I Joined a 1000 Day Old Public Server in Valheim

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one thousand days a numerical accomplishment that would catch the attention of any survivalist Builder or Explorer but what lies behind the number all the time and effort spent in a world 1 000 days old what does that really look like well that is what I strive to find out today so join me as I Venture into a public world 1 000 days old in valheim all right here we are a new world and did that just say 1827 days wait a minute this is amazing excitement that's all I felt in that moment in amazement of what I just discovered I took a moment to gather myself before exploring the surrounding area oh cool okay okay let's just see what everything's saying in Forge portals Message Board the Old Tavern and brothel oh oh oh well okay wow give me a sec and what's over this side Jay's General Store oh I gotta check out his store let me go check out his store I don't have much to offer yet but I want to see it Jay's General Store now open Hello Jay wait was it the one was the guy talking we just saw no that's CG Dave so there's actually people in here too oh man whoa we got all sorts of armor okay tools oh this is sick items are free but if you wish to pay please put payment in any of the chests oh really oh you can take whatever you want but if you wish to pay you can pay I see oh dude that's sick and as I continue to browse the shops offerings another Endeavor would soon arise I can't I don't really know oh my God someone's here Bjorn Edwardson hey yo who oh my god he has gear oh God close the door yeah I might have to just steal some armor real quick you know what I mean just to protect myself maybe I'll take some food real quick I'll eat up another player a situation I never found myself in before quickly I planned a strategy a knowing of this fellow Vikings intention I'm gonna pretend like I'm I'm the store owner all right that's what we're gonna do okay okay I don't have much that can help me right now I don't want to steal from this guy you may take anything oh well I I mean I I mean stealing would go against the impression I hope to make on this land and amid my own thoughts I had lost sight of the very person I feared is he coming closer oh no we've lost them oh God okay you know what I'm not gonna steal I'm just gonna go out here where'd he go oh Jesus what's he doing he's taking damage finally a good view of my target I mean uh potential bad guy I followed him in his steps watching his every move what exactly was he up to what did he just do in here hold on a minute hold on welcome fellow Vikings a start now can be rough here's some mats to help what the hell is that a burrito fish wraps what oh dude that's sick I I might take like three I'll take three now hold on hold on what is he up to right now I think he knows how to read okay that's kind of scary I'm just gonna leave him I don't know I don't know um what was this place over here again what was this oh that the tavern in brothel right right uh well hi what's going on here the Old Tavern and brothel oh my God oh God okay this looks like the tavern part this is nice this is kind of cool I like this oh this is coat let me just have a seat oh yes oh man oh dude I'm like floating oh my God I'm like a little kid I'm like a little kid dangling his legs over the ledge can I take one of these oh hell oh hell yeah oh can I have a drink I'm out of mead oh really okay we'll fill that up somewhere and maybe over here can I feel this can I uh hey I need to fill this all right how do you fill this oh I got some Mead no I didn't okay I don't know how to fill that I have no idea anyway I have that now okay what's up top is this the brothel oh my God we have some uh we have some private rooms clearly that are um they've been previously occupied I'm not gonna touch that you know if um I'm just not gonna touch that this guy takes both beds wow he must be like a bigger fellow that's okay we have um someone else lives just out here okay there's a hot tub oh man I mean I don't I don't mind if I do you know what I mean I don't mind oh wait maybe those people in the Bronx will clean themselves in that water though oh God Jesus Christ I'd really just do that oh there's some tin here someone just left that there I gotta go wash off in the water outside man that's disgusting that's terrible I gotta go I gotta go and watch oh God so I headed to the coast to wash off and as with all detours on my Adventures one thing seemingly always leads to another oh wash off that dirt oh god oh good get it nice and clean perfect oh what's this oh look at that bridge in the back what in the world is going on over there it looks insane how dude they got Whoa man I don't even know I don't even know right now I just need to explore like everything there is Holy sh okay what's the proper way to get in here is there a door occupied by my interest in this person's Hut and The View on the coast I had to finally let down my guard okay we have to cross that after but first there's like a little house over there too dude there's so much oh my God oh my God oh my God uh please no kill me man I don't know how you email how do you emote oh god oh no it looks like I want to fight him now I'm so sorry I did not mean to do oh God I don't know I'm just gonna stand here because I'm making things worse as as you know and hi I'm new no worries my guy you wanna know what uh oh Jesus Christ what you're doing he just gave me ekther's trophy why maybe I'll give him the tin that's like a peace offering oh guys give me the side eye oh no oh he's