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[Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning everyone here from the city of Kaza Blanca in Morocco we're just at a train station now so you can hear the tra passing by it is a modern city where we arrived last night but we're not planning on staying here we just came here cuz we're making our way to the famous blue City Chef Chowan and to get there we're getting on Africa's first and only bullet train that you can get from here in Casablanca all the way to the North tanier and then from Tangier we get some other form of Transport yeah we get a bus to je chaan where our uh last destination will be and the train that we're getting uh we'll be getting the first class uh fair and the price was 364 dham per person and it's going to be cool to check uh a bullet train in a different continent cuz we checked the one in in Taiwan and sort of a bullet train in Miami it wasn't a bullet TR train it was like high speed but it wasn't really high speed really high speed so it's going to be cool to check the one here yeah so if we were to do the journey by bus I think it's supposed to take around 4 to 5 hours but on this train it's around 2 hours 20 2 hours 10 yeah a lot quicker a lot quicker the train station looks really nicer and modern too Kaza voyagers nice Clock Tower over there Al Barak Lounge that's where we're going so the the bullet train is called Alor by I guess there's loads of areas here that just have like normal trains to other regions yeah the station is very modern yeah it's really nice station actually been really impressed with the infrastructure in Morocco like all the roads that we've been on have been really good too they all seem quite new so when we got on coaches long distances it's been very smooth ride also the coaches have been pretty good that we got in on between the major cities so yeah good infrastructure so if you have a first class ticket you also get access to the lounge area here just like we did in the US so you can get like a water iced tea and I guess all different kinds of coffees I just had breakfast with a big coffee so I just go for the water for now so here's how the Moroccan bullet train looks pretty slick so we're going to be in Car 2 I don't know if this is already car one or if we're at the the other end so the name borak is supposed to be like a magical horse like creature that transported Muhammad the prophet to Heaven from what I read so they named it after that this is number two right oh even have stairs in here you going to put your bags there yeah hopefully it's safe so the train is looking really cool on the inside got like these blinders here you want to keep the Sun out so we're on the Move now we actually switched to the back over here there was people next to us and it's kind of awkward speaking they just like stare at you listening to what we're saying so we moved here instead so yeah finishing off they do have like a charger here they also have like a little Trash thing and then I think it's electric the seat yeah yeah they have like a little wood in here so you press that starts moving to go back looks quite fancy inside too really nice style so from what I read online the first part of the journey isn't the true high speed of the train it's on older tracks so up to a place called kenitra we won't be hitting the max speed but then from kitra to Tang we'll be reaching speeds of around 320 km/ hour the windows seem to be kind of filthy on the outside can still see pretty good though can also see a lot of [Music] dirt [Music] [Music] here it tells you the different time so we left at 10:00 so I guess there's two stops before T here arrive at 1210 even now though I don't know what speed we're going at but it still seems like we're going pretty damn fast already it's going to be interesting to see how it is in the final part when it reaches Max Speed so I mentioned that there was stairs here and it's actually cuz it's two floors so you got another part part here that's like first class I think never been on a a bullet train that's two floors though and I think that's the normal class through there it does seem noisier though than other bullet trains that we've been on I mean the majority that we go on are completely silent inside I don't know if that's cuz we're not on the proper tracks yet we'll see afterwards and then the bathrooms it's a simple bathroom [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] all right so we've arrived in Tanga now really nice ride overall yeah and also very punctual we arrived actually 2 minutes earlier but uh yeah it was very very smooth ride good uh we didn't have access with the Wi-Fi I don't know why there was no Wi-Fi signal or anything and I think we were supposed to have that uh and also no service on board which was something that we thought we would have in the first class not a big problem but just letting you guys know that you we didn't get that yeah there was supposed to be like a food trolley and drinks that's what it says online and the second part was a lot quieter as I was expecting and a lot smoother and a lot faster cuz on this line here it's actually independent tracks only for the bullet train some of the other tracks are for the other kind of trains and this is just the first phase so apparently they're going to be making lines that go all the way down to agad go to maresh I think that's only in like 20040 though that they plan to complete it all and they're also going to make a proper independent track from casablanka to ketra so even that beginning part will be a lot faster and I think it will take like an hour and 20 minutes in the future right now it took 2 hours and 20 minutes right 2 hours 10 minutes so it's going to be even faster really good experience though we always love the bullet [Music] trains so once again a really nice train station here in tangu looks pretty much brand new and this place also looks very modern Hilton Hotel over there big Hilton Hotel so our bus to Chef Chowan is only at 4:30 so we have around 4 hours to explore this place we did that on purpose yeah cuz we won't have time to come back here and just stay here again at during this trip so we're going to check out a little bit of the year right now see how it looks yeah yeah so we're right on the coast we're going to head to the beach that's around here don't even know how it is to cross around here I don't think they stop on these lines from what we've seen throughout the country so far not really the ideal way to explore with all our bags but we'll go for it we don't usually do that no thank you yeah we're going to have a lot of Taxi stopping for us cuz we got all our bags so this is the main Beach Beach looks pretty sweet once again another huge beach in Morocco even here they do the horse riding and stuff