The *ULTIMATE* VALORANT Aim Guide w/ ScreaM !

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hey guys my name is chris from team liquid today we're doing the first episode of valor and fundamentals i'm gonna try to give you some advices on how to improve your aim on valorent i think mine is good so i'll try to give you some good advices to get some more one taps let's get into the video guys so before i start the game i always warm up my wrists because i know how important it is for two reasons just to get rid of some potential injuries in the future and also to get the blood flowing in better so you move better you have a better feeling and you just take care of your wrists like the exercises i do to rubbing bar wrists are very simple you just like you want to have it tense a little bit just push it a little bit and you do this some both arm you switch it up like you do different angles i don't have a specific routine but i just like i just do this kind of stuff and like for like five ten minutes take care of it and make the blood flowing that that's the most important personally how often i take breaks when i play after every game i take five minutes to stretch every time my body my hands everything i would say five minutes every hour take a breath to stretch so for me it's very important to be to be able to move around very easy in the game like to be able to dodge flashes to turn around fast but at the same time having high sense has bad things as well precision with high sense is very hard to handle like you need to be very precise i'm gonna try to give you some advice on how to find your sensitivity uh in game there's two things important when i talk sensitivity it's the fact that you can be able to dodge to turn around when the enemy is behind you as well when you do flick like this you need to be able to be precise right like when you do it like this and that's when you know where you're gonna feel good with your sensitivity or not either you have a low or high sensitivity you're able to do this kind of stuff and if it's too high for you then make it a bit lower if it's too low you make it a bit higher as soon as you you get the flick perfectly then i think you stay with this sense you master it and yeah man that's the most important you need to feel good about the sensitivity [Music] all right guys so now we have our sensitivity we are ready to warm up for every official game before every ranked or whatever to warm up my aim i always do the same stuff when i get into range i just move around a little bit and then as soon as i do this i go in the practice room i make sure the bots are not moving and i'm not moving so on the horizontal line i just like from left to right i try to not move i change like kind of shooting i do bursting i try to warm up every way of shooting it's very important you know because in a game you have a lot of situations where you have to shoot differently so after that i like to play with jets i just like do some movements i try to get the keyboard in as well my left and my right hand has to warm up you know it's not only the most it's also about the movements i don't do it all the time but after that i go this much one to this this much it depends on how i feel on how i feel with my aim but if i feel like it's enough i'm not gonna force it that's only for warmer price but if you wanna improve your aim you need to you need to do a lot more it's like at the gym you you do some you do some reps but it's not it's only going to pump it up if you want to work it you have to go hard you need to do more reps you know it's the same thing so this step is the most important in the game in my opinion the crosshair placement that's how you get the kills in the game basically if you have a good vision on the game if you have good crusher placement you get away with a lot of kills first of all i would say always keep your cursor at the height of the head every time force yourself that's the first thing not too high not too low just at a good head high and that's something you can practice in the range as well obviously you can always like do this kind of exercise here just like follow the head force yourself following the head all the time all the time all the time and yeah at some point it's gonna it's gonna be natural so that's the first thing second thing is about how you're gonna hold the angle right this is something very important that's going to make you win a lot of duels and i mean in this game obviously you have the picker advantage but most of the time you also have advantage when you hold the angle if you hold it right this is how i hold angle okay you need to be anticipating how the guy is going to peek you can't aim like this two two left side you can't aim like like at the wall you need to aim at the height of the head all the time every angle you know not too close to the wall because if the guy white swing then it's gonna be bad for you you need to aim at the perfect point between the peak and the jiggle peak so you can always adjust easier that's something you can practice on the range as well the the cross replacement always head and always when you when you hold angle always leave a little gap you will jump i think you should you guys should try this this cross replacement right now and and practice it it's going to make you way better than you are sometimes it's hard to predict every peak of course but most of the time it it depends on the situations you are you're on if the guy doesn't know where you are he's most likely not gonna jiggle peak right like if you're holding a good off angle somewhere and like they have no idea you were there then he's not gonna be ready for you basically but in this situation or where the guy knows where you are and he's gonna pick you then that that becomes