God's Prophetic Calendar - Sukkot - Jim Staley

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all right let's begin we're gonna learn a lot about the feast of Sukkot better known as the Feast of Tabernacles throughout the world the fall feast let's back up and give you just a quick history of the fall feast it breaks down into the last three feasts of the year you start off with the spring feasts of the Lord this is connected prophetically to the first coming of the Messiah when Yeshua came he died at the first feast day of the year which is Pesach Passover he was put into the grave during the feast of unleavened bread where they would remove all leaven from their house all sin from their house as he was removing all sin from the world then during the feast of firstfruits he rose from the dead he rose from the grave during the feast of firstfruits see the connection see the coincidences that are here and then 50 days later on the feast of Shavuot known in Greek as Pentecost the the the ruach ha'qodesh the holy spirit came down it is these are not days that were just accidental he did decided he did not decide to send his holy spirit on st. Patrick's Day or April Fool's Day because he doesn't go by our calendar he goes by his and so if we as believers in Messiah do not know God's calendar we are going to on sometime during our life there especially during Judgment Day or the Great Tribulation we are going to be running around with their heads cut off not even having a clue what is happening and we will read into the scriptures things it's just simply don't exist Yeshua cannot come on February 1st did you know that can't it's not possible he can't come on December 25th god forbid that he would he can't because it's prophesied in the Bible and we better learn these things because when it says that no man knows the day or the hour we need to read the next few verses that says that those who walk in the light will know the time and season of his coming so if you walk in darkness then it says you he will come as a thief in the night but he will not come as a thief in the night for those who walk in the light and that's what the scriptures say so we as believers better start walking in the light and we better even know what the death initiative light is light is defined as truth in the Bible and truth is defined as devar or the Word of God we better know it and we better know it intimately so that's the first coming then we have this long drought where we have no water no Mayim everybody say my aim okay not mine okay but my aim and that means water there's no water that that comes from the Shem ìiím everybody say she my aim you know what that is that's heaven how amazing in Hebrews seen English you don't catch it water in heaven no connection in Hebrew it's the same word it's the same root word water comes from heaven you have two words Shem and my him in the form of heaven Shem is the name the name of water the name that brings water Yahweh is the name above all names that brings forth water from heaven and that water is the water of what the word and what is the word that came down and dwelled among men in John 1:14 Yeshua okay Yeshua Jesus the Christ and so the second coming of our Lord is going to be in the fall why because that's the only feast days left that are unfulfilled and so it starts off at Essure a one which we are coming and approaching on right now that is the feast of Yama or the Feast of Trumpets then 10 days after that you come to Judgment Day as we call it in the scriptures or the day of atonement the one day a year where the high priest would go into the Holy of Holies and he would make sacrifice first for himself and then for all of Israel and that would be the sacrifice not for the nation's but for Israel once a year their sins were forgiven and that's t-shir a 10 Yom Kippur the highest holy day of the year today of fasting then we come 5 days later on a full moon might you add on tshe 15 it begins Sukkot this year it is October 1st it's a full moon why you're gonna learn why it's in the full moon the sages will say that it's because Yahweh wanted to put the fullness of light into this so there be no darkness there is to be no darkness during this time go figure contrast with t-shir a one when the Messiah comes back during the Feast of Trumpets it is a new moon it is a dark moon there is no light in the earth at all what did the scriptures say about one of the things that happens when the Messiah comes back there will be no light the Sun will be darkened the moon will be turned the blood and there it will be a dark and dreary day contrasted to the 15th which will be a bright brilliant celebration and that's what we're gonna learn about tonight Sukkot Sukkot in Hebrew is actually plural of the word suka suka is a booth or a tabernacle a tent a a temporary dwelling place how many like camping some of you used to go camping I've met people that have never been camping in their life never forget a good friend of mine from the our fellowship last year made it onto our post promo video of Tabernacles and he said this is my first time at Sukkot matter of fact it's my first time camping period but I should be ok because I brought my iPod at the Sukkot and the years in the 21st century it is also known by the feast of ingathering the Feast of Tabernacles the feast of booths and in Hebrew Sukkot look at the very first time the Sukkot is used in the Bible Genesis chapter 33 verse 17 says this and Jacob journey to Sukkot and build him and built him a house and made booths Sica's for his cattle therefore the name of the place is called Sukkot okay and so that's the very first time that the Bible uses the word Sukkot and so it's giving us an idea of what a booth is in today's terminology how many people have ever owned cattle or horses or livestock out there any any of those okay so we would call this a lean-to okay so that gives you a good picture of what original cyka look like it was a lean-to let's talk about some facts of sukkot let's get into the the dry facts and we're gonna build this thing to probably one of the most exciting traditions that is done during the feast of Sukkot first of all it's a seven-day feast with an eighth day that's called the eighth great or the eighth great day it's this it's a Shabbat the seventh day and the last day our holy Sabbath no matter what day they fall on whether it's a seventh day or not it doesn't matter if the first day of Sukkot and the last day of Sukkot are hot are high Sabbath's and they're treated just like a Sabbath okay there is also a concept called Simchat Torah this is the time of year that the Torah readings finish they come to a close this is so significant prophetically we don't think through some of these things and we think oh it's not a big deal but what is the Torah portions anyway for those of you that are watching that don't know a Torah portion is they basically take the first five books of the Bible and divide them up into portions and each week a certain section of those portions are read until the Torah is completely read and then it's called Simchat Torah the ending of the Torah it's renewed it starts all over okay and so go figure that Simchat Torah ends comes to an end and comes to fruition I should say during the feast of Sukkot the very last festival of the year do you think that's a coincidence or do you think there might be a hidden thing on God's calendar telling us that he's trying to tell us something something's going to be renewed something's going to happen we're gonna go back by the way for all of you Bible scholars out here what is when you end the tour and you go back to the beginning where are you going Genesis 1:1 is that incredible all you Torah scholars give yourself a round of applause for paying attention what is the very first verse of Genesis anybody know in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth what do you