Va'etchanan (and I pleaded) 2021 podcast by Jim Staley

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(Music) (Music) (Music) Pastor Jim Staley: "Shabbat Shalom everyone" (Music) Latinos! Shabbat Shalom! Amen. First time ever broadcasting  live in the studio here at Passion for Truth   I want to say Shabbat Shalom to everyone out there.   This is more of a test than anything to let you  guys know what God's doing in the background.   We've been working along here hard. I wanted to share  a couple things here, I've only got a few minutes   here before I've got to be somewhere, but I wanted to share something with you guys,    out of this week's Torah portion if I could do so. Of Va'etchanan ("and He pleaded") Anybody out   there feel like you plead every once in a while? Do you feel like you're pleading with the Father? Well, I feel that every day of my life, I  feel like I am pleading with the Father   to help me through my daily struggles. So, I want to dive in here real quickly and, if you could turn with me, you don't have to, you can  just listen along here but let's get into Va'etchanan.   That is Deuteronomy Chapter 3, just want to  pull in a couple things for you real quick here,   Hopefully it'll encourage you on your day. This is  what I look forward to doing every single day here   at Passion for Truth. I can't wait, we're not quite  there but we are getting there so, bear with me.   All right, so in Chapter 3 Verse 22 as they're  moving across    into the promised land it says: "You  must not fear them, (do not fear them)   (if you fear them) "You must not fear them  for the Lord your God himself fights for you"   Do you ever feel like that the Lord God is not  fighting for you? Well, I want you to hear what I   have to say this afternoon because I believe that  the Father is going to encourage you. That   there's a reason why sometimes you don't feel  like God is fighting for you. And that's because   of the resistance. You see, God could have easily  gone into the Promised Land, could have easily   wiped out all of their enemies, but He chose  not to do that because He wants to partner with us.   All of the blood, sweat and tears, and all the  difficulty of taking over Jericho or taking over   the different cities. Is on us. We have to do our  part and then the end result is always His. Watch:   it says: "You must not fear them for the Lord himself  fights for you" Listen, I don't care what you're   going through right now, I don't care if it's  marriage problems, if you've got teenager problems,   I've had a couple of those myself, I know what it  feels like right? But at the end of the day Yahweh   fights for you. But there's a condition. So let's  cruise on down. Again, I told you this is going   to be lightning fast and I apologize to all of  our hispanic friends out there, we're not quite   there yet where we can do live streaming with  translation, but we're gonna get there with   your help. Stay tuned. Some exciting things are  happening in that event. But watch this: in Verse 4 of Chapter 4, it says this: "But you  who held fast to the Lord your God are alive today"  Every one of you, did you hear that? Let's back  up to Verse 3 it says: "Your eyes has seen   what the Lord did at Baal Peor for the Lord your  God destroyed from among you all the men who   followed Baal Peor but YOU! YOU! who held fast to  the Lord your God, are alive today." Every single   one of you! Do you know what that means? That means  that those who hold fast, let's just dive into the   Word real quickly in Hebrew. Okay. The  word here, let me see if I can pronounce that,   It is: "dabeq" All right, so, "dabeq"  means to cleave, it means to join, it means   to stick closer than you can possibly imagine, like  Super Glue all right? So, is as hard and as powerful   as Super Glue is. Me and my daughters have  been talking last night, we had a fantastic Shabbat   and we were joking around about doing  things to each other while we were sleeping,   and one of the kids said: You know? I'm gonna take Super Glue and I'm gonna "Super   Glue" it on dad's lips while he's sleeping right? So probably a lot of people   would want that to happen sometimes. But,  at the end of the day, that Super Glue on skin   you can't pull it apart, it's not going to happen  right? So this is how close the Father wants us   to be with Him, He wants us to be so close that we  are like Super Glue, we're adhering to Him. It's in   the process of holding fast, it is in that process  when we hold fast to the Lord God. That's when we   experience this Scripture which says that you are  alive today. If you don't feel like you're alive,   then you're not holding fast. And I think it's  fascinating that the word english is "fast" and   in the Hebrew it's "to adhere" but in  English we say: "to hold fast" I think it's almost   hilarious in a way because we need to  not hold slow, we need to hold fast. So in English,   it actually has a double meaning: "hold fast" to the  Lord. God is asking you to make sure that you hold   fast to him because life is not slow, life is fast.  