Valheim - Full Raid Guide - Defend EVERY Raid!

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so today we're going to take a look at raids in valheim and we're going to look at everything from the very basics of raids right the way through to every type of raid that you can get and some tips on how you can defend yourselves against them as well so let's jump into it so i've entered into a cheat world in order to spawn in the raids and talk about them a little bit better the first thing to say about raids is that you can start getting them once your world is nine days or more active but there are two different types of raid you can get which are story based raids and enemy base raids so we're going to talk more about that in a second on which ones you'd like to get early game as opposed to which ones you're going to get later on in the game to know that you're being raided there will be a message on screen and it will say something like the forest is moving or a foul smell from the swamp and you'll also see on your mini-map a red circle with an exclamation mark now we're going to see all this in a second when i start spawning in the raids but that is how you will notice them now in terms of where raids can happen they are supposed to happen around your base now i have seen online and on reddit and things like that some people are saying there's been some bugs around this but from all the things i can find if what the developers have said and what's in the wiki and stuff like that they are supposed to spawn around your base so i think as the game progresses any bugs around that will be fixed but right now that is the plan for them they spawn near a base so what actually counts as a base well it's pretty uh basic no pun intended but basically all you need is a workbench a bed and a fire could be any type of fire any type of bed and at the workbench and that will sort of count as a base you'll also have to be in proximity to this so if you're here on the map obviously this could happen but if i was like over here or sailing around the ocean or something then a rage shouldn't happen here now again i have seen some people claim that raids have started and this could be due to the multiplayer effect when you're playing on servers and things like that but again the wiki and all the information online is saying that rays are only supposed to happen when you're in proximity to your base okay so we're going to start with the story based events now these will depend on where you are in your progression through the vowel heim story so for example the first one that you could expect is iketha's army now what this will be is boars and necks coming to attack you which isn't too difficult of course an early game actually could be an advantage to get all the stuff that you get from them now i'm going to put links to a wiki that will show you the name of each raid you can get as long as the duration that for each raid because they do vary this particular one can last for up to 90 seconds and it can be triggered until you defeat the first boss so if you kill like fur this braid will not happen so let's have a look at what this raid actually looks like okay here we go if the rallies the creatures of the forest is what has been said and you can see we've got that uh red circle on our map with an exclamation mark in the middle i'm sort of covering it a little bit the mini map at the top right there so now if we wait here here come the boar and here come the next right so they're going to come and attack you now what i'm going to do for the start of this video is just show you all the different types of raid you can get i'm in god mode so i'm not going to get attacked but uh basically they'll just keep coming and trying to kill me now as i said this one lasts for 90 seconds so what will happen is these things will keep spawning for 90 seconds now if you were to go and run inside here like this and just wait you'll see that these things they'll still come up to you and they'll realize they can't get you and then they'll just kind of wander off now later mobs in this game the more difficult aggressive mobs what they will do when they come up is actually attack your defenses so that's why simply having like an area that you can go inside will not be good enough to defeat all of the raids as i say this will happen for 90 seconds at which point there will be another message in the chat and at that point they will all just sort of run away okay so we did just have a ball there attack our fence so it's not impossible that the ball will come up on a try and attack your fence that sort of thing but it's very unlikely that they're actually gonna break through and there we go the creatures are calming down so that is the message that means that the mobs are now gonna just pretty much run off so at this point you should be safe you'll just be able to watch them sort of go away so that's the first raid that you can get in valheim let's take a look at the next one which is the elder army so for the elder army this can be triggered once you've beaten eicther but before you have killed the elder and this will be like a grey dwarf raid so again we're going to take a little look at this so i think we just go to f5 here we can type in event like this and then we want to have army underscore the elder and that's how we're going to spawn them in and there we go it says the forest is moving and we've got that red circle again and if we wait a second here this raid is going to start coming to tucker so here we go this is the grey dwarf raid now this one's a little bit more difficult but you guys by this point in the game will be pretty used to fighting grade awesome that sort of thing let's go inside here and you'll see what they're going to do they're going to start attacking the walls and that sort of thing again we are going to come on to how to defend yourself and what options you have to defend yourself against raids later on but this is what to expect from this one now this one also lasts a bit longer this lasts 120 seconds or two minutes now you see over there they've gone straight over to the workbench to attack that they seem to like to attack work benches first now this might be worth making a note of if you're trying to set some sort of traps or lure the enemies to a certain area then you can have workbenches there in order to try to do that and there we go guys the forest rests again and that means that that particular raid has stopped and with just a basic defensive structure like this the grey dwarfs brutes and shaman were nowhere near getting through here so this was a pretty easy way of uh you know defending against this particular one so the next a story raid that you can get is the bone