think is going to happen at the last Sukkot at Simchat Torah and a prophetic spiritual sense he's going to create a new heavens and earth see how that works the Bible starts all over it's really amazing if you take time to go through some of these things will be able to see these you're gonna see a lot of amazing connections here this evening by the way also it's the origin of Thanksgiving did you know that that's where Thanksgiving came from was the feast of Sukkot it's the biggest feast of the year when when how many know who Christopher Columbus is how many know he was Jewish how many know that in 1492 there was something that happened besides a discovery of America what was it the Spanish Inquisition where the Jewish people were kicked out of Spain guess his grandfather was was was very very Jewish and so as he fled the the as the Spanish Inquisition was going on that was part of the reason why he came and he did not know he was going to discover the new world and so when he came in the Puritans and all of them a lot of their their traditions wrapped right around these Hebrew holidays and this is where Thanksgiving originated this is why it's the biggest feast of the year this is why on Thanksgiving we all gain 10 pounds this is why when you come to Sukkot you will gain 10 pounds because it's a lot of feasting it's not called the great feast for nothing and that's exactly what it's called it begins five days after Yom Kippur on the fifteenth day of Tishri it's a drastic change from the most solemn day of the year five days earlier Yom Kippur where there is a solemn assembly there is a lot of fasting and praying there's kind of almost a soft sad countenance because this is Judgment Day for all of your friends and loved ones some day in the future after the great wrath of God and when he has taken his people up on t-shirt one the great wrath of God comes for those ten days it destroys the people of the earth and and that and then Judgment Day happens right there at Yom Kippur so that goes behind and now we go into the marriage supper of the lamb if you will where there is great celebration the word Sukkot means booth and refers to temporary dwellings that the Israelites used to commemorate the leaving of Egypt and having no permanent homes this is why during the feast of Sukkot we encourage people to they do the best that they can to honor Sukkot either go camping for a week like we do and go in your temporary dwelling places whether that be a pop-up camper or whether it be a makeshift lean-to there I know there are people that that to really get the full feel of Sukkot they will just simply take a tarp and and put it over a limb of a tree and sleep under it I'm not one of those I'm going tent camping this year for the first time I was a camper at enter four years when you have multiple kids it makes a difference but in any case we want to be temporary and that's one of the things you can do some people do it in their very backyard you're gonna see some pictures here in Israel of what they do and it might shock you how big of a deal this is Israel is flooded with millions of people just like it was years ago thousands of years ago during the time of our Messiah the first day was to be a Sabbath as well as the eighth day according to Leviticus 23 39 we'll talk about that a little bit later it commemorates the building of the first Tabernacle in the wilderness that temporarily housed the Spirit of the Living God when they left Egypt they did not have homes so the only homes that they had were what they brought with them and so at the same time what's amazing folks let me throw this out yushua says he came and he dwelt among us right did you know that was not the first time you're sure it doesn't make up anything Jesus didn't just make up things he just and do things for the first time it is a pattern all he does is copy what happens in the Torah because he is the word of God so what was the first time that God came it says that God did not have a home he did not have a dwelling place now are you telling me that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the one who is infinite and in every direction far bigger than to sit on a metaphorical throne that he actually didn't have a home what's he talking about there he certainly had a home but he didn't have one here so he asked his people to build to take offerings to take their tithes and offerings take everything that they could possibly do and do called him a temporary dwelling place until the real temple could be built you you see the first time that that that the that the divinity came to earth see we're so used to to Yahweh coming and filling yeshua and in that being the story of God coming to earth and and pain for the sin of mankind and dwelling among us right we're so used to that but wait a minute he already did it once he did it in the wilderness where he came and dwelt among his people temporarily even when you schewe came it was temporary he was the Living Myshkin The Living Tabernacle this is why John is not just he's not using metaphors he's not just a stroke of genius he's when he says that he came and tabernacled among us he was referring to words that had great meaning in first century Jewish culture great meaning and if you use the word Tabernacle or Sukkot in the first century every Jewish boy and girl and man woman and child knows exactly what you're referring to the feast of Sukkot this was the seventh feast if you don't think this is prophetic check this out it was the seventh feast of the year it occurred during the seventh month which would have been during the seventh full moon of the year and it was to be celebrated for seven days technically it is as only a seven-day feast with an extra day added that is a separate technically a separate feasting why is it separate because every day of the feast is connected to a thousand years of time the feast of Sukkot it encompasses the entire timeline from Adam to the time that the new heavens and new earth will be made at the end of the thousand year reign of Christ this is that feast it is a beast of all the nations and for all of time he doesn't just throw out one say man I'm gonna go with my favorite number we're gonna do it for seven days no he chooses seven days because there are seven millenniums of time and he must separate the eighth-grade day because the eighth grade day is the eighth millennium when the heavens and earth are completely wiped away he starts completely over with a new heavens and new earth and nobody knows what that day is going to look like all of these are just prophetic on his calendar so that we could dig deeper and find out more about ourselves and more about the days to come so that we can draw closer to him this feast day is about drawing closer to him because what happens right before the Feast of Tabernacles is the month of Elul that I just taught on it's all about teshuva it's all about repenting returning coming back to the Messiah preparing to meet your bridegroom as the bride spotless with no wrinkle so when we do that what happens is that we are preparing for the seventh day and I'll talk about what happens on the seventh day here in a little bit did you know that there are 70 bulls that are sacrificed during the feast of Sukkot do you think that it's just a happenstance that God just says I'm extra hungry on the day I want you to give me 70 bolts or would you think that it's not barbaric that Yahweh has an absolute plan there's purpose and everything that he does just sometimes we don't understand it did you know that in Genesis chapter 10 the Bible tells us there are 70 nations of the world the feast of Sukkot at the end of time is a sacrifice one bull for each nation of the world ladies and gentlemen if the if the Arab world and if the world that hates Israel in ancient times knew that the feast of Sukkot was all about saving their backsides they would send every