's gonna be my quote i never lose that's my new quote [Music] [Music] [ __ ] these marshall gamers man boom boom boom [Music] that crazy [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] here i was in my little rat ass right here was just oh my god i'm going to berlin i like that clip 61 hours dude we're hitting shots like that it's a reset reset refresh switching sides for more hookahs [Music] i've been up for a little too long now i think it's like almost what 62 hours i'm very close i am 129 points away which is equivalent to about seven games seven to eight game uh seven to eight wins in a row um do you guys think i should continue and keep trying because i really want it's like i really want to do it i i already put 60 i my mindset is i put 60 hours into this already i should try to like finish it no one else is going to do this no one else is going to do this right you've already accomplished something i know but i can accomplish even more and i'm right there i'm literally at the steps i'm about to call your mom i feel fine i'll call you one more one more see [Music] anyone i say play three more games if you lose within three then stop i got the family i got the family support these are some these are some real humans oh it's oh it's [ __ ] game time attackers [Music] oh i'm sure okay okay okay okay attackers we can't i can't believe we lost this game man i would love to continue but as as i am getting towards day three of staying awake day three is where it gets really bad and it actually could get dangerous right um depending on the person of course right um and as i'm getting towards day three i can definitely tell things about my body it's just not happy it's just that you're saying timmy i'm not happy with you right now and i you know i'm i'm telling it hey like i'm trying to get this radiant man you know i mean like i'm just trying to [ __ ] be radiant so we'll see how this game goes but i do want to say thank you guys for watching um you guys are actually amazing there's a lot of people today a lot of people supported whether you're here right now or we're you know here before there's so many people it's [ __ ] crazy standing uh yeah she said no because he's just really briefing me it's okay it's whatever i mean it's already been done you have to change it remaining [Applause] i know exactly i don't want to end off on that one like that one's actually really stuck there was a little 4v5 and we couldn't remake it that is the end um we did we did the solo iron to a radiant in a one stream challenge and we got immortal three uh i think we peaked 350 rr but then eventually we could not get uh to 450 which is the new current but um i did say i wanted to do this challenge back then before i like when it was 300 rr um then i went on vacation then came back and then it got changed to 450 which is a lot harder um so i mean realistically it is doable for i guess 300 but through 450 is a little bit harder um and i think that like maybe if i was like obviously better at valerian and then also just like uh didn't troll as much i um my earlier stages i think i could have done all uh i guess i could have gotten it maybe sooner or didn't get radiant later unfortunate chat but we did get a model three um that's pretty good it's pretty good um yeah i don't know how i managed to do it um but i oh my god my eyes um but i have managed to somehow stay awake for too long i don't know it's like 60 something 60 something eight how many how long is this stream my hands are in actual shambles they hurt my arms they hurt you see that yeah i'm my body not so well but overall up here we're good we're good we're mentally good we almost filled out the the immortal immortal triangle that is it for this one this account is no longer thank you guys for supporting me throughout the journey it was fun it was a great time i do want to shout out aileen the girl that you see around my room my girlfriend she took really good care of me she you know fed me got me food um she pretty much always just made sure i was okay throughout the entire stream i know it is a long stream chat 64 hours do not try this it is definitely not something you would recommend i would recommend anyone doing for any [ __ ] reason that's why you have me because i'll do it you know of course it just is only pain you know i mean there was some glory you know potential but you know we didn't get radiant which is unlucky you know i mean so all this was really just for nothing you know but at the end i do appreciate you guys being here thank you guys i appreciate you guys as always you guys are amazing i'll see you guys sometime in my other life i'm going to go to bed you guys are amazing a great night hi chad today we are doing solo iron to radiant part two hello hello good morning your streamer is not dead chad not yet glad you are alive thanks man me too we're doing okay if anyone's worried don't be um i slept for a long time don't know how long but probably 24 hours yeah good good probably gonna take some vitamins no cap
Channel: iiTzTimmy
Views: 5,788,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iitztimmy, valorant, radiant, iron to radiant, iitztimmy apex, iitztimmy valorant, iitztimmy aim, longest twitch stream, valorant radiant, radiant valorant, valorant jett, jett, reyna, valorant reyna, iitztimmy jett, jett play, valorant ace, valorant clutch, valorant win, valorant ranked, valorant competitive, valorant guide, valorant tips, valorant help, valorant crosshair, valorant settings, valorant dpi, valorant mouse, tenz, kyedae, shroud, valorant pro, valorant rank, xqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 42sec (5022 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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