mass raid now for this one this can last up to 150 seconds so reasonably long time and this could be triggered after you've killed the elder boss but before you kill bone mass now bone mass is sort of a pivotal point in raids in general as many of the raids uh after this point not just the story raids but the enemy-based raids as well require you to have killed bone mass so at which point of the game like where you want to really start focusing on your defenses a little bit more is probably when you kill bone mass let's take a look at how this raid is going to look so let's go up here and we'll they call them events in the game events raids same thing but there we go a foul smell from the swamp this one is definitely a little bit more tricky particularly if you're not used to fighting the type of mobs that you're going to get here so let's go out i'll show you the type of mobs we're going to get because we are in god mode so we're safe you'll see the whole graphic changes to a more swamp light weather and here we go we've got draggers coming at us from up here there's some skeletons here as well um so this is the two types of mobs so you're gonna get draggers and skeletons and they are pretty nasty as i say and if you're not used to fighting these things then they're going to hit you pretty hard and you know this is the first raid i would suggest that you're going to really start struggling with in the game as far as the story based raids go and here you can see they're all outside my door there and they are trying to get him and what they're going to do is realize in a second they can't get to me because i'm sort of stuck in here and at that point again they will start attacking the structures so they've already started over here and they're going to try to break through um so this is what you can expect from the bone mass raid all right there we go guys they did actually break through it says in chat that the smell is gone because uh the raid is technically over but oh my goodness that camera shake but yeah because these guys are still here fighting me technically uh they're not gonna run away if there were mobs out here attacking my base and stuff once the raid is over they will go away but these particular ones because they were attacking me are not gonna go away so we're gonna actually have to fight them and kill them uh before we uh get rid of them and uh otherwise they'll just keep fighting us and as you see here this particular raid they did already managed to break down through the gate and get to me so at this point i was not able to defend myself with just the walls and i didn't actually run the full raid either so definitely something to be aware of at this point okay next up we're gonna have the motor raid okay so let's see event uh army motor a cold wind blows from the mountains this one is certainly more tough you're gonna have drake's coming at you for this one so again we'll head outside here so you can see there's a little bit better but here they are guys this is pretty nasty because at this point they can fly over any defenses you have and you'll see here look i'm now frozen they give you the freezing effect so these guys are definitely pretty nasty and you want to practice fighting them in the mountains and stuff um before you're likely to get these rays you know how to beat them in terms of killing them basically your defense against them is going to be arrows you're going to want to have frost resistance means and uh that i mean that's basically the crux of it having shields and things like that good armor good food all that's going to help and being near a fire would of course prevent you from freezing too uh so these are all things to think about at this point but this is what you're gonna get from this one this will also last 150 seconds and uh will spawn any time after you've killed a bone mass but before you've killed the fourth boss motor so just testing this out and actually being near a fire isn't going to help you the frost is still an issue for this one so just want to make sure i cleared that up so you guys know that i'm actually on fire and freezing at the same time it's actually freezing it's frost effect which is what you get from their attacks that is what's happening right now so we stopped that event it says there the cold wind is gone and at this point they should fly off um and you will have that frost effect for however long's left on that but they will be gone so a particularly nasty one guys and looks like some of these aren't even leaving just yet they're still interested in me so we would have to kill those using a bow and arrow before they will actually leave okay guys it's time for our final raid now this one here is seriously tough this is the army of goblins so this one can be triggered any time once you've beat moda but before you've beaten the fifth boss yaglut now this one lasts for 120 seconds but it will spawn in fuelings uh berserkers uh like the fueling berserkers and fueling shamans so you're about to see this this is a pretty tough one for sure and you guys are gonna have a lot of fun with this the first time you get it it says there the horde is attacking here we go um so let's see what comes at us right now it's not gonna be anything good all right i've turned the camera shake off for this one so it's getting a little bit crazy but here we go guys this is what's coming at you these fuellings and berserkers look at this dude i mean this is just a nasty looking thing what this is with camera shake off really let me double check that a second okay now our camera shakes off it was actually on before but yeah so these dudes here this is where having good defenses is really going to help you uh you know because up until this point you could probably take care of these types of story-based raids without needing too much in the way of defenses you just need you know good weapons and armor and food and that sort of thing but at this point i think you're probably gonna wanna have defenses as well oh look at these dudes over here this is just nasty the shaman's over here and stuff yeah this is this is a tough one guys and there we go the horde is retreating is what will be said once this one is over of course we're using cheats to do this you guys have to wait the full 120 seconds i can just go kill all and that is lovely jubbly we are on fire but other than that we're about alive now let's see what happened over here to our little base area bear in mind we weren't even really here and also bearing in mind that we didn't run it for the full amount of time and yet they still managed to do this much damage so at this point this is why you have to start thinking about some stronger defenses which we're going to go