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[Music] good morning everyone once again from the atakama desert it's an extra early start to the day we got up at 4:00 a.m. in San Pedro de atakama and we got up that early because we come to a place called eltio geers which is around 2 hours away from the main town and they say to come here early in the morning when it's really cold and dark cuz you're able to see the contrast of the Geyers even better and the sunrise is happening just now so we've arrived at the perfect time it was 15,000 Pesos per person to come here and it's around -9° C right now so freezing yeah uh we can see here it's showing the dashboard yeah - 9 um but we haven't gone out yet so I don't know how it's going to be we have a lot of layers and then later on during the day I think we're going to have to take it off but for now let's go in the freezing weather all right I think it's light enough now to film on the GoPro check this out already the best Geer field that we've ever seen gizer is the British pronunciation wow that's a different one isn't it yeah like a little Volcan yeah cool sound the biggest uh Giza field in the Southern Hemisphere and the third biggest in the world man I love this stuff yeah it's really cool and really unique uh I mean we've seen some gers before here in this RP and also in Iceland but I think this area is a lot bigger so it's very very cool yeah this is the biggest one for us I'm not sure where the second and first biggest ones are in the world W that one's bubbling Big Time some hot water for the tea yeah yeah even with all these layers I'm still just freezing I've got like a t-shirt on thermal layer jumper hoodie coat still damn [Music] cold [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is one of the big ones I forgot to mention that this is also the highest Giza area in the world because we're around 4,300 m above sea level the highest elevation for a Giza field I think this might be the last time we're above 4,000 M for many months now it's never a consistent amount of uh like steam or smoke coming out right no no but it's like a lot but sometimes a lot a lot sometimes just a lot yeah I mean look here now the people are disappearing is it warm inside again yeah it is it's like a heater just waiting for this one to get real big like I said it's not always the same amount so before it was like really pumping out my fingers are like Frozen Frozen it's painful yeah mine too these gloves are no good really for this kind of cold weather so we s he full warm in the hands before nice a it's so good really really it's not like boiling hot it's just warm but oh man that is nice fingers recovered yeah now I can move my fingers again your breath is like a gezer smelly smelling like a Geer no [Music] [Music] [Music] a so in the leaflet that they gave us when we entered it says that there's 80 Geyers listen to the sound of that one there's even another parking place too like there's two parking lots there used to be like a pool that you could swim in here a thermal pool it's closed right now not sure why oh look at this one wonder how many times I've said while already yeah this is that big one that we could see I think it's so big cuz it's pretty wide as well the area this one's kind of orange too isn't it yeah it's so Smoky that you can't really see what's what's in there hard to see inside mini waterfall so that's funny the completely boiling water that's coming from there is is coming down here but by the time it gets here it's already turned to ice yeah not sure how far we going to walk seems like you can walk for like 30 minutes and it still geers everywhere so it's definitely a place to spend an hour or to oh what is this the [Music] pit [Music] [Music] so we've come to the other section now this is where they other parking lot is little stream coming through here and this is where the thermal pool is that you're not allowed in anymore man I wish I could go in there right now warm up my toes yeah so it seems like there's no water in there yeah but there's running water over there I think they're just not putting inside pool yeah I don't know if it got too hot or something yeah so this sign has a bit of information about the G geers temperatures can reach 185 F 85° CSUS yeah it seems like on this side they're way way bigger they go way higher than on the previous side so we're just going to walk around here and then I think we're going to head to uh town that we passed on the way here see if they have breakfast we need to [Music] eat [Music] [Music] passion [Music] [Music] passion [Music] [Music] [Music] passion perion [Music] so the little village that we've stopped at is called mauka a lot more smaller than we thought I asked the lady at the entrance how many people live here and she said like eight or 10 people so really tiny I think these are some places that you can stay in if you want some accommodations there's a cafe there so we're going to eat there just going to check out the Tiny Village first so it's a cool looking little church at the top yes I think it's basically just this road here and that's about it I guess all the houses don't have people living in them cuz there's definitely more houses than you need for eight or nine people here that's a museum don't think it's open right now probably too early not sure if it's open it's closed have to just look from here yeah I think it's made of like the mud brick cool little traditional Church anyway we'll head back to the start and go to that little restaurant a nice warm coffee will go down nicely yeah it will be really really good need to wake up too really tired I think we only slept like 3 4 hours gool little place yeah with nice music I always like like the flute we've heard it all the time in Chile Bolivia Peru the flute music officially warm hands now mhm yeah we got some empanadas coming as well three empanadas and these coffees for 11,000 pieces [Music] these [Music] [Music] n [Music] so our next stop is kind of in the similar region as the giz is it's called D laurana some natural Hot Springs it's in some really beautiful Canyon area so I think we're going to be swimming down there somewhere we booked it online it was 30,000 pasos per person so quite a steep price compared to everything else that we've been paying for so hopefully it's good it's been really amazing driving around here though it seemed like every 10 minutes the Landscapes would completely change so now we're in an area where it was all kind of like this this orange Rocky formation so just like Bolivia there's many many lagoons with flamingos here we hadn't been visiting any so far since we saw so many in Bolivia already but just driving past one we already saw hundreds so that was cool yeah so at least it looks like the infrastructure is good for what we're paying walking decks some buildings there