Valorant But There's a UNDERCOVER IMMORTAL Among Us... (This is IMPOSSIBLE TO GUESS)

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foreign good trade oh this is big yeah they won the round wait wait okay it might be a phoenix hello YouTube today we are doing a game of valora but it's among us obviously this idea has been done before but the twist this time is that we have nine cracked out gold players and a single Immortal player in a gold Lobby we're also doing this at the start of the ACT which means a lot of these gold players are probably like X Diamond now chat pick Pearl because apparently Pearl is where you can easily see Smurfs and stuff also if you guys want to see the stuff live coming over to eggwick if you do enjoy the content please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel by the way we did tell the immortal player to try to act like a gold player and the gold players to try to be seen as Immortals because you know they believe they're really cracked out of their minds our names for today we have ROM Astro I miss her Celeste gabbo Ferguson hop step Nani LM rental kill and akatosh you know what I miss her already seems like the Smurf here are they getting full gonna lose my yo you're supposed to play this like a ranked game by the way is this how it's done in Gold this full duelist work on Pearl chat are we trolling are we resetting the game this is an average ranked game this is gold as gold this is 100 True okay you know what if they're gone I'll do this let's see if you want to reset the game and have the full duelist team go a more traditional cop about one if not then vote two the people have spoken so 66 said no which means we're keeping the full duelist comp I hope they don't get steamrolled but we'll see who do we spectate first oh there it is there it is there's our AFK it's the sage ROM 100 ping took a while to load in I'm kind of calling it that they're not the ammo player just because I don't think ammo players have really bad PCS that load forever I think the first player he watches I miss her right it has to be I mean this is the classic and they also insta-locked Reyna wait I'm just gonna go to where the action is they're full rushing B site well comes out everything made comes up to Hall the wall they're just rushing in there holy crap is this what it's like in Gold dude can they deal with it three people two people peaking I miss her gets one though I miss her oh I just realized this is a new Pearl 1v2 it's all up to rental kill gets one oh oh all right Chad what a clutch for now we watch the neon neon had a great clutch that game uh that round frenzy power real we have to watch some movement because that's where you can tell okay drops a share for the team off the bat I already don't think it's neon okay good wall oh okay I I have no idea what's going on dear God I just realized okay I'm doing well though I think this guy's bold no I think that guy's gold no I um the full duelist comp is currently winning heads up ROM is a person who dc'd at the start which caused the slow loading screen so I think raw miss out but we don't have a lot of rounds to guess which is why we have to make quick assumptions at the start we have to just get people out of here already okay what comes up okay I think that's gold do you find I miss her as a gold chat is that a common thing I don't play too often so I don't know how common I miss hers are yes oh there's a Phoenix has a 2K here's a 3K hey wait fourth game for the Phoenix after that interesting Flash I'm stumped man I don't think it's I miss her Phoenix is eight and one Ferguson is eight and one man I know that the Jets should be asking for a drop here from Phoenix if they're opting unless I have that op last round but it doesn't seem like if I should be asking for a drop Phoenix a 6K okay okay Wall comes out surely the ammo players on the full Lulu's comp right here's a question which team does he more likely to be on the full doulas or the standard comp Phoenix the ammo I think it's Phoenix because of good util usage remember we did pick cracked out gold so this guy could just be a cracked out gold and you're just inflating his ego right now so just a heads up dude this guy's sense looks insane look at that Jitter hop step he's stuck in oh this is massive this guy's sense looks crazy though this is so big this is so big comes to go oh okay Chad so we have hot stuff and we have Phoenix who um we did tell the ammo to blend in but still for sure it's on the full duelist Team all right Chad let's make a decision here do we just try to guess from the full duelist team is that the more likely team to guess from because we're eliminating half of the choices by doing that yeah you sure okay well I mean good day and Phoenix is just walking up oh what's up good gets two with the ultra Phoenix is actually going crazy so let's get someone back neon kind of overheated there no need to take that fight you had full control of good flash nice shot by Celeste full blinded too oh my God that's unfortunate they had a 3v3 oh hop stuff gets one doing well on the up just taken down by I miss her I miss her with a 2K I do this is tough can we watch Sage okay I'm down to watch stage not Celeste wait why not actually I also don't think it's the last but I thought we were eliminating all the uh Defenders no I don't think it's Sage I'm gonna overrule that just because Sage was lagging at the start and I feel like they don't really do that plot Twisted Sage yeah gets the ammo has a really long loading time for the PC randomly crashes mid game no way maybe they're real the real friends we made along the way true true Ferguson gets one Ferguson I mean 13 and three by the way goes crazy oh Sage got taken down gets two though doing well 3v3 winnable for defense they miss the op shot oh babe oh double with the 3K to clutch up to the round only Emma's