gonna want to kill me now I'm taking that back and I'm leaving oh no I'm just gonna leave while I have the chance all right let's go check out this windmill Place what's going on over here after a shaky interaction I continued down the coast learn more about what appeared to be a Waterside Mansion see what is going on oh oh man wait what have I just stumbled across holy dude oh man I flex such a bozo I don't even have like oh no access no way really what about this one oh no I access but it looks so nice in there dude they gotta be hiding something in there there's no way they just keep this off limits I bet they have an underground meth lab or something a meth lab the only logical explanation for the locked doors anyways they would soon turn tonight so finding shelter would become my new priority all right well you know what seeing as though it might get dark if I can get in there it might be a pretty good place to spend the night right right what is in there stray seven what does that even mean what is this thing it's a two star oh it's a wolf you won't attack me though right you're friendly maybe you'll uh you'll help me oh yeah oh thank you dude he's massive he's so big well thank you stray oh wait a minute speaking of straight there's some straight cargo here maybe I'll use this as a way to like Leave myself into getting into this base right here we go okay never mind that's not gonna work well oh and it's raining too oh no it's gonna be a stormy night okay no I have to go over there maybe that place has access no access words I would continue to hear is the night grew darker and colder towards the door I knocked in search of a place to hunker down but to no avail I feel like I'm being a little bit neglected out here in the rain in the dark man it's not so nice whoa eventually I found a small base with no door it had materials yeah we have a workbench we've got some wood supplies here tools okay and armor leather pants oh I could use some leather pants all things I desperately needed but again good faith would keep me on the right side of the line but this guy might also need leather pants I don't want to be like I don't want to add to the reason why people lock their houses down you know what I mean so I'm not gonna steal it but I will use his bench to make my own okay never mind oh yeah I can make a rag tunic using materials I'd collected along the way I met my own set of armor and continued through the night hoping my Goodwill would eventually be rewarded I think I think this will build up enough oh this opens wait a minute where does this go I'm inside someone's like base oh they got raspberries and berries oh you know what I'm gonna farm for you all right I know I could see myself getting a minimum wage job being a farmer from one of these guys for sure I could definitely see it oh my this guy's got ovens are Ben are you a cook I think Ben bakes the bread here holy crap oh it's like a whole kitchen oh dude this is awesome what's that horses are the soldiers of pets that's actually true that's very true why is words man slowly I explored every angle of this person's home hoping to learn more about the realm I was in all right he has a whole bunch of portals I mean look how many there are what in the world dude are there more portals up here you're kidding me there's more finding a portal room this early on was like hitting the jackpot from here I'd be able to freely explore without the hassle of constant travel but I wasn't done looking around just yet what's down here this guy is just showing off like all his kills oh my God all types of storage just organized a fire here oh this is cozy though it's nice oh oh whoa my guy is bawling sleepy time dude he sleeps next to a pile of golden coins are you kidding me he just wakes up to this well and all those heads just staring at him as he sleeps that might be like a fetish I don't really know know dude if there was ever an apocalypse I know where I'm going oh that's good they said to me oh God all right at this point I had seen all it was to see but one last glance suddenly changed my mind wait oh wait he has more still okay wait wait where does this go exactly this is like a very is this a trap this looks like a dungeon this looks like where you'd put someone who you don't want in your community away and lock them for good do I wanna like be here hello now I found myself in the dark on a stone Island isolated from the rest of this land but I needed to find answers why was this here or who was this for just two of the many questions I had okay the top seems clear but what's in the bottom other wolf is here Anderson Anderson were you like sent away from the rest of the pack what's going on man what's in here Stone wait a minute I think I here lies two star deer pet he was a good deer oh no oh no oh God I'm sorry for your loss this poor dear man okay well I'll leave it be now I understand it's not a dungeon but it's actually like a shrine for the deer at last the mystery had been solved now it would finally be time to explore this world as the sun began to rise I headed back to the shop train the tin I collected for some food much needed for the journey ahead I think I could definitely buy like five onions and I will pay like 210. I think that's a good trade I think it's a fair trade a couple trades later and I walked out with five freshly grown onions and four locksmiths for the trip what do we have over here all right firstly that's just crazy secondly here's the bridge I want to cross let me see what this is like oh nice all right it's 30 okay that was nice that was a cool little