Pro Radiant Yoru VS 3 of Every Rank, until he loses

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today I have one radiant euromane I he literally plays yoru in radiant I love it I love it I love it I love it he's gonna be fighting three of every single rank until he loses twice here's the nice little twist to the rule set to give him the best chance possible because it's not an easy challenge especially with yoru on his first life it is a normal Swift play he starts defense we go a sight then bisight aceite then B site that's the only restriction otherwise once he loses his first life during his second life he gets an Eco buff hopefully to help in the more challenging ranks but let's see if he can cook or if he's just gonna fail as a your Romaine as another your Romaine I hope he represents let's see how it goes both are hitting really slow this is on EU obviously quite an easy fake nice little clean shot I'm gonna be playing back let's see this oh go go that's my iron your room that's my iron Euro right there last player standing okay that was funny oh timing timing beautiful he's like okay wait down he's a great player that was beautiful that was beautiful I was right I think he's a phantom oh this is this is tough this is tough he's gonna reposition he does have vaults race is super low Queens are up one enemy that was a Ball Z TP beautiful flash over the Box not gonna land he's gonna use his ultimate immediately to find positioning there it is okay you're chasing him down was actually pretty smart there didn't get super scared KO is the biggest Menace they have right now okay it was the biggest Menace they have the fake teepee's just gonna let him peek which is exactly what he wants one enemy remaining yeah oh cooling with it oh you're throwing you're throwing you're throwing don't throw it don't throw another head dink another head dink two head Dinks all right I'm gonna hop into the reading call see if he does that you know that thing where you calm to yourself take teleport I'll join his followers let's see let's see what's in his car are they on B what are they doing did they miss sight yeah he's talking I think they did wait this is Spike planted this race with this race ah so I can choose wherever I want laughs bro what happened dude yo this is so accurate for iron this is so accurate for iron oh dude he's so low he's so low with the race through the race through the race through it's all right to be found clutch IFK where are these little kids where are you immediately him fighting irons means this is the thing I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna die it's the iron experience this is like not even a kid in the call but immediately because they're like telephone yeah come on man hey okay that's unfortunate all right I'll fight to him though I'm gonna have to probably go are you at kiddo Bob okay he knows their positions these are bronzes which will be a little bit harder than the irons but hopefully he doesn't have too much trouble and gets cleanly into silver yeah he is a your roommate he plays yoru in radiant that's a big one is he gonna fake TP I don't think telephone he should have just went up never mind why am I saying anything he's ready I need to shut my mouth one enemy remaining cutting through clean fake teleport am I respecting it holy he's clean with it he takes the first round against the bronzes right now it doesn't even have an Eco buff but he is thank you he doesn't have much of an advantage with no util left he's gonna have to get two right here but no no this is not the point they're gonna win I killed him trying to flank around finds one pick with that knows the location of the other two that's absolutely massive it's gonna be remaining time to jump a second pick full of health is is really big however I still believe I still believe in the hard stuck bronze Phoenix I like that on my head it's pretty good for lunges I have to say bronzer usually the curse by the way a lot of times in these videos the radiant ends up losing to the bronzes for some reason in their first life like in one of them really yeah and one of them the radiant loss to bronzes then went on to fight ascendants ah okay maybe let me break the curse let me break the curse hold on break the curse it's your remains great [Music] he's gonna probably predict this though if I'm behind you what are you gonna do how many one steps you want uh uh three bullets three one Taps yeah it's gonna be crazy hold on one two two two two one tabs at least okay I'm not gonna do it with like in the Mac because that I'm gonna whiff for sure I'm just gonna do it with like try and tap them it's got a lot of pressure you got no teleport to Anchor off of oh no one Taps here no one tops here he's lost a lot of Health he's lost a lot of Health wait this is not looking good he finds one both full health against his 40 though they're smart I mean they're smarter than I last time played against them usually they were just ego swing everything but now they actually peek off each other they respect they respect you one or two you're good bro we gotta tell them one or two yeah nice on the side we gotta fade right near door he's okay they made some noise but the rotation is coming fast he's gonna get pinched pretty quickly if he doesn't make a move but he already knows that because he pushes the fade there goes one there's one on each side teleport fake TP hoping to Ping anyone out gets info on Heaven he surely hears the deadlock behind him one enemy remaining Phoenix trying to swing out he's got the infos which is over to the double box Dice and from dicey it's a headshot you got lost Phoenix come on now I can teach you I haven't any account it's fine we've got a coach I got a Yorkie okay he pushes in does he just give me sight yeah