one of their armies to surround the Jerusalem wall to protect it they wouldn't be trying to destroy it and tear it down because they don't understand that everyone those bulls is for them it's for their forgiveness it's for their repentance they're saying in a sense we love the nation's this is a celebration that we know that God is going to bring the world to repentance the best that he can and we need to help prepare the world the world doesn't even have a clue no different than the world doesn't have a clue from most of us what we do here even most of the of the Christian religion has never even heard that God has a calendar much less even the name of the Messiah is Yeshua if we only knew some of these things it's no wonder that we call this the age of grace because we definitely are in an amen and I need it all day long it's celebrated after the harvest and after the grapes have been pressed into wine let me talk about this for just a second so you and I've mentioned this multiple times but on the prophetic timeline of the prophecy timeline the Messiah comes during the Feast of Trumpets during the dark moon those two to two and a half days that the moon is dark we don't know exactly which day but we know this know the season then there is 10 days of all that during that time first of all the the Saints are caught up in what is called the rapture where we're where the dead in Christ rise at the sound of the trumpet those who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them as you know the Scriptures very well then the wrath of God comes on the earth for those 10 days called the ten days of all that is the time that coincides believe it or not with the making of wine where they take the grapes grapes and they press them with their feet did you know that grapes are not pressed with stones grapes are pressed with feet do you think that that's coincidence olives are pressed with stones but grapes are pressed with feet what is the offices say about your shoe at the end of time what is he going to do he's going to press his enemies and the earth is going to be his what footstool do you think that that's coincidence he literally is going to press his enemies with his own feet because stones represent men his feet will be the only ones that will press his enemies stones will not be involved you will be gone it will only be his stone the stone that the builders rejected has become the chief Cornerstone and in Hebrew that stone that word can be a been as well the Sun the Sun the main corner stone will be the one with his feet that will press his enemies and that will be and that's connected by the way to the Battle of Armageddon and the river of blood that is the winepress so after the harvest that's you and after the wine press the wrath of God comes the celebration suco speaks of life in its very simplicity how many know in America we are bombarded with the idea that keeping up with the Joneses we got to build a bigger house and do better things and have nicer cars and do this and everything gets so complex every time they come out with the new operating system or computer program it makes life more difficult it's one more thing you got to do it's one more thing you have to install which is one more reason to get another virus out of your computer sometimes it's worth it to put your phone down sometimes it's worth it this turn your computers off you will survive Sukkot is is that reminder that Yahweh does not dwell in big houses in complexity he speaks to the humble the contrite and to those that are in simplicity it reminds us that Yahweh God is our shelter and he's a sustainer of life at all difficult times and the Israelites had very difficult times for 40 years and it's also connected to the wedding ceremony under the chuppah because that's what a Hopa is so HIPAA is really a glorified suka and that's what it looks like there have been people in this congregation that have been married under a HIPAA right here why do we do it is it a Jewish thing they're the only ones that do it but does that make it Jewish what if it was the Arabs that did it will we call it Arab Muslim or do we only title things because a certain group of people do it so let me ask you a question are certain things Christian or they biblical I don't want them to be called Christian because Christian means anything today pretty much if you have the word God attached to it as Christian I want it to be biblical in a HIPAA is so I totally understand why they want to get married under a chuppah because under a chuppah is under the presence and the shelter of the Living God during the festival of Sukkot when everything has been gone the past is over and everything is brand-new it's a celebration and that symbol symbolizes the greatest celebration of the coming of the Messiah when we will feast with him under his banner over me is love in biblical times Sukkot was considered the most important of all the holidays and it simply was referred to as the great feast the first kings 12:32 I cannot emphasize or overemphasize enough this was the most unbelievable party of all the year Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 says this and God said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years I've said this a hundred times here PFT over the last decade but I'll say it again because there's so many new people that watch these these online and even maybe in here in the audience today that the word season has nothing to do with with with spring and summer and winter and fall in the garden ladies and gentleman I can assure you there was no winter coats that word season in Hebrew is MOA deem that word MOA deem means appointed feast day it's an appointed time it's the time when yahweh says now always the time that i want to meet with you this is my calendar blueprint the sun moon stars i put in place so you'll know when to meet with me otherwise you can't get in trouble if you if you know when you're supposed to meet then you will never miss that meeting no different than if you are married and you have an anniversary you don't want to miss it there might be consequences like the Great Tribulation appointed time feast a congregation assembly there Yahweh's appointed anniversaries and I don't know about you but you can call legalistic that's like a husband telling his wife wow I can't we don't we it's legalistic to celebrate your art your anniversary or your birthday on the same day every year try that and see how long you last indoors I want to honor ABBA's anniversaries don't you Leviticus chapter 23 verse 2 just in case you think they might be Jewish speak unto the children of Israel and saying to them concerning the Feast of Yahweh which he shall proclaim to be holy convocations even these are not Jewish they're my feasts no man can take credit for these feasts because they're his calendar his anniversaries we are invited just like if I have a birthday party and I invite you it's not your birthday party you are invited to a birthday party you are invited to an anniversary party you are invited to a wedding reception it's the same thing Abba says these are my feasts and I give them to my people so it depends on whether you define yourself as his people they're not you can take part in his feast and I don't know about you but just the word feast gets me excited to want to be a part of it especially in the middle of a 21-day cleanse I can tell you that much right now Leviticus 23 40 let's talk about this and read the actual scriptures and you shall take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees branches of palm trees the boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days this is what they look like today this is called the lulav and at Trog okay and the point and purpose of them it's this they're gathering types of trees from the four corners of Israel representing the four corners of the earth what new trees represent