plant there here those people usually plant like here I don't know man I plant there wait are you guys ammo okay they're full eagle yeah they are full Eco here I'm telling you Euros the ammo because of the player card where is he the omen player card is what makes him an ammo where's the higher I agree almond player cards higher custom bit badge I actually have no clue that's twitch fault actually no oh my God I need to make more bit bad just oh nice try I don't know if that's a gold I don't know if that's a demo egg like you just showed us the ranks I can show you all the ranks shot because the emo players on the gold account anyway I thought of that you're reselling too much it looks like oh it looks fine I think it looks like oh you got the orb pulled out gonna push into spawn no not pushing foot oh he has Spike interesting for some reason now I feel like it's not the Phoenix I don't know why but it can't be no I can't be the Phoenix good trade oh this is big bro yeah they won the round wait wait okay it might be in Phoenix can a gold player do that he's level 196 by the way if these gold players are high level half Emissary yes walking in Nani drop bashes away Bulldog only I miss against one hops up sound Asheville gets one it'll be fine should be good okay I think Astro's gold like currently gold I still think it's yoru what about neon neon got that early like 2K saves around and then we just stopped watching neon all together neon has battle pass skins is that a bad thing walking up with a shorty there's a wall here can they even break that on eco oh this is big he'll catch a rotate this is humongous flash comes out what makes entry oh my God oh my God they blocked themselves oh but to get the trade anyway nice good Advantage for defense and Mr gets one I can talk just waiting there with the shorty gets flushed yo defense doing well defense doing well five top five they come back attack is just being held up by Ferguson 21 kills wait is that more kills and his entire team combined seven plus five is twelve plus two plus two six oh my god he has more kills than his entire team combined Jesus Christ oh my God wait that's actually crazy Dear God okay this guy has to be gold either this guy's gold or he's he's pretending really really hard oh but this might be big oh this might be humongous I take it back it was not humongous his head could be seen on top of the wall a sage pretending like really hardships that was kind of Saucy no oh that shot Nice Shot yo defense was caught up they're down like 4-0 at the start but now it's six to five Sage acting like silver are we onto the sage because I feel like that was too much acting maybe that's how ml players view gold players no that was weird no way right wait nope something is off okay guess one nice how's rez I guess no I think that's gold that's probably gold oh my God you know this thing is is that this game looks crazy inconsistent it's like there's so many like different skill levels in this game it shouldn't be this like oh big name okay I don't think either of them are ammo I'm having big problems usually we have a lead by now since we're already halfway into the game but I just can't think of anything I feel like if we go for the Phoenix this is the most obvious answer Phoenix is dropping 24-9 it should be surely are we just overthinking this maybe we are here comes Nani oh nice shot big night that was just jump left side Nice kill through the smoke you're just holding with a shorty oh Sage gets taken down oh does that even wall back I think it does Notting kind of popped off that round man Felix yours us how could you say the euro is us when the Euro has two kills surely that's a normal gold player right I think even an immortal player would not go two kills here I don't think their Instinct would let them time to jump I think the Imo's in the middle of the leaderboard so he can blend in with others out of that type decoy I don't think it's yoru man I think yours gold there's a fight mid night oh great mate Great Central holy that race goes crazy yo you guys see that Reyes gets blind and satchels to get out of their names so they can't follow up that was some good stuff all fun in the game still the ammo turns out to be a sage the emo thinks that we think that he would act like a gold so he's playing normally so we think the Phoenix isn't the immortal because he's top bragging and that would make the immortal sauce and that's why the immortal is Phoenix my brain just did like round laps that might be too far no how many layers does this mystery go oh he's a goner nice shot akatosh stuns come out Sage roll comes out stage one for what the sage have alt or something why wall themselves off here I'm confused by the wall get taken that okay is that gold or are we pretending here I'm gonna feel bad if that was a gold player or not like the ammo player pretending to be gold we forgot about the neon too fast that's true okay surely that neon's gold there foreign I like a glass of thank you physics I don't know we only have one game for those two this is so hard it's already eight to seven okay Chad we listen to you Phoenix Ferguson 28 and 10. I'm really suspecting the sage I'm gonna just give you guys a heads up because that's too far unless that actually happened does that actually happen in Gold it's raining because she's not trying to be good or bad sage has too much ping wait we didn't even look at the Ping I don't think Ping's an issue here Chad I don't think you can draw any conclusions from Pink Phoenix has bad knife taste gold oh God now we're looking at skins huh Jets all alone on site hop step insane collab egg boy we heard you around one okay that wasn't old that wasn't a ping issue that was a PC issue paint and suffering okay you know what Chad we're gonna make a decision right now top three Phoenix Sage are we looking at yoru yes no Phoenix