on to later on in this video okay so that is it for the story based raids that you're going to get now let's take a look at the enemy base raids and the first of those that comes up is the skeletons so the skeletons the trigger for them spawning is you have to have defeated bone mass now as i said you're gonna hear this a lot bone mass is pivotal in these raids um once you've done that you can get the skeleton raise uh raid i should say and it can last for 120 seconds let's take a look at that right now if we go event and put in their skeletons skeleton surprise it says and here they come now this one is actually reasonably difficult or it can be at least early game you can get a lot of the skeletons coming in and they can be sort of beefed up and stuff so having a good weapon like a mace or something like that hit them with is useful and you can see here the number we've got coming at us right now you can get a lot of these dudes coming at you so uh this is definitely one to be like cautious of uh once you have defeated bone mass okay so next up is supposed to be the blobs raid but i haven't been able to get this working just yet and from what i've found online nobody else has either so i'm guessing this is something that they're just planning on adding in at this point uh the conditions has been laid out that you can get blobs and oozes that will spawn and what that will happen once you've defeated bone mass again 120 seconds so yeah i guess we'll just have to see about that uh the next one that we can spawn in though is the trolls so here we go the event forest trolls let's put that in forest trolls is that right there we go the ground is shaking because the trolls are coming so the condition for this is that you've defeated the elder boss and killed at least one troll if you've done that well trolls are going to come these are all the bones from the skeletons before so there we go some trolls are coming at us right now now as you can imagine if we're in here the trolls are gonna break through this pretty easily once they start smashing away at stuff now i believe you can get anywhere from one to three trolls that will spawn in at a time when you're doing this type of raid so these are like not necessarily that difficult because fighting trolls isn't too bad i would suggest you just sort of run out your base and use your bow and arrow to shoot them i do actually have a video on my channel on how to kill specifically trolls if you guys are interested um but this is what will happen when the troll one comes this is a duration of 80 seconds so that's how long you got to put up with this for so the next one we're going to look at are wolves so let's go event wolves in there and here we go you are being hunted now this one here i think is particularly nasty so it doesn't actually say what the trigger condition is for this i couldn't find the information on this if anyone knows let me know down in the comments obviously this game is still being developed and so we're still learning things what i'm gonna do is just try to make sure they don't get in would be my biggest sort of thing to you guys have a little area that you're in that you can protect yourself from if you just want to defend in this particular raid but you can see here basically a pack of wolves is going to spawn and come and attack you so quite a nasty one taking on a couple of wolves at a time can be difficult enough depending on what stage of the game you're at but taking on an entire pack like this again this comes into where having better defenses are going to be quite useful and again this one can last for 120 seconds and it says the hunt is over when they are gone okay the final raid to talk about guys this is the final enemy based uh event this is the circling raid so let's go and put this one in here event uh cert lings like that and there's a smell of sulphur in the air so this is as you might expect where some circlings are going to come and get you now the conditions for this raid happening are again that you have defeated bone mass and also that you've killed at least one certainly uh this raid will last for 120 seconds in total and as you can see here sir things are going to come for you as you might expect now these raids aren't necessarily bad because you actually are going to get a lot of the certain cause when you kill them you just need to make sure you're properly geared up and ready to defend yourself against them and we're going to come on to talking about defenses in just a second for now let's go and put in uh let's see stop event uh there we go and we can just do a kill all as well and you'll see that the smell is fading and they'll go away if they're not attacking you just like every other raid so that guys is all the different types of raids you can get i just wanted to show you a snapshot of what you can expect in this game in terms of the raids now what we're going to do is talk about some ways you can defend yourself against these when they do come so now we've looked at the different types of raids that are possible i want to talk about some options you have in terms of defending yourself now i talked about this in a previous video but building a moat around your base is a pretty good idea in my opinion and there's a few reasons for that first of all you have the natural wall barrier here which the mobs cannot break down this wall barrier right so they are like hampered by the water to start with but when they're down here there's just nothing they can do now what this does is it funnels all the mobs to one place and that is the drawbridge where you have going across now you might have like several bridges but even so it's going to funnel them into just a couple of points if you've built a wall around your base now i would say that building a wall around your base is not necessary until you have defeated bone mass you might want to do it before in preparation but the raids that are like before you've killed bone mass are not going to be so difficult you're going to need this type of elaborate defense however i do recommend the mode also the benefit of doing this is it will give you a lot of stone which is something that is kind of difficult to come across later on in the game i mean it's easy to get it's just time consuming but yeah so like if you've done this you'll have that now in terms of when you're going to funnel them obviously then you've got the gate now there's things you can do here right you could build extra reinforcements around the gay area if you wanted to what i like to do as well is have these sorts of things here so i've got a thing here where i can run up and easily attack this gay area when they're coming this way but if things get a bit like where i'm