I'm in the call with the radiant kill people no oh I ran out of bullets embarrassing where are you bro these flashes are sick Bro wow you can already see a massive difference in Silver versus the bronze iron quite a large gap if I say so to myself a couple cops hitting the jet fake I love the harbor pick for allowing oh allows that is good the harder pick is solid especially on Pearl keep in mind the maps are completely random I'm letting no one choose here while down he's gonna look for a pick he's done lots of damage but no one's dead quite yeah he's gonna be playing post fight with no utility making it extremely hard a lot of info The Flash is only gonna soft flash however gonna take off yes he does fantastic plays by the silver all around okay Wall's gonna be coming up jet dashing alongside the wall bro EU Silvers are built different you're gonna come through my bad terrible spectating he doesn't find a new one [Music] cozy it's fake these smokes don't have too much time they've made sound but the harbor hasn't noticed [Music] great movement through the harbor smoke using it to his advantage was deadly here you got this yeah yeah yes the alternate sites to make it possible he's aggressive finds two points we all just looked in the Flash wait what if that's real yeah I'm dead oh good job you're better it's ready what the hell um massive oh God oh that's massive um fake teleport oh wow that's amazing oh my goodness [Music] oh foreign to jump I'll handle this comes out the alt and a scout sight he sees one here's the second yeah oh my God wait I didn't expect that wait I think I'll do that wait someone runs with my knifer just okay just open up the alt okay okay okay perfect one enemy remaining I gotta take notes [Music] where are you looking nice and quiet this is how we like it it's how we like it right now as long as it's quiet it's anyone's game minute info is revealed before pick oh he sees it there's the pick this is extremely possible wait immediately taking that back is that the right move it is it is enemy remaining it is yes timer is hitting fast he knows he has all that I'm gonna say nothing wait did Skye get half though all right there we go they do ignore up here completely they're pushing really hard jet jumps and he didn't expect that and why would he yeah that's little bro that's little bro oh my God this is not gonna be easy these guys can aim I'm gonna be nice probably in some weird spots like yeah a lot more so you can't commit the easy fights nice good job let's just see yeah [Music] time to jump fake perfect fake teleport love it love it love it right now no way okay that's another one fake teleport oh my god there it is don't make a big deal about it oh I swear I get worse when you're here I don't know what it is well I left I loved it as soon as I go come back oh I was joking no it's because I'm joining on pistol rounds Pistons are the hardest .com fake teleport oh my god dude that's the problem I thought it broke good job yeah breaking it's big oh my goodness I don't like it maybe curio thank you for the tier one you're the best make sure your discord's connected for party access to these vid exact videos the three goals are literally all twitch Subs just like yourself oh my God he finds the first cutting through here's a Bucky Spike planted but the problem is that this yoru doesn't know that this yoru does not know that oh I love that jumped here and the silently I need to become a way better you're okay I need to become a way better your player I'll handle this I'm back yes he is oh yeah oh my God what oh it's crazy all right perfect uh I did see it I did see I didn't say a peachy bit thing for the prime since it's your first time in make sure your Discord is a lot of the players today are twitch Subs like you because they get pinged first you guys get Priority Access all right here we go here we go oh even he hits the Clone even he hits the Clone plots are plots are something else never mind oh I need to shut up doesn't matter you got the flank verb with the flank oh I gotta keep changing that anyways over to see the postpone the video a little bit can't use that immediate aggression makes a ton of sense but he's actually pushed against the side he's gonna be you to use this what he was worrying about no judge uh judge great [Music] remaining double pick oh on bullets low on bullets but he doesn't care he doesn't need him he doesn't need him he doesn't need him he doesn't need him he doesn't need them I saw it spawning he saw it's fun remaining that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot oh he's flashed for 300 years is he stalling yeah no no oh my God he flicked me I love his flashes I gotta I gotta learn I gotta learn the oh uh oh he went long that clone like protected him inherently bro I'm actually holding my breath he's gonna hold it wait what wait what is that jump where'd that flash go fake teleport oh my God here isn't he oh yeah oh yeah thank you yeah he's smoking no no no no no no you dummy you dummy you came back never mind now I forget I said anything you're a God here no first life is gone first life is gone it's a hard Gamble oh fake telephone cutting through okay colorful clutch that's the buff I said that's the buff I said I mean he's almost guaranteed two rounds at least yeah that's kind of the idea when it's iron or Diamond lobbies because these these people can still win right that's the big one the challenge does shift but that's you know that's the purpose of it Thrifty that's why that's why yeah my out's ready God he's doing very well though he's doing very well all things relative fake teleport one enemy remaining cutting through fake teleport I'm in this call by the way he's just dead silent no oh come on no that's bad what the hell nice Spike Down Beat one