age Arena Phoenix and Jeff sage no you're okay Sage Phoenix Reyes Gekko we haven't even spectated Gekko too much okay let's watch Gekko then Gekko Phoenix or Sage okay so we have top four we basically have top four Phoenix raise Sage Gekko no okay some people are also saying the jab I feel like when Gekko is under pressure he's really good but acts bad the rest of the time I guess it ain't Fair Molly comes out there oh gets done oh double stun go get him buddy interesting Wing man oh you might be dead here oh you're easy oh almost got two nice shot though God damn is that what gold is like these days what do you mean Rosa that's not even a Rosa he didn't even get to fire his old he just died yikes my alt's ready oh Astro nice try okay I hate this Crosshair with a passion this Castle animal player only ammo players are like this now this guy that's the yellow 100 there's no other option here anymore looks like some insane Sense on that though your results I guess there's probably dead that you're just following closely behind gets out of all hello are we not dirty oh my God we're not turning we're not doing we can't jump that because you're slowed oh goodbye all right Chad you want to watch I can talk she's here oh my God that Phoenix almost on an ace where is yoru going where's oh yeah yeah monster oh where was he going no Gekko lizard no it's Phoenix Phoenix does have 35. what level is this guy what if this guy's just a hard stuff he's almost level 200 chat surely this guy's just a hard suck gold right I'm golden level 357. I see I see the Phoenix does look very composed I have a silver friend level 452. are those like are his levels gained from rank or are they gained from like unrated because if it's unrated yeah that's I I get that but if you're if you have like 400 levels just being in silver that's kind of crazy this guy dropped 35. if he's an actual gold player is this the type of player who goes it's my teammates bringing me down everyone you know I don't even know what to say anymore Nice Shot rage lost down I haven't seen enough Sage where's Sage oh here we go you sure you want to watch the plant gameplay oh wait team doulas is about to lose somebody's on 35 on this other team they're a lot more uh evenly distributed if the Defenders loses set because Phoenix drops 35 those are the types of posts that make it to the subreddit and they're like look at my team look at the boys look I dropped 35 this game we still lost oh yeah unfortunate they have Molly for that too oh this is so winnable it's so winnable it's all up to the neon the clutch master for the first game someone needs to call us at their backside yeah he can see that hope you're doing great amen egwick wave egwick wave oh ggs thanks man thanks for the 20. all right chat it's time to vote my suspicion yes that's way too many perfect one by the way you guys need to Guess Who The Immortal player is too so type in your answers just put in their names and chat for the players in the game time to guess one to ten the people in the game are guessing who are they guessing Astro Astro Sage Sage the gecko Ferguson ROM gabo gecko Gabba rum or Sage brahmer Sage are the same person Nani why are you nominating yourself why are these last two players nominating themselves okay first vote champ Phoenix Ferg Mr Phoenix player third you the immortal player Chad it's not him it's not it's not got him he drops for 35 and it's not him okay we're moving on you just gave him he gave him the [ __ ] ego boost of a lifetime dear God ball number two one to nine we just oh people guessing Gekko okay I can see that someone's spamming yoru in the chat okay if you're end up with like two kills actually I don't know next pick is gabo gabble Gekko was it you yeah it wasn't that you are over two here can we try hard now just suck man third time all right here we go one day chance you guys got this my vote is probably the sage but that's just me I feel like I was too hard of a too much acne oh you guys wrote a jet okay I can see the jet pick why are you guys voting for yoru he got like two kills is this troll or is this reverse psychology surely this is no this is reverse psychology he's faking it we're about to end up with Astro who I don't think is Elmo he had way too high of a sense or maybe he just plays really high sense but I don't think it's Astro Astro is it you you know jet player nope I apologize for twitch chat we're just gonna keep going until you guys guess it right come on guys we're whittling down it's free no wake up Sage please people spamming you're like the Euro chat it has to be like a middle person I think it's like Sage maybe Viper yoru was it you akatosh yes huh no I'm kidding oh okay we're moving it's not him guys come on you guys suck six players left Jess oh we're going for the I miss her okay I can understand why I miss her probably the I miss her now the last time you guys tried to vote up the person who was quote unquote acting we just hurt someone does it change no probably radar does no one suspect the Viper this is rough all right screw it oh it's Raina I thought it was a sage I miss her this is you no it's not me bro we've gone through half the players here already how the [ __ ] all right yeah truly there are five players left come on so these are all gold players all actual gold players I bet if that Phoenix was in your game people will be like yeah like in this Immortal smack than my game look at this they're all gold all along Sage ROM yes no yeah yeah yeah it's me yeah yeah that's some great acting killer good man good shot I know how the gold mindset is you know all right guys it was The Sage I had my doubts at the start I was like [Music]
Channel: eggwick
Views: 98,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 60CUJHek3rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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