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[Music] good morning everyone here from Chile once again this is actually going to be our final video in the country and our final video in South America on this trip anyway and we've come to a coastal city called VI Delma which is supposed to be the most popular Beach Resort City in Chile and it looks really good from what we've seen so far really looking forward to exploring more in this video and we're still in our wedding anniversary week so we booked a really nice place it's $104 a night not too bad for what we getting really like the layout so this is the kitchen area pretty cool and for that price we get this awesome view not the quietest place on the balcony cuz we have this big main road but still really nice either way got the pool not really warm enough for the pool right now only gets to about 17Β° C Max and there's also a beach just right down here which we're going to walk to now it is quiet in here though these are pretty soundproof so yeah that's not bad at all huge dining table and there are two rooms so this this one that we're not using it's got some like bunk beds for kids that one has its own bathroom and then hours through here also has the bathroom Carol's getting ready yeah in a nice bedroom area and the cool thing is we have a Jacuzzi we got in there yesterday probably get in there later on at night too so from here you can see the beach back there in the distance and that will be stop number [Music] one [Music] all right here we go nice to see a beach again yeah it's a beautiful beach the water looks nice and it's not so strong but the wind is still cold I think yeah I think if if it was like 2 or 3Β° hotter it'd be okay I mean there some people swimming some people shirtless too but the majority have clothes on here it's quite big I didn't realize it went all the way back there so that's our building the white one there beautiful Coastline around here loads of nice places to stay to yeah so the last time we were on the coast was in uh Lima our first days in Peru but that was about 6 weeks ago quite a while ago didn't you say yesterday that you almost book that place there the hotel yeah cuz uh I saw the price first and they had like a good deal but then later on it became too expensive like 300 oh so the first time you checked it was cheaper yeah but then I missed the chance missed the deal yeah yeah I think it's Sheran right yeah it is Sheran yeah I mean what a location right on the [Music] beach [Music] yeah Carol mentioned yesterday that it reminded her of the algar fair yeah it gives me algar Vibes but also a bit similar to Lima but I think more uh more similar to algar yeah the vibe is like the alar even the beaches too I mean the color of the water and the sand kind of like the alav the alav you get these as well the Palms very similar yeah so this was that Sheran hotel and it looks pretty awesome but as Carol said a lot more [Music] expensive [Music] yeah this place is beautiful this is one of those places that we didn't really know anything about before we came here so we hadn't seen much but such a nice Coastline very green like I said the palm trees everywhere just look beautiful another little beach here not many people on this one water's really clear on this side too and it's a Sunday so quite a bit busier lots of people jogging cycling also saw people doing standup paddle a guy there yeah a bunch of them around here and there are many seagulls just like in the alar yeah that's another reason it reminds me of the the alar and one thing we noticed when we arrived yesterday there's all these kind of buildings this style that almost looks uh European so I think as we we'll be walking around we'll see a few buildings like that and then the modern hotels and apartments yeah I wonder why nobody's at this beach looks perfect I guess if we came like a month later it'd be like perfect for the beach yeah for the beach yeah we're in uh November so summer starts in December in the southern [Music] hemisphere [Music] so I think we're going to try and eat at this place here that looks like some Swiss Disneyland castle looks pretty interesting we saw they have some Beach views of the beach Beach that we just passed definitely going to be expensive though looks fancy so the Disney Castle is a nogo since it's a Sunday you need a reservation to sit by the window there were other seats further behind but since the price is more expensive than other places I would only pay that if uh yeah you get in the view still wasn't too bad though could get like a fish dish around $19 $20 so not so bad but we wanted a nice view at least so here we have another castle looking building and from what I read this was a mansion built by a German Trader and I think it was built around the early 20th century yeah so from the 1900s so that's why it kind of looks like a German Swiss style and those are the other beaches that we're going to head to back there the real Long [Music] Beach [Music] so we found another fancy place to eat at right next to that castle that we just saw so we got the Castle View there looks pretty nice the ocean views that's great and this place is here since 1936 it says restaurant Capal Hotel so the food has arrived I got this Fete stagon not sure what that is seems to have some nice creamy sauce on top looks good also got some bread I don't know if that's included and I got fish and this one comes with like a spinach a creamy sauce on top and also some championes which is the the mushroom and that was 18,000 pizos oh yeah mine was 20,000 pizos it's pretty cool here as well cuz these giant Pelicans are flying around everywhere I haven't seen Pelicans in ages they're like big dinosaurs look at that one here we go another one they're everywhere all right let's try out this beef yeah man that sauce whatever it is extra tasty Al delicious yes MH what is that is that a mushroom