And when things come at you from a thousand miles   an hour you know, your spouse says something that's  snarky to you or your employer or something   happens at your job, or you just wake up on the  wrong side of the bed. I'm telling you, life happens   fast. You need to hold on to Yahweh fast. And those  that hold on to Him by the way to adhere to Him,   that not depart from Him, those are the ones that God  says are alive today. Every one of you, not every   one of you, every one of you that are holding fast  to Him. So one of the quick messages that I believe   the Father has for you today is to hold fast,  matter of fact, let me just go off in the prophetic   right now because I've been sensing something  in the Spirit and you need to hear this:   Every one of you out there: "There is days  that are coming, says the Lord, that you are   going to be required to make a decision what  you're going to hold on to for your security."   Did you hear what I said? You're going to have to  make a decision on what is your security blanket.  For some of you, you're out there, maybe you know  somebody, if it's not you, or son or daughter or   someone that's out there, but you're holding on to  something because your heart is broken. Your heart   is broken, you're feeling a void inside of you  and maybe it's from your own sin, maybe it's from   your own mistakes that you've made maybe it's not,  maybe it's from someone else's mistakes, but you're   feeling this incredible void in your life. I can  assure you, if that is where you're coming from and   you feel this void in your life, the Father says  to you that the days are coming right now where   you need to choose what you're going to hold on to. What is going to be your security blanket? What is   going to be your Super Glue? Are you gonna hold on  to the blanket of Linus from the   "Peanuts" gang? Charlie Brown. Are you gonna hold  on to that blanket? What's your security? Where do you   go to for security when you feel insecurity, says  the Lord. Because that which you hold on to, that's   not of Him. Will not bring you life, it will bring  you death and destruction and despair, but when   you hold on to Him, it will bring you life every  single time. You want to be alive? Hold fast to the   Lord. Let's cruise on down here, I got a couple  more verses then I gotta run. Chapter 4 Verse  29 "But from there you will seek the Lord your God  and when you find Him, if you seek him with all of   your heart and with all of your soul, when you are  in distress, and all these things come upon you,   when all these things come upon you He says,  in the latter days, when you turn the Lord   your God and obey His voice for the Lord your  God, as a merciful God, He will not forsake you   nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant  of your fathers, which He swore to them.  Ask now concerning the days that are  past, which were before you since the day that   God created man on earth, ask from one end of  Heaven to the other, whether any great thing   like this has ever happened, or anything like it  has ever been heard, and then He says this: did   any people ever hear the voice of God speaking  out to the midst of the fire as you have heard   and lived? Or did God ever try to go and take for  Himself a nation from the midst of another nation   by trials by signs by wonders by war by a mighty  hand and an outstretched arm..? and He goes on.   All these things it's like Job Chapter 38 and 39  right? Do you realize, you people, what kind of God   that you serve? So let me prophetically take that  voice that mantle right now from this scripture,   and bring it into 2021 and tell you and ask you  this: Have you ever seen the power of God move   like you are about to today? Like you have in your  life? For those of you that have relationship with   the Lord, have you ever seen another God love His  people so much that He'd be willing to actually   die Himself, manifest Himself in the form  of a human being, cloak Himself in humanity   and lay on a cross, and let the very creatures  that He created crucify Him? What kind of God would   do that? But the God of Yahweh, Jehovah, the  Creator of the universe. Listen to me: You   serve a God that's so much bigger than whatever  you're going through. Whatever your circumstance   is, whatever your financial status is, I don't care  what your mode of operating is right now. We serve   a God, an Elohim, a Judge, a Magistrate that is so  far above all magistrates, and I should know that.   I've been under human magistrates, I've been under  human judges, and I'm going to tell you right now,   there's a bigger Judge with a bigger hammer behind a bigger desk, in a bigger courtroom that has the   ability to come down out of Heaven and change  the circumstance like that. But what He's looking   for us to do is to hold fast, hold fast. Can you  hold fast? Hold fast to what the Father is doing   right now because Abba is telling you right now. I believe He's about to have a breakthrough, there is   a revival that's coming in this land, I feel it, it started on Shavuot of this year in my world.  