people so what this is an amazing tradition now it looks a little strange if you come to Sukkot or go to any Sukkot that does this and and it looks like a bunch of Indians running around waving these at Troggs and these Luo loves right and pointing to the north and the south and the east and the west and if your local television camera that showed up it would be for sure labelled a cult but if you knew the prophetic significance that in the first century you have millions of people millions of people with boughs and they're in their hands and at Troggs and they're waving and it represents that at the end of time remember those 70 nations that Yahweh's going to gather the elect from the four corners of the earth the trees that represent people and even though we don't know who these people are we're gonna dance and celebrate with them even now and by the way there will be fruit because it's harvest season in the Yahweh will harvest his fruit from the earth how cool is that every tradition in the Bible has an awesome meaning that is prophetic and significance we should not snub our nose at the front of the book ladies and gentlemen the back of the book was written upon it these are some suckers in Jerusalem today people build them right off their balconies here's one here in Japan see you take on the flavor of your local community little bamboo there here's one in a cornfield made from corn stalks it's just a temporary dwelling place you make it however you want you put it you're supposed to eat in there you're supposed to sleep in there there's some more right in Israel so young boys going by and playing there are companies in Israel that make these as kits and people buy them and it's amazing it's the biggest celebration here you see this all over the place in Israel there's a family sitting under their own family Sucher in their backyard it's an intimate time of prayer you do worship Bible study it's a time where families are commanded to be together parents wouldn't you love it when you have teenagers if you could if you could point to a verse in the Bible that commands them to it eat dinner as a family this is it 7 days straight this is our personal circuit one of the pictures from our palcic is here passion for truth always an interesting event putting up the annual suka and how about this one of the most interesting times of the year the interesting temporary dwelling places of all the times of the year that you're sure the Messiah could have came to this earth this was the time he was not born during December 25th as most of you know the December 25th we get that that date from because every single Sun God in every culture of all times on the whole timeline was born during December 24 on December 25th and so the pagans took our Yeshua our Jesus our Christ made him the son of God as the Romans that worship the Sun God took in another God Jesus they compromised and they made his birthday on the same day as all the pagan Sun gods they've been worshipping for years and here our Lord our Messiah got cheated out of the most incredible feast day and birthday of all time because he was born at Sukkot how do we know that it's very simple John the Baptist was born how many months before Jesus six his father was Zechariah who served in the temple there are 24 courses to the temple Zechariah was the eighth course we know exactly based on history what date the eighth course served in the temple they served twice a year and the Bible says that when he came back from his course guess what he missed his wife and shortly thereafter John the Baptist or John the immerser was was conceived nine months after that lands right on what Passover he was preparing the way of the Lord for your schewe to die on Passover he was born on Passover so if he goes six months from Passover guess what you land right in the middle of Sukkot so our Lord Yeshua the Messiah was born during the Feast of Tabernacles which is why John said he tabernacled with men what's so incredible is the birth of salvation came to the world that's saying it in English let me say it in Hebrew the birth of Yeshua came to the world because Yeshua means salvation if you don't know that there can be no other time of the most greatest celebration in the world at that time was to be born during Sukkot was a very special time why do you think Mary and Joseph were coming to their hometown anyway because everyone's required to come up this is a commanded one of the three pilgrimage feast of the of the year the fall feasts to come to Jerusalem so if you are in a government leader at that time that's a good time to take a census isn't it and secondly or thirdly or whatever number I'm on the shepherds are in the fields they're not in the fields and in the middle of winter they bring all of their cattle in in October right after the feast of Sukkot amen awesome psalm 118 is read during this feast it's represented by light and rain if you human me for just a minute I'm gonna read a psalm 118 it's very short and I want to stop on they are very incredible verse as some of you probably never read before so I'm 118 it's a long long book here psalm 118 do you know what the middle chapter of the Bible is what's the longest chapter of the Bible psalm 119 you know what the the the middle verse of the Bible is watch this let's read it together psalm 118 verse 1 give thanks to Yahweh this is all about Sukkot for he is good for his loving kindness is everlasting oh that Israel say his loving kindness is everlasting oh let the house of Aaron say his loving-kindness everlasting all that those who fear you always say his loving kindness is everlasting they sang this by the way it would be a beautiful song from my distress I called upon the Lord the Lord answered me and set me in a large place Yahweh is for me I will not fear what can man do to me sound familiar the Lord is for me among those who help me therefore I will look with satisfaction on those who hate me and this is the middle verse of your Bible it is better to take refuge in Yahweh than to trust in man this whole chapter is about the feast of Sukkot and get it in the temporary dwelling place it's a strong tower and the righteous run into it now wait a minute I'm out strong tower it's a lean-to look with your eyes closed and you will see the Temple of the Lord your God and the righteous see the lowly and they they they see beyond the Styx and they see stones of the Living God and they run into it and if you trust in his refuge it's better than trust in a man I'll continue to read it's better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust and princes nation surrounded me and of time in the name of Lord I will surely cut them off they surrounded me yes they surrounded me in the name of Yahweh I will surely cut them off they surrounded me like bees they were extinguished as fire of thorns in the name of the Lord I was surely cut them off you pushed me violently so that I was falling but Yahweh helped me the Lord is my strength and song he's become my Yeshua he's become my salvation the sound of joyful shouting and salvation the sound of joyful shouting and Yeshua is in the tents of the righteous the right hand of the Lord is veiling Li the right hand the Lord has exalted the right hand of the Lord does valent li i will not die but live i entail the works of Yahweh and Yahweh has disciplined me severely but he has not given me over to death this is all about the Great Tribulation disciplining his people and it goes on and it ends by saying this bind the festival sacrifice in verse 27 with chords to the horns of the altar you are my god and I will give thanks to you you are my god I extol you give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his loving-kindness lasts forever this is the last chapter that's read during the feast of Sukkot the very last verse of the of the then-known world and the very last verse of this world will be read