yeah big mushroom I had this fish before this same type of fish here in Chile but here it's a lot better yeah so you got your money is worth in this [Music] place [Music] so we decided to go for some fancy desserts so I I've already forgot what this one was this is like a yogurt cake with a berries yeah some berries on top and then this one was a chocolate mousse but it also looks like it has a layer of berries the same kind of berries so this one was 4,000 I think and 4,500 it's like a hard yogurt yeah I thought it was like cheesecake by the look of it but it's pure yogurt the white part I'll try the chocolate one out yeah they're extra Berry flavor gives a nice taste that's different berries with chocolate yeah really nice mix romantic yeah it's good the contrast because the chocolate it's kind of a bitter maybe with the berry on top it's like sweet so it's very good I'm going to make you all hungry at watching this yeah good also but I I prefer the chocolate one yeah me [Music] too [Music] all right after that nice meal the coastal walk continues we have to cut in a bit at this part cuz there this Division I guess this is some sort of Channel not even sure what you call this I always like cities that have some sort of like River or water Channel passing through the midle and I guess this is considered to be a rich area of Chile I mean it seems like it I imagine it's not cheap to live around here but a nice fancy car there yeah definitely be a nice place to live yeah it looks like it and the weather is not so extreme but that's good and I forgot to mention before that we came here by bus from Santiago so it is quite close it was about an hour and 40 minutes away and on the way way here was really beautiful the scenery there was lots of Vineyards yeah and I think that's also why this place is called via Delmar which basically translates to vineard of the sea and I think it's because in this region there are many areas uh with wine plantations and Wineries and everything about wine and I love wine so it's really good in Brazil Carol always gets wine from Chile I think it's like some of the best wine in this uh continent really good [Music] [Music] wine so this nice big building on the right is a casino like a circular shape seems to be like a little market area going on here I guess only on the weekends paintings yeah all sorts clothes goes all the way down some more nice places to have a meal I mentioned at the beginning that this is a resort City that's what it said online but we haven't really seen any resorts yet oh just a cheron and the casino one but I think the majority are like residential buildings and I think people live in Santiago and they come here for the weekend maybe like Holiday Homes yeah mhm yeah so all these buildings that you're seeing down the street looks like they're Apartments I don't think they're hotels or Resorts but once again though really liking the vibe around here really laid back I imagine in the holidays it's absolutely packed with people from Santiago another places visiting [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] so we come to this nice Pier area now it's actually a bunch of different beaches from afar it looked like one big stretch of Beach still a huge beach on this side though I you can see there's one over here too I think it's like four three four different beaches and I think we're going to head all the way to that Coast not going to walk there probably get an Uber I think there's some sand Junes can actually see them from here looks pretty cool in the photos and Carol actually had a nice surprise for me yesterday yeah uh I bought some tickets for the final game of football hi americ game yeah the pan Aman and it was Chile and Brazil when I bought the tickets I didn't know which teams would play and luckily we got brazili and chil which is the perfect mix for us cuz we're Brazilian and then the [Applause] locals yeah so the locals were like uh very happy at the beginning of the game and they were like singing it was a very cool experience but at the end Brazil won and they got set yeah for the most part it was 1 n to Chile deservedly so cuz Brazil were terrible but then right at the end Brazil Drew and it went to the penalties which is a horrible way to to lose a football game so it was like a deadly silent once bra one yeah and it it was like 99% of the people were Chilean for obvious reason and when Brazil did the goal we were like we couldn't we couldn't shout and scream so I mean we could but we didn't want it yeah we didn't want [Applause] [Applause] it go and of penalties shootout Brazil 4 Chile two Brazil claims the gold medal football Amic games yeah even though we're Brazilian a part of was actually wanted Chile to win just to feel the atmosphere of the stadium everyone going crazy but yeah it didn't happen unfortunately for them fortunate for us [Music] yeah [Music] so we've arrived at the San Junes now these are called dunas de Kong Kong pretty random that there just these San Junes right in the middle of here took about 15 minutes to get here in the Uber Uber was around $7 so pretty much all the way along the coastline there's just these Mega apartment buildings not really sure what the economy of uh Chile is based on but it certainly does look very rich in some areas like this from what we've seen yeah it's also super cool that the Junes almost look like they're going straight into the ocean man that is some chilly wind yeah from the Pacific chilly Pacific wind yeah what a cool location for some [Music] San so check this out there's a sandboard rental place you can do sandboarding here all the way down to the bottom wouldn't like to walk back up that though no that's the hardest part yeah that is a long way to walk back up all right get in even better views yeah maybe the strangest Junes that we've ever been to like the city on this side and the ocean on this [Music] side yeah the