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[Music] he [Music] good morning everyone today we are here in uuni which is probably the most famous place in Bolivia we flew here from laay about 2 days ago really beautiful desert views on the way here and we've been staying here in the town of Yuni there's a military base here that's why you have these like military statues and we stayed at a hotel called tonito how much was it uh 56 a night with breakfast really good breakfast yeah the best breakfast we've had in this trip so far yeah but the main reason that we came here is not for this town it's for the famous Salt Flats and we're just about to do the tour yeah so we're going to be doing the 3-day two night tour around the the the South flats and some other beautiful areas and the price that we're paying for the tour is 900 bolivianos per person and that's for private accommodation on both nights yeah so we just head into the tour place now I think the tour is going to leave at 10:30 a.m. so we didn't have to wake up that early not really too impressed with the town here though it's kind of run down not really what you'd expect for a town uh where people come for the biggest tourist attraction a lot of like the sidewalks are broken trash yeah just a bit run [Music] down [Music] so our first stop is the train graveyard we got all these old trains I think some of them are around 100 years old and it's pretty cool to be in the desert once again oh yeah uh well I mean there's the dust which is not good for the allergy but the scenery is really amazing and I think the tour is going to be epic over the next 3 days it's going to be be very very cool we were very excited for this trip yeah we're going to be seeing lots of different things on the tour they're pretty action-packed days all three I think yeah pretty cool seeing a a train like this so the guy told us that the track here goes to Chile so here they had lots of minerals since they have like the Salt Flats and they would transport it to other places to Chile and also throughout uh Bolivia to other places in Bolivia some cool views yeah they're really cool yes I think the better old models of trains are in museums from what the guide said these are like the really worn out ones a little room [Music] here [Music] so there's a lot of people here but luckily there's a lot of train too the train seems to just go for miles down there you need to do that what the same oh what there's couple are doing yeah no thanks biggy backr check out the wheels not even on the tracks anymore sunken in the ground there's some tracks here the old [Music] tracks [Music] [Music] so we've come to a village called C joury which is where they do the salt packing around here you also have like these salt crystals different things from fromi this one looks metallic I think it's a different mineral shiny yeah here you have the salt and then over here he was showing us that this is where they grind the salt to become thinner pieces down here and then this is the packaging that they do around 3,000 packs a day 10 people going to buy a souvenir yeah just a little one tiny one mhm Sal 10 bolivians there's also lots of arts and craft stores here very similar to Peru isn't it the designs the designs the Llama yeah if we traveled more often to cold places I probably buy more jumpers I always love the [Music] designs [Music] all right so now we're in the Real Salt Flats part we'll be going to some more impressive ones later on this one is called ohos de got these like little pools everywhere oh check that out you can see the water bubbling up I thought it was warm so was he saying it's good for health yeah for like the the bones and I don't know htis I'm not sure how to say that in in English but he say it's like a therapy so if you come like once a month then just put your hand or your feet under the this water is going to help healing it's going to cure you from your [Music] [Music] ailments [Music] yeah so pretty much all the little pools it's bubbling up I thought it was going to be like boiling hot but it it is cold there's a volcano all the way back there too but it's inactive reminded me of when we were in Baja California so yeah yeah we went to a South uh place over there Salina but I think over there it was kind of like blue the the the pools are kind of blue green color yeah and I think here the salt flats are way way bigger I mean look at that she goes on for Miles yeah check the Jeep over there so I think later on we're going to be going like deep into the Salt Flats it's going to be [Music] cool [Music] so now we've stopped at the Dakar Monument so D car is some sort of rally race and the the guide said that they wanted to have it again but I think the government is not allowing so that was just one time yeah I think he said there was problems with like pollution and stuff and this is going to be our lunch break too so I think we're having lunch in that building over there feels like you're walking on uh another planet really unusual so this is a cool part with all the flags oh that's cool they have the state of puku that we just visited in Brazil got a little salt sofa here too extra windy today so perfect for the flags a Brazilian football team palmeres I guess a lot of Brazilians come [Music] here [Music] oh check this out for a restaurant I think the ground salt here too a salty restaurant really cool so I just noticed that even the tables and chairs are made of salt here it is salt isn't it yes even the Lama is made from Salt the salty llama yeah you see oh yeah everything's made of salt here I got a coffee too five [Music] bolivianos [Music] so we've now stopped in the middle of nowhere probably drove about 30 minutes on the Salt Flats it's really cool the the patterns that the salt makes and I think we do some like group photo shoots and videos there should be cool even a little [Music] dinosaur [Music] he [Music] so our next up is an Island an island in the middle of the Salt Flats I'll write down the name cuz I don't remember it I think we just have to pay a bit more to do a track to the top so the ticket is 30 bolivianos per person really loving all the cactuses kind of reminds me of the sagu one that we saw in Arizona many many years ago check that out for a cool house the cactus going through the middle of it so I didn't mention before but we're still high altitude around here around 3,700 m higher than leas wow look at those views that's an unique uh view Cactus and Salt Flats yeah that is [Music] [Music] bizarre man it's so so big wow what the hell only occasionally we go to places that don't even seem like we're on Earth anymore this is one of them wow look how many here probably keep saying that so I think it's like a circuit that you do they gave us about 45 minutes to complete it don't think it'll take that long though what a place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're at the top of the island now can see all sides from here parking lot was down there on this side there's a little like restaurant all by there too unreal maybe I should get the the Drone out again yeah since we got the the permission from the bivian government yeah you applied online right yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm making another stop once again in the middle of nowhere for the sunset I don't know if he's going to wait for the sun to go down though I don't know if they drive around here in the duck looks pretty cool with our shadow yeah so it turns out that all the people on the tour did exactly the same thing as us they all came from Peru so they did Peru first and then I think flew to lapaz like us and then yeah made it here yeah and I think they're going to Chile after after Bolivia too K desert yeah just like us yeah it's so close to her I guess a lot of the people do the same things [Music] [Music] so that's going to be it for the first video of the tour we're probably going to make three videos in total for each day and there was a bit of confusion with the accommodations so we're actually staying in a completely different place to the rest of the group I don't think they had the room available that we paid for so we got driven to this other place about 5 minutes away and here we have the double bed and also the private bathroom and this place is also made of salt the wall so I guess everywhere around here it's kind of like that and tomorrow we got to get up at like 6:15 going to be an early start to the day they took forever to get the the dinner out I think we had dinner at only 1: p.m. even though we arrived around 8:00 p.m. we wanted an early dinner since we wanted to sleep early so yeah not the best way with the organization but the rest of the tour was absolutely incredible so far so we're looking forward to the following days if you like this video just drop a like as usual to support us subscribe see more videos like this follow us on Instagram and Facebook and we'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Jumping Places
Views: 25,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel guide, things to do, places to visit, attractions, vacation, travel, price, jumping places, hotel, el alto 2023, travel bolivia, bolivia 2023, things to do in bolivia, best places to visit, bolivia travle guide, UYUNI, salar de uyuni, Uyuni Salt Flat, salt flat, UYUNI | THIS IS WHY WE CAME TO BOLIVIA! πŸ‡§πŸ‡΄, uyuni tour, uyuni bolivia, travel uyuni, Incahuasi Island, Isla Incahuasi, train cemetery, bolivia uyuni, world’s largest salt flat, la paz
Id: 86eqOXznXKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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