#1 Radiant Brimstone Master VS 4 Irons [70+ Kills]

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so today we have one radiant rank one brimstone versus four iron players now i'm gonna have to sell you on this guy this is the best brimstone around like i promise you you're gonna be super impressed with his plays and the fact that he's playing brimstone in a one verse four no sustain not much abilities and terms to actually help him get kills other than his alt he's literally brimstone that i mean you have to say much more just trust me on this one i hope you guys enjoy if you do hit that like button consider subscribing join that discord to join these games and let's get straight into it don't trust them for long range i'm going to peak this i knew it yep exactly case in point guys no one pushed him no i'm pushing him yeah yeah yeah i blocked him off he'd probably gonna maybe i don't know i'm gonna keep on jiggling this smoke's down he's smoked off but he's walking i think he's rotating to me oh my gosh he's insane i'm gonna stick him in okay yeah watch going outside coming outside i think you can do this smoke's down okay i think he planted like around this area i think it's going to hold right there yeah don't push people 34 34. this guy's happy one bullet nice i hit him like once and then he died so yeah i'm going to put a wire mirror oh he's play together he's in the smoke he has a specter though so be careful my tree yeah his oh he's happened yeah nice what are you doing everyone just eating he's just trying to yeah forces which would be weird oh my gosh okay okay guys i need here i know he's gonna hold that he's gonna say i know radiant okay checks it now he's on tracks i having area launching i think you got to push out for him yeah you have to this yeah get defused blind box if he's my boss oh he is old he was waiting oh he's so good what okay wait brim don't push up he's like oh he did that he actually died but no i don't think you till except i like that be okay yeah i think you just literally like uh raid boss one [Music] my oh is he there i'm pretty sure he's boathouse oh okay honestly chill boathouse or something uh like glitch you can go through this oh jack can you go back to it or like me or something make sure you clear every angle before you watch it [Music] i think i heard something that was probably me i heard smokes med that was me all right smoked b watching smoke we jet watch yeah watch bmain [Music] uh thing mid and i'll close the door oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he knocked him knife to you how did he get there oh we were we had him he's no beacon here oh sneaky probably went through a tree then honestly just run just right just wait for it briskly back up oh 52 one enemy remaining oh what the heck he's out there oh my god some things you just kidding yeah behind us we were watching every corner i didn't have time to i didn't have time to re-put it there so i just left it launching smoke yeah he smoked sit still i just wasn't invited oh 104 104 one four one four oh i i do that all the time it's just i was way too far away my planet smokes down i got this he's pretty weak you can honestly yeah i just don't know where he is if i have an id then i totally will old site maybe yeah because if he just gets in it like one second he said i'm gonna grab a gun okay you gotta hurry though she checked your right maybe in that corner oh house house this is embarrassing now he can't jump over the trip oh my god 40 40. don't jump don't ping i don't know i thought i had it though i didn't have to do that start running my method radiant bruh it's 26 in two don't do anything your hand no planet all right planted right side right side okay okay let's all three of us push at the same time okay three two one go down who knows where he is oh uh hell i know i know where he is remaining 44 44. finally man even him with the head shots dude i i have my ultimate now okay we can do something with this yeah we all have volts oh we should have gotten a sage i'm gonna use my old on him i didn't buy a second smoke i am really i'm drowning man i'm running mid he's going to be like sneaking somewhere i have a trip on tree and i have a trip on mid so i think it might be b j watch out watching behind the box doing nothing all right wait room stay brim stay okay yeah you just can't drink we all say our positions are good launching smoke he's not supposed to go he's one tree in heaven because he's probably going a but we should probably not move yet because he does something right 88 88 88 oh let's stay there please oh no he's so good how do you play play pl play ct please easy slavery yeah he's gonna jump down a plan he's got to come to one of you he's he's b he's b all right sorry whoa he's so smart man so it might be hell how did he know dumb no he just trust me he would never play him he's not he's either hell or wine i don't know i feel like he's below yeah the hedgehog but he can probably dodge it okay brim can like smoke it and yeah yeah i'm not can you watch tree actually yeah he's naming him don't peek it don't pick it don't pick it do not pick it we're smoking until we all get there wait don't rotate don't lose it guys guys i'm going to mate i'm going to mate i'm going to make it stay with me i'm here again he's leaving he's going mid he's going mid maybe can someone peek him okay yeah don't pick it ben don't forget actually insane let's go schneifer's better than brimstone i think it's gonna go be [Music] yeah we gotta yeah you just pop your old one over okay can you keep on jiggle peeking at me jiggle peep but don't push don't push i know see ya there he is can you destroy the drawer thanks thank you molly that was some good timing you're gonna die hit him get him get him i was just staring at him i was like a heaven it's not here it's nice probably has some kind of strategy you yes spike planted i'm like wait wait you got a mommy [ __ ] go here's a diffuser take him like twice instead no nice try kid okay don't don't plan next time if he's like on the site try to like find a way out he might