dunes continue on they're actually quite big all the way down there I think we're kind of at the CER limits now the coastline back there in the distance all seems untouched no constructions we didn't even know about this place until we saw it from the apartment yeah yeah I can actually see from the apartment very far away but we were like what is that and then when we searched on Google Maps we found this place really cool yeah people say it's nice for the sunset the sunset's down [Music] here [Music] ah ah [Music] ah [Music] so we ended up getting back in another Uber and we've come to a port city called Val paru which is known for its colorful buildings so what was this area of Valar is it called she said something allegory this is SE Alle I think SE Alle yeah like a hill Happy Happy Hill that's a cool name yeah so first we'll just go down this little Alleyway we're not going anywhere in particular around here we're just going to walk around and check it out already loads of cool artwork so I think everything's going to be pretty colorful around here check it out already like the look of it the mirror yeah so kind of looks like a bit of a a hipster place like a bohemian neighborhood they're usually kind of like this and it's right next to the city that we're standing really close so all the things that we've done today are right next to each other really you don't have to go far these buildings here look more like a colonial style even this one has cool outwork I guess that's out of the the port area going to take her bath take her bath that's funny that is funny bathtub random [Music] bathtub [Music] yeah so as expected you got to do a lot of walking up and down since we're on a Happy Hill Carol actually reminds me of the famous neighborhood in Rio Santa Tera oh yeah a bit like this but uh it also reminds me a bit of San Francisco yeah true with the hills yeah and we were writing about how the old Sailors in the like back in the days the international Sailors they used to call this little San Francisco yeah I can see why hello Dogo so car just mentioned San Francisco and check this out that's like a identical view that you get in San Francisco with the streets and the Pacific Ocean in the background we went to San Francisco many years ago I think we actually have a video from there but that's when the channel was starting so nobody watched it really probably not a great video either another cool wall the flower wall San Francisco is also a bit of like a hipster place right yeah yeah and there's some like paintings and just some hipster Vibe [Music] overall [Music] there some pretty cool views of this place I guess this is one of the main streets around here walking streets so that's funny I said it's like Santa in Rio and even the views like this of the mountain side are and we can hear like a sambba school yeah not sambba samb but Capa which is a Brazilian thing and and I can definitely hear it it seems to be an event because I can hear a lot of people singing yeah we know it's the Capa cuz they have a instrument called the bir B which is a very distinctive sound that you only have from that instrument so yeah and we can hear it yeah stop now even here we have more of those pointy Tower kind of buildings like we saw on the coast this one might be a church not entirely [Music] [Music] sure [Music] so we've come to a cool spot to get a drink it's a haunted looking house I think we're just going to get a coffee or a tea I'll get the tea with milk T 2,200 P Carol sometimes when I ask for tea and milk in some countries they look at me like I'm a Madman for pudding milk and tea they're like who does that but here they do it too just like in England so the port area is just down there can see those are ships and big cargo boats all right I've got my mad man tea what did you get mango juice mango juice do you know how much that was not sure yeah maybe 3,000 I think 3,000 so that's funny it turns out it wasn't madman tea it was coffee I thought it looked a bit funny too they gave me the wrong drink still a pretty good coffee either [Music] way so we're back at the apartment now we thought that we were going to be able to see the sunset from our B balcony but because of the way our building is positioned yeah we don't get to see it it's going down over there and we really enjoyed this place definitely a lot better than expected since we didn't actually know that much about it and we just like the relax Vibe overall a good way to end our South America trip and it was nice staying in this more expensive place because it's also Carol's birthday this week so yeah also kind of a treat in that way and in the next videos we will be back in some beach Des destinations warm beach destinations anyway and yeah we're going to be going back to the Caribbean just for a few weeks and then we'll be crossing over to the other side of the world and yeah we'll see where we go we don't actually know 100% yet but it'll be some cool places probably some new places too so if you like this video just drop a like as usual to support us subscribe to see more videos like this follow us on Instagram and Facebook and we'll see you in the next [Music] one [Music] this [Music] [Music] so [Music] see me
Channel: Jumping Places
Views: 57,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel guide, things to do, places to visit, attractions, vacation, travel, price, jumping places, hotel, best places to visit, chile, travel chile, chile 2023, things to do in chile, travel vlog, chile travel guide, santiago hotel, VINA DEL MAR, vina del mar, valparaiso, ViΓ±a del Mar, playas, playa, beach, beaches, chile beaches, valparaiso chile, vina del mar chile, ViΓ±a del Mar 2023, CHILE'S BEST BEACHES! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡± VINA DEL MAR & VALPARAISO, ValparaΓ­so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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