I don't know if it's globally, but I sense it in  the Spirit and when the Spirit allows me to sense   things, you can bank on it, it's gonna happen. The  Spirit of God is reviving His people and the bones   of Joseph are about to raise from the dead. There  is connections and generals that He's talking   to right now, Kings. The father says this: "My Son is  the King of Kings, where are My kings? Says the lord,  "Where are my kings? He's calling out to the lost  sheep of the House of Israel, first to the kings,   first to the judges, first to the magistrates, and when He calls them and they answer that call,  there will be a move of God like you've never  seen in your lifetime, the greatest revivals, the   faith revivals right? The Brownsville revivals, the revival of faith and the revival of   of all the revivals that have happened in the  last 100 years. I used to have them all memorized   and I can't remember hardly any of them. But God  is doing so and that's because there's so much   in the past, we are in need of revival right now.  And I believe that the breakthrough that you're   looking for in your marriage is coming. I'm telling  you. But the answer is right here, it says: "When   you are in distress and all these things come upon  you" What things? I don't care if it's Covid 19   20 or 21 there's more things to come that  the antichrist system is bringing. Again, I'm   gonna have a lot to say about that  in the future, but I can tell you one thing: the   Father says I don't care if it's that, I don't care  if it's Covid 19, I don't care if it's Covid 1900. I don't care if it's the marriage problems you  have, I don't care whatever kind of whatever   distress that you have in your life, He says. When  all these things come upon you in the latter days,   when you turn to the Lord and obey His voice,  the Lord God is merciful and He will not   forsake you, destroy you, or forget the Covenant of  your fathers. Do you hear that? This is conditional.   "When." He doesn't say "if." When all these things  happen, when all these things come to you,   when your life begins to fall apart, when things  don't go your way, stop acting like a child. Stop   acting like an israelite in the wilderness and  remember that the Lord God met you at Mount Sinai.  Remember the miraculous amazing display of colors,  and thunder and lightning, and the voice of the   Creator of the universe talking to ants on a speck  of dust in the middle of the solar system. Remember   that He opened up the Red Sea, remember that He  allowed you to know who He is. Look at your spouse   if you're having marriage problems, look at your  spouse and say: I remember how much I loved you   when I first met you, and remember the great times.  Begin to talk about it. Hold fast to that which   God gave you in the beginning. He says: when you  have the distress, do not forget about me because   those who call upon My Name, those who adhere to  Me like Super Glue, those who don't quit, 10/12th   of the Tribes of Israel quit, ladies and gentlemen. At the brink of the most amazing point in history   they were right at their destiny, right at  their destiny, you know what happened? They quit. And 10/12th of them had to live in the desert. Don't  be ten twelfths ladies and gentlemen. Va'etchanan  and He pleaded, I plead with you today  the Lord God pleads with you today, do   not quit, I don't care how bad it is, I don't care  how hard it is, stop complaining and make it simple   black and white. Either I believe in the Lord  God I'm gonna hold fast to Him or I'm not gonna   believe in the Lord God and hold fast to Him. It  is completely and 100% up to you, may the Lord God   bless you and keep you this day, may His face shine  upon you, may His countenance be lifted up over you. And listen, may He give you peace, may He give you  shalom, may everything that the Creator has to   offer you may you receive it. Take your hands right  now put them in the air right now, every one of you.   Except if you're driving, if you're  driving don't do this, but if you aren't   raise your hands before the Lord God. And say: Father I receive,   I receive from you Father God breakthrough  by faith. I refuse to look at my circumstances   when my life is overwhelming, when  it's falling apart   I give you my life, my trust, my faith and  all things are possible with you my King Say: Father, I receive the breakthrough, I reject  disbelief, I reject doubt, I reject my past. Yes, like   the song says: I know that You are good, I know that  You are kind, so Father God, we just come before You   and we praise You, and we thank You, and we give You glory because You are worthy to be praised!   You're bigger than our circumstances,  You're bigger than our situation,   You're bigger than all things and You are in all  things, every storm that comes upon us you are   the lightnings, You are the thunder, You are the  rain, You're the fire, You're the air we breathe, [Music]. You are good Father...Hallelujah [Music] I know that you are good... [Music] I remember what it  felt like to be in the hole for 84 days   in a six by nine foot cell with another man and  I remember crying out to the Lord God saying: Lord though You may crush me, I will praise Your name, Amen and Amen   We'll see you on the other side ladies and  gentlemen next time, have a great Shabbat! Shabbat Shalom.
Channel: Jim Staley Teachings
Views: 6,666
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Jim Staley, Passion For Truth, Yeshua, Torah, Christian Roots, Hebrew Roots, Torah Portions, Torah readings, Christian, Israel, Messiah, Messianic, Va'etchanan, hold fast, revival
Id: eochXB3Syl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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