down there got the kids playing football we see people playing football absolutely everywhere in Morocco on the beaches in the streets so I think we're going to walk all the way to the end of the beach cuz there in the far corner there's supposed to be a marina area and also the Medina the old area so I think we have time to do all that at least it's a nice smooth surface yeah and it's windy so not too hot but it's still 40 minutes oh it's a 40 minute work yeah we may stop in the [Music] middle [Music] all right so I think now we're about to head into the Medina area up here looks like it's on a hill already getting some pretty interesting looking buildings here the Marino wasn't so interesting it was just basically boats and that was it nothing else to see there no stores or anything and we were just checking that from this very Port here you can actually cross to Europe and arrive in Spain I think uh there is a fery to Tarifa and maybe some other cities in Spain too but that's cool and I don't think it's a long journey I think maybe 1 hour or maybe Max 2 hours to get there yeah so I think that's like the main Ferry Station there the area that we're in now is the straight of Gibralter so it's where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic Ocean the tiny little Gap that you can see on the map got some pretty classic looking Street lamps here too maybe the French influence I'm guessing that building's probably French there's been a lot of European powers here though the Portuguese were also here like some of the previous places that we've been showing but even dating further back you had like the Phoenicians carthaginians the Romans everyone's been around here [Music] so Carol found this place on Google Maps Al my Mooney and I guess it's right at the beginning of where the old fortified Medina starts almost looks like castle walls here it's kind of cool though the mix of the white painted buildings and then the ones that are just unpainted not painted so it goes all the way across there to the coast too and I think I'll go for the cuscus I haven't had that in a while I'll go for the lamb one 100 chicken cheaper 80 and I'm getting the sword fish tangan Tajin maybe it's a famous thing here for uh in in Tang I don't know tangeri tangeri and then it's 100 De so the waiter brought the bread and Carol's favorite the olives as usual but also this little bowl of lentils so the cuscus is looking amazing I always like the sweet hints that they have to it they sometimes put like dried fruit uh things like prunes that taste really nice it also look really good too mhm and I think this on top is like caramelized onions also very sweet one thing that I've liked about the food in Morocco is it seems pretty healthy overall yeah I'm always eating vegetables like every day because of I think most of the the famous dishes have vegetables like Tajin and cous too yeah lentils is also good so even me when I order a meat-based dish I'd say it's still like 70% veggies the meat's great too though they know how to make meat [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] look looks like another nice place to stay if we had longer yeah it's better than I expected really because you don't hear much about than we haven't anyway yeah usually people go to maresh and isaa but here's not as famous but it's really nice really beautiful and we can see bits of like European architecture yeah especially here kind of like the buildings that we showed before yellow and white we're hearing a lot of Spanish people here though because of the close proximity they probably just get the ferry over check this church out here Mission catholica [Music] Espanola [Music] so we got kind of lost trying to get out of the Medina back there lost in the Alleyways really nice view from this main Square so we were just eating at a cafe over there and then yeah I think we walked all the way behind this big hotel Hotel Continental looks like a pretty good place to [Music] stay [Music] [Music] all right so we're at the bus terminal now to go to Chef choan it's going to be 65 per person I think we paid nine to put our bags on usually a little fee to put your bags wasn't this the same company that we used yesterday too yeah to go from SAA to kabanka I think it's one of the biggest one it's either ctm this one or uh super tools I think yeah and the coach is uh pretty good pretty comfortable just there's no bathroom though no that's the problem I think for this one is fine cuz it's only 2 hours but yesterday we we took a 6our bus but it stop like three times it has to stop so it takes longer because of that but I think it will be easier just to have bathrooms inside the the the bus but they don't have [Music] it [Music] and we have made it finally to the Final Destination we're just walking to the old part I don't think a taxi can go in there anyway I think it's just walking streets so got about an 18 minute walk bit out of breath cuz we just walked all the way up this hill a pretty nice Sunset back there the amount the mountainous Landscapes are amazing oh yeah it was fantastic I wasn't expecting to be so beautiful and so such a cnic drive but it was amazing really really cool yeah so all around you can see the big mountains in the background it was also really green down south it was more like a desert the scenery that we've been seeing but around this area it's like a lush green farmlands [Music] everywhere [Music] so we've just checked into the Riad which we'll be showing better in the next video decided to not show much of the city to keep it as a surprise for the next one and yeah it just looks so beautiful from what we've seen on the walk on the way in we probably should have got a taxi in the end cuz it was so uphill and the taxi can actually get quite close closer than we thought so stay tuned for the next video which is going to be from this beautiful place if you like this video just drop a like to support us subscribe to see more videos like this follow us on Instagram and Facebook and we'll see you in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] next
Channel: Jumping Places
Views: 144,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel guide, things to do, places to visit, attractions, vacation, travel, price, jumping places, best places to visit, travel vlog, cost, morocco, travel morocco, morocco 2024, places to visit in morocco, morocco travel guide, al boraq, al boraq train, casablanca to tangier train, al boraq bullet train, morocco bullet train, high speed train, tangier, travel tangier, tangier 2024, casablanca, Chefchaouen, AFRICA'S FIRST BULLET TRAIN IN MOROCCO! ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฆ AL BORAQ (CASABLANCA TO TANGIER)
Id: OJLNuNU0yu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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