and it will be said give thanks to Yahweh for he is Tov he is good for his loving-kindness is ever lasting and bam we ended the marriage supper of the Lamb mark chapter 9 verse 2 now after six days Yeshua took Peter James and John led them up on the high mountain apart from themselves and he was transfigured before them then Peter answered and said to Jesus rabbi it is good for us to be here let us make three sook sucker's one for you one for Moses and one for Elijah what time of year was it he wouldn't have said let's make three suckers if it was not the feast of Sukkot and go figure he's not gonna show up on July 4th even though I think it would be cool there be fireworks he shows up on the most important holiday of the year how many of heard that song it says it is done it is finished to tell us die this is it him coming back is like him saying during the feast of Sukkot it is finished the celebrations let them begin the doors are shut to the ark this is from Hebrew Christian Hebrew for Christians calm I thought is a fantastic quote says the miracle is the sheltering presence of God not the booths themselves the sick of therefore functions as a sign that God loves us that he delights in our well-being and that he tenderly protects us from hardship were it not for God's constant care we would perish in the wilderness of this world so let's go into the scriptures of the command and says Leviticus 23 38 besides the Sabbath of the Lord besides your gifts and besides all your vowels besides all your freewill offerings which he gives unto the Lord also on the fifteenth day of the seventh month when you have gathered in the fruit of the land you shall keep a feast under the Lord's seven days on the first day you shall have a Sabbath and on the eighth day you should have a Sabbath now if I'm this is the first time that I'm hearing this I'm a bit confused because he just said you should have it for seven days on the first day have a Sabbath and on the eighth day you have a Sabbath anybody would agree that's kind of confusing as we talked about before there's a reason for it you shall take with you on the first day boughs of goodly trees branches and take them and wave them before your God every single day and you shall keep it as a feast under the Lord seven days in the year it shall be a statute until my son comes and then I don't want you celebrating it ever again some of you are awake it says you shall be a statute forever in your generations you shall celebrate it in the seventh month you shall dwell in booths seven days all that are israelites born shall dwell in booths are you an Israelite born are you grafted in you only two choices Jeremiah 31:31 just in case to catch everyone up behold the day's come says the Lord that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah there is no house of the Gentiles you must be in one of these two if you're not sure exactly what I'm talking about please watch the teaching that I have called identity crisis and it will open up your mind to seeing all of this from a completely different perspective not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand but a new covenant but this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says Yahweh I will put my law the Hebrews Torah I will put my Torah which means instructions in their inward parts and I will write it on their hearts and I will be their God and they will be my people Deuteronomy 16:16 says this three times a year all the male's appear before Yahweh thy God in the place which he shall choose in the feast of unleavened bread and in the feast of weeks which is Pentecost and in the feast of Sukkot and they shall not appear before me empty-handed he listen would you dare to go to a baby shower without bringing a gift at the very least a diaper would you get would you not go to a wedding and bring a gift we go to birthday parties and bring a gift you should not come before the Lord your God I'm talking 3,000 years ago here empty-handed you give gifts to those that are important to those that you support to those that you you love and you want to be a part of their lives you say thank you that's what gifts are for in the Millennium for those that believe that the feast of Sukkot is done away with folks it can't be the Bible even Jesus himself said in Matthew chapter 7 that until everything is fulfilled not one jot or tittle will pass away from the Torah we know for a fact that the fall feast days have not been fulfilled so we know for sure for a fact that Sukkot yom kippur and Yamcha have not been fulfilled we need to be able to honor them even now because why in the lynnium we're gonna have to do it says right here it shall come to pass that everyone that is left on the nation's after the Battle of Armageddon which shall come against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king Yahweh said the Lord of hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles it shall be to those who will not come up from all the families of the earth on Jerusalem to worship the king the Lord of Hosts even to them shall be no rain and if the family of Egypt go not up and come not that have no rain there shall be the plague family of Egypt meaning those that are not of God's people going all the way back metaphorically the time of Egypt and the Exodus wherein the Lord will smite the heat and that come not to keep the Feast of Tabernacles this shall be the punishment of Egypt that the punishment of the nations that come up that do not keep the feast of Sukkot how many times did he have to say that in the feast of Sukkot during the Millennium we need to learn these things and what they're all about so we'll appreciate it when we get there Deuteronomy 16 17 every man shall give as he is able according to the blessing of the Lord your God which he has given you you see God does not expect more than he gave you the only thing he expects is that you give to him as he gave to you Exodus 25 1 is the very first Sukkot and the Lord spoke unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering and in 2nd chronicles 1 verse 1 through 3 it says thus all the work that Solomon made for the house of the Lord was finished where for all the men of Israel assembled themselves together in the unto the king in the feast which was in the seventh month do you think it's coincidence that Solomon's Temple was finished during the feast of Sukkot and it was dedicated at this feast the feast that's in the seventh month there's only one feast in the seventh month called the great feast and it's the feast of Sukkot where you dine with the king there will be a third temple set up according to prophecy and when that temple is set up when Yeshua comes back he sets up the temple he it's the temple from within and then we are invited to the coronation service of the king the marriage supper of the Lamb revelation 21:3 says and I heard a great voice out of heaven say behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and he'll be listen if you shoe himself according to our scriptures is called a Sukkah we better learn what a Sukkah is hello if it's that important so significant that the Apostle John would say that he Tabernacle among us if it's so important that he was born during the feast of Sukkot if it's so important that he is called himself the tabernacle of God that dwells with men that we should come in and be his people we better learn God's calendar we better learn his feast days because to learn his feast days is to learn of him and to draw closer to him I don't want to be out in the rain I want to be under the sukkah 2nd Corinthians 5:1 says for this we know that our earthly house for we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved see that see the terminology that he's using we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens see how much it's in the mind in the sight of the disciples that we are all temporary dwelling places