changing rooms and here is the thermal Waters I guess wow it's beautiful yeah I didn't expect the water to be so clear I like how enclosed it is with the plants yeah different vegetation so this one is 30° C and I think the eighth one the lowest one is 25° this seems just perfect already though yeah I think the other ones may be a bit too cold with this outside temperature what a nice waterfall too this is the first time that I see a waterfall with warm water yeah I think so too thermal waterfall yeah really [Music] cool [Music] [Music] oh man when you get out though it is cold we're going to check Che out some of the the other pools now G's running real cool Bree it's not that much colder little bit little bit Yeah there's less people on this one the pools are all different shapes and sizes so some of them were quite busy if there's a big group like a tour group for some reason nobody wanted to come to this [Music] one [Music] h so I think this will be the final pool that we go in the coolest waterfall so far I think we went in about five overall almost all of them yeah this one's a legit waterfall yeah like almost two waterfall yeah it is double waterfall two in one beautiful all of them are beautiful really all the [Music] bols [Music] so it is the next morning and we've driven about 2 hours south from Pedro di atakama we come to a place called pedr roas we're not there yet we just stopped at this Viewpoint so it's another one of those Ultra turquoise lagunas with salt flats kind of like what we saw in Bolivia and this time we're right on the border with Argentina the gas before were on the border with Bolivia it's kind of like an area where all three of the countries join together so this place is also known as Salah de agas centes and we had to pay online to come here it was 10,000 per person kind of confusing here in the atakama for example this one we paid online but then we had to stop at a city on the way not even a city it was like a little village called soyi or so not sure how you pronounce it and we had to show like the QR code and they gave us the ticket and then we come here and then in other places it was different which places did we have to pay our line for Moon Valley the Moon Valley and also the the purama the hot springs that we went yesterday we had to book in advance because of the time slots stuff like that like you said it's a bit complicated but not the geyes right no not we just paid at the site we paid over there yeah yeah so some places you can pay at the site others it's online it's best just to look [Music] online [Music] so it's obviously called ped roas for obvious reasons the Red Rocks kind of different to the lagona places that we went in Bolivia the contrast of colors is amazing though the whites turquoise Blues some kind of mild greens Reds and I mentioned at the gers that it was the last time that we were going to be above 4,000 M but guess what this place is also about 4,000 M so now is officially the last time cuz after this we're going to the capital Santiago only got a few more videos coming from here and South America it's going to be the end of the South America trip on to somewhere [Music] new [Music] wow this part is beautiful it almost looks like a white sandy beach salt beach you're not allowed in the water here though no swimming since it has the name Aqua centes I don't know if the water's warm I don't see any flamingos around in this lagona not even over there in the distance here's another one of those beach-like areas the Caribbean Beach certainly won't be seeing scenery like this anytime soon not even sure if scenery like this exists anywhere else in the world this mixture maybe only this region of uh Bolivia and [Music] Chile [Music] so it's 11:00 p.m. now don't know if you can see me that well on the on the GoPro and we've just driven like 20 30 minutes away from San Pedro and we're on like a desert road now cuz we want to do some stargazing I mentioned before that this is one of the best areas to see stars in the world the atama desert even in San Pedro when you look up at night you see loads of stars but yeah should be even better here kind of creepy though cuz we're in the middle of nowhere completely pitch black outside but we're going to do some photography see if it's any [Music] good [Music] so we're not really used to doing night photography of stars at least but you could probably see from some of the pictures that we took just how stunning it was by far the best stargazing that we've ever done it was just like millions and millions of stars many shooting stars too you even saw in some of the pictures that we captured the shooting style you can see like the the line and the Milky Way we got lucky that the Milky Way was in the perfect position we went exactly at the right time and yeah that's our first time seeing the Milky Way what I didn't know is that you can even see it with your own eyes on the camera it looks clearer but even with your own eyes you can see it I I didn't know that I thought you had to have like a telescope or a good camera so yeah just really remarkable and this entire week has just been absolutely incredible in the atakama desert and uuni we' just seen so many amazing natural landscapes different things it's a it's a lot to take in in in a single week if you watched our videos you'll know that we began in the biggest Salt Flat in the world in Yuni and there they had other we things like the Giant Cactus Island really bizarre and then we just saw many different colored lagoons like beautiful turquoise lagoons pink lagoons thousands of flamingos and then there were the salt pools hot springs and just the incredible mountainous landscape so yeah so many different things to see definitely recommend coming to this area and as we mentioned earlier in the video now we're going to be heading to Santiago so I think things are going to start to look a bit more normal but from what we've seen it's also a very beautiful place so looking forward to that if you like this video just drop a like as usual to support us subscribe see more videos like this follow us on Instagram Facebook and we'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Jumping Places
Views: 37,294
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Keywords: travel guide, things to do, places to visit, attractions, vacation, travel, price, jumping places, hotel, best places to visit, chile, travel chile, chile 2023, atacama, atacama desert, san pedro de atacama, san pedro, atacama travel guide, chile atacama, things to do in chile, travel atacama, Deserto de Atacama, travel vlog, el tatio, geyser, geysers, Termas de Puritama, piedras rojas, salar de talar, salar de atacama, laguna, THE MOST INCREDIBLE PLACE IN CHILE! 🇨🇱 ATACAMA DESERT
Id: hDVX4WeRRro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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