bridge where does this take us over here I did see like a building here or earlier that looks like it'd be it hello is there anyone here what does this say oh really you're not gonna let you're not gonna let me in how's that oh you're not gonna let me in I could definitely get in if I wanted to get in let me just wait I could definitely pull a Santa Claus right now okay hold on oh that was a terrible attempt wait harder than it looks you know Santa Claus you have a hard job yep Santa's job is a lot harder than it looks and eventually I came to a conclusion that would put this Viking under the naughty list oh I see there's like a little thing preventing you from getting in that way foreign I got it in I got the colon there okay I can't fit with the cold fit that's what you get you get cold for locking your doors because you're a goddamn meth dealer another mess dealer dealt with at least in my mind further down the coast I eventually stumbled upon a path which I decided to follow hoping it may lead to greater things what in the world is this cart Bridge EST 1672 it's like a highway for Bridges this is pretty cool though I like this look at that just goes all the way across that's kind of what Bridges do but I wonder if this leads like a village that's what I want to find get this tray 2 000 days almost there's gotta be like some massive civilization or Village or something there is something going on another Bridge just keeps on going and yeah the path would keep on going through thick forest and shallow coasts but in the end my speculation wouldn't be too far off oh here we go what even is that is that a roller coaster what am I looking at oh oh it's like a tree house oh my God I love tree houses those are my favorite holy sh oh that looks amazing okay we're gonna we're gonna go to that last because that looks sick what is up here firstly what oh geez oh I see what's going on here oh I understand wait but why up here oh there's a hole in the roof so you're telling me that they they do the biz uh uh-huh and and then what they just kicked them out into this place like unfortunately my eyes didn't deceive me these boards were very much babies out of the sky and shortly after I'd find out that they weren't the only one access and hey come on oh we have portals okay where do these go Dave two Dave one why does everyone have Dave in their name oh there's Dave's bed there you go oh Dave's got a nice room you know he's got a nice look out to the ocean and everything wow oh I like this he uses the frost potion as a knight as a nightlight and he's got his he's got his like milk cool okay well before I take one of these portals back home because I want to go check out those ones in the brothel uh yeah I mean not for any particular reason or anything I just I'm just curious uh we're gonna go I just is that another boar thing are you kidding me right now oh I can hear them going at it okay okay I've heard enough let me just go up to the damn Tree House a quick look around the tree house and I was left with one task take a portal back to spawn at least that was the intended destination they're definitely hiding something man I'm telling you it's a meth lab I'm telling you let's go through Dave one sure Dave one what's going on here exactly you couldn't have gave it a better name like what about Dave swamp you know that's a good name right that's a pretty good name now if one was swamp I'd make the assumption that two is either the mountains or the plane let me see let's just find out what in the world oh my God it's Dave that's him wait he has like his own town he's going out on an adventure he doesn't even know I'm here oh he's fighting a wraith okay okay I'm gonna leave him to it for now is this a one-man town or does he have other people living here with him you know what let's go investigate we have to find out this looks sick though I'll tell you what this looks awesome props to Dave oh what he has an umbrella made out of carpets or something oh my goodness man I don't even know but that is awesome I need to learn how to do this I need to learn that that's actually fantastic holy hell dude okay no access man it's a shame that like most these places don't have access maybe I can ask him for a tour maybe we'll do that oh there he is hey Dave Dave the same player we saw on the map earlier he looked like a busy man but it wouldn't hurt to ask him for a tour of the place I don't know how to I don't know how to wave so I'm doing this let me ask him um did you build all this yourself what he built all of this you're kidding me any chance I can get a tour you know I mean I gotta ask sure oh dude we're gonna get a tour okay wait are we starting over here uh Dave please don't lock me up in that place man do we trust Dave I don't know if I trust Dave too much right now okay y'all ain't gonna put me in there with them huh always killing feelings oh God yeah watch out for those things this is terrible all right Dave okay I think this is the same concept where they out babies or something I I think it is I'm getting that feeling I'm just gonna watch him do his thing that you want you want me to come over there oh troll hide from me oh I see I see luckily for me Dave didn't seem to be a serial killer in fact he was actually quite caring getting me to pick up various resources along the tour so that I could set a foundation for myself in this world Dave's a nice guy unless he's trying to fatten me up and he's gonna Harvest me but along with all the locks after I don't know everything here looks so good Allah's giving me the he's taking time to give me a tour