why do you think they shared with one another there was real mich becau real community no one was stingy they pulled their what their wallets out and they handed money to one another like there was they didn't even question it because of the person was taking advantage of them it's not their problem they're getting judged on judgement day because they were given to Yahweh not to that man now is the time ladies and gentlemen we too give back to the eyesight and the mindset of the disciples that understood that we're just temporary dwelling places when we understand that everything is temporary then we get everything in eternal perspective now drumroll please for the for the fight the finality the fight of this teaching this evening which is the fireworks of the Sukkot all seven days ends with the the water libation celebration or ceremony most of you probably never heard of this but this is the most exciting part of Sukkot and is the most prophetic part as well and I believe it will impact you greatly the water libation celebration let me give you a little background water in the scriptures is Mayim as i as i mentioned earlier water comes from heaven the israelites did not exist without my name water was what caused the ground to swell around the seeds and give them the word of Yahweh because the word of you always the only thing causes anything to be creative and it burns forth through the ground only because of water what came forth with the ground was wheat wheat makes into bread and it sustains life this is why you shoe calls himself to lehem and why he was born in beit like him the house of bread Bethlehem he's the bread of life any man that eats of me will live in Israelite culture they understood that you can't live without bread and you can't have bread without what water so every day during the feast of Sukkot because they just had the giant Harvest Festival now it's a time to celebrate they got a bunch of food on their hands and they got a bunch of money in their pockets because they save up all year for this to thank the Father for what he's already going to do next year they're thanking him for rain so what do they do they pour out water in this daily ceremony culminating on the seventh day the great day and they pour water out on the altar every single day strange tradition back in the in the first century the the Sadducees were pretty much in charge and and then you had the Pharisees your shoe was probably closer to a Pharisee it was very similar to a Republican and Democrat not saying you sure was a Republican either okay so no emails but very conservative were the Pharisees believe it or not on most things and the Sadducees were very liberal and very strict in other ways they did not believe in the oral traditions of the Torah like the Pharisees and so so the ferrets the Sadducees didn't like this this ceremony that the that the rest of Israel really liked so the Pharisee said you know what we're not really in charge our party's not in charge right now but we're going to make a big deal about this we're because we're going to basically shove this in the face of the Sadducees and showed them how sad they are you see and we are going to radically make this a giant celebration so I cannot overemphasize it Tabernacles has already said was a giant celebration this was the grand finale of the celebration was the water libation ceremony what they did with this water libation ceremony is the July 4th okay is to America the temple Institute says this over in Jerusalem in fact this joy was so immense and the celebrations so uplifting that the sages of Israel emphatically stated whoever has never seen the celebrations of the festival of the water libation has never experienced true joy in this life that's saying something I remember when my firstborn daughter was born when she was born I cried and laughed at the same time I never had that kind of flood of emotions that was joy like I've never experienced outside of my wedding day he says that joy you've never seen until you've seen the water libation I think you're going to understand a little bit as we move through here this is a good picture of what it was like this is what's called the court of the women it's a little bit misleading it's not really a court of women it's all the men are down there on the main floor and they would raise up these giant basically stadium seating around the whole entire Court of the of the temple and all the women would watch from above and the reason for that is is because even they understood that if you get men and women in a big celebration dancing together and with a bunch of wine that's probably not a good scenario for something that happen later that evening and things to get out of control so they figured that out years ahead and they separated them and it was two giant parties that went on at the same time if you look very careful you'll see this this post you see that post right in the middle of the picture and then there are four like bowls of oil okay and each one of those bowls or have five gallons of olive oil in there five gallons of olive oil there that is a giant spotlight it is a giant lantern if you will matter of fact they said that these even the wicks that they made from these lights were made from old and worn clothing of the priests the lamps towered over the court has shown forth with such a light so bright that there was not a single courtyard in all of Jerusalem that didn't that was not illuminated by the light of the festival of the water libation ceremony it was so bright it would cast a shadow on every single courtyard in Jerusalem that is one giant party boys would climb up there with ladders to the very top and they would take the the oil and they would pour it in there and that was the beginning of the party every single part of this is prophetic ladies and gentlemen every part how many bowls did I say there were four how many did how many Poles held up that one one pole for four remember that what were the wicks made out of the priestly garments okay let's go to John chapter 19 verse 23 it says in the soldiers when they had crucified Yeshua took his garments and made how many four parts to every soldier apart and his coat now the coat was without seam woven from the top throughout do you think that was just happenstance that the soldiers splitted into four parts do you think it's half a stance because you schewe is the high priest ladies and gentlemen there is no pure linen then the high priestly garment and it was torn into four wicks if you will this is why you shoe is called the light of the world did you know that the water libation ceremony that light was called the light of the world hello it is lighting the entire tabernacle what does your shoe is what does the scripture say it happens when your shoe comes back he will be the light of the world and he will light the temple from the inside what do you think he's talking about this light that they erected one pole from one root one tree holding the four wicks the four parts of his garment for the how many parts of the world the four corners of the world each wick was for one corner of the world and he is a constant constant reminder that my sheep have been scattered into the four corners of the world and if they will turn toward the Covenant of the east they will see the lamp that I made for them and they will know how to return hallelujah I don't know if you don't get excited from this message I don't know what's gonna do for you because I've just begun I only got two hours left the Jerusalem Talmud says this historical writing of the Jew says herein lies the true secret of the festival of the water libation ceremony the great joy was in the receiving of prophetic inspiration timeout stop put the record backwards prophetic inspiration wait a minute this is before the Feast of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit comes down and