a little bit tricky but then you have to be very calm keep your cursor very ready for the white swing in your head not too far away because if the guy peeks on the corner there's a lot of different peaks you can pick like very close to the corner you can go like for the wide peak you can like go for the jiggle peak like this so there's a lot of things you need to handle in a dual like this so having the crosshair in the middle of all these situations and just adjusting at the end you know small adjustments this is how i see it you know [Music] don't move when i shoot that's the first rule right you need to have a good control on your on your a and d you know or qd like whatever left and right i have the exercise here you move you move you move and then at some point you can just like okay go and then you stop and you shoot okay go stop shoot stop shoot this is going to help you a lot on how to synchronize the movement and the shooting at the same time so on the other one it's a little bit tricky to jiggle peak because there's a lot of tagging in the game so basically if someone hits you they can just like spray the wool and make you a lot of damage in this game it's very hard you need to be careful when you do this if you want to take information you can just like jump pick like this i think this is the best way to do it to get rid of like any danger because if you do this like this is very very dangerous basically because you have time to shoot it and also if there's someone holding like you can always get headshotted so jump picking like this if you want to get information somewhere it's very it's very good so now i told you guys on how to improve your aim i'm gonna now answer you some questions of you guys so the first question is by danny k azid so how to get confidence in the entry fragment so the most important thing as thing as as an entry fragging is you know to be fearless of course but i think it's very risky you have to take some risk at some point as well 10 the setup on defense of the other guys right of the enemy team if you have a good idea on how they play on defense and you understand their setups you understand who plays where it's going to give you a better idea on how to entry you need to understand how to use your uh teammates as well the support players you have you need to use them for your advantage you know like a sofa like a sky like this kind of agent bridge you know to help you out even like smokers like oman because doing something by yourself is very difficult you all you always have to use your teammates in when you enter it it's not it's never going to be by yourself you need to really come with combo things violence is only about combos so that's how you that's how you get better at entries so next question is by serial lv how important it is to keep the same sensitivity on the long term i think for me this is one of the key points and how to be consistent and how to master your sensitivity because as i said earlier in the video the muscle memory is very important mastering your sensitivity is one of the keys in the fps game because all the adjustments you know the aim all these kind of things requires a lot of uh muscle memory if you change sensitivity your muscle memory is gonna it's gonna be you know it's gonna be lost you know you need to be careful with that don't change too much sensitivity so the next question is very interesting by milan haver how do you know when you have to use a way of shooting so tapping burst spray and i think it becomes natural that after some point when you play some dm when you understand what what's the best way to use at the perfect time how i see it i'm gonna tell you how i see it so spray obviously you can forget about this obviously i don't spray only with the phantom when i spray yeah like that's it means it's a very close range or i'm in a very bad situation you know like there is abilities coming on me like i'm in a very bad position then i have to i have to adjust and just pray fast because i'm in the bad situation but i think in this game bursting is the best thing so when i say bursting i talk to two bullets minimum and like five bullets max this is what i use the most especially with the phantom as well with the vandal i try to take my time more with the vandal try to one tap a little bit more especially on long distance try to take your time that's the most important thing i think so the next question is by violence esports ee so thank you for your question so what do you think about your teammates crosser i mean yeah i think we're gonna have a very serious talk after this because yeah i'm not happy i'm not happy with what i saw what is that crosshair get that out of my face uh you know i think crosstalk is very personal like any crosser could be good but you don't troll too much right don't throw too much thank you guys for watching this video guys i hope my advice has helped you hopefully you guys gonna hit more one tops make sure you let me know in the comments how you liked it and if you have any suggestions it's really welcome guys thank you for watching and see you guys
Channel: Team Liquid Valorant
Views: 2,127,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liquid scream, best of scream, scream valorant, valorant scream, scream 1 tap, headshot machine, valorant, team liquid, scream csgo, scream, counter-strike, scream ace, fps aim training guide, csgo aim guide, valorant aim training guide, how to get better valorant aim, how to get better csgo aim, how to get better fps aim, aim training, aim training tips, how to improve aim, team liquid valorant, team liquid fundamentals, liquid fundamentals, aim tutorial, liquid tutorial
Id: UF9cFsAkuHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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