and get me resources man that's awesome oh wow it's the Mead Hall oh that's sick he's got a barley Farm dude he lived this is all just for one person I thought this could definitely house like a whole civilization man what's this gonna be for Castle area oh he's got more plans and as the tour went on we learned about his future plans and that is quite the Archer like I did was a sharpshooter oh he's showing off now I'm there Dave would even offer to show a second base so I couldn't decline all right we're going on an adventure again here we go his second base this is where I was okay oh man he's gonna show me in here oh the meth lab oh it's not a meth lab oh it's actually quite nice oh I see oh he's got a kitchen and everything that is so cozy that is awesome helmet for me wait really now Dave would offer me even more Goods which I responded by littering all over his house with that we're uh we're swapping currency here he's gonna give us a tour let's see what he says about all this and after that Dave would continue the tour of course we'd already seen all this but Dave and I came to an agreement to continue following the road this would Mark the end of the tour and now it would be an adventure for the both of us let's continue the other way oh okay okay so now we're both going on an adventure oh no wait he's been here but the road's new maybe he's been this way though all right well now I have an adventure buddy I guess let's go this is cool oh he just shot that thing right in the head maybe I'll grab it I'll be like the vacuum behind him I'm your portable vacuum by the nozzle I'm gonna start sucking everything up man he just he had he's just Relentless he just kills on site all right we haven't stumbled across anything yet we're still going along though we have a fire coming up oh is it a traitor no it's not but someone's been here recently the fire's lit oh I see a house over there we're going swimming huh holy that leap was Majestic oh mine wasn't as good whose house is this hello Dave and I are here to investigate someone just has a stone cutter and some random chests this was has Mason's base he quit that's sad to hear seems like Dave knows everything and everyone and this journey alongside Dave wouldn't just be on their page in the book but it would be an experience that would last a lifetime oh god oh Jesus Christ hey watch where you're swinging that thing oh it's cut my damn head off that could have been terrible I better keep my distance he's got he's got a really long Pole looks like we're continuing the night here geez it's been a long journey so far silence got like a little Outpost here nice roadmaker makes rough roads I guess he's right about the rough roads it's okay though he made a road at least and there goes that bird okay oh what do we have here Stone Cuttery more wood going on I wonder this must be the road maker doing all these little Huts you know that's what it must be because he's got a stone cutter here he's got wood he must be doing all this oh someone actually lives here I wonder if the path maker lives here there's stone cutter and workbench and so the wood being stored around everywhere I'm actually like fascinated by all that at this point I wanted to find the road maker it was obvious a lot of work had gone into this road and I wanted to show my appreciation but instead of finding the road maker God we found trouble he's about to start swinging huh oh fuelings oh no Dave Dave please Dave don't die oh there's so many of them oh my God Dave might die Dave if I have to I'll help you man oh Jesus Christ okay I'm not gonna help Dave Dave you help yourself pal truly I wanted to help Dave but in all honesty I could barely help myself oh Jesus Christ oh my God oh my ow Dave you win your final win mine ouched oh god oh oh that's not good I wish I cooked that lox meat right now wow um my torch broke I can make another one though so it's okay all right all right help me man that was a close call yep that was too close for comfort but once again Dave was there to help and just past the scene of the fight came the end of the road End of the Road oh you're right from there we'd repeat the long journey back to base continuing to protect me from creatures in the forest oh my God he's going rapidly fire taking time to rest at campfires the night nice little rest with Dave here beautiful and even performing magic tricks as the sun began to rise in the early morning Dave Dave what is this black magic witchcraft what oh until we eventually made it back and time would come to finally part ways pleasure meeting you man and Dave if you ever see this thank you very much man so there you have it a world older than 1 000 days and a story worth more than a thousand words if you enjoyed the video drop a like and consider subscribing leave a comment letting Dave know just how awesome he is and with that said I'll catch you guys in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: Alessio
Views: 163,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim guide, valheim tips, alessio valheim, alessio, valheim public server, valheim public servers, valheim public servers to join, valheim server tour, valheim server to join, valheim 1000 days, valheim community server, valheim community servers to join, valheim server, valheim multiplayer servers, valheim 100 days, valheim 100 days challenge, valheim build tour, valheim gameplay, valheim server guide, valheim server tips, valheim multiplayer, 1000 days valheim
Id: hy2DEhzCVvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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