gives the feast in all of these spiritual gifts that we have today prophetic inspiration it goes on to read in the history books that they did this for one simple reason they weren't asking God to send rain they believed prophetically that he already did that he already was going to send it there was no doubt in their mind the celebration was that it was already done this was not a father please send rain this was father thank you for the rain that when we close our eyes we already see and we open our eyes it's desert but when we close our eyes we see the neshamah I'm the heavens and water come out of the heaven your word come down and bring light into this world thank you Father for the rain to come so that there'll be a great harvest next year Laura ladies and gentleman you know what that's called in the Bible faith before we say there was faith here's how it began they would go down to the pool of Siloam they had about a half a liter golden flasks and they would dip it in the pool of siloam or you might familiar with the pool of Siloam this pool has been found in Jerusalem I've been there I've sat on the steps it's absolutely breathtaking in the exact place I stood with in a probably of 10-yard place of where Yeshua would have reached down and grabbed the mud spit on his face spit on on his on his fingers and put it on the blind man and healed his eyes right here that's the pool we're talking about this is the pool that that that God's people were required to go down into to mikvah and they would come out on the other side if they wanted to climb the ofall if they wanted to go to the the house of God and climb the stairs of the temple they had to go through this pool you had to be mikvah you had to be immersed this is the concept of what we call baptism you must be baptized into the blood of Messiah you must have his water of his word come over the top of you and when you do when they come out on the other side they would be given a white robe go figure it was almost as if they read the book of Revelation because that's what happens and at the end of time when Messiah comes back what do you get you get a white robe why because you were just mikvah it now you're going to climb to the hill so they would grab the water in that half liter container giant festival people shofar is the top instruments and vocalists in all of Israel were present for this ceremony this is not the B team the C team or the upcoming apprentices of the young people this is the experienced musicians the top of the top the best of the best this is the Olympic team all of Israel is is around them and they got this unbelievable worship team that is doing this water libation ceremony it's at the base of Mount Moriah then they climb the hill of the Lord and they go through go figure what's called the Watergate they go through the Watergate and everyone's excited everyone is yelling and screaming they're singing Hosanna Hosanna save us the Lord God in the highest and then they would take that and they would pour it out on the altar now see you always know a Canaanite altar versus a Hebrew altar because Hebrew altars had a ramp and a Canaanite altar had stairs okay and and and that's always the difference is they did not want even their ankles to show and show their nakedness because their nakedness even their skin represents only represents sin so they would only show the skin that God said that he wanted to see and you know what skin he wanted to see the Ponemah do you know what punny means in Hebrew your face everybody look to your left look at your neighbor's face or your right whichever your neighbors facing on some of you are confused okay you see their face what is it it's a face did you know in Hebrew that's not what it means what you see if I say describe your neighbor's face you're gonna say okay little pudgy round glasses whatever no hair some hair lots of hair brown hair no eyebrows lots of eyebrows you're gonna describe the face but that is not what the Hebrew word face means Ponemah means that which is on the inside that shines on the outside faces your character anybody ever heard of the concept two-faced what do you think it means he has two real phases no it's that his character is split he talks out of one side and talks on an other side the Bible says that man's ways are what stable he has no idea where he's going so Yahweh wants to see our character he will look right into your eyes he will look right into your face he wants to know who you are from the inside so anyway they would go up to the ramp and they would come to the ramp and they would turn to the east towards the holy of Holy's that's the okay they would turn towards the to the left when they turn towards the left would give close up here zoom in and you can see that there were two silver pots on the edge of the altar one was for the daily sacrifice after the daily sacrifice they would put wine into that and the other one was only used for this time of year during the feast of Sukkot once a day they would take water and they would pour it into that pot okay and what happened was those two pots head had regulators on them pretty interesting simple technology is that water is thinner than wine isn't it so they wanted the water in the wine to end up at the base of the altar at the exact same time so what they did was they made the hole at the base of the water pot smaller than the one on the wine so that it would regulate and literally the drops would hit the base of the altar at the exact same time they would go down into little grooves the water and the blood would run down and would hit the base of the altar at the same time now what's so amazing there's a larger picture from the ground of what it looks like and you see on the left there a 30-foot willow tree they would cut down these giant willow trees okay had another while1 a priestly course is doing this service another priestly course is going down and they're cutting down these 30-foot willow trees and they're having this giant parade on the way back to Jerusalem like willow branches waving in the wind the Ruach and they're bringing in the spirit while another course is bringing in the water in the blood hello the spirit and the blood together with the ruach ha kodesh coming in and blowing into jerusalem on stay Wow is right let's go to John chapter 19 verse 30 you're gonna figure out exactly what this is all about when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar he said it's finished to tell us die and he bowed his head and gave up his ghost and four verses later the very thing after the harvest after everything's done at the end of the year Yeshua said but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and what came out blood and water he is the water libation ceremony he is all about this ceremony ladies and gentlemen because when it's finished it is finished with his blood and his water he that's that if we think that that soldier was mean he was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he had to hit his side because the because it ain't finished until the water in the blood pour out together and hit the base of the altar and do you know it doesn't have to be the actual altar clearly it wasn't because the Bible says that the earth is his altar John 7:37 in the last day the great day of the feast if you know anything about God's calendar you know exactly what we're talking about this is the feast of Sukkot Yeshua's here and we know exactly even what day it is it's the seventh day because it's called the great day of the feast Yeshua stood and cried out you know what happens before I go to this once a day they would take the water out from the pool of siloam from the below they would circle the altar one time and then they would pour it out how many times did they do that well that's right seven times so on the seventh day one time for each millennium on the seventh day they did it seven times in