enemy remaining bike planted I'll handle this he's gonna go straight for it wait this guy's running around no wait good job Skye I hate you but good job oh oh my God can't do that to me oh yeah I'm rich can I get a Ferrari and buy you out I'll get taken on a date dito you down no more that sounds good W ribs yeah when I don't have cards because I run out of free cash money nice okay pick fake one enemy remaining [Music] remaining he said I think I don't know no I hit them for 55. you got you gotta have an um keep you there flush ice box playground yeah I think it was maybe fake maybe fake yellow I know yeah well it was fun dude I cannot see attackers it's hard against the Euro okay where were we where were we Mr Cactus thank you 100 bits I'll do a bet with him if he beats the sense and I'll buy the sheriff from him when I get home from holidays that is insane wait I'll let him know I'll let him know I'll let him know let him know that's insane cockatoo one of my viewers has just said if he beats the ascendants he wins the new the new sheriff bundle not the whole bundle that's actually insane Mighty 268 poison thank you for the rain hope you had a great extreme no no little bro yeah what's up okay one of my viewers uh and they're like legitimate also if if you win this he's gonna buy you the sheriff that you want oh this is a bit this is so much pressure now oh my God uh tell your mom I say things you uh you know you heard him he said thanks the insane man oh no oh no yeah cutting through surprise fake teleport that pick is massive especially with the other two actually hit right now no but it doesn't matter ascendants are different they know how to aim this is impossible dude if you can even get one to jump fake telephone Jesus thank you he's so impressive I love it stay together a bit more dude this is so oppressive yeah he's just holding bomb anyone else unfortunate cutting through if yoru wins I'll buy him the rest of the new bundle dude that's massive I'ma let him know I'm gonna let him know W donation W content you're the best holy enemy remaining time to jump yo he's heating up he's heating up fake teleport Jesus how do I win that oh my God ah this is not okay this is not okay oh so [ __ ] on but this is not okay oh my God give me my money give me my money give me my money I'm in I'm locked in I'm locked in give me my money give me my money right now oh my God [Music] you want to be more locked in someone just donated 25 and said if you win they're gonna buy the rest of the bundle for you no way all right all right okay it looks massive one enemy remaining oh my God okay also massive oh okay one more no no two more okay his two three rounds or two really buff sounds are kind of gone now step back let's see how it goes fantastic using using it like footsteps as he should he knows it's a fake though oh or did he fake TP oh the other yoru has to think now the other Euro has to think and he's gonna take advantage of it to get a free pick Miles ready [ __ ] love this you're dude I cut him through dude dude dude oh my god dude oh my god look where they all are and the blind comes out no but it's headshot same idea here say no matter let's let him plant I'm gonna be quiet we're just gonna listen again no he's he came behind me no dude he left me on one HP that's so annoying dude that's insane I I'm supposed to wait they keep stacking me over and over and over what I'll cut through something else different israelians wait it's the same thing I guess they want to play they don't want to isolate they don't isolate fake telephone that's a fake that's always a fun day oh you know Defenders win who's up next hello oh okay uh so missed that's so sweet okay Mr Cactus which is the mod said that he still wants to buy you the sheriff I was gonna say I was gonna buy it for you anyways I was gonna say no I'll cover it but then he stepped in and said nah he'll still buy it for you really yeah four or five me too I felt what he was feeling probably like you four or five is crazy like that's so close oh my heart oh my God it's the cactus Mr Cactus if you can hear me I really appreciate you I love you with all my heart thank you for having me man it was a blast this was so fun okay you're Phantom mean right uh no I'll use both yeah I just cycle between them depending on what I feel like use the Phantom more than other people depends on the day this was a fountain day for me but I'm usually a vandal player okay I'm so bad at getting to my point do you like the Phantom from the new bundle yeah I kind of like it I'm not gonna lie are you asking are you offering to buy or whatever you do no someone else for my [ __ ] chat wants to buy you the Phantom bro you just rizzed up the whole chat listen I really appreciate it but I genuinely like oh my God you have such a nice Community man I love them honestly it is it is a really nice it's a nice Community that's insane yeah his name is yabibs I'll I'll connect you to as well as montessor at God I love you bud all right oh seven I ain't gonna drag this out thank you so much for playing I highly appreciate it appreciate you for having me man this was a blast
Channel: Valorant Curios
Views: 1,304,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, Valorant, valorant moments, valorant montage, valorant versus, valorant VS, valorant battles, valorant radiant, valorant immortal, valorant diamond, valorant platinum, valorant gold, valorant silver, valorant bronze, valorant iron, valorant high elo, valorant high rank vs low rank, valorant pro vs noob, valorant radiant vs iron, valorant immortal vs iron, valorant crazy battles, valorant players, valorant pro players, valorant team battles
Id: 7eyi32_LWdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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