hit a kill record here 41 and uh my ear brain big it was not ours definitely not ours you're not talking about us yeah treat history go go go go go go go go go go i'm going got him okay i need his revolver brim try to hide oh he's just nice okay hey let's go sacrifice is the door hit the door someone i'm gonna get all over the door i'll get the door i'm gonna camp in areas all right i'm gonna plant in the weirdest spot ever here we go on top of that box though he always wall bangs there he's gonna go no yeah no no i'm not sitting on the box i always forget that who smokes don't oh he's midnight you mean [Music] there you know what oh i see how it is wow nothing tree okay i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure he's beat right now yeah sacrifice okay okay he's probably gonna come from heaven or he's gonna come from a lobby so just oh wait wait yeah watch heaven with me yeah watch heaven with me come come come no someone has to watch a lobby i i put a trip there i have a picture there okay oh my god how was he already in heaven for heights i don't know maybe someone's about to get it just keep stalling in one enemy oh okay nice come back i told you okay okay i guess i'll go alone go back to jack oh i'm sorry until you get here wait no beats clear you don't know three two one no all right be clear please clear come be i guess he's right he's babies he's clear come come come i'm gonna try and like distract him or something yeah you should keep going in oh i eat spike down mid yeah wait don't no one pick no one pick no one please down he smoked off my cab nice nice i was gonna knife him i was gonna knife him and then i didn't know what did you mean i got 50 once in like this weird circumstance and i was like good at the game you guys don't it's true all right go go i'm fit in the stereotype right iron player bad you got it hey destroyed my self-confidence and a girlfriend you should probably have hell tell me how i don't know how i don't know how i really i wish i could tell you how did you i put the smoke to rotate if you run if you run for it run for it run for it go through mid 30 seconds he might have already knew daddy somehow got his way into the smoke and you took so long behind me it happened and i'm really sad about it hey you can go you have to go yeah you probably he's gonna get planned i'm pretty sure you might just wait till you start planning then do this follow up put your cam on heaven bye but you're like things that smoke on the spike and you can can't when you can you can shoot do that don't even don't even do that don't even do that don't even do that he's gonna he's gonna fake the fuse he's i fake diffusion he's gonna fake this thing don't peek don't you guys can you guys ping the bomb please please please please he wouldn't he wouldn't smoke then we were very bad yeah he's he's defusing oh oh he's not nice hey i told you phantom's gonna change everything i can't shoot three people at the same time fingers can i buy your account for what for your name and you can make your name being no i don't i can't come here venom's the way wait what i told you maybe that wasn't the play yeah don't don't let's not do that okay okay one that's one giveaway over here guys right here okay oops all right here we go this is this is the best way to end it i'm so scared ready now we have one by one one by one decide for first cycle i don't know it's one goal 1v1 you're actually paul's match timer pause match timer needs to be a true showdown why is the video ending like this okay all right let me know i'm gonna be hit what man no you're next you're next you're next oh you got it you got it you got it okay right click him you just don't mind right click him no don't right click him he's one shot with the regular one there's no yes he is i got him 125. oh okay dude you're gonna be everyone's here oh no that's why they put me in he actually he 41. i'm shocked at you no dumb all right it's everywhere first i got this guys are you ready yes let's just get info on where he is i'm trying to hit him did you hit him nope no yeah yeah stay back to it why is the video going like this i can't affect you okay okay did you hear him nope oh this guy's insane well he is now all right come here okay you got it 30 seconds left okay we have to do it again for the culture there's no way we have to beat them we have to beat them with knives that's fair we do we don't pick it don't pick it i forgot it was overtime i bought a spectre oh my god that don't go into it don't go watching okay okay okay where's he smoking where's she smoking oh [ __ ] twice all right that's one round one round we gotta get two okay we can uh yeah get up get up sex around wait wait wait if we if we if we don't know stop stop stop defusing stop defusing you know emo you know i taunt him you know should we go for not warning you know [Laughter] yeah and i have nothing i have literally nothing why did this why is this happening all right here oh here's the thing i can hold ct i got an old ct yeah so i can hear me here i'm mid night nice [Music] and all that and stuff that was fine i was fine in the end he took the l but not without an insane fight and i mean it was anyone's game this was one of the closest if not these the closest 1v4 matches we've had and again he was brimstone that was insane but let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you for watching and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Valorant Curios
Views: 2,655,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, Valorant, valorant moments, valorant montage, valorant versus, valorant VS, valorant battles, valorant radiant, valorant immortal, valorant diamond, valorant platinum, valorant gold, valorant silver, valorant bronze, valorant iron, valorant high elo, valorant high rank vs low rank, valorant pro vs noob, valorant radiant vs iron, valorant immortal vs iron, valorant crazy battles, valorant players, valorant pro players, valorant team battles
Id: 9mits6Z9NGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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