taking too much damage then i can of course like come down here and hide and even come the whole way down if i want to i also think you should have a chest nearby and in there you should have a bow arrow some food and also it's a good idea to have a hammer you'll also want to make sure that you have a crafting bench somewhere nearby so you can repair things as you go so if they start taking your defenses down and they're getting weak you can start to repair them and as soon as you get the message that there's been a raid i recommend you head to this point and start to make sure everything around here is repaired another option you have is to put these sorts of things around your base these sort of murder holes here where again you can shoot through but you can take cover if needed from the outside here you'll see as well that there are these spikes here so like if there's enemies here them getting over here is going to be pretty difficult and we're going to have the upper hand being hidden in there and you could hide these all around your base potentially even before you have a moat hide these look like areas and then start shooting them another thing to mention though guys is you can just sort of kite the enemies away from your base if things are getting a bit crazy you can just run away from your base to protect your structures from being destroyed and get your um like whatever's raining you i guess whatever aggressive mobs was running at the time to follow you away by shooting them with a boat and that sort of thing and that's where this structure here comes into play now what i've done here is built a very basic example you guys might want to go a little bit more elaborate if this is something you're planning on using but i recommend having something like this we have to jump up so the mobs cannot get up to you then you can run up and be safe inside now the purpose of this is purely to kite these enemies over to here and keep them distracted for the minute or two minutes or however long the raid is going to be i put these little holes here where you can keep shooting them but as i said you could go a lot more elaborate than this this was purely for this video as just an example of what you're looking to do in terms of cutting them away from your base another option you have to defend yourself against the raid is if you have a lot of stone in your inventory you can grab your hoe and while it's looking down you can left click to raise the ground and just do this several times until you're high up in the air now this will work against most of the raids that you're going to be up against apart from the what the drakes because obviously they can fly and get you but most of the others if you go up high enough they're not gonna be like even trolls if you go like really up high they're not gonna be able to get you when you're all the way up here um so this is definitely like an option that you have if you're like really stuck and struggling the other tips would just be general stuff like obviously making sure you've got good weapons good armor and a lot of good food as well and do make sure as well that your spawn point is somewhere pretty safe so that if you do die you can respawn it's never a bad idea to have like a respawn kit near your bed so maybe like a secondary set of armor and weapons and a bit of food so that as soon as you die you'll respawn next to your bed you can go into the chest get out the stuff that you need and then go and try and recover your things from your grave do bear in mind that if your grave is uh it's going to have like a lot of items in it you want enough space in your inventory that you can just simply run up to your grave and press e to take it all rather than if you've got like a full inventory on you at the time and then you press e then you have to start selecting what you want and what you don't want and in the time you're doing that the mobs that are camp in your grave are likely to kill you and the final thing to talk about in terms of defenses is against the drakes because obviously all of these defenses i've mentioned were okay against the normal sort of mobs that you're going to get against trolls the defenses can be kind of weak and taken down but against controls i'd also say just run away and kite them they're slow and sluggish when they attack but they will damage your base but against the drakes they can fly over these walls and attack you so in terms of what i recommend there i would say you want to make sure you've got your frost resistance potions somewhere at hand and have some undercover areas as well i mean simply going into this house right here the drakes are not going to be able to attack me and okay they can do some damage but it's going to be pretty minimal so for that one you might just want to wait it out it depends uh but if you go for those drake drops definitely fight them with a bow definitely have the frost resistance potions on you and drink one of them before they attack and then maybe even make a special undercover area so that as soon as you get that particular raid it's somewhere in your base that you can run to be undercover and protected but maybe coming out to shoot them you know as and when you want to so today's video was some general information on the rage you'll get in valheim what to expect and some sort of ideas as to how you can defend yourself against them if you would like more specific tutorials on raids as i progressed through this game then let me know down in the comments and if enough people want that then i will look to do that if you're enjoying my varham content please do consider liking and subscribing for more it really is greatly appreciated guys but for now i just want to say thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time so now that you've seen all the events that you can have in valheim guys what is the one that you're most scared of fighting uh probably gonna be the same answer for most people but hey let's see and also have you had much experience fighting raids so far if you have any little tips for us let us know down in the comments
Channel: Kysen
Views: 158,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim raids, valheim events, valheim raid guide, raid valheim, event valheim, what are raids valheim, how to defen raids valheim, what are events valheim, defend events valheim, valheim base, protect base valheim, valheim guide, valheim raid, valheim tips, valheim tips and tricks, valheim gameplay, valheim the forest is moving, valheim raid proof base, valheim the ground is shaking, valheim how to, valheim troll, valheim game, kysen, valheim building
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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