connection with the city of Jericho and its walls came down at the end of time when the Messiah comes back by the way what is 7 times 7 49 do you know what happens on the 50th it's the year of Jubilee it's not just a Smith a year it's a Yeovil it is the year v every 50 years as a Jubilee and all of your debts are washed away this is the seventh day of the feast on the seventh month this is the the seventh time that they have done this they're going to do it seven more times for the 70 nations with the 70 elders how many more 70s can I think of and this great feast Yeshua stands up and says this while they're pouring the water on the altar during this incredible water feast he says that if any man thirst let him come to me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water what came out of his belly just not too long after this living water water in blood and fifty days later the willow tree blew in heaven and the rock adesh came down and filled your temple this is why you have to have the blood and be baptized in fire and in water because you must have the blood of the rock I Kadesh on you and you must have the spirit of the Living God as well it is not enough ladies and gentlemen to say I believe in Jesus I believe in his blood you must have the willow branches as part of that ceremony you must breathe in the Ruach you must breathe in his spirit and have that living water that flows out from you and did you know today the Gihon spring located right there in the Temple Mount flows and gushes out from underneath the Temple Mount today just as a living representative that I am still here my spirit my water I'm gonna show you in a physical realm my water still flows from Jerusalem just look east to see those lights oh it gets better turn with me to Isaiah chapter 12 if we would not be so blind we would see so many things and I say that in the context of 2000 years ago how they miss this because this is the chapter that they read and sang during the feast of Sukkot during the water libation ceremony let me read it to you it says this then you will say on that day this is this day this is the day right here in John chapter 7 when you schewe stands up this is the prophesied day right here in Isaiah chapter 12 that they're talking about remember that it says then you will say on that day I will give thanks to you O Yahweh for although you were angry with me your anger is turned away you comfort me behold god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for the lord god is my strength and song and he has become my salvation therefore you will joylessly draw water from the springs of salvation and in that day you will say give thanks to the Lord call on his name make known his deeds among the peoples make them remember that his name is exalted praise the Lord and song for he has done excellent things let this be known throughout the earth cry aloud and shout for joy o inhabitants of seoane for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel now let me read it the way it should have been read and you'll see why your shoe has stood up when he says this in verse 2 behold elohim is my yeshua i will trust and not be afraid for the lord god as my strength and song he has become my yeshua therefore you will joyously draw water from the springs of yeshua they're singing Yeshua's name as he stands in the same place they're singing this praise the Lord we will joyously draw water from the springs of this guy right here as Yeshua stands up and says by the way I'm that guy you keep talking about if you thirst come to me and you will never be thirsty again and some in their myths the light bulb got turned on ladies and gentlemen on the seventh day it's called hoshanah Rabbah the seventh day the Sabbath look at the things are connected to it Jericho the walls come down the millennial reign of the Messiah all on the seventh day this is why everything culminated to the grand finale of Sukkot on the seventh day and then there was one more day totally separate from the rest called jhemini at surrett the eighth day it's a high Sabbath it's a new beginning the number eight in Hebrew means a new beginning go figure coincidence I'm sure and it was also Simchat Torah when the Torah started over the seventh millennium this thousand year will entrain of our our Christ our Messiah is connected to hoshanah Rabbah save us our Lord blessed be your name it is connected to the millennial reign of the Messiah when the Holy Spirit the ruach ha kodesh will blow through the world and nothing will stop it this time the blood and the water will flow through your veins so thick that you will have life eternal because you know why the life is in the blood and when your blood is not mixed with the Messiah's and it's only the Messiah's blood that runs through your heavenly body you will have new life eternal it might challenge to you this evening is this not that we just learn the details of Sukkot and go wow isn't that neat but that you understand that you are a living tabernacle of praise let me ask you a question this is all a dress rehearsal have you even started preparing and are you ready because the time of Sukkot is coming where you will or will not be invited to the marriage supper of the lamb I hope that in my life that I am so prepared that he would dare to consider me a bride and not just a wedding guest I will be thrilled to be there if I am not righteous enough there are two righteousness ladies and gentlemen there's the righteousness of Yeshua that allows me to live with him eternally but there is another righteousness that the Bible talks about and it says that those who love him keep his Commandments it is that which I am judged by once I'm in the gate and it is that righteousness meaning that I'd keep my ABBA's commandment I do what my father says to do the best that I can I know I'm broke and I will never do you know you can't keep the Torah it's not possible but there's nowhere in the Bible that says don't try it's quite the opposite it says you better try because he who teaches that the law of God has done away with will be least in my kingdom Matthew 7:21 I don't want to be least I want to sit at my Kings table and it begins with humbling ourselves and recognizing that we need mercy and grace for our ignorant and our lack of obedience to honor his calendar and we've placed our calendar over his I encourage you this day to check your heart check your mind your will your emotions shakaal bow before your king and prepare to meet him because you will let's pray thank you Father for your holy word your word is great and it is greatly to be praised father it is through your word that you convict us it is through your word that you encouraged us it is through your word that you wrap your arms around us and you say I will be your suka I will be your strong tower father would you take this last and great day and would you teach us how to pour ourselves out like you son poured himself out let us die so that we might live let us stop living among the nations and live among your people ABBA thank you for your heart your love thank you for your love thank you Father that you care enough about us to give us physical instruments and hints of how to come closer to you thank you for your word may the Lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you may his countenance be lifted upon you may he have grace upon you and may he give you Shalom amen and amen you you
Channel: Jim Staley Teachings
Views: 70,417
Rating: 4.881299 out of 5
Keywords: God's Prophetic Calendar, Jim Staley, Passion for Truth, Biblical Feasts, Biblical Calendar, Jewish Feasts, Fall Feasts, Scriptural Calendar, Second coming of Messiah, Christ's second coming, Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot, Lulav and